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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Когнитивно-прагматическая специфика комментариев и сообщений в интернет-коммуникации : магистерская диссертация / Cognitive-pragmatic specificity of comments and messages in internet communications

Пигин, Д. В., Pigin, D. V. January 2024 (has links)
В данной работе исследуются различные методы изучения процесса интерпретации, особое внимание уделено аспектам взаимодействия в интернет-коммуникации, таким как определение границ публичного и приватного. Также проведен когнитивно-прагматический анализ примеров сообщений и комментариев при использовании базовой концепции основанной на теории релевантности Дэна Спербера и Дейдры Уилсон. / This paper explores various methods for studying the process of interpretation, with special attention paid to aspects of interaction in Internet communications, such as defining the boundaries of public and private. A cognitive-pragmatic analysis of examples of messages and comments was also carried out using the basic concept based on the theory of relevance of Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson.

La aplicación del componente pragmático funcional en un manual sueco de español publicado tras el currículo Lgy 2011 / The application of functional pragmatic componentin a Swedish textbook of teaching in Spanish published after the curriculum Lgy 2011

Sánchez Abascal, Pablo January 2016 (has links)
El objetivo de esta monografía es el de analizar el modo en el que un manual didáctico para la enseñanza del español en el contexto educativo sueco de bachillerato aplica y desarrolla la competencia pragmática funcional en sus propuestas didácticas. Para la realización de dicho análisis usaremos como instrumento de medida, por una parte, las actividades de simulación, escenario y role-play que propone Sánchez Sarmiento (2005), y que se dirigen a la activación de la competencia pragmática de los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras y, por otra, los criterios de transacciones e interacciones de colaboración para el desarrollo de la competencia pragmática funcional que se recogen en el §.5 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación (MCER, 2002). La hipótesis de la que parte este estudio postula que el manual que analizamos (Caminando 5, Natur & Kultur, 2013), a pesar de estar compuesto de propuestas didácticas en las que se presentan el componente pragmático funcional, no enuncia de forma explícita el trabajo con ella, no conduce ni a su activación ni a su desarrollo, su frecuencia de aparición en el manual es irregular, y las actividades que forman parte de sus propuestas didácticas no proponen reflexiones metapragmáticas sobre los propios contenidos pragmáticos de la lengua. La investigación que hemos desarrollado confirma que, aunque en algunas propuestas didácticas del manual  se proponen actividades que activan y desarrollan algunos de los criterios de transacción e interacción colaborativa del MCER (2002), su tratamiento resulta poco exhaustivo y su explicitación es escasa. Sin embargo, se puede constatar que el manual representa un acercamiento a los principios metodológicos de los enfoques comunicativos y que su explotación didáctica, aunque no de forma explícita, conduce, en parte, al trabajo con algunos de los criterios pragmáticos funcionales que se proponen en el MCER (2002). / The aim of this paper is to analyse the way in which a textbook for teaching Spanish in high school Swedish educational context applies and develops functional pragmatic competence in their educational proposals. To carry out this analysis we will use as two measuring instruments: on one hand, simulation activities, stage activities, and role-play proposed by Sánchez Sarmiento (2005), which are connected to the activation of pragmatic competence of foreign language learners and, on the other hand, the criteria for transactions and interactions of collaboration for the development of functional pragmatic competence set out in the §.5 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR, 2001). The hypothesis in this study postulates that the textbook (Caminando 5, Natur & Kultur, 2013), despite being composed of educational proposals in the functional pragmatic component, does not formulate explicitly work with it, does not lead to its activation or development, their frequency in the manual is irregular, and activities that are part of their educational proposals do not propose metapragmatic reflections on the content of the language themselves. Research we developed confirms that, although some educational proposals that activate manual activities propose and develop some of the criteria transaction and collaborative interaction CEFR (2001), treatment is not very thorough and explicitness is almost scarce. However, we can see that the manual represents an approach to the methodological principles of communicative approaches and its didactic exploitation, although not explicitly, leads, in part, to work with some of the functional pragmatic criteria proposed in the CEFR (2001).


