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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The challenges of using information communication technologies in the healthcare systems in Ethiopia from provider's perspectives

Challa, Dejene Kebede 11 1900 (has links)
The adoption of eHealth is very slow despite evidences showing its benefits. This research examines the individual, clinical, technical and organizational challenges for eHealth adoption from healthcare provider‟s perspectives. A cross-sectional study design with a quantitative paradigm was used. The study was conducted on 312 doctors and nurses randomly selected from ten hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Most respondents viewed eHealth positively with no significant differences in terms of profession or gender. Computer skill, workload, patient interaction, management support, cost and infrastructure were the main concerns. Privacy and security were not the main concerns. Knowledge of eHealth applications and utilization was low, even for evidence-based medicine and online databases. Specialists and males were better aware of eHealth applications. The study showed that eHealth acceptance was good. Increasing eHealth literacy was recommended as a cost effective means for improving access to updated information to improve the quality of healthcare. / Health Studies / M.A. Public Health (Medical Informatics)

Influence of process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) on Science Foundation students’ achievements in stoichiometry problems at the University of Namibia

Kaundjwa, Abed Osmund Tashiya 08 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the influence of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Approach (POGIL) on Science Foundation students’ achievements in stoichiometry versus traditional lecture centered pedagogy. Two intact science foundation class groups at the University of Namibia were used as a case study. A quasi-experimental non-randomized pre and posttests control group design was used to investigate the achievement in stoichiometry. Data on student achievements were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The ANCOVA results showed that there was a significant statistical difference in achievements when comparing the adjusted mean score (54.5%) obtained by the control group and the adjusted mean score (60.5%) obtained by students in the POGIL group; (F (1,75) = 17.990, p < 0.05). The POGIL group also showed the highest average improvement (65%) on questions related to reaction stoichiometry and limiting reagents, whereas the control group recorded improvements of about 53% in the same section. The results from the analysis of student’s test solutions revealed that the POGIL group students were able to give concrete reasons for their answers that they had obtained through numerical calculations or multiple choices and demonstrated enhanced understanding of linking various stoichiometry concepts. / Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Chemistry Education)

Mångfaldsperspektiv i en svensk kontext : Mode eller institution? / Diversity perspectives in a Swedish context - Fashion or institution?

