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The Impact of the US Military Transformation on Russian and Chinese Security Policy / JAV karinės transformacijos poveikis Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumo politikaiAleksa, Karolis 11 December 2012 (has links)
Although US remained the strongest military power in international system after the Cold War, it was still deeply concerned how to retain its military dominance in the longer term, that could guarantee US further predominance in solving major international issues. Three US military transformation initiatives, namely the transformation of the US conventional forces, the development of missile defence systems and long-range conventional precision-strike capability, are considered as the main instruments to maintain US military dominance in the future. Considering that for Russia and China, which are perceived as the major US opponents, the US military transformation emerged as a big challenge, the research problem is formulated as an attempt to understand whether and how the US military transformation poses a threat to Russia and China’s security and in turn, how this affects Russian and Chinese security policy towards the United States. Accordingly, the goal of the dissertation is to examine the impact of the US military transformation on Russian and Chinese security policy since the end of the Cold War and until 2010. The offence-defence balance theory provides the theoretical and analytical basis for the research. The results of the research have shown that US has managed to achieve an offensive advantage in the conventional offence-defence balance against Russia and China and has had a real possibility to gain such an advantage in the nuclear offense-defence balance... [to full text] / Po Šaltojo karo JAV išliko stipriausia kariniu požiūriu valstybė, tačiau, nepaisant to, JAV buvo itin susirūpinusi savo karinio pranašumo išlaikymu ateityje, kuris leistų užtikrinti tolesnę JAV lyderystę sprendžiant svarbiausius tarptautinius klausimus. JAV karinio pranašumo išlaikymo priemonėmis po Šaltojo karo tapo trys karinės JAV tranformacijos iniciatyvos: konvencinių pajėgų transformacija, priešraketinių gynybos sistemų ir ilgo nuotolio tikslaus konvencinio smūgio pajėgumų kūrimas. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Rusijai ir Kinijai – oponuojančioms JAV valstybėms, JAV karinė transformacija tapo dideliu iššūkiu, disertacijoje tyrimo problema apibrėžta kaip siekis suprasti, ar ir kaip JAV karinė transformacija kelia grėsmę Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumui, ir kaip tai veikia Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumo politiką JAV atžvilgiu. Atitinkamai darbo tikslas buvo ištirti JAV karinės transformacijos poveikį Rusijos ir Kinijos saugumo politikai nuo Šaltojo karo pabaigos iki 2010 m. Puolimo-gynybos balanso teorija buvo pasirinkta kaip disertacijos tyrimo teorinė ir analitinė prieiga. Disertacijos tyrimas parodė, kad, nepaisant įgyto konvencinio puolimo pranašumo ir realios galimybės siekti branduolinio puolimo pranašumo, JAV nevykdė agresyvios saugumo politikos Rusijos ir Kinijos atžvilgiu. Rusija ir Kinija jautriai reagavo į JAV karinę transformaciją, stengdamosi įgyti konvencinį puolimo pranašumą, išsaugoti branduolinį puolimo-gynybos balansą, o taip pat užkirsti kelią JAV susikurti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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ES ir NVS šalių eismo saugumo politika, sprendžiant kelių eismo įvykių ir „juodųjų dėmių“ problemas: Lietuvos ir Rusijos atvejai / Road safety policy of the EU and the CIS countries in solving the problems of road traffic accidents and “accident black spots”: Lithuanian and Russian casesNarkevič, Natalija 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama ES ir NVS kelių eismo saugumo politika, sprendžiant kelių eismo įvykių ir “juodųjų dėmių” problemas. Pasirinkti Lietuvos ir Rusijos atvejai. Pirmoje dalyje aptarta avaringumo problema šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje, pateikti statistiniai duomenys apie kelių eismo įvykiuose žuvusių žmonių skaičių ES ir NVS valstybėse, aptartos prevencinės priemonės, nurodytos kelių eismo įvykių ir „juodųjų dėmių“ atsiradimo priežastys Lietuvos ir Rusijos keliuose, pateiktos „juodųjų dėmių“ sąvokos bei jų nustatymo metodikos. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjami ES kelių transporto ir eismo saugumo reguliavimo teisiniai aspektai, nagrinėjami Lietuvos ir Rusijos svarbiausi kelių eismo saugumą reguliuojantys teisės aktai, analizuojama institucijų veikla bei finansavimas. / The master’s thesis covers the road safety policy of the EU and the CIS countries in solving the problems of road traffic accidents and “accident black spots”. The Lithuanian and Russian cases have been selected. Part One covers the discussion of the accident rate problem in a modern world, presentation of statistical data on the number of people, who died during the road traffic accidents in the EU and the CIS states, discussion of preventive measures, indication of the causes of road traffic accidents and “accident black spots” on Lithuanian and Russian roads, presentation of “accident black spots” terms as well as their identification methods. Part Two covers the analysis of legal aspects of the EU road transport and road safety regulation, fundamental legal acts governing traffic safety of Lithuania and Russia, as well as activities and financing of institutions.
