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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing realistic academic self-actualisation : a psycho-andragogical perspective / Bevordering van realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering : 'n Psigo-andragogiese perspektief

Sonnekus, Ingrid Phyllis 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research was triggered by the need to assist first year students in a way which had not been addressed by the people involved with the upliftment of disadvantaged students. The aspect which was addressed was the personal growth of the adult learner within the academic situation with consideration of his own personal circumstances and ideals. This means that a micro level approach was generated by creating the Academic Enhancement Programme (AEP). The purpose of the programme is to give adult learners the opportunity to understand themselves and their own value systems better on a micro, meso and macro level, to experience personal growth or self-actualisation and to see how these factors influence the adult learners' interaction with the tertiary academic situation. Eight possible value systems were discussed and introduced to the adult learners who participated in the Academic Enhancement Programme. The adult learners were given the opportunity to measure themselves against the value systems and to evaluate how these influenced their realistic academic self-actualisation. The psycho-andragogical categories were utilised during the application of the programme as criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. The following recommendations were made • the creation of a faculty specific induction programme • linking study packages directly to the context of adult learners • organising personal academic contact • giving personal academic support • making the evaluation procedures transparent • creating and supporting informal study groups Although the study has certain limitations, it should be of great value to the university system during the transformation phase that it is experiencing at present. The main aim of the study is, however, the contribution to the academic growth of the adult learner in the tertiary situation / Hierdie navorsing het ontstaan vanuit die behoefte om eerstejaarstudente op 'n bepaalde wyse te ondersteun. Hierdie wyse is nog nie aangespreek deur mense wat met benadeelde studente gewerk het nie. Die aspek wat ondersoek is, is die persoonlike groei wat volwasse leerders ervaar binne die akademiese situasie met inagneming van hulle eie persoonlike omstandighede en ideale. Dit het beteken dat daar deur middel van 'n mikrobenadering 'n Akademiese Verrykingsprogram geskep moes word. Die doel van die program is drievoudig: Dit meet aan volwasse leerders die geleentheid bied om hulleself en hulle waardesisteme beter te verstaan in 'n mikro-, meso- en makroverband; om persoonlike groei I selfaktualisering te ervaar en om tot die besef te kom dat hierdie aangeleenthede hulle interaksie met die tersiere akademiese situasie be'invloed. Agt verskillende waardesisteme is bespreek en aan die volwasse leerders wat aan die Akademiese Verrykingsprogram deelgeneem het, voorgehou. Die volwasse leerders het die geleentheid gekry om hulself aan hierdie waardesisteme te meet. Hulle kon ook in die loop van die program vasstel hoe dit hulle realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering be'invloed. Die psigo-andragogiese kategoriee is tydens die toepassing van die program as kriteria gebruik om die effektiwiteit van die program te bepaal. Die volgende aanbevelings is gemaak: • dat 'n fakulteit-spesifieke induksieprogram geskep meet word, • dat studiepakkette direk aan die volwasse leerder se verwysingsraamwerk gekoppel meet word, • dat persoonlike akademiese ondersteuning gebied meet word, • dat persoonlike kontak op akademiese gebied bewerkstellig moet word, • dat evalueringsprosedures deursigtig gemaak meet word, • dat informele studiegroepe tot stand gebring en onderhou meet word. Alhoewel die studie aan verskeie beperkings onderhewig is, behoort dit vir die universiteitswese tydens die huidige transformasiegebeure van groot waarde te wees. Die belangrikste doel van die navorsing is egter die bydrae wat dit kan lewer tot die akademiese groei van die volwasse leerder in die tersiere situasie. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Psigometriese ondersoek na psigologiese optimaliteit