Eklund, Mikael, Helgesson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar begreppet mångfald på arbetsplatsen i en svensk kontext. Begreppet har diskuterats i Sverige sedan slutet av 1990-talet, men det råder fortfarande en förvirring kring vad mångfald på arbetsplatsen innebär och vilken påverkan det har på enskilda organisationer. Vidare förknippas begreppet i Sverige med en hög grad av statlig inblandning, som på senare år fokuserats på att påverka organisationer i riktning mot en multikulturell modell. Dock hävdas att det finns liten erfarenhet i av den multikulturella modellen i den svenska praktiken. De företag som arbetar med mångfald gör det ofta inte integrativt, utan mer av ekonomiska skäl för att lättare kunna söka externt kapital.Syftet med studien är att utreda vilka perspektiv av mångfald som finns i olika svenska organisationer och hur dessa skiljer sig från, eller liknar, den multikulturella modell som förespråkas av samhällsdiskursen. Med hjälp av institutionell teori som referensram diskuteras sedan resultatet för att kunna förklara varför eventuella diskrepanser i diskursen kring mångfald på arbetsplatsen mellan olika nivåer i samhället uppstår. Kvalitativ analys av diskurser över flera nivåer av samhället genomförs utifrån en tvärsnittsdesign med urval av offentliga dokument såsom hemsidor, policydokument hållbarhetsredovisningar och årsredovisningar hos relevanta institutionella arrangemang i ett makroperspektiv, de allra största svenska företagen och ett slumpvis genererat urval av stora svenska företag i ett mikroperspektiv. Totalt analyseras 70 företag och sex institutionella arrangemang. Vi arbetar utifrån en abduktiv ansats där analysen inledningsvis görs med hjälp av en referensram kring mångfaldsperspektiv som senare utvecklas vid adderandet av institutionell teori och i ljuset av våra resultat.Vi finner att tre perspektiv på mångfald; förstärka homogenitet, det färgblinda perspektivet och rättviseperspektivet kan sägas vara institutionaliserade i den svenska kontexten med en stark fokusering på könsdimensionen av mångfald. Accessperspektivet och integration-lärandeperspektivet kan vi inte säga är institutionaliserade i den svenska kontexten. Istället kan de sägas vara på modet. De institutionella arrangemang som vi kan koppla till den svenska staten påverkar svenska organisationer genom tvingande institutionellt tryck till att anamma de institutionaliserande perspektiven. Det finns även en ambition till att regeringen skall agera förebild för mångfaldsarbete genom företag med statligt ägande. Dock sträcker sig texter från dessa institutionella arrangemang inte längre än till det färgblinda perspektivet och rättviseperspektivet. Istället finner vi de flesta uttrycken för accessperspektivet och integration-lärandeperspektivet, där vi även återfinner den multikulturella modellen, framför allt i diskursen som utgörs av texter hos de största svenska företagen. Studien bidrar, genom adderandet av institutionell teori, till en ny, mer pluralistisk syn på mångfaldsperspektiv än vad tidigare litteratur har illustrerat. / This study is addressing the concept of workplace diversity in the Swedish context. The concept has been discussed in Sweden since the late 1990´s, but still there are confusions about what workplace diversity really is, and what impact it has on particular organizations. Further, the concept is in the Swedish context associated with a high degree of governmental involvement which, as of late, has been focused on influencing organizations toward a multicultural model. However, some argue that there is little experience of a multicultural model in the Swedish practice. Those companies that work with diversity do so mostly out of economic reasons, in search of external capital and not in an integrative way.The purpose of this study is to investigate which perspectives on diversity there are in different Swedish organizations and how these can resemble, or differ from, the multicultural model that is advocated by the societal discourse. By means of institutional theory as a reference, the results are then discussed to explain why possible discrepancies in the discourse around workplace diversity between different levels of society may arise. Qualitative analysis of discourses throughout several levels of society is conducted with a cross-sectional design with a sample of public documents such as websites, policy documents, sustainability reports and annual accounts from relevant institutional arrangements in a macro-perspective, and in a micro-perspective; from the largest Swedish companies and a random sample of large, Swedish companies. A total of 70 companies and six institutional arrangements are analyzed. We have an abductive approach, where the analysis is initially conducted by means of a frame of reference around perspectives on diversity, which is further developed with the addition of institutional theory in light of our findings.We find that three perspectives on diversity; reinforcing homogeneity, the color-blind perspective and the fairness perspective can be said to be institutionalized in the Swedish context, with a strong focus on the gender dimension of diversity. The perspectives of access and integration-learning cannot be said to be institutionalized in the Swedish context, but can instead be seen as fashionable. The institutional arrangements we can associate with the Swedish government influence Swedish organizations by means of coercive institutional pressure to adapt to the institutionalized perspectives. There is also an ambition to act as a role model concerning diversity management through companies owned by the State. However, the texts we analyze deriving from these institutional arrangements stretch no further than to the color-blind perspective and the fairness perspective. Instead, we find the most expressions for the access perspective and the integration-learning perspective, where we also find the multicultural model, in the discourse consisting of texts deriving from the largest Swedish companies. The study contributes, by the addition of institutional theory, to a more pluralistic way of describing the perspectives on diversity, than illustrated by previous literature.The thesis is written in Swedish.

