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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fenomény filosofie výchovy - edukace / Phenomena philosophy of education - education

KOPTYŠOVÁ, Monika January 2018 (has links)
This work concern is about philosophy of upbringing the education. Theoretic part of thesis deals with the education from the perspective of philosophy, education, from the part of the medieval and modern age, to the present day. This work contains the philosophical reflection on philosophic resources of education, which means that education is the basic philosophic step for some alternative way of pedagogic outcomes and for the picture of modern individual and society education and philosophy. The ethic codex and dimensions is also mentioned as a part of educational philosophy. In the second empirical part of this work, we brought an analysis and a deep research by the questionnaire method to answer a question, how high is the awareness of teachers in schools about philosophic education. For the completion of the course and research, we used to study chess. The main goal and aim of this thesis was to achieve and bring to light an answer to question what philosophy, outcomes might be framed for the area of education, upbringing and educate in the present time, what is the basic picture of the individual and the society in the philosophical education and what are the possible ethical dimensions of philosophy education.


LEONARDO CESAR SOUZA RAMOS 20 June 2005 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação busca apresentar breves apontamentos para uma perspectiva neogramsciana da sociedade civil em tempos de globalização. Assim, após discorrer brevemente acerca das perspectivas neogramscianas da economia política global e dos conceitos de sociedade civil e globalização, serão explorados os impactos da globalização das relações sociais nos dois lados que se encontram em embate na sociedade civil. Serão apresentados também alguns dos dilemas enfrentados pela resistência progressista, como a questão da revolução passiva global e do aumento exponencial da coerção no âmbito mundial. Além disso, verse- á as transformações sofridas pelo par conceitual da sociedade civil - a sociedade política - e suas repercussões para os grupos sociais que atuam na sociedade civil. Por fim, será apresentada a importância e a necessidade de uma teoria crítica da economia política global para se pensar formas alternativas de globalização e o papel de Gramsci neste contexto. Ou seja, é exposta neste ponto a importância do legado gramsciano para se pensar não apenas a realidade social contemporânea mas também a sua transformação; daí a relevância de Gramsci também para os ativistas partícipes do movimento altermundialista - em outras palavras, são apresentadas as vantagens de se pensar a economia política global contemporânea a partir de uma perspectiva gramsciana. / [en] This dissertation aims to present some indications for a neogramscian perspective of the civil society in times of globalization. Therefore, after discuss briefly about the neogramscian perspectives of global political economy and the concepts of civil society and globalization, it will be explored the impacts of the globalization of the social relations in both sides that are in struggle in the civil society. It will be presented some of the dilemas facing by the progressive resistance, like the global passive revolution question and the exponential increase of the coertion in the global ambit. Also, it will be studied the transformations suffered by the conceptual pair of civil society - the political society - and their repercutions to the social groups that opetate in civil society. Finally, it will be presented the importance and the necessity of a global political economy critical theory in order to think alternative forms of globalization and the role of Gramsci in this context. In other words, in this point it is exposed the importance of gramscian legacy to think not only the contemporary social reality but also its transformation; this appoint to the reelvance of Gramsci also to the activist from the alterglobalist movement - in other words, there are presented the advantages of think the contemporary global political economy since a gramscian perspective.

Algèbres de Clifford conformes et orbites de points de vue d'images / Conformal Clifford algebras and image viewpoints orbit

