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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre alteridade, autonomia, autoridade e saberes docentes nas aulas de matemática / On alterity, autonomy, authority and teacher knowledge in Mathematics classes

Jesus, Humberto Luis de 29 May 2018 (has links)
A atividade do docente que ensina matemática, se compreendida como uma prática social, pode ser estudada tendo como suporte referenciais teóricos e metodológicos de abordagens sociológicas. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar, analisar e discutir elementos constitutivos da atividade docente relacionados aos saberes, à autoridade, à autonomia e à alteridade, manifestados em processos de interação durante a resolução de problemas em aulas de matemática. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa orientada pelas ações de quatro professoras, participantes da pesquisa, que lecionam matemática nos anos iniciais de uma escola municipal de ensino fundamental situada na zona sul da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados empíricos foram produzidos entre junho de 2016 e novembro de 2017 a partir de fontes e procedimentos diversificados: a) encontros de formação continuada de matemática coordenados pelo pesquisador, ocorridos na própria escola; b) planejamentos de aulas de matemática feitos pelas quatro professoras; c) interações ocorridas entre os alunos e entre estes e as professoras no desenvolvimento das aulas planejadas; d) acompanhamento das aulas pelo investigador. A interpretação e análise dos dados reunidos por meio de questionários, produção escrita, mensagens eletrônicas e observações de aula apoiaram-se em procedimentos metodológicos da Sociologia Pragmática e embasamentos teóricos relativos às políticas públicas de educação e de formação de professores, à resolução de problemas, à comunicação e à interação nas aulas de matemática e aos saberes, à alteridade, à autonomia e à autoridade docentes. Os resultados dessa análise confirmaram: (i) a hipótese da pesquisa de que as quatro professoras mobilizaram, além de saberes disciplinares, curriculares e experienciais relativos ao ensino e à aprendizagem de matemática, aspectos relativos à alteridade, autonomia e autoridade docentes nos processos interativos estabelecidos entre elas e os alunos; (ii) a necessidade de refletir e problematizar os impactos de políticas públicas de formação, inicial e continuada de professores, que desconsideram a condição docente, o papel e a importância do professor na explicitação do que consiste a natureza do seu trabalho. As análises sugerem a defesa de políticas públicas educacionais que dignifiquem tanto a condição quanto o papel do professor da escola básica, convocando-o para o debate e a participação direta na formulação destas políticas, não o concebendo somente como mero executor de ações decididas por atores sociais externos ao seu contexto de trabalho. / Mathematics teaching activity, if understood as a social practice, can be investigated having as a support specific theoretical and methodological references of sociological approaches. The aim of this study was to identify, analyze, and discuss constitutive elements of teaching activity related to acquirements, alterity, autonomy, and authority expressed in interacting processes during problem solving in Mathematics classes. It is a qualitative research guided by four teachers actions; these teachers, subjects of the research, teach Mathematics in the first years of a community basic school located in South of São Paulo. Empirical data have been generated between June 2016 and November 2017 from different sources and procedures: a) continued formation meetings on Mathematics coordinated by the researcher, which took place at the school itself; b) Mathematics classes planning made by above-mentioned four teachers; c) interactions occurring between students and between them and above-mentioned teachers in developing planned classes; d) resort to questionnaires, written production, e-mails, class monitoring and records. Data interpretation and analysis were based on methodological procedures from Pragmatic Sociology and theoretical foundations related to public policies on education and teacher formation, problem solving, communication and interaction in Mathematics classes, and to teachers acquirements, alterity, autonomy, and authority. This analysis led us to the following results: (i) they confirmed the research hypothesis that besides disciplinary, curriculum, and experimental acquirements related to Mathematics teaching and learning these four teachers mobilized aspects related to teachers alterity, autonomy, and authority in the interactive processes established between them and their students; (ii) they confirmed the need to reflect upon and question the impacts of initial and continued teachers formation public policies that disregard teaching condition and teachers role and importance in making explicit the nature of their work. The analyses suggest one should support educational public policies that promote both teachers condition and role in basic schools, calling them in for a debate and a direct involvement in shaping these policies, instead of framing them only as mere executors of actions decided by social actors external to their work environment.

Jeux vidéo pour les filles : le genre, la technologie et le design aux service du recrutement des femmes dans les Technologies de l'Information et de laCommunication ( TIC) ? / Girl Games : gender, technology and design for women’s recruitment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?

