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Social Marketing : A way to reach and empower vulnerable people through prevention work against the spread of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in EthiopiaJohansson, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Millions of people in the world are infected by HIV/AIDS or/and other Sexually Transmitted Infections, STIs. Ethiopia is, with its population on almost 94 million people, one of the worst affected countries. One of the methods that are used in the prevention work in order to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs in Ethiopia is Social Marketing, a concept that adopts traditional marketing techniques in order to obtain social change. This inductive study explores how three various Ethiopian organizations are utilizing Social Marketing in their HIV/AIDS and STI prevention work throughout Ethiopia, how the concept can be used to achieve attitudinal- and behavioral change by people, as well as if the organization’s various Social Marketing projects strive to provide vulnerable groups of the Ethiopian society with empowerment, and if so, in what ways. The empirical material was collected through six qualitative interviews and two focus group discussions during an eight-week long stay in Ethiopia during March-May, 2012. The findings of this study have been analyzed through theories about human behavior with a focus on behavior change, as well as various definitions and concepts of empowerment. The study’s result shows that Social Marketing can be utilized in several ways in the HIV/AIDS and STI prevention work in Ethiopia to obtain attitudinal- and behavior changes, for instance by using various commercial techniques, street campaigns, information/education/behavioral change materials, as well as trainings, outreach work and peer education, which aims to educate people about HIV/AIDS, STIs, condoms and condom use. The organization’s joint Social Marketing project “Wise Up-program” includes Drop In Centers and Cooperative Activity for sex workers. The findings of this essay shows that these projects do strive to provide vulnerable groups of the Ethiopian society with empowerment, psychologically as well as economically.
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Att tala med barn om sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie om att förebygga sexuella övergrepp mot barnHatami, Sepideh January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to examine preventing child sexual abuse in four elementary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is based on qualitative interviews with school counselors. The aim of this thesis was to find out how and if elementary schools in Sweden work with preventing child sexual abuse. The aim was also to examine how the school counselors reason about the schools efforts to prevent child sexual abuse. Their statements was analysed with Foucault’s theory about sexual history to get a deeper understanding for why people reason the way they do when it comes to issues like this. It was interesting to see if there was something in our history that made us think the way we do. An organization theory was used to help understand why the school works the way it does, but also to get a better understanding for the schools discretion. The main conclusions of this study have been that these four schools in Sweden mostly focus on children that already have been sexually abused rather than trying to prevent child sexual abuse from happening in the first place. It was also found that most of the school counselors were feeling that there lies a taboo around this kind of topic.
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Elevhälsoarbete : En undersökning på tre skolor / Student health work : A study of three schoolsEverstrand, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att öka kunskapen om skolors elevhälsoarbete utifrån beskrivningar från medlemmar i tre elevhälsoteam. Det är medlemmarnas berättelser om elevhälsoarbetets organisation, meningsskapande insatser och utvecklingsområden som är utgångspunkten i studien. I undersökningen ingår tre skolors elevhälsoteam kallade X, Y och Z. Skolorna kommer från tre olika kommuner. Det är en undersökning med kvalitativ data från observationer, intervjuer och dokumentanalys av tre elevhälsoplaner. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är teorin om praktikgemenskap samt det kommunikativa relationsskapande perspektivet, som är ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Båda har sin grund i den sociokulturella teoribildningen, där samspel och kommunikation utgör grunden i lärandet. I den föreliggande studien visar resultatet både likheter och variationer i medlemmarnas beskrivningar av skolornas elevhälsoarbete. Det framkommer i undersökningen att tydliga mål, uppdrags- och ansvarsfördelning, samt samspel i elevernas lärmiljö är några av förutsättningarna för ett framgångsrikt elevhälsoarbete, vilket också överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. / The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge about schools' student health care work based on the experiences of members in three student health teams. The core of this study is the members' stories about the student health care´s organization, intentional actions and the areas of development. The study includes three schools' student health care teams called X, Y and Z. The schools are from three different municipalities. The empirical research consists of qualitative data from observations, interviews and document analysis of three student health plans. The theory of community of practice and the communicative relational perspective are the theoretical foundations in the study. Both of them are founded on the socio-cultural theory in which interaction and communication are basis for learning. In the study, the results show both similarities and variations in the members' stories of the schools' student health care work. The results show that clear goals, distribution of roles and responsibilities, as well as interaction in the students' learning environment are some of the conditions or a successful student health care, which is in line with previously conducted research.