林瑞瑀, Lin, Ruei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討中美文化差異對於建議語行為的影響,並且進一步探究文化差異以及社會地位、人際熟悉度等情境因素如何影響台灣英語學習者的建議語行為。本研究的三組受試者分別為35位英語母語人士、35位中文母語人士、35位英文程度佳的台灣英語學習者。語料蒐集工具為言談情境填充問卷(DCT)。所蒐集的語料針對受試者的建議語策略使用來進行量化以及質化的分析。 研究結果顯示,中文組的建議語行為比英語組來的直接。而學習者組在建議語的策略使用上則近似於中文組,也表現出比英語組直接的建議語行為。這樣的結果很可能由中美文化的差異所導致。此外,台灣英語學習者的建議語行為受到了文化差異的影響,表現出來自於母語的語用移轉(pragmatic transfer),除了語用移轉所造成的語用失敗(pragmatic failure)之外,研究者還發現兩項學習者在建議語使用上的語用失敗,分別是:教學引起的誘發性錯誤(teaching-induced errors),以及使用過多文字(waffle phenomenon)。有鑑於這些語用失敗,本研究提出兩點教學上的啟示。一、語言教師必須引導學生瞭解文化差異對於跨文化溝通的影響。二、語言教師以及教材編者必須提供充足的語境訊息(contextual information)以教導英語學習者如何適宜地的表達。 / The present study aimed to explore the cross-cultural differences between the suggestion behaviors by Chinese and Americans, and further investigated how the differences affect Taiwanese EFL learners’ interlanguage suggestion under two social variables. Three groups of participants were concerned in this study. They were 35 native speakers of American English, 35 native speakers of Mandarin Chinese and 35 Taiwanese EFL learners. The data were collected by written DCT elicitation questionnaire. Participants’ responses were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to see how the three groups of participants employed the suggestion head act strategy, hedging devices, supportive moves and suggestion patterns. The results showed that the Chinese group was more direct than the American group. Besides, the learner group approximated the Chinese group and thus also employed more direct suggestion patterns and strategies than the American group did. This may be possibly due to the cultural differences between the Chinese and the American culture. This study also found that the EFL learners transferred both their native socio-cultural norms and pragmalinguistic conventions into their suggestion behaviors. In addition to pragmatic transfer, two more pragmatic failures were found; they were teaching-induced errors and the waffle phenomenon. With regard to these failures, this study suggested that language teachers should make learners aware of the importance of cultural differences in cross-cultural communication. Besides, teachers and language materials designers should provide as much contextual information as possible so that learners can learn the appropriate form or structure for its corresponding function.

The effects of exposure to domestic abuse on adolescents' relationship attitudes and reasoning of abusive behaviour, and an evaluation of an intervention programme for those who are displaying perpetrator behaviours

Curtis, Bryony January 2010 (has links)
Paper one: The attitudes and reasoning of abusive behaviour in adolescents who have been exposed to domestic abuse Exposure to domestic abuse in childhood can go on to negatively affect every aspect of that individual’s life. During adolescence, the impact of exposure to domestic abuse may go beyond the borders of the family and the individual, and affect the development of intimate relationships. This study explores the attitudes and reasoning of eleven young people who have been exposed to domestic abuse and are displaying perpetrator behaviours. Results reveal a complex interaction between experiences and skill deficits at a crucial time of identity formation, resulting in the formation and maintenance of destructive attitudes and contradictory reasoning about abusive behaviour. The direct implications of this study, suggestions for further research, and for Educational Psychology Services are discussed. Paper two: An evaluation of an intervention for adolescents who have been exposed to domestic abuse and are displaying perpetrator behaviours Where domestic violence occurs, children and young people are likely to have been exposed to such abuse. Evidence suggests that this is likely to have a detrimental impact on them. There is an acute gap in provision for such individuals, despite evidence suggesting a link between exposure to domestic abuse in childhood, and involvement in abusive dating relationships in late adolescence and adulthood. There has been little research testing the effectiveness of intervention programmes which aim to reduce this risk. In this study a before and after design was used to evaluate a cognitive-behavioural intervention programme for young people who have been exposed to domestic abuse and are displaying abusive behaviours. This evaluation was based on the views of the young people on this programme. Results indicate that certain elements of the programme were more successful in achieving the programme aims. Considerations for the development of further programmes which target this client group are discussed.

