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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige : En studie om hur socialsekreterare uppfattar barnfattigdom samt hur de kan arbeta förebyggande. / Child Poverty in Sweden : A study about how social workers understand child poverty and how they can work preventative

Eriksson, Sanna, Paulsson, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
The aim with this study is to understand how social workers at the individual- and family sector think about child poverty and how they work with and reason about the preventive and facilitate work they do for financial vulnerable families. We have in our study used qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with social workers at the individual- and family sector to answer our purpose. The results showed that child poverty is a concept hard to define and not well established. The social workers have divided views on child poverty but still at the same time mean that it exists amongst the families they meet. There is also a big difference between municipalities and their reasoning on what a reasonable standard of living is for a financial vulnerable family and how they work with preventing child poverty. The social workers shows different ways on how to work with prevention but there is lack of understanding if their work really benefits the child.

"Hur ser verkligheten ut?" : Socialarbetare på individ- och familjeomsorgens (IFO) upplevelser av rutiner och riktlinjer kring hot och våld på arbetsplatsen

Larsson, Frida, Widmark, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine social workers view on the implementation of routines and guidelines related to workplace violence. How it is prevented and their thoughts about how the routines and guidelines around this subject are working from paper to practice. Violence is a general problem, although it´s more pronounced in organisations with close contact with clients. Laws regarding workplace state that both employers and employees are obligated to see to that the prevention work is fulfilled. The essay aims to find out if this is working in the real life or what the problem could be if it´s not working. The research approach of this study is qualitative and four semi-structured interviews are used. The obvious results were that there are flaws in the staff's knowledge of their own guidelines and action plans. The staff perceived that the workplace offers training about workplace violence and that there are meetings revolving around this subject but nonetheless they felt insecure about what to really do if a situation of violence occurs. The social workers also admitted that none of them had read the documents for prevention work. Although the workplace has clear routines and guidelines, much more work needs to be done to engage the employees and make everyone work together.

Ju mer man jobbar inifrån, desto bättre blir det där ute : En kvalitativ studie om återfallsprevention hos dömda unga män

Thylin, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish prison and probation service is an authority whose task is to care for individuals sentenced to imprisonment or probation (Kriminalvården, 2018). I also chose to include social services, SIS and outpatient care for a broader ground for my study. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the Swedish prison and probation service and agency in Norrbotten County work with relapse prevention in young criminal men. I chose to use a qualitative method to gain a broad understanding of this subject. The result has been collected through six semi-structured interviews and semi structured telephone interviews with persons working in the Swedish prison and probation service, SiS, outpatient care and social services in Norrbotten County. The results show that these activities work against the relapse risk through motivational conversations, treatment plans, and the creation of relationships between them and the client. All of these factors is used to counteract the labelling that the young men received from society when they deviated from the norms and laws of society. This can make the young men to easily return in relapse after the execution. Other factors such as anti-social networks, homelessness, lack of economy and unemployment are also negative contributing causes that affect the return risk. / Kriminalvården är en myndighet vars uppgift är att vårda individer som dömts till fängelse eller frivård (Kriminalvården, 2018). Till Kriminalvården räknas även frivården med. Jag valde även att inkludera Socialtjänsten, SiS och Öppenvården för att få en bredare underlag för min studie. Syftet för studien är att undersöka hur Kriminalvården och samverkande verksamheter i Norrbottens län arbetar med återfallsprevention hos unga kriminella män. Jag valde att använda mig av en kvalitativ metod för att få en bred förståelse kring detta ämne.  Resultatet har samlats in via sex semistukturerade intervjuer samt semistukturerade telefonintervjuer med personer som jobbar inom Kriminalvården, Frivården, SiS, Öppenvården och Socialtjänsten inom Norrbottens län. Resultatet visar att dessa verksamheter jobbar mot återfallsrisken genom motiverande samtal, behandlingsplaner och skapande av relationer mellan dem och klienten.  Alla dessa faktorer används för att motverka den stämpling som de unga männen fått av samhället när de avvikit från normerna och lagarna i samhället. Detta gör att de unga männen lätt kan hamna tillbaka i återfall efter avslutad tid. Andra faktorer såsom antisociala nätverk, bostadslöshet, brist på ekonomi och arbetslöshet är också negativt bidragande orsaker som påverkar återfallsrisken.

