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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roles, rights, and responsibilities in the sustainable management of red deer populations in Scotland

Witta, Lorin E. January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the project was to explore the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge amongst decision-makers involved in the management of red deer in Scotland. While research exists on the ecology of red deer habitat, no research exists that focuses on the relationship between the deer and the people responsible for their management. Therefore, this thesis is primarily qualitative research which aimed to explore the various aspects of red deer management in Scotland within the socio-ecological context in which it exists. There are numerous groups with interest in red deer management, however this research, due to scope and time restrictions, was limited to two primary groups, the individuals tasked with implementing policy and the practitioners who carry out culling. During the course of the project, under-researched topics surfaced, highlighting areas of practical and theoretical divergence between stakeholders. This thesis therefore aims to explore how differing views and perspectives of two of the key stakeholder groups – the estate-based practitioners (including stalkers, land-managers, and land-owners) and staff of governmental agencies – influence the management of red deer in Scotland. This research indicates that people with different roles hold different relationships with the deer, which affect management decisions and implementation at local, regional, and/or national level. As with other areas within conservation and wildlife management, this research indicates there is a disconnect between blanket governmental policy and site-specific needs, with a lack of inclusion of practitioner knowledge. Potential future research would include additional qualitative research to follow up some of the management issues raised by this research and formulate recommendations for changes to practice, followed by collection of quantitative data assessing the efficacy of interventions.

Att etablera och integrera i Sverige : En studie utifrån nyanländas perspektiv / To establish and integrate in Sweden : A study based on newly arrived’s perspectives

Johansson Sundel, Nathalie, Örtlund, Emmy January 2018 (has links)
Utifrån ett historiskt perspektiv är Sverige ett land som människor från olika delar av världen invandrat till. Framförallt under 1900-talet ökade invandringen till Sverige, inte minst under 1960-1970 talet där vi kan urskilja en kraftig ökning av arbetsinvandring. Under denna tidsperiod hade utrikes födda personer högre sysselsättningsgrad än infödda. Idag har utrikes födda en lägre sysselsättningsgrad än personer som är födda i Sverige (Björkman 2003).   Vidare är invandring och integration enligt väljarna den viktigaste frågan inför valet 2018. Stor grupp av människor som flytt från krigsdrabbade Syrien och det politiskt instabila Eritrea och Somalia har till följd gjort att frågan är mer aktuell än någonsin. Bara under 2016 sökte 160 000 personer asyl till Sverige. I samband med detta växer högerpopulistiska röster runt om Europa, däribland i Sverige (Turesson 2017).   Regeringens insatser för nyanländas etableringsprocess skall enligt etableringsreformen bestå av en personlig plan för att uppnå ett konkret mål - ett arbete. Det som är sociologiskt intressant i denna etableringsprocess enligt oss är att undersöka nyanländas egna upplevelser, både vad gäller deras möjligheter till ett arbete men också sociala dimensioner som har betydelse för deras etablering och integrering. Omgivningen är av stor betydelse för att de nyanlända skall få ett arbete och för att de skall trivas i det nya landet Sverige. Tyvärr är det många som invandrat till Sverige som blir deprimerade och får en försämrad hälsa då de känner sig utanför, ensamma och upplever att det saknar inflytande. Både vad gäller deras egen situation men också i samhället (Hadziabdic & Sandström, 2006). Idag tar det upp till tre gånger så lång tid att få ett arbete och att försörja sig än vad det gjorde under slutet på 1900-talet. Hela 60 procent av de män som invandrat till Sverige under 1980-talet hade ett arbete efter två till tre år, medan det tog upp till fem år för kvinnor under samma tidsperiod. Idag tar det upp till nio år för män och upp till tolv år för kvinnor, trots allt flera av dem som fått uppehållstillstånd i Sverige både har utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet inom bristyrken (Lucas 2018), Etablering- och integreringsproblematiken är ett erkänt problem idag och ligger som tidigare nämnts högt upp på den politiska agendan inför valet 2018. Men vad känner de personer som kommer till Sverige? Vilka svårigheter och utmaningar är det som de nyanlända möts av egentligen? Trots att det är ett högaktuellt ämne i den politiska debatten saknas de nyanländas perspektiv. / From a historical perspective, Sweden is a country that people from different parts of the world immigrated to. Especially during the 20th century immigration increased to Sweden, especially during the 1960s and 1970s, where we can distinguish a sharp increase in labor immigration. During this period, foreign-born persons had higher employment rates than native speakers. Today, foreigners have a lower employment rate than people born in Sweden (Björkman 2003). Furthermore, immigration and integration according to voters is the most important issue for the 2018 election. A large group of people moving from war-hit Syria and politically unstable Eritrea and Somalia has consequently made the issue more current than ever. Only in 2016 160,000 sought asylum for Sweden. In this context, right-wing populations around Europe, including Sweden (Turesson 2017), grow. According to the establishment reform, the Government's efforts for the neighbors' establishment process must consist of a personal plan for achieving a concrete goal - a work. What is sociologically interesting in this process of establishment, according to us, is to explore newly arrived's own experiences, both in terms of their opportunities for work, but also social dimensions that are important for their establishment and integration. The environment is of great importance for the newly arrived's to get a job and to enjoy themselves in the new country of Sweden. Unfortunately, many people who immigrated to Sweden are being depressed and have a reduced health when they feel outside, lonely and experience that it has no influence. Both regarding their own situation but also in society (Hadziabdic & Sandström, 2006). Today, it takes up to three times as much time to get a job and to take care of what it did at the end of the 20th century. Around 60 percent of the men who immigrated to Sweden in the 1980s had a job after two to three years, while it took up to five years for women in the same period. Today, it takes up to nine years for men and up to twelve years for women, despite all of those who have obtained a residence permit in Sweden, both have education and work experience in the bristle industry (Lucas 2018). The establishment and integration issues are a recognized problem today and, as mentioned earlier, are high on the policy agenda for the 2018 election. But what do the people who come to Sweden feel? What difficulties and challenges is what the new arrivals face by? Although it is a high topic in the political debate, the perspectives of the newly arrived are lacking.