Izrada kursa poslovnog engleskog jezika sa ciljem razvoja pragmatičke kompetencije značajne zaunapređenje poslovne komunikacije / Designing Business English Course for the Purposeof Developing Pragmatic Competence Important forthe Advancement of Business Communication

Gak Dragana 19 September 2016 (has links)
<p>kursa poslovnog engleskog jezika koji ima za cilj razvoj pragmatičke<br />kompetencije polaznika i unapređenje poslovne komunikacije na engleskom jeziku.<br />Uspostavljanje i održavanje uspe&scaron;ne poslovne komunikacije koja uključuje poslovne<br />ljude kojima je engleski jezik zajedničko sredstvo komunikacije zavisi od njihove<br />sposobnosti da koriste jezik na odgovarajući način u odgovarajućem poslovnom<br />kontekstu.<br />Istraživanje za disertaciju sastojalo se iz dva dela. U uvodnom delu<br />istraživanja učestvovali su predavači poslovnog engleskog jezika, studenti koji slu&scaron;aju<br />kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika i zaposleni polaznici koji pohađaju kurs poslovnog<br />engleskog jezika u &scaron;kolama stranih jezika. Cilj ovog dela istraživanja je bio da se<br />prikupe podaci o nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika kod nas &ndash; na koji način se ona<br />organizuje i &scaron;ta bi trebalo uključiti u nastavu kako bi polaznici bili &scaron;to uspe&scaron;niji u<br />poslovnoj komunikaciji na engleskom jeziku.<br />Nakon toga usledilo je glavno istraživanje u kome je učestvovalo dvadeset<br />zaposlenih polaznika koji su pohađali kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika. Oni su bili<br />podeljeni u dve grupe, kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu, sa po deset polaznika. Obe grupe<br />su pohađale kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika. Kontrolna grupa je kurs slu&scaron;ala samo<br />na osnovu odabranog udžbenika, a eksperimentalna grupa je pohađala kurs koji je<br />izrađen na osnovu analize potreba i u skladu sa poslovnim situacijama u kojima oni<br />koriste engleski jezik. Pre početka kursa obe grupe su popunile upitnik sa op&scaron;tim<br />podacima o njima i upitnik za analizu potreba, ulazni test op&scaron;teg engleskog jezika i<br />ulazni test poslovnog engleskog jezika. Podaci dobijeni upitnikom za analizu potreba<br />upotpunjeni su pitanjima u prvom intervjuu. Napredak u sposobnosti kori&scaron;ćenja<br />engleskog jezika u poslovnoj komunikaciji obe grupe, posebno u pogledu kori&scaron;ćenja<br />govornih činova, praćen je tokom kursa pomoću pet testova nakon svake obrađene<br />teme.<br />Istraživanjem su dobijeni kvantitativni podaci (pomoću testa i upitnika) i<br />kvalitativni podaci (pomoću upitnika i intervjua) koji su detaljno analizirani. Na<br />osnovu analize svih podataka može se zaključiti da su polaznici iz eksperimentalne<br />grupe ostvarili primetno bolji napredak na testovima koji su pratili kurs, ali i u<br />sposobnosti poslovne komunikacije, &scaron;to je bio i cilj kursa.<br />Značaj ovog istraživanja je vi&scaron;estruk jer ukazuje na potrebu da se veća pažnja<br />posvećuje izradi kurseva poslovnog engleskog jezika za zaposlene polaznike,<br />detaljnoj analizi poslovnog konteksta u kome rade i njihovih stvarnih potreba. Takvi<br />kursevi omogućavaju polaznicima da lak&scaron;e i uspe&scaron;nije razviju svoju pragmatičku<br />kompetenciju i unaprede poslovnu komunikaciju.</p> / <p>This thesis in applied linguistics and language teaching focuses on designing a<br />business English course for the purpose of the development of pragmatic competence<br />of business English learners in order to improve their business communication in the<br />English language. Establishing and maintaining successful business communication<br />involving business people who use English as a common communication language<br />depends on their ability to use the language in an appropriate way in an appropriate<br />business context.<br />The research for this thesis consisted of two parts. The first part of the research<br />involved teachers of business English, students who attended business English<br />courses and employed learners who attended business English courses in private<br />language schools. The purpose of this part of the research was to collect the data on<br />business English language teaching, the way the courses are organized and what<br />should be included in the courses so that the learners are able to participate in<br />business communication in the English language.<br />This was followed by the main part of the research, which involved twenty<br />professionals attending a business English course. They were divided into two groups,<br />control and experimental, with ten learners in each group. Both groups attended a<br />business English course, however, the control group had a course based only on the<br />selected course book, and the experimental group had a course designed on the basis<br />of needs analysis and in accordance with the business situations in which they use<br />English language daily. Prior to the course learners in both groups completed a<br />general data questionnaire, a needs analysis questionnaire, general and business<br />English language entrance tests. The data gathered by the needs analysis questionnaire<br />were additionally clarified by the answers in the first interview. The learners&#39; progress<br />in using English in business communication in both groups, especially regarding the<br />use of speech acts, was monitored by five tests, one after each of the topics covered<br />during the course.<br />The data collected in the research, both quantitative (collected by tests and<br />questionnaires) and qualitative (collected by questionnaires and interviews), were<br />thoroughly analyzed. The analysis led to a conclusion that learners from the<br />experimental group showed substantially better improvement in tests and their overall<br />ability to communicate in business related contexts.<br />The significance of this research is manifold and suggests that greater attention<br />should be paid to designing business English courses for professionals and to a<br />thorough needs and business context analysis. Such courses would enable learners to<br />develop their pragmatic competence more successfully and, consequently, improve<br />their business communication.</p>