Kunskapens kraft mot ungdomsbrottslighet : En litteraturöversikt om forskning och praktiskt arbete inom det förebyggande arbetet mot ungdomsbrottslighet

Saleh, Alaa, Saidy, Viktoria January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to conduct an overview of what research says about the preventive work against juvenile delinquency, what the preventive work looks like in practice and to understand the role research has in the practical crime prevention. The study is a qualitative literature review based on scientific articles, reports, research-based literature, public documents and publications from various institutions.    Results shows a big emphasis on evidence-based practice in social work. The Crime Prevention Council and the National Board of Social Work are two institutions that conduct and distribute research to other workers, in aim to ensure an evidence-based practice. Furthermore, police and social services have different methods/programs and actions with elements of what research shows are effective ways to work preventively against juvenile delinquency. Research also emphasized that the school has great potential to work preventively, however lack a formal assignment to do so. Lastly, the collaboration between different actors is of importance in order to increase the quality of the prevention work.    The conclusions are that the prevention work against juvenile delinquency needs to be based on research, but not blindly guided by it. Schools should be given more resources in the prevention work and a continued collaboration is needed to manage the complex processes in the preventive work against juvenile delinquency. / Syftet med studien var att utföra en kunskapsöversikt för vad forskning säger om det förebyggande arbetet mot ungdomsbrottslighet, hur det förebyggande arbetet ser ut i det praktiska arbetet och att förstå rollen forskning har i det praktiska brottsförebyggande arbetet. Studien är en kvalitativ litteraturöversikt som bygger på vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter, forskningsbaserad litteratur samt offentliga dokument och publikationer från olika institutioner.     Resultatet visar en större betoning på en evidensbaserad praktik i socialt arbete. Brottsförebyggande rådet och Socialstyrelsen är två institutioner som bedriver och sprider forskning till andra aktörer i syfte att försäkra en evidensbaserad praktik. Vidare har polisen och socialtjänsten olika metoder/program och insatser med inslag av vad forskning visar är effektiva sätt att arbeta förebyggande mot ungdomsbrottslighet. Forskning betonar även att skolan har stor potential att arbeta förebyggande, men dock saknar de ett formellt uppdrag att göra det. Avslutningsvis är samverkan mellan olika aktörer viktiga för att kunna öka kvaliteten av det förebyggande arbetet.     Slutsatserna är att det förebyggande arbetet mot ungdomsbrottslighet behöver grunda sig på forskning, men inte enbart styras utav det. Skolor borde få mer resurser i det förebyggande arbetet och en fortsatt samverkan behövs för att hantera de komplexa processerna i det förebyggande arbetet mot ungdomsbrottslighet.

Socialtjänstens och polisens syn på brottsförebyggande samverkan kring ungdomsbrottslighet

Wallström, Janny January 2020 (has links)
Studien handlar om hur polis och socialtjänst i Malmö Stad samverkar kring ungdomsbrottslighet. Frågeställningen utgår ifrån hur myndigheternas uppfattningar av deras samverkan är, hur de samverkar, vilka insatser och metoder som används samt vilka insatser som anses ges bäst resultat. I undersökningen användes en kvalitativ metod med sex intervjuer med professionella inom polismyndigheten och socialtjänsten. Empirin analyserades sedan med hjälp av tidigare forskning om ämnet och valda teorier som bestod av systemteori och samverkansteori. Resultatet går inte att generalisera då samverkansarbetet utformas olika inom alla samverkansgrupper, det finns således ingen samverkansmall. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det i Malmö Stad fungerar bra i samverkansarbetet och att båda myndigheterna är angelägna att tillsammans motverka ungdomsbrottsligheten. Hinder för samverkan beskrivs i form av bl.a. sekretesslagstiftningen och framgångsfaktorerna benämns som när rätt personer är med i samverkansgruppen och alla är med och bestämmer. Resultatet visar att en effektiv samverkansgrupp och insatser mot ungdomsbrottsligheten på flera olika nivåer behövs för att uppnå bästa möjliga resultat. Nyckelord: Samverkan, ungdomsbrottslighet, förebyggande arbete, socialtjänst och polis. / The survey is about how police and social services in Malmö City collaborate on juvenile crime. The questions at issue is based on how the authority’s considerations of their cooperation are, how the collaboration works, which efforts and methods that are used and what efforts that are considered as giving the best results. In the survey a qualitative method is used and six interviews with the police authority and social service are performed. The results of the interviews has been analyzed through previous research on the subject and selected theories consisting of system theory and interactive theory. The results cannot be generalized as the cooperation work is differently formed within all cooperation groups, there are no collaboration model. Result of the survey shows that in Malmö City does the collaboration between police and social service work well and both authorities works hard against combating juvenile delinquency. Barriers for cooperation are described in the form of the secrecy law that stops the authorities to speak freely to each other. The success factors are described as when the right people are in the collaboration groups and everyone in it is able to contribute. The results also show that an effective collaboration group and actions against youth crime at multiple different levels are needed to achieve the possible results.Keywords: Cooperation, youth crime, prevention work, juvenile delinquency, social service and police.

