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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedside-rond : Patientens och sjukvårdspersonalens perspektiv

Mikaelsdotter, Julia, Keinonen, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ronden är en central punkt gällande planering och utvärdering av patientens vård. Sjukvårdspersonalen ansvarar för att personcentrera omvårdnaden där patienten sätts i fokus, och där vården byggs på respekt för patientens självbestämmande och integritet. Den traditionella ronden utförs i större del utan patientens närvaro. Bedside-rond (BR) syftar till att alla inblandade professioner rondar tillsammans med patienten vid patientens sängkant eller i ett avskilt rum för att göra patienten delaktig i sin egen vård.   Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att beskriva om BR bidrar till personcentrerad vård, delaktighet och förbättrat teamarbete, ur patienten och sjukvårdspersonalens perspektiv.   Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga originalartiklar. Databaser som användes i studien var PubMed, CINAHL och SveMed+. Resultatanalysen gjordes utifrån Graneheim och Lundmans (2004) kvalitativa innehållsanalys.   Resultat: Resultatet av denna studie indikerar på att patienten och sjukvårdspersonalen upplever en ökad delaktighet genom BR. Sjukvårdspersonal upplever förbättring i utfallet av vården eftersom hela sjukvårdsteamet får en helhetsbild av patienten. Flera studier styrker att samarbetet i teamet förbättrades, och att BR bidrog till en ökad förståelse för varandras yrkesroller. Oenigheter rörande rondens mål framkom, men även avsaknad av en tydlig struktur försvårade genomförandet. Kommunikationen förbättrades enligt flertal studier, vilket framförallt berodde på den direkta kommunikationen mellan berörda teamdeltagare.   Slutsats: BR skulle kunna införas som arbetsmodell istället för den traditionella ronden. Patienten blir mer delaktig i sin vård och samarbetet förbättras genom en effektivare kommunikation. Resultatet visar att patientens delaktighet ökar men för att kunna säkerhetsställa evidensen att patienten upplever att BR bidrar till en personcentrerad vård, behövs ännu mer forskning ur ett patientperspektiv. / Background: The round is a central part regarding planning and evaluating the patients’ health. Healthcare professional are responsible for the person-centered healthcare where the patient is the center of attention, and where the healthcare is based on the patient’s integrity and autonomy. The traditional round is carried out mainly without the patient’s presence. Bedside-round (BR) aims at all professions involved with the patient at the patient’s bedside or in a separate room to make the patient involved in his or her own care.   Aim: The purpose of the literature study was to describe whether BR contributes to person-centered care, participation and improved teamwork, from the patients’ and the healthcare professionals’ perspective.   Method: A literature study based on 10 scientific original articles. Databases used in the study were PubMed, CINAHL and SveMed +. The results analysis was based on Graneheim and Lundman's (2004) qualitative analysis method.   Results: The result of this study indicates that the patient and healthcare professionals experience increased participation through bedside-round. Healthcare professionals experience improvement in the outcome of care as the entire healthcare team gets an overall picture of the patient. Several studies confirm that team collaboration improved, and bedside-round contributed to an increased understanding of each other's professional roles. Disagreements concerning the goal of the round came true, but lack of a clear structure also complicated implementation. Communication improved according to several studies, mainly due to the direct communication between relevant team participants.   Conclusion: BR could be introduced as a working model instead of the traditional round. The patients becomes more involved in their care and the collaboration is improved through more effective communication. The result shows that the patient's participation increases but in order to ensure the evidence that the patient experiences that BR contributes to a person-centered care, even more research is needed from a patient perspective.

Händelser av betydelse för övergång till palliativ vård för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie med Critical Incident Technique

