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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le travail du care : entre engagement et distanciation. La relation entre professionnels et résidents au sein des unités Alzheimer / The ethics of care between commitment and detachment. The relation between professionals and residents in Alzheimer's Special Care Units

Farhat, Mounir 04 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000 se développe une littérature enjoignant les professionnels au contact des malades d'Alzheimer à "personnaliser" leur prise en charge. Derrière ce terme se cache en réalité une véritable injonction à l'humanisation dans le cadre d'une relation où cette dimension semble faire défaut. Ce qui est demandé au personnel médical et paramédical, c'est un engagement véritable et authentique auprès de cette population. Ce qui est visé, c'est un contrôle des émotions et de leur manifestation.Cette thèse interroge la mise en pratique de la "personnalisation" au sein des unités Alzheimer en EHPAD. S'appuyant sur une démarche qui s'inspire des enquêtes interactionnistes, cette recherche montre non seulement la banalité de l'"engagement" dans ce type d'univers, mais également la complexité de sa mise en oeuvre.Dans la perspective des études sur le care, un travail souterrain, qui reste le souvent invisible, consiste à faire en sorte que la vie de l'étage soit possible pour l'ensemble des individus en présence. C'est cette intelligence de la situation qui conduit, d'un côté, à éloigner le risque de la réification et, de l'autre, à prévenir l'épuisement professionnel.Bien loin de la rhétorique de la "bonne distance professionnelle", l'enquête montre que l'activité des soignants s'articule autour d'un subtil dosage entre engagement et distanciation, pour reprendre la proposition d'Elias (1956). Les émotions sont tout à la fois une nécessité dans le cadre de la réalisation des tâches qui incombent aux professionnels, et une source de danger qu'il faut parfois savoir mettre à distance.L'univers des unités Alzheimer est marqué par un poids relativement important de la régulation autonome par rapport à la régulation de contrôle, pour reprendre la terminologie de Reynaud (2004). Les velléités de formalisation achoppent face au caractère fondamentalement insaisissable et local du care. / In France, since early 2000s spreads a literature inviting professionals in contact with people suffering from Alzheimer disease to "personalize" the way they take care of them. This term refers to a humanization that seems to fade away in this particular context. What is asked to medical and paramedical staff, is a true and authentic commitment toward these patients. What is aimed, is a control of emotions and the way they are expressed.This Ph.D explores the way in which "personalization" is practically accomplished in the context of Alzheimer’s Special Care Units. Based on interviews and observations, it shows the banality of "commitment", and also the complexity of it’s execution. From the ethics of care perspective, an invisible work makes life possible for every protagonist living in that kind of environment. This cleverness of the situation drives away the danger of reification, and prevents burnout.Far from the chimerical "professional distance", this field work shows an articulation between commitment and detachment (Elias, 1956). Emotions appears to be a necessity in order to carry out the tasks, but also a danger that requires to be put away. Thus, Alzheimer’s units are characterized by the relative importance of autonomous regulation, in comparison with control regulation (Reynaud, 2004) : formalization process struggle due to the elusive and local nature of the ethics of care.

Politická komunikace na sociálních sítích / Political communications in social media

Bartůněk, Michal January 2017 (has links)
with which results. Through the analyses of data collected from Facebook's profiles of regional

Personalizing the post-purchase experience in online sales using machine learning. / Personalisering av efterköpsupplevelsen inom onlineförsäljning med hjälp av maskininlärning.