El Mir, Ghina 09 July 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de décrire des modélisations des points de vue et des changements de points de vue d'images d'un objet planaire dans les algèbres de Clifford conformes. Nous généralisons le modèle conforme de l'espace euclidien à travers une famille à deux paramètres d'horosphère, chacune d'entre elles étant plongée dans un espace vectoriel réel de dimension 4 muni d'une métrique équivalente à la métrique de Minkowski. Nous décrivons par la suite deux approches pour mettre en œuvre ces modèles conformes généralisés pour les représentations d'images. L'idée de base est d'encoder les distorsions perspectives de l'objet causées par la variation du paramètre de latitude de la caméra au travers des paramètres d'une horosphère. La première approche consiste à considérer les horosphères de l'espace de Minkowski de dimension 4 pour encoder les points de vue. Les changements de points de vue sont alors linéarisés à travers un groupe de transformations linéaires et conformes de cet espace. Cette approche est ensuite généralisée en décrivant les points de vue à travers les objets d'un groupoïde dont les morphismes sont des diagrammes commutatifs qui représentent les changements de points de vue. Ainsi, une image conforme est décrite par une application définie sur une horosphère à deux paramètres. L'action du groupoïde sur l'ensemble des images conformes nous conduit à associer à tout objet planaire l'orbite de toutes ses images conformes obtenues à partir de tous les points de vue. / Our purpose in this work is to introduce representations of image viewpoints and viewpoint changes of a planar object in conformal Clifford algebras. Our important preliminary contribution is a generalization of the conformal model of the Euclidean space through a two-parameter family of horospheres. Each one of these is embedded into a real vector space of dimension 4 equipped with a metric equivalent to the Minkowski metric. We describe two approaches that make use of these generalized conformal models for image representations. These are based on modelings of perspective distortions of the object caused by a variation of the latitude angle of the camera. First, we model the image viewpoints by the horospheres of the Minkowski space of dimension 4. In this setting, the viewpoint changes are linearized through a group of linear conformal transformations of this space. This approach is generalized by describing the viewpoints through the objects of a groupoid whose morphisms are commutative diagrams that model the viewpoint changes. A conformal image is then described as a map defined on a horosphere. The action of the groupoid on the set of conformal images leads us to associate with every planar object the orbit of its conformal images from all viewpoints.

Cheminer avec Dieu: pentecôtisme et migration à Bruxelles / To walk with God: pentecostalism and migration in Brussels

Maskens, Maïté 22 June 2010 (has links)
Depuis une trentaine d’années, des Églises pentecôtistes portées par des communautés en migration ou issues de celles-ci ont fait leur apparition dans la capitale européenne. Leur implantation et leur succès grandissants vont de pair avec l’intensification des flux migratoires de ces trois dernières décennies en provenance d’Afrique sub-saharienne et d’Amérique Latine. Cette thèse entend explorer l’enchevêtrement entre l’expérience religieuse et le parcours migratoire des acteurs pentecôtistes euro-africains et euro-latinoaméricains à Bruxelles. Dans ces espaces, les convertis travaillent collectivement à réaliser la transformation encouragée par le scénario religieux qui consiste à appliquer le « plan parfait de Dieu » dans leur vie. Porteurs d’ambitions missionnaires, les fidèles donnent des contenus inédits à leur posture identitaire en redéfinissant la place qui leur est assignée dans le contexte de la Belgique postcoloniale. L’affiliation religieuse joue comme un marqueur de distinction, processus qui est particulièrement saillant dans le domaine de la sexualité et des rapports de genre entretenus à l’intérieur même des assemblées./During the past thirty years, Pentecostal churches, mostly composed by followers from Subsaharan Africa and Latin America, blossomed in Brussels. Their presence and growing success go hand in hand with the intensification of the migratory flows, the last three decades, from these two continents. This thesis investigates the relationship between the religious experience and the migratory route of the euro-African and euro-Latin-American Pentecostal actors in Brussels. In these meeting spaces, the converts work collectively to realise the transformation process encouraged by the religious scenario which consists in applying the perfect " plan of God " to their life. Carriers of missionary ambitions, the believers give new contents to their identity by redefining the place which is assigned to them in the context of post-colonial Belgium. The religious membership operates as a marker of distinction, a process which is particularly striking in the field of sexuality and gender relation maintained within the assemblies. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Exploring the nature of oppression as experienced by people with learning disabilities

