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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specialiosios paskirties AB ,,Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Keleivių vežimo direkcijos veiklos vertinimo ypatumai / Peculiarities in asessment of activities of the Passenger transportation directorate of Lietuvos Geležinkeliai SP AB

Šlepetytė, Audra 25 June 2008 (has links)
Ne tik pasaulyje, bet ir Lietuvoje vertinti verslą tampa vis aktualiau. Anksčiau vadovams paprasčiausiai pakakdavo intuicijos, nuovokos ir logikos, vykdant strateginius sprendimus. Šiuo metu tai tampa neįmanoma dėl įvairių priežasčių. Pagrindinis baigiamojo magistro analitinės – metodinės dalies tikslas – pateikti susistemintą verslo vertinimo teisinę bei metodinę informaciją, esančią Europos Sąjungoje bei Lietuvoje, papildomai aprašyti įmonių finansinę analizę bei įvertinti jos svarbą. Eksperimentinėje – tiriamojoje dalyje, remiantis pirmojo skyriaus metodika, išanalizuota specialiosios paskirties AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Keleivių vežimo direkcija, išnagrinėti jos veiklos vertinimo ypatumai. Analizuojama, kodėl ne visais atvejais galima įvertinti verslą. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, verslo vertinimo teisinė bei metodinė informacija, specialiosios paskirties AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Keleivių vežimo direkcijos veiklos vertinimo ypatumai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. / Not only in whole world, but also in Lithuania business valuation is becoming more relevant. Earlier managers used to take important decisions using only their intuition, perception, and logic. Today this is almost impossible because of various reasons. The main purpose of the analytic-methodic part of this final master’s degree thesis is to represent structured methodical and juristic information existent in European Union and Lithuania; and additionally describe the financial analysis of the companies and valuate its importance. Using analytic-methodic part as a reference, in experimental-research part is analyzed passenger transportation directorate of “Lietuvos Geležinkeliai” SP JSC, as well as the peculiarities of its activity valuation and evaluation, and why it is not possible to valuate business in all cases. Thesis consists of 5 parts: preface, methodical and juristic information of business valuation, peculiarities of valuation the passenger transportation directorate of “Lietuvos Geležinkeliai” SP JSC, conclusion, and list of literature.

Ribotos sumos elektroninių pinigų cirkuliacijos sistema / Limited amount electronic money circulation system

Šėža, Vygintas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Sparti elektroninės komercijos plėtra ir augimas natūraliai sąlygojo modernių, online aplinkai pritaikytų atsiskaitymo, mokėjimo sistemų atsiradimą. Itin svarbu tai, kad technologijų tobulėjimo pasėkoje ne tik eksponentiškai išaugo perduodamos informacijos kiekis, tačiau pakito pačios informacijos prigimtis – ji pati savaime, per se, tapo ekonominę vertę turinčiu objektu. Vartotojų noras saugiai atsiskaityti internete įtakojo, kad „online“ aplinkoje mažėja naudojimas tokių tradicinių atsiskaitymo priemonių kaip mokėjimo kortelės. Interneto vartotojai vis rečiau pasitiki šiuo mokėjimo įrankiu, kadangi vartotojai, pateikdami pardavėjui savo mokėjimo kortelės duomenis, susiduria su neteisėta šių duomenų panaudojimo rizika. Šiame darbe pateikiamas siūlomas dalinai prijungties režime veikiančios elektroninių pinigų cirkuliacijos sistemos, skirtos mažiems ir vidutiniams mokėjimams, modelis, besiremiantis sukurta Payword mikromokėjimų sistemos koncepcija. / Fast developing and growing of e-commerce determined the coming of modern payment systems. Intention of users to pay safely on the internet impacted the decrease of use of traditional payment system such as credit cards. It’s started to look for and design alternative ways of payment, such as smart cards systems or systems using software for saving monetary value. Traditional payment systems currently used by most e-commerce sites are not suitable for high volume, tiny valued transactions. There is a need of payment system that is cost effective, secure and easy to use. The purpose of this work is to propose a model of semi-online electronic money circulation system for small and average payments, which is based on a concept of R. Rivest and A. Shamir created micropayment system called Payword. The proposed model’s architecture and protocol are explained in detail. To increase performance of the system there was done a research to find out which hash algorithm and electronic signature algorithm is most suitable for the proposed model.

