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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Avaliação da relação entre espaço morto e volume corrente como índice preditivo de sucesso na retirada da ventilação mecânica de crianças gravemente enfermas" / Evaluation of the dead-space : tidal volume ratio as a predictor of success in the removal of mechanical ventilation of critically ill children

Albert Bousso 26 August 2004 (has links)
O momento ideal para a extubação de crianças graves é ainda difícil de ser avaliado. A razão entre espaço morto e volume corrente (Vd/Vt), como valor preditiva de extubação bem sucedida, já foi testada em adultos e crianças. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia do Vd/Vt, como preditivo do sucesso da extubação, em crianças de uma UTI pediátrica geral. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, testou-se o Vd/Vt em 86 pacientes extubados num período de 16 meses. Nos estudos estatísticos o índice Vd/Vt médio não discriminou os grupos de falha e sucesso na extubação nas análises uni e multivariada. O valor do índice, com corte em 0,65, foi limitado na sensibilidade e especificidade e mediano na razão de verossimilhança. O estudo sugere que o índice Vd/Vt, pode ser considerado como complementar aos dados de avaliação clínica no momento da extubação. / The ideal moment for extubation of critically ill children is still difficult to determine. The dead-space : tidal volume ratio (Vd/Vt) has been tested as predictor of extubation failure in adults and children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Vd/Vt as a predictor of the success of extubation in children admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit. After the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 86 patients were studied during 16 months. The statistical study revealed that the mean Vd/Vt was not able to discriminate between failure and success of extubation in the multivariate analysis. The utility of the Vd/Vt was limited, in terms of sensibility and specificity, using a cutoff of 0,65, but was medially satisfactory in the likelihood ratio. This study suggests that the Vd/Vt can only be considered as complementary to the routine clinical evaluation prior to extubation.

Регионални модел за процену једногодишњег оперативног ризика у кардиохирургији / Regionalni model za procenu jednogodišnjeg operativnog rizika u kardiohirurgiji / Regional model for one-year operative risk assessment in cardiac surgery

