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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La formation du sujet dans la philosophie féministe de Judith Butler

Turgeon, André 12 1900 (has links)
Dans Trouble dans le genre, Judith Butler conteste l’aspect identitaire du féminisme, qui selon elle produirait de nouvelles possibilités d’exclusion, basées sur la catégorie même de « femme ». Je ne contesterai pas le mouvement qu’elle adopte, à savoir que la sexualité informe du genre, qui produit le sexe, bien que j’exposerai les difficultés que cela soulève. Mon intérêt se situe dans la vision que Butler a de la formation des sujets individuels et de leur rattachement à des identités collectives, via la performativité du genre. Sa position voulant que le genre soit un acte et l’identité une pratique, je vais expliquer comment elle conçoit l’humain constitué par ses actes et critiquer, avec deux auteures féministes, sa conception du genre. J’en conclurai que Butler doit admettre qu’une forme d’identité féminine soit nécessaire au féminisme tout en tenant compte de son plaidoyer d’inclusion des individus aux sexualités marginales. / In Gender Trouble, Judith Butler challenges feminism as identity politics, which, according to her, would produce a new set of potential exclusions, based on the category “woman”. I will not dispute how she articulates that sexuality gives sense to gender, which produces sex. My interest lies in how Butler understands the process of becoming a subject for an individual, and how people tend to belong to a collective identity, via gender performativity. She states that gender is an act and identity a form of practice. I will explain how she understands that human beings are constituted by their acts and criticize, according to two feminist authors, her conception of gender. I will conclude that Butler has to admit that some kind of feminine identity is necessary to feminism, even when we consider her plea for the inclusion of individuals sexually marginalized.

'Gender na pozadí historie, historie ve světle genderu: fikce Jeanette Winterson a Ali Smith' / Questioning Gender Through the Test of History: the Fiction of Jeanette Winterson and Ali Smith

Burianová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the work of two contemporary authors, Ali Smith and Jeanette Winterson, and their treatment of the concepts of history and gender in their fiction. I argue that, by openly speculating about the nature of time and history, and by making their readers think about the origin of these notions, Smith and Winterson uncover the seemingly stable but, in actuality, very fragile roots of the 'truths' we take for granted. They explore the potentiality of the past, which, in turn opens up the present and the future. To support my argument, I turned to Hayden White and his theory of historiography and Paul Ricoeur's philosophy of time and history. The latter part of the thesis deals with gender, as well as biological sex and sexual orientation, and the way in which Smith and Winterson's texts put into practice Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity, and work towards the subversion of gender norms as well as the destabilisation of heteronormativity. Both parts of the thesis are closely connected; history serves to keep the laws that define gender, sex and sexuality intact, and, in turn, these laws are often adhered to solely by the virtue of their historicity. What is more, myth and language are equally exposed to be supporting these norms. The aim of this thesis is to...

The enigmatic black bird’s poem and its performance in William Mkufya’s Ziraili na Zirani

Rodgers Johns, Adam 10 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This paper applies a post-structuralist literary framework when looking at the philosophical implications of William’s Mkufya’s novel Ziraili na Zirani. The analysis focuses on a free-verse poem per-formed by a black bird in hell. Moreover, there is a focus on the different genre forms at play, such as free-verse poetry and the novel, and an acknowledgement that an understanding of the text relies upon a consideration of these different genre conventions. Ultimately the paper shows how a reading of the text as it is presented in the novel, as a performance, demonstrates a realisation of the different genre conventions at play, thus taking their significance onto a different plain of analysis. Furthermore, attention is drawn to the application of a post-structuralist framework and the various contributions this theoretical model can make to a reading of the poem, notably an emphasis on the resistance to fixed meaning in favour of instability. This results in an exposition of the relevance of a post-structuralist literary framework to Mkufya’s critical reflection upon epistemology as it is portrayed in the black bird’s enigmatic performance, and the novel as a whole.

