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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microparticules à libération controlée : impact du gonflement sur la cinétique de libération de substance active / Controlled release microparticles : impact of swelling on the drug release kinetics

Gasmi, Hanane 08 December 2015 (has links)
Les études de libération de substance active à partir de système polymériques tels que des microparticules à base d’acide poly(lactique-co-glycolique) (PLGA) ont été largement explorées au cours de ces dernières décennies . L’objectif principal de ce travail consiste à mieux comprendre les mécanismes de transport de masse contrôlant la libération de substance active à partir des microparticules de PLGA. Un nouvel aperçu devait être acquis sur la base de suivi expérimental de la cinétique de gonflement de microparticules. Dans un premier temps, des microparticules à base de PLGA chargées de différents types de substances actives (acide, base et neutre), tels que kétoprofen, prilocaine base libre et dexamethasone ont été préparées par simple émulsion (huile dans eau) en utilisant une méthode d'extraction/évaporation du solvant. Les microparticules obtenues avaient des taux d’efficacité d’encapsulation qui sont variables selon la substance active utilisée. Une caractérisation des propriétés clés des microparticules obtenues a été réalisée en utilisant différentes techniques (microscopie optique, microscopie électronique). La chromatographie par permeation de gel a été utilisé pour déterminer le poids moléculaire du PLGA après exposition des microparticules au milieu de libération à différents temps afin d’évaluer la cinétique de dégradation du polymère. La diffraction des rayons X et la calorimétrie différentielle à balayage étaient utilisés pour étudier l’état physique du polymère, de la substance active pure ainsi que les microparticules chargées en substance active. Les études de libération ont montré deux types de profils de libération : un profil tri-phasique et un profil plus ou moins mono-phasique. Le profil tri-phasique observé est constitué de trois phases : une phase de libération initiale rapide suivie d’une libération constante qui est suivie ; à son tour ; par une seconde phase de libération rapide. En revanche, les différentes phases étaient difficilement distinguées pour le deuxième type de profil obtenu, du fait de la libération rapide de substance active ce qui permet de dire que les profils obtenus étaient plus ou moins mono-phasique. L’élucidation des mécanismes de libération de substance active était basée sur le suivi expérimental de la cinétique de gonflement des microparticules. Comme pour les cinétiques de libération obtenues à partir des microparticules à base de PLGA, différentes phases peuvent être distinguées pour les profils de gonflement. Les transitions d’une phase à une autre semblent s’accorder entre le profil de libération et celui du gonflement. Ainsi, le gonflement des microparticules pourrait contribuer au contrôle de la libération de la substance active à partir des microparticules à base de PLGA. / The drug release studies from polymeric system such as Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA)-based microparticles have been widely investigated during recent decades. The main objective of this work is to better understand the mass transport mechanisms controlling the drug release kinetics from PLGA microparticles. New insight was to be gained based on the experimental monitoring of the swelling kinetics of single microparticle. Initially, PLGA microparticles containing different type of drugs (acidic, basic and neutral), such as ketoprofen, prilocaine free base and dexamethasone were prepared using simple oil in water emulsion extraction/evaporation solvent technique. The characterization of the key properties of microparticles was performed using different techniques (optical microscopy, electron microscopy). The gel permeation chromatography was used to determine the molecular weight of PLGA following exposure of microparticles to the release medium at various times to assess the kinetic degradation of the polymer. The X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry were used to study the physical state of the polymer, drug and drug-loaded microparticles. Release studies have shown two types of release profiles: tri-phasic and more or less mono-phasic profile. The tri-phasic profile is composed of three phases: an initial rapid release phase followed by a constant release which is followed by a second phase of rapid release. In contrast, at the investigated higher initial drug loadings, different release phases could hardly be distinguished: The profiles were more or less mono-phasic. The elucidation of drug release mechanisms was based on the experimental results of the swelling kinetics of single microparticles. As for drug release, distinct phases can be distinguished for microparticles swelling. The transition from one phase to another seem to coincide for microparticle swelling and drug release. Thus also microparticle swelling might contribute to a significant extent to the control of drug release.

Implants formés in-situ pour le traitement des poches parodontales : évaluation in-vitro et in-vivo / In-situ forming implants for periodontal pockets treatment : in vitro and in vivo evaluation

Agossa, Kevimy 27 November 2018 (has links)
La frequence elevee et les consequences considerables des maladies parodontales sur la qualite de vie orale et la sante generale font de ces pathologies une preoccupation de sante publique. Le developpement de traitements innovants est un moteur essentiel du progres dans la prise en charge de ces maladies. Ce travail s’interesse a l’utilisation d’agents antimicrobiens (non-antibiotiques) et anti-inflammatoires comme adjuvants au debridement mecanique des poches parodontales. Il est consacre a la mise au point et a l’optimisation d’une forme galenique appelee implant forme in-situ (IFIS), a base de polymeres biocompatibles et resorbables, concue pour le traitement des poches parodontales. Ce dispositif est injecte dans la lesion ou il libere de facon prolongee une combinaison d’antiseptique (chlorhexidine) et d’anti-inflammatoire (ibuprofene). Nos resultats montrent (i) in-vitro la superiorite de l’IFIS en termes de proprietes mecaniques et antimicrobiennes sur des systemes actuellement commercialises pour le meme usage et (ii) in-vivo, chez l’animal, un effet positif de l’IFIS sur la cicatrisation parodontale. Cette etude valide l’usage d’IFIS a base d’acide Poly(D,L-lactique-co-glycolique) (PLGA) comme support de liberation controlee de principes actifs dans la poche parodontale. Elle montre egalement que la combinaison d’un antiseptique et d’un anti-inflammatoire au sein du meme systeme de liberation locale pourrait ameliorer le traitement des parodontites tout en limitant le recours aux antibiotiques. / Periodontal diseases are highly prevalent oral conditions which strongly impact the oral quality of life and general health. Progress in the management of periodontal diseases depends, at least partly, on the development of novative and effective periodontal treatments. This work is concerned with the use of non-antibiotic antimicrobials and antiinflammatory drugs as adjunctive periodontal therapy. The aim was to develop a novel polymer-based, biocompatible and resorbable local drug delivery system (in-situ forming implants -ISFI-), which could be injected into periodontal pockets and control the delivery of both an antiseptic (chlorhexidine) and an anti-inflammatory agent (Ibuprofen). The physical key properties and antimicrobial activity of the proposed implants were very promising in vitro suggesting an improvement as compared to currently marketed drug delivery systems for periodontitis treatment. In vivo results are consistent with the latters, showing a positive effect of ISFI on periodontal wound healing in an experimental mice model of periodontitis. Data from this study support Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) as an attractive formulation for local drug-delivery into periodontal pockets. Our results further suggest that the local delivery of both an antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory drug is a promising adjunctive treatment of periodontitis. This should additionnaly reduce the use of systemic antibiotics in periodontal treatment and contribute to the combat against the development of bacterial resistances.