Ação estratégica e mudança institucional: o caso do pré-sal

Gueiros, Flávio André Monteiro January 2011 (has links)
83 p. / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2012-12-19T19:35:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 88.pdf: 1431314 bytes, checksum: e77a88c490348af714e77405775135f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-12-19T19:35:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 88.pdf: 1431314 bytes, checksum: e77a88c490348af714e77405775135f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / A relação simbiótica entre o Estado brasileiro e a Petrobras antecede a própria criação da empresa. Assim como o ano de 1997 marcou a quebra do monopólio estatal sobre as atividades da indústria em questão, o ano de 2003 representa a mudança drástica das atitudes do governo frente à maior empresa do país. Este relacionamento chegou a tal ponto que, recentemente, por ocasião das discussões sobre o novo marco regulatório da indústria do petróleo, representantes da Petrobras fizeram parte das discussões, junto com alguns ministérios e a ANP, que resultaram na proposta de alteração do modelo regulatório para o setor. Em vista do exposto, é de relevância científica conhecer a atuação da Petrobras na reforma do marco regulatório do Pré-sal, à luz das perspectivas da análise estratégica. Mais ainda, identificar se os resultados alcançados com o novo marco regulatório foram fruto de ação intencional da empresa ou apenas reações a provocações externas (atuação do Governo Federal, por exemplo). Com base nas considerações iniciais, o objetivo geral do trabalho foi analisar em que medida os fatores institucionais, os fatores internos (recursos da firma) ou os fatores ligados à indústria moldaram a participação da Petrobras no processo de elaboração da proposta de alteração do novo marco regulatório (Projetos de Lei n. 5.938 a 5.941, 2009). Pretendeu-se investigar, igualmente, quais desses fatores se sobressaíram nas mudanças e na readequação das regras do jogo. Este trabalho argumenta, fundamentado nos resultados, que a participação da Petrobras nos trabalhos de elaboração da proposta de mudança no marco regulatório do setor foi viabilizada pela confluência de fatores institucionais (IBV) e fatores internos à firma (RBV). O presente estudo mostrou-se como oportunidade de aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o relacionamento entre a Petrobras e Governo, de identificar e melhor conhecer aspectos pontuais da experiência regulatória brasileira, assim como testar a aplicabilidade das perspectivas estratégicas na análise de situações concretas da realidade organizacional. / Salvador