Pe/anser la langue : langue littéraire et imaginaire linguistique de l’avant-garde post-structuraliste, 1965-1985 / Engaged Language : literary Language and Linguistic Imaginary of post-structuralist avant-garde, 1965-1985

Drigny, Juliette 30 January 2018 (has links)
Les écrivains d’avant-garde des années 1970 (P. Guyotat, D. Roche, P. Sollers, C. Prigent...), souvent qualifiés d’illisibles, présentent de nombreux points communs tant dans leur pratique stylistique que dans leurs conceptions du langage. Si le « textualisme » de la seconde moitié des années 1960 ainsi que le « post-modernisme » du début des années 1980 sont bien connus, les expérimentations verbales de 1965-1985 sont peu étudiées dans leur spécificité et leur cohérence. Ce travail, qui s’appuie sur un corpus d’auteurs gravitant autour de trois revues (Tel Quel, Change et TXT) et de textes aussi bien théoriques que littéraires, entend donc prouver la consistance d’une langue littéraire propre à l’avant-garde d’une période que l’on pourrait qualifier de « post-structuraliste », héritant du structuralisme mais le déplaçant vers des enjeux plus littéraires. Cette langue littéraire ne saurait être envisagée sans être mise en relation avec l’imaginaire linguistique de l’époque – une pensée de la langue – dont les principales caractéristiques sont d’une part la conscience du caractère réducteur de la langue nationale et d’autre part la remise en question de la linguistique saussurienne. L’obscurité des textes, la déconstruction de la syntaxe et du lexique, la multiplication des néologismes ou des jeux de mots qui, en apparence, portent atteinte à la langue française, illustrent en réalité une volonté de panser la langue, de l’enrichir par la mise en valeur du signifiant, par l’emprunt aux langues étrangères ou encore par le rythme. L’œuvre de Guyotat, en particulier, condense ces enjeux, articulant un imaginaire de la langue et un travail langagier tout à fait singuliers. / The Francophone avant-garde writers from the 1970s (P. Guyotat, D. Roche, P. Sollers, C. Prigent...), often said to be unreadable, are quite similar both in their stylistical praxis and in their conception of language. If the “textualism” from the late 1960s and the “post-modernism” of the early 1980s are rather well-known, the verbal experimentations of the 1965-1985 period have not been much studied as a specific and coherent whole. This work, based on a corpus of authors linked to three journals (Tel Quel, Change and TXT) and on literary as well as theoretical texts, wishes to prove the consistency of the specific literary language shared by the avant-garde of a time that could be labelled “post-structuralist”, i.e. inheriting from structuralism but focusing more on literary issues. This literary language cannot be analyzed without taking into account the linguistic imaginary of the time, i.e. how language was thought. That linguistic imaginary is mainly characterized by a consciousness of how reductive the national language is and by questioning Saussure's linguistics. The obscure texts, the deconstructed syntax and lexicon, the multiple neologisms and puns, which seem to violate the French language, actually illustrate a desire to improve the language (and not only to think it), to enrich it by emphasizing the signifier through borrowed foreign words or rhythms. The work of Guyotat particularly condenses these issues as it articulates most singular linguistic imaginary and work on language.

Diagrama, dobra e parâmetro: assimilação de conceitos filosóficos e tecnologias digitais na arquitetura contemporânea / Diagram, fold and parameter: assimilation of philosophical concepts and digital technologies in contemporary architecture

