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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration of BankID Services in a PhoneGap Based Mobile Application

Eggestig, Lars, Wodajo, Mintesinot January 2014 (has links)
Security concerns became high with the rapid technology advancement andwith the open nature of the internet. BankID is the leading electronic identificationsystem in Sweden which is used by around 5 million people in a variety ofpublic and private services. BankID allows users to securely authenticate themselvesand digitally sign important documents and transactions over the internet.In 2011, BankID Security App was launched to be used in mobile smartphones and tablet computers. In this paper, different components of the PublicKey Infrastructure (PKI) which is a cryptographic technique that enables usersto safely communicate over the insecure internet has been studied in detail. Furthermore,a test BankID-integrated PhoneGap based app on the Android platformis implemented and a performance evaluation and security analysis wereperformed. The test implementation of the BankID-integrated app on theAndroid platform provides user authentication and digital signing functions.The implemented backend system consists of a server with digital certificateand a database. The performance test emphasizes on the measurement of the accesstime between the components of the system and usability of the application.Access time measurement includes a reasonable amount of time in whichthe user is able to perform different activities in the system. In usability assessmentnumber of actions to perform a certain task and the ease of the user interfacehas been taken into consideration. The security analysis aims to identifypotential security flaws in the system and discuss possible solutions. The potentialsecurity risks we identified during the implementation of the system are theman-in-the-middle-attack, the Heartbleed bug, losing the mobile device andphysical access to the backend system. The potential security risks in the systemwere examined with regard to severity and probability of occurrence. Finally,the thesis project has been discussed in terms of the future work and system expansions.The result of the thesis will be used as a base in production developmentby Dewire, the company for which the thesis work has been conducted.

Comparing Native and Hybrid Applications with focus on Features

Mohammadi Kho'i, Felix, Jahid, Jawed January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays smartphones and smartphone-applications are a part of our daily life. There are variety of different operating systems in the market that are unalike, which are an obstacle to developers when it comes to developing a single application for different operating system. Furthermore, hybrid application development has become a potential substitute. The evolution of new hybrid approach has made companies consider hybrid approach as a viable alternative when producing mobile applications. This research paper aims to compare native and hybrid application development on a feature level to provide scientific evidence for researchers and companies choosing application development approach as well as providing vital information about both native and hybrid applications.This study is based on both a literature study and an empirical study. The sources used are Summon@BTH, Google Scholar and IEEE Xplore. To select relevant articles, the Snowballing approach was used, with Inclusion and Exclusion criteria’s.The authors concluded that native development is a better way to develop more advanced applications which uses more device-hardware, while hybrid is a perfectly viable choice when developing content-centric applications.

Möjligheten till att utveckla en generiskt användbar applikation för e-guider - The possibility to develop a generic useful application for e-guides

Huhtanen, Emma, Björk, Marie January 2011 (has links)
En e-guide är ett fenomen som kan ge mervärde för besökaren. Det innebär en övergång ifrån en mänsklig guide till en digitaliserad. Det har tidigare skapats e-guider som inte har haft de tekniska aspekterna som krävs för att kunna framföra informationen till besökaren på det sätt utvecklarna och andra inblandade har önskat. Vi har undersökt och utvärderat en av dessa eguiderför att skapa en prototyp för en e-guide över Elsborg, som är en del av Världsarvet Falun. Prototypen utgår ifrån smartphones och operativsystemet Android. Utifrån tidigare och nutida eguider och prototypen, har vi analyserat resultaten och därigenom undersökt möjligheten för att skapa en generisk arkitektur, i form av en applikation för en e-guide som ska kunna appliceras på olika sammanhang oberoende av dess innehåll. Våra efterforskningar har dock visat att det ärsvårt att skapa en så pass generaliserad mall att den direkt går att implementera utan vissa justeringar.