L'eglise des Freres en Christ Gareganze face au probleme de la nationalite Congolaise (1996-2003): perspectives missiologiques venant de la Republique Democratique du Congo (the Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the problem of the Congolese citizenship (1996-2003): missiological perspectives from the Democratic Republic of Congo) / Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the problem of the Congolese citizenship (1996-2003): missiological perspectives from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mwambazambi, Kalemba 30 June 2005 (has links)
The mission of the Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the chaos of the socio-political situation in DRC resulting mostly from the question of the Congolese nationality is to dynamise the christian mission and to protect the poor, set free the captives, because God is always at their side. The DRC, though, has enormous natural resources and the competent human resources capabilities. The national institutions seem to be unable to handle this situation because of the lack of political culture, mismanagement and moral untidiness. The successive Congolese crises mostly are the same, the common denominator resides in the causes that brought them about. The main objectives of the antagonist groups are political leadership and material wealth. The findings of our analysis will help the Church of Christ in Congo, to fulfill the prophetic mission and the vision of God, for the positive transformation of the Congolese society. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Div. (Missiology)

English as a language of learning and teaching : perspectives of secondary school teachers in the Masvingo District (Zimbabwe)

Marungudzi, Thadeus January 2009 (has links)
This study analyses the perspectives of teachers on English as a language of learning and teaching in the context of government recommendations that Shona and Ndebele be used alongside English as languages of learning and teaching in Zimbabwean secondary schools. Through a questionnaire survey, open interviews and classroom observation, it was found that the teachers regard English as a language of learning and teaching in a positive way though they are aware of the difficulties associated with its use. There was a high consensus on the desirability of English among teachers as informants with various attributes obtained attitude, pedagogical beliefs and perceived difficulties scores that were, in the main, not statistically significant. It also emerged that government recommendations for the use of endoglossic languages as languages of learning and teaching (LoLT) have not been complemented by concrete measures and that the subsequent efforts to change the language-in-education policy have so far seemed insincere. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (With specialisation in Applied Linguistics)

A study of Shona war fiction : the writer's perspectives

Chigidi, Willie L. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an in-depth study of Shona fiction about the liberation war in Zimbabwe. It looks at the way Zimbabwe’s liberation war is portrayed in Shona fiction and focuses on the factors that shaped writers’ perspectives on that war. It is argued that Shona war fiction writers romanticised the war and in the process simplified and distorted history. The researcher postulates that writers’ perspectives on this liberation war were shaped by factors that include the mood of celebration and euphoria, the dominant ideology of the time, the situations of independence and freedom, and literary competitions. The thesis further raises and illustrates the point that writers produced romances of adventure because they were writing on the theme of war, and if one writes on the theme of war one ends up writing an adventure story. However, it is also acknowledged that because authors were writing on a historical event they could not ignore history completely. Some aspects of history are incorporated into the fiction, thereby retaining a semblance of historical realism. The post-independence period is also seen as a time of cultural revival and this is considered as the reason behind the authors’ tendency to celebrate Shona traditional institutions and culture. The celebration of Shona traditional religion and culture introduced into the fiction the element of the supernatural that strengthened the romance aspect of the novels. Shona war fiction writers also perpetuate female stereotyping. Female characters are depicted as everything except guerrilla fighters. It is argued that there are no female characters that play roles of guerrilla fighters because during the actual war women were not visible at the war front, fighting. The thesis argues that men, who were pioneers of the guerrilla war and writers of the war stories, excluded women from liberation war discourse and ultimately from literary discourse as well. A few writers who comment on the quality of Zimbabwe’s independence and freedom show the disillusionment and despair of the peasants and ex-combatants as they struggled to settle down and recover from the war. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil.

