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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weltoffen– weil's vernünftig ist

02 September 2020 (has links)
Rede von Werner D’Inka im Rahmen der `Wolfgang Donsbach Perspectives` am 26. Mai 2016. Redaktionsschluss: 13.01.2017

Speciallärarens syn på matematikundervisning för yngre elever med språkstörning svårigheter och anpassningar / The special education teacher´s view on teaching mathematics to younger children with DLD obstacles and adjustments

Carlsson, Anita, Mathiasson, Petra January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien är att forskning kring elever med språkstörning i matematikundervisningen ärbegränsad. Den lilla forskning som finns är mest internationell. Syftet är att vi vill bidra med en inblick ivilka svårigheter som kan uppstå och hur matematikundervisningen kan utformas för elever medspråkstörning, på lågstadiet och mellanstadiet. Det är en kvalitativ studie, som gjordes medsemistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet är begränsat, endast nio speciallärare med inriktning motmatematikutveckling deltog. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från den sociokulturella teorin medmedierande verktyg och den didaktiska teorin med hur undervisning kan ske. Vi analyserar resultatetmed utgångspunkt i de specialpedagogiska perspektiven, kategoriskt och relationellt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att samtliga speciallärare upplever att det är språket som ställer till det för elevermed språkstörning i matematik. Det är främst matematiska begrepp och kommunikation påmatematiklektioner som framkommer i intervjuerna. Kartläggningen utgör grunden när speciallärarnagör individuella anpassningar. Många speciallärare har enskild undervisning med eleverna medspråkstörning då de arbetar med begreppsbildning och använder det medierande verktyget konkretmaterial. Detta ska leda fram till att eleven med språkstörning ska kunna delta i klassundervisningen.Slutsatsen av studien visar att det finns behov av att kunskaperna kring elever med språkstörning imatematik ökar. Vid speciallärarutbildningen behöver språkutveckling och sambandet mellan språk ochmatematik ingå. Vi anser att kommunerna bör ha personal med kompetens om språkstörning ditspeciallärarna kan vända sig vid behov. / The basis of our study is that research on mathematics education for pupils with DLD, DevelopmentalLanguage Disorder is limited. The research which does exist is predominantly international. Thepurpose of our study is to offer insight in difficulties which may arise and how mathematical educationmay be designed for pupils in grades 1-6 with DLD. This is a qualitative study based on semi-structuredinterviews. The selection has been limited, only nine special education teachers, specializing inmathematical development, took part. Our results are analyzed from a special educational viewpoint,categorical and relational. The results of our study show that every one of the special education teachers feel that language is anissue for pupils with DLD in mathematics. The main issues, which come up in the interviews, are to dowith concept and communication within mathematics. Mapping makes up the basis for the adaptationsspecial education teachers do. Many special education teachers utilize individual teaching for pupils withDLD, when they work on conceptualization, using the mediating tool physical material. This is meant tolead to the pupil with DLD being able to take part in class teaching.Our conclusion is that there exists a need to increase knowledge on mathematical education for pupilswith DLD. Language development and the link between language and mathematics, needs to beincluded in the training of special education teachers. It is our opinion that municipalities require skilledstaff with knowledge of DLD, to whom special education teachers may turn when needed.

Makt- och genusrelationer i års- och hållbarhetsrapporter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om avbildning och reproducering av könsroller utifrån bilder