Lagen med särskilda bestämmelser för vård av unga : Barns möjlighet att påverka

Brandt, Karin, Koivunen Wåhlstrand, Felicia January 2016 (has links)
In the Social Services Act in Sweden, it is stated that every child has the right to be given information and the opportunity to express its will and opinion. The child’s possibility to participate in the process of investigation should be considered with respect to the child´s age and maturity. By reasons of this we have chosen to examine how this is practiced in Swedish courts regarding eight cases where the out of home care of children according to 1 and 2 §§ in LVU is being judged. This has been done through a qualitative study with an attempt of using an argumentation analysis method. The main result of our study is that in the cases we studied the children had participated to a larger extent than described in previous research. Anyhow, when it comes to taking children’s, opinions in account, the cases we studied showed still great flaws and need of improvements. The conclusion of our study is that children's participation is a complex issue where more research is needed. Having this said, we believe that the subject of children’s participation must be more highlighted if a greater change is going to happen in the society. / I Socialtjänstlagen står det beskrivet att varje barn har rätt att bli tilldelad information och ges möjlighet att framföra sin talan. Barnets möjlighet att delta i utredningsprocessen bör övervägas utifrån barnets ålder och mognad. Med anledning av detta valde vi att granska hur denna lag följs i 1 och 2 §§ LVU genom att studera åtta beslutsunderlag med en kvalitativ argumentationsanalys. Huvudresultatet av vår studie visade på en hög delaktighet hos barnen i förhållande till det som framhållits i tidigare forskning, dock såg vi att beaktande av barnens vilja fortfarande var bristfällig. Den slutsats vi kom fram till i vår studie var att frågan om barns delaktighet inom Socialtjänsten framstår som ett komplext område innehållande stora brister i förhållande till hur lagen är formulerad. Med detta sagt ansåg vi att ämnet måste belysas mer i forskning för att en större förändring av barns delaktighet ska kunna utvecklas.

"Det ska vara rätt och riktigt!" : - En intervjustudie om textbearbetning i skolans yngre år / "It must be right and correct!" : - An interview study of text processing in the younger years of school

Schmidt, Natassja January 2016 (has links)
Progress in technology has resulted in new aids in the form of writing tools which make it easier for pupils to revise their texts. This interview study investigates how four teachers view paper-based and screen-based text processing in the younger years of school. It is still paper-based text revision that dominates in schools, and the teachers point out the shortage of digital tools and competence. The choice of processing method is affected by the aim, whether it concerns content or form. The result shows that digital tools can be of help for pupils with difficulties, but the interviewed teachers also emphasize the value of mastering handwriting, and they would like to see screen-based text processing as a complement to traditional paper-based text processing.

The Paradoxes of Socio-Emotional Programmes in School : Young people’s perspectives and public health discourses / Paradoxer i skolbaserade socio-emotionella program : Barns perspektiv och folkhälsodiskurser