Krupa, Frederique 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur le genre, le design et la technologie à travers l'artefact des jeux vidéo - les produits de la culture d'ingénierie masculine, et le lien de genre entre ceux qui font les jeux vidéo (Production) et ceux qui les jouent (Réception). Ma recherche porte sur l'industrie du jeux vidéo consacré aux pré-adolescentes qui, il y a 20 ans, était le site de l'entreprenariat féministe espérant remédier au déséquilibre entre les sexes dans les TIC. Si la parité a été atteinte dans la consommation des médias, la production technologique reste délibérément une quête masculine. Cette étude constructiviste en trois phases commence par les préférences personnelles (MBTI) et l'orientation de rôles sexués (BSRI) des femmes dans le développement des jeux, en soulignant leur résistance aux stéréotypes de genre, et se termine par une étude ethnographique des enfants jouant à des jeux vidéo indépendants et non sexistes dans un programme extrascolaire à Paris. Utilisant la sémiotique pragmatique, cette thèse soutient que les croyances et habitudes des stéréotypes négatifs de genre et de technologie sont le principal obstacle à la diversité des genres dans les TIC - limitant le nombre de femmes désirant transgresser les normes de genre dans les professions masculines — et créant une prophétie auto-réalisatrice à travers la socialisation du genre par les parents qui réifient la croyance dans les compétences technologiques masculines tout en développant un accès et un encouragement technologiques inégal entre les sexes. La thèse se termine par de l'heuristique de conception pour la neutralité de genre dans les expériences numériques des enfants. / This dissertation focuses on gender, design and technology through the artifact of video games — technology products of masculine engineering culture, and the gendered link between those that make video games (Production) and those that play them (Reception). My research examines a sector of the video game industry devoted to pre-adolescent girls, which 20 years ago was the site of feminist entrepreneurship hoping to remedy the gender imbalance in ICT (Information and Communication Technology). While parity has been achieved in media consumption, technological production firmly remains a masculine pursuit. This three-phase constructivist study begins with the personality preferences (MBTI) and sex-role orientation (BSRI) of women in game development, highlighting their exceptional resilience to gender stereotypes, and concludes with an ethnographic study of children playing independent, gender-neutral video games at an afterschool program in Paris. Using pragmatic semiotic epistemology, this dissertation argues that the belief-habits of negative gender and technology stereotypes are the principal roadblock to gender diversity in ICT – limiting the number of women willing to transgress gender norms into masculine professions and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy through parents’ gender-socialization that reifies the belief in masculine technological passion and skill while developing unequal gendered technological access and encouragement. The dissertation concludes with strategies for gender-neutralizing technology, including design heuristics for gender neutrality in children’s digital experiences.

A estrutura informacional e as duplicações: uma contribuição ao ensino de E/LE / Informational structure and duplication: a contribution to the teaching of the pronouns E/LE