Ivic, Maria, Österberg, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur genus- och maktrelationer avbildas samt reproduceras genom bilder från The Big Fours års- och hållbarhetsrapporter. Tidigare forskning har klarlagt behovet att på ett adekvat sätt särskilja mellan kön och genus inom kritisk redovisningsforskning. Således grundas studien i en rad feministiska teorier och kritisk organisationsteori, såväl som tidigare forskning där genus står i fokus. Dessa teorier tillämpas vid en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och efterföljande slutledning. Detta för att identifiera dolda processer inom organisationerna som inverkar på hur hierarkier utformas inom dessa.  Resultaten påvisar att det existerar ett könande inom organisationerna som är till mannens fördel. Dock är generaliserbarheten av studiens empiri begränsad utifrån resultatet av den logistiska regressionen. Symboler för ett starkt ledarskap förknippas med maskulinitet och mannen avbildas oftare som stående inom urvalet, vilket studien härleder till uttryck för rådande och önskade hierarkier. Därtill påvisar empirin att aktivitet till högre grad avbildas som ett manligt attribut vilket studien förklarar som ett uttryck för ett rådande informationsövertag. Det återfinns dock frekvenser som gör gällande att kvinnan ges utrymme att komma till tals och således att dennes perspektiv tas tillvara på. Detta då kvinnan till en högre grad avbildas som seriös i sällskap av män än ensam. Genusrelationer identifieras men processerna är genomgående subtila. Sociala koder och normativa påtryckningar kan dock påpekas. / The purpose of this study is to examine how gender and power dynamics are depicted and reproduced through images from The Big Four’s Swedish branches, in their annual and sustainability reports. Previous research clarifies the need for a separation between sex and gender within critical accounting research in order to expand the current empirical reach. Hence this study utilizes several feminist perspectives as well as critical organizational theory combined with previous research where gender has been at the center. The study’s content analysis and deduction, along with its conclusion, is built upon these theories to identify hidden processes that constitute real-life gender based hierarchies within said organizations.  Furthermore the results of this study points to a continued gendering within these organizations that favour the male sex. However the generalizability of the empirical findings are limited due to the outcome of the logistic regression. Symbols of strong leadership are continuously associated with a sense of masculinity and the male is more often depicted as standing up, symbolizing being higher up in the organizational hierarchy. Empirical evidence is laid forth stating that a higher frequency of being active is tied to being male and furthermore a masculine attribute. Although, measured frequencies show that the woman is granted the opportunity of having her perspective listened to and through that her epistemic privilege utilized as she’s, to a relatively high degree, represented as serious when accompanied by men. Gender relations are identified as parts of subtle processes that are sometimes even to be labelled as ambiguous.

Fenomenet digitala lärverktyg : Högstadieelevers uppfattningar om digitala lärverktyg och dess språkliga stöd i undervisningen / The phenomenon of digital learning tools : High school students' perceptions of digital learning tools and their linguistic support

Holm, Weronica, Persson, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
I litteratur och tidigare forskning framgår digitala lärverktyg som viktiga hjälpmedel för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Datorn och dess program som rättstavning, talsyntes och tal-till-text kan ha en avgörande betydelse för dem för att nå målen i sin utbildning. Trots detta visar forskning att det är många elever som väljer att tacka nej till användning av datorer. I tidigare forskning finns det få exempel där elevernas röster blir hörda och där man kan ta del av deras tankar och känslor kring digitala lärverktyg och deras inverkan på lärande. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur några högstadieelever med dyslexi och/eller språkstörning upplever användningen av digitala lärverktyg. Studien har genomförts på två skolor i två olika kommuner. Genom en intervjuundersökning har vi fått svar från tio elever. Intervjusvaren sammanställdes och analyserades. Resultatet har sammanställts utifrån fem teman: tillgång, användning, stöd, fördelar och utmaningar. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgjordes av sociokulturella perspektiv och multimodal teori. Slutsatser som dragits är att eleverna har tillgång till flera olika digitala lärverktyg men de väljer inte alltid att använda sig av alla de har tillgång till. Elever uppfattar att verktygen främst ger dem stöd i läs- och skrivsituationer och möjliggör för dem att följa med i klasskamraternas tempo och göra samma uppgifter som övriga. Utmaningar som eleverna beskriver med verktygen är exempelvis yttre faktorer som teknikstrul och dålig internetuppkoppling, att program som tal-till-text försvårar inkludering då det krävs en tyst plats där inget försvårar ljudupptagningen. Digitala lärverktyg utmanar också när stöd uteblir vid användning av dem. / In literature and previous research it shows that digital learning tools are an important aid for pupils with reading and writing difficulties. The computer and its programs like spelling, word prediction, speech synthesis and speech-to-text can have a crucial meaning for them to reach the goals for their school education. Despite this, research shows that many pupils choose to say no to the use of computers. In previous research there are few examples where the students' voices are heard and where they can share their thoughts and feelings about digital learning tools and their impact on learning. The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge of how some high school students with dyslexia and/or language impairment experience the use of digital learning tools. The study was conducted at two schools in two different municipalities. Through an interview survey, we have received answers from ten students. The results of the interviews were compiled and analyzed. The results have been compiled based on five themes: access, use, support, benefits and challenges. The theoretical framework of the study consisted of sociocultural perspectives and multimodal theories. Conclusions drawn are that students have access to several different digital learning tools but they do not always choose to use all they have access to. Students experience that the tools primarily give them support in reading and writing situations and enable them to follow the classmates´ pace and do the same tasks as others. Challenges that the students describe with the tools are, for example, external factors such as technology problems and poor internet connection and that programs such as speech-to-text make inclusion more difficult as a quiet place is required where nothing interfere sound recording. Digital learning tools also challenge when support is not available in use.