Jeyacheya, D. Z. January 2015 (has links)
Aim: The principal aim of this qualitative research study is to gain a clearer understanding of oppression as experienced by People with Learning Disabilities (PWLD). In particular, this study investigated: 1) the nature of oppression - the typical kinds of oppression PWLD face during the course of their everyday lives; 2) the causes of their oppressive experiences: 3) the impact these oppressive experiences can have on their quality of life; and 4) their reaction - the strategies PWLD employ to prevent further oppression. Rationale: Despite policies of deinstitutionalisation since the 1980s, many PWLD have not found social integration easy and continue to endure oppressive experiences in community-based settings. The nature/extent of this social problem has often been overlooked by researchers and practitioners. Methods: This research was conducted using interpretive phenomenology as a methodology; an approach which influenced the study’s design, method of data collection and strategy for analysing the rich qualitative findings. Semi-structured interviews were carried out across two sample populations; a group of PWLD (N=11) and a group of community-based practitioners/carers (N=11). The participants were selected through purposive sampling and the qualitative data was analysed using a specific Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) process. Findings: PWLD remain a deeply oppressed social group. Respondents reported experiencing multiple forms of oppression, which seem to interact in complex ways and be present throughout the course of their lives. The two key super-ordinate themes (most dominant forms of oppression experienced by PWLD) emerging from the process of IPA appear to be: 1) The life-long effects of marginalisation (social exclusion, powerlessness and existing as a socio-economic underclass) and 2) Multiple forms of victimisation (coping with exploitation, intimidation and abuse, both overt and subtle, from the public, family members and at times practitioners). Respondents believe that the underlying cause of their oppressive experiences is society’s negative perception. Negative attitudes and beliefs arise from oppressive social forces such as: the use of diagnostic labels, segregated special needs education and limited opportunities for employment. These are experiences which respondents assert often do little more than spoil their social identity as human beings. Conclusion: The findings confirm that PWLD living in the community continue to encounter negative social experiences which are pervasive. This research attempts to draw together and make sense of these experiences in terms of the concept of oppression. Through gaining a clearer understanding of the marginalised and victimised status of PWLD policy makers will be more informed about how to respond to their social and economic needs, and in turn help alleviate their experiences of oppression.

Aplikace Balanced Scorecard ve výrobní společnosti / Application of Balanced Scorecard in a Manufacturing Company

Vyhnálková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the diploma thesis on the topic "Application of Balanced Scorecard in a manufacturing company" is to develop a draft of the strategic management Balanced Scorecard system for the company NEZA Pelhřimov, spol. s r.o., which produces stainless steel equipment. The subject of the theoretical part is the strategic management, that is focused on strategic analysis and definition of mission, vision and strategy. The theoretical part deals with explanation of Balanced Scorecard method as well. The practical part starts with strategic analysis of the company. The mission, vision and strategy of the company are designed and the Balanced Score measurements are applied. In the conclusion is created the strategic map.

The Perspectives of Preschool Teachers on Instructional Coaching

Clough, Melanie Smith 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers describe instructional coaching. Instructional coaching has become a leading form of professional development in educational settings, yet there is a lack of empirical evidence that explains and clarifies it. One aspect of instructional coaching that is not known is how teachers perceive it. In order to gain understanding about instructional coaching, the perspectives of the teachers could provide valuable insight to benefit those involved in the practice. Instructional coaching and the schools where coaching takes place are complex in nature. Through the use of one-on-one interviews, an in-depth look at teachers’ perspectives provided insight into some of these complexities. Fifteen teachers in six child care centers participated in this study. Two qualitative strategies—inductive analysis (Hatch, 2002) and educational criticism (Eisner, 1998)—were used to analyze interview data from which three themes were formed: (a) instructional coaching is a means of building instructional capacity, (b) instructional coaching requires a supportive environment, and (c) instructional coaching increases children’s learning opportunities. The themes are perspectives from which to view and understand instructional coaching in preschool classrooms. One conclusion in this study was that all three themes were substantially supported by extant literature and empirical research. The implication for policy and practice is that instructional coaching is contingent upon change and change is difficult due to resistance by teachers and systemic issues. Five recommendations are highlighted in this study: (a) instructional coaches should demonstrate a high level of proficiency in educational knowledge and practice, (b) coaches should be involved in on-going professional development that includes communication training, (c) teacher supervisors should be involved in instructional coaching as instructional leaders, (d) instructional coaching should be intentional, and (e) instructional coaching should have child learning as its primary focus. Further research is needed to better understand the perspective of teachers in the field of early childhood education; the perspectives of instructional coaches in the field of early childhood education; and how to effectively involve teacher supervisors in the coaching process to develop teacher leaders and support them to assume the duties and responsibilities of highly effective instructional leaders who influence deep, sustained learning facilitated by problem-solving- and creativity-focused instruction

Projeto amigos da natureza: uma relação entre creche e comunidade no município de Santo André/SP / Proyecto amigos de la naturaleza: una relación entre guardería y comunidad en el municipio de Santo André / SP