Visser, Chrisna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie ondersoek handel oor die psigometriese verwantskappe tussen verskeie konseptualiserings van psigologiese optimaliteit. Die konsepte selfaktualisering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk), gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese en salutogenesis paradigma) is vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek gekies. Die gekose meetinstrumente, naamlik die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys vir selfaktualisering, die Lewensorientasievraelys vir gevoel van koherensie en die Selfkontroleskedule vir aangeleerde vernuftigheid, is op 'n steekproef van 200 middelvlakbestuurders in 'n semi-staatsdiensorganisasie afgeneem. Pearsonkorrelasiekoeffisiente is bereken en 'n faktorontleding is gedoen. Daar is verskeie beduidende korrelasies verkry tussen die subskale van die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Lewensorientasievraelys, maar slegs enkele beduidende korrelasies tussen die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule. Die Lewensorientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule het egter beduidend gekorreleer. Die faktorontleding het getoon dat selfaktualisering aan die een kant, en gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid aan die ander kant as twee verskillende konstrukte van psigologiese optimaliteit beskou kan word. / The relationships between various conceptualisations of psychological optimisation are investigated. The concepts of self-actualisation (from a humanistic paradigm), sense of coherence and learned resourcefulness (from a salutogenesis paradigm) are relevant. The measuring instruments were the Personal Orientation Inventory (POl), the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) and the Self Control Schedule (SCS). They were administered by means of random sampling of 200 middle level managers in a semi-government organisation. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated and a factor analysis was done. Several significant correlations were obtained between the subscales of the POl and the OLQ, but limited correlations were found between the POl and the SCS. However, significant correlations between the OLQ and the SCS were apparent. The factor analysis demonstrated that self-actualisation on the one hand and sense of coherence as well as learned resourcefulness on the other hand may be regarded as two seperate constructs of psychological optimisation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Thesis (M.Com.)--Universiteit van Suid Afrika, 1994.
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Persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid as voorspellers van toesighouersukses / Personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skill as predictors of supervisor success

Hanekom, Anton Nel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie verhandeling fokus op persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardighede. as voorspellers van toesighouersukses. Persoonlikheid en selfaktualisering word vanuit die dimensionele en humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee en toesighouersvaardighede vanuit die bestuurpsigologie beskryf. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit drie instrumente wat onderskeidelik persoonlikheid (16 PF Vraelys), selfaktualisering (Persoonlike Orientasie-inventaris) en toesighouersvaardigheid (Posmandjie) evalueer. Vir die doel van hierdie navorsing, is toesighouersukses (volgens prestasiebeoordeling), die afhanklike veranderlike terwyl persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid die onafhanklike veranderlikes is. Die psigometriese toetsbattery is gebruik om te bepaal of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen: a) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid onderling b) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid. en prestasie c) persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid gesamentlik, en prestasie deur die formulering van statistiese kombinasies. Die resultate is weergegee en die nulhipoteses aanvaar of verwerp waarna die resultate bespreek is. Hierna is die gevolgtrekking geformuleer dat die gekombineerde statistiese kombinasies of gedeeltes van die drie psigometriese instrumente saam gebruik kan word om toesighouersukses te voorspel. / This dissertation focuses on personality. self-actualisation and supervisory skills as predictors of supervisor success. The dimensional and humanistic personality theories were used to describe personality and self-actualisation while supervisory skills were explained in the context of management psychology. A psychometric battery was compiled consisting of three instruments to evaluate personality (16 PF Questionnaire). self-actualisation (Personality Orientation Questionnaire). and supervisory skills (In-basket Exercise) respectively. In this research supervisory success is the dependent variable. and personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills the independent variables. The psychometric battery were used to determines if any correlation exists between: a) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills b) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills. and performance. c) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills combined and performance through the formulation of statistical combinations. The results were provided. interpreted and discussed. The conclusion was reached that the statictical combination or parts of the three psychometric instruments combined could be used to predict supervisory success. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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Selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiële instelling