Mihajlović Bojan 09 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Увод: Ризик оперативног лечења у кардиохирургији посматра се са становишта постоперативног морталитет или одређених компликација. Стратификација ризика подразумева преоперативно утврђивање оперативног ризика, у односу на одређен период након операције, на основу тежине стања сваког пацијента посебно. Оно се процењује на основу броја и тежине његових фактора ризика. Предмет истраживања јесте математички статистички модел за предвиђање исхода оперативног ризика у кардиохирургији за период од једне године од датума интервенције. Популација Војводине је, у демографском смислу, специфична. Висока је стопа гојазних, пушача, оболелих од шећерне болести и артеријске хипертензије. Ове специфичности популације, морају се узети у обзир приликом процене ризика од кардиохируршке интервенције. Осим тога, оперативна тактика и техника (примена артеријских графтова, реваскуларизација у ургентним стањима, хибридна хирургија итд.), као и оптимална преоперативна припрема и постоперативни третман имају велики утицај на исход оперативног лечења. Циљ истраживања јесте идентификација свих фактора ризика који значајно утичу на исход оперативног лечења и развој сопствених модела за предикцију морталитета и значајних кардијалних и церебрoваскуларних компликација, као и њихова валидација. Методе: Узорак је чинило 2664 консекутивних болесника оперисаних на Клиници за кардиоваскуларну хирургију, Института за кардиоваскуларне болести Војводине у периоду од 01.07. 2011. до 21.12.2013. године. Анализирано је укупно 48 потенцијално релевантних фактора ризика. Подаци о морталитету и компликацијама у периоду хоспитализације и о рехоспитализацијама преузимани су из болничког информационог система (БИС). Болесници који, 365 дана од операције, нису били регистровани у БИС-у, позивани су телефоном како би се добио увид у њихово стање. Модел за процену једногодишњег оперативног ризика креиран је помоћу мултиваријантне бинарне логистичке регресије. Дискриминативна моћ модела испитана је помоћу Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) кривих, при чему су одређени гранични пресек, сензитивност и специфичност одговарајуће варијабле. Резултати: Добијени модел је добар маркер за предикцију морталитета годину дана од операције (area = 0,712: р &lt; 0,0005). Вредност граничног пресека је 3,04, сензитивност је 0,700; специфичност је 0,626. Хосмер - Лемешов тест за креирани модел износи 0,125 (р &gt; 0,05). На узорку на коме је направљен модел, у односу на значајне, неповољне кардијалне и цереброваскуларне догађаје вредност површине испод ROC криве су: area = 0,713; p &lt; 0,0005 , вредност граничног пресека 7,87, сензитивност 0,667, специфичност 0,635. Када се модел примени на контролну групу, вредност површине испод ROC криве су следеће: area = 0,518, p = 0,581. Хосмер - Лемешов тест за креирани модел показује да је вредност р = 0,007. Закључак: Модел за предикцију морталитета је прецизан како у односу на целу групу болесника, тако и у односу на тип кардиохируршке инервенције. Креирани модел има добру моћ дискриминације. Најбољу моћ разликовања болесника са ниским и високим ризиком, модел показује у коронарној а нешто слабију у комбинованој хирургији. Модел за значајне кардијалне и цереброваскуларне догађаје функционише само на целокупном узорку, на којем је креиран, а не може да да задовољавајући одговор сваком болеснику понаособ, колика је вероватноћа да ће се код њега, у периоду од годину дана од операције, десити неки од наведених догађаја.</p> / <p>Uvod: Rizik operativnog lečenja u kardiohirurgiji posmatra se sa stanovišta postoperativnog mortalitet ili određenih komplikacija. Stratifikacija rizika podrazumeva preoperativno utvrđivanje operativnog rizika, u odnosu na određen period nakon operacije, na osnovu težine stanja svakog pacijenta posebno. Ono se procenjuje na osnovu broja i težine njegovih faktora rizika. Predmet istraživanja jeste matematički statistički model za predviđanje ishoda operativnog rizika u kardiohirurgiji za period od jedne godine od datuma intervencije. Populacija Vojvodine je, u demografskom smislu, specifična. Visoka je stopa gojaznih, pušača, obolelih od šećerne bolesti i arterijske hipertenzije. Ove specifičnosti populacije, moraju se uzeti u obzir prilikom procene rizika od kardiohirurške intervencije. Osim toga, operativna taktika i tehnika (primena arterijskih graftova, revaskularizacija u urgentnim stanjima, hibridna hirurgija itd.), kao i optimalna preoperativna priprema i postoperativni tretman imaju veliki uticaj na ishod operativnog lečenja. Cilj istraživanja jeste identifikacija svih faktora rizika koji značajno utiču na ishod operativnog lečenja i razvoj sopstvenih modela za predikciju mortaliteta i značajnih kardijalnih i cerebrovaskularnih komplikacija, kao i njihova validacija. Metode: Uzorak je činilo 2664 konsekutivnih bolesnika operisanih na Klinici za kardiovaskularnu hirurgiju, Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine u periodu od 01.07. 2011. do 21.12.2013. godine. Analizirano je ukupno 48 potencijalno relevantnih faktora rizika. Podaci o mortalitetu i komplikacijama u periodu hospitalizacije i o rehospitalizacijama preuzimani su iz bolničkog informacionog sistema (BIS). Bolesnici koji, 365 dana od operacije, nisu bili registrovani u BIS-u, pozivani su telefonom kako bi se dobio uvid u njihovo stanje. Model za procenu jednogodišnjeg operativnog rizika kreiran je pomoću multivarijantne binarne logističke regresije. Diskriminativna moć modela ispitana je pomoću Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) krivih, pri čemu su određeni granični presek, senzitivnost i specifičnost odgovarajuće varijable. Rezultati: Dobijeni model je dobar marker za predikciju mortaliteta godinu dana od operacije (area = 0,712: r &lt; 0,0005). Vrednost graničnog preseka je 3,04, senzitivnost je 0,700; specifičnost je 0,626. Hosmer - Lemešov test za kreirani model iznosi 0,125 (r &gt; 0,05). Na uzorku na kome je napravljen model, u odnosu na značajne, nepovoljne kardijalne i cerebrovaskularne događaje vrednost površine ispod ROC krive su: area = 0,713; p &lt; 0,0005 , vrednost graničnog preseka 7,87, senzitivnost 0,667, specifičnost 0,635. Kada se model primeni na kontrolnu grupu, vrednost površine ispod ROC krive su sledeće: area = 0,518, p = 0,581. Hosmer - Lemešov test za kreirani model pokazuje da je vrednost r = 0,007. Zaključak: Model za predikciju mortaliteta je precizan kako u odnosu na celu grupu bolesnika, tako i u odnosu na tip kardiohirurške inervencije. Kreirani model ima dobru moć diskriminacije. Najbolju moć razlikovanja bolesnika sa niskim i visokim rizikom, model pokazuje u koronarnoj a nešto slabiju u kombinovanoj hirurgiji. Model za značajne kardijalne i cerebrovaskularne događaje funkcioniše samo na celokupnom uzorku, na kojem je kreiran, a ne može da da zadovoljavajući odgovor svakom bolesniku ponaosob, kolika je verovatnoća da će se kod njega, u periodu od godinu dana od operacije, desiti neki od navedenih događaja.</p> / <p>Introduction: Risk assessment in cardiac surgery can be realized from the point of postoperative mortality or certain complications. Risk stratification involves preoperative determination of operative risk in relation to a certain period after the operation, based on the health status of each patient individually. It is estimated through the number and severity of its risk factors. The subject of research is mathematical statistical model which is able to predict the outcome of operative risk in cardiac surgery for a period of one year from the date of intervention. The population of Vojvodina is, in demographic terms, specific. There is a high rate of overweight people, smokers, patients with diabetes and hypertension. These specifics of the population must be taken into account when assessing the risk of cardiac intervention. In addition, operative tactics and techniques (use of arterial grafts, revascularization in emergency situations, hybrid surgery etc.) as well as the optimal preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment have a major impact on the outcome of operative treatment. The aim of the research is the identification of risk factors that significantly affect the outcome of operative treatment and development of specific models for the prediction of mortality and major cardiac and cerebrovascular complications, as well as their validation. Methods: The sample was comprised of 2664 consecutive patients who underwent surgery at the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Vojvodina in the period 01.07. 2011 - 21.12.2013. A total of 48 potentially relevant risk factors were analyzed. Data on mortality and complications during hospitalization, and the rehospitalization rates were obtained from the Hospital Information System (BIS). Patients not registered within the BIS during 365 days from the operation day, were contacted by phone in order to gain insight about their status. A model for one-year operative risk assessment was created using multivariate binary logistic regression. The discriminative power of the model was tested using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, with determination of the following parameters: cut-off value, sensitivity and specificity of the response variables. Results: The model is a good marker for the prediction of mortality one year after the operation (area = 0.712: p &lt;0.0005). The cut-off value is 3.04, the sensitivity was 0.700; specificity was 0.626. Hosmer - Lemeshov test for the created model is 0.125 (p&gt; 0.05). In a sample in which the model was developed, with regard to significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events, the value of the area under the ROC curves were: area = 0.713; p &lt;0.0005, cut-off value 7.87, sensitivity of 0.667, specificity of 0.635. When the model is applied to the control group, the value of the area under the ROC curve is 0.518, p = 0.581. Hosmer-Lemeshov test for the created model shows the value of p=0.007. Conclusion: The model for mortality prediction is precise both when applied to the entire group of patients, and in relation to the type of cardiac procedure. The created model possesses good discriminatory power. The model shows best power of distinguishing patients with low and high risk in a subset of coronary surgery patients, and somewhat weaker power in combined surgery subset. The model for major cardiac and cerebrovascular events only works on the entire sample, in which it has been created, but cannot provide satisfactory answer to each patient individually, how likely the patient is to experience the event within a period of one year starting from the operation.</p>

Avaliação do acurácia de Test of Infant Motor Performance e da ultrassonografia de crânio no prognóstico neurológico de recém-nascido pré-termo de risco / Accuracy of the Test of Infant Motor Performance and cranial ultrasonography in the neurological prognosis of very low birthweight preterm newborn infants

