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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La possibilité d’un transfert culturel : Stratégies de traduction des noms propres et des métaphores dans un texte socio-politique / The possibility of a cultural transfer : Strategies for translating proper names and metaphors in a socio-political text

Turesson, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the translation strategies used in order to translate a socio-political text from French to Swedish with focus on proper names and metaphors. Proper names and metaphors are deeply culture rooted and containers of specific elements familiar only to an initiated audience. The main purpose is to investigate the possibility of transferring these underlying elements from one culture to another, keeping in mind the genre, the aim (or skopos), the Interpretive Theory of Translation and the pragmatic aspect. Vinay and Darbelnet and Rune Ingo offered the methods for the translation of proper names. The most common strategy used was transfer or literal translation, in certain cases followed by a complementary information, and equivalence. The conceptual theory worked as a starting point for the classification of metaphors and the strategies proposed by Peter Newmark structured the translation. With the concepts of war and family the pragmatic aspect needed to be considered more frequently than with the concept of game and the procedures of conversion of metaphor to sense and translation of metaphor by simile were used to a lager extent than that of reproducing the same image. Analysing each case one by one and applying the most suitable strategy according to context and circumstances, with respect to culture differences and sense, helped us to form a coherent unity providing a suitable ground for a cultural transfer to grow, or at least to show.

L’univers des génériques d'ouverture dans les oeuvres fantastiques américaines et contemporaines

Renaud-St-Roch, Mathilde 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se concentre sur les génériques d’ouverture et sur les techniques proposées par les concepteurs de ce segment filmique visant à inviter le spectateur à entrer dans la fiction. Cette étude cherche à catégoriser les génériques d’ouverture étudiés selon les éléments montrés à l’écran pour présenter un univers divergent du nôtre. Les films américains contemporains fantastiques sont mis de l’avant afin d’analyser la présentation d’un nouvel univers. À partir de théories et de définitions sur les génériques, l’analyse se développera à l’aide des bases de la sémio-pragmatique de Roger Odin. L’intérêt de cette recherche est de comprendre les opérations effectuées par le générique pour que le spectateur entre dès le départ en phase avec l’œuvre. / This dissertation focuses on the opening credits and the techniques proposed by the designers of this filmic segment to invite the audience into the fiction. This study seeks to categorize the opening credits studied according to the elements shown on the screen to present a universe divergent from our own. Contemporary American fantasy films are put forward to analyze the presentation of a new universe. Starting with theories and definitions of generics, the analysis will be developed using the foundations of Roger Odin's semio-pragmatics. The interest of this research is to understand the operations carried out by the credits so that the spectator can be in phase with the work.

"Pero tenemos diez dedos" : El albur mexicano visto desde un enfoque de género / "But we have ten fingers" : A Gender Perspective on the Practice of Mexican Albur