Smartphone application in PhoneGap : M2C’s electric vehicle smart charger

Bönström, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Implementation of NFC-based gym mobile app

Malmström, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
This report investigates the technical and economic viability of introducing a Near Field Communication (NFC) client system in a gym environment. The system aims to aid the customers with logging their workout, retrieving information regarding exercises as well as enhancing the attendance control for both staff and customers. To identify what information to be presented, the most important quality factors and what functionalities are most desired, an exploratory case study was conducted. The study showed that there is a discrepancy between the desire to log ones workout and actually doing it. Most people want to keep track of how they workout, but despite the wide variety of workout applications on the market, they choose not to use them. The main concern expressed was that the logging needs to be fast and easy, indicating that the existing apps do not fulfill the ease of use desired. The system presented in this report is coupled to the gym where NFC tags pair an exercise to its corresponding logger and information in the application. The ability for the gym to track its customers’ workout habits is a rare feature that provides several economic benefits such as targeted advertisement, better maintenance control and new customer services analyzing their workout. For the system to be effective the customers need to use the system and log their workout, therefore it needs to be supported by the major mobile platforms. To accommodate this a hybrid platform approach using PhoneGap was used. This approach allows for development in one language that translates into native embedded web applications. At the time of writing Apple’s latest models do include the hardware for NFC communication. However, it is not possible to develop a custom NFC application for iPhone yet. By adopting the hybrid approach there is no need to create a whole new app when they do release the rights to do so. In conclusion, the technical viability of the NFC based system comes with the tradeoffs of dealing with the lack of standards of a new technology and being early on the market with a new feature. This calls for some custom solutions, since each platform adopts their own way of NFC implementation, but is manageable. The economic aspects are tied to the use of the system where the ease of use is the key factor for the customers. The end user tests indicate that NFC provides that small advantage over traditional workout applications needed to make logging attractive.

Multiplatformní mobilní aplikace pro nákup kuponů

Ševčík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes design and implementation of cross platform mobile application for coupon purchasing in the Vykupto company. First part analyzes the existing mobile Vykupto applications. New application's draft including visual application screens is created on basis of requested functional and non-functional requirements. The following part is about selecting appropriate technology to create cross-platform application. The last part covers implementation of a application prototype and user testing.

Migration av appar till Windows Phone 8 / Migration of apps for Windows Phone 8

Johansson, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Fler människor börjar använda olika mobila operativsystem i mobiltelefonen samt appar som enbart fungerar på plattformen. Det leder till att app-leverantörer måste utveckla varje app till varje specifik plattform vilket är dyrt. De vanligaste operativsystemen som används idag är Android samt IOS men hösten 2012 släpptes Windows Phone 8 vilket innebär ytterligare en plattform att ta hänsyn till. I sammarbete med företaget Sogeti Jönköping fokuserar studien på att hitta en metod som gör det möjligt att migrera appar mellan plattformar och till Windows Phone 8. Studien innefattar också att identifiera för och nackdelar med olika app-typer genom en litteraturstudie och intervjuer samt att testa om migrationsmetoderna fungerar praktisk genom en implementation. Resultatet har påvisat att det finns två stycken olika metoder för migration vilket är PhoneGap och Xamarin. Genom implementationstester har Xamarin visat sig vara mest lämplig att använda i ett framtida större app-projekt. / More people are starting to use different mobile operating systems in their mobile phones and apps that only work on the specific platform. This leads to app-developers must develop each app on each specific platform which is expensive. The most common operating systems today are Android and iOS, but during fall of 2012 Windows Phone 8 was released, which means yet another platform to consider. In cooperation with the company Sogeti Jönköping this study focuses on finding a method that makes it possible to migrate applications between platforms and Windows Phone 8. The study also includes identifying the pros and cons of different app-types through a literature review and interviews, as well as testing whether the migration methods work through a practical implementation. The results have shown that there are two different solutions to migration which is PhoneGap and Xamarin. Through implementation tests Xamarin was the most suitable for future app-projects.

Second screen on mobile crossplatform / Second screen on mobile crossplatform

Kvist, Torbjörn January 2014 (has links)
Utveckling av mobila applikationer är idag allt svårare för utvecklare, eftersom det finns många olika enheter och operativsystem. Detta examensarbete kommer gå igenom hur multiplattformsramverk kan användas för att utveckla och implementera en second screen som komplement till andra enheter. Plattformarna kommer utvärderas med avseende på hur komplext ded är att implementera lösningen samt hur de presterar under olika förhållanden. De multiplattformsramverk som kommer utvärderas är OpenFL och PhoneGap. / Development of mobile applications today are increasingly difficult for developers, because there are many different devices and operating systems. This thesis will look at how a cross-platform framework can be used to develop and implement a second screen as a complement to other devices. he platforms will be evaluated in terms of how complex it is to implement the solution and how they perform under different conditions. The cross-platform frameworks that will be evaluated is OpenFL and PhoneGap.

