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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende bland unga pojkar och flickor : Är sambandet oberoende av ungas sociala förmåga och föräldrars socioekonomisk status?

Al Khatib, Linn, Al Rubaye, Omaima January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka grad av alla tre dimensioner sammanslagna och respektive dimension av psykopati bland unga och hur det relaterade till antisocialt beteende samt om relationerna kvarstod oberoende av ungas sociala förmåga och föräldrars SES. Urvalet bestod av 1731 unga varav 912 pojkar och 819 flickor i åldern 11-13 år med medelålder 12,2. Psykopatiska personlighetsdrag definierades med tre dimensioner som var grandiositet - manipulation, brist i empati - flackt känsloliv och impulsivitet - behov av omväxling. Resultaten visade att pojkar uppvisade högre grad av psykopatiska personlighetsdrag jämfört med flickor. Psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende korrelerade i hög utsträckning med varandra. Majoriteten av korrelationerna var högre bland pojkar än flickor separat. Sambanden kvarstod mellan psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende vid kontroll för ungas sociala förmåga respektive föräldrars SES för totala urvalet samt separat för pojkar respektive flickor. Slutsatsen som drogs var att psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende var relaterade till varandra. Denna relation var oberoende av ungas sociala förmåga och föräldrars SES. Diskussioner om praktiska implikationer förs och direktiv för framtida forskning ges. / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of psychopathic personality traits among youths and how it related to antisocial behaviour and whether the relationships remained independent of youth’s social skills and parental SES. The study consisted of 1731 participant, where 912 of them were boys, and 819 were girls at age 11-13 with mean age 12,2. The psychopathic personality traits consist of three different dimensions; Grandiose-Deceitful, Callous-Unemotional, and Impulsivity-Need for Stimulation. The results showed that the psychopathic dimensions were significantly higher among boys than girls. We also examined the relationship between the psychopathic dimensions and conduct problems for the total sample, which showed a high positive significant correlation. These correlations were tested for both genders separately, which showed indications of boys having a higher correlation than girls. Furthermore, the result indicated that the relationship remained between psychopathic dimensions and conduct problems in controlling for social skills respective socioeconomic status for the total sample and separately for boys and girls. The conclusion drawn that psychopathic personality traits and conduct problem were related to each other. This relationship was independent of young’s level of social skills and parental level of SES. Discussions of practical implications and directives for future research are provided.

Den ideella ledaren : En studie som undersöker personlighetstyper kopplat till utbrändhet tillsammans med motivationsfaktorer inom svenska idrottsföreningar

Gullersbo, Rebecca, Steiner, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Abstract   Title: The nonprofit leader   Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration   Author: Felicia Jingmyr Steiner and Rebecca Gullersbo   Supervisor: Jonas Kågström   Date: May 2020   Aim: The purpose is to highlight the connection between Big Five´s different personality traits, the dimension according the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the underlying motivational factors within Swedish sport associations and their non-profit leaders.   Method: The study uses a quantitive method with a deductive approach. The method involved a survey in which 380 leaders in Swedish sports associations were assigned the questionnaire. The empirical data was then processed in the analysis and statistics program Jamovi through a descriptive-, correlation- and factor analysis.   Result and analysis: The result of the study showed that leaders with high levels of neuroticism have the biggest risk of burnout. A big part of the study group had high values of conscientiousness and extraversion built in to perform their leadership and involvement tasks well with high efficiency. The result showed that the leaders have a number of underlying motivational factors and not only one. The biggest motivating factor in the leaders who participated in this study was to help other people and the least motivated factor was the monetary reward.   Contribution of the thesis: The study makes the most knowledge and an increased understanding of the interaction between different personality traits with other factors such as burnout and underlying motivational factors. The survey´s selection of leaders within Swedish sport associations provides a practical contribution in the form of knowledge about the leaders themselves and how they should work with them to keep the involvement going.   Suggestions for further research: Upon completion of the study, further research of the sports associations´ leaders and their assignments can a connection between personality traits with other factors such as burnout and underlying motivational factors be found. An interesting angle of this type of research would be relevant is to see how the leader´s actual mission affects its sense of purpose. Further research in sport leaders and their non-profit involvement could do more in-depth by looking at their team/athletes´ demographic variables and strengths to see if the motivational factors are being eradicated because of these.   Keywords: “The Big Five”, “Maslach Burnout Inventory”, burnout, personality trait, volunteer, voluntary work, “Volunteer Function Inventory”, coach, sport