Particulate systems for lung delivery of pyrazinamide for tuberculosis treatment / Systèmes particulaires pour la délivrance pulmonaire de pyrazinamide afin de traiter la tuberculose

Pham, Dinh duy 03 July 2014 (has links)
La pyrazinamide est le seul anti-tuberculeux de première intention actif sur la formedormante de Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sa prescription par voie orale permet de réduire la durée du traitement de 9 à 6 mois. Nous avons développé des formes galéniques de pyrazinamide administrables directement au niveau des poumons afin d'augmenter localement la concentration de pyrazinamide au site pathologique afin de réduire la durée du traitement. Deux formes galéniques de pyrazinamide ont été optimisées: une poudre sèche pour inhalation et des nanoparticules polymères administrables par nébulisation liquide ou sous forme de poudre sèche.La poudre sèche pour inhalation est composée de particules obtenues par atomisation-séchage. La pyrazinamide a été solubilisée dans un mélange 70/30 v/véthanol/eau. Après atomisation-séchage de cette solution, nous avons obtenu des particules cristallines instables et non adaptées à l'administration pulmonaire du fait de leur grande taille. Afin d'obtenir des poudres adaptées à une administration pulmonaire dans le poumon profond, et stables en termes de taille et de caractéristiques physico-chimiques, nous avons passé en revue toute une série d'excipients: phospholipides, bicarbonate d'ammonium, leucine, acide hyaluronique.Nous avons montré qu'en associant tous ces excipients au principe actif, on pouvait obtenir des particules d'environ 6 microns, de faible densité tassée et stables pendant 4 semaines dans des conditions de stockage classiques.L'évaluation aérodynamique in vitro de la poudre optimisée a révélé l'existence de deux populations de particules: de grosses particules pauvres en pyrazinamide et de petites particules riches en pyrazinamide. Ces deux populations proviennent d'une ségrégation des différents composants lors du processus de séchage. Pour remédier à ce phénomène et obtenir des particules de composition homogène, la vitesse de séchage a été diminuée. En conséquence, nous avons obtenu des poudres homogènes avec de bonnes propriétés aérodynamiques pour délivrance dans les poumons: fraction de particules fines de 40,1 ± 1,0% et fraction alvéolaire de 29,6 ±3,1%. Cette poudre a alors été évaluée in vivo chez le rat sain et nous avons mesuré les concentrations de pyrazinamide dans le plasma et le liquide de lavage bronchoalvéolaire après insufflation intratrachéale de la poudre, par comparaison avec une administration intraveineuse d'une solution de pyrazinamide. L'insufflation intratrachéale de poudre et l'administration intraveineuse conduisent à des paramètres pharmacocinétiques similaires prouvant que les particules se dissolvent rapidement lors du dépôt et que la molécule traverse efficacement la barrière pulmonaire pour atteindre la circulation systémique. De manière surprenante, la pyrazinamide est éliminée plus rapidement du liquide pulmonaire lorsqu'elle est administrée par insufflation intratrachéale que par voie intraveineuse. La délivrance pulmonaire de pyrazinamide apparaît comme une alternative intéressante à l'administration orale de la molécule et doit maintenant être testée dans un modèle d'animal infecté pour évaluer son efficacité contre Mycobacterium tuberculosis.En parallèle, nous avons optimisé l'encapsulation de pyrazinamide dans des nanoparticules polymères de poly(lactide-co-glycolide) PLGA monodisperses de taille inférieure à 200nm, grâce un plan d'expériences. Les nanoparticules de PLGA chargées en pyrazinamide ont été préparées par la méthode d'émulsion double. La méthode de Taguchi a été utilisée pour optimiser les paramètres de formulation. Le type de solvant, le rapport en poids pyrazinamide/ PLGA et le rapport des volumes des phases aqueuse et organique étaient les paramètres pertinents. La méthode de Taguchi s'est avérée efficace pour optimiser les nanoparticules d'environ 170nm avec un indice de polydispersité ˂ 0,1, un potentiel zêta d'environ -1mV et une efficacité d'encapsulation de 7-8% soit 3% de taux de charge de la pyrazinamide. / Pyrazinamide is the only first intention anti-TB drug active on the dormant form ofMycobacterium tuberculosis. Its oral prescription reduces treatment duration from 9to 6 months. We have developed dosage forms of pyrazinamide to administer directlyto the lungs to locally increase the concentration of pyrazinamide at the diseased siteand further reduce the duration of treatment. Two dosage forms of pyrazinamidewere optimized: a dry powder for inhalation and polymer nanoparticles administrableeither by liquid nebulization or as a dry powder.The dry powder for inhalation is composed of particles obtained by spray-drying.Pyrazinamide was dissolved in a mixture 70/30 v/v ethanol/water. After spray-dryingthe solution, we obtained large crystalline particles that were unstable and notsuitable for pulmonary administration because of their large sizes. To obtain powderssuitable for pulmonary delivery to the deep lungs, and stable in terms of size andphysico-chemical characteristics, we reviewed a variety of excipients: phospholipids,ammonium bicarbonate, leucine, hyaluronic acid. We have shown that by combiningall these excipients with the drug, one could obtain particles of about 6 microns, witha low tapped density and stable for 4 weeks under conditions of conventionalstorage.The in vitro aerodynamic evaluation of the optimized powder showed the existence oftwo populations of particles: large particles with a low content of pyrazinamide andsmall particles with high pyrazinamide content. These two populations derived fromthe segregation of different components during the drying process. To obtainparticles of uniform composition, the drying rate was decreased. As a result, weobtained homogeneous powders with good aerodynamic properties for delivery intothe lungs: fine particle fraction of 40.1 ± 1.0% and alveolar fraction of 29.6 ± 3.1%.This powder was then evaluated in vivo in healthy rats and we measured theconcentrations of pyrazinamide in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid afterintratracheal insufflation of the powder in comparison with intravenous administrationof a solution of pyrazinamide. The intratracheal insufflation of the powder and theintravenous injection lead to similar pharmacokinetic parameters proving that theparticles dissolve rapidly after deposition and pyrazinamide crosses efficiently thelung barrier to reach the systemic circulation. Surprisingly, pyrazinamide disappears4faster form lung lining fluid when administered by pulmonary insufflation than afterintravenous administration. Pulmonary delivery of pyrazinamide appears as anattractive alternative to oral administration of the drug and must now be tested in ananimal model of infection to assess its efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.In parallel, we have optimized the encapsulation of pyrazinamide in polymericnanoparticles of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) PLGA lower than 200 nm andmonodisperse, using experimental design. The pyrazinamide-loaded PLGAnanoparticles were prepared by the double emulsion method. The Taguchi methodwas used to optimize the formulation parameters. The type of solvent, thepyrazinamide / PLGA weight ratio and aqueous to organic phases volume ratio wererelevant parameters. The Taguchi method has proven effective to optimizenanoparticles of about 170nm with a polydispersity index < 0.1, a zeta potential ofapproximately -1mV and an encapsulation efficiency of 7-8% or 3% pyrazinamide drugloading.