Essais en économie de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles sous incertitude

Kakeu Kengne, Justin Johnson 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Preschool Teachers' Perspectives on Caring Relationships, Autonomy, and Intrinsic Motivation in Two Cultural Settings

Tian, Xiaoling 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study explored preschool teachers' perspectives on caring relationships and their perceptions of how such relationships affect children's autonomy and motivation in preschool in two cultural settings: one city in China and another in the U.S. Data was collected from preschool teachers in both locations using a qualitative interviewing research strategy. The study found that consensus exists among preschool teachers from the two cities about the importance of caring relationships, in which trust, acceptance, equality, and mutual respect were viewed as these relationships' primary characteristics. There were also shared values regarding teachers' roles and their effective strategies for establishing social skills and caring and sharing among children. Nevertheless, some underlying assumptions about caring, especially teachers' understandings of autonomy and motivation, differed somewhat in relation to the social, cultural, philosophical, or practical influences in the two cultural contexts. The results of the study provide opportunities for early childhood teachers and teacher educators in both contexts to reflect on their own assumptions about these values, as well as insights for preparing caring teachers in both cultural settings.

Identifying Teacher Emotional-Social Competencies That Predict Positive & Negative Relationships With Students

Fults, Justin R. 02 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Self-Directed Career Growth Success Factors of Autistic Business Leaders Who Serve The United States Tech Industry. A Phenomenological Study

Cohen, Jason Todd 31 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

No smoking! A critical examination of how Quebec tobacco control discourse may affect social inequalities in smoking