Helena Gonçalves 31 May 2011 (has links)
Objetivo: Verificar a acurácia do Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) e da ultrassonografia de crânio (USC) no diagnóstico neurológico precoce após os 10 meses de idade corrigida em recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) Metodologia: Amostra não aleatória constituída por 59 RNPT (idade gestacional ao nascimento 32 semanas ou peso ao nascimento 1500 gramas) seguidos em média até os 12 meses de idade corrigida. Os resultados da USC foram agrupados em 3 intervalos: 1) de 0 a 15 dias, 2) de 16 a 30 dias e 3) de 31 a 45 dias. Os achados da USC foram classificados em normal e anormal (anormalidades moderada e grave). O TIMP foi aplicado mensalmente, do primeiro retorno após a alta hospitalar até o 4° mês de idade corrigida. As avaliações foram agrupadas em 5 intervalos, correspondentes às avaliações antes do termo, 1°, 2°, 3° e 4° meses de idade corrigida. Os resultados do TIMP foram classificados em normal (média e média baixa) ou anormal (abaixo da média e muito abaixo da média). A avaliação neurológica foi realizada em média aos 12 meses de idade corrigida, e usada como padrão-ouro. Foram calculados os valores de sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivos (VPP) e negativos (VPN) para o TIMP e para a USC neonatal. Resultados: A paralisia cerebral foi diagnosticada em 6 crianças. Observamos que a USC apresentou alta sensibilidade (> 70%) assim como altos VPN (>88%) em todos os intervalos. Para a USC, especificidade e VPP foram baixos em todos os intervalos. A sensibilidade do TIMP foi baixa, exceto para o intervalo 0, e os VPP foram baixos em todas as idades. A escala TIMP apresentou alta especificidade (75%, 85%) no 3° e 4° meses e altos VPN (> 77%) em todos os intervalos. Conclusão: Concluímos que os RNPT com pontuação normal no 3° e 4° meses do TIMP tem grandes chances de não desenvolver PC enquanto que RNPT com anormalidades graves e persistentes à USC tem maiores chances de um prognóstico neurológico anormal / Objective: Calculate the accuracy of the Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) and the cranial ultrasonography (CUS) in the neurological outcome after 10 months of corrected age of preterm infants. Methods: Non-random sample of 59 preterm newborn infants (gestational age 32weeks or birth weight1500g) were followed up to a mean of 12 months corrected age. CUS results were grouped into 3 periods: 1) from 0 to 15 days; 2) from 16 to 30 days, and 3) from 31 to 45 days of life. CUS findings were rated into two groups: normal and abnormal (moderate and severe abnormalities). TIMP was applied monthly, from the first outpatient visit after hospital discharge until four months corrected age. The evaluations were grouped into five intervals, corresponding to the assessments performed before term age, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th month of corrected age. TIMP results were ranked as normal (average, low average) or abnormal (below average and far below average). A full neurological examination was performed at a mean of 12 months of corrected age, and used as gold standard. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive (PPV) and negative predictive (NPV) values for TIMP and CUS were calculated. Results: Cerebral palsy was diagnosed in six infants. We observed that CUS had a high sensitivity (> 70%) in all intervals as well as high NPV (>88%). For CUS, specificity and PPV were low in all intervals. TIMP sensitivity was low, except for interval 0, and PPV were low at all ages. TIMP scale showed high specificity in the 3rd and 4th month (75%, 85%) and high NPV (> 77%) at all ages. Conclusions: We conclude that preterm infants with normal score at the 3rd and 4th months of TIMP are likely to develop normally while infants with severe and persistent abnormalities in the CUS examinations are more likely to have an abnormal neurological outcome

Der prädiktive Wert von Heart-type Fatty Acid-Binding-Protein bei normotensiven Patienten mit akuter Lungenembolie in Abhängigkeit von der Symptomdauer / The predictive value of heart-type fatty acid-binding-protein in normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism dependent on the duration of symptoms

