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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparsion of Power-to-Methane Technology and Hythane as Heavy-Duty Vehicle-Fuels on Gotland

Wolving, Lova January 2024 (has links)
To reach the 1.5°C-goal of the Paris Agreement, all sectors have to be involved in the transition. The transport sector poses a considerable challenge regarding sustainable development and, within the sector, road transport contributes to the largest part of emissions in the EU. The development of fuels for heavy-duty vehicles is not as fast as for other types of vehicles. However, approaches combining biomethane and green hydrogen as alternative fuels have gained interest. There are plans to both expand the biogas sector and implementing hydrogen production on Gotland. Therefore, this study examines how two of these approaches, hythane and power-to-methane technology, compare to each other as HDV-fuels on Gotland. A simplified MCA has been conducted to compare the two alternative fuels’ performance against each other based on several criteria. The results show that hythane performed better than power-to-methane in the criteria categories technical performance and feasibility Gotland, while power-to-methane performed better regarding environmental impact. As hythane performed better in a larger number of criteria than biomethane produced through power-to-methane, the results of the study imply that, based on Gotland’s pre-conditions, hythane is preferable as HDV-fuel over using power-to-methane technology. However, prioritization of the criteria is not conducted and further research that includes weighing of the criteria, as well as examines the economic and social factors of the two systems, is required for a sufficient feasibility study.

CCS via Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Ethylene-based Polymeric Construction Materials / CCS via elektrokemisk CO2-reduktion till etenbaserade polymera konstruktionsmaterial