Esterhuizen, Petrus Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif handel oor 'n selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiele instelling. Die stand punt word gehuldig dat bestuurders wat reeds hoer vlakke van selfaktualisering bereik het oor die persoonlikheidskenmerke (intrapersoonlike, interpersoonlike en werkskenmerke) beskik wat tot bestuursukses lei. Hierdie standpunt, wat gegrond is op die uitgangspunte van die humanistiese benadering, is nog nie in finansiele instellings nagevors nie. Die volgende literatuurdoelstellings is in hierdie navorsing bereik: 'n Ge"integreerde beskouing van die vernaamste humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee, wat dien as metateoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, is daargestel. - Die konsep selfaktualisering is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die selfaktualiserende persoon is ge"identifiseer. - Die konsep bestuursukses is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die suksesvolle bestuurder is ge"identifiseer. - Meetbare bestuursukseskriteria asook meetinstrumente vir die meet daarvan is ge"identifiseer. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit die Algemene Gesondheidsvraelys, Verstandelike-helderheidstoets, Sestien-persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys, Persoonlikeorienteringsvraelys, Rottervraelys, RGN Gevallestudietegniek-enbesluitnemingsvraelys en die Biografiese vraelys. Hierdie meetinstrumente is as klassifikasieveranderlikes gebruik om die meetbare komponente van die konstruk selfaktualisering by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling te meet. Besuursukses, as kriteriumveranderlike, is met die prestasiebestuurevaluering- en werknemer -effektiwiteitsvraelys gemeet. Uit die statistiese analise (meervoudigeregressie-analise) blyk dit dat 15 klassifikasieveranderlikes met bestuursukses verband hou. Die meervoudige korrelasie R (aangepas vir getal gevalle en getal klassifikasieveranderlikes) is gelyk aan 0,54. Daar is dus in hierdie navorsing 'n verband gevind tussen die konsepte selfaktualisering en bestuursukses soos gemeet by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling. Verskeie klassifikasieveranderlikes toon 'n paraboliese verband met bestuursukses. Dit dui daarop dat 'n relatiewe aanwesigheid of sterkte van spesifieke persoonlikheidskenmerke noodsaaklik is vir bestuursukses. lndien 'n sekere optimale punt egter oorskry word, het dit 'n nadelige effek op bestuursukses. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die evalueringstegnieke en psigometriese instrumente wat in hierdie navorsing gebruik is en wat 'n verband (reglynig of parabolies) met bestuursukses getoon het, binne die finansiele instelling gebruik kan word om bestuurders met bestuurspotensiaal te identifiseer. Aanbevelings is ten opsigte van die gebruikswaarde van die konsep selfaktualisering vir die praktyk en vir verdere navorsing geformuleer. / This thesis examines the self-actualisation approach to management success within a financial institution. The premise is that managers who have already reached high levels of self-actualisation possess the personality traits (intrapersonal, interpersonal and work traits) that lead to management success. This premise, which is based on the points of view of the humanistic approach, has not yet been researched in a financial institution. The following literature objectives were achieved in this research: - An integrated view of the major humanistic personality theories, which serve as metatheoretic framework for this research, has been compiled. - The concept of self-actualisation has been defined and the personality traits of the self-actualising person identified. - The concept of management success has been defined and the personality traits of the successful manager identified. - Measurable management success criteria as well as measuring instruments for measuring these criteria have been identified. A psychometric test battery has been compiled from the General Health Questionnaire, Mental Alertness Test, Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Personal Orientation Questionnaire, Rotter Questionnaire, HSRC Case Study Technique and Decision-making Questionnaire and the Biographical Questionnaire. These measuring instruments were used as classification variables to measure the measurable components of the selj-actualisation construct among managers of a financial institution. Management success, as a criterion variable, was measured using the performance management evaluation and employee effectiveness questionnaires. From the statistical analysis (multiple-regression analysis) it is evident that 15 classification variables relate to management success. The multiple correlation R (adjusted for number of cases and number of classification variables) equals 0,54. A relation has therefore been found in this research between the concepts of selfactualisation and management success as measured in managers of a financial institution. Several classification variables show a parabolic relation to management success. This indicates that a relative presence or strength of specific personality traits is essential for management success. However, when a certain optimal point is exceeded, this has a detrimental effect on management success. The conclusion is reached that the evaluation techniques and psychometric instruments used in this research, which showed a relation (whether rectilineal or parabolic) with management success, may be employed at a financial institution to identify managers with management potential. Recommendations in respect of the usefulness of the self-actualisation concept for the practical environment and for future research were formulated. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / DCom (Bedryfsielkunde)
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Die belewing van stres en die gebruik van cope-vaardighede deur departementshoofde van skole : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Jan Adriaan Oberholzer

Oberholzer, Jan Adriaan January 2006 (has links)
An investigation into stress experience and the use of coping skills by departemental heads of schools: guidelines for support. Stress occurs when one's perception of demands exceeds his perception of his abilities to meet them. Except for work related demands, a variety of demands and threats in the environment have to be faced continuously. As a result stress is created that manifest in people's behavior, work efficiency and socialization. In general, the education profession is considered among the most stressful careers in the world. This also applies to the South African educational system. U'hm teachers experience stress, it has a negative effect on their beloved ones. colleagues and the learners. Therefore teacher stress has a negative effect on the teaching system in general. Thus teacher stress can be considered to be a national problem. The real situation of teachers in South Africa was determined by means of an empirical study that \\as complimented by a qualitative investigation. In this study. stress is dealt with from the educational psychology. However. stress is a holistic multi-dimensional concept that can only by understood at best when it is approached from a multi-professional point of view. Equally all the actions to cope with stress are rnultidimensional actions. This research aims to develop among teachers an awareness of stress manifestations. with the purpose to identi6 and control stressors. These actions are strengthened by appropriate adaptations in life style and the management of resources. A comprehensive support program is suggested to guide teachers towards an understanding and control of stress. and the establishment of a social support system. while serious manifestations of stress should be addressed by means of professional services. Key words: stress. cope. stress management. education. self control. stress control, environment. work stress: organization stress. community stress. health. wellness. neurological exercise. physical exercise. physiological exercise. religion. humor. feeding. free radicals. anti-osidants. and diet. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Die belewing van stres en die gebruik van cope-vaardighede deur departementshoofde van skole : riglyne vir ondersteuning / Jan Adriaan Oberholzer