Freifrau Roeder von Diersburg , Viola Theresa 04 March 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Širina QRS kompleksa kao elektrokardiografski prediktor reperfuzije nakon primarne perkutane koronarne intervencije i veličine akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom / The Duration Of QRS Complex As Electrocardiographic Predictor Of Reperfusion After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention And The Size Of Acute St-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Čanković Milenko 24 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Ishemijska bolest srca najče&scaron;će nastaje kao posledica razvoja aterosklerotskih promena na koronarnim krvnim sudovima koji dovode do suženja lumena i posledičnog pada protoka arterijske krvi u području vaskularizacije. Akutni oblik koronarne bolesti koji zahteva hitnu primenu reperfuzione terapije je ST elevirani infarkt miokarda. EKG ima veliki značaj u postavljanju dijagnoze ali i u proceni uspe&scaron;nosti same reperfuzije. &Scaron;irina QRS kompleksa jedan je od EKG parametara čija dinamika promena može ukazati na uspe&scaron;nost pPKI i veličinu infarktne zone. Evaluacija &scaron;irine QRS kompleksa kao prediktora veličine infarkta miokarda i reperfuzije nakon pPKI kod pacijenata sa STEMI. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivna, opservaciona klinička studija na Klinici za kardiologiju, Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine u periodu od januara 2016. do decembra 2018. godine. U isptivanje je uključeno 200 pacijenata sa STEMI kod kojih je urađena pPKI. Na osnovu dužine trajanja tegoba formirane su dve grupe od po 100 pacijenata. Grupa A kod kojih je totalno ishemijsko vreme bilo &lt;6h i grupa B kod kojih je totalno ishemijsko vreme između 6 i 12h. . Sprovedeno je EKG praćenje radi procene &scaron;irine QRS kompleksa intrahospitalno (pre procedure, odmah nakon pPKI kao i posle 1h i 72h) i na dve vizite ambulantno tokom &scaron;estomesečnog praćenja (nakon mesec dana i &scaron;est meseci). Ehokardiografija je urađena kod svih pacijenata intrahospitalno i na &scaron;estomesečnom ambulantnom pregledu. &Scaron;irine QRS kompleksa su korelirane sa rezultatima interventne procedure procenjene TIMI protokom i TMPG, dinamikom kardiospecifičnih enzima i ehokardiografskim nalazima. U istraživanje je uključeno 71% mu&scaron;karaca i 29% žena, prosečna starost uzorka iznosila je 60.6&plusmn;11.39. Dužina trajanja tegoba značajno se razlikovala između grupa. U grupi A tegobe su trajale prosečno 120 minuta (90-180), dok su u grupi B trajale 420 minuta (360-600) (p&lt;0.0005). DTB nije se značajno razlikovao, 42 minuta (31-54.5) u odnosu na 40.5 minuta (34.5-55) (p=0.818). Prosečna &scaron;irina QRS kompeksa na EKG-u pre pPKI nije se značajno razlikovala između grupa, 100 msec (90-110) u odnosu na 100 msec (93-110) (p=0.308). Nakon reperfuzije uočena je značajna razlika u &scaron;irini QRS kompleksa između grupa na svim intrahospitalnim kao i EKG-ima načinjenim tokom perioda praćenja. QRS kompleks je &scaron;iri kod pacijenata iz grupe B (p&lt;0.0005). Pacijenti iz grupe A koji su imali prohodnu infarktnu arteriju sa TIMI 3 protokom pre implantacije stenta imali su značajno uži QRS kompleks na incijilanom EKG-u u odnosu na pacijente kod kojih je IRA bila sub/okludirana sa TIMI protokom &le;2 (p=0.001). U grupi B prohodna infarktna arterija sa TIMI 3 protokom nije značajno uticala na &scaron;irinu QRS kompleksa na inicijalnom EKG-u (p=0.144). Na EKG-ima nakon procedure QRS kompleks bio je značajno &scaron;iri kod pacijenata kod kojih je TIMI protok &le;2, ali samo za grupu pacijenata koja se javila unutar 6h od početka tegoba (p=0.001). QRS kompleks kod pacijenata koji su se javili nakon 6h od početka tegoba jeste bio uži, ali bez statistički značajne razlike (p=0.336). Pearsonovim testom registrovano je postojanje negativne korelacije &scaron;irine QRS kompleksa i istisne frakcije leve komore, ali i pozitivne korelacije sa WMSI i indeksiranim end sistolnim i end dijastolnim volumenom. ROC analizom pokazano je da ukoliko je QRS kompleks &scaron;iri od 89 msec nakon mesec dana, 8.5 puta je veći rizik od snižene EF na &scaron;estomesečnoj kontroli (p&lt;0.0005, AUC=0.808, cut-off=89msec.). ROC analiza pokazala je i da ukoliko je QRS kompleks &scaron;iri od 99msec 1h nakon procedure, 5 puta je veći rizik od pojave MACE (p&lt;0.0005, AUC=0.744, cut-off=99msec). Izvedena su dva matematička modela zasnovana na &scaron;irini QRS kompleksa koja vr&scaron;e predikciju snižene EF i pojave MACE tokom perioda praćenja. &Scaron;irina QRS kompleksa je pokazatelj reperfuzije kod pacijenata sa STEMI kod kojih se načini revaskularizacija unutar 6h od nastanka tegoba. &Scaron;irina QRS kompleksa mesec dana nakon STEMI predstavlja nezavisni prediktor snižene EF. Pro&scaron;irenje preko 89msec 8.5 povećava rizik od snižene EF. &Scaron;irina QRS kompleksa jedan sat nakon pPKI predstavlja nezavisni prediktor za MACE. Pro&scaron;irenje preko 99msec 5 puta povećava rizik od neželjenog kardiolo&scaron;kog događaja. Izvedena su dva matematička modela koja koriste &scaron;irinu QRS kompleksa i sa visokom precizno&scaron;ću vr&scaron;e predikciju MACE-a, odnosno snižene EF nakon &scaron;est meseci.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Ischemic heart disease most commonly occurs as a result of the atherosclerotic changes in the coronary vessels that lead to the narrowing of the lumen and consequent fall in arterial blood flow in the vascularization area. An acute form of coronary artery disease requiring immediate reperfusion therapy is ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The ECG is of great importance not only in making the diagnosis but also in evaluating the success of the reperfusion itself. The duration of the QRS complex is one of the ECG parameters whose change in dynamics can indicate the success of pPCI as well as the size of the infarct zone. Evaluation of the width of the QRS complex as a predictor of myocardial infarction size and reperfusion after pPCI in patients with STEMI. The study was conducted as a prospective, observational clinical study at the Cardiology Clinic of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina between January 2016 and December 2018. The study included 200 patients with STEMI in whom pPCI was performed. Based on the length of discomforts two groups with 100 patients were formed. Group A had a total ischemic time &lt;6h and the total ischemic time in group B was between 6-12h. To assess the duration of the QRS complex, the ECG monitoring was performed intrahospital (before the procedure, immediately after pPCI as well as 1h and 72h after the procedure) and on two outpatient visits during the six-month follow-up period (after one month and six months). Echocardiography was performed in all patients intrahospital and at a six-month outpatient visit. The duration of the QRS complex correlated with the results of the interventional procedure that was evaluated by the TIMI flow and TMPG, the dynamics of cardiospecific enzymes and echocardiography findings. The survey included 71% of men and 29% of women with an average age of 60.6 &plusmn; 11.39. The duration of the discomforts varied significantly between the groups. In group A the discomforts lasted 120 minutes in an average (90-180), while they lasted 420 minutes in group B (360-600) (p &lt;0.0005). DTB did not differ significantly, 42 minutes (31-54.5) versus 40.5 minutes (34.5-55) (p = 0.818). The average duration of the QRS complex on the ECG before pPCI did not differ significantly between the groups, 100 msec (90-110) versus 100 msec (93-110) (p = 0.308). After the reperfusion, a significant difference in the duration of the QRS complex was observed between the groups at all intrahospital ECGs and the ECGs performed during the follow-up period. The QRS complex was broader in group B patients (p &lt;0.0005). Group A patients who had a patent infarct artery with TIMI 3 flow before the stent implantation had a significantly narrower QRS complex on the initial ECG compared to the patients whose IRA was sub / occluded with TIMI flow &le;2 (p = 0.001). In group B, the patent infarct artery with TIMI 3 flow did not significantly affect the duration of the QRS complex at the initial ECG. (p = 0.144). At the post-procedural ECGs the QRS complex was significantly broader in patients with TIMI flow &le;2, but only in the group of patients who arrived within 6 h from the onset of discomforts (p = 0.001). The QRS complex in patients who arrived 6 h after the onset of discomforts was narrower but without statistically significant difference (p = 0.336). The Pearson test registered the existence of a negative correlation of the QRS complex width and the left ventricular ejection fraction, but also a positive correlation with the WMSI and index end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes. The ROC analysis showed that if the QRS complex was wider than 89 msec after one month, there was an 8.5 times higher risk of decreased EF at the six-month control examination (p &lt;0.0005, AUC = 0.808, cut-off = 89msec.). The ROC analysis also showed that if the QRS complex was wider than 99msec 1h after the procedure, there was a 5 times higher risk of MACE (p &lt;0.0005, AUC = 0.744, cut-off = 99msec). Two mathematical models based on the width of the QRS complex were derived that predicted the lowered EF and the occurrence of MACE during the monitored period. The width of the QRS complex is an indicator of reperfusion in patients with STEMI who undergo revascularization within 6 hours from the onset of discomforts. The width of the QRS complex one month after STEMI is an independent predictor of decreased EF. Broadening over 89msec increases the risk of lowered EF for 8.5 times. The width of the QRS complex one hour after pPCI represents an independent predictor of MACE. Broadening over 99msec increases the risk of an adverse cardiac event 5 times. Two mathematical models have derived that use the width of the QRS complex and predict MACE with high precision as well as reduced EF after six months.</p>