Taylor, Christian January 2021 (has links)
IPCC SR15 rapporterade att alla framtida scenarier för att begränsa klimatförändringen till 1,5°C är starkt beroende av negativa utsläppstekniker, såsom geografisk CO2-lagring som används av Stockholm Exergi’s Värtaverket. Men kan man uppnå starkare klimatvinster genom en cirkulär koldioxidekonomi? Bildandet av en cirkulär koldioxidekonomi är absolut nödvändigt för att uppnå global koldioxidneutralitet, men hur kommer vi dit? Elektrolys av CO2 erbjuder en ekonomiskt och miljömässigt attraktiv väg för att uppgradera CO2-utsläpp till värdefulla bränslen och råvaror, vilket minskar användningen av fossila resurser och CO2-utsläpp till atmosfären. Detta examensarbete undersöker möjligheten att ta bort 720 000 ton-CO2-utsläpp från det avfallseldade kraftvärmeverket i Högdalen som fallstudie, via elektrokemisk reduktion av CO2 till eten, med målet att producera polymera konstruktionsmaterial, för att fungera som en kolsänka. Dessa polymerer har utvärderats utifrån kriterier som kapacitet som kolsänka, marknadsstorlek och LCA. Eten är den mest användbara råvarukemikalien för polymerproduktion och har ett betydande koldioxidavtryck på 1,73 ton CO2 per producerade eten. Att använda eCO2RR skulle minska betydande CO2-utsläpp och överbrygga luckan mellan fossila och förnybara resurser. Detta examensarbete föreslår en preliminär processdesign, komplett med en teknoekonomisk modell för att beräkna ekonomin, mass- och energibalanser för ett flertal scenarier. Över hundra elektrokatalysatorer har studerats i en litteraturgenomgång, där 5 st elektrokatalysator har valts ut baserat på olika styrkor i särskilda meritvärden, för att fastställa prestationsmål för lönsamhet. Den teknoekonomiska modellen drog slutsatsen att vid nuvarande prisläge på 700 SEK/MWh kunde ingen av elektrokatalysatorerna uppnå lönsamhet. Att sänka elpriset till LCOE för vindkraft till 335 SEK/MWh, blev resultaten mycket lönsamma, inklusive IRR upp till 41,3%. Modellparametrar ändrades för att fastställa de viktigaste variablerna i en omfattande känslighetsanalys. Vi kan dra slutsatsen att strömtätheter på 400-600 mA/cm2 är gynnsamma och med så låg bibehållen cellspänning som möjligt (<2,4V). Om man specifikt inriktar sig på eten som produkt kan det vara fördelaktigt att ytterligare öka lönsamheten genom att producera myr- eller ättiksyra som ett nästa steg, vilket har fördelen av enklare vätskegasseparering och för att undvika produktion av metan och etanol. För lönsamhet krävs en livstid på minst 2-4 år för elektrokatalysatorn (CCM), 10 år för stacken och 20 år för elektrolyssystemet. I miljöanalysen studerades massbalans-lagringen av CO2. Detta uppnåddes genom att ta bort de direkta utsläppen från Högdalenverket. De indirekta utsläppen förhindrades genom att ersätta konventionella processer av elkällans kolintensitet. Baserat på genomsnittet av elektrokatalysatorerna skulle värdlandet behöva kräva en kolintensitet för elproduktionen under 101 och 153 tCO₂/GWh för NET-direkt respektive indirekt CO2-avlägsnande. Följaktligen kan högre CO2-besparingar uppnås genom handel med koldioxidsnål svensk el till grannländer med mycket högre koldioxidintensitet. Totalt sett var den direkta koldioxidminskningen mellan 487 300 till 575 000 ton CO₂ och en indirekt minskning på mellan 1 065 000 till 1 219 000 ton CO₂, beroende på energieffektivitet och produkter. Den största utmaningen för kommersiell framgång för alla eCO2RR-projekt bortsett från de tekniska prestandaaspekterna är att nödvändiga förändringar i skatteregelverket behövs, så att el från elektrolysprojekt till gröna kemikalier blir skattebefriade, som jämförbart med förbränning av förnybar biomassa är befriad från CO2-skatter. / The IPCC SR15 reported that all future scenarios to limit climate change to 1.5°C are heavily reliant on negative emission technologies, such as geographical CO2 storage employed by Stockholm Exergi’s Värtaverket. But can stronger climate benefits be achieved through a circular carbon economy? The formation of a carbon circular economy is imperative towards achieving global carbon neutrality, but how do we get there? Electrolysis of CO2 offers an economically and environmentally attractive route to upgrade CO2 emissions to valuable fuels and feedstocks, thus reducing the use of fossil resources and CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, hence closing the cycle.  This thesis explores the possibility of removing the 720,000 tCO2 emissions of the case study waste-fired CHP plant, Stockholm Exergi’s Högdalenverket, via the electrochemical reduction of CO2 (eCO2RR) towards ethylene, with the goal of producing polymeric construction materials, to act as a carbon sink. These polymers were evaluated on criteria such as, capacity as a carbon sink, market size and LCA. Ethylene is the prevailing commodity chemical for polymer production and has a significant carbon footprint of 1.73 tonCO2 per tonne of ethylene produced. Displacement via the eCO2RR would prevent substantial CO2 emissions and bridge the gap between fossil and renewable resources.  This thesis describes a preliminary process design, complete with technoeconomic model to calculate the economics, mass and energy balances of numerous scenarios. Electrocatalyst data from an in-depth literature review comprising of over 100 catalysts was drawn, with 5 electrocatalyst candidates selected based on strengths in particular figures of merit, to determine performance targets for profitability. The technoeconomic model concluded that at the current price point of 700 SEK/MWh, none of the electrocatalysts could achieve profitability. Lowering the electricity price to the levelized-cost of electricity (LCOE) for wind, 335 SEK/MWh, yielded highly profitable results, including IRR up-to 41.3%. Model parameters were changed to determine the most important variables in an extensive sensitivity analysis. Concluding that performance targets require current densities of 400-600 mA/cm2 whilst maintaining as low cell voltage as possible (<2.4 V). When specifically targeting ethylene, it is beneficial to increase profitability through targeting more valuable, formic, or acetic acid, which has the advantage of easier liquid-gas separation and to avoid production of methane and ethanol. For stability, 2-4 years minimum is required for the catalyst-coated membrane (CCM), 10 years for the stack and 20 years for the electrolyser systems.    In the environmental analysis, capabilities for carbon storage were studied via CO2 balance. This was achieved by taking the direct emissions removed from Högdalenverket, the indirect emissions prevented by replacing conventional processes and by the carbon intensity of the electricity source. Based on the average energy efficiency and performance of the electrocatalysts, the host country would require a carbon intensity of electricity production below 101 and 153 tCO₂/GWh for NET direct and indirect CO2 removal, respectively. Consequently, higher CO2 savings were achieved by trading low-carbon Swedish electricity to neighbouring countries with much higher carbon intensities. Overall, the direct carbon reduction was between 487,300 to 575,000 tCO₂ and indirect reduction of between 1,065,000 to 1,219,000 tCO₂, subject to energy efficiency and targeted products.  It remains that aside from the technical performance aspects of the eCO2RR catalysts, the major roadblock towards the commercial success of all eCO2RR projects is the required adjustments to regulatory framework, such that electricity for electrolysis projects towards green chemicals exempt from taxes in a similar way to renewable biomass combustion exempt from CO2 taxes.