Valdirene Filomena Zorzo Veloso 08 December 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar se os alunos-informantes, aprendizes brasileiros de espanhol como língua estrangeira, e futuros professores, utilizam a duplicação, assim como investigar se a hipótese de que a experiência em sala de aula focada no fornecimento de input abundante e centrada na comunicação pode levar a melhores resultados no uso de pronomes clíticos e das duplicações em comparação aos obtidos por meio de trabalho centrado na gramática. Para tanto, propusemos um experimento com três diferentes situações pedagógicas de expor os alunos-informantes às duplicações em estruturas com o pronome clítico em espanhol, a fim de comprovar se há diferença no resultado final da aprendizagem a partir de diferentes processos de manipulação do input (PMI). Como o fenômeno que analisamos está estritamente relacionado à organização da estrutura informacional visando à melhor veiculação da informação em benefício da comunicação, adotamos a Gramática Funcional da corrente holandesa (DIK, 1981, 1989, 1997) para o entendimento do referido fenômeno. Pela mesma razão, buscamos uma teoria de aquisição e aprendizagem que pudesse corroborar o experimento que realizamos com os alunos-informantes, com o intuito de verificar a validade de nossa proposta de diferença no output destes aprendizes em função de processos, também diferenciados, de manipulação do input. Deste modo, a Teoria do Monitor proposta por Krashen (1976 e 1982), mais especificamente, a Hipótese do Input, pareceu-nos pertinente para testar nossa hipótese sobre o uso da duplicação. Assim, pudemos concluir que os informantes, usaram a duplicação em suas produções a partir de uma situação comunicativa apresentada pela história em quadrinhos selecionada e que há diferença no output em função da metodologia de exposição dos aprendizes aos conteúdos estabelecidos. A proposta metodológica que apresentou input centrado na comunicação e contextualizado obteve resultados mais significativos em termos de output. Esta proposta de PMI atende à concepção funcionalista da linguagem, logo o input que deve ser dado aos aprendizes é aquele que mais se aproxima da situação real de comunicação, pois a estrutura informacional será compreendida, o input será compreensível e possibilitará o processo de aprendizagem/aquisição proposto por Krashen (1982) em sua hipótese do input. / This research aims at verifying if the students-informants, Brazilian learners of Spanish as a foreign language, and future teachers, use the duplicate phenomena, as well as investigate if the hypothesis that the experience in classroom focused on providing abundant input and focused on communication can lead to better results in the use of clitic pronouns and duplicate in comparison to the ones which are focused on grammar. Therefore we proposed an experiment which contemplates three different pedagogical situations that expose the students-informants to the duplicate occurrence of clitic structures in Spanish in order to prove if there is difference in the final result of the learning process starting from different process of manipulation of input (PMI). As the phenomena we analyzed is closely related to the organization of the informational structure aiming at the best way of spreading the information for the benefit of communication, we chose the Functional Grammar based on the Dutch doctrine (Dik, 1981, 1989, 1997) for the understanding of that very phenomenon. For the same reason, we seek a theory of acquisition and learning that could corroborate the experiment we conducted with the students-informants in order to check the validity of our proposal for a difference in the output of these learners in terms of processes, also differentiated, in handling the input. Thus, the Monitor Theory proposed by Krashen (1976 and 1982), more specifically, the Input Hypothesis seemed appropriate to test our hypothesis about the use of duplication. So, we concluded that the informants used the duplicate phenomena in their production from a communicative situation presented by the chosen comic book and that there is some difference in the output depending on the methodology of exposure of learners to the table of contents established. The methodological proposal which presented the input centered on communication and contextualized obtained more significant results in terms of output. This PMI proposal meets the functionalist conception of language, therefore the input that should be given to learners is the one that most closely matches the real situation of communication, because the informational structure is understood, the input is comprehensible and enables the learning process / acquisition proposed by Krashen (1982) in his hypothesis of the input.

A estrutura informacional e as duplicações: uma contribuição ao ensino de E/LE / Informational structure and duplication: a contribution to the teaching of the pronouns E/LE