Determinação de incidência, preditores e escores de risco de complicações cardiovasculares e óbito total, em 30 dias e após 1ano da cirurgia, em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias vasculares arteriais eletivas / Incidence, predictors, risk scores of cardiovascular complications, and total death rate within 30 days and 1 year after elective arterial surgery

Smeili, Luciana Andréa Avena 30 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Estima-se que ocorram 2,5 milhões de mortes por ano relacionadas a cirurgias não cardíacas e cinco vezes este valor para morbidade, com limitações funcionais e redução na sobrevida em longo prazo. Pacientes que deverão ser submetidos à cirurgia vascular são considerados de risco aumentado para eventos adversos cardiovasculares no pós-operatório. Há, ainda, muitas dúvidas em como fazer uma avaliação pré-operatória mais acurada desses pacientes. Objetivo: Em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia vascular arterial eletiva, avaliar a incidência e preditores de complicações cardiovasculares e/ou óbito total, e calcular a performance dos modelos de estratificação de risco mais utilizados. Métodos: Em pacientes adultos, consecutivos, operados em hospital terciário, determinou-se a incidência de complicações cardiovasculares e óbitos, em 30 dias e em um ano. Comparações univariadas e regressão logística avaliaram os fatores de risco associados com os desfechos e a curva ROC (receiver operating characteristic) examinou a capacidade discriminatória do Índice de Risco Cardíaco Revisado (RCRI) e do Índice de Risco Cardíaco do Grupo de Cirurgia Vascular da New England (VSG-CRI). Resultados: Um total de 141 pacientes (idade média 66 anos, 65% homens) realizou cirurgia de: carótida 15 (10,6%), membros inferiores 65 (46,1%), aorta abdominal 56 (39,7%) e outras (3,5%). Complicações cardiovasculares e óbito ocorreram, respectivamente, em 28 (19,9%) e em 20 (14,2%), em até 30 dias, e em 20 (16,8%) e 10 (8,4%), de 30 dias a um ano. Complicações combinadas ocorreram em 39 (27,7%) pacientes em até 30 dias e em 21 (17,6%) de 30 dias a um ano da cirurgia. Para eventos em até 30 dias, os preditores de risco encontrados foram: idade, obesidade, acidente vascular cerebral, capacidade funcional ruim, cintilografia com hipocaptação transitória, cirurgia aberta, cirurgia de aorta e troponina alterada. Os escores Índice de Risco Cardíaco Revisado (RCRI) e Índice de Risco Cardíaco do Grupo de Estudo Vascular da New England (VSG-CRI) obtiveram AUC (area under curve) de 0,635 e 0,639 para complicações cardiovasculares precoces e 0,562 e 0,610 para óbito em 30 dias, respectivamente. Com base nas variáveis preditoras aqui encontradas, testou-se um novo escore pré-operatório que obteve AUC de 0,747, para complicações cardiovasculares precoces, e um escore intraoperatório que apresentou AUC de 0,840, para óbito em até 30 dias. Para eventos tardios (de 30 dias a 1 ano), os preditores encontrados foram: capacidade funcional ruim, pressão arterial sistólica, cintilografia com hipocaptação transitória, ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status) classe > II, RCRI (AUC 0,726) e troponina alterada. Conclusões: Nesse grupo pequeno e selecionado de pacientes de elevada complexidade clínica, submetidos à cirurgia vascular arterial, a incidência de eventos adversos foi elevada. Para complicações em até 30 dias, mostramos que os índices de avaliação de risco mais utilizados até o momento (RCRI e VSG-CRI) não apresentaram boa performance em nossa amostra. A capacidade preditiva de um escore mais amplo pré-operatório, e uma análise de risco em dois tempos: no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório imediato, como o que simulamos, poderá ser mais efetiva em estimar o risco de complicações / Introduction: Approximately 2.5 million deaths are caused by non-cardiac surgeries per year, while morbidity, represented by functional impairment and a decline in long-term survival, accounts for five times this value. Patients who require a vascular surgery are considered at an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events in the postoperative period. However, the method for obtaining a more accurate preoperative evaluation in these patients has not yet been determined. Objective: In patients undergoing elective arterial vascular surgery, the incidence and predictors of cardiovascular complications and/or total death were determined and the performance of risk stratification models was assessed. Methods: The incidence of cardiovascular complications and death within 30 days and 1 year after vascular surgery was determined in consecutive adult patients operated in a tertiary hospital. Univariate comparison and logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate risk factors associated with the outcome, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve determined the discriminatory capacity of the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) and the Cardiac Risk Index of the New England Vascular Surgery Group (VSG-CRI). Results: In all, 141 patients (mean age, 66 years; 65% men) underwent vascular surgery, namely for the carotid arteries (15 [10.6%]), inferior limbs (65 [46.1%]), abdominal aorta (56 [39.7%]), and others (5 [3.5%]). Cardiovascular complications and death occurred in 28 (19.9%) and 20 (14.2%) patients, respectively, within 30 days after surgery, and in 20 (16.8%) and 10 (8.4%) patients, respectively, between 30 days and 1 year after the surgical procedure. Combined complications occurred in 39 patients (27.7%) within 30 days and in 21 patients (17.6%) between 30 days and 1 year after surgery. The risk predictors for cardiovascular events that occurred within 30 days were age, obesity, stroke, poor functional capacity, transitory myocardial hypocaptation on scintigraphy, open surgery, aortic surgery, and abnormal troponin levels. The RCRI and VSG-CRI showed an under the curve area of 0.635 and 0.639 for early cardiovascular complications as well as of 0.562 and 0.610 for death within 30 days, respectively. Based on the predictors found in this study, a new preoperative score was proposed, based on an AUC of 0.747 obtained for early cardiovascular complications and an intraoperative score that presented an AUC of 0.840 for death within 30 days. For late events (between 30 days and 1 year), the predictors were poor functional capacity, systolic blood pressure, presence of transitory myocardial hypocaptation on scintigraphy, class > II American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status score, RCRI (AUC= 0.726), and abnormal troponin levels. Conclusions: In this small group of patients with increased clinical complexity who underwent arterial surgery, the incidence of adverse events was high. In our series, we found that RCRI and VSG-CRI do not reasonably predict the risk of cardiovascular complications. The predictive capacity of a modified preoperative score and evaluating the risk preoperatively and early postoperatively, such as that simulated in this study, may be more effective in determining the risk of complications