黃以喬, Huang ,Yi-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在釐清教師專業自主權於教育法令層面之權責界線、暸解高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權運用的現況、探討高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權發揮的程度、分析不同背景因素的高雄市立國民中學教師於各專業自主權層面指標發揮程度的差異,最後依據研究結果,對提升高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權的策略提出具體建議,供有關單位參考。本研究以2004學年度高雄市立國民中學現職合格教師為研究對象,並以對該學年度高雄市立25所國民中學、776名有加入教師會之現職合格教師進行問卷資料分析;另輔以訪談(共計6人)的方式了教師對自身專業自主權行使的理念、意見與建議。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t考驗分析、單因子變異數分析等方法。經研究結果與分析發現: 一、我國教育法規以保障教師課堂教學專業自主權為核心。 二、整體言,高雄市立國民中學教師的專業自主權達中等發揮程度,其中以「教師課堂教學專業自主權」的發揮度最高、「教師專業組織自主權」與「教師學校行政自主權」分別次之 三、高雄市立國民中學教師就「課堂教學專業自主權」具高等與中等專業自主度;「學校行政專業自主權」、「教師專業組織自主權」皆屬中等專業自主度。 四、高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權整體面平均得分為男性教師顯著高於女性教師、兼主任職教師顯著高於非主任職者、有參與法定學校層級組織教師顯著高於未參加者、服務於小型學校教師顯著高於服務中大型學校者、年資26年以上教師顯著高於年資5年、11-15年者。 五、促進教師專業自主權之基本策略為穩固教師課堂教學專業地位、提昇教師組織專業形象、打造校園參與式決策文化、完備教師專業培育制度。 研究者根據文獻探討與研究結果發現,提出下列幾點建議: 一、健全與落實尊重教師專業自主權之法令體制。 二、教師應認清「專業」與「自主權」兩者相輔相成,瞭解自主須以責任為基礎。 三、規劃教學、法制與行政專業知能研習以達高教師專業自主權目標。 四、營造學校優質溝通管道,提高教師參與權能感。 五、鼓勵女性教師投入學校行政工作。 六、教師專業組織以發揮組織專業正向功能為目標。 七、教育行政機關應於教育內部事務扮演「法律監督與協助」角色。 八、建立教師專業評鑑機制以落實教師專業權力與效能。 九、針對研究主題、研究對象、研究變項與研究方法提出建議,作為後續相關主題研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study mainly confirm the right and duty to teacher professional autonomy in educational laws, understand the actual condition and explore the level of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy, and analyze different dimensions’ levels of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy from the view of teacher s’ different backgrounds. Finally, according to the study result, the writer gives some concrete advice to promote the city’s teacher professional autonomy for the department of educational administration for reference. The survey subjects included teachers from 25 public junior high school in Kaohsiung city in 2004 year, namely 776 qualified teachers who joint teacher professional unions were sampled copies of the questionnaire to be the investigation. And interviewing with 6 junior high school teachers is used to understand teachers’ opinions about professional autonomy. About the data analysis, the study use Frequency Distribution, T-test , One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé Method . The results of the study are as follows: A. The dimension of teaching professional autonomy is the key idea that Taiwan educational laws empower teachers. B. As far as the whole Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers’ professional autonomy is concerned , it is middle level. The dimension of “ right and power to teacher teaching” gets the most high scores; the dimensions of “ power to teacher professional union” and “the power to school administrative autonomy” get lower scores separately in order. C. As far as the dimension of Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers teaching professional autonomy is concerned, it achieves high and middle level; the dimensions of “the power to school administrative autonomy” and “teacher professional union” achieve middle level. D. From the viewpoint of whole average, male teachers’ average scores are higher than females’;teachers who hold a administrative staff, participate school-level organizations, serve in small size schools and work more than 26 years get higher scores than others who don’t hold the job , participate the ones, serve in middle and big size schools and work less than 5 years and 11-15 years. E. The basic strategies to facilitate teacher professional autonomy are to stable teacher’s professional status in teaching, promote the professional image of teacher unions, cultivate the school culture of participant-determining and establish good institution of teacher professional nurture. According to the literature and study result, following suggestions are offered: A. Continue to improve the established education law about the right and power to teacher professional autonomy. B. Understand “profession” and “autonomy” are to complement each other. And autonomy should take responsibility for basis . C. Design a series of programs about facilitating teachers’ professional knowledge in teaching, law and school administrative affairs to achieve high level of teacher professional autonomy. D. Create excellent communicative ways at school to promote teacher empowerment. E.Encourage female teachers to devote themselves to school administrative affairs. F.Teacher professional unions should take the role of developing positive function. G.The department of educational administration should play the law- supervising and law-helping role. H.Build teachers professional evaluation system to help teacher promote professional power and effectiveness. I.Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions about the study trends are made to further reference.