Kamau, Nganga, Dehoky, Dylan January 2021 (has links)
Advances in machine learning, together with an abundance of available data has lead to an explosion in personalized offerings and being able to predict what consumers want, and need without them having to ask for it. During the last decade, it has become a multi billion dollar industry, and a capability upon many of the leading tech companies rely on in their business model. Indeed, in today's business world, it is not only a capability for competitive advantage, but in many cases a matter of survival. This thesis aims to create a machine learning model able to predict customers interested in an upselling opportunity of changing their payment method after completing a purchase with the Swedish payment solutions company, Klarna Bank. Hence, the overall aim is to personalize the customer experience on the confirmation page. Two gradient boosting methods and one deep learning method were trained, evaluated and compared for this task. A logistic regression model was also trained and used as a baseline model. The results showed that all models performed better than the baseline model, with the gradient boosting methods showing the best performance. All of the models were also able to outperform the current solution with no personalization, with the best model reducing the amount of false positives by 50%. / Tillgång till stora datamängder har tillsammans med framsteg inom maskininlärning resulterat i en explotionsartad ökning i personifierade erbjudanden och möjligheter att förutspå kunders behov. Det har under det senaste decenniet utvecklats till en multimiljardindustri och en förmåga som många av de ledande techbolagen i världen förlitar sig på i sina verksamheter. I många fall är det till och med en förutsättning för att överleva i dagens industrilandskap. Det här examensarbetet ämnar att skapa en maskininlärningsmodell som är kapabel till att förutspå kunders intresse för att "uppgradera" sin betalmetod efter ett slutfört köp med den svenska betallösningsföretaget Klarna Bank. Konceptet att erbjuda en kund att uppgradera en redan vald produkt eller tjänst är på engelska känt som upselling. Det övergripande syftet för detta projekt är därför att skapa en personifierad kundupplevelse på Klarnas bekräftelsesida. Följaktligen implementerades och utvärderades två så kallade gradient boosting - metoder samt en djupinlärningsmetod. Vidare implementerades även en logistisk regressionsmodell som basmodell för att jämföra de övriga modeller med. Resultaten visar hur alla modeller överträffade den tillämpade basmodellen, där gradient boosting-metoderna påvisade bättre resultat än djupinlärningsmetoden. Därtill visar alla modeller en förbättring i jämförelse med dagens lösning på Klarnas bekräftelssesida, utan personifiering, där den bästa modellen förbättrade utfallet med 50%.

La influencia de las acciones de social media marketing en la satisfacción y la intención de recompra.

Jaramillo Ventura, Katheryn Jurlissa, Gonzales Salvador, Lorena del Rosario 08 July 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo identificar qué acciones de Social Media Marketing (SMM) influyen en la satisfacción experimentada después de la compra y en la intención de recompra. Las dimensiones de SMM que se incluirán en el estudio son el contenido, la personalización, la información, la interacción y las recomendaciones. Esta investigación busca entender la relación entre estas variables en el contexto de los nuevos emprendimientos surgidos durante la pandemia en la red social Instagram y relacionados con las categorías de pastelería, repostería y comida rápida. El objetivo es poder determinar qué acciones son más influyentes para generar satisfacción y recompra en el caso de los nuevos negocios El desarrollo de la investigación se delimitará a la zona de Lima Metropolitana y la ciudad de Huaraz, región del departamento de Ancash. La muestra estará compuesta por 400 personas que hayan comprado en este tipo de emprendimientos al menos una vez en los últimos seis meses. El estudio que se realizará tendrá un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo explicativo y transversal y utilizará el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para el análisis de los resultados. / The present research aims to identify which Social Media Marketing (SMM) actions influence post-purchase satisfaction and repurchase intention. The SMM dimensions to be included in the study are content, personalization, information, interaction and recommendations. This research seeks to understand the relationship between these variables in the context of new ventures emerged during the pandemic on the social network Instagram and related to the categories of pastry, confectionery and fast food. The objective is to determine which actions are more influential in generating satisfaction and repurchase in the case of new businesses. The development of the research will be delimited to the area of Metropolitan Lima and the city of Huaraz, region of the department of Ancash. The sample will be composed of 400 people who have purchased in this type of business at least once in the last six months. The study will have a quantitative, explanatory and cross-sectional approach and will use structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the results. / Trabajo de investigación