Veloso, Valdirene Filomena Zorzo 08 December 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar se os alunos-informantes, aprendizes brasileiros de espanhol como língua estrangeira, e futuros professores, utilizam a duplicação, assim como investigar se a hipótese de que a experiência em sala de aula focada no fornecimento de input abundante e centrada na comunicação pode levar a melhores resultados no uso de pronomes clíticos e das duplicações em comparação aos obtidos por meio de trabalho centrado na gramática. Para tanto, propusemos um experimento com três diferentes situações pedagógicas de expor os alunos-informantes às duplicações em estruturas com o pronome clítico em espanhol, a fim de comprovar se há diferença no resultado final da aprendizagem a partir de diferentes processos de manipulação do input (PMI). Como o fenômeno que analisamos está estritamente relacionado à organização da estrutura informacional visando à melhor veiculação da informação em benefício da comunicação, adotamos a Gramática Funcional da corrente holandesa (DIK, 1981, 1989, 1997) para o entendimento do referido fenômeno. Pela mesma razão, buscamos uma teoria de aquisição e aprendizagem que pudesse corroborar o experimento que realizamos com os alunos-informantes, com o intuito de verificar a validade de nossa proposta de diferença no output destes aprendizes em função de processos, também diferenciados, de manipulação do input. Deste modo, a Teoria do Monitor proposta por Krashen (1976 e 1982), mais especificamente, a Hipótese do Input, pareceu-nos pertinente para testar nossa hipótese sobre o uso da duplicação. Assim, pudemos concluir que os informantes, usaram a duplicação em suas produções a partir de uma situação comunicativa apresentada pela história em quadrinhos selecionada e que há diferença no output em função da metodologia de exposição dos aprendizes aos conteúdos estabelecidos. A proposta metodológica que apresentou input centrado na comunicação e contextualizado obteve resultados mais significativos em termos de output. Esta proposta de PMI atende à concepção funcionalista da linguagem, logo o input que deve ser dado aos aprendizes é aquele que mais se aproxima da situação real de comunicação, pois a estrutura informacional será compreendida, o input será compreensível e possibilitará o processo de aprendizagem/aquisição proposto por Krashen (1982) em sua hipótese do input. / This research aims at verifying if the students-informants, Brazilian learners of Spanish as a foreign language, and future teachers, use the duplicate phenomena, as well as investigate if the hypothesis that the experience in classroom focused on providing abundant input and focused on communication can lead to better results in the use of clitic pronouns and duplicate in comparison to the ones which are focused on grammar. Therefore we proposed an experiment which contemplates three different pedagogical situations that expose the students-informants to the duplicate occurrence of clitic structures in Spanish in order to prove if there is difference in the final result of the learning process starting from different process of manipulation of input (PMI). As the phenomena we analyzed is closely related to the organization of the informational structure aiming at the best way of spreading the information for the benefit of communication, we chose the Functional Grammar based on the Dutch doctrine (Dik, 1981, 1989, 1997) for the understanding of that very phenomenon. For the same reason, we seek a theory of acquisition and learning that could corroborate the experiment we conducted with the students-informants in order to check the validity of our proposal for a difference in the output of these learners in terms of processes, also differentiated, in handling the input. Thus, the Monitor Theory proposed by Krashen (1976 and 1982), more specifically, the Input Hypothesis seemed appropriate to test our hypothesis about the use of duplication. So, we concluded that the informants used the duplicate phenomena in their production from a communicative situation presented by the chosen comic book and that there is some difference in the output depending on the methodology of exposure of learners to the table of contents established. The methodological proposal which presented the input centered on communication and contextualized obtained more significant results in terms of output. This PMI proposal meets the functionalist conception of language, therefore the input that should be given to learners is the one that most closely matches the real situation of communication, because the informational structure is understood, the input is comprehensible and enables the learning process / acquisition proposed by Krashen (1982) in his hypothesis of the input.

Analyse du dispositif info-communicationnel formé par un réseau social d'entreprise : quelle communication, pour quel travail ? / Analysis of the info-communicationnal apparatus formed by an enterprise social network : which communication for which work?

Piment, Hélène 16 November 2018 (has links)
Envisageant le réseau social d’entreprise comme un dispositif info-communicationnel hybride, cette thèse vise à saisir les différents discours qui le traversent, dans une position critique du modèle managérial qui est supposé mener à son intégration dans les organisations. Ce dispositif étant situé dans un contexte professionnel, la recherche menée réinterroge également la notion d’activité à l’aune de la représentation du réseau social d’entreprise en tant que nouvel outil collaboratif et de gestion des connaissances. Afin d’observer et de comprendre les interactions qui ont cours entre les différents éléments de ce dispositif, une méthodologie plurielle, essentiellement qualitative, a été mise en place. Celle-ci a permis de recueillir, examiner et rapprocher à la fois des publications, des entretiens (individuels et collectif) et des écrits d’écran, par une analyse discursive et sémiotique. Car l’une des particularités de ce dispositif est qu’il semble véhiculer un certain nombre de contradictions, voire provoquer des paradoxes pragmatiques, du fait notamment que son principal mécanisme repose sur une visibilité permanente / Considering the enterprise social network as an hybrid info-communicational apparatus, this thesis aims to capture the different discourses that cross it, in a critical position of the managerial model that is supposed to lead to its integration into organizations. As this apparatus is located in a professional context, the research also reinterprets the notion of activity in the light of the representation of the enterprise social network as a new collaborative and knowledge management tool. In order to observe and understand the interactions that take place between the various elements of this apparatus, a plural methodology, essentially qualitative, has been put in place. This enabled to collect, examine and reconcile at the same time publications, interviews (individual and collective) and screen writings, by a discursive and semiotic analysis. Because one of the peculiarities of this apparatus is that it seems to convey a certain number of contradictions, even to cause pragmatic paradoxes, in particular because its principal mechanism rests on a permanent visibility.