Kvist Lindholm, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Over the past decades socio-emotional programmes have been implemented in schools worldwide. Depression in Swedish Adolescents (DISA) and Social and Emotional Training (SET) are two socio-emotional programmes being practised in Swedish schools. The aim of the present dissertation is to explore students’ perspectives on DISA and SET, as well as the programmes’ intentions and strategies. The empirical material consists of interviews with students taking part in DISA and SET, participant observations conducted in an elementary school practising SET, participant observations of DISA and SET instructor courses, and a broad range of textual material concerning the programmes. Article I reports on an inherent contradiction in DISA, where techniques designed as treatment are practised as universal prevention for girls as a group. The girls’ accounts of DISA demonstrate why this contradiction is problematic – it was not up to the girls as course participants to define what problems they were having, but the problems were instead defined for them by the course. Taking part in DISA and SET involves exercises in which the students are expected to selfdisclose in front of their classmates. Article II reports on how this task of self-disclosure had a potential for strengthening students’ peer relations, while it at the same time entailed a risk of triggering already on-going destructive interactions, such as bullying and harassment. Article III demonstrates that the potential of self-disclosure is not equally distributed across the students, but depends on their social status within their peer group. Article III also shows that the norm conveyed by the SET programme – that showing anger is an inappropriate behaviour –functioned locally as a way to justify exclusion and negative positioning of peers who showed anger in response to ill treatment. Article IV provides an in-depth analysis of exchanges in a SET lesson concerning how students should deal with exposure to the negative actions of peers. It demonstrates how the types of questions a teacher is instructed to pose to maintain a neutral attitude in practice involve using more implicit forms of authority to construct ideals concerning desirable behaviours. These ideals were formed by discussing fictive examples, which meant stripping students’ actions of meaning and detaching them from the social and cultural context to which they belong. The present dissertation concludes by giving recommendations for policy practice. / Sedan millenniumskiftet har socio-emotionella program kommit att bli allt vanligare i skolor runtom i världen. Depression in Swedish Adolescents (DISA) och Social och Emotionell Träning (SET) utgör två socio-emotionella program som används i svenska skolan. Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera elevers perspektiv på DISA och SET, samt att studera programmens målsättning och design. Analysmaterialet består av intervjuer, deltagande observationer, programmanualer och dokument som beskriver och förklarar programmens utgångspunkter. Avhandlingen innefattar fyra artiklar. Artikel I belyser en konflikt i DISA programmet. DISA programmet lär ut tekniker som har utformats för att behandla depression. Programmet riktas dock till flickor generellt med syftet att förebygga att de utvecklar depression. Flickornas beskrivningar av DISA visar varför denna konflikt i programmet är problematisk. De fick inte själva definiera vilka problem de upplevde, istället var de tvungna att jobba med de problem som programmets övningar tillskrev dem. Övningarna som ingår i DISA och SET innebär moment där eleverna förväntas öppna sig inför varandra. Artikel II och III belyser hur detta fenomen hade potential att stärka elevernas sociala relationer, samtidigt som det också riskerade att leda till mobbning. I SET programmet tränas elever på att kontrollera sin ilska. Artikel III belyser hur normen – att visa ilska är ett olämpligt beteende – användes av eleverna för att rättfärdiga uteslutning av elever som visade ilska. Artikel IV består av en djupanalys av lektionen ’Vad kan du göra’ som handlar om hur elever bör agera om de utsätts för negativa handlingar från kamrater. Artikeln tar utgångspunkt i det dilemma som lärare ställs inför i SET programmet: att å ena sidan träna barnen i att anta socialt accepterade beteenden, och å andra  sidan följa programmets krav på neutralitet. Analysen visar att de frågor som SET lärare använder för att åstadkomma en neutral hållning i praktiken medför mer implicita former av styrning där programmets ideal om önskvärda beteenden reproduceras.  Önskvärda beteenden konstrueras genom att diskutera fiktiva fall utan att relatera dem till den sociala och kulturella kontext där barnen agerar och hanterar aktuella problem. Avhandlingen avslutas med en diskussion om hur ’barns psykiska hälsa’ och ’barns behov’ förstås och bemöts genom dessa program och vilka slutsatser som kan dras för utformandet av framtida insatser i skolan.

論平衡計分卡於我國中、小型產物保險公司之應用--以建立策略核心組織為目標 / Application of the balanced scorecard to the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan - with the goal of establishing a strategy focused organization