Lapalme, Josée 03 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, la prévalence du tabagisme a diminué de façon significative. Ce succès est attribué aux politiques populationnelles de lutte contre le tabagisme telles que les campagnes anti-tabac, les interdictions de fumer, les hausses de taxation et les restrictions sur la vente des produits tabagiques. Néanmoins, les inégalités sociales en matière de tabagisme s’accroissent; la prévalence de tabagisme demeure élevée au sein des groupes défavorisés, notamment ceux ayant un faible statut socio-économique (SSE). Malgré la recherche existante qui porte sur les effets des politiques de lutte contre le tabagisme selon le SSE, comment ces politiques affectent ces inégalités est peu documentée. Ainsi, dans le contexte où le Québec s’est engagé dans une lutte contre le tabagisme avec l’adoption d’une politique populationnelle en 2015, « Loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le tabagisme » (L44), et le développement d’une stratégie populationnelle en 2020 qui priorisent la réduction des inégalités sociales en matière de tabagisme, cette thèse aborde une question de grande pertinence pour la santé publique : comment les politiques publiques populationnelles, telles que L44, pourraient-elles affecter les inégalités sociales de la santé? Cette thèse explore cette question de recherche par l’entremise de trois articles : un article conceptuel et deux articles empiriques. L’article conceptuel présente l’intérêt de la théorie de l’intersectionnalité pour la recherche sur les inégalités sociales de la santé, particulièrement lorsque cette recherche intègre les deux principes de l’intersectionnalité : le principe soulignant le rôle des structures sociales dans la reproduction d’inégalités sociales étant souvent négligé pour privilégier le principe faisant valoir les expériences des groupes sociaux défavorisés. Cet article permet donc d’encadrer cette thèse afin qu’elle considère les politiques de lutte contre le tabagisme et les pratiques des praticiens en lutte contre le tabagisme (PLT) comme étant des facteurs structuraux qui influencent les inégalités sociales en matière de tabagisme. Guidés par un devis qualitatif basé sur l’analyse critique du discours, les deux articles empiriques (articles 2 et 3) examinent le discours des politiques de lutte contre le tabagisme comme un mécanisme reliant ces politiques et les pratiques des PLT aux inégalités sociales en matière de tabagisme. D’abord, l’article 2 applique l’analyse poststructuraliste de Bacchi aux transcriptions des consultations parlementaires pour le projet de loi L44 avec des acteurs québécois de lutte contre le tabagisme. Cette analyse démontre que L44 renforce et avance des discours problématisant « le fumeur » comme groupe moralement déviant et duquel les non-fumeurs doivent être protégés. Il y est discuté la façon dont cette problématisation concrétise les relations de pouvoir entre les non-fumeurs et les personnes qui fument, ce qui donne le « droit » aux non-fumeurs de réguler ces dernières personnes. Il apparaît ainsi que L44 renforce l’identité sociale du fumeur qui se retrouve aux intersections du SSE, du genre, ou de la race. En employant un tel discours, il est soutenu que L44 pourrait perpétuer les inégalités sociales en matière de tabagisme. L’article 3 emprunte le concept poststructuraliste des « pratiques discursives » afin d’analyser des entrevues faites avec des PLT au Québec. Cet article illustre comment leurs pratiques sont issues de discours sur la prévention du risque et le changement de comportement. Ces pratiques favorisent les interventions visant la réduction de la prévalence du tabagisme auprès de groupes « à risque » au détriment d’interventions ciblant les facteurs structuraux inéquitables dont découlent les inégalités sociales en matière du tabagisme. Toutefois, les PLT qui travaillent avec des personnes défavorisées qui fument, contrairement à ceux qui travaillent en prévention du tabagisme, tiennent un discours plus nuancé qui attribue une importance à l’amélioration des conditions sociales liées au risque de fumer. Cet article suggère que d’élargir les discours dominants en santé publique, notamment en intégrant l’expérience vécue des groupes défavorisés, a le potentiel de produire des discours et des politiques axés vers la promotion de l’équité en santé. Bien qu’ancrée dans le contexte de la lutte contre le tabagisme, les connaissances générées par cette thèse pourront éclairer d’autres discours et politiques de santé publique. En utilisant une approche critique et théorique novatrice, l’importance d’adopter une perspective réflexive envers les connaissances, présuppositions et valeurs qui sous-tendent la problématisation d’un phénomène de la santé (p.ex. le tabagisme), est établie. Cette recherche démontre également qu’il est impératif d’intégrer l’expérience vécue dans l’élaboration de politiques publiques, de cibler les déterminants structuraux ainsi que d’engager les praticiens en santé publique dans le travail intersectoriel afin de réduire les inégalités sociales de la santé. / Significant reductions in smoking prevalence in Canada are attributed to population-level tobacco control policies, such as media campaigns, smoke-free policies, tax increases, and restrictions on the sale of tobacco products. Despite this public health success, social inequalities in smoking have been increasing, with smoking prevalence remaining high in certain socially disadvantaged groups, notably those of low socio-economic status (SES). Although research investigates potential effects of tobacco control policies across SES groups, evidence on how such policies come to have these inequitable effects is lacking. With Quebec’s implementation of a 2015 population-level tobacco control policy, An Act to Bolster Tobacco Control (L44), and a 2020 strategy addressing the reduction of social inequalities in smoking, this thesis attends to a pressing public health question: how might population-level policies, such as L44, impact social inequalities in health? To answer this question, the thesis is comprised of one conceptual article and two empirical articles. The conceptual article discusses the important insights that can be gained from using intersectionality theory when researching social inequalities in health, notably when examining both tenets of intersectionality – the tenet highlighting the role of intersecting social structures in the reproduction of social inequalities is often neglected to privilege the tenet underlining the experiences of intersecting social identities – to better understand the complexity of such inequalities. This article led the thesis to focus on tobacco control policies and practices of tobacco control practitioners (TCP) as structural factors influencing social inequalities in smoking. Using a qualitative critical discourse analysis design, the two empirical articles (articles 2 and 3) critically examine tobacco control discourse as a mechanism linking tobacco control policies and TCP practices to social inequalities in smoking. Article 2 applies a Bacchian post-structuralist approach to policy discourse analysis to documents detailing L44 parliamentary consultations with Quebec tobacco control policy stakeholders. This article demonstrates that L44 reinforces and advances anti-smoking discourses by problematising “the smoker” as a distinct morally deviant category of people from which non-smokers need to be protected. This problematisation is further shown to reify power relations between non-smokers and people who smoke, providing non-smokers the “right” to regulate people who smoke. It appears that by subjectifying and regulating people who smoke, L44, via its discourse, contributes to anchoring smoking status as a social identity intersecting with other social identities such as SES, gender, and/or race. In this way, it may contribute to perpetuating social inequalities in smoking. In article 3, the post-structural concept of “discursive practices” is used to analyse interviews with Quebec TCP. This article illustrates how their practices are shaped by discourses of risk prevention and behaviour change. This was observed through their practices, which reproduced stigmatising representations of “the smoker” (echoing findings from article 2) and supported interventions targeting reductions in smoking prevalence for “at-risk” groups, rather than those addressing inequitable structural determinants of smoking. However, TCP working directly with socially disadvantaged people who smoke, compared to those working in policy, held comparatively more nuanced discursive practices, leading to reduced stigma and attention to the social conditions placing their patients at greater risk of smoking. This article concludes that broadening dominant public health discourses to integrate the lived experiences of socially disadvantaged people who smoke will likely produce more inclusive discourses and favour social policies that reduce social inequalities. This in contrast to risk prevention and behaviour change discourses that may entrench such inequalities. The insights from this thesis can be applied to the relationships between a range of public health policies and social inequalities in health. By offering a critical perspective on tobacco control discourse through a novel theoretically-combined approach, this thesis ultimately aims to inform public health policy design by demonstrating strategies to reduce social inequalities in health and promote health equity. Chiefly, it underlines the importance of questioning unexamined knowledge, assumptions, and values shaping conceptualisations of health problems (e.g., smoking) and policy responses (e.g., tobacco control policies). It also demonstrates the importance of integrating lived experience in policy design and for public health practitioners to work intersectorally in order to achieve reductions in social inequalities in health.