Exploring the family life cycle from an African perspective

Shange, Gugulethu L. Z. 12 1900 (has links)
How African individuals perceive the family life cycle, is the topic of this research. This qualitative study was facilitated with two individuals. Constructivism was used to explore how individuals create their reality. The Person-Centred Approach was studied to understand the importance of the Self- concept in the individual, and the role played by perceptions created in an ever-changing environment. Systems theory helped understand the interaction of family members as a system (family), especially the creation of stability after a state of disequilibrium – in this case, transitions between stages of the life cycle. Only with one respondent were some differences identified compared to the Western view of the life cycle. It was thus concluded that the family life cycle can be used as a guideline during therapy, regarding difficult transitions people (including African people) have to make, for therapists working from both the Person-Centred Approach and the systems perspective. / Social Work / (M.A. (Social Work (Mental Health))

Influence of process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) on Science Foundation students’ achievements in stoichiometry problems at the University of Namibia

Kaundjwa, Abed Osmund Tashiya 08 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the influence of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Approach (POGIL) on Science Foundation students’ achievements in stoichiometry versus traditional lecture centered pedagogy. Two intact science foundation class groups at the University of Namibia were used as a case study. A quasi-experimental non-randomized pre and posttests control group design was used to investigate the achievement in stoichiometry. Data on student achievements were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The ANCOVA results showed that there was a significant statistical difference in achievements when comparing the adjusted mean score (54.5%) obtained by the control group and the adjusted mean score (60.5%) obtained by students in the POGIL group; (F (1,75) = 17.990, p < 0.05). The POGIL group also showed the highest average improvement (65%) on questions related to reaction stoichiometry and limiting reagents, whereas the control group recorded improvements of about 53% in the same section. The results from the analysis of student’s test solutions revealed that the POGIL group students were able to give concrete reasons for their answers that they had obtained through numerical calculations or multiple choices and demonstrated enhanced understanding of linking various stoichiometry concepts. / Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Chemistry Education)

A TEOLOGIA DO COMPROMISSO NO PENSAMENTO DE ELLEN G. WHITE: UMA PERSPECTIVA DA LIBERDADE CRISTÃ / The Theology of Commitment in the Thought of Ellen G. White: a perspective of Christian freedom.