吳明青 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用「平衡計分卡」之觀念,以我國中、小型產險業為對象,探討及建議其建立策略核心組織之相關作法。首先以總體性的經營危機,喚醒業界對「經濟任務」之關注,而平衡計分卡經評估與實證之經驗為最有效的策略執行工具,提供了經濟任務達成之具體藍圖。認識「平衡計分卡」之關鍵精神外,業界必須從基本體認「策略管理」理論主張,再深入分析計分卡轉化策略為營運架構的五個構面:財務面、顧客面、績效行銷面、內部流程面及學習與成長面。接著,以正確的認知,構築策略地圖與計分卡-策略規劃流程圖與績效衡量系統(法則一),它強化了企業策略執行面的語言,並奠定推展「策略核心組織」之後續法則基礎:法則二、以策略為核心整合組織資源、法則三,將策略落實為每個人的日常工作、法則四、讓策略成為持續性循環流程、法則五,由高階領導帶動變革,透過這些法則流程引導產險業「變革計劃」之執行。其中,以筆者創意之目標市場:「溫心小棧」為本研究之主要差異化策略、並利用績效行銷構面中之計量模型,在一定前提性假設下,估算出每張保險單之實效額以及示範性之部門間「服務協約」、整合性獎勵辦法、修正式預算制度等,使業界於應用平衡計分卡時具實務上之可行性。 關鍵字:平衡計分卡、策略核心組織、經濟任務、五個構面、變革計劃、溫心小棧 / This thesis undertakes the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept to examine the issues related to establishing a strategy-focused organization for the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. It emphasizes on the issue of macro-business crisis and intends to awake the target companies' perception on their economy mission. The BSC is one vehicle in strategy implementation based upon survey and practical application, and able to accomplish economy mission of target companies with streamlined map. With respect of the BSC fundamentals, target companies need to understand the basic proposition of strategy management planning, then analyze five perspectives of the BSC, namely finance, customer, performance, marketing,internal, and learning and growth. With the above perceptions, the following rules need to be undertaken: establishing a strategy map and scorecard (rule 1), integrating resources of organizations under the strategy (rule 2), transforming the strategy into the staff’s routine job (rule 3), making the strategy as a continuing procedure (rule 4) and conducting a change plan by the senior management (rule 5). As the conclusive recommendation, certain mechanisms integrated for facilitating practical availability are submitted to small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan: 1. Key differentiated strategy - targeted markets: a “Sweet Inn”; 2. Merit evaluated based on certain assumptions; 3. Demonstrated service agreements among units; 4. Integrated compensation system; and 5. Revised budgeting plans. Keywords: The Balanced Scorecard、The Strategy-Focused Organization、Economy Mission、Five Perspectives、Change Plan、Sweet Inn

La transposition didactique à travers l'enseignement des mathématiques en première et deuxième années de l'école primaire.

Conne, François 21 May 1981 (has links) (PDF)
En classe comme ailleurs, les mathématiques que chacun pratique ne parlent pas d'elles-mêmes. L'échange scolaire exige donc des formes qui permettent non seulement au maître de désigner et à l'élève d'identifier ce qu'il faut apprendre, mais encore au premier de vérifier et au second de faire voir ce qui a été appris. Ces formes indiquent qu'on fait des mathématiques : elles ne garantissent pas pour autant l'authenticité du travail. Les représentations mathématiques ne sont pour les élèves que des supports à leurs activités d'écoliers et les termes restent liés au contexte. Identifier les mathématiques pratiquées revient à confronter ces illustrations aux activités effectives. En décrivant la chaîne qui va de la constitution d'un contenu (ensembles, nombres) jusqu'à la leçon, cette thèse montre comment le concept de transposition didactique permet la restitution de la réalité de la classe.

Anpassning av balanserat styrkort till offentlig verksamhet / Adjustment of balanced scorecard to public sector environment