Toxoide diftérico: nova roupagem para uma vacina tradicional / Diphtheric toxoid: new clothes for a traditional vaccine

Namur, Jocimara Ambrosio de Moraes 27 November 2007 (has links)
O processo de micrencapsulação de proteínas em microesferas (MS) de PLGA [poli (ácido lactico-co-glicolico)] é fácil de fazer e é uma ferramenta útil para melhorar tanto uma formulação quanto para aumentar a atividade imunológica de vacinas de novas gerações. A MS-PLGA têm caráter adjuvante porque é um sistema particulado e, além disto, controla a liberação do antígeno. O escopo desta tese foi o de dar uma nova roupagem para um antígeno vacinal tradicional e muito bem estudado- o toxoide diftérico (Dtxd). Estudaram-se a produção de MS de tamanho desejado; os mecanismos que controlam danos nas proteínas durante o processo de micrencapsulação; a produção de microesferas com características de liberações em tempos distintos e ensaios biológicos. O tamanho de MS é um determinante fundamental para controlar a velocidade de liberação de um soluto. Para se produzir MS com tamanhos controlados usou-se um desenho fatorial experimental com três fatores distintos e três pontos centrais, para se determinar a influência das variáveis (concentração de poli álcool vinílico; velocidade de agitação e relação fase dispersa/fase contínua) na determinação do tamanho das MS. Foram obtidas MS esféricas e lisas de 4- 15 &#181;m de diâmetro. Estes resultados abrem a possibilidade de se formular PLGA-MS com tamanhos planejados através de um mínimo de experimentos. O mecanismo de danos conformacionais nas proteínas nas várias fases do processo de produção de PLGA-MS é ainda uma questão em aberto. Usaram-se várias técnicas biofísicas (HPLC, espectroscopias no uv, fluorescência e CD) além de ELISA para se testar a interferência dos sais da série de Hofmeister sobre a solubilidade e estabilidade da proteína durante a emulsificação e do contacto com a interface água/cloreto de metileno (primeira etapa do processo de preparação de MS). Estudaram-se também a influência de oligômeros de PLGA e SDS sobre a estrutura da proteína no meio de liberação (etapa de liberação do soluto). A emulsificação de Dtxd na presença de Mg2+ induziu agregação protéica, com exposição de resíduos hidrofóbicos para o meio; variações no ângulo diédrico do S-S proteico e perda de identidade imunológica. Esta agregação foi quase abolida pelo caotrópico SCN- (toxicidade = 30 g/ homem adulto de 70 kg). A conformação \"nativa\" do Dtxd e sua atividade biológica foram protegidas pelo KSCN. Os oligômeros de PLGA e o SDS induziram uma conformação de Dtxd nova. A adição de KSCN na fase aquosa aumentou a eficiência de encapsulação de Dtxd pela PLGA-MS em 20 %. Esta foi a solução mais simples quando comparada com aquelas descritas na literatura. Produziram-se seis formulações diferentes (diferentes massas molares e carboximetilações do PLGA) com pelo menos três cinéticas de liberações distintas. Imunizaram-se camundongos com 5 &#181;g de Dtxd encapsulado em MS-PLGA usando-se dois polímeros de 12 kDa (-COOH livre ou metilado) e um outro de 63 kDa (metilado). O padrão de resposta e a maturidade imunológicas foram medidos por titulações de IgG1 e IgG2a. Mantiveram-se os mesmos padrões de resposta humoral (desejável). Menores quantidades de antígenos foram necessárias para se obter os mesmos benefícios gerados pela vacina tradicional de Dtxd. Aumentaram-se a produção e a seletividade de anticorpos através de duas manipulações simples: a formulação e o tempo da aplicação da dose de reforço. Estes resultados colocam estas formulações na área de vacinas de sucesso uma vez que também foram obtidas memórias imunológicas. / The protein microencapsulation within microspheres (MS) of PLGA (Poly-lactide-co-glycolide) is easy to do and, it is a useful tool to enhance formulation and immunologic performances for new generation vaccines. MS-PLGA has adjuvant character because it is a particulate system and can control the antigen release. The question addressed in this thesis was to give this new dress for the traditional and well studied vaccine antigen - the diphtheria toxoid (Dtxd). The steps of MS control size production; mechanism to control protein damages; MS production with different polymers and biological assay were addressed here. MS size is a primary determinant of solute release velocity. A full factorial experimental design 23 with triplicate at the central point was used to determine the influence of variables (polyvinyl alcohol concentration, stirring velocity and the relationship between dispersed /continuous phase) on MS size. Uniformly spherical and smooth microspheres (4 - 15 &#181;m of diameter) were obtained. These results open the possibility of formulating PLGA microspheres with custom sizes performing a minimum of experiments as required for specific applications. It stills an open question to detail the conformational mechanism of protein damages during the various steps of the PLGA microencapsulation process. Various techniques (HPLC gel filtration, ELISA, Fluorescence, UV and Circular dichroism spectroscopies) were tested on the interference of the Hofmeister ion series over protein solubility and stability during the emulsification and contact with the interface water/CH2Cl2 interface (First step on MS preparation). The interference of SDS and PLGA olygomers over protein structure in the liberation media was also studied (solute liberation step). The Dtxd emulsification in the presence of Mg2+ was followed by protein aggregation, with exposition of hydrophobic residues and changes on the dihedral S-S protein angle and loses on immunological identity. This aggregation is 95% avoided by the chaotropic and little toxic salt KSCN (30g/ adult human of 70 kg). All the \"native\" Dtxd conformation and biological properties were maintained by KSCN. MS with different liberation kinetics profile and different erosion characteristics were obtained by using six different polymers. The SDS and PLGA olygomers exerted a generation of new Dtxd molecular organization. The KSCN increased Dtxd encapsulation within PLGA-MS in more than 20 %. This was the simplest solution used to solve protein aggregation compared with others solutions used in the literature. The six different formulations produced (differing in molar mass and carboxymethylation) produced, at least, three different Dtxd liberation profiles. Mice were primed with 5 µg of Dtxd microencapsulated within MS prepared with 12 kDa (ended carboxymethylated or free PLGA) and with 63 kDa (methylated) PLGA. The response patterns and the immune maturity were measured by IgG1 and IgG2a titrations. The humoral pattern was maintained, but fewer antigens were needed to obtain the same traditional Dtxd vaccine benefits. The simple change on Dtxd-PLGA formulation and timing of the booster enhanced both, antibody production and selectivity. An immunological memory was also obtained, putting so, these formulations in the field of successful vaccine.