A Comparative Study of Fifty Undergraduate Men Majors in Physical Education and Fifty Undergraduate Men Majors in Other Fields at North Texas State College with Respect to Selected Personal Traits

Oglesby, Bill 08 1900 (has links)
"To determine the general characteristics of the undergraduate men majors in the field of physical education and men majors in other fields...if the undergraduate men majors in physical education could be distinguished from the men majors in other fields"--4.

Persönlichkeitsaspekte in der Adipositaschirurgie: Der Einfluss von Impulsivität, Emotionsregulation und verzerrter Aufmerksamkeit für visuelle Nahrungsreize auf den Behandlungserfolg

Schäfer, Lisa 10 December 2021 (has links)
Bei der Identifikation von Risikofaktoren für die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Adipositas wurde in den letzten Jahren zunehmend der Forschungsfokus auf die Persönlichkeitsaspekte des Individuums gerückt. Insbesondere das Zusammenspiel von Impulsivität, defizitärer Emotionsregulation und Reaktivität für Nahrungsreize im Sinne von nahrungsspezifischen Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrungen wurde mit unkontrolliertem Essverhalten in Zusammenhang gebracht, das langfristig zu Gewichtszunahme, Adipositas und Misserfolgen in der Gewichtsreduktionsbehandlung führt. Die Adipositaschirurgie (AC) stellt derzeit die effektivste Behandlung bei schwerer Adipositas dar. Dennoch gibt es Patient*innen, die langfristig einen unzureichenden Behandlungserfolg bezüglich Gewichtsverlust und Reduktion von physischen und psychischen Komorbiditäten nach AC aufweisen. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es, Patient*innen erstmalig vor und nach AC bezüglich ihrer Impulsivität, Emotionsregulation und nahrungsspezifischen Reaktivität zu subtypisieren und zu prüfen, ob bestimmte Persönlichkeitsprofile mit einer erhöhten allgemeinen und essstörungsspezifischen Psychopathologie assoziiert sind und einen prädiktiven Wert für mittelfristig erfasste gewichts- und gesundheitsbezogene Erfolgsparameter der AC haben. Die jetzigen Studienergebnisse stützen die Annahme, dass insbesondere postoperativ vorhandene Impulsivität und Emotionsdysregulation beim Individuum mittelfristig pathologisches Essverhalten begünstigen, das mit unzureichenden Gesundheits-Outcomes nach AC assoziiert ist. Hingegen konnten Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrungen für visuelle Nahrungsreize nicht in Verbindung mit dem 1-Jahres-Outcome der AC gebracht werden. Vielmehr scheinen Menschen mit schwerer Adipositas und Gewichtsreduktionswunsch visuelle Nahrungsreize in kontrollierten Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen bewusst zu vermeiden.