Scheeren, Rodrigo 19 February 2016 (has links)
Através de uma percepção interdisciplinar, a pesquisa apresenta um quadro de contribuição para a teoria da arquitetura contemporânea que analisa relações entre conceitos, processos e representações. O trabalho investiga processos de projeto presentes na arquitetura contemporânea a partir da assimilação de três conceitos-chave: 1) diagrama, 2) dobra e 3) parâmetro; e as correspondentes traduções na arquitetura, através dos discursos e práticas de arquitetos. A pesquisa insere-se no âmbito da teoria e crítica do projeto de arquitetura e o recorte histórico está situado entre a década de 1970 até o momento, examinando as expressões projetuais e teorias de arquitetos como Peter Eisenman, Greg Lynn, Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid and partners), entre outros. O problema da pesquisa é identificar de que modo o caráter conceitual experimentado pelos processos de projeto no primeiro período do recorte diagrama -, passou a intermediar uma base teórica paralela ao avanço do uso digital dobra e se modificou, no terceiro período, para enfatizar discursivamente os processos e a manipulação formal permitida pelas técnicas e tecnologias digitais avançadas parâmetro. Os objetivos são compreender os elementos dessa transição, traçar paralelismos e diferenças entre os processos, compreendendo que a história desses entrelaçamentos não é linear e cumulativa, mas atravessada por recorrências e reapropriações. Os autores foram escolhidos devido a sua produção teórica e inserção no debate internacional para os temas escolhidos, por compartilharem a absorção de teorias advindas do pós-estruturalismo de base filosófica - principalmente de Gilles Deleuze -, além de estabelecerem uma atividade projetual de caráter experimental, que permitiu à pesquisa a análise de diversos estudos de caso. / Through an interdisciplinary perception, the research presents a contribution framework for the theory of contemporary architecture that examines some relations between concepts, processes and representations. The work investigates design processes present in contemporary architecture from the assimilation of three key concepts: 1) diagram 2) fold and 3) parameter; and corresponding translations in architecture through the discourses and practices of architects. The research falls within the sphere of the theory and criticism of architecture design and the historical period is set between the 1970s up to now, examining the projective expressions and theories of architects such as Peter Eisenman, Greg Lynn, Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid and partners), among others. The problem of research is to identify how the conceptual nature experienced by design processes in the first period of study - diagram - began to intermediate a parallel theoretical basis for the advancement of digital use - fold - and changed in a third period to emphasize discursively processes and formal manipulation allowed by the technical and advanced digital technologies - parameter. The objectives are understand the elements of this transition, draw parallels and differences between the processes, understanding that the history of these entanglements is not linear and cumulative, but crossed by recurrences and reappropriations. The authors were chosen due to their theoretical production and insertion in the international debate on the topics chosen, for sharing the assimilation of theories stemming from the philosophical basis of post-structuralism - especially from Gilles Deleuze - as well as established a design activity of experimental features, which allowed the analysis of several case studies.


ANA CRISTINA ARAUJO ALVES 28 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] A partir de uma abordagem pós-moderna/pós-estruturalista em Relações Internacionais, esta dissertação apresenta uma análise crítica de algumas narrativas sobre o genocídio ruandês de 1994. Nosso objetivo é desvelar as suposições de verdade implícitas nesses discursos; mostrar como essas suposições contradizem e questionam o caráter político/histórico declarado dessas narrativas; e discutir as implicações dessas suposições para a prática, no que diz respeito às políticas de pacificação e de resolução de conflitos. Apesar de considerarem o genocídio como um evento político e afirmarem o caráter cambiante dos termos Tutsi e Hutu na história, as principais narrativas correntes sobre o genocídio ruandês são despolizantes, essencialistas e a-históricas. Isso se deve à sua concepção moderna de história, à metafísica da subjetividade moderna que lhes subjaze e à sua noção de política em termos de poder e Estado. Por sua vez, esses traços se refletem na prática por meio de um tratamento aético, apolítico e irresponsável em relação à alteridade. Além disso, a intervenção humanitária baseada no princípio do Estado-territorial-soberano tem seu leque de opções políticas restrito pela compartimentalização dicursivo/territorial expressa nas dicotomias soberania/intervenção, guerra civil/genocídio, doméstico/externo. Nossa conclusão é de que essas conseqüências devem ser resistidas em termos, por um lado, da rearticulação radical entre subjetividade, responsabilidade e ética proposta por Emmanuel Levinas e, por outro lado, da formulação de uma nova relação entre os conceitos de fronteira, responsabilidade e intervenção humanitária, como esboçada por Michel Foucault. / [en] Drawing on a post-modern/post-structuralist approach on International Relations, this dissertation presents a critical analysis of some of the narratives about the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Our objective is to reveal the truth assumptions implicit in these discourses; to show how these assumptions contradict and challenge the political/historical character declared in these narratives; and to discuss the implication of these assumptions for practice, in what regards politics of pacification and conflict resolution. Although the narratives under analysis consider the genocide as a political event and affirm the changing character of the terms Tutsi and Hutu in history, they are depoliticizing, essentialist, and ahistorical. This is due to their modern conception of history, to the modern metaphysic of subjectivity that underlies them, and to their notion of politics in terms of power and state. This is reflected in practice through the a-ethical, apolitical and irresponsible treatment towards alterity. Besides, the humanitarian intervention based on the principle of sovereignterritorial- state has its range of political options restricted by the discursive/territorial compartmentalization expressed in the dichotomies sovereignty/intervention, civil war/genocide, domestic/external. Our conclusion is that these consequences must be resisted in terms of, on the one hand, the radical rearticulation of subjectivity, responsibility and ethics proposed by Emmanuel Levinas and, on the other hand, a rearticulation of the concepts of boundary, responsibility and humanitarian intervention, as sketched by Michel Foucault.