Managing care pathways for patients with complex care needs

Smeds, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
One of the central challenges for the healthcare system today is how to manage care for patients with complex needs. This patient group is not well-defined but covers patients with serious diseases and comorbidities, or with a limited ability to perform basic daily functions due to physical, mental or psychosocial challenges. This group has a high service and resource utilisation resulting in high costs for the healthcare system and, typically, poor health outcomes. To improve care for these patients, it is necessary to implement strategies to manage the differentiated care needs, the additional support needs, the uncertainty in care delivery, and the coordination needs of the involved providers and the patient. Care pathways are increasingly used internationally to make care more patient-centred and to structure and design care processes for individual patient groups. Important elements in care pathways include structuring care activities, by defining their content and sequence; coordinating between providers and professionals; and involving patients in their care process. In this thesis, care pathways are proposed as the overall strategy for managing care for patients with complex care needs. The purpose of this thesis is thus to contribute with knowledge on how care pathways can be managed for patients with complex care needs. This is achieved by analysing how the practices coordination, standardisation, customisation and personalisation can support management of care pathways and by discussing how these practices influence quality of care. The quality of care dimensions discussed are accessible, timely, equitable, and patient-centred care. The empirical context in this thesis is the Standardised Cancer Care Pathways (CCPs) which were implemented in Sweden from 2015 to 2018. CCPs is the umbrella term for the national initiative to shorten waiting times, decrease regional differences and reduce fragmentation in care processes. CCPs include elements such as diagnosis-specific pathways and guidelines, introduction of CPP coordinators, and mandatory reporting of waiting times. Focus has been on implementing care pathways for 31 cancer diagnoses in all Swedish healthcare regions. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used. A case study was conducted to examine standardised and customised care pathways, and coordination and multidisciplinary work in care pathways. A document study of regional reports on CCPs was analysed to study effects of care pathways on accessibility, timeliness and equitability. Finally, a national survey was conducted to deepen the understanding of the role of coordination, as performed by coordinators, in care pathways. This thesis argues that standardised and customised care pathways should be combined to manage care for patients with complex care needs. The customised pathway in particular benefits patients with serious unspecific symptoms, unknown primary tumour or more complex care needs, while patients with care needs that can be treated independently of the main diagnosis benefit from following a standardised care pathway. Coordinators are an important means to manage coordination, customisation and personalisation in the care pathway. The coordinators’ role is twofold: the first role is to manage care pathways by customising the care pathway and coordinating involved providers; the second role is to support and guide patients through the care pathway. This can be achieved by adapting interpersonal communication with patients through personalisation. This thesis further argues that care pathways have most potential to positively influence accessibility, timeliness, equitability, and patient-centredness. Accessibility has been positively influenced, especially for patients with ambiguous symptoms where symptoms indicating cancer have improved their chances of accessing cancer diagnostics. A negative aspect of prioritising patients who follow CCPs has been the potentially longer waiting times for other patient groups in equal need of urgent care. Notwithstanding, prioritised access to care is perceived to positively influence timeliness for patients following CCPs. Care pathways are perceived to have positively influenced patient-centredness by shifting the focus from what to deliver to how to deliver it.

Den digitaliserade politikern : En kvalitativ socialsemiotisk studie på hur svenska partiledare konstruerar ett personligt varumärke på sociala medier / The digitized politician : A qualitative study on how Swedish party leaders construct a personal brand on social media

Villebeck, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Den politiska kommunikationen har alltid varit nära kopplad till medier och i ett ständigt förändrat medielandskap har politiska partier och aktörer desto mer varit i behov av att anpassa sina strategier för att nå ut med sina budskap. Till följd av digitaliseringens stora genomslag har den visuella politiska kommunikationen blivit mer betydelsefull än någonsin tidigare där politiker kan kommunicera direkt till sina följare genom sociala plattformar. Genom den visuella sociala plattformen Instagram har därmed nya möjligheter skapats för hur den politiska kommunikationen framförs.  I linje med att sociala plattformar blir allt viktigare för den politiska kommunikationen blir också konstruktionen av det politiska personliga varumärket desto viktigare. Utifrån bakgrunden syftar studien till att undersöka hur svenska partiledare marknadsför och konstruerar ett varumärke av sig själva på det sociala mediet Instagram. Genom en kvalitativ socialsemiotisk analys med utgångspunkt i ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av politisk kommunikation, politisk personalisering, och socialsemotik visar resultaten på att samtliga partiledare använder sig av personalisering i sina flöden. Trots att de svenska partiledarna påvisade olika omfattningar av den personliga marknadsföringen gick det att se mönster i deras flöden som tyder på liknande strategier i sitt sätt att producera och publicera innehåll på, trots deras olika placeringar på den politiska skalan. Därmed ämnar studien bidra till bredare existerande forskningsdiskussion om medialiserad politik och de sociala mediernas betydelse för den politiska kommunikationen. / Political communication has historically always been closely connected with traditional media and in a continuously changing media landscape, political parties and actors have found themselves increasingly in need of adapting their strategies to convey their message. Through the major developments caused by digitalization, visual communication has become more significant than where politicians can communicate directly to their followers through social platforms. Thus, the visual social platform Instagram has created new opportunities in how politicians communicate, and new conditions have been created for political communication.  In line with the fact that social platforms are becoming increasingly important for political communication, the construction of the political personal brand is also becoming more important. Given the background, the aim of this study is to examine how Swedish political party leaders market themselves and establish themselves as a brand on the social media platform Instagram. Through a qualitative social semiotic analysis based on a theoretical framework consisting of political communication, political personalization, and social semiotics the results of this study show that all the chosen party leaders use personalization in their Instagram-feed. Even though the results showed that the party leaders demonstrated different extents of personal marketing, it was possible to see patterns in their Instagram-feeds that indicate the use of similar strategies in their way of producing and publishing content, despite their individual political views. Thus, the study aims to contribute with further developments in the research-field of mediatized politics and the significance of social media platforms in political communication.