Discourses on Racism

Duncan, Norman. T.F January 1993 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / A central aim of this study is to examine the meanings which (i) a group of South African psychologists and (ii) a group of Black parents give to racism in their discourses and how these meanings are linked to existing relations of domination. To this end the discourses on racism produced by the former in various journal articles and the latter in various group discussions are submitted to analysis. The study basically utilizes the following working hypotheses as its point of departure: (i) that the discourses produced by the group of psychologists - in so far as they could broadly be seen as being representative of prevailing dominant discourses - would, to varying degrees, reflect attempts to legitimate and reinforce the relations of domination which the ideology of racism entails; and (ii) that despite certain similarities between . dominant group discourses and dominant group discourses on racism, the latter's discourses would, to varying degrees, be the site of resistance against dominant group discourses as well as against their domination. The findings of the study seem to support the basic postulates contained in the two working hypotheses presented above. More specifically, the analysis of the discourses collected reveals (i) that, though ostensibly very disparate, the discourses produced by the group of psychologists, by and large, appear to justify and dissimulate the asymmetric relations of power which the ideology of racism maintains; and (ii) that despite the similarities between dominant group and dominated group discourses the latter, in a variety of ways, undermine the ideology of racism as well as dominant group discourses on the ideology. The study concludes with an examination of the suggestions emerging from the discourses analyzed ,regarding how racism as it manifests itself in South Africa can be combatted and eliminated.

Vliv otce a bratra na výběr partnera u heterosexuálních žen v osobnostních charakteristikách / Influence of father and brother on mate choice of heterosexual women in personality traits

Zelenková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
Mate preferences and choices might be influenced by several factors, including close relatives. According to the imprinting-like effect, people prefer and choose partners similar to those with whom they grew up during childhood. The main aim of our research was to test, whether individuals choose their long-term partners on the basis of similarity (in personality traits) with their parent and/or siblings of the opposite sex (father and/or brother). The final sample of the study consisted of 211 heterosexual women (mean age = 27.34, SD = 5.36) who grew up with their father until at least 12 years of age. Respondents completed a set of questionnaires aimed at personality of their partner, brother, and father (NEO-FFI), the relationship quality with their father/brother during childhood (s-EMBU/QRI), and relationship satisfaction (RAS). Correlation and regression analyses have shown that heterosexual women choose partners similar to their fathers and brothers, especially in neuroticism. However, when compared correlation coefficients, it was found that fathers play a more important role. The retrospectively assessed quality of the relationship between the respondent and her father/brother during childhood did not have any effect on this similarity. Moreover, similarity between father/brother and...

Diskriminační analýza konceptů hédonické (subjective well-being) a eudaimonické (psychological well-being) osobní pohody / Discriminatory analysis of subjective well-being and psychological well-being concepts

Darániová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis we dealt with two important theoretical concepts of well-being - subjective (E. Diener) and psychological (C. Ryff). Previous work has demonstrated the conceptual identity of both constructs, but at the same time highlighted their interdependence. The aim of the work was to analyze both concepts of well-being on the basis of their relationship to selected psychological variables: self-esteem, personality traits, coping strategies and basic human values. The research sample consisted of 2368 university students of Masaryk's University in Brno. Using Pearson's correlations, we have described relationships of subjective (SWB) and psychological (PWB) well-being to the mentioned psychological variables. In many cases, correlations suggested similar relationships between SWB and PWB with the variable. We further tested these similarities by the test of the difference between two dependent correlations and found statistically significant differences in the relationships between both concepts of personal well-being and self-esteem, personality traits of extraversion and conscientiousness, coping strategies of active coping, behavioral disengagement, planning, denial, positive reframing, acceptance and self-blame. Moreover, we found statistically significant correlations of PWB with values...

Finns det ett samband mellan personlighet och idrott? : En kvantitativ studie om kopplingen mellan personlighet och idrott. / Is there a connection between personality and sports? : A quantitative study of the link between personality and sports