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Vandenų apsaugos ir kokybės valdymo aspektai Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje / Water protection and quality management in the European Union and LithuaniaArutiunian, David 15 January 2007 (has links)
Water protection and quality management
in the European Union and Lithuania
Key words: water protection, strategic planning, integrated protection, sustainable development, financial instruments, water directives, transference of legislation, legislation on water protection.
The major objective of this master thesis is to examine how water protection policy is implemented in the EU and Lithuania, to analyze possibilities of water policy financing, and to discuss the process of harmonizing EU’s and Lithuania’s legislation on water protection issues.
The hypothesis raised in this thesis states that successful implementation of water policy is being highly influenced by the integrated water management, which covers policy agenda setting, legislation scope, institutional capabilities and financing efficiency.
The thesis consists of six parts.
In the first part of this thesis author examines three different stages of water policy implementation in the EU in a chronological order. The development of policy formation is discussed and features of every stage are defined.
In the second part of the thesis water directives of different stages of EU water policy are presented and examined.
The third part of this thesis is targeted to examine the development of water policy in Lithuania and at the same time to determine the changes of water legislation in Lithuania prior to its membership in the European Union and after its entry.
The fourth part of the thesis aims to... [to full text]
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Aplinkos apsaugos politikos vystymasis Lietuvoje / Environment policy development in LithuaniaDyšienė, Božena 15 January 2007 (has links)
Because of the public and environmental interaction's ascensional problems it encouraged to develop environment policy and evolve different shapes since the year dot up till today. Obviously, the policy's development is not the finite process.
The main subjects are introducing at work by encouraging to implement environment policy in Lithuania. The Law environmental formulation is the most analysing in Lithuania. Environment policy development is under review since restoring Lithuania's Independence since 1918-1940. Also since 1940 when Lithuania became Soviet Union. Since 1990 after Lithuania restored political Independence there were analysing environmental policy development. Especially juristics and institutional changes in environmental of policy. The policy development was more under consideration after Lithuania joined with most of the international deed of liberty requirements realization and by integrating to the European Union. There is a special department for financial implement in environment policy for implementation of discussion. Especially developing European Union's financial source of consequence. In pursuance to anticipate the environment policy tendencies and perspectives of development there are European Union’s directives’ (for which were negotiated requirements periods for realization) analysis in details, Long-Term Development Strategy of the State and National Strategy for Sustainable Development for the reaching the goals.