L'enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères à l'école primaire : Analyse ergonomique de l’activité des maîtres et instauration d’une médiation formative dans l’établissement / Teaching of foreign languages in primary school : Ergonomic analysis of the activity of the school teachers and introducing a formative mediation in the establishment.

Clémens Corbi, Christine 03 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse montre en quoi l'analyse de l'activité des professeurs des écoles enseignant une Langue Vivante Etrangère peut apporter des connaissances utiles au processus de formation continue de ces maîtres au sein de leur polyvalence. L'activité humaine est invisible tant pour les observateurs que pour les acteurs eux-mêmes, d'où notre recours au cadre théorique et méthodologique de l'analyse ergonomique de l'activité enseignante qui s'inscrit dans une perspective historico-culturelle et se nourrit des apports féconds d'une clinique de l'activité. La Méthode d'Auto Confrontation, méthode indirecte, nous permet la création d'un milieu spécifique où nous prenons en compte l'expérience des enseignants et où nous cherchons à transformer le travail pour le comprendre. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur l'analyse de l'activité de six enseignants engagés dans l'enseignement de l'anglais afin de rendre compte de leurs manières de faire, des arbitrages et compromis à l'oeuvre. Une première représentation des pratiques enseignantes laisse ainsi apparaître trois registres d'action principaux liés à leur maîtrise de la conduite de classe, à leur connaissance de la démarche didactique et pédagogique de l'enseignement des LVE et à leur maîtrise de la langue cible. Un processus spécifique lié à la confiance en soi a émergé en cours d'analyse et joue un rôle central dans leur activité. Un nouvel éclairage de la polyvalence est alors envisagé où nous proposons une rencontre entre analyse du travail et formation. La « mise en situation active » (MSA) décline les perspectives découlant de la visée technologique de notre recherche. / This thesis shows how the analysis of the activity of the school teachers teaching a Foreign Language can bring useful knowledge to the process of ongoing training to these teachers within the core of their versatility. Human activity is invisible as much for the observers as for the actors themselves, which leads us to fall back on the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the ergonomic teaching activity which joins a historical-cultural perspective and is fed by the fertile contributions of a clinic of activity. The method of Self-Confrontation, an indirect method, allows us to create a specific space where we take into account the experience of the teachers and where we seek to transform the work in order to understand it. We turned to the analysis of the activity of six teachers engaged in the teaching of English in order to report on their methods, their judgments and compromises in action. A primary representation of their teaching practices thus allows three principle registers of action linked to their mastery of classroom management, to their knowledge of the didactic and pedagogical process of the teaching of Foreign Languages and their mastery of the target language. A specific process linked to self-confidence emerged during the course of the study and played a central role in their activity. A new understanding of versatility is thus envisioned where we propose to link the work analysis and training. The "put into live action" breaks down the perspectives coming from our targeted online research.