SILVA, Mayara Cristina Pinto da 28 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Daniella Santos (daniella.santos@ufma.br) on 2017-08-29T16:11:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MayaraSilva.pdf: 2720807 bytes, checksum: 1a7eeabdd7df89c4b7c0690e8136cb51 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-29T16:11:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MayaraSilva.pdf: 2720807 bytes, checksum: 1a7eeabdd7df89c4b7c0690e8136cb51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-28 / CNPq / CAPES / FAPEMA / There is an increasing interest to find new products with therapeutic potential to the treatment of leishmaniasis, due the high toxicity and resistance of the majority of available treatments. Our aim was to formulate, characterise and evaluate the antiLeishmania amazonensis activity of babassu loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) – PLGA microparticles. The PLGA microparticles were loaded with the aqueous extract of babassu mesocarp (MMP) and evaluated for size, zeta potential, drug content, encapsulation efficiency in comparison to unloaded microparticles (CMP). The antiLeishmania effect was evaluated to promastigotes forms or to amastigotes in Balb/c macrophage cells infected with Leishmania amazonensis. Following macrophage treatment with MMP the percent of infected cells was determined by Giemsa staining and compared with cells treated with CMP or with free babassu extract (MESO). To find the potential mechanisms of the activity of MMPs, TNF -α, IL-6, IL-10, hydrogen peroxide, arginase and accumulated nitrite in the culture supernatants of the treated and untreated cells were also measured by ELISA, and by colorimetric assays, respectivelly. The size range of the microparticles was between 3 and 6,4 μm with an average zeta potential of −25 mV and encapsulation efficiency of 45%. The antiLeishmania activity of babassu-loaded microparticles was 10-fold higher than MESO. MMP showed an overall bioavailability and hence were more effective in eliminating intracellular parasites than the other formulations. Babassu microparticles also reduced the ex vivo parasite infectivity and this effect seems to be directly related to a polarization of macrophages to the M1 phenotype with an increased production of nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and TNF-α. Interestingly, this overexpression of TNF-α didn’t impair cell viability, suggesting the anti-apoptotic effects of the MMP in infected macrophages. These findings indicate that babassu load microparticles may be useful for targeting for new drugs, due to the immunomodulatory effects of polarization to M1 macrophages, infected with L. amazonensis, and further provide motivations for future studies on human cels in vitro and in animal models of leishmaniasis in vivo. / A bioprospecção de produtos com potencial terapêutico no tratamento da leishmaniose tem despertado crescente interesse, pois as drogas atualmente utilizadas apresentam elevada toxicidade e, muitas vezes, os protozoários são resistentes, sobretudo nos tratamentos prolongados. Na perspectiva de desenvolver uma nova formulação com ação anti-Leishmania avaliou-se a atividade do extrato aquoso do mesocarpo de babaçu (Attalea speciosa Mart) encapsulado em micropartículas biodegradáveis de PLGA [poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid]. Inicialmente, foi realizado o estudo morfométrico e funcional das micropartículas. Em seguida foi avaliada a atividade anti-Leishmania por ação sobre as formas promastigotas, comparando os efeitos das micropartículas de PLGA carregadas com extrato do mesocarpo de babaçu (MMP) com o extrato livre (Meso) e com micropartículas sem o mesocarpo, utilizadas como controle negativo (CMP). Também avaliamos os efeitos de MMP em culturas de macrófagos peritoneais, de camundongos Balb/c, infectados ou não com formas amastigotas de Leishmania amazonensis. Os seguintes parâmetros foram investigados nos sobrenadantes das culturas de macrófagos: quantificação das citocinas IL-10, IL-6 e TNF-α por ELISA, detecção de peróxido de hidrogênio, óxido nítrico e atividade da arginase. Foi determinada a taxa de infecção e o percentual de células infectadas. O mesocarpo de babaçu apresentou forteinteração com antígenos de L. amazonensis. A caracterização das micropartículas mostrou que as MMP apresentaram diâmetro e potencial zeta compatíveis com as micropartículas controle (CMP) e a eficiencia de encapsulamento do extrato foi de 45%. As MMPs foram mais ativamente fagocitadas do que o extrato de babaçu livre, ocasionando aumento de 25% no índice fagocítico, após 24 horas de incubação. Além de baixa toxicidade para macrófagos peritoneais, o encapsulamento do mesocarpo de babaçu potenciou em quase 10 vezes a ação anti-Leishmania para as formas promastigotas de Leishmania amazonensis, quando comparado ao extrato livre. O tratamento com MMP reduziu o número de amastigotas e a taxa de infecção de macrófagos peritoneais, possivelmente por seu efeito imunomodulador na polarização de macrófagos para o fenótipo M1, resultando no aumento de TNF-α e óxido nítrico e na inibição da produção de IL-10. Concluímos que o microencapsulamento do mesocarpo de babaçu melhorou a ação anti-Leishmania do extrato, mas manteve o seu efeito imunomodulador o que contribuiu para o melhor efeito tanto sobre os protozoários como para as células infectadas, evitando a morte das células por necrose ou apoptose. Os dados em conjunto indicam que as micropartículas MMP podem ser fortes candidatas ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos, devido aos seus efeitos imunomoduladores na polarização de macrófagos infectados com L. amazonensis para um perfil M1 e, adicionalmente, estimulam novos estudos quanto ao seus efeitos sobre células humanas in vitro e em modelo animal da leishmaniose in vivo.