Karlsson, Julia, Sundström, Erica January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Tidigare forskning visar att offentliga verksamheter tillämpar balanserat styrkort anpassat till dess specifika verksamhet. Antalet studier som behandlar anpassning av balanserat styrkort till offentlig verksamhet är begränsat vilket leder till att studien syftar till att belysa hur balanserat styrkort anpassas till svensk offentlig verksamhet. Metod: Studien tillämpar en abduktiv kvalitativ ansats med datainsamling i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Bearbetning av data och teori följer tematisk analys. Studien genomsyras av den tolkande hermeneutiska traditionen. Resultat &amp; slutsats: Studien tolkar att offentlig verksamhet tillämpar anpassade balanserade styrkort där ingen uppnår samtliga kriterier för balanserat styrkort. Studien tolkar vidare att nyttan med anpassat balanserat styrkort uttrycks i form av enkelhet och enhetlighet vilket skapas genom att syftet med anpassat balanserat styrkort är detsamma som inom traditionellt balanserat styrkort. Anpassning av perspektiv uttrycks genom att lärande- och tillväxtperspektivet exkluderas till förmån för medarbetarperspektivet. Förslag till vidare forskning: Studien föreslår vidare forskning vad gäller strategikartans roll efter strategiutveckling, kausalitet när ett annat perspektiv än det finansiella placeras högst upp i hierarkin, lärande- och tillväxtperspektivets exkluderande till förmån för medarbetarperspektivet samt valet att avveckla balanserat styrkort inom offentlig verksamhet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen bidrar till en ökad förståelse för balanserat styrkort anpassas till offentlig verksamhet. Förståelsen för anpassning skapas genom fyra aspekter; Tillämpning, Nytta, Syfte och Perspektiv. / Aim: Previous research reveals that public sector organisations apply balanced scorecard adjusted to their own specific business. The number of studies dealing with balanced scorecard adjusted to public sector organisations is limited which open on to the purpose of the study, which is to illuminate how balanced scorecard is adjusted to public sector organisations in Sweden. Method: The study applies an abductive qualitative research method with semistructured interviews as data gathering tool. The processing of data and theory follow thematic analysis. The study permeates the interpretive hermeneutic tradition. Result &amp; conclusion: The study interprets that public sector organisations apply adjusted balanced scorecard where none acquire all criteria of the balanced scorecard. The study also interprets that the benefits of adjusted balanced scorecard are simplicity and uniformity. The benefits are accomplished through the purpose of implementing adjusted balanced scorecard, which is the same purpose as for traditional balanced scorecard. Perspectives are adjusted to the specific business, which primarily involves the exclusion of the learning-, and growth perspective in advantage of a perspective concerning employees. Suggestions for future research: The study suggests further research regarding the usefulness of strategy maps after strategy development, the causality when other perspective than the financial is placed at the top of the hierarchy, the exclusion of the learning – and growth perspective in advantage of perspectives concerning employees and phase out of balanced scorecard in public sector organisations. Contribution of the thesis: The study adds enhanced understanding of how public sector organisations choose to adjust balanced scorecard. The enhanced understanding concerning adjustment is created through four aspects; Application, Benefits, Purpose and Perspectives.

Belizean teachers’ perceptions of Intercultural Bilingual Education as a language preservation tool: A Q Methodology Study

Barrett, Enita E. 01 January 2017 (has links)
In this study, the perceptions of 42 teachers—from the Stann Creek District, Belize—regarding the implementation and use of Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) as a language preservation tool in their schools were examined. Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) is a teaching method that aims at promoting the preservation of indigenous languages by integrating an indigenous language and culture into the academic curriculum, such that students can develop a better appreciation of their history and traditional practices. To examine the perspectives of teachers regarding IBE, Q Methodology was used to examine the research question: What is the range of perspectives teachers hold regarding IBE as a language preservation tool? From participant interviews and responses to an open-ended prompt centered on the research questions, the researcher developed a 40-item Q sample comprising statements that represented distinct perspectives on the use of IBE as a language preservation tool. Forty-two participants then sorted these 40 statements within a forced distribution grid that ranged from “most like my perspective” (+4) to “least like my perspective” (-4). These 42 Q sorts were then correlated; the correlations were then analyzed and rotated using PQ method software. Four factors were extracted from this process and they were converted to factor arrays resembling the same initial forced distribution grid. Based on an interpretation of the holistic configuration of these factor arrays and descriptive comments from participants concerning their sorts, these factors were named as: Strongly Supported IBE (Factor 1), Strongly Opposed but Conflicted about IBE (Factor 2), Cautiously Optimistic about IBE (Factor 3), and Supported IBE for Intergenerational Language Transfer (Factor 4). Implications from this study for administrators of similar programs include the importance of understanding teacher beliefs regarding their preparedness to deliver an IBE curriculum as well as their perceptions regarding the usefulness of such an approach, particularly given the additional instructional time needed to deliver it.

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