Teixeira, Carlos Flávio 05 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:19:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Flavio Teixeira.pdf: 2910487 bytes, checksum: 5f22f4cbfc5d01fe0ebd2a483f6c3bb3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This dissertation presents a non-exhaustive approach about the theme of freedom from the perspective of a North American Protestant Christian theologian named Ellen G. White. The dissertation starts with a study about her life and the social-cultural and geopolitical contexts, in which she lived in, approaching her literary writings and the importance of her way to systematize her thoughts in order to understand her reasoning about the proposed theme. It is taken as a criterion for analysis her system of organizing her thoughts in three theological lines of thinking named respectively Integral Theology, Theology of Commitment, and the Theology of Discipleship that together constitute her theological perspective of freedom. The first line of reasoning justifies the reasons of freedom, the second one explains how liberty occurs in human being, and the third one explains the itinerary of its positive exteriorization for humanity. The dissertation continues exploring the concepts, foundations, features and thematic developments of each element which comprises the theological itinerary that has been mentioned, and highlighting the theologians that strongly influenced the author and pointing out her closest perspectives compare to the posteriors theologians. The dissertation concludes proposing that, by the authors perspective, freedom is a significant expression of a committed life to serve with love in a piety way. Thus, freedom is a condition lived for those who believe and surrender themselves to God, experiencing an enduring life of love and self-sacrificing service to the neighbor, a reality that is witnessed through a genuine Christian piety. And lastly, the dissertation challenges the reader to an urgent perception, critical thinking, and a balanced proactive reaction towards the humanists ideologies of an exclusive anthropocentric matrix, presenting them as the main foundations of postmodern misconceptions about freedom. Given this reality, the dissertation proposes to rehumanize the idea of liberty through a theocentric perspective, by returning to God and His word, and for this action Ellen G. White s proposal seems to be a Teo-humanizing potential of great value that may enable even the harmonious development of human wholeness. / Este trabalho de pesquisa faz uma abordagem não exaustiva acerca da temática da liberdade na perspectiva da teóloga cristã protestante norte-americana Ellen G. White, partindo do estudo de sua pessoa e dos contextos geopolítico e sociocultural nos quais viveu, avançando ainda para uma noção de sua produção literária e a importância da sistematização de seu pensamento para uma compreensão de sua tratativa quanto ao tema proposto. Toma-se como critério de análise a organização de seu pensamento em três linhas de raciocínios teológicos chamadas, respectivamente, Teologia Integral, Teologia do Compromisso e Teologia do Discipulado, as quais, combinadas, constituem sua perspectiva teológica de liberdade. Mostra-se que a primeira linha justifica as razões da liberdade, a segunda explica como ela ocorre no ser humano, e a terceira propõe o roteiro de sua exteriorização positiva para a humanidade. Segue-se, então, examinando os conceitos, fundamentos, características e desdobramentos temáticos de cada um dos elementos constituintes dos roteiros teológicos mencionados, evidenciando os teólogos que mais influenciaram a autora e apontando as aproximações de sua perspectiva à de teólogos que lhe são posteriores. Em conclusão, propõe-se, na perspectiva da autora, liberdade como expressão significante de uma vida comprometida com o servir em amor de forma piedosa. Liberdade é, assim, uma condição experimentada por aqueles que creem e se submetem a Deus, experimentando uma vida de permanente amor e serviço abnegado ao próximo, realidade testemunhada na prática da genuína piedade cristã. E, por último, desafia-se o leitor à urgente percepção, crítica e reação proativa equilibrada em relação às ideologias humanistas de matriz antropocêntrica exclusiva, mostrando-as como principais fundamentos dos equívocos (pós)modernos de liberdade. Diante dessa realidade, propõe-se a reumanização da ideia de liberdade numa perspectiva teocêntrica por meio do retorno a Deus e à Sua Palavra, empreendimento para o qual a proposta de Ellen G. White se mostra um potencial Teo-humanizador de considerável valor, capaz de possibilitar inclusive o desenvolvimento harmônico da integralidade humana.

Exploring therapists' experiences of using therapeutic interventions from Muslim perspectives for Muslim clients : usefulness, contribution and challenges in the UK

Choudhry, Abida January 2016 (has links)
Modern psychological approaches currently being used with Muslim clients in therapy have consistently been criticised for being decontextualised, Eurocentric, individualistic, reductionist and for not taking Muslim clients’ cultural and religious values into account (Amri, & Bemak, 2013; Carter & Rashidi, 2004). Hence a need for making use of models, techniques and therapeutic interventions based on Muslim perspectives for Muslim clients has repeatedly been expressed (Haque, 2004a; Helms, 2015; Inayat, 2007; Keshavarzi & Haque, 2013; Utz, 2012; Weatherhead & Daiches, 2010). Despite recommendations for using therapeutic interventions from Muslim perspectives with Muslim clients in therapy (Abu Raiya & Pargament, 2010; Haque & Kamil, 2012; Qasqas & Jerry, 2014), empirical research on these interventions has lagged behind (Abu-Raiya & Pargament, 2011). The aim of the current study is to provide more insight into how interventions from Muslim perspectives can be administered by Muslim therapists with their Muslim clients in therapy in United Kingdom. This study explored the experiences of six Muslim therapists who were all using interventions from Muslim perspectives with Muslim clients in their therapeutic practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, transcribed, and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), and from this three main themes emerged (i) Psychotherapeutic approaches, (ii) Journey of becoming a Muslim therapist (iii) Obstacles faced by Muslim clients and therapists. The implications for further research and therapeutic practice have also been considered.

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