La politesse dans la communication interculturelle : les stratégies de politesse utilisées par les coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demande

Bae, Jin Ah 02 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objectif d’examiner les stratégies de politesse utilisées par des apprenants coréens qui apprennent le français comme langue seconde lors des situations de demande et de mettre en évidence le rôle de la L1 et de la culture d’origine des apprenants quant à leurs choix des stratégies de politesse en français. Trois groupes de répondants ont participé à la recherche : 30 locuteurs natifs coréens qui habitent à Séoul, en Corée, 30 étudiants coréens apprenant le français comme langue seconde à Montréal, au Canada, et 30 locuteurs natifs francophones habitant Montréal. Les données recueillies auprès des locuteurs natifs ont servi de bases de données reflétant respectivement les normes de la L1 et celles de la langue cible. Pour la collecte de données, nous avons utilisé quatre outils : le Discourse Completion Test (DCT) écrit, des échelles d’évaluation des variables contextuelles, un Questionnaire à choix multiples (QCM) ainsi qu’une entrevue semi-structurée. Les réponses obtenues au DCT écrit ont été analysées à l’aide du schéma de codage élaboré dans le cadre du Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989). Les résultats de notre recherche ont démontré que les apprenants coréens ont estimé les variables contextuelles, comme l’intimité et le pouvoir social ressentis vis-à-vis de l’interlocuteur dans les situations de demande de façon similaire aux locuteurs natifs francophones, alors qu’ils ont eu tendance à estimer une plus grande gravité d’imposition de la demande que les deux groupes de locuteurs natifs dans plusieurs situations de demande. Quant aux stratégies de demande, tandis que ce sont les stratégies indirectes qui ont été le plus fréquemment utilisées par les apprenants coréens et les locuteurs natifs francophones, les apprenants coréens ont montré une tendance au transfert pragmatique de la L1, en recourant aux stratégies directes plus fréquemment que les locuteurs natifs francophones. De plus, étant donné que les apprenants coréens ont utilisé beaucoup moins d’atténuateurs que les locuteurs natifs francophones, leurs formules de demande étaient plus directes et moins polies que celles employées par les locuteurs natifs francophones. En ce qui concerne les mouvements de soutien (supportive moves), les apprenants coréens se sont démarqués des deux groupes de locuteurs natifs, en recourant plus fréquemment à certaines catégories de mouvements de soutien que les autres répondants. Les analyses de corrélation entre l’estimation des variables contextuelles et le choix des stratégies de politesse nous ont permis de constater que les apprenants coréens ainsi que les locuteurs natifs francophones ont eu tendance à utiliser davantage d’atténuateurs lorsque le locuteur possède moins de pouvoir social. Les implications des résultats pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des aspects de la politesse dans la classe de français langue seconde ont été exposées. / The aim of this study is to investigate request strategies that Korean learners of French use in request situations. The role played by the learners’ first language and their culture of origin in making these choices will also be explored. Three groups of respondents participated in this study: 30 native Korean speakers living in Seoul, Korea, 30 Korean French learners in Montreal, Canada, and 30 French native speakers living in Montreal. Data collected from native speakers of both Korean and French were used to create baseline data reflecting first and second language norms respectively. Four data collecting methods were used: the Discourse Completion Test (DCT); an assessment questionnaire evaluating situational factors such as intimacy, the social power between interlocutors and the degree of imposition of requests; the multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ); and a semi-constructed interview. The responses obtained from the written DCT were analysed using the coding scheme elaborated in the Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka, House, & Kasper, 1989). The results of the study showed that the Korean French learners estimated situational factors like intimacy and the relative social power that they feel with interlocutors in a manner similar to that of the French native speakers. However, in many situations, the Korean learners of French tended to estimate that a request represented a greater imposition than either group of native speakers. Further, while the Korean French learners frequently used indirect strategies as the French native speakers used them, they showed a tendency towards pragmatic transfer from their first language (L1), using direct strategies more frequently than their native French-speaking counterparts. Moreover, as the Korean French learners used downgraders far less frequently, their semantic formulas were more direct and less polite than the ones used by French native speakers. Concerning supportive moves, the Korean French learners showed a different tendency from the two groups of native speakers, in that they used some categories of supportive moves more frequently. The correlation analysis between the results of the assessment questionnaire about situational factors and the politeness strategies used by respondents revealed that the Korean learners and the French native speakers used more downgraders when they have less social power than the hearer. Finally, the implications of these findings as relates to the pedagogical and didactic aspects of politeness in French as a second language classroom are examined.