Arguição de descumprimento de preceito fundamental no Direito Tributário

Nóbrega, Sávio Salomão de Almeida 26 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-17T11:53:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sávio Salomão de Almeida Nóbrega.pdf: 1954865 bytes, checksum: aff34c7170a832c476fd926cb350d130 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-17T11:53:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sávio Salomão de Almeida Nóbrega.pdf: 1954865 bytes, checksum: aff34c7170a832c476fd926cb350d130 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-11-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / It is stated that the limitations on the power to tax contained in article 150 of the Federal Constitution are, in fact, fundamental rights of taxpayers, because they play a dual function in the subjective plane continue to act as a guarantee of individual freedom; and on the objective plane have assumed an institutional dimension from which their content must be functionalized for the attainment of the purposes and values proclaimed constitutionally. It is also pointed out that they also derive from the fundamental rights of freedom and property contained in Article 5 of the Constitution, giving them normative density or specific meaning in the field of taxes. This association is possible due to the opening clause inscribed in paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Constitution. It is shown that if legality, isonomy, nonretroactivity, priority, the prohibition of tribute with confiscatory effect and immunities are fundamental rights, they will also constitute fundamental precepts. It is maintained that noncompliance with these guarantees of the taxpayers by act of the Public Authority makes it possible to join the Supreme Court by means of the Arrangement of Non-compliance with Basic Precept, covered by Article 102, paragraph 1 of the Federal Constitution and regulated by Law n . 9,882 / 99. In the end, it is demonstrated that by means of the non-compliance argument, any act or omission of the Public Power, whether normative or non-normative, abstract or concrete, prior or subsequent to the Federal, State or Municipal Constitution, and from any body or entity of the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary / Afirma-se que as limitações ao poder de tributar constantes do artigo 150 da Constituição Federal constituem, na verdade, direitos fundamentais dos contribuintes, porque desempenham uma dupla função no plano subjetivo continuam a atuar como garantia da liberdade individual; e no plano objetivo assumiram uma dimensão institucional a partir da qual seu conteúdo deve funcionalizar-se para a consecução dos propósitos e valores proclamados constitucionalmente. Aponta-se que também decorrem dos direitos fundamentais da liberdade e propriedade constantes do artigo 5º da Constituição, conferindo-lhes densidade normativa ou significado específico no campo dos tributos. Essa associação mostra-se possível por força da cláusula de abertura insculpida no § 2º do artigo 5º da Constituição. Demonstra-se que se a legalidade, a isonomia, a irretroatividade, anterioridade, a vedação ao tributo com efeito confiscatório e as imunidades configuram-se direitos fundamentais, configurarão, também, preceitos fundamentais. Sustenta-se que o descumprimento dessas garantias dos contribuintes por ato do Poder Público faz surgir a possibilidade de ingresso ao Supremo Tribunal Federal por via da Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental, encampada no artigo 102, § 1º da Constituição Federal e regulamentada pela Lei n. 9.882/99. Ao final, demonstra-se que por meio da arguição de descumprimento controla-se qualquer ato ou omissão do Poder Público, seja normativo ou não normativo, abstrato ou concreto, anterior ou posterior à Constituição, federal, estadual ou municipal, e proveniente de qualquer órgão ou entidade do Legislativo, Executivo e do Judiciário

O poder de agir de trabalhadoras da assist?ncia social no contexto neoliberal / The power to act of social assistence workers in the neoliberal context