L’Interdit linguistique en langue espagnole et cultures hispaniques : étude pragma-linguistique de l'euphémisme et du dysphémisme / The Forbidden linguistic in Spanish language and in the Hispanic cultures : pragmalinguistic study of euphemism and dysphemism

Fakhreddine, Mehra 18 December 2015 (has links)
Tout discours obéit à la règle de l’interdit, l’euphémisme représente un moyen de détournement par excellence, permettant d’éviter « les paroles de mauvais augure » pour dire « des paroles de bon augure ». Il joue le rôle d’un « déodorant du langage » comme le disent Jamet et Jobert. Bref, l’euphémisme est à l’opposé d’un langage âpre, le dysphémisme. L’intérêt de ce dernier, n’est pas la rupture avec les associations du mot tabou, mais bien au contraire, dans le fait qu’il s’efforce de les évoquer avec plus d’intensité. Pourtant, l’euphémisme et le dysphémisme, loin de se réduire à des procédés banals qui font l’objet d’une simple substitution lexicale du terme interdit, sont avant tout des phénomènes éminemment énonciatifs dont la valeur dépend du contexte. Ainsi, l’euphémisme ou le dysphémisme n’existe pas en lui-même, mais en fonction de sa situation de communication et de sa reconnaissance par le récepteur. Notre réflexion s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une analyse pragma-linguistique de l’euphémisme et du dysphémisme en langue espagnole. Notre objectif majeur est d’interroger le processus d’euphémisation et le processus dysphémique : d’un côté, selon une approche sémantico-lexicale qui se limite à une substitution du tabou par le biais des procédures linguistiques euphémiques ou dysphémiques, et de l’autre, selon une approche pragmatique, par laquelle le signe tabou acquiert sa valeur en fonction de son entourage contextuel, et dans laquelle l’euphémisme ou le dysphémisme sont considérés comme des actes de langage. Nous voulons par ce choix illustrer qu’au plan discursif l’euphémisme et le dysphémisme sont l’objet d’une visée communicative différente de celle du plan proprement linguistique ou sémantique. / Any discourse obeys the rule of prohibition; the euphemism is a means of diversion by excellence, to avoid "ominous words" to mean "auspicious words." It acts as a "deodorant language" as Jamet and Jobert say. In short, the euphemism is the opposite of a harsh language, the dysphemism. The advantage of the latter, is not breaking with the associations of the taboo word, but rather is that it strives to evoke with greater intensity. Yet the euphemism and dysphemism, far from being reduced to mundane processes that are the subject of a simple lexical substitution of the prohibited term, they are above all eminently enunciative phenomena whose value depends on the context. Thus, the euphemism or dysphemism does not exist in itself, but according to the communication situation and its recognition by the receiver. Our thinking is part of a pragma-linguistic analysis of the Spanish language of euphemism and dysphemism. Our major objective is to question the process of both euphemism and dysphemism: on one side, according to a semantic-lexical approach that is limited to a substitution of the taboo through linguistic procedures of euphemism or dysphemism, and on the other side, according to a pragmatic approach in which the taboo sign acquires its value based on its contextual surroundings, and in which the euphemism or dysphemism are considered acts of language. We want to illustrate that by this choice at the discursive plan the euphemism and the dysphemism are subject to different communicative focus than the strictly linguistic or semantic plan.

As práticas docentes e a questão religiosa : elementos de comparação entre Brasil e França / Les pratiques enseignantes et la question religieuse : éléments de comparaison entre le Brésil et la France / Teaching prctices and the religious matter : compairaison elements between Brazil and France