Funkce "comment clause" "you know" v literatuře a televiziním sitcomu Přátelé, a její překladové ekvivalenty / The functions of comment clause "you know" in literature and the TV sitcom "Friends", and its Czech translation counterparts

Kuthanová, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to describe and analyze the English comment clause you know in a corpus of written sources called Intercorp and a corpus created of eight episodes of the television series Friends, which represents the natural language. The study works with the presumption that the language of the TV show Friends is in its conversational nature similar to the natural language of conversations and therefore can be contrasted to the artificial language of written form. As the Czech translations of both corpora are available to us, the study greatly focuses on two main aspects: the Czech translation counterparts of the you know comment clause and their pragmatic functions. The theoretical part introduces the comment clauses, describing their features and functions, not only as described by Quirk et al. (1985), but also from the point of view of the discourse linguists that see the comment clauses like you know as markers and specialize in their research, mostly Povolná (2010), Stenström (1995), Schiffrin (1987) and others. The outline of potential Czech counterparts is given as well, suggested by Dušková (2009), Běličová (1993) and duo Grepl & Karlík (1998, 1999). Moreover, we mention the language of television and the difference between conventional and audiovisual translation, and the...

Komunikativní dovednosti u mladých lidí s mentálním postižením / Communication skills of young people with mental disabilities

Löffelmannová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses the issues of communication of young people with mental disabilities. The theoretical part of the diploma work defines mental retardation. It shows the life of a mentally-disabled young person and explains the educational and employment opportunities of such young people. The theoretical part further focuses on the speech of persons with intellectual disabilities. It provides information about the development of speech and about impaired communication abilities. The work outlines the possibilities of speech therapy, its diagnostics and intervention. A diagnostic test oriented on the communication of young people with mental disability in selected situations of daily life was created within the practical part of the thesis. The speech of pupils was analysed on the basis of a test used in a selected two- year practical primary school, and on the basis of available documents and interview with the class teacher. A proposal of communication development was created for every pupil, which can be used in the preparation of the pupil's individual education plan. The contribution of the thesis is in the created proposal of measures for the development of communication of pupils at two-year practical schools, which is consistent with the school curricular documents. KEYWORDS...

Efficacité clinique d’une approche guidée par la direction préférentielle chez des membres des Forces armées canadiennes souffrant d’une lombalgie / Effectiveness of directional preference to guide management in Canadian Armed Forces members suffering from low back pain