The Future of Public Service Television in Sweden : A study on challenges and opportunities for SVT Play in a shifting television landscape

Daccak, Muhammad January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the changing television landscape and consumption habits and the effects on the Swedish public service television(SVT). Recent shifts have amplified the ongoing decline of linear television and were marked by increasing migration of viewers to online video consumption and global streaming services. These new competitors escalate the challenges facing national broadcasters and emphasize the role of having a strong independent public service television that can remain relevant to all its audiences. SVT has been a pioneer in shifting to online and launched its video streaming service SVT Play in 2006. But the service is unable to recuperate the viewership bleeding from SVT linear channels, and reaching younger audiences has never been more challenging. The study presents a literature review and background referring to recent general trends in the television market, to put shifts and disruptions in the Swedish market in a larger context. We also present a thorough background on the Swedish television market focusing on the position of SVT and SVT Play. We discussed dynamics and drivers of recent structural and consumption shifts through in-depth interviews with key personnel from SVT as well as with other experts from different areas within the media and telecom industry. We seek to answer what future challenges and opportunities are for SVT Play and how to deal with those challenges and opportunities. The data collected were analyzed and reported in this study. The main findings indicate a new era ahead of public service heralded by the unprecedented decline of SVT broadcast and the increased consumption divergence in 2019. The study found that SVT Play has a central future role of public service television and should be further empowered to remain agile and relevant, through diverse, differentiated, and personalized offerings, but also through constant engagement with audiences and continuous learning of what they value and demand in a constantly changing media landscape. / Denna studie undersöker det föränderliga TV-landskapet och de nya konsumtionsvanornas effekter på svensk public service- TV (SVT). Nyligen har skiftningar intensifierat den pågående minskningen av linjär-TV vilket märkts i den ökande migrationen av TV-tittare till online video-konsumtion och globala streamingtjänster. Dessa nya konkurrenter trappar upp utmaningarna som nationella programföretag ställts inför och betonar vikten av att ha stark och oberoende public service-TV som kan förbli relevant för samtliga målgrupper. SVT har varit pionjärer i övergången till online och lanserade sin streamingtjänst för video, SVT Play, redan 2006. Men tjänsten är oförmögen att hämta upp de förlorade tittarsiffrorna från SVTs linjära TV-kanaler. Samtidigt så har det aldrig tidigare varit svårare att nå de unga målgrupperna. Denna studie presenterar en litteraturgenomgång och bakgrund med referenser till de senaste allmänna trenderna TV-marknad, för att ställa den svenska marknadens förändringar och störningar i ett större sammanhang. Vi presenterar även en grundlig bakgrund av den svensk TV-marknaden med fokus på SVTs och SVT Plays positioner i denna. Vi har resonerat kring dynamiken och drivkrafterna bakom de senaste strukturella förändringarna och förändringarna i konsumtion, genom djupgående intervjuer med nyckelpersoner från SVT samt andra experter inom olika områden av media- och Telecom-industrin. Vi söker svaret till vilka de framtida utmaningarna och möjligheterna för SVT Play är, samt hur man bör handskas med dessa utmaningar och möjligheter. Den insamlade datan har analyserats och rapporteras i denna studie. De huvudsakliga upptäckterna indikerar en ny era för public service, påbörjad av de historiska minskningarna av SVTs sändningar samt den ökande konsumtionsdivergensen under 2019. Studien har funnit att SVT Play besitter en central framtida roll för public service-TV och bör fortsatt vara stärkt i uppgiften att förbli rörlig och relevant, genom varierade, differentierade och personanpassade erbjudanden, men även genom ett konstant engagemang med sin publik och ett kontinuerligt lärande över vad de värderar och önskar i ett ständigt skiftande medielandskap.

Personalized News: How Filters Shape Online News Reading Behavior

Beam, Michael A. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Federated Learning in Large Scale Networks : Exploring Hierarchical Federated Learning / Federerad Inlärning i Storskaliga Nätverk : Utforskande av Hierarkisk Federerad Inlärning