"Samverkan är egentligen oljan i maskineriet...". : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan polis och socialtjänst i det brottsförebyggande arbetet mot ungdomsbrottslighet i Malmö utifrån ett professionsperspektiv. / ’’Collaboration is the oil in the machinery…’’. : A qualitative study on collaboration between the police and social services in crime prevention work against juvenile delinquency in Malmö, from the perspective of professionals.

Edstrand, Sara, Mallo, Katrin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how social services and police work together to prevent juvenile delinquency in the city of Malmö. The study's questions are based on how the authorities, represented by social workers and police officers, experience the cooperation between the two organizations, which enables and prevents it as well as which methods and initiatives give the best results. They are also based on what needs to be developed within the cooperation to improve the work against juvenile delinquency.  The study is based on a qualitative method in the form of nine interviews with both social workers and police officers, all working within the muncipality of Malmö. The collected material from these interviews has then been analyzed through previous research, cooperation theory and organizational theory. The results of this study show that both authorities are dependent on each other's resources to prevent juvenile delinquency. The results also show that cooperation between the social services and the police by the interviewees understood as an effective method in the work against juvenile delinquency, despite various obstacles raised by the interviewed professionals. This was, for example, the law of confidentiality. Although the generalization of the results of this study should be considered with caution, as the study is merely based on the city of Malmö.

"Ingen ung ska bli kriminell" : Ett brottsförebyggande samverkansarbete mellan skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritid mot ungdomskriminalitet / ”No young person should become a criminal” : Crime prevention collaborative work between schools, social services, police and free time (activities), against youth crime

Filipovic, Alexandra, Sparf, Anna-Lena January 2023 (has links)
Titel: ”Ingen ung ska bli kriminell” - Ett brottsförebyggande samverkansarbete mellan skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritid mot ungdomskriminalitet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka samverkan mellan socialtjänst, skola, polis och fritid (SSPF) vid ett förebyggande arbete mot ungdomskriminalitet i en stad i Hallands län. Samverkan utgör en central roll i denna typ av arbete i syfte att fånga upp samt förebygga att unga hamnar i kriminalitet. För att möjliggöra detta förutsätter det en fungerande samverkan mellan olika myndigheter. Genom en kvalitativ studie genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma aktörer i den utvalda staden för att undersöka vilka hinder och möjligheter aktörerna upplevde samt effekter av samverkansarbetet. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning inom området och utvalda teorier för att förklara samverkansprocessen. Resultatet visade på en ökad förståelse av de olika aktörernas roll i samverkan. Det visade även att drivkraften var att sträva efter gemensamma mål, att ha en vilja samt engagemang. Dessutom visar resultatet att faktorer som relationsskapande och samsyn var av stor betydelse för en god samverkan. Hinder som framkom i studien var bristen på ekonomiska resurser samt tid. Positiva effekter som visades var hur samverkan möjliggjorde arbetet att fånga upp barn och ungdomar i ett tidigt skede för att förhindra utveckling av ett normbrytande beteende. / Title: ”No young person should become a criminal” - Crime prevention collaborative work between schools, social services, police and free time (activities), against youth crime. The purpose of this study is to examine the collaboration between social services, schools, police and free time activities (SSPF) in an effort to prevent youth criminality in Hallands county. Collaboration plays a central role in this type of effort in order to catch and prevent young people from falling into crime. To make this possible, it requires an effective cooperation between different authorities. Through a qualitative study, semi-structured interviews are conducted with people active within the city to investigate what obstacles and opportunities people experienced and the effects of the collaboration. The results were analysed using previous research in the field and selected theories to explain the collaboration process. The result showed an increased understanding of the role of the various people involved in the collaboration. It also showed driving forces such as motivation for common goals, having a will and commitment. Furthermore, the results show that factors such as relationship building and consensus were of great importance for good collaboration. Obstacles that emerged in the study were financial resources and lack of time. Positive effects that were shown were how the collaboration made it possible to embrace children and young people at an early stage to prevent the development of a norm-breaking behaviour.