Determinação de incidência, preditores e escores de risco de complicações cardiovasculares e óbito total, em 30 dias e após 1ano da cirurgia, em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias vasculares arteriais eletivas / Incidence, predictors, risk scores of cardiovascular complications, and total death rate within 30 days and 1 year after elective arterial surgery

Luciana Andréa Avena Smeili 30 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Estima-se que ocorram 2,5 milhões de mortes por ano relacionadas a cirurgias não cardíacas e cinco vezes este valor para morbidade, com limitações funcionais e redução na sobrevida em longo prazo. Pacientes que deverão ser submetidos à cirurgia vascular são considerados de risco aumentado para eventos adversos cardiovasculares no pós-operatório. Há, ainda, muitas dúvidas em como fazer uma avaliação pré-operatória mais acurada desses pacientes. Objetivo: Em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia vascular arterial eletiva, avaliar a incidência e preditores de complicações cardiovasculares e/ou óbito total, e calcular a performance dos modelos de estratificação de risco mais utilizados. Métodos: Em pacientes adultos, consecutivos, operados em hospital terciário, determinou-se a incidência de complicações cardiovasculares e óbitos, em 30 dias e em um ano. Comparações univariadas e regressão logística avaliaram os fatores de risco associados com os desfechos e a curva ROC (receiver operating characteristic) examinou a capacidade discriminatória do Índice de Risco Cardíaco Revisado (RCRI) e do Índice de Risco Cardíaco do Grupo de Cirurgia Vascular da New England (VSG-CRI). Resultados: Um total de 141 pacientes (idade média 66 anos, 65% homens) realizou cirurgia de: carótida 15 (10,6%), membros inferiores 65 (46,1%), aorta abdominal 56 (39,7%) e outras (3,5%). Complicações cardiovasculares e óbito ocorreram, respectivamente, em 28 (19,9%) e em 20 (14,2%), em até 30 dias, e em 20 (16,8%) e 10 (8,4%), de 30 dias a um ano. Complicações combinadas ocorreram em 39 (27,7%) pacientes em até 30 dias e em 21 (17,6%) de 30 dias a um ano da cirurgia. Para eventos em até 30 dias, os preditores de risco encontrados foram: idade, obesidade, acidente vascular cerebral, capacidade funcional ruim, cintilografia com hipocaptação transitória, cirurgia aberta, cirurgia de aorta e troponina alterada. Os escores Índice de Risco Cardíaco Revisado (RCRI) e Índice de Risco Cardíaco do Grupo de Estudo Vascular da New England (VSG-CRI) obtiveram AUC (area under curve) de 0,635 e 0,639 para complicações cardiovasculares precoces e 0,562 e 0,610 para óbito em 30 dias, respectivamente. Com base nas variáveis preditoras aqui encontradas, testou-se um novo escore pré-operatório que obteve AUC de 0,747, para complicações cardiovasculares precoces, e um escore intraoperatório que apresentou AUC de 0,840, para óbito em até 30 dias. Para eventos tardios (de 30 dias a 1 ano), os preditores encontrados foram: capacidade funcional ruim, pressão arterial sistólica, cintilografia com hipocaptação transitória, ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status) classe > II, RCRI (AUC 0,726) e troponina alterada. Conclusões: Nesse grupo pequeno e selecionado de pacientes de elevada complexidade clínica, submetidos à cirurgia vascular arterial, a incidência de eventos adversos foi elevada. Para complicações em até 30 dias, mostramos que os índices de avaliação de risco mais utilizados até o momento (RCRI e VSG-CRI) não apresentaram boa performance em nossa amostra. A capacidade preditiva de um escore mais amplo pré-operatório, e uma análise de risco em dois tempos: no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório imediato, como o que simulamos, poderá ser mais efetiva em estimar o risco de complicações / Introduction: Approximately 2.5 million deaths are caused by non-cardiac surgeries per year, while morbidity, represented by functional impairment and a decline in long-term survival, accounts for five times this value. Patients who require a vascular surgery are considered at an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events in the postoperative period. However, the method for obtaining a more accurate preoperative evaluation in these patients has not yet been determined. Objective: In patients undergoing elective arterial vascular surgery, the incidence and predictors of cardiovascular complications and/or total death were determined and the performance of risk stratification models was assessed. Methods: The incidence of cardiovascular complications and death within 30 days and 1 year after vascular surgery was determined in consecutive adult patients operated in a tertiary hospital. Univariate comparison and logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate risk factors associated with the outcome, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve determined the discriminatory capacity of the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) and the Cardiac Risk Index of the New England Vascular Surgery Group (VSG-CRI). Results: In all, 141 patients (mean age, 66 years; 65% men) underwent vascular surgery, namely for the carotid arteries (15 [10.6%]), inferior limbs (65 [46.1%]), abdominal aorta (56 [39.7%]), and others (5 [3.5%]). Cardiovascular complications and death occurred in 28 (19.9%) and 20 (14.2%) patients, respectively, within 30 days after surgery, and in 20 (16.8%) and 10 (8.4%) patients, respectively, between 30 days and 1 year after the surgical procedure. Combined complications occurred in 39 patients (27.7%) within 30 days and in 21 patients (17.6%) between 30 days and 1 year after surgery. The risk predictors for cardiovascular events that occurred within 30 days were age, obesity, stroke, poor functional capacity, transitory myocardial hypocaptation on scintigraphy, open surgery, aortic surgery, and abnormal troponin levels. The RCRI and VSG-CRI showed an under the curve area of 0.635 and 0.639 for early cardiovascular complications as well as of 0.562 and 0.610 for death within 30 days, respectively. Based on the predictors found in this study, a new preoperative score was proposed, based on an AUC of 0.747 obtained for early cardiovascular complications and an intraoperative score that presented an AUC of 0.840 for death within 30 days. For late events (between 30 days and 1 year), the predictors were poor functional capacity, systolic blood pressure, presence of transitory myocardial hypocaptation on scintigraphy, class > II American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status score, RCRI (AUC= 0.726), and abnormal troponin levels. Conclusions: In this small group of patients with increased clinical complexity who underwent arterial surgery, the incidence of adverse events was high. In our series, we found that RCRI and VSG-CRI do not reasonably predict the risk of cardiovascular complications. The predictive capacity of a modified preoperative score and evaluating the risk preoperatively and early postoperatively, such as that simulated in this study, may be more effective in determining the risk of complications