Da educação especial à educação inclusiva: uma análise dos trabalhos de conclusão do curso de pedagogia da Unisinos (1964-2014)

Heinle, Vivian 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-05-09T17:04:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vivian Heinle_.pdf: 1916991 bytes, checksum: 546bad1b703e03f899d72d0653600e0d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-09T17:04:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vivian Heinle_.pdf: 1916991 bytes, checksum: 546bad1b703e03f899d72d0653600e0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / Esta dissertação descreve e analisa como e em que condições históricas e legais o tema inclusão escolar é abordado no curso de Pedagogia da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), no período de 1964 a 2014, no âmbito dos trabalhos de conclusão. Para tal empreendimento, a pesquisa busca fundamentação nos campos teóricos da Pedagogia e da Inclusão e se articula de forma crítica com a perspectiva pós-estruturalista de Michel Foucault. O procedimento metodológico utilizado constitui-se pela análise documental, sob a ótica da História Cultural, tal como sugerem Grazziotin e Almeida (2012), fundamentadas em Roger Chartier. O corpus empírico foi composto a partir do exame de 3.480 trabalhos de conclusão, analisados ao longo de 15 meses, no Acervo da Escola de Humanidades da Universidade. Durante este período, foram utilizadas as ferramentas teórico-metodológicas dos campos mencionados para isolar, agrupar e reagrupar, tornar pertinentes e interrelacionar o volume de informações encontradas. Tal método permitiu identificar 480 documentos que abordavam, de uma forma ou outra, a inclusão escolar, produzidos ao longo de cinco décadas do curso de Pedagogia da Unisinos. Os resultados deste estudo permitem descrever e analisar algumas das condições de possibilidade que viabilizaram determinadas formas de produção de conhecimento sobre a inclusão escolar, em um determinado tempo e espaço, no curso de Pedagogia, a partir de duas categorias. A primeira categoria intitula-se Da Educação Especial à Educação Inclusiva: uma mudança de ênfase e apresenta a história da educação especial no Brasil e no mundo, articulada aos trabalhos de conclusão do curso de Pedagogia da Unisinos (TCCs) selecionados. Além disso, analisa a mudança de ênfase da educação especial para a educação inclusiva, procurando mostrar como, nas primeiras décadas abordadas (1964-1989), as expressões inclusão escolar e educação inclusiva ainda não constavam no vocabulário da Educação e não integravam a produção de conhecimento em Pedagogia. A segunda categoria denomina-se Educação Inclusiva: todos devem estar incluídos e retrata a história da educação inclusiva, principalmente no Brasil, a mudança dos currículos da Unisinos e as políticas públicas para a inclusão escolar, articuladas aos TCCs escolhidos. Além disso, ao utilizar os dispositivos legais brasileiros elaborados entre as décadas de 1990-2014, procura mostrar de que forma a inclusão escolar, entendida como imperativo da Contemporaneidade, ganhou visibilidade política e educacional a partir da década de 1990. / This paper describes and analyzes how and where historical and legal conditions the school inclusion issue is addressed in the Faculty of Education of the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), from 1964 to 2014, under the final papers. For this project, the research seeks grounding in the theoretical fields of Education and Inclusion and hinges critically with post-structuralist perspective of Michel Foucault. The approach used is constituted by documentary analysis, from the perspective of cultural history, as suggested Grazziotin and Almeida (2012), based on Roger Chartier. The empirical corpus was made from the examination of 3,480 final papers, analyzed over 15 months in the Collection of the University School of Humanities. During this period, we used the theoretical and methodological tools of the fields mentioned to isolate, group and regroup, make relevant and interrelate the amount of information found. This method identified 480 documents that addressed in one way or another, school inclusion, produced over five decades of the Faculty of Education Unisinos. The results of this study allow us to describe and analyze some of the possible conditions that enabled certain forms of knowledge production on school inclusion in a given time and space, in the course of Pedagogy, from two categories. The first category is entitled From Special Education to Inclusive Education: a shift in emphasis and tries to show how, in the first decades analyzed (1964-1989), the terms include school and inclusive education is still not included in the vocabulary of Education and not part of the production of knowledge in Pedagogy. The second category is called Inclusive Education: everyone should be included and addresses historical fragments of inclusive education, especially in Brazil, changing Unisinos curricula and public policies for school inclusion, linked to the chosen TCCs. In addition, when using the Brazilian legal arrangements developed between the decades of 1990-2014, seeks to show how the school inclusion, understood as imperative of Contemporaneity, gained political and educational visibility from the 1990s.