Preparação e caracterização in vitro de micropartículas de heparina fracionada potencialmente aplicáveis ao tratamento da trombose venosa profunda / Preparation and in vitro characterization of microparticles containing fractionated heparin potentially applicable to treatment of deep vein thrombosis.

Oliveira, Samantha Sant'Anna Marotta de 28 April 2009 (has links)
A trombose venosa profunda (TVP) é uma patologia grave de alta incidência mundial. Quando não diagnosticada precocemente e tratada adequadamente pode evoluir causando sérias complicações, como a embolia pulmonar e insuficiência venosa crônica, as quais são responsáveis por altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Seu tratamento utiliza terapia com anticoagulantes pelas vias parenteral e oral (para manutenção) que estão associadas a prejuízos bem documentados limitando seu uso, além de resultar em baixa adesão do paciente ao tratamento. Os sistemas de liberação modificada de fármacos, tais como as micropartículas poliméricas, representam uma grande área em desenvolvimento, a qual tem recebido atenção de pesquisadores e indústrias de todo o mundo e recebido investimentos crescentes nas últimas três décadas. As micropartículas poliméricas possuem grande estabilidade, capacidade industrial e possibilitam ajustes para alcançar o perfil de liberação adequado e/ou o direcionamento para determinado sítio de ação. O estudo teve início com o desenvolvimento e validação do método analítico para a quantificação da enoxaparina sódica. A turbidimetria foi a técnica de escolha, pois os resultados utilizando CLAE não foram satisfatórios. Este estudo teve como objetivo a obtenção e caracterização físico-química de um sistema de liberação microparticulado para veiculação de uma heparina fracionada (HF), a enoxaparina sódica, muito utilizada no tratamento da TVP, visando um aumento da biodisponibilidade do fármaco com controle da sua biodistribuição. As micropartículas contendo a enoxaparina sódica foram preparadas utilizando o copolímero dos ácidos lático e glicólico (50:50) (PLGA), biodegradável, através do método da dupla emulsificação/ evaporação do solvente. As partículas obtidas foram caracterizadas pela técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e apresentaram forma esférica com superfície lisa e regular. As análises do tamanho e distribuição dos tamanhos de partícula foram realizadas por dispersão de luz laser e apresentaram perfil monomodal para a maioria das formulações. O perfil de liberação in vitro do fármaco encapsulado foi avaliado por 35 dias e apresentou cinética de liberação de pseudo ordem zero, modelo de Higuchi (1961), indicando que a difusão foi o principal mecanismo de liberação. A velocidade de degradação das micropartículas é, através da difusão do fármaco, um parâmetro muito importante e determinante da liberação in vivo. / Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a severe disease with high incidence worldwide. When it is not early diagnosed and properly treated it can develop and to cause serious complications, such as pulmonary embolism and chronic venous insufficiency, which are responsible for high morbidity and mortality rates. The treatment of DVT is accomplished with parenteral and oral (for maintenance) anticoagulants. They are associated to damage well documented that limit their use resulting in poor adherence of patients to treatment. Drug delivery systems, such as polymeric microparticles, represent a significant development area. It has received attention of researchers and industries around the world and increased investments in last three decades. The polymeric microparticles have great stability, industrial capacity and they allow adjustments to achieve the suitable release profile and / or direction for a particular site of action. The study started with development and validation from the analytical method to quantification of enoxaparin sodium. Turbidimetric technique was used because the results by HPLC were not satisfactory. The aim of this work was the preparation and physical-chemical characterization of a microparticle release system for delivery of a fractionated heparin (FH), enoxaparin sodium, widely used to the treatment of DVT to increase the drug bioavailability and control their biodistribution. The microparticles containing enoxaparin sodium were prepared from a biodegradable polymer poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (50:50) (PLGA) using double emulsification / evaporation of the solvent method. The particles obtained were characterized by scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) and showed spherical shape with smooth and regular surface. The analysis of the size and distribution of particle sizes were performed by scattering of laser light and showed unimodal profile for the most of formulations. In vitro drug release profile from the microparticles was evaluated in 35 days showing pseudo zero order kinetics, Higuchi model (1961). This indicated that main mechanism of drug release was diffusion.