Galbiatti, Fabiano 26 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIANO GALBIATTI.pdf: 953117 bytes, checksum: 46929cc6b53b293c05e9beb393178beb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-26 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This dissertation, situated in the line of Research and Prevention Psychological Intervention from the Graduate Program stricto sensu of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, intends to investigate the ?power to act? in workers of the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center (CREAS). For this purpose, a brief historical review of social assistance policies was produced in order to understand the current scenario, marked by neoliberal reforms. The study, from an ethnographic inspiration, there was basically through three stages. At first, the researcher followed meetings with the CREAS team. For each meeting it was developed a Field Diary. In the second, the researcher conducted reflexive interviews with four workers. The third and last, was developed the interpretation, analysis and discussion of the collected material in the previous steps. This process revealed the constant changes that the work in public service suffers according to Social Assistance policies in the municipality and its relationship with neoliberal processes in the broadest sense. If, on the one hand, despite this context, the workers have the capacity to also turn on and organize their activities, giving new meanings, collectively, on the other, it was observed that the mental strain is present in their daily lives. It seems to be associated to the numerous impediments to the realization of the work activity raised by management, as well as the workload related to the nature of services to families who have suffered violations of their rights. To handle these situations, the workers take more individual tactics rather than a collective organization. / A presente disserta??o, situada na linha de Pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica do Programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, busca investigar o poder de agir de trabalhadoras do Centro de Refer?ncia Especializado de Assist?ncia Social (CREAS) de um munic?pio do interior do estado de S?o Paulo. Para tanto, realizou-se um breve resgate hist?rico das pol?ticas de assist?ncia social, a fim de entender o atual cen?rio, marcado pelas reformas neoliberais. O estudo, de inspira??o etnogr?fica, deu-se, basicamente, atrav?s de tr?s etapas. Na primeira, o pesquisador acompanhou reuni?es junto ? equipe do CREAS. Para cada reuni?o foi desenvolvido um Di?rio de Campo. Na segunda, o pesquisador realizou entrevistas reflexivas com quatro trabalhadoras. Na terceira e ?ltima, realizou-se a interpreta??o, an?lise e discuss?o do material levantado nas etapas anteriores. Este processo revelou as constantes mudan?as que o trabalho nesse servi?o p?blico sofre de acordo com as pol?ticas de Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio e sua rela??o com processos neoliberais mais amplos. Se, por um lado, apesar desse contexto, as trabalhadoras possuem relativa capacidade de tamb?m transformar e organizar suas atividades, atribuindo novos sentidos, coletivamente, por outro, observou-se que o desgaste mental est? presente no seu cotidiano. Ele parece estar associado aos in?meros impedimentos para a realiza??o da atividade de trabalho colocados pela gest?o, bem como pela carga de trabalho relacionada ? natureza do atendimento a fam?lias que sofreram viola??es de seus direitos. Para lidar com essas situa??es, as trabalhadoras se valem mais de t?ticas individuais do que de uma organiza??o coletiva.

Question socialement vive et développement du pouvoir d'action des enseignants et des élèves : la question du bien-être animal en élevage dans les lycées professionnels agricoles / Socially acute question and development of teachers’ and students’ power to act : the question of farm animal welfare in agricultural schools

Lipp, Amélie 07 November 2016 (has links)
La prise en compte du bien-être des animaux dans les élevages suscite de vives controverses dans la société et dans les champs scientifique, technique et professionnel. Dans le milieu scolaire, le bien-être animal (BEA), en tant que question socialement vive (Legardez & Simonneaux, 2006), pose des difficultés pour son enseignement et son apprentissage dans les lycées professionnels agricoles préparant les futurs éleveurs. Cette thèse a pour objet de comprendre comment le pouvoir d’action (Clot, 1999) des enseignants et des élèves relatif à la prise en compte du BEA en situations d’enseignement-apprentissage se développe (ou ne se développe pas). Nous articulons les cadres théoriques et méthodologiques de la didactique des questions socialement vives, de la clinique de l’activité et du jugement éthique. Dans une double visée transformative et épistémique, quatre enseignants de zootechnie et leur classe de baccalauréat professionnel ont participé à un protocole d’intervention en lycées. A partir des traces des activités dialogiques recueillies, nous avons documenté les émotions, les jugements éthiques et les représentations-connaissances signifiés ainsi que leurs interactions et les conflits à l’œuvre dans le développement possible et impossible du pouvoir d’action des sujets relatif à la prise en compte du BEA en élevage. L’ensemble des résultats permet de mettre à jour des obstacles et des leviers au développement du pouvoir d’action des élèves et des enseignants. Nous formulons plusieurs propositions pour la formation des enseignants et des élèves afin de les accompagner à affronter certains obstacles et à davantage valoriser les leviers potentiels pour augmenter leur champ des possibles. / The question of farm animal welfare has sparked strong debate in society and in scientific, technical and professional domains. In the field of education, teaching and learning about farm animal welfare (FAW) as a socially acute question (Legardez & Simonneaux, 2006), is particularly problematic in agricultural schools which train future breeders. The aim of this thesis is to understand how the power to act (Clot, 1999), in relation to the question of FAW, develops (or not) in both teachers and students during teaching-learning situations. We articulate the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the didactics of socially acute questions, the clinic of activity and ethical judgment. Four animal husbandry teachers participated in a protocol with their vocational baccalaureate students. Based on their dialogical activities, we recorded their emotions, ethical judgments and knowledge-representations systems along with their interactions and the conflicts at work to help or hinder the development of their power to act.Our results reveal the barriers and the facilitators to the development of the students’ and teachers’ power to act to improve FAW. We make several recommendations for the training of teachers and students which should help them to overcome certain hurdles and further exploit the potential levers allowing them to widen their range of possibilities.