Assessment of cerebral venous return by a novel plethysmography method

Zamboni, P., Menegatti, E., Conforti, P., Shepherd, Simon J., Tessari, M., Beggs, Clive B. January 2012 (has links)
No / BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging and echo color Doppler (ECD) scan techniques do not accurately assess the cerebral venous return. This generated considerable scientific controversy linked with the diagnosis of a vascular syndrome known as chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) characterized by restricted venous outflow from the brain. The purpose of this study was to assess the cerebral venous return in relation to the change in position by means of a novel cervical plethysmography method. METHODS: This was a single-center, cross-sectional, blinded case-control study conducted at the Vascular Diseases Center, University of Ferrara, Italy. The study involved 40 healthy controls (HCs; 18 women and 22 men) with a mean age of 41.5 +/- 14.4 years, and 44 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS; 25 women and 19 men) with a mean age of 41.0 +/- 12.1 years. All participants were previously scanned using ECD sonography, and further subset in HC (CCSVI negative at ECD) and CCSVI groups. Subjects blindly underwent cervical plethysmography, tipping them from the upright (90 degrees ) to supine position (0 degrees ) in a chair. Once the blood volume stabilized, they were returned to the upright position, allowing blood to drain from the neck. We measured venous volume (VV), filling time (FT), filling gradient (FG) required to achieve 90% of VV, residual volume (RV), emptying time (ET), and emptying gradient (EG) required to achieve 90% of emptying volume (EV) where EV = VV - RV, also analyzing the considered parameters by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and principal component mathematical analysis. RESULTS: The rate at which venous blood discharged in the vertical position (EG) was significantly faster in the controls (2.73 mL/second +/- 1.63) compared with the patients with CCSVI (1.73 mL/second +/- 0.94; P = .001). In addition, respectively, in controls and in patients with CCSVI, the following parameters were highly significantly different: FT 5.81 +/- 1.99 seconds vs 4.45 +/- 2.16 seconds (P = .003); FG 0.92 +/- 0.45 mL/second vs 1.50 +/- 0.85 mL/second (P < .001); RV 0.54 +/- 1.31 mL vs 1.37 +/- 1.34 mL (P = .005); ET 1.84 +/- 0.54 seconds vs 2.66 +/- 0.95 seconds (P < .001). Mathematical analysis demonstrated a higher variability of the dynamic process of cerebral venous return in CCSVI. Finally, ROC analysis demonstrated a good sensitivity of the proposed test with a percent concordant 83.8, discordant 16.0, tied 0.2 (C = 0.839). CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral venous return characteristics of the patients with CCSVI were markedly different from those of the controls. In addition, our results suggest that cervical plethysmography has great potential as an inexpensive screening device and as a postoperative monitoring tool.

Avaliação sequencial do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina -símile na predição do parto prematuro / Sequential evaluation of the cervix and test for phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in the prediction of preterm delivery

Rolnik, Daniel Lorber 06 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O antecedente de parto prematuro espontâneo em gestação anterior é considerado o principal e mais importante fator de risco clínico para prematuridade, principal causa de morbidade e mortalidade neonatal. Cerca de 25% das pacientes que tiveram parto prematuro apresentarão recorrência. A prevenção secundária consiste na pesquisa de marcadores de maior risco, com o intuito de instituir medidas terapêuticas apropriadas e de evitar tratamentos desnecessários. A hipótese do presente estudo é a de que existe correlação entre os resultados da avaliação do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina-símile (phIGFBP-1) e que a utilização de ambos em associação possa predizer a ocorrência de parto prematuro com maior sensibilidade. OBJETIVOS: Averiguar a utilidade da medida do comprimento do colo uterino e do teste para phIGFBP-1 na predição do parto prematuro antes de 37 e de 34 semanas, a existência de relação dos testes entre si, o melhor valor de corte da medida do colo em diferentes idades gestacionais e a melhor época de realização de cada um dos exames. MÉTODO: Foram compilados e submetidos a análise secundária os dados de 101 gestantes com antecedente de parto prematuro atendidas no Setor de Baixo Peso Fetal da Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, entre 2003 e 2008. A medida do comprimento cervical e o teste para phIGFBP-1 foram realizados a cada três semanas, entre 24 e 34 semanas de gestação, e comparados com o desfecho de parto prematuro e nascimento com 34 semanas ou menos, e o melhor valor de corte do colo uterino foi estabelecido por meio de curva de características operacionais. RESULTADOS: Das 101 gestações estudadas, 25 (24,8%) terminaram em parto prematuro, das quais 12 (11,9%) ocorreram com 34 semanas ou menos. As idades gestacionais médias de avaliação foram de 24, 27, 30 e 33 semanas, e os valores de corte do colo uterino foram de 22, 21, 20 e 16 mm, respectivamente. A medida do comprimento do colo apresentou maior sensibilidade (cerca de 70%) e foi capaz de predizer o parto prematuro em todas as avaliações. O teste para phIGFBP-1 não foi útil com 24 semanas, porém foi capaz de detectar de forma independente o risco de prematuridade com 27, com 30 e com 33 semanas. Houve associação estatística dos exames entre si, de forma que o comprimento cervical médio foi menor em gestantes com teste positivo para phIGFBP-1. A associação dos exames elevou a sensibilidade e o valor preditivo negativo de forma significativa. CONCLUSÕES: A medida do comprimento do colo pela ultrassonografia transvaginal constitui bom marcador de risco para parto prematuro com 24 semanas, e o teste para phIGFBP-1 é útil após 27 semanas. A associação dos dois exames possui alta sensibilidade e alto valor preditivo negativo em gestantes de alto risco para prematuridade espontânea, e a realização do primeiro com 24 semanas e do segundo com 27 semanas constitui bom modelo preditivo para o parto prematuro / INTRODUCTION: The history of spontaneous preterm birth in a previous pregnancy is considered the main and most important clinical risk factor for preterm birth, the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. About 25% of these patients will deliver prematurely again. Secondary prevention consists in the search for markers of increased risk, in order to institute appropriate therapeutic actions and to avoid unnecessary treatments. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a correlation between the results of the evaluation of the cervix and the test for phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (phIGFBP-1) and that the use of both in combination can predict the occurrence of preterm delivery with higher sensitivity. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the usefulness of the measurement of the cervical length and phIGFBP-1 rapid test in the prediction of preterm birth before 37 and 34 weeks, the existence of a relationship between the tests themselves, the best cutoff value of cervical length measurement at different gestational ages and the best time to carry out each of the exams. METHODS: Data of 101 women with previous preterm birth assisted at the Obstetrical Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo between 2003 and 2008 were collected and subjected to secondary analysis. The measurement of cervical length and the phIGFBP-1 test were performed every three weeks, between 24 and 34 weeks gestation, and compared with the outcome of premature birth before 37 and 34 weeks, and the best cutoff value of the cervix was determined by receiver operator characteristic curves. RESULTS: Of the 101 pregnancies studied, 25 (24.8%) ended in preterm birth, of which 12 (11.9%) occurred at 34 weeks or less. The mean gestational age in each evaluation was 24, 27, 30 and 33 weeks, and the cutoff of the cervix were 22, 21, 20 and 16 millimeters, respectively. The measurement of cervical length showed the highest sensitivity (approximately 70%) and was able to predict preterm birth in all evaluations. The phIGFBP-1 test was not useful at 24 weeks, but was able to independently detect the risk of prematurity at 27, 30 and 33 weeks. Statistical association between the exams was observed, so that the mean cervical length was lower in pregnant women testing positive for phIGFBP-1. The combination of both tests significantly increased the sensitivity and negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: The measurement of cervical length by transvaginal ultrasound is a good marker of risk for preterm delivery at 24 weeks, and the test for phIGFBP-1 is useful after 27 weeks. The association of the two tests is valuable and shows high sensitivity and high negative predictive value in women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth, when the first is preformed with 24 weeks, and the second with 27 weeks