Abuhab Valente, Gabriela 26 June 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de cette recherche est d'identifier et d'analyser des dispositions et des logiques d'actions des enseignants lorsqu'ils se trouvent face à une situation liée à la question religieuse dans deux pays qui se définissent comme laïque, à savoir, le Brésil et la France. Il s'agit d'une étude d'inspiration ethnographique dans une perspective d'étude comparée. La recherche se situe dans le cadre de la Sociologie de l'éducation et utilise la sociologie de la socialisation et la sociologie pragmatique comme principaux cadres théoriques. A partir de cela, nous analysons les les dispositions et les principes de justice dans la pratique des enseignements brésiliens et français aux collèges publics. Ainsi les questions qui ont motivées la recherche sont : comment les enseignants traitent-ils une situation impliquant la question religieuse ? Pourquoi agissent-ils de cette façon ? Quelle(s) logique(s) d'action sont mobilisées dans les pratiques enseignantes? Quelles dispositions contribuent au "choix" de la logique d'action ? Comment les configurations sociales influencent-elles la question religieuse ? Existe-t-il des différences entre la pratique enseignante liée aux situations impliquant la question religieuse et la pratique enseignante tout court ? Pour répondre à ces questions une trentaine d'entretiens ont été effectués avec des enseignants brésiliens et français et trois établissement public ont été le cadre d'un travail d'observation (deux établissement au Brésil et Un en France), Les deux méthodes donnant accès à la description de situations professionnelles concernant les religions. La façon ont les enseignants gèrent la question religieuse privilégie la logique libérale au Brésil et la logique civique en France. En ce qui concerne les dispositions des enseignants, nous avons identifié des dispositions hybrides dans les actions brésiliennes et des dispositions professionnelles dans l'activité enseignante française. Enfin, nous avons mis au jour une logique d'action propre à la profession enseignante dans les deux pays, ce que nous appelons la logique professorale. / The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the teachers' dispositions and logic of actions when faced with a sotuation related to the religious question in two countries that define themselves as secular,such a Brazil and France. this is an ethnographic-inspired study wich mobilizes a comparative education perspective. The research is situated within the field of the Sociology of Education and uses the sociology of socialization and pragmatic sociology as the main theoretical frameworks. Therefore, we analyze the provisions and pinciples of justice in the pratice of Brazilian and French teachers at public colleges. Thus, the queestions that motived the research are : how do the teachers deal with a situation involving the religious question ? Why do they act this way ? What logic(s) of action are mobilized in teaching pratices ? Wich dispositions contribute to the "choice" of the logic action ? How social configurations influence teaching practice with regard to the religious question ? Are there differences between the teaching pratice itself ? To answer these questions,approximately thirty interviews were conducted with Brazilian and french teachers and three public institutions were part of a field observation (two institutions in Brazil and one in France), the two methods giving access to the description of professional situations concerning religions. The liberal logic identified in the pratices of Brazilian teachers and the civic logic favored in France in situations involving the religious questions are different wayss to guarantee secularism. Regarding teachers' dispositions, we have identified hybrid dispositions in Brazilian actions and professional dispositions in the French teaching practice. Finally, we have brought to light a logic of action peculiar to the teaching profession in both countries, what we call the teaching logic.

Tópico, foco e contraste no português brasileiro e no espanhol peninsular: uma visão discursivo-funcional da ordenação dos constituintes / Topic, Focus and Contrast in Portuguese and in Peninsular Spanish: a functional discourse view of the constituents ordering