Oberholzer, Jan Adriaan January 2006 (has links)
An investigation into stress experience and the use of coping skills by departemental heads of schools: guidelines for support. Stress occurs when one's perception of demands exceeds his perception of his abilities to meet them. Except for work related demands, a variety of demands and threats in the environment have to be faced continuously. As a result stress is created that manifest in people's behavior, work efficiency and socialization. In general, the education profession is considered among the most stressful careers in the world. This also applies to the South African educational system. U'hm teachers experience stress, it has a negative effect on their beloved ones. colleagues and the learners. Therefore teacher stress has a negative effect on the teaching system in general. Thus teacher stress can be considered to be a national problem. The real situation of teachers in South Africa was determined by means of an empirical study that \\as complimented by a qualitative investigation. In this study. stress is dealt with from the educational psychology. However. stress is a holistic multi-dimensional concept that can only by understood at best when it is approached from a multi-professional point of view. Equally all the actions to cope with stress are rnultidimensional actions. This research aims to develop among teachers an awareness of stress manifestations. with the purpose to identi6 and control stressors. These actions are strengthened by appropriate adaptations in life style and the management of resources. A comprehensive support program is suggested to guide teachers towards an understanding and control of stress. and the establishment of a social support system. while serious manifestations of stress should be addressed by means of professional services. Key words: stress. cope. stress management. education. self control. stress control, environment. work stress: organization stress. community stress. health. wellness. neurological exercise. physical exercise. physiological exercise. religion. humor. feeding. free radicals. anti-osidants. and diet. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Persoonlike finansiële bestuur van NWK Beperk–werknemers / deur Willem Jacobus Adriaan Kriel

Kriel, Willem Jacobus Adriaan January 2010 (has links)
Personal financial management is an integrated part of modern man's everyday life. It does not only involve spending his monthly income. It comprises his outlook on life, the way he handles all his financial affairs as well as the way he goes about minimizing his financial risks. The financial plan that the individual has to provide for his retirement, to take care of his dependants as well as the way that the assets he acquired during this lifetime, must be distributed after his death, also forms part of this personal financial management. The main purpose of the study is to determine the levels of personal financial management practiced by employees of NWK Limited, as well as to determine the need for guidance in this regard. The following aspects of personal financial management are researched in chapter 2. These aspects were used to determine to what extent personal financial management was performed by having the study population anonymously complete a customized questionnaire. The following aspects were applied: * Attitude towards money. * Management style with regards to money. * Time value of money. * The financial plan. * Investments. The results of the study confirmed that there is a definite need for guidance with regard to personal financial management, especially under the younger employees as well as the personnel in the lower job levels of the company. Through the rendering of a tailored guidance programme, productivity as well as the quality of life, especially after retirement, could be improved significantly. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Persoonlike finansiële bestuur van NWK Beperk–werknemers / deur Willem Jacobus Adriaan Kriel

Kriel, Willem Jacobus Adriaan January 2010 (has links)
Personal financial management is an integrated part of modern man's everyday life. It does not only involve spending his monthly income. It comprises his outlook on life, the way he handles all his financial affairs as well as the way he goes about minimizing his financial risks. The financial plan that the individual has to provide for his retirement, to take care of his dependants as well as the way that the assets he acquired during this lifetime, must be distributed after his death, also forms part of this personal financial management. The main purpose of the study is to determine the levels of personal financial management practiced by employees of NWK Limited, as well as to determine the need for guidance in this regard. The following aspects of personal financial management are researched in chapter 2. These aspects were used to determine to what extent personal financial management was performed by having the study population anonymously complete a customized questionnaire. The following aspects were applied: * Attitude towards money. * Management style with regards to money. * Time value of money. * The financial plan. * Investments. The results of the study confirmed that there is a definite need for guidance with regard to personal financial management, especially under the younger employees as well as the personnel in the lower job levels of the company. Through the rendering of a tailored guidance programme, productivity as well as the quality of life, especially after retirement, could be improved significantly. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Doeloriëntering en selfkonsep in spansport met besondere verwysing na skolerugby / Goal orientation and self-concept in teamsport with special reference to school rugby