”Förebyggande socialt arbete" – behövs en vidare definition?

Azzam, Mahmoud January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to better understand the Swedish concept of“förebyggande socialt arbete”, preventive social work. I have conducted elevenqualitative interviews with different key persons and skaters, together withparticipant observation. During the process of analyzing the material I have usedRandall Collins´ concepts of interaction ritual chains together with Jean Laves andEtienne Wengers concept of situated learning. The answers could be split up inthree areas, first those who regard prevention work as building good things for thefuture. The second group to prevent something bad to happen and the third groupregard preventive social work to be repairing what was broken. The first group,mostly architects, included all three levels of the urban system, the social culturecontext, the human interaction and the urban design. The second and third group,mostly participant from the social work area, focused on the individual level.Although social work should be involved in social policy and development areincluded in the Swedish Social Serves Act. The findings is that Swedish definitionof social work need to be wider in order to include the urban design as a part ofsocial prevention work.

Kuratorns roll i ett brottsförebyggande arbete : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers förebyggande och åtgärdande arbete i skolan mot ungdomskriminalitet / School counselor's role in crime prevention work : A qualitative study on the prevention and remedial work of counselors in schools against juvenile delinquency

Meijer, Klara, Izadkhast, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency is a well known problematic issue in today's society, it is a social phenomenon that can jeopardize children and youths futures. Juvenile delinquency can lead to social problems and therefore is the prevention work crucial for children and youths that are affected by the matter. Previous research about juvenile delinquency and how it’s either prevented, or how it’s remedial has not focused on school counselors' work. School is an area where children spend much of their time, it’s interesting to find out how the schools work to counteract this social problem. The aim of this study is to investigate how counselors at different schools in Malmö work with prevention and remedial measures against juvenile delinquency. We also intended to find out what opportunities and difficulties the counselors experienced in their work. This is a qualitative study based on six school counselors and their experiences. The data has been collected from interviews with the school counselors, and previous research regarding juvenile delinquency. The theories that were used to analyze the result are The social bond theory and the theory on Sense of coherence. The results from this study presented different risk and protective factors that school counselors mean is connected to the development of juvenile delinquency. The results also showed that there is no specific work description made for school counselors work with the problematic matter and therefore the preventive and remedial work depends on the school counselor, and varies a lot from school to school. The school counselors believe that trust building with the students is an effective approach to the matter.

Den ideella aktörens potential : En kvalitativ studie om volontärarbetares perspektiv på att förebygga problem bland unga

Wärulf, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate in what ways volunteers at local youth empowerment organizations can contribute to the prevention of adversity and intimate partner violence among youths, as well as their perception of the needs of their target group. Another aim is to discuss the possibilities of cooperation between different agents working to support adolescents, which includes volunteers, schools, parents and other adults. This subject is relevant for social work as organizations in the nonprofit sector can be established as producers of welfare services. The investigation is conducted through qualitative thematic analyses of interviews with four volunteers from two different organizations, and the analysis is presented in three themes. The theoretical perspectives applied are street-level bureaucracy, ecological system theory, stigma, and gender theory. The empirical body describes both opportunities and limitations of the preventative work, and the result implies that no single agent has enough resources to decrease adolescents’ social vulnerability by their own means. Therefore, the possibility of cooperation between agents in various levels of the ecological system is discussed. The conclusion of this study is that all agencies need to contribute to create more effective prevention and support measures to reduce youth adversity and intimate partner violence, and volunteers can play a key role in this work.

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