Labbonia, Solange 27 February 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve, analisa e compara, no espanhol peninsular (EP) e no português brasileiro (PB), as estratégias de ordenação dos constituintes de Propriedade Configuracional (argumentais) ou correferenciais a eles, e que portam funções pragmáticas (Tópico, Foco e Contraste) ou retóricas (Orientação e Esclarecimento). O referencial teórico desta pesquisa é o da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional - GDF (HENGEVELD & MACKENZIE, 2008; MACKENZIE, 2012; PEZATTI, 2014, 2017) e o dos estudos comparativos entre o PB e o E (GONZÁLEZ, 1994, 2008, 2014; GROPPI, 2004; FANJUL, 2014; PINHEIRO-CORREA, 2015, 2018). A unidade de análise selecionada é o Ato Discursivo, o que significa que são considerados tanto constituintes oracionais como extraoracionais. Dentre os oracionais, os analisados são os de sentenças simples de Ilocuções Declarativas e Interrogativas e de Estado-de-Coisas [+dinâmicos]. Com base nos objetivos e no referencial teórico desta pesquisa, se analisa dois subcorpora de língua oral coloquial, um extraído do projeto C-ORALROM, que contempla a variedade de Madri, e outro do C-ORAL-BRASIL, que contempla a variedade mineira. A hipótese central que se tratou de comprovar é a de que, para enunciados que não sejam contrastivos, o EP se caracteriza pela não topicalização dos Sujeitos e topicalização dos Objetos, em um processo oposto ao que ocorre em PB, que prefere topicalizar os Sujeitos e não topicalizar os Objetos. Considerando a perspectiva discursivofuncional elegida neste estudo, toma-se por base que cada posição do Enunciado tende a ser ocupada por diferentes tipos de constituintes. Para analisar quais são as preferências, motivações e limitações para os posicionamentos de constituintes com as funções pragmáticas e retóricas supracitadas, são investigados fatores como (i) a relação entre determinação/especificidade/genericidade e Tópico/Foco, e as consequências dessa relação no Nível Morfossintático de cada língua, tais como duplicações por clíticos ou por pronomes fortes, não realização versus realização de Sujeitos pronominais, etc.; (ii) estruturas especiais para a marcação de Foco e de Contraste em ambas as línguas, principalmente as obtidas exclusivamente pela ordenação; (iii) os tipos de respostas dadas às sentenças Interrogativas Polares e a posição dos constituintes nas Interrogativas de Conteúdo. A tese está dividida em duas grandes partes: a primeira concentra as bases do referencial teórico escolhido e apresenta os procedimentos metodológicos adotados; a segunda mescla teoria, descrição e análises dos dados dos corpora. Os resultados evidenciam variadas diferenças entre as línguas, tanto no que se refere à ordenação quanto a outras estratégias usadas, a depender da função sintática dos constituintes aos quais se atribuem as funções pragmáticas e retóricas. Algumas vezes os mesmos recursos estão disponíveis em ambas as línguas, mas diferem entre si pelo grau de preferencialidade entre uns e outros. Outras vezes, uma língua recorre a estratégias que não estão disponíveis na outra. De maneira geral, o sistema de esquemas de posições proposto pela GDF possibilitou entender que estruturas superficialmente iguais podem ser diferentes em sua funcionalidade. / This work describes, analyzes and compares, in Peninsular Spanish (PS) and in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), the ordering strategies of the Configurational Property constituents (argumental) or co-referential to them and that carry pragmatic functions (Topic, Focus and Contrast) and rhetorical functions (Orientation and Clarification). The theoretical reference of this research is the Functional Discourse Grammar - FDG (HENGEVELD & MACKENZIE, 2008; MACKENZIE, 2012; PEZATTI, 2014, 2017) and the comparative studies between BP and S (GONZÁLEZ, 1994, 2008, 2014; GROPPI, 2004; FANJUL, 2014; PINHEIRO-CORREA, 2015, 2018). The unit of analysis selected is the Discourse Act, which means that they are considered both in the clause scope constituents and in the linguistic expression constituents. Among the clause scope ones, the analyzed are those of simple sentences of Declarative and Interrogative Ilocutions and of State-of-Affairs [+dynamic]. Based on the objectives and the theoretical reference of this research, what are analyzed are two subcorpora of colloquial oral language extracted from the project C-ORAL-ROM, that contemplates the variety of Madrid, and CORAL- BRASIL, that contemplates the Minas Gerais States variety. The central hypothesis that was sought to be confirmed was the one that, for statements that are not contrastive, the PS is characterized by the non-topicalization of the Subjects and by the topicalization of the Objects, in an opposite process to what occurs in BP, which tends to topicalize the Subjects and nontopicalize the Objects. Considering the functional discourse perspective chosen in this study, it is assumed that each position of the Statement tends to be occupied by different types of constituents. In order to analyze the preferences, motivations and limitations for constituents positions with the aforementioned pragmatic and rhetorical functions, factors such as (i) the relation between determination/specificity/genericity and Topic/Focus are investigated, as well as the consequences of this relation in Morphosyntactic level of each language, such as clitic doublings or strong pronouns, no materialization or materialization of pronominal Subjects, etc.; (ii) special structures for Focus and Contrast marking in both languages, especially those obtained exclusively by ordination; (iii) the types of responses given to the Polar Interrogative sentences and the position of the constituents in the Content Interrogatives. The thesis is divided in two major parts: the first one concentrates the bases of the chosen theoretical reference and methodological questions and the second one merges theory, description and results of the analysis of data obtained from corpora. The results show several differences between languages, both in terms of ordering and other strategies used, depending on the syntactic function of the constituents to which pragmatic and rhetorical functions are attributed. Sometimes the same resources are available in both languages, but they differ by the degree of preference between them. At other times, one language resorts to strategies that are not available in the other. In general, the system of position schemes proposed by FGD has made it possible to understand that apparently equal structures on the surface may be different in their functionality.