Environment policy's... [to full text]
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Europos Sąjungos neefektyvaus bendradarbiavimo su Viduržemio jūros pakrantės Artimųjų Rytų šalimis priežasčių tyrimas / Analysis of reasons for ineffective cooperation between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries of the Middle EastPūtys, Mantas 08 January 2015 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti trys ES ir Viduržemio jūros pakrantės Artimųjų Rytų regiono šalių bendradarbiavimo etapai, remiantis politinėmis teorijomis nurodytos neefektyvų bendradarbiavimą įtakojusios priežastys ir pateikti siūlymai kaip ateityje užtikrinti efektyvų bendradarbiavimą. Pirmoje dalyje analizuojamos dvi politinės teorijos – patobulinto autoritarizmo ir realizmo –, kurios šiame darbe naudojamos kaip teorinė prieiga neefektyvaus bendradarbiavimo tarp ES ir Viduržemio jūros pakrantės Artimųjų Rytų šalių priežastims tirti ir paaiškinti. Antroje dalyje atskirai nagrinėjami ES ir Viduržemio jūros pakrantės Artimųjų Rytų regiono šalių trys bendradarbiavimo etapai: 1) Nuo 1995 m. iki 2004 m. Barselonos procesas; 2) nuo 2004 m. iki 2008 m. Europos kaimynystės politika; ir 3) nuo 2008 m. Viduržemio jūros regiono valstybių sąjunga. Šioje dalyje kritiškai vertinama ES bendradarbiavimo politika, išskiriami teigiami ir neigiami aspektai bei nurodomos neefektyvaus bendradarbiavimo priežastys. / Master’s work analyses three stages of co-operation between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries of the Middle East, indicates reasons for ineffective cooperation by using political theories and presents suggestions for achieving effective cooperation in the future. Political theories of authoritarian upgrading and realism that are used as theoretical framework for indicating and explaining reasons for ineffective cooperation between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries of the Middle East are presented in the first part of this work. Three stages of cooperation between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries of the Middle East: 1) From 1995 until 2004 the Barselona Process; 2) from 2004 until 2008 European Neighborhood Policy; 3) from 2008 Union for the Mediterranean are presented in the second part of this work. Critical view of the EU policies as well as its positive and negative aspects, and reasons for ineffective cooperation are also presented in this part.
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Feministische StaatstheorieLudwig, Gundula 28 April 2017 (has links)
Feministische Staatstheorie analysiert den Staat in seinen vergeschlechtlichten und vergeschlechtlichenden Dimensionen. Konzepte des Kanons der Politikwissenschaft (wie Gesellschaftsvertrag, Staatsbürgerschaft, Recht, Gewalt) werden erweitert, indem deren Vergeschlechtlichung sichtbar gemacht wird. Ebenso werden neue Konzepte wie bspw. Maskulinismus, Privatheit, Reproduktions- und Verwandtschaftspolitiken in die Staatstheorie aufgenommen, um staatliche Machtausübung umfassend theoretisieren zu können.
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Le choix du régime politique dans les temps modernes : Machiavel et sa postérité (XVIE-XVIIIE siècles)Andrieu, Elodie 02 November 2011 (has links)
Les récentes révolutions du « Printemps des pays arabes » attestent de la vivacité de l’idéal démocratique. Or ce régime est caractéristique d’une manière philosophique de penser le droit et les institutions. En effet, il se conforme mieux que nul autre à l’essence de l’Homme. Alors, malgré le succès des méthodes quantitatives en sciences humaines et l’autonomie désormais incontestée de la science du politique, nos temps contemporains seraient les héritiers d’une vision métaphysique plutôt que scientifique de la matière politique. Pourtant, la thèse explore l’histoire de la première « science des institutions » qui naît et se développe dans les Temps Modernes. Courant méconnu au cœur de l’histoire des institutions, ses tenants sont pourtant des figures incontournables et emblématiques de la pensée politique moderne, qu’il s’agisse de Machiavel, Hobbes, Montesquieu ou encore Hume. La thèse dévoile alors l’ambitieux projet de ces penseurs : proposer des institutions adaptées à la variété des mœurs, des histoires et des sociétés qu’ils étudient. Le choix du régime politique se doit d’être à la fois respectueux de l’humain et adapté à la variété des populations existantes. Dès lors l’universel et le particulier se rejoignent pour servir la première « science » de la Modernité. La thèse serpente les siècles et le continent européen. Au bout de son périple, une rencontre surprenante : celle de philosophes fascinés par les découvertes de ces premiers scientifiques du politique. De cette rencontre devait naître un nouveau régime politique, différent de son homologue athénien : la Démocratie moderne / The recent revolutions of the « Arab Spring » attest of the vivacity of the democratic ideal. Yet, this regime is characterised by a philosophical questioning on law and on institutions. In fact, it fits better