Chavda, Poonam, Ingvarsson, Agneta January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: I Sverige har cirka 200 000 personer hjärtsvikt. Sjukdomen kan vara kronisk, komplex och innebär en livslång behandling. Det är en allvarlig sjukdom där cirka 50 % med svår hjärtsvikt dör inom ett år. Det finns inga klara riktlinjer när transition till palliativ vård för patienter med hjärtsvikt sker. Syfte: Syftet var att identifiera erfarenheter som sjuksköterskor ansåg vara av betydelse för att initiera palliativ vård för patienter med hjärtsvikt, samt vilka åtgärder som därefter vidtogs. Metod: En kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats valdes. Totalt genomfördes 15 ostrukturerade intervjuer, alla intervjuer analyserades utifrån Critical Incident Technique. Resultat: Det framkom att ett allmänt försämrat hälsotillstånd var erfarenheter som sjuksköterskan ansåg vara av betydelse för transition till palliativ vård. I resultatet framkom även att åtgärder som vidtogs ledde till att vården blev mer palliativt inriktad. Slutsats: Att identifiera patienter med hjärtsvikt som var i behov av palliativ vård var viktigt men svårt och krävde kunskap. Det finns behov av att utarbeta hjälpmedel och verktyg för att underlätta identifieringen till palliativ vård, eftersom det leder till att vården blir mer personcentrerad och behandlingsstrategin förändras. / Abstract Background: In Sweden, approximately 200,000 people have heart failure. Heart failure can be chronic, complex and involves lifelong treatment. It is a serious disease in which about 50% with severe heart failure die within a year. There are no clear guidelines when transition to palliative care for patients with heart failure occurs. Objective: The purpose was to identify experiences that nurses considered to be important for initiating palliative care for patients with heart failure, and what actions thereafter were taken. Methods: A qualitative design with inductive approach was chosen for this study. A total of 15 unstructured interviews were conducted and analyzed on the basis of the Critical Incident Technique. Results: The result was divided into two parts. It was found that a generally deteriorated health were experiences that the nurse considered to be of importance for transition to palliative care. In the results it emerged that measures that was taken led to more oriented palliative care for the patients. Conclusion: To identify patients with heart failure who were in need of palliative care was important but difficult and required knowledge. There is a need to develop aids and tools to facilitate identification for palliative care, as it causes care to be more person-centered and the treatment strategy changes.

Interkulturella medlarens betydelse för att skapa en personcentrerad vård / Intercultural mediators' role in the creation of person-centered care

Franklin, Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
Background: The number of people seeking asylum in Sweden reached a record level by 2015. Inequalities in the healthcare of migrants can lead to poor health outcomes and an unsatisfactory health meeting. Language translation is considered the minimum that should be offered to ensure the care recipients access to a good, safe and satisfactory care. Culture also has an impact on the recipient's experience of healthcare and consists of much that is unconscious and constantly changing in interaction with the individual's lived experience. Efforts to bridge the gap between migrant healthcare recipients and healthcare providers whom usually belong to a majority population, include the application of culturally competent care and strategies for "culture brokering". These methods do not however consider the lack of insight into the care recipient's cultural frame of reference. An Intercultural Mediator (IM) is themselves a migrant who, based on common denominators such as language, gender and shared experience of being immigrant can act as an intermediary or bridge builder during the healthcare meeting. Mediation can be used to highlight the care recipient's lifeworld story and promote a person-centered care that is not precluded by pre-defined opinions and stereotypes concerning the impact of culture, but instead addresses the person's vulnerability, resources and personal abilities. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate IM's specific role and how the IM can contribute to a more person-centered care in the context of the healthcare meeting of short duration within in-patient settings. Method: The study is based on ethnography conducted through participatory observation, informal dialogue at a healthcare clinic and hospital in Malta. Results: The results are based on four categories describing IM's role in the creation of person-centered care for migrant care recipients; Being a fellow human, creating a bridge between care recipients and care providers, being a part of the team and balancing power situations and creating cultural awareness. Conclusions: An IM is an important addition to healthcare agencies. IM utilizes the dyadic conversation preceding the healthcare meeting to establish trust and prepare the care recipient for the encounter. During the triadic meeting with the care recipient and caregiver, the IM interprets and ensures that the participants understand each other. The IM's presence creates space for the migrant care recipient to express his needs based on his everyday reality and cultural reference frame. In highlighting the care recipient's story, the IM is able to contribute to a more person-centered healthcare meeting, which may result in a better outcome. However, the lack of organisation of mediation services, lack of cultural awareness amongst care providers as well as exclusion from the healthcare practitioners' community of practice may hinder the effectiveness and stability of mediation services.