Formulation and Characterization of Surface Functionalized PLGA based microparticles for in vitro stem cell survival. / Formulation et caractérisation de microparticules à base de PLGA fonctionnalisées en surface pour la survie in vitro de cellules souches

Ugur, Deniz 04 September 2018 (has links)
Les microsphères polymériques, biodégradables et biocompatibles sont prometteuses comme échafaudages pour fournir des cellules aux tissus sans dommage et améliorer la réponse des cellules souches. Il a été montré que les microparticules à base de PLGA à base de protéines ECM préparées par une technique d'extraction par solvant en émulsion améliorent l'adhésion et la prolifération des cellules souches. Bien qu'un certain effet biologique du revêtement protéique sur les microparticules de polymère soit établi, il n'est pas bien compris car des informations détaillées sur l'interaction entre les propriétés de surface des particules chimiques et physiques, l'adsorption protéique et la réponse cellulaire restent floues. Le but de cette étude est d'établir une relation entre les propriétés de surface des particules qui proviennent des variables utilisées lors des formulations, l'adsorption des protéines et la réponse des cellules souches pour permettre une conception plus rationnelle des microparticules. Deux types de polymères différents (PLGA et PLGA-P188-PLGA) et deux stabilisants d'émulsion différents; un polymérique PVA et une huile polaire Propylène glycol ont été utilisés pour préparer quatre types de particules dans un procédé en émulsion. Les particules ont été caractérisées en termes de taille, charge, topographie et morphologie et chimie de surface Identification des effets des variables dans la chimie et l'émulsifiant des polymères Des surfaces de polymère plat recouvertes de spins sont générées pour comprendre les interactions entre les polymères et les molécules d'adhésion de la fibronectine et de la poly-D-Lysine pour la fonctionnalisation des microparticule. / Polymeric, biodegradable and biocompatible microspheres are promising as colloidal scaffolds to deliver cells to tissues without damage and to enhance stem cell survival. It has been shown that PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) based microparticles prepared by an emulsion solvent extraction technique and functionalised with ECM proteins improves stemcell adhesion and proliferation. While it is established that the presence of proteins in these systems has abiological effect, the interplay between microparticle properties and cells is poorly understood because there lationship between chemical and physical particle surface properties, protein adsorption and cell response remain unclear. Protein adsorption on a polymer particle surface is a complex phenomenon that is affected by different interfacial mechanisms/forces (e.g. DLVO and non-DLVO forces) and inherents tructural properties of macromolecules (e.g. polymers, surfactants, peptides and proteins) present on surface, establishing the parameters that involves inprotein/peptide adsorption on microparticles insights the logical design of the particles as a biomaterial useby contributing the understanding of another related complex phenomenon of the colloidal biomaterial-cell interface interaction in tissue engineering where limited study available to fully understand the concept.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of different formulation approaches on the physicochemical properties of the microparticles and identify connections between the particle properties, protein adsorption and ensuing cell response on these materials. To examine these, two different polymertypes (PLGA and PLGA-P188-PLGA) and two different emulsion stabilizers; a polymeric surfactant (PVA(Polyvinyl alcohol) and a polar oil propylene glycol were used to prepare four different types of particles in an emulsion process (O/W). Particles were characterized in terms of size, charge, topography, morphology and surface chemistry to identify the effect of the variables of polymer chemistry and use of surfactant on particle properties in first part of the study. Spin coated flatpolymer surfaces were generated to understand the interactions between the polymers and the proteins (fibronectin /poly-d-Lysine).

Formulation, développement et validation de systèmes particulaires d'insuline en vue de leur administration par voie orale / Formulation, development and validation of insulin loaded particulate systems for their oral administration