than any other regime the essence of mankind. So despite the success of quantitative methods and the now undisputed autonomy of political sciences, modern times inherited a metaphysical point of view rather than a scientific way to address political questioning. However, the thesis explores the history of the first “science of institutions” that was born and developed in Modernity. Unknown current in the history of institutions, its proponents are paradoxically emblematic figures of modern political thinking, such as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Montesquieu or even Hume. The thesis unveils their ambitious project: to propose institutions adapted to the variety of the customs, behaviours, histories of the societies they study. The choice of the political regime should be respectful of human nature and at the same time adapted to the variety of the existing people. Therefore, the universal and the specific merge in order to serve the first real science of the modern era. The thesis research progresses through Europe from the XVIth to the XVIIIth centuries. At the end of its journey: a surprising encounter: the meeting of philosophers fascinated by the discoveries of these first political scientists. This encounter bore a new type of political regime, different from its Athenian counterpart: modern Democracy
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Jungtinių Tautų bendrosios klimato kaitos konvencijos ir Kioto protokolo teisinių ir ekonominių mechanizmų reikalavimų įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / The Implementation of Legal and Economic Mechanisms Requirements of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kioto Protocol in LithuaniaZubkova, Diana 04 January 2007 (has links)
L'alternances de climat est un problème important de la préservation de l'environnement. Ces transformations ont de graves conséquences internationales. Sous de nombreuses preuves scientifiques sur la possible variation du climat global dans les années 80 les problèmes concernant les changements de climat ont commencé pénétrer dans des plans politiques de nombreuses associations.
La convention des changements de climat global a été signé par les Nations Unies dans la conférence de Rio de Janeiro en 1992. Son objet principal est de stabiliser la concentration de gaz, qui provoque l'effet de cerre dans l'atmosphère à tel point que l'influence humaine pour l'écosystème entière soit limitée. Pour que la réalisation de cette effet soit plus facile, chaque pays doit attribuer l'information régulièrement (les Raports nationaux) sur sa stratégie et ses instruments et aussi l'annuel inventaire de gaz suscitant l'effet de cerre.
Dans les quatrièmes assises à Berlin les pays de cette convention (entre eux les membres de la Communauté économique européenne) ont décidé de négocier d'un protocole les moyens de la réduction d'émission pratiquants à été ratifié en 1997. Ce protocole détermine les charges concrètes de réduction de la pollution pour tout les pays qui l'ont ratifié. En plus, 3 mécanismes ont été prévus d'aprés lesquels les pays peuvent accomplir leurs charges ensemble, c'est à dire, réduir les gaz d'échappement qui causent l'effet de cerre:
1. Le mécanisme d'accomplissement des... [to full text]
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NATURA 2000 proceso poveikio Lietuvos miškų ūkio sektoriui įvertinimas / Evaluation of NATURA 2000 Process’s Impact to the Lithuania’s Forests SectorValackienė, Elvira 16 January 2007 (has links)
Biodiversity is a concurrent part of the nature inheritance. The human’s activity (development of cities, industry, agriculture, transport infrastructure, pollution, etc) is influencing the nature’s disbalance. Natural areas of habitats are on the way to disappear or their status is getting worse. There is a need for special means to ensure the protection of many species of fauna and flora and their natural habitats, because they are in danger of disappearing. The network “Natura 2000” has few goals: to cover the fragile and valuable natural habitats and species of particular importance for the conservation of biological diversity within the territory of EU and to guarantee sustained efforts to protect the most important areas properly. The main objective of the “Natura 2000” network is to ensure the survival of species that are threatened or rare throughout Europe.
These legal EU documents ensure the creation of the above-mentioned European network of protected territories in public territories as well as in private lands. Economic and farming activities are restricted in these areas as a way to protect natural habitats types, rare animals as well as are plants habitats. That way the interests of land owners become quite different from the nature protectionists and the prohibitions of land or forest property rights. It is quite difficult to evaluate the economical loss while establishing some new protected areas in public and private lands. The evaluation is specific for... [to full text]
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