Lundqvist, Isa January 2021 (has links)
El albur es un fenómeno lingüístico y duelo verbal de doble sentido sexual altamente asociado con la identidad y el lenguaje mexicano. El objetivo de esta tesina es explorar el albur y su relación con género, desde su concepción prehispánica hasta la actualidad, para averiguar el posible rol que pueda tener en este juego una persona de identidad de género no masculina. Al efecto, se revisa literatura sobre el albur tales como Johansson (2006), Lavertue (1998), Martínez García & Erdösová (2020) y Durán González (2012), además de trabajos sobre la identidad mexicana como (Paz ([1950]1996), Szasz (1998), Lagarde ([1990]2005) y Domínguez Ruvalcaba (2013), entre otros. Se hace un análisis pragmático y sociolingüístico del albur con ayuda de teorías lingüísticas relacionadas con el humor, factores sociolingüísticos y el habla femenina, más notables la Teoría General del Humor Verbal propuesta por Attardo & Raskin (1991), la variedad sociolingüística de Silva-Corvalán & Enrique-Arias (2017), el trabajo de Diaz-Campos (2014) sobre lengua, edad, género y nivel socioeconómico, además de los hallazgos de Alvarado Ortega (2016) con respecto a la descortesía y humor fallido en conversaciones entre hombres y mujeres. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados y el análisis de un estudio cuantitativo nuevo, investigando cómo la juventud mexicana universitaria percibe la relación entre el albur y género al presente. Se encuentra que casi todas/os informantes se consideran capaz de entender el albur y que personas de todos géneros emplean el albur. El grado de entendimiento y empleo se percibe como un poco más bajo en las mujeres/personas de identidad de género no masculino, lo que se puede explicar por una falta de tradición y el valor negativo sociolingüístico del albur. En comparación con el hombre alburero, otra persona alburera se ve como un elemento más extraño; con respecto a las actitudes positivas y negativas, no se puede distinguir una divergencia fuerte. Se concluye que, actualmente, el albur no se debe considerar como un fenómeno necesariamente propio de los hombres, y que la inclusión de personas de otras identidades de género puede desarrollar, enriquecer y añadir valor humorístico a la tradición. / Albur is a linguistic practice largely restricted to Mexican identity and language use, constituting verbal duels of sexual double entendres. The current thesis seeks to explore how albur relates to gender, ranging from its prehispanic conception to the present day, focusing on the nature and possibility of involvement of non-male participants. To that end, literature on albur is revised, such as Johansson (2006), Lavertue (1998), Martínez García & Erdösová (2020) and Durán González (2012), as well as works exploring Mexican identity, including Paz ([1950]1996), Szasz (1998), Lagarde ([1990]2005) and Domínguez Ruvalcaba (2013). A pragmatic and sociolinguistic analysis of the practice is made on the foundations of linguistic theories regarding humor, sociolinguistic factors and feminine language use, including but not limited to; The General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH) developed by Attardo & Raskin (1991); sociolinguistic variety by Silva-Corvalán & Enrique-Arias (2017); the work of Diaz-Campos (2014) in regard to language, age, gender and socioeconomic status; and the finds of Alvarado Ortega concerning impoliteness and failed humor in conversations between men and women. Finally, the thesis also presents the results and analysis of a new quantitative study focused on how young Mexican university students view albur and gender relations in the present day. Almost all participants self-report understanding the discourse of albur, and people of all gender identities report practicing it. The degree of understanding and use is slightly lower in women/people of non-male gender identities, which can be explained by a lack of tradition and the negative sociolinguistic value of albur. Compared to male participants, other participants are to a greater extent viewed as a strange element; regarding positive and negative attitudes there is no strong difference towards the two. It is concluded that, today, albur should not be considered a phenomenon restricted to men, and that the inclusion of non-male participants can develop, enrich, and add humoristic value to the tradition.

Development of audience design in adolescents' reference production / Utveckling av mottagaranpassning i ungdomars referentproduktion

Arvidsson, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Compared to adults, children are less effective at designing their utterances to suit the informational needs of their audience. This listener-catering behaviour, known as audience design, has been hypothesized to rely on domain general cognitive mechanisms, such as working memory and cognitive flexibility. Considering that adolescence is an important period of sociocognitive growth, research on the development of audience design beyond childhood is surprisingly scant. The aim of this study was to trace the development of audience design in early and middle adolescence, and test its reliance on cognitive control function. Participants (11–12 and 15–16 years) performed two tasks assessing (1) the ability to adjust referential expressions to inferred knowledge of hearers and (2) cognitive control function. The findings suggest that the ability to take into account the informational needs of listeners during utterance formation develops considerably between early and middle adolescence. Although performance on both tasks was higher in the middle adolescent group, the study provides no evidence for a reliance of the measured audience design behaviour on cognitive control function. Future research should aim to determine whether the development of audience design in adolescence is facilitated by an increased efficacy of knowledge state attribution processes. / Förmågan att anpassa sina yttranden efter samtalspartnerns behov är mindre utvecklad hos barn än hos vuxna. Beteendet att ackommodera lyssnaren vid yttrandeformulering benämns ofta som mottargaranpassning. Mottagaranpassning i konversation har föreslagits vara avhängig exekutiva funktioner, såsom arbetsminne och kognitiv flexibilitet. Med tanke på att ungdomsåren är en viktig period för social och kognitiv mognad har anmärkningsvärt lite forskning genomförts på utvecklingen av mottagaranpassning under ungdomsåren. Målet med studien var att undersöka utvecklingen av mottagaranpassning i ungdomsåren och testa dess eventuella avhängighet av exekutiva funktioner. Deltagare (11–12 och 15–16 år) genomförde två tester som mätte (1) förmågan att anpassa referentiella yttranden till lyssnares förmodade omvärldskunskap och (2) exekutiva funktioner. Resultaten indikerar att förmågan att anpassa sina yttranden efter lyssnares förmodade omvärldskunskap utvecklas betydligt under ungdomsåren. Trots att den äldre åldersgruppen presterade bättre på testet som mätte exekutiva funktioner, predicerade inte exekutiva funktioner förmågan att mottagaranpassa referentiella yttranden. Framtida studier bör undersöka huruvida förmågan att tillskriva kunskapstillstånd till andra effektiviseras under ungdomsåren, och således främjar utvecklingen av mottagaranpassning.