Personcentrerad IKT-tjänst förpersoner med typ 2-diabetes

Gardsten, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting more and more people and placing increasing demands on health care. The increasing numbers of adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are in need of self-management strategies. Learning self-management includes mastering the skills required to complete the complex emotional and physical tasks necessary to manage well-being and to prevent future complications. A technological service developed with the participation of stakeholders may be an alternative way to meet rising needs for self-management. The involvement of various stakeholders enables cooperation, facilitates patient empowerment, and takes into consideration how adults with type 2 diabetes manage their everyday activities. Aim: The overall aim of the licentiate thesis is, by participatory research methods identify self-management support of a future ICT service to facilitate adults with type 2-diabetes. Methods: Two studies were conducted using participatory design (PD) with qualitative methods. Data were collected among recently diagnosed adults and those with longer experience of type 2 diabetes. The adults were recruited from a primary healthcare centre and from a diabetes hospital clinic in Sweden. Study I identified perceived challenges related to self-management among recently diagnosed adults and those with longer experience of type 2 diabetes by using multistage focus groups. Study II reported needs and wishes for an ICT self-management service to facilitate their everyday life and to deal with type 2 diabetes by using a future workshop. Results: Three main challenges were identified; understanding; developing skills and abilities; and mobilizing personal strengths. Both recently diagnosed adults and those with longer experience of diabetes described challenges in understanding the causes of fluctuating blood glucose and in developing and mobilizing skills for choosing healthful food and eating regularly. The recently diagnosed group were more challenged by learning to accept the diagnosis and becoming motivated to change habit while the experienced group were mainly challenged by issues about complications and medications. The adults with type 2 diabetes expressed needs and wishes for an ICT service all fell under the broad category of Acceptance of the diagnosis, with the three suggestions; Trust in partnerships, Communication and Individualized information. Acceptance of the diagnosis was a prerequisite for managing diabetes successfully. Acceptance of the diagnosis also made the participants accept information, learn about their condition, and understand how to personally manage their everyday lives. Trust in partnership with caregivers and Communication facilitated that acceptance and understanding of the disease. Main findings: The adults with type 2 diabetes stated different needs for support during different phases of the disease. The expressed needs and wishes for an ICT service all fell under the broad category of Acceptance of the diagnosis, with three other suggestions; Trust in partnerships, Communication, and Individualized information. The participants’ experience of the participatory methodology as a democratic process and their appreciation of mutual learning contributed to these results, which are consistent with the aims of person centred care. Conclusions: Adults with diabetes have different needs for support during different phases of the disease. From a person-centred perspective it would be desirable to meet individual needs for self-management on peoples’ own terms through a technological service that could reach and connect to a large number of people. Healthcare practitioners need to address the knowledge needs of patients with type 2 diabetes and support them in developing self-management skills. Consistent with person-centred care, practitioners should also encourage patients’ abilities to mobilize their own personal strengths to maintain self-management. / <p><strong>Forskningsfinansiärer:</strong></p><p>Kommunerna i Skåne Nordost</p><p>Högskolan Kristianstad</p>

Skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta med övervikt och fetma inom skolhälsovården En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The school nurse's experience of working with overweight and obesity in school health care A qualitative interview study

Karlsson, Camilla, Viklund, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund : Övervikt och fetma är ett folkhälsoproblem, fler människor i världen dör av övervikt än undervikt. Barn med övervikt och fetma har större risk att senare i livet drabbas av sjukdomar som till exempel hjärt- kärlsjukdomar och diabetes. Skolsköterskan möter barn i tidig ålder och har med sin kompetens möjlighet att hjälpa barnen och arbeta preventivt mot övervikt och fetma. Syfte: Att beskriva skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta med personcentrerad vård relaterat till övervikt och fetma hos barn 6–12 år inom skolhälsovården. Metod: En deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats som analyserat enligt Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fem huvudkategorier framkom: föräldrarnas reaktioner, omgivande faktorer, redskap och verktyg, inflytande och skolans ansvar. Skolsköterskan är beroende av många olika faktorer för att ge personcentrerad vård till varje elev. Samtliga skolsköterskor beskriver att föräldrarnas inställning är det som avgör i vilken utsträckning de har möjlighet att hjälpa eleven. Slutsats: Studien visar att skolsköterskan är en viktig del i arbetet mot övervikt och fetma men att rätt förutsättningar behövs för att kunna ge stöd och hjälp till varje elev. / Background: Overweight and obesity are a public health problem, more people in the world die of overweight than underweight. Children with overweight and obesity are at greater risk of later in life suffering from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The school nurse meets the child early in childhood and has the ability to help the children and to work against overweight and obesity. Purpose: To describe school nurses experience of working with person-centered care related to overweight and obesity in children 6-12 years in school health care. Method: A descriptive qualitative interview study with inductive approach as analyzed according to Graneheim and Lundman's content analysis. Results: Five main categories emerged: the parents' reactions, surrounding factors, tools and instrument, influence and school responsibility. The nurse is dependent on many different factors to provide person-centered care to each student. All school nurses describe that the parents' attitude determines the extent to which they have the opportunity to help the student. Conclusion: The study shows that the school nurse was an important part of the work towards overweight and obesity, but that the right conditions were needed to provide support and assistance to each student.