Состояние и перспективы развития детского хоккея с шайбой в городе Екатеринбурге и Свердловской области (на примере спортивной школы олимпийского резерва по хоккею «Спартаковец») : магистерская диссертация / Present status and the development prospects of junior ice hockey in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. (Specifically looking at an Ice-Hockey School «Spartakovets»)

Каримов, В. Р., Karimov, V. R. January 2019 (has links)
Abstract to the master's thesis on the topic: Present status and the development prospects of junior ice hockey in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. (Specifically looking at an Ice-Hockey School «Spartakovets»). This research paper is 94 pages long and includes 13 tables, 8 graphs. Sources used: 60 The main focus of this dissertation is finding some ways to improve the existing system of managing the junior ice hockey so as to make the development of this sport more effective in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk oblast. During this research the analysis of current state of junior ice hockey was carried out and some factors holding back the development of this sport were identified. Also some practical solutions of the problems dairy appearing in sports schools were found and aimed to develop ice hockey in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk oblast. Therefore, based on the results of this research a plan of strategic expansion of junior ice hockey in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk oblast was introduced and a concept of a new training facility for ice-hockey was established. / Аннотация к магистерской диссертации на тему: Состояние и перспективы развития детского хоккея с шайбой в городе Екатеринбурге и Свердловской области (на примере спортивной школы олимпийского резерва по хоккею «Спартаковец»). Работа включает: 94 страницы, 13 таблиц, 8 рисунков, использованных источников – 60. Диссертация посвящена выявлению путей совершенствования системы управления детским хоккеем Екатеринбурга и Свердловской области с целью повышения эффективности развития этого вида спорта. В ходе исследования проведен анализ состояния, выявлены факторы, сдерживающие развитие детско-юношеского хоккея в Екатеринбурге и Свердловской области и определены практические пути решения тех проблем, которые возникают повсеместно в спортивных детских учреждениях, ориентированных на развитие хоккея. На основе полученных результатов исследования предложен план стратегического развития детско-юношеского хоккея в Екатеринбурге и Свердловской области и разработана концепция создания центра олимпийской подготовки по хоккею.

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