Problém sebevědomí ve filozofii J. G. Fichta. Studie k pragmatickým dějinám lidského ducha / The Problem of Self-consciousness in Fichte's Philosophy. Study in Pragmatic History of the Human Mind

Vrabec, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Submitted essay is an inquiry into J. G. Fichte's early philosophy focused particularly on Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre as a central work of his early period. Interpretation is based on assumption that its principal aim consists in manifestation of the way leading to emergence of our commonsense and ordinary understanding with reference to both world and ourselves. This approach carries Fichte's affilation with tendency inherent to transcendental philosophy of his era not only in its search for the origin of empirical knowledge, but for the origin of aprioristic structures of our experience especially. His transcendentally laden search manifests itself as so called "pragmatic history of the human mind", the principal object of our inquiry. Here we can find an attempt to reconstruct just transcendental, but not "real", temporally sequential, genesis of our mind from original state of feeling to our common representation both about independently existing things and ourselves as free cognizing subjects. Application of this philosophical method allows him to genetically derive and justify basic forms of our experience and its aprioristic components like space, time, substantiality or causality. The first part of essay introduces fundamental principles of Fichte's philosophical system and...

Problem solving: A psycho-pragmatic approach

Giannakopoulos, Paul, Buckley, Sheryl B. 15 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The representation of speech acts in EFL textbooks in Sweden : An investigation of greetings, requests and refusals in input and output and teacher insights

Alfranca Ramón, Cristina January 2021 (has links)
The teaching of pragmatics is often neglected in foreign language classes despite the wellknown importance of pragmatic competence. No matter how well a learner masters thetarget language, errors of a pragmatic nature may lead to major communicative failure orturbulence. Both studies in language teaching and current language educational laws inSweden (following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) pointtowards the necessity for the learner to be pragmatically proficient. Following these lines,textbooks are expected to mirror curricula and educational laws. The present study aimsto address this very issue and investigates the pragmatic content of ELT books in Swedenwith a specific focus on lower and upper secondary school (year 6, 9 and last year ofupper secondary school). The study has as its primary data set three ELT books from thesame publisher and extensively used in Swedish schools, namely Good Stuff Gold A,Good Stuff Gold D, and Blueprint C 2.0. The presence of pragmatic content isinvestigated through the method of content analysis of the textbooks focusing on threespeech acts - greetings, requests, and refusals. The first part of the study is complementedby semi-structured interviews complemented with two teachers of English in Sweden.The findings point to considerable differences in the representation of the three speechacts in the books, with regression from lower to higher levels, and the interviews with theteachers reveal that teachers' complementary activities often compensate for the lack ofpragmatic content in the books. The findings from the present study reveal shortcomingsof the selected textbooks omitting important information, something that might hinderstudents from developing communicative competence. The findings of the present studyhave the potential to inform the practices of teaching professionals in their efforts to teachpragmatic competence.

Teaching Language and Culture Through Online Ethnographic Explorations

Wilson, Hope Marshall January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An Analysis of Designer Problem-Solving in Addressing Overconsumption of Clothing

O'Brien, Erin A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Between Pragmatic Language and Behavior Subtypes in Typically Developing Children

Christensen, Lisa Jeppson 03 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the relationship between syntactic and pragmatic language and reticence, solitary-active passive withdrawal, solitary-passive withdrawal, prosocial skills, and likeability. The Children's Communication Checklist (CCC-2), a language checklist, and Teacher Behavior Rating Scale (TBRS), a behavior checklist, were completed by three 2nd-grade teachers and three 4th-grade teachers about each of their students. Factor analysis was used to determine two composite language measures from the CCC-2 scales. The results of two hierarchal regression analyses indicated that social behaviors were significant predictors of pragmatic language, but not structural language. In particular, solitary-passive withdrawal and reticence were significant predictors of pragmatic language deficits.

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