Planejamento de ensino: a produção de significados nos cursos de licenciatura da Unisinos - RS

Borges, Fernanda Meirelles 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-05-17T13:20:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Meirelles Borges_.pdf: 2507006 bytes, checksum: 1075950e8e413d92110e90eb8e7e9d48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T13:20:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Meirelles Borges_.pdf: 2507006 bytes, checksum: 1075950e8e413d92110e90eb8e7e9d48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Nenhuma / Esta dissertação se propõe investigar, descrever e analisar os significados atribuídos por estudantes de licenciatura da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) ao planejamento de ensino. Para isso, busco apoio teórico nos Estudos em Docência e em Planejamento de Ensino, aproximando-os da perspectiva pós-estruturalista de Michel Foucault. A partir dessa compreensão, proponho interrogar o tema planejamento de ensino com um olhar problematizador. Para realizar a pesquisa, fiz alguns movimentos para me aproximar da atividade acadêmica (disciplina) “Planejamento e Organização da Ação Pedagógica”, ofertada para os nove cursos de licenciatura da Unisinos, e, a seguir, escolhi o grupo focal como procedimento metodológico – coordenei cinco grupos focais com estudantes de licenciatura matriculados em uma turma no período letivo de 2015/2. Utilizei-me do conceito de linguagem como ferramenta teórica para estudar o planejamento de ensino por entender que ele contribui para a análise dos sistemas discursivos que conformam os objetos. Os resultados do estudo possibilitam mostrar que: (1) Os estudantes de licenciatura referem-se ao planejamento como algo flexível, e não como algo concluído. Ao mesmo tempo, os futuros professores vão apresentar o aluno como uma variável incontrolável, e, quando o aluno assume uma centralidade no processo de planejar, os conhecimentos escolares ficam esmaecidos; (2) Os licenciandos compreendem, ainda, o processo de planejar como intimamente ligado às questões metodológicas, e o relacionam menos aos objetivos e conteúdos a serem desenvolvidos. Ao mesmo tempo, quando mencionam conteúdos para pensar o planejamento, os estudantes o fazem como sinônimo de atividade ou lista de tarefas a serem executadas. / This thesis proposes to investigate, describe and analyze the meanings attributed by undergraduate students of teaching from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) to education planning. For this, we seek theoretical support in Studies in Teaching and Education Planning, approaching the post-structuralist perspective of Michel Foucault. From this understanding, we propose to examine the subject teaching planning with a problem-solving look. To conduct the survey, we made some moves to get closer to the academic activity (discipline) "Planning and Organization of Educational Action" offered for the nine degree teaching courses at Unisinos, and then we chose the focus group as a methodological procedure - we coordinated five focus groups with undergraduate students of teaching enrolled in a class in the university term of 2015/2. We used the language concept as a theoretical tool to study the teaching of planning by understanding that it contributes to the analysis of the discursive systems that make the objects. The study results make it possible to show that: (1) Undergraduate students of teaching refer to the planning as something flexible, not as something complete. At the same time, the future teachers will present the student as an uncontrollable variable, and when the student takes on a central role in the process of planning, school knowledge are dimmed; (2) The future teachers understand, also, the process of planning as closely linked to methodological issues, and relate it less to the objectives and contents to be developed. At the same time, when they mention contents to think about planning, undergraduate students of teaching do it as a synonym of an activity list or some tasks to be performed.