Berglund, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Alla har en personlighet men forskare är fortfarande oense om vad personlighet egentligen är. Det de är ense om är att det är personligt och att alla är olika. Intresset för personlighet och personlighetsdrag har ökat de senaste åren men inom idrotten finns det knappt någon forskning om hur personlighet och idrotthör ihop. Syftet med denna studie är att ta upp ifall det finns ett samband mellan personlighet och idrott, hur personligheten skiljer sig mellan lagidrottare och individuella idrottare, om personligheten harpåverkat valet av idrott samt ifall idrotten påverkar personligheten. Detta är en kvantitativ studie som med hjälp utav ett personlighetstest och en enkät ska ta reda på syftet och frågeställningarna. Personlighetstestet ligger till grund för att få fram fem olika personlighetsaspekter och enkäten ska behandla deras egen syn på hur personligheten påverkat idrottenoch hur idrotten påverkat personligheten. Resultatet analyserades och kodades i programmet SPSS samt med teorin femfaktormodellen. Resultatet visade att det inte skilde sig så mycket mellan lagidrottarna och de individuella idrottarna. Det som stack ut var att lagidrottarna hade ett högre resultat på energi, som är en personlighetsaspekt om hur vi ser världen och tar in information. 84 % av lagidrottarna var realistiska, som är ett personlighetsdrag som tillhör personlighetsaspekten energi och betyder att de fokuserar på vad som har hänt och vad som händer nu. Det var även viktigare för lagidrottarna att kompisar höll på med samma idrott än det var för de individuella idrottarna. Slutsatsen för denna studie är att huruvida det finns ett samband mellan personlighet och idrott eller om personligheten spelar roll i valet utav idrott är från person till person. Det går inte att fastslå att personligheten påverkar eller ej. Det går heller inte slå fast en större skillnad mellan lagidrottare och individuella idrottare utan det är helt personligt. / The aim of this study was to check if there is a connection between personality and sports, if the personality is different between team- and individual sports and how the sport influence their personality. This is a quantitative study that with the help of a personality test and a questionnaire will answer the purpose and questions of this study. The personality test is the base to get five personality aspects and the questionnaire will show their own views on how their personality has affected their sport and how the sport has affected their personality. It will be analyzed in the program SPSS and with the five-factormodel. The result didn’t show a big difference between individual and team sport when it came to personality traits and their answers about how personality affected their choice. Those in a team sport prefered a sport that their friends also played. Those in an individual sport didn’t care that much about that. The conclusion of this study is that it’s individual if the personality affect the choice of sport. There is no big difference between team and individual sport, it’s from person to person.

Vztah mezi časovou perspektivou a výkonovou motivací / Relationship between Time Perspective and Achievement Motivation

Vitošková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the relationship pupils and students to the future, the relationship between time perspective and achievement motivation. The close relationship between the given issue and volitional qualities of a person is also discussed. The theoretical part concentrates on the scientific views of a person's life time dimension, the relationship between the time perspective and the achievement motivation and the relation of these concepts to the issues of volition. The main emphasis is on cognitive and personality concepts of motivation of the time perspective (Gjesme, Nuttin, Lens, Zimbardo, from Czech publications on the concepts of perspective orientation by Pavelková) and on the traditional works about achievement motivation of Atkinson, Raynor and Heckhausen. In our analysis of the aforementioned theoretical concepts we concentrated primarily on finding overlaps, close relations and continuities within the described systems. The practical part represents a structured research of the time perspective, the achievement motivation and will of primary school pupils and secondary school students. One of the fundamental aims is to obtain a basic description of the relationship of pupils and students to the future across the individual areas of study, to empirically verify the relation...

Personlighetsegenskaper och dess koppling till utbrändhet : En studie om hur Big fives personlighetsegenskaper påverkar utbrändhetssyndrom hos fastighetsmäklare i Europa