När hjärtat brister : Att drabbas av Takotsubo Kardiomyopati / When the heart breaks : To suffer from Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

Andersson, Madeleine, Hjelte, Evelina, Evelina, Träff January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Takotsubo kardiomyopati är ett akut tillstånd för vårdsökande personer som symtommässigt liknar hjärtinfarkt men i själva verket är en reversibel hjärtsvikt. I det akuta skedet har sjuksköterskan en viktig roll i att inhämta anamnes, vilket är avgörande för att kunna vidta adekvata omvårdnadsåtgärder. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdsökande personers erfarenheter av att drabbas av takotsubo kardiomyopati. Metod: Integrativ litteraturöversikt vilken sammanfattar 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten visar tre huvudkategorier: Utlösande faktorer, Akuta skedet och Dagligt liv. De som drabbas av takotsubo kardiomyopati främst är kvinnor samt personer med liknande personlighetsdrag, där oro, ångest och stress är en stor del av vardagen. Emotionella eller fysiska stressorer är de främsta bakomliggande orsakerna till att drabbas av takotsubo kardiomyopati. Symtomen är främst dyspné och bröstsmärta som flera av de drabbade till en början ignorerar. Slutsats: Takotsubo kardiomyopati medför existentiella frågor och oro för framtiden där stresshantering och sjuksköterskans personcentrerade förhållningssätt är avgörande för att återfå god hälsa. Det krävs ytterligare forskning för att utforma strategier för väl anpassad personcentrerad omvårdnad för de drabbade. / Background: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a critical condition for the care recipient that is symptomatically similar to myocardial infarction but in fact is a reversible form of heart failure. In the critical stage, the nurse has an important role in acquiring anamnesis, which is crucial in order to be able to perform adequate nursing actions.Aim: To describe care recipients experience of suffering from takotsubo cardiomyopathy.Method: Integrative literature review of 13 scientific articles.Result: Common findings lead to three main categories: Triggering factors, Critical stage and Everyday life. Those affected by takotsubo cardiomyopathy are mainly women and have similar personality traits, where uneasiness, anxiety and stress are major parts of the everyday life. An emotional or physical stressor are often the underlying cause of the person being affected by takotsubo. The symptoms are mainly dyspnoea and chest pain, symptoms that several of the affected initially ignore. Conclusion: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy brings up existential concerns and questions about the future where stress management and the nurse’s person centered approach are crucial for regaining good health. Further research is needed to obtain strategies to form well-adjusted person centered care for those affected.

Personcentrerad omvårdnad utifrån sjuksköterskans upplevelse till individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - Litteraturstudie / Nurses experience of person-centered care with individuals with intellectual disabilities - Literature review