Įmonės finansinės būklės ir rezultatų prognozavimas ir vertinimas / The Prognostication and Evaluation of the Financial Position and Results of a Company

Martusevičiūtė-Sedleckienė, Rasa 25 May 2005 (has links)
The object of the research: the prognostication and evaluation of the financial position and results of a company. The purpose of the research: to prepare the system of prognostication and evaluation of the company��s financial position and financial results. The tasks of the research: 1)To determine the importance of financial position and financial results in the process of prognostication and evaluation of the company’s activities; 2)To prepare the system of prognostication of financial position and financial results; 3)To prepare the evaluation system of financial position and financial results; 4)To perform the practical application of the improved prognostication and evaluation methods of financial position and financial results. The methods of the research: in the process concerned with the above-mentioned tasks, presupposing the purpose of the research, there will be applied analysis and synthesis (also logical analysis and synthesis) of science literature, questioning, forecasting and modelling, comparative, descriptive and graphic methods. When the analysis of literature, concerned with the prognostication and evaluation of company’s activities will be done and systemized, the system of company’s financial position and financial results will be performed and the practical application of it will be made.

Veiklą pradedančių įmonių vertės modeliavimas / Value modeling of start activities corporates

Kuzura, Jevgenija 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti veiklą pradedančių įmonių vertės nustatymo ypatumai. Pirmojoje, konceptualiojoje, darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojami įmonės vertinimo ypatumai. Pateikiama įmonės vertės samprata ir reikšmė, išskiriami įmonės vertę įtakojantys veiksniai, aptarti įmonės vertės vertinimo principai. Išnagrinėti, susisteminti ir palyginti įmonės vertės nustatymo metodai, apžvelgiami tokių metodų parinkimo ypatumai. Antrojoje darbo dalyje atskleista veiklą pradedančių įmonių vertės modeliavimo tyrimo metodika. Trečiojoje, empirinėje, darbo dalyje atliktas išsamus UAB „FlixAuto“ veiklos vertinimas remiantis mokumo (likvidumo), pelningumo bei veiklos efektyvumo ir turto apyvartumo rodiklių analize, atliktas įmonės bankroto prognozavimas. Remiantis diskontuotų pinigų srautų (DCF) metodu apskaičiuota UAB „FlixAuto“ vertė. Atliekama kiekybinio tyrimo analizė. Pateikiamos atskirų vertinimų išvados. Tyrimas baigiamas išvadomis ir pasiūlymais. / Master's thesis analyzed the value of start-ups setting features. The first, conceptual, theoretical part of the work outlined in the company's assessment features. Presented the concept of the company's value and importance of secreted factors influencing the value of the company, to discuss the company's value evaluation. To examine the structure and compare the company valuation methods, a review of such methods for selecting features. The second part of start-ups revealed the value of simulation methods. Third, empirical work in a detailed JSC „FlixAuto“ performance evaluation based on solvency (liquidity), profitability and operating efficiency and asset turnover ratio analysis performed bankruptcy prediction. Based on the discounted cash flow (DCF) method calculated JSC „FlixAuto“ value. Performed a quantitative analysis of the research. Given for individual findings. The study ends with conclusions and suggestions.

Europos Sąjungos ir valstybių euro zonos narių kompetencijos ribos pinigų politikos srityje / European Union and Euro-zone Member States: Limits of Competences in the Field of Monetary Policy

Šimkus, Andrius 28 March 2006 (has links)
Common monetary policy, according to its nature and established principles of formation and implementation, is unique policy of the Community. Its importance for the EU existence requires clearly divided competence in its sphere. Regardless exclusive monetary policy competence of the Community, euro-zone members obtained a wide range of opportunities for active participation in creation, formation and implementation of monetary policy, both through the institutional system and through the political interest influence.

Lietuvos pinigų politika / Lithuanian monetary policy

Baranovaitė, Marina 28 May 2005 (has links)
The object of the study – Lithuanian monetary policy. The purpose of the work – to estimate the level of achieved objectives of Lithuanian monetary policy and to forecast perspectives after joining to European Union. The main tasks: 1. to investigate the objectives, means and results of monetary policy; 2. to establish the main objectives, means and results of Lithuanian monetary policy during the period from recovering states independence till nowdays; 3. to establish the main objectives, means and results of Lithuanian monetary policy after joining to European Union. Methods of the research – the analysis of the laws, which regulate the activity of the Bank of Lithuania and its monetary policy, analysis of scientific literature, statistical analysis, comparative analysis, logical analysis and synthesis. The period of research is 1993 - 2004 year.

Europos valiutų sąjungos teisiniai aspektai / Legal Aspects of the European Monetary Union

Jasinskaitė, Vilma 29 December 2006 (has links)
In this masterwork author presents a concept of the European monetary union, main features and steps of creating this union; also defines benefits and costs of entering the euro zone. The legal regulation of economic convergence requirements and its practice are analyzed comprehensively. In this work author detects harmonization areas of legal acts between European Community and national legal acts, presents a necessity and ways of this harmonization and reviews the most important regulations in Lithuania, witch must be harmonized.

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