Eriksson, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
Federated learning faces a challenge when dealing with highly heterogeneous data and it can sometimes be inadequate to adopt an approach where a single model is trained for usage at all nodes in the network. Different approaches have been investigated to succumb this issue such as adapting the trained model to each node and clustering the nodes in the network and train a different model for each cluster where the data is less heterogeneous. In this work we study the possibilities to improve the local model performance utilizing the hierarchical setup that comes with clustering the participating clients in the network. Experiments are carried out featuring a Long Short-Term Memory network to perform time series forecasting to evaluate different approaches utilizing the hierarchical setup and comparing them to standard federated learning approaches. The experiments are done using a dataset collected by Ericsson AB consisting of handovers recorded at base stations in an European city. The hierarchical approaches didn’t show any benefit over common two-level approaches. / Federated Learning står inför en utmaning när det gäller att hantera data med en hög grad av heterogenitet och det kan i vissa fall vara olämpligt att använda sig av en approach där en och samma modell är tränad för att användas av alla noder i nätverket. Olika approacher för att hantera detta problem har undersökts som att anpassa den tränade modellen till varje nod och att klustra noderna i nätverket och träna en egen modell för varje kluster inom vilket datan är mindre heterogen. I detta arbete studeras möjligheterna att förbättra prestandan hos de lokala modellerna genom att dra nytta av den hierarkiska anordning som uppstår när de deltagande noderna i nätverket grupperas i kluster. Experiment är utförda med ett Long Short-Term Memory-nätverk för att utföra tidsserieprognoser för att utvärdera olika approacher som drar nytta av den hierarkiska anordningen och jämför dem med vanliga federated learning-approacher. Experimenten är utförda med ett dataset insamlat av Ericsson AB. Det består av "handoversfrån basstationer i en europeisk stad. De hierarkiska approacherna visade inga fördelar jämfört med de vanliga två-nivåapproacherna.


JOVIR ALCEU ZANUZZO 29 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Por uma ética mais humana - uma reflexão sobre os referenciais éticos da pós-modernidade e a proposta ética da mensagem cristã aborda a sociedade pós-moderna neste tempo de constantes evoluções técnico-científicas, a hipermodernidade. As manifestações humano-sociais assumem uma configuração própria, conseqüência de um intenso processo de personalização. As frequentes inovações nem sempre produzem os frutos esperados. Muitas de suas conquistas são responsáveis por uma flagrante carência de valores e princípios éticos, por um indiferente subjetivismo e por um generalizado sintoma de vazio existencial. Cada vez mais vigoroso, o individualismo irresponsável torna-se uma real ameaça à sobrevivência humana. Essa situação interpela e desafia a todos, revelando a urgência de novos referenciais comportamentais que dinamizem novos relacionamentos e novas atitudes humanas, mais solidárias e mais responsáveis. Segundo Hans Kung, pelo poder de influência que ainda possuem, as grandes religiões são capazes de fomentar e dinamizar novos princípios e valores éticos. Para isso, é necessário buscar um consenso mínimo, sustentado no diálogo e no respeito mútuo. Levando em consideração a análise feita por Gilles Lipovetsky e a proposta ética ecumênica de Hans Kung, esta dissertação se propõe apresentar a mensagem cristã como uma autêntica proposta ética, capaz de dar uma significativa contribuição à humanidade nestes tempos de vulnerabilidade. Acreditamos que a Boa Nova do Evangelho se reveste de uma significativa preocupação com a dignidade humana e com a vida em todas as suas manifestações, oferecendo as bases fundamentais para edificar um mundo mais justo e mais humano. / [en] For a ethics more human - A reflection upon postmodernity ethical references and the ethical proposition of the Christian message presentes the postmodern society at times of constant technical-scientific evolution, the hypermodernity. Being subjected by constant technical-scientific evolution, postmodern society has achieved its summit. According to Gilles Lipovetsky, we have reached hypermodernity, in which the human-social manifestations take on a particular configuration, consequence of an intense process of personalization. This society characterizes itself by frequent innovations which don t always yield the pretended purpose. Many of its achievements are responsible for flagrant shortage of ethical values and principles, indifferent subjectivism and a generalized symptom of existential emptiness. While getting more vigorous, the irresponsible individualism becomes a real threat to human survival. This situation questions e dares everyone, revealing the urgency of new behavioral references that could stimulate new relationships and human attitudes, more solidary and responsible. As stated by Hans Kung, through the power of influence that they still possess, major religions are able to promote and stimulate novel ethical values and principles. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a minimum consensus, based on dialog and mutual respect. Reflecting upon the analysis accomplished by Gilles Lipovetsky and the ecumenical ethical proposition of Hans Kung, the present dissertation means to present the Christian message as an authentic ethical proposition, capable of bestowing a significant contribution to humanity in such vulnerable times. It is believed that Gospel s Good News overlays itself with significant worry towards human dignity and life in all its manifestations, offering the fundamental basis to build a more fair and human world.

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