Lundin, Tanja, Sälgström, Barbro January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund I arbetet möter sjuksköterskan många olika individer. En grupp individer som har ett stort behov av personcentrerad vård är intellektuellt funktionsnedsatta. Bemötandet och personcentrerad omvårdnad av denna individgrupp upplevs variera allt efter sjuksköterskans erfarenhet och kunskap. Syfte Studiens syfte var att undersöka personcentrerad omvårdnad utifrån sjuksköterskans upplevelse till individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Metod Litteraturstudien består av 13 kvalitativa och två kvantitativa artiklar och är från olika länder. Artiklarna har publicerats mellan år 2007-2017. Sökningar har gjorts i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat Resultatet presenteras i fem kategorier med respektive underrubriker; Individanpassat bemötande (bemötande i vården, utåtagerande beteende, vikten av informationsutbyte); Kommunikation i vården (faktorer som kan påverka kommunikationen, anpassad kommunikation); Samarbete med anhöriga; Behov av kunskap och utbildning; Stöd och samarbete. Konklusion Personcentrerad omvårdnad som möter individens behov framkommer i studien som viktiga beståndsdelar i mötet med individer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. För att arbeta personcentrerat och med utgångspunkt från individens behov behöver sjuksköterskan ha förståelse för individgruppen, kunskap och praktisk utbildning för att bli mer trygg i sitt bemötande. / Background At work, the nurse meets many different individuals. A group of individuals with a high need for person-centered care is intellectually impaired. The perception and person-centered care of this individual group is experienced varies according to the nurse's experience and knowledge. Aim The purpose of the study was to investigate the person-centered nursing based on the nurse's experience with individuals with intellectual impairment. Method The literature study consists of 13 qualitative and two quantitative articles and is from different countries. The articles have been published between 2007-2017. Searches have been made in the databases Cinahl and PubMed . Results The result is presented in five categories with respective subheadings; Individualized treatment (treatment in care, outpatient behavior, importance of information exchange); Communication in healthcare (factors that may affect communication, custom communication); Collaboration with relatives; Need for knowledge and education; Support and cooperation. Conclusion Person-centered nursing that meets the needs of the individual appears in the study as important elements in the meeting with individuals with intellectual disabilities. To work personally and based on the needs of the individual, the nurse needs an understanding of the individual group, knowledge and practical training to be more confident in their treatment.

Personcentrerad IKT-tjänst för personer med typ 2-diabetes

Gardsten, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting more and more people and placing increasing demands on health care. The increasing numbers of adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are in need of self-management strategies. Learning self-management includes mastering the skills required to complete the complex emotional and physical tasks necessary to manage well-being and to prevent future complications. A technological service developed with the participation of stakeholders may be an alternative way to meet rising needs for self-management. The involvement of various stakeholders enables cooperation, facilitates patient empowerment, and takes into consideration how adults with type 2 diabetes manage their everyday activities. Aim: The overall aim of the licentiate thesis is, by participatory research methods identify self-management support of a future ICT service to facilitate adults with type 2-diabetes. Methods: Two studies were conducted using participatory design (PD) with qualitative methods. Data were collected among recently diagnosed adults and those with longer experience of type 2 diabetes. The adults were recruited from a primary healthcare centre and from a diabetes hospital clinic in Sweden. Study I identified perceived challenges related to self-management among recently diagnosed adults and those with longer experience of type 2 diabetes by using multistage focus groups. Study II reported needs and wishes for an ICT self-management service to facilitate their everyday life and to deal with type 2 diabetes by using a future workshop. Results: Three main challenges were identified; understanding; developing skills and abilities; and mobilizing personal strengths. Both recently diagnosed adults and those with longer experience of diabetes described challenges in understanding the causes of fluctuating blood glucose and in developing and mobilizing skills for choosing healthful food and eating regularly. The recently diagnosed group were more challenged by learning to accept the diagnosis and becoming motivated to change habit while the experienced group were mainly challenged by issues about complications and medications. The adults with type 2 diabetes expressed needs and wishes for an ICT service all fell under the broad category of Acceptance of the diagnosis, with the three suggestions; Trust in partnerships, Communication and Individualized information. Acceptance of the diagnosis was a prerequisite for managing diabetes successfully. Acceptance of the diagnosis also made the participants accept information, learn about their condition, and understand how to personally manage their everyday lives. Trust in partnership with caregivers and Communication facilitated that acceptance and understanding of the disease. Main findings: The adults with type 2 diabetes stated different needs for support during different phases of the disease. The expressed needs and wishes for an ICT service all fell under the broad category of Acceptance of the diagnosis, with three other suggestions; Trust in partnerships, Communication, and Individualized information. The participants’ experience of the participatory methodology as a democratic process and their appreciation of mutual learning contributed to these results, which are consistent with the aims of person centred care. Conclusions: Adults with diabetes have different needs for support during different phases of the disease. From a person-centred perspective it would be desirable to meet individual needs for self-management on peoples’ own terms through a technological service that could reach and connect to a large number of people. Healthcare practitioners need to address the knowledge needs of patients with type 2 diabetes and support them in developing self-management skills. Consistent with person-centred care, practitioners should also encourage patients’ abilities to mobilize their own personal strengths to maintain self-management. / <p><strong>Forskningsfinansiärer: </strong>Kommunerna i Skåne Nordost, Högskolan Kristianstad och Region Skåne</p>