Silva, Talita Penelope Rodrigues da 19 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-07-18T20:34:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Talita Penelope.pdf: 1808826 bytes, checksum: b6e77c83838620b878fd9d63bff97a9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T20:34:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Talita Penelope.pdf: 1808826 bytes, checksum: b6e77c83838620b878fd9d63bff97a9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-19 / This intervention research aims to analyze if the Friends of Nature Project allowed the relationship between day care and community. As specific objectives we highlight the following: Check what the community and the teachers understand by projects; understand how project work is revealed in the practices of teachers and community; to verify how the relationship between day care and the community took place. We seek to answer the following questions: What do the community and the teachers understand by projects? How is project work revealed in the practices of teachers and community? How did the relationship between day care and community take place? This is a qualitative research carried out in a nursery of the municipal network of the city of Santo André / SP. The data collection procedures are recorded and transcribed meetings and semi-structured interviews with four teachers, a community leader and a mother in order to find elements about the development of the project, based on the records elaborated by the teachers and the contributions brought by the community in the community leader. We also analyzed the following documents: Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP), weekly, documents about the history of day care in the city of Santo André. The theoretical reference is based on the following authors: Bondioli (2004), Barbosa and Horn (2008); Oliveira (year), Freire (2003), Gadotti (2005), Rinaldi (2016), Romão (2002) Vasconcellos (2005). As results we verified that the subjects of the research understand that working with projects, strengthen ties between family, community and day care contributing to the learning of all. They perceive that there is still an assistentialist vision on the part of the families of the children and that the project made it possible to think this conception in order to overcome it. In addition, the project allowed an interdisciplinary work with children, family and community leader, leading them to realize that daycare is not limited to caring for the child, but mainly to educate for life in society. Environmental education is an essential issue today, but we find it very difficult to work with small children, since it is necessary to involve educators, families and the community in general, in which change of habits does not always happen quickly and needs to be resumed constantly. / Esta investigación-intervención tiene por objetivo analizar si el Proyecto Amigos de la Naturaleza permitió la relación entre guardería y comunidad. Como objetivos específicos elencamos los siguientes: Verificar lo que la comunidad y las profesoras entienden por proyectos; comprender cómo el trabajo con proyecto se revela en las prácticas de las profesoras y de la comunidad; verificar cómo se dio la relación entre guardería y comunidad. Buscamos responder las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué entiende la comunidad y las profesoras por proyectos? ¿Cómo el trabajo con proyectos se revela en las prácticas de las profesoras y la comunidad? ¿Cómo se dio la relación entre guardería y comunidad? Se trata de una investigación de naturaleza cualitativa realizada en una guardería de la red municipal de la ciudad de Santo André / SP. Los procedimientos de recolección de datos son encuentros audiograbados y transcritos y entrevistas semiestructuradas con cuatro docentes, un líder comunitario y una madre a fin de buscar elementos sobre el desarrollo del proyecto, pautándonos en los registros elaborados por las profesoras y las contribuciones traídas por la comunidad en la comunidad figura del líder comunitario. También analizamos los siguientes documentos: Proyecto Político-Pedagógico (PPP), semanarios, documentos sobre la historia de la guardería en la prefectura de Santo André. El referencial teórico está pautado en los siguientes autores: Bondioli (2004), Barbosa y Horn (2008); (2003), Gadotti (2005), Rinaldi (2016), Romão (2002) Vasconcellos (2005). Como resultados verificamos que los sujetos de la investigación entienden que el trabajo con proyectos, estrechan lazos entre familia, comunidad y guardería contribuyendo para el aprendizaje de todos. Se percibe que todavía existe una visión asistencialista por parte de los familiares de los niños y que el proyecto posibilitó pensar esta concepción buscando superarla. Además, el proyecto permitió un trabajo interdisciplinario con los niños, familiares y líderes comunitarios, llevándolos a percibir que la guardería no se limita a cuidar del niño, pero, principalmente, educar para la vida en sociedad. La educación ambiental es una temática imprescindible en los días actuales, pero encontramos muchas dificultades en trabajar este contenido con niños pequeños, pues hay que involucrar a educadores, familias y la comunidad en general, en el cual el cambio de hábitos no siempre ocurre rápidamente, necesitando ser retomada constantemente. / Esta pesquisa-intervenção tem por objetivo analisar se o Projeto Amigos da Natureza permitiu a relação entre creche e comunidade. Como objetivos específicos elencamos os seguintes: Verificar o que a comunidade e as professoras entendem por projetos; compreender como o trabalho com projeto se revela nas práticas das professoras e da comunidade; verificar como se deu a relação entre creche e comunidade. Buscamos responder as seguintes perguntas: O que a comunidade e as professoras entendem por projetos? Como o trabalho com projetos se revela nas práticas das professoras e comunidade? Como se deu a relação entre creche e comunidade? Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa realizada em uma creche da rede municipal da cidade de Santo André/SP. Os procedimentos de coleta de dados são encontros audiogravados e transcritos e entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro docentes, um líder comunitário e uma mãe a fim de buscar elementos sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto, pautando-nos nos registros elaborados pelas professoras e as contribuições trazidas pela comunidade na figura do líder comunitário. Também analisamos os seguintes documentos: Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP), semanários, documentos sobre a história da creche na prefeitura de Santo André. O referencial teórico está pautado nos seguintes autores: Bondioli (2004), Barbosa e Horn (2008); Oliveira (ano), Freire (2003), Gadotti (2005), Rinaldi (2016), Romão (2002) Vasconcellos (2005). Como resultados verificamos que os sujeitos da pesquisa entendem que o trabalho com projetos, estreitam laços entre família, comunidade e creche contribuindo para a aprendizagem de todos. Percebem que ainda existe uma visão assistencialista por parte dos familiares das crianças e que o projeto possibilitou pensar esta concepção buscando superá-la. Além disso, o projeto permitiu um trabalho interdisciplinar com as crianças, familiares e líder comunitário, levando-os a perceber que a creche não se limita a cuidar da criança, mas, principalmente educar para a vida em sociedade. A educação ambiental é uma temática imprescindível nos dias atuais, porém encontramos muitas dificuldades em trabalhar este conteúdo com crianças pequenas, pois é preciso envolver educadores, famílias e a comunidade em geral, no qual a mudança de hábitos nem sempre acontece rapidamente, precisando ser retomada constantemente.