Avaliação sequencial do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina -símile na predição do parto prematuro / Sequential evaluation of the cervix and test for phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in the prediction of preterm delivery

Daniel Lorber Rolnik 06 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O antecedente de parto prematuro espontâneo em gestação anterior é considerado o principal e mais importante fator de risco clínico para prematuridade, principal causa de morbidade e mortalidade neonatal. Cerca de 25% das pacientes que tiveram parto prematuro apresentarão recorrência. A prevenção secundária consiste na pesquisa de marcadores de maior risco, com o intuito de instituir medidas terapêuticas apropriadas e de evitar tratamentos desnecessários. A hipótese do presente estudo é a de que existe correlação entre os resultados da avaliação do colo uterino e do teste para proteína-1 fosforilada ligada ao fator de crescimento insulina-símile (phIGFBP-1) e que a utilização de ambos em associação possa predizer a ocorrência de parto prematuro com maior sensibilidade. OBJETIVOS: Averiguar a utilidade da medida do comprimento do colo uterino e do teste para phIGFBP-1 na predição do parto prematuro antes de 37 e de 34 semanas, a existência de relação dos testes entre si, o melhor valor de corte da medida do colo em diferentes idades gestacionais e a melhor época de realização de cada um dos exames. MÉTODO: Foram compilados e submetidos a análise secundária os dados de 101 gestantes com antecedente de parto prematuro atendidas no Setor de Baixo Peso Fetal da Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, entre 2003 e 2008. A medida do comprimento cervical e o teste para phIGFBP-1 foram realizados a cada três semanas, entre 24 e 34 semanas de gestação, e comparados com o desfecho de parto prematuro e nascimento com 34 semanas ou menos, e o melhor valor de corte do colo uterino foi estabelecido por meio de curva de características operacionais. RESULTADOS: Das 101 gestações estudadas, 25 (24,8%) terminaram em parto prematuro, das quais 12 (11,9%) ocorreram com 34 semanas ou menos. As idades gestacionais médias de avaliação foram de 24, 27, 30 e 33 semanas, e os valores de corte do colo uterino foram de 22, 21, 20 e 16 mm, respectivamente. A medida do comprimento do colo apresentou maior sensibilidade (cerca de 70%) e foi capaz de predizer o parto prematuro em todas as avaliações. O teste para phIGFBP-1 não foi útil com 24 semanas, porém foi capaz de detectar de forma independente o risco de prematuridade com 27, com 30 e com 33 semanas. Houve associação estatística dos exames entre si, de forma que o comprimento cervical médio foi menor em gestantes com teste positivo para phIGFBP-1. A associação dos exames elevou a sensibilidade e o valor preditivo negativo de forma significativa. CONCLUSÕES: A medida do comprimento do colo pela ultrassonografia transvaginal constitui bom marcador de risco para parto prematuro com 24 semanas, e o teste para phIGFBP-1 é útil após 27 semanas. A associação dos dois exames possui alta sensibilidade e alto valor preditivo negativo em gestantes de alto risco para prematuridade espontânea, e a realização do primeiro com 24 semanas e do segundo com 27 semanas constitui bom modelo preditivo para o parto prematuro / INTRODUCTION: The history of spontaneous preterm birth in a previous pregnancy is considered the main and most important clinical risk factor for preterm birth, the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. About 25% of these patients will deliver prematurely again. Secondary prevention consists in the search for markers of increased risk, in order to institute appropriate therapeutic actions and to avoid unnecessary treatments. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a correlation between the results of the evaluation of the cervix and the test for phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (phIGFBP-1) and that the use of both in combination can predict the occurrence of preterm delivery with higher sensitivity. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the usefulness of the measurement of the cervical length and phIGFBP-1 rapid test in the prediction of preterm birth before 37 and 34 weeks, the existence of a relationship between the tests themselves, the best cutoff value of cervical length measurement at different gestational ages and the best time to carry out each of the exams. METHODS: Data of 101 women with previous preterm birth assisted at the Obstetrical Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo between 2003 and 2008 were collected and subjected to secondary analysis. The measurement of cervical length and the phIGFBP-1 test were performed every three weeks, between 24 and 34 weeks gestation, and compared with the outcome of premature birth before 37 and 34 weeks, and the best cutoff value of the cervix was determined by receiver operator characteristic curves. RESULTS: Of the 101 pregnancies studied, 25 (24.8%) ended in preterm birth, of which 12 (11.9%) occurred at 34 weeks or less. The mean gestational age in each evaluation was 24, 27, 30 and 33 weeks, and the cutoff of the cervix were 22, 21, 20 and 16 millimeters, respectively. The measurement of cervical length showed the highest sensitivity (approximately 70%) and was able to predict preterm birth in all evaluations. The phIGFBP-1 test was not useful at 24 weeks, but was able to independently detect the risk of prematurity at 27, 30 and 33 weeks. Statistical association between the exams was observed, so that the mean cervical length was lower in pregnant women testing positive for phIGFBP-1. The combination of both tests significantly increased the sensitivity and negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: The measurement of cervical length by transvaginal ultrasound is a good marker of risk for preterm delivery at 24 weeks, and the test for phIGFBP-1 is useful after 27 weeks. The association of the two tests is valuable and shows high sensitivity and high negative predictive value in women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth, when the first is preformed with 24 weeks, and the second with 27 weeks

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