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av närstående i akuta vårdsituationer

Johansson, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion Patienter som får akut sjukvård har ofta en närstående med sig. Denna person finns där som stöd för patienten och kan förse sjuksköterskan med information. Sjuksköterskor skall utefter ett personcentrerat arbetssätt och förhållningssätt involvera de närstående i vården i den mån det går. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av närstående i akuta vårdsituationer. Syftet var även att beskriva valda artiklars undersökningsgrupp Metod En litteraturstudie med beskrivande design. Studien inkluderade 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, av dessa var nio med kvantitativ ansats och sex med kvalitativ ansats. Studien använde sig av databaserna Medline via PubMed samt Cinahl Resultat Sjuksköterskorna erfor att den närstående var en resurs. Det framkom en eftersträvan hos sjuksköterskorna att skydda de närstående. Under själva vårdmomentet så låg allt fokus på patienten. Sjuksköterskorna erfor att närstående hade orealistiska krav eller hopp om vad vården kunde göra. Det framkom en rädsla av att den närstående kunde störa vårdmomentet. Slutsatser Det framkommer blandade erfarenheter av närstående i akuta vårdsituationer. Sjuksköterskorna erfor både fördelar och utmaningar med att involvera närstående i vården. / Introduction Patients receiving emergency care often have a relative with them. This person is there to support the patient and can provide the nurse with information. By following a person-centered approach nurses should involve the relative in health care as far as possible. Aim The aim of the study was to describe nurses experience of relative in emergency care situations. The aim was also to describe included articles sampling group. Method A literature study with descriptive design. The study included 15 scientific reports, of which nine were of quantitative approach and six of qualitative approach. The study used Medline via PubMed and Cinahl as databases. Result Nurses experienced the relative to be a resource. There was a striving for nurses to protect the relatives. During the caring situation, all focus was on the patient. Nurses have experienced that the relative had unrealistic demands and hope for what they could do. There was a fear that the relative could interfere with the caring situation. Conclusion There are mixed experiences of relative in emergency care situations. Nurses experienced both benefits and challenges of involving relatives in health care.

Patientundervisning vid svårläkta sår - en bytande faktor för egenvården : en intervjustudie

Båth, Jessica, Roos, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund  Svårläkta sår är något som drabbar cirka en procent av Sveriges befolkning och påverkar hela livssituationen. Sårläkningen påverkas av många olika faktorer, och för att gynna sårläkningen kan patienter undervisas om egenvårdsåtgärder. Omvårdnaden vid svårläkta sår ska vara evidensbaserad. Sjuksköterskan har ett ansvar att ge information så att patienten förstår och patientens förståelse ska följas upp. Patientundervisning kan främja egenvård vid svårläkta sår.  Syfte Att belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelse av hur patientundervisning kan främja egenvård hos patienter med svårläkta sår inom slutenvården Metod Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med deskriptiv ansats. Åtta sjuksköterskor inom slutenvården i Storstockholm intervjuades. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat  Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser sammanfattades i tre kategorier med åtta underkategorier. De tre kategorierna var: förberedelse inför patientundervisning, genomförande av patientundervisning och uppföljning av patientundervisning. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde sin kunskap och utbildning som bristfällig. Individanpassad information och patientens förståelse för egenvård upplevde sjuksköterskorna vara betydande för patientundervisningen och kognitiv svikt upplevdes vara det främsta hindret. Slutsats Sjuksköterskorna upplever att individanpassad patientundervisning kan främja egenvård. Följsamhet till egenvårdsåtgärder ökar om en förståelse finns hos patienten om vad de ska göra och varför. Bristfällig kunskap hos sjuksköterskorna, utebliven uppföljning av förståelse och kognitiv svikt är faktorer som kan leda till att patientundervisningen brister.

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