Häggström, Hampus, Wiklund, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: “Personlighetsegenskaper och dess koppling till utbrändhet” Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i företagsekonomi C Författare: Hampus Häggström och Cornelia Wiklund Handledare: Dr. Jonas Kågström och biträdande handledare Martin Ahlenius Datum: Juni 2022 Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att kartlägga och analysera utbrändhet hos fastighetsmäklare genom Maslach burnout inventory utifrån Big fives personlighetsegenskaper. Metod: Denna studie är utformad ur en kvantitativ metod med ett deduktivt synsätt. Datainsamlingen utgick från en webbaserad enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 3126 verksamma fastighetsmäklare i Europa. Analysen av datan utfördes i statistikprogrammet “JASP”, där primärt bivariata korrelationsanalyser utfördes för att finna signifikanta samband mellan de olika variablerna. Denna information kunde sedan användas för att redovisa och tolka resultatet. Resultat & slutsats: Utifrån den analyserade datan visade undersökningen att fastighetsmäklarnas personlighetsegenskaper påverkade individens nivå av utbrändhet. Det anträffade positiva signifikanta samband mellan egenskapen neuroticism och utbrändhet. Personlighetsegenskaperna extraversion och conscientiousness visade däremot negativa samband med utbrändhetssyndromen. Undersökningen visade dessutom att det inte endast var personlighetsegenskaperna som påverkade välmående. Trivseln på arbetsplatsen hade även det en stor betydelse för den enskilde individens välmående. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar teoretiskt med en klarare uppfattning kring utbrändhetsdimensionerna utifrån personlighetsegenskaperna inom Big five. Likaså sambandet till välmående, arbetstillfredsställelse och individens tanke om att lämna arbetsplatsen. Detta praktiska bidrag kan hjälpa individen att förstå dess sårbarhet och utmaningar för att i praktiken kunna förebygga utbrändhetssyndrom. Det hjälper dessutom chefer och ledare som bedriver fastighetsmäklarkontor i Europa att få en inblick i vilka anställda som föreligger större risk att utsättas för utbrändhetssyndrom samt är i behov av extra stöttning. Cheferna och ledarna kan därmed anpassa arbetsmiljön och förhållandena efter individens behov för att bidra till ett bättre välmående på arbetsplatsen och minska personalomsättningen. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studies population omfattar fastighetsmäklare i Europa. Ett intressant bidrag till forskningen hade varit att undersöka andra specifika demografiska områden för att sedan jämföra dessa mot varandra för att se om arbetssättet i de olika områdena skulle vara bättre eller sämre ur ett utbrändhetsperspektiv. / Title: “Personality traits and its connection to burnout” Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Hampus Häggström and Cornelia Wiklund Supervisors: Dr. Jonas Kågström and assistant Martin Ahlenius Date: June 2022 Aim: The purpose of this study is to map and analyze burnout among real estate agents through Maslach burnout inventory based on Big fives personality traits. Method: This study is designed from a quantitative method with a deductive approach. The data collection is based on a web-based survey that was sent out to 3126 active real estate agents in Europe. The analysis of the data was performed in a statistics program named “JASP”, where primarily bivariate correlation analysis was performed to find significant correlations between the various variables. This information could then be used to report and interpret the results. Result & Conclusion: Based on the analyzed data, the study showed that the real estate agents personality traits affected how exposed the individual was to burnout. There were strongly positive significant associations between the trait neuroticism and burnout, while the personality traits extraversion and conscientiousness showed negative associations with burnout syndrome. The study also showed that it was not only the personality traits that affected the well-being of the individual. The comfort of the workplace, however, also has agreat importance for well-being. Contribution of the thesis: This study theoretically contributes with a clearer understanding of the dimensions of burnout based on the personality traits through Big five. Likewise, the connection to well-being, job satisfaction and the individual's thoughts of leaving the workplace. This practical contribution can help the individual to understand its vulnerability and challenges in order to be able to prevent burnout syndrome in practice. It can also help leaders and managers who run real estate agencies in Europe, to gain an insight into which employees are at greater risk of being exposed to burnout syndrome and the employees that are in need of extra support. The leaders and managers can thus adapt the work environmentand conditions to the individual's needs in order to contribute to a better workplace and reduce turnover intention. Suggestions for further research: The population of this study includes real estate agents in Europe. An interesting contribution to science would have been to examine other specific demographic areas and then compare these against each other in order to see if the working methods in the different areas would be better or worse from a burnout perspective.

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