Franz, Anja January 2017 (has links)
La lombalgie compte parmi les causes principales d’incapacité chez des membres des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC). Une prise en charge efficace de cette condition est donc primordiale afin de maintenir des forces opérationnelles. Les études randomisées contrôlées réalisées auprès de la population générale suggèrent que la direction préférentielle (DP) est efficace pour guider la prise en charge de la lombalgie. Toutefois, aucune étude n’a investigué l’efficacité d’une telle approche en contexte réel ou auprès de la population militaire. L’objectif de ce mémoire était d’évaluer, dans le contexte réel de la pratique clinique, l’efficacité d’une prise en charge guidée par la DP parmi des membres des FAC souffrant de lombalgie. Pour ce faire, une étude observationnelle de cohorte incluant 44 membres consentant des FAC a été réalisée. Les patients du groupe exposé (n=22) ont reçu des interventions guidées par la DP. Les patients du groupe non-exposé (n=22) ont reçu les soins usuels, soit des interventions déterminées par leur physiothérapeute, mais pas d’approche guidée par la DP. Les données ont été colligées et comparées entre les deux groupes au début de l’étude, à 1 mois, et à 3 mois grâce à un questionnaire autoadministré concernant la douleur (intensité, localisation, fréquence), l’incapacité perçue, la consommation de médicaments, et l’effet global perçu (douleur, fonctionnement et état général). La perte de productivité et l’utilisation de soins de santé ont été mesurées à 3 mois grâce au dossier médical électronique. Des différences statistiquement significatives en faveur du groupe exposé à une prise en charge guidée par la DP ont été observées pour l’intensité de la douleur (Δ à 1 mois : 1,9/10; Δ à 3 mois : 1,3/10), l’incapacité perçue (Δ 1 mois : 4,3/24; Δ 3 mois : 3,5/24), l’amélioration de l’effet global perçu à 1 mois (douleur : 86,4 % vs 57,1 %; fonctionnement : 81,8 % vs 47,6 %; état général : 86,4 % vs 57,1 %) et à 3 mois (douleur : 95,5 % vs 71,1 %; état général : 95,5 % vs 66,7 %), et l’amélioration du statut au travail à 3 mois (54,5 % vs 23,8 %). Malgré les limites de notre étude, nos résultats suggèrent qu’en conditions réelles de pratique, la prise en charge guidée par la DP est plus efficace que les soins usuels pour réduire la douleur et l’incapacité chez les membres des FAC souffrant de lombalgie. / Abstract : Low back pain (LBP) is a leading cause for disability in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members. Efficacious and cost-effective management for LBP is thus essential to maintaining operational capabilities. In randomized controlled trials among the general population, directional preference (DP) was shown useful to guide treatment of LBP, but no studies have investigated this in real-life settings or in military personnel. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in real-life clinical practice, the effectiveness of DP to guide management of LBP in CAF members when compared to usual care. To that purpose, we conducted a cohort study including 44 consenting CAF members with LBP. Patients in the exposed group (n=22) were assessed for DP and received matching interventions. Patients in the non-exposed group (n=22) received interventions as determined by their treating physiotherapist, excluding any DP-guided treatments. Data were collected and compared between groups at baseline, at 1-month and at 3-month follow-up using self-administered questionnaires regarding pain (intensity, location, frequency), perceived disability, medication, and perceived global effect (pain, function, overall status). Work loss and health care utilization were measured at 3 months using electronic health records. Statistically significant differences, favoring the exposed group, were observed for pain intensity (Δ at 1 month: 1.9/10; CI 95%; 0.97 – 2.89; Δ at 3 months: 1.3/10; CI 95%: 0.35 – 2.31), disability (Δ at 1 month: 4.3/24; CI 95%: 2.12 – 6.38; Δ at 3 months: 3.5/24; CI 95%; 1.59 – 5.33), perceived global effect at 1 month (pain: 86.4% vs 57.1%; function: 81.8% vs 47.6%; overall status: 86.4% vs 57.1%) and at 3 months (pain: 95.5% vs 71.1%; overall status: 95.5% vs 66.7%) with p-values <.05, and improvement in work status (3 months: 54.5% vs 23.8%). Our data suggest that DP-guided management is more effective than usual care physiotherapy to reduce pain and improve function in CAF members with LBP. Our findings are useful to inform clinicians and policy makers to improve management strategies for CAF members.

Sociální užití komunikačních schopností u uživatelů pobytových sociálních služeb / Social use of communication by clients of residental care

Žáčková, Odeta January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of special education. It deals with the definition of basic knowledge in interpersonal communication and speech development in general, and especially in symptomatic speech disorders in people with mental disabilities. In context of communication, it presents four language levels with focus on the pragmatic language and the social-use communication. This thesis connects knowledge of intact speech development with speech development in children with intellectual disabilities, and knowledge of the pragmatic language level with the specifics of pragmatics of people with intellectual disabilities. The research of this thesis is produced by the interpretation of the results obtained by using the evaluation material which was created for this thesis - it is based on theoretical knowledge and inspired by evaluation materials of other authors. The research surveys the level of pragmatic language as a social use of communication among people using residential social services, specifically one home for people with disabilities. The conclusion of the thesis is the evaluation of the partial parts of pragmatic language level in persons with intellectual disabilities and recommendations for practice in improving the deficiencies on this level. During the evaluation, it was...

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