Zimbabwean Ndebele perspectives on alternative modes of child birth

Chamisa, Judith Audrey 12 1900 (has links)
The study explored cultural perspectives of the Zimbabwean Ndebele on alternative modes of childbirth. A qualitative generic, exploratory and descriptive design guided the study. The problem is that alternative modes of birthing are not acceptable to the Zimbabwean Ndebele. Women who give birth through alternative modes of birthing, which include caesarean section (CS) instrumental deliveries (ID) and any other unnatural modes are stigmatised. Data were collected from purposively selected samples of women who had given birth through alternative modes of birthing, spouses, mothers-in-law, community elders, sangomas (traditional healers) and traditional birth attendants (TBAs) using individual unstructured in-depth interviews, structured interviews and focus group interviews (FGIs). Data were analysed through use of qualitative content analysis which involved verbatim transcripts. Interpretations of narrations of data and script reviewing were done while simultaneously listening to audio-tapes which were transcribed in the IsiNdebele the language that was used to collect data. Data were then translated into English to accommodate all readers. Accounts of all the informants that were interviewed point to effects of supernatural ancestral powers, infidelity and use of traditional and herbal medicines as cause for “tiedness” (labour complications), a concept that showed a strong thread throughout the study. Study findings illuminated that traditional practices are culture-bound and the desire is to perpetuate the valued culture. Recommendations made from the study are; cultural orientation of local and foreign health workers, cultural consultation and collaboration with sangomas (traditional healers) and particular recognition of the significance of the study as a cultural heritage of the Zimbabwean Ndebele society. Further research on how women and their spouses cope with the grieving process after experiencing the crisis and grief following CS is recommended. With all the recommended areas addressed, Zimbabwean Ndebele would find alternative modes of birthing acceptable. / Health Studies / D. Lit. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Mathematics Education from a Non-Visual and Disability Studies Perspective: Experiences of Students, Families, and Educators

Ahmed, Ishtiaq January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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