Comprendre le travail des professionnels des ressources humaines pour développer leur pouvoir d’agir : le cas d’une intervention ergonomique dans un groupe de l’industrie chimique / Understand the work of human resources professionals to develop their power to act : the case of an ergonomic intervention in a chemical industry group

Grosdemouge, Loic 06 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours des quinze dernières années, les professionnels des ressources humaines ont été de plus en plus mobilisés dans la gestion des questions de santé et sécurité au travail (notamment pénibilité, risques psychosociaux, handicap). Toutefois, les problèmes de santé et sécurité au travail (SST) sont complexes et les professionnels des ressources humaines peuvent éprouver des difficultés à les mettre en congruence avec toutes les missions attenantes à leur fonction. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de regarder les professionnels RH comme des travailleurs à part entière et d’analyser leur activité de gestion des enjeux de SST dans une approche ergonomique. Notre objectif est d’identifier les déterminants qui génèrent de l’empêchement dans leur activité ou qui permettent de développer leurs marges de manœuvre. Notre analyse se base sur une intervention-recherche de quatre ans dans un groupe de l’industrie chimique. Dans le cadre de cette intervention, nous avons accompagné des professionnels RH, en particulier dans le déploiement d’un accord paritaire sur la prévention de la pénibilité du travail. Nous sommes ainsi parvenu à assembler de nombreuses données sur l’activité des professionnels RH dans le cadre de notre accompagnement. Parallèlement, nous avons également mis en œuvre diverses méthodologies de collecte de données (entretien, chronique d’activité, recueil de courriels). Les résultats de notre analyse mettent en lumière plusieurs sources d’empêchement dans le travail de prévention des professionnels RH : balkanisation de la fonction RH, déficit de régulation conjointe entre leurs prescripteurs, manque de légitimité, hypertrophie des relations sociales, manque d’espaces de débat sur leur travail. Mais nos résultats mettent aussi en évidence la capacité des professionnels RH à développer leur pouvoir d’agir. Ce développement passe en particulier par la construction de collectifs de travail et la réalisation d’activités collectives, au sein de la fonction RH et avec d’autres fonctions clés de l’entreprise. Enfin, notre analyse montre que les ergonomes peuvent être des contributeurs essentiels au développement du pouvoir d’agir des professionnels RH, en participant notamment à l'élaboration d'objets-frontières et d'objets transactionnels utiles aux échanges avec d’autres fonctions de l’entreprise. / Over the past fifteen years, human resource professionals have increasingly been involved in the management of occupational health and safety issues (especially arduousness of the work, psychosocial risks, disability at work).However, occupational health and safety (OHS) issues are complex and human resource professionals may find it difficult to match them with all the missions attached to their function.In this thesis, we propose to look at HR professionals as full part workers and to analyze their OHS management activity in an ergonomic approach. Our objective is to identify the determinants that generate impediments in their activity or that allow them to develop their leeway.Our analysis is based on a four-year research-intervention in a chemical industry group. As part of this intervention, we have assisted HR professionals, particularly in the implementation of a joint agreement on the prevention of the arduousness of the work. Thereby, we manage to assemble a significant amount of data regarding the activity of HR professionals in the context of our support. In addition, we have also implemented various data collection methodologies (interview, activity chronicle, e-mail mining).The results of our analysis highlight several sources of impediments in the prevention work of HR professionals: balkanization of the HR function, deficiency of joint regulation among their prescribers, lack of legitimacy, hypertrophy of social relations, void of spaces for work debate.However, our results also highlight the ability of HR professionals to develop their power to act. This development involves the construction of work collectives and the realization of collective activities, within the HR function and with other company stakeholders.Finally, our analysis shows that ergonomists can be essential contributors to the development of the power to act of HR professionals, especially by participating in the creation of border objects and transactional objects useful for exchanges with other functions of the company.