Authorship and strategies of representation in the fiction of A.S. Byatt

Limond, Kate Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the portrayal of authorship in Byatt’s novels with a particular focus on her use of character-authors as a site for the destabilisation of dominant literary and cultural paradigms. Byatt has been perceived as a liberal-humanist author, ambivalent to postmodern, post-structuralist and feminist literary theory. Whilst Byatt’s frame narratives are realist and align with liberal-humanist values, she employs many different genres in the embedded texts written by her character-authors, including fairy-tale, life-writing and historical drama. The diverse representational practices in the novels construct a metafictional commentary on realism, undermining its conventions and conservative politics. My analysis focuses on the relationship between the embedded texts and the frame narrative to demonstrate that Byatt’s strategies of representation enact a postmodern complicitous critique of literary conventions and grand narratives. Many of the female protagonists and minor characters are authors, in the broad sense of cultural production, and Byatt uses their engagement with representation of women in literature to pose questions about how cultural narratives naturalise patriarchal definitions of femininity. That Byatt’s female characters resist patriarchal power relations by undermining the cultural script of conventional femininity has been under-explored and consequently critics have overlooked significant instances of female agency. Whilst some branches of postmodern and feminism literary theory have conceptualised agency differently, this thesis emphasises their shared analysis of the discursive construction of subjectivity, as it illuminates Byatt’s disruption of literary conventions. My focus on the embedded texts and the discursive construction of authorship in Byatt’s fiction enables me to address the numerous paradoxes and inconsistencies in the novels as fertile sites that undermine Byatt’s presumed politics.

Evidens som hegemonisk strategi i socialt arbete : en diskursanalys av den språkliga praktiken i en barn och ungdomsgrupp som arbetar med ett strukturerat beslutsstöd

Lönnborg, Amanda, Wendell, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes how social work language practice circulates around the implementation process of an evidence based structured assessment tool – Savry. The purpose is to examine and understand the social workers language practice in a working group that uses this structured assessment tool in their work with youth. The purpose is also to look for dimensions of identity in terms of discourse. The ontological viewpoint is post-structuralism where language is in focus. The theoretical framework is discourse theory based upon the work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. This theory is used as a basis of the creation of an analytical toolkit which emphasises the concept chains of equivalence and nodal points. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with social workers in a group in the social services for children and youth, who uses the evidenced based structured assessment tool - Savry. The study concerns the structuring around two identities. Theese identities circulate around the nodal point “knowledge” and defines it in two different ways through chains of equivalence. One of the identities equivalates scientific research to the nodal point knowledge, the other equivalates the unique experience to the same nodal point. Theese identities seames to be the result of a hegemonic strategy articulated by one of the two. The purpose of the strategy seams to be the incorporation of as many discursive elements as possible into one dominating discourse. This is also done through the principal exclusion of certain discursive elements, witch is the characterisation of power in discursive theory. The character of the struggle for dominance is not equal. It is instead characterised by the expansion of the chains of equivalence by the scientific knowledge based identity to incorporate discursive elements form other discourses. This is identified as a hegemonic strategy with the purpose of organising consent around the definition of the concept of knowledge and its consequences for social work practice.</p>

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