Diop, Mouhamadou 18 December 2015 (has links)
Administration par voie orale.L’insulinothérapie permet aux diabétiques de réguler leur glycémie. La thèse s’inscrit dans le projet ORAIL Bis qui vise à développer un système d’administration orale d’insuline basé sur la double encapsulation de l’insuline. Le vecteur développé est composé d’une gélule contenant des particules (NP) d’insuline formulées à partir de chitosane (CS) par coacervation complexe ou d’acide (lactique-co-glycolique) (PLGA) par double émulsion. Les objectifs de la thèse sont de stabiliser les NP de chitosane par réticulation et lyophilisation, augmenter la biodisponibilité des NP de PLGA par mucoadhésion, les transposer à l’échelle industrielle. Les résultats ont montré que la combinaison des deux approches permet de réduire la taille des NP de CS, de maintenir une charge positive, de leur conférer une stabilité et une bioefficacité. La mucoadhésion n’a pas permis d’augmenter la biodisponibilité des NP de PLGA. Une charge négative permet d’améliorer leur efficacité biologique et sont transposable à échelle industrielle. L’encapsulation de ces NP dans une gélule a permis de valider in vivo le concept de double encapsulation de l’insuline. / Insulinotherapy helps diabetics to regulate their glycaemia. This thesis is part of the ORAIL Bis project which aims to develop an oral insulin delivery system based on the double encapsulation of insulin. The developed vector is composed of a capsule containing insulin loaded particles (NPs) formulated with chitosan (CS) by complex coacervation or poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) by double emulsion solvent evaporation. The objectives of the thesis are to stabilize chitosan NPs by crosslinking and freeze-drying, increase the bioavailability of NPs PLGA by mucoadhesion and transpose them to the industrial scale. Results showed that the combination of both strategies reduces the size of CS NPs, maintain a positive charge, give them stability and bioefficacy. Mucoadhesion failed to increase the bioavailability of PLGA NPs. A negative charge allows to improve their biological efficacy and are transposed to industrial scale. The encapsulation of these NPs in an alginate capsule allowed to validate in vivo the concept of double encapsulation of insulin.

Síntese e caracterização de nanopartículas poliméricas para veiculação de lignanas bioativas /

Lima, Regiane Godoy de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rosangela da Silva de Laurentiz / Resumo: Os produtos naturais são uma fonte inesgotável de compostos químicos com as mais variadas propriedades biológicas, entretanto, muitos deles têm baixa biodisponibilidade e/ou são degradados pelas condições fisiológicas, o que os torna de pouco interesse para uso como potenciais fármacos. Dentre os vários produtos naturais bioativos as lignanas apresentam um significativo potencial citotóxico contra várias linhagens de células tumorais, como a (-)-hinoquinina (HNK), (-)-cubebina (CB) e (-)-6,6’-dinitrohinoquinina (DN), determinado em outros trabalhos. Entretanto, essa lignanas possuem caráter hidrofóbico e podem ser degradadas em condições fisiológicas dependendo do pH. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a incorporação dessas lignanas em nanopartículas poliméricas (NNPs), como forma de melhorar a biodisponibilidade, perdas por degradação e os efeitos da incorporação sobre a atividade citotóxica desses compostos. Neste estudo a HNK e CB foram extraídas da Piper cubeba e a DN foi sintetizada a partir da reação de nitração da HNK. Essa lignanas foram submetidas a ensaios de citotoxicidade contra as linhagens tumorais Hep-2 e Si-Ha. As NNPs com e sem a lignana foram sintetizadas utilizando como matriz polimérica inicialmente o PLGA (Poli(ácido lático-co-ácido glicólico). As NNPs sintetizadas foram caracterizadas quanto ao seu tamanho, morfologia e estabilidade utilizando análises de MEV, DSC, MET, UV/Vis, FTIR, DLS e potencial zeta. A eficiência da incorpora... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The natural products are inexhaustible source of chemical compounds with the most varied biological properties; however, many of them have low bioavailability and / or are degraded by physiological conditions, which makes them less interesting for use as potential drugs. Among the several bioactive natural products the lignans present a significant cytotoxic potential against several tumor cell lines, as (-)-hinokinin (HNK), (-)-cubebin (CB) and (-)-6,6’-dinitrohinokinin (DN), determined in previous works. However, these lignans have a hydrophobic character and can be degraded in physiological conditions depending on pH. Thus, the present work aimed to study the incorporation of these lignans into polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs), as a method to improve bioavailability, avoid losses by degradation and evaluate as this incorporation affects the its cytotoxic activity. In this study, the HNK and CB were extracted from Piper cubeba and the DN was synthesized from the nitration reaction of the HNK. These lignans were submitted to cytotoxicity assays against tumoral cells Hep-2 and Si-Ha. The empty and content lignans PLGA (Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid, 65:35) PNPs were synthesized using the emulsion-evaporation methodology on mechanical agitation and dripping. The PNPs were investigated for their size, morphology and stability through SEM, DSC, TEM, UV/Vis, FTIR, DLS and zeta potential. Encapsulation efficiency incorporation of the lignan was determined by analysis of UV/Vis. In th... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Síntese e caracterização de nanopartículas poliméricas para veiculação de lignanas bioativas / Synthesis and characterization of polymeric nanoparticles for bioactive lignan