Contribution de la clinique de l’activité au développement de l’identité professionnelle de l’étudiant infirmier / Contribution of a clinical approach to work in the development of nursing students’ professional identity

Brignon, Béatrice 15 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la problématique de l’apprentissage du métier infirmier. Elle est envisagée depuis la capacité des étudiants infirmiers à porter la responsabilité de leurs actes et à assumer la performance de leurs pratiques en regard de leur identité professionnelle. L’objectif est d’étudier la contribution de l’analyse de l’activité soignante des étudiants à leur développement identitaire durant cette activité réflexive. La méthode historique indirecte de clinique de l’activité a provoqué le développement de leur pensée à la fois sur leur manière de faire le métier et leur manière d’être face au métier qu’ils apprennent. L’observatoire dialogique créé à partir de quatre étudiants infirmiers et de quatre formatrices a permis d’appréhender comment l’activité discursive entre étudiants sur un soin réalisé a participé consubstantiellement à la transformation de leur soin et de leur identité professionnelle. En outre, les formatrices ont discuté de la mise en patrimoine au sein de la formation des compromis élaborés par les étudiants et ont questionné leurs propres activités. Leurs échanges, construits à partir de l’image vidéo des controverses des étudiants, leur ont permis de mieux cerner l’intérêt du débat de métier afin qu’ils puissent s’émanciper de la tâche prescrite. Les étudiants infirmiers sont devenus des ressources pour l’organisation apprenante. Le modèle d'analyse proposé peut donc être utile aux formateurs en soins infirmiers ainsi qu’aux tuteurs de stage. / This thesis focuses on issues experienced by nursing students when learning their trade. These issues are considered from their ability to endorse the responsibility of their acts to their assumption of performance of their practices in light of their professional identity. The aim was to study the contribution of the nursing students’ activity analysis to the development of their professional identity throughout this reflexive activity. The indirect historical method of the clinical approach of activity has induced the development of the student’s reflection both on their way nursing and on their way of being regarding the profession they are learning. The dialogic observatory generated both by four nursing students discussing their care and by four expert trainers analyzing these reflections, has highlighted how the discursive activity between students has contributed to transform their care and their professional identity all together. Moreover, the trainers have discussed capitalizing students’ agreements for further use in teaching and questioned their own practices. Their exchanges, built upon watching significant video extracts of students’ confrontations, led them to a better understanding of how the students may go beyond the set tasks. The nursing students have thus become resources for the learning organization. The proposed analysis model can therefore be useful to nursing trainers as well as tutors.

Paroplynová turbína pro akumulaci energie / Steam-gas turbine for energy storage

Staněk, Štěpán January 2020 (has links)
Master thesis discusses the growing need of electric energy storage and its effectivity and capacity. It describes an overview of possible technologies with their advantages and disadvantages. Greater attention is paid to the storage of energy in gas, so-called Power to Gas, which combines the electrolytic production of hydrogen from water and the Sabatier reaction to produce synthetic methane. This technology is introduced in the so-called SIT Brno cycle of Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery company. The main part of the thesis is focused on the description of this cycle and on the calculation of the steam-gas turbine (high-pressure and low pressure module). This thesis describes the methodology of turbine calculation and the composition of the steam gas mixture after combustion of methane. The carbon dioxide formed by combustion in the steam-gas mixture generator was replaced by steam. Part of the diploma thesis are drawings of cross-section of individual turbine modules.

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