Weaving the semantic web: Contributions and insights

Cregan, Anne, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The semantic web aims to make the meaning of data on the web explicit and machine processable. Harking back to Leibniz in its vision, it imagines a world of interlinked information that computers `understand' and `know' how to process based on its meaning. Spearheaded by the World Wide Web Consortium, ontology languages OWL and RDF form the core of the current technical offerings. RDF has successfully enabled the construction of virtually unlimited webs of data, whilst OWL gives the ability to express complex relationships between RDF data triples. However, the formal semantics of these languages limit themselves to that aspect of meaning that can be captured by mechanical inference rules, leaving many open questions as to other aspects of meaning and how they might be made machine processable. The Semantic Web has faced a number of problems that are addressed by the included publications. Its germination within academia, and logical semantics has seen it struggle to become familiar, accessible and implementable for the general IT population, so an overview of semantic technologies is provided. Faced with competing `semantic' languages, such as the ISO's Topic Map standards, a method for building ISO-compliant Topic Maps in the OWL DL language has been provided, enabling them to take advantage of the more mature OWL language and tools. Supplementation with rules is needed to deal with many real-world scenarios and this is explored as a practical exercise. The available syntaxes for OWL have hindered domain experts in ontology building, so a natural language syntax for OWL designed for use by non-logicians is offered and compared with similar offerings. In recent years, proliferation of ontologies has resulted in far more than are needed in any given domain space, so a mechanism is proposed to facilitate the reuse of existing ontologies by giving contextual information and leveraging social factors to encourage wider adoption of common ontologies and achieve interoperability. Lastly, the question of meaning is addressed in relation to the need to define one's terms and to ground one's symbols by anchoring them effectively, ultimately providing the foundation for evolving a `Pragmatic Web' of action.

Investigación en la acción educativa. Las unidades fraseológicas pragmáticas en la didáctica del español y del italiano como lenguas extranjeras

Alessandro, Arianna 14 June 2011 (has links)
En esta investigación se aborda el tratamiento de la fraseología periférica y, más específicamente, de la clase de las Unidades Fraseológicas Pragmáticas (UFP), en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español y del italiano como lenguas extranjeras. Ante el papel que esta unidades juegan en el desarrollo de las competencias fraseológica y comunicativa global, así como las lagunas que, a pesar del creciente interés que despiertan los estudios fraseológicos, siguen afectando a esta parcela, nuestro objetivo es definir las especificidades que su didáctica implica y proponer un acercamiento práctico a la misma. Valiéndonos del marco metodológico de la Investigación en la Acción Educativa combinado con un análisis cualitativo-interpretativo, hemos diseñado y testado en el aula un modelo didáctico operativo, llamado Modelo Fraseológico-Pragmático (Mo.Fra.P.), a través del cual planteamos unos recursos y procedimientos, tanto lingüístico-fraseológicos como pedagógicos, susceptibles de ser aplicados al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las UFP. / This dissertation analyzes the treatment of the peripheral area of the phraseological repertoire, especially Phraseological-Pragmatic Units (UFP), in the teaching environment of Spanish and Italian as foreign languages. This work describes the specificities of UFP pedagogy and, especially, provides a practical approach to it, considering the role played by these units in students’ development of phraseological competence and, consequently, in their global communicative competence, as well as the gaps that, despite increasing interest in phraseological studies, continue to affect this area. Making use of the Action Research framework combined with a qualitative/interpretive analysis, the author designed and tested an operative model, called Phraseological-Pragmatic Model (Mo.Fra.P.), with students in class, by means of suggesting linguistic-phraseological and didactic resources and methods, that can be applied to the teaching and learning of UFP. / Nel presente studio si analizza il trattamento riservato alla fraseologia periferica, in particolare alle Unità Fraseologico-Pragmatiche (UFP), nell’ambito dell’insegnamento e apprendimento dello spagnolo e dell’italiano como lingue straniere. Tenendo conto del ruolo che queste unità svolgono ai fini dello sviluppo della competenza fraseologica y comunicativa globale e, allo stesso tempo, delle lacune che, nonostante il crescente interesse suscitato dagli studi fraseologici, permangono in questa area, l’obiettivo è definire le specificità che la didattica delle UFP implica e proporre un approccio pratico alla medesima. Servendoci della metodologia della ricerca nell’azione educativa combinata con un’indagine qualitativo-interpretativa, abbiamo disegnato e testato in aula un modello didattico operativo, che prende il nome di Modello Fraseologico-Pragmatico (Mo.Fra.P.), mediante il quale proponiamo una serie di risorse e procedimenti, linguistico-fraseologici e pedagogici, da applicarsi nell’ambito del processo di insegnamento e apprendimento delle UFP.

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