Lima, Regiane Godoy de 20 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Regiane Godoy de Lima (regigodoy@gmail.com) on 2018-07-10T18:42:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Regiane versão final.pdf: 4431175 bytes, checksum: ae162e9e86a8dc06ab1e81dc83a8f1cd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-07-10T19:18:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_rg_dr_ilha.pdf: 4431175 bytes, checksum: ae162e9e86a8dc06ab1e81dc83a8f1cd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-10T19:18:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_rg_dr_ilha.pdf: 4431175 bytes, checksum: ae162e9e86a8dc06ab1e81dc83a8f1cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os produtos naturais são uma fonte inesgotável de compostos químicos com as mais variadas propriedades biológicas, entretanto, muitos deles têm baixa biodisponibilidade e/ou são degradados pelas condições fisiológicas, o que os torna de pouco interesse para uso como potenciais fármacos. Dentre os vários produtos naturais bioativos as lignanas apresentam um significativo potencial citotóxico contra várias linhagens de células tumorais, como a (-)-hinoquinina (HNK), (-)-cubebina (CB) e (-)-6,6’-dinitrohinoquinina (DN), determinado em outros trabalhos. Entretanto, essa lignanas possuem caráter hidrofóbico e podem ser degradadas em condições fisiológicas dependendo do pH. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a incorporação dessas lignanas em nanopartículas poliméricas (NNPs), como forma de melhorar a biodisponibilidade, perdas por degradação e os efeitos da incorporação sobre a atividade citotóxica desses compostos. Neste estudo a HNK e CB foram extraídas da Piper cubeba e a DN foi sintetizada a partir da reação de nitração da HNK. Essa lignanas foram submetidas a ensaios de citotoxicidade contra as linhagens tumorais Hep-2 e Si-Ha. As NNPs com e sem a lignana foram sintetizadas utilizando como matriz polimérica inicialmente o PLGA (Poli(ácido lático-co-ácido glicólico). As NNPs sintetizadas foram caracterizadas quanto ao seu tamanho, morfologia e estabilidade utilizando análises de MEV, DSC, MET, UV/Vis, FTIR, DLS e potencial zeta. A eficiência da incorporação foi determinada através de analises de UV/Vis. Nos ensaios de citotoxicidade todas as lignanas foram ativas, com destaque para a inibição de 98% da HNK sobre a linhagem Hep-2. As três lignanas foram incorporadas em NNPs de PLGA utilizando o método de nanoemulsão-evaporação com agitação mecânica e gotejamento, entretanto a estabilidade dessas NNPs e as porcentagens de incorporação indicaram que apenas as NNPs-PLGA-HNK apresentaram os parâmetros necessários para a utilização nos ensaios de citotoxicidade. Portanto, outros estudos foram realizados com as três lignanas visando a melhora nos métodos de obtenção e estabilidade com o uso de sonicador e diferente composição do PLGA (50:50) e PLGA-PEG. As análises físicas mostraram que as nanopartículas de PLGA (50:50) obtidas através da metodologia por sonicação foram mais estáveis com menores tamanhos e maior potencial zeta em valores absolutos, entretanto, a DN e a CB não foram encapsuladas de forma eficiente. Desta forma, somente a HNK prosseguiu no estudo. O uso do PLGA-PEG alterou de forma significante os parâmetros físicos e químicos das NNPs-PLGA-PEG-HNK em relação as de PLGA-HKN. Os testes de liberação mostraram melhores resultados com as NNPs-PLGA-HNK, principalmente em pH 7,4. O tempo de liberação total da HNK em todas as NNPs avaliadas foi em torno de 30 minutos o que sugere que as nanopartículas obtidas são nanocápsulas. A comparação dos resultados dos ensaios de citotoxicidade mostraram que o CI50 das NNPs de PLGA-HNK foi de 29,8 µM sobre as células tumorais Si-Ha, enquanto a HNK livre apresentou CI50 = 110 µM. Para as outras células tumorais mais agressivas as NNPs de PLGA(50:50)-HNK foram menos eficazes do que a HNK livre, com cerca de 50% de perda da atividade. Esses resultados indicam a efetividade das NPPs de PLGA(65:35)-HNK sobre as células da linhagem Si-Ha, e que o encapsulamento da HNK em NNPs de PLGA pode ser uma alternativa para diminuir a decomposição e aumentar a biodisponibilidade para a condução de em ensaios in vivo. / The natural products are inexhaustible source of chemical compounds with the most varied biological properties; however, many of them have low bioavailability and / or are degraded by physiological conditions, which makes them less interesting for use as potential drugs. Among the several bioactive natural products the lignans present a significant cytotoxic potential against several tumor cell lines, as (-)-hinokinin (HNK), (-)-cubebin (CB) and (-)-6,6’-dinitrohinokinin (DN), determined in previous works. However, these lignans have a hydrophobic character and can be degraded in physiological conditions depending on pH. Thus, the present work aimed to study the incorporation of these lignans into polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs), as a method to improve bioavailability, avoid losses by degradation and evaluate as this incorporation affects the its cytotoxic activity. In this study, the HNK and CB were extracted from Piper cubeba and the DN was synthesized from the nitration reaction of the HNK. These lignans were submitted to cytotoxicity assays against tumoral cells Hep-2 and Si-Ha. The empty and content lignans PLGA (Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid, 65:35) PNPs were synthesized using the emulsion-evaporation methodology on mechanical agitation and dripping. The PNPs were investigated for their size, morphology and stability through SEM, DSC, TEM, UV/Vis, FTIR, DLS and zeta potential. Encapsulation efficiency incorporation of the lignan was determined by analysis of UV/Vis. In the cytotoxicity assays all lignans were active, with emphasis on inhibition of 98% da (-)-hinokinin about the Hep-2 tumoral line. The three lignans were incorporated into PLGA (65:35) NNPs, however the stability of these PNPs and the percentages of incorporation indicated that only the PLGA-HNK PNPs had the parameters required for use in the cytotoxicity assays. Therefore, other studies were performed with the three lignans aiming to improve the methods of obtaining and stability from sonicator and different composition in PLGA: (50:50) and PLGA-PEG. The physical analyzes showed that PLGA (50:50) nanoparticles obtained by sonication were more stable with smaller sizes and higher zeta potential in absolute values. However, even in this method, DN e CB were not efficiently encapsulated. In this way, only HNK continued the study. The use of PLGA-PEG altered the physical and chemical parameters of PLGA-PEG-HNK NNPs obtained when compared to PLGA-HNK NNPs. Release tests showed better results with NNPs-PLGA-HNK, especially at pH 7.4. The total release time of HNK in all NNPs evaluated was around 30 minutes, which suggests that the nanoparticles obtained are nanocapsules. Comparison of cytotoxicity assay results showed that PLGA-HNK PNPs IC50 was 29.8 μM on the Si-Ha tumor cells, while the free HNK showed IC50 = 110 μM. For the other more aggressive tumor cells PLGA (50:50)-HNK PNPs were less effective than free HNK with about 50% loss of activity. These results indicate the effectiveness of PLGA(65:35)-HNK NPPs on cells of the Si-Ha line, and that the encapsulation of HNK in PLGA NNPs may be an alternative to decrease decomposition and increase bioavailability for conducting biological assays in vivo. / PSDE/88881.134923/2016-01

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