Strydom, Lukas Albertus 10 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing het die verband tussen vroee adolessenterugbyspelers se doelorientering en selfkonsep, empiries en in die literatuur, ondersoek. Die literatuurondersoek het getoon dat doelorientering oar twee komponente beskik, naamlik taakbetrokkenheid en egobetrokkenheid. Taakbetrokke sportdeelnemers fokus op vaardigheidsontwikkeling en gebruik hulle eie prestasies as maatstaf vir sukses. Hulle beleef sukses wanneer 'n taak bemeester is, leer plaasvind, of daar 'n verbetering in die uitvoering van die taak is. Sukses word toegeskryf aan die mate van inspanning gelewer. Egobetrokke sportdeelnemers fokus op die wenmotief, gebruik normatiewe vergelyking as maatstaf vir prestasie, en beleef sukses wanneer hulle eie prestasies gunstig met die van ander kan vergelyk. Sukses word aan aangebore talent toegeskryf. Die empiriese ondersoek het bevind dat taakbetrokkenheid positief verband hou met die globale, persoonlike, en sosiale self. Egobetrokkenheid hou negatief verband met die fisieke self, en positief verband met kompetisie-angs. / The research investigated, in the literature and empirically, the possible relation between the goal orientation of male adolescent rugby players and their self-concept. The literature study indicated that goal orientation has two components, namely task involvement and ego involvement. In task-involved sport participation, skills development is emphasized, evaluation of achievement is self-referenced, and success experienced when learning takes place, a task is mastered, or when there is improvement in the execution of tasks. Success is attributed to effort. In ego-involved sport participation objective outcomes are emphasized (i.e. winning), evaluation of achievement is norm-based, and success experienced when own achievements are favourably compared to those of other sport participants. Success is attributed to natural ability. The empirical study indicated a positive relation between task-involved sport participation and the global, personal, and social self. A negative relation between ego-involved sport participation and the physical self, and a positive relation between ego involvement and competition-anxiety was found. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Spesialisering in Voorligting)
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Mentorskap as metode van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling : met spesiale verwysing na die toepassing daarvan binne die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika

Botha, Deonie Francesca 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in Afrikaans and English / Die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika ervaar 'n behoefte aan 'n metode van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling waarvolgens die vaardighede van werknemers ontwikkel kan word sodat die organisasie kan aanpas by plaaslike en globale veranderinge. Gestruktureerde mentorskap is vervolgens geidentifiseer as 'n geskikte metode om in die bestaande behoefte te voorsien, aangesien mentorskap se loopbaan- en psigo-sosiale funksies die ontwikkeling van die professionele en persoonlike vaardighede van die werknemer moontlik maak. Daarby is mentorskap nie net voordelig vir die betrokkenes nie, maar dit hou ook besliste voordele in vir die organisasie en die sektor waarbinne die organisasie werksaam is. Die suksesvolle toepassing van gestruktureerde mentorskap is egter daaraan onderhewig dat die kontekstuele omgewing waarbinne dit toegepas gaan word, geskik moet wees, en werknemers moet bereid wees om betrokke te raak by so 'n program. 'n Konseptuele raamwerk vir die bestudering van mentorskap soos opgestel deur David Marshall Hunt en Carol Michael is derhalwe aangepas om die verskynsel "mentorskap" deur middel van 'n verkennende literatuuroorsig te bestudeer. Die bevindinge van die literatuuroorsig word ondersteun deur 'n empiriese ondersoek van die geskiktheid van die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika as kontekstuele omgewing vir die toepassing van mentorskap en die bereidwilligheid van die werknemers van hierdie biblioteekorganisasie om betrokke te raak by die mentorskapproses. Die data wat ingesamel is, word ontleed en die gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak word oor bogenoemde twee vereistes vir die suksesvolle toepassing van mentorskap word uiteengesit. Die studie word afgesluit deur aanbevelings wat gemaak word oor aspekte van die toepassing van mentorskap wat verdere navorsing regverdig, maar wat nie binne die bestek van hierdie studie na behore aangespreek kon word nie. / Structured mentoring was identified as a method to develop the professional and personal skills of the employees of the National Library of South Africa in order to adjust to local and global changes. A conceptual framework for the study of mentoring, as developed by Hunt and Michael, was therefore critically adapted in order to investigate fully the phenomenon of "mentoring" by means of an exploratory literature review. The findings of the literature review are supported by an empirical survey to test the suitability of the National Library of South Africa as contextual environment for the application of mentoring, as well as the willingness of its employees to participate in mentoring. This culminated in an analysis and interpretation of the findings and formulation of conclusions regarding the two abovementioned requirements for the successful application of mentoring. The study ends with recommendations for further investigation into aspects of mentoring which could not be covered in this study. / Information Science / M. Inf.
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