Smartphoneutveckling förflera plattformar / Smartphone Development for Multiple Platforms

Andersson, Magnus, Andreasson, Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Marknaden för de allt populärare smarta telefonerna är splittrad. Detta innebär nya utmaningar för utvecklare. Vill man vara säker på att nå mer än hälften av sin målgrupp med en mobilapplikation så måste man utveckla för minst två plattformar, något som kostar både tid och pengar. Ett antal så kallade multiplattformsverktyg har tagits fram för att lösa detta problem. Dessa låter utvecklare använda en och samma kodbas för flera olika plattformar. Därmed slipper man dubbel- eller trippelarbetet som följer med native-utveckling. Men håller multiplattformsverktygen måttet? Denna granskning visar att prestandan och upplevelsen vid användning blir sämre, men tidsvinsten är potentiellt stor. För små och mellanstora projekt där prestandan är underordnad utvecklingstid, kostnad och räckvidd kan hybridverktyg vara ett lämpligt alternativ. / Smartphones are becoming more and more popular every day, but the market is divided. With this come new challenges for developers. To reach more then half the user base, you have to develop for at least two platforms, something that costs time and money. A number of multiplatform tools have been developed to try and offset this issue, and allows developers to code once, and deploy to many different types of systems. This could potentially mean that the extra work of creating native applications for multiple platforms could be avoided. But do these tools really live up to what they claim? This survey shows that the usage of these tools render the applications performance and user-experience lackluster, however, the potential time savings could be quite substantial. For small and mid-sized projects where performance is subordinate to the time of development, cost and user-base reach, these tools could be a suitable alternative.

Utveckling av en applikation för logistik : En fallstudie i Stockholmsmässans logistiksystem CIS Expo / Development of an Application for Logistics : A Case Study of the Stockholm International Logistics System CIS Expo

Johansson, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver hur jag gick till väga för att utveckla en applikation till mobiler och surfplattor för att hantera logistikärenden på Stockholmsmässan. Utifrån att studerat dokumentation, observerat Stockholmsmässans arbetare på plats och intervjuat dem tog jag sedan fram en kravspecifikation på både de funktionella och icke-funktionella kraven. För att sedan kunna välja de mest lämpade ramverken för att skapa en framtida implementation och kunna ersätta de nuvarande ”ruggade” handdatorerna som används på Stockholmsmässan. Applikationen är skapad för truckförare att kunna ta emot och skapa ”ärenden” dvs uppgifter om olika gods som ska köras från/till montrar och lastbilar etc samt kunna hantera tomemballage och lagring. Arbetet resulterade i ett fungerande koncept bestående av flertal ramverk som då involverade alla de nödvändiga delar för ett fungerande system. Arbetet utfördes på ett företag som heter CargoIT som levererar transport- och logistik lösningar till företag så som Stockholmsmässan vars åsikter om mjukvaru-system behövdes tas i hänsyn. / This report describes how I went about to develop an application for mobile phones and tablets, to manage logistics matters at Stockholm International Fairs. Based on studying current documentation, observed Stockholm International Fairs workers on site and interviewed them, I then presented a set of requirements on both the functional and non-functional requirements. To then be able to select the most suitable frameworks to build a future implementation, and to replace the current rugged handheld computers used at Stockholm International Fairs. The app is designed for truck drivers to receive and create "orders", ie data of different types of assignments to be run from / to the stands and deliverytrucks etc. and also be able to handle the empty packaging and storage.The work resulted in a working concept including several frameworks working together to create all the necessary parts for a fully working system.The work was performed at a company called CargoIT whos delivering transportation and logistics solutions to companies such as Stockholm International Fairs which also had requirements that needed to be taken into account.

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