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Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci / Health and safety at workŠimková, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
Health and safety at work The topic of the diploma thesis is Health and safety at work (HSW). The topic has been chosen for its importance and topicality. The diploma thesis is structured into eight chapters. The first chapter gives a characterization of HSW. Safe and healthy working conditions are protecting employees and other people against harm to their health and safety. Ensuring of HSW is significant to employees, employers and society in general. The second chapter describes the history of HSW. The third chapter deals with the main legislation provided for the health and safety of people in the workplace. There are also described international organizations and their legal provisions in connection with HSW. The fourth chapter discusses the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. Employers have the primary responsibility for ensuring HSW. On the other hand, employees have to take reasonable care to protect their health and safety and the health and safety of other people in the workplace. Employers have a duty to cooperate with employees, or their representatives, on health and safety matters. There are also described rights of trade unions and representatives of employees in HSW. The fifth chapter describes further conditions for ensuring HSW. The sixth chapter discusses the...
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"Men, det brister vid frågan om resurser": En granskning av Polisprojekt TomelillaHallgren, Andrea, Henriksson, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har granskat det brottsförebyggande projektet ‘Polisprojekt Tomelilla’, vilket implementerades i Tomelilla kommun som ett pilotprojekt mellan maj 2015 och juni 2016. De brottspreventiva insatserna infördes bland annat till följd av en ökad kriminalitet hos dem unga i Tomelilla kommun och var således ett samarbete mellan polis, socialtjänst, skola, arbetsförmedling samt fritidsverksamhet. Rådande undersökning är uppdelad i två delstudier, där delstudie 1 baseras på intervjuer medan delstudie 2 analyserar officiell brottsstatistik. I delstudie 1 utröntes de deltagande aktörerna i ‘Polisprojekt Tomelilla’ upplevelser av arbetet samt vilka förutsättningar som fordras för liknande samverkansprojekt. Delstudie 2 undersökte huruvida projektet verkade förebyggande gentemot ungdomarnas utförda skadegörelse, olaga hot samt bruk av narkotika. Resultatet i delstudie 1 påvisade en hos aktörerna övergripande positiv uppfattning av projektet men att det existerade förbättringsområden. Resurser, engagemang och god samverkan betraktades huvudsakligen vara grundläggande för att bedriva liknande projekt. Delstudie 2 konstaterade att projektet inte genererat någon påtaglig brottsförebyggande effekt. Avslutningsvis diskuteras bland annat resultatet kopplat till teori samt hur tolkning av statistik kan ha kommit att påverka studiens utfall. / The present study has examined the crime prevention project 'Polisprojekt Tomelilla', which was implemented in Tomelilla municipality as a pilot project between May 2015 and June 2016. The crime preventing actions were principally introduced as a result of the increased crime rates among young individual’s in Tomelilla municipality, and was thus a collaboration between police, social services, school, employment services and the community youth center. The paper is divided into two sub-studies, where sub-study 1 is based on interviews while sub-study 2 analyzes official crime statistics. In sub-study 1, the participating actors experiences of the work with ‘Polisprojekt Tomelilla’ and conditions required for similar collaboration projects was examined. Sub-study 2 investigated whether the project appeared to prevent adolescents perpetrated criminal damage, unlawful threats and use of drugs. The result in sub-study 1 demonstrated an overall positive perception of the project, but that there were areas for improvement. Resources, commitment and functioning collaboration were considered to be fundamentally essential for carrying out similar projects. Sub-study 2 found that the project did not generate any significant effect on the crime rates. Lastly, the result is discussed, inter alia based on theory and how interpretation of statistics may have influenced the study's outcome.
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Brottsförebyggande arbete : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares förebyggande arbete med unga i kriminalitet och deras vårdnadshavare / Crime prevention work : A qualitative study of social workers preventive work with juvenile delinquents and their guardiansLindquist, Johanna, Björkbring Mattisson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Recently there has been an increase of reports of concern to the Swedish social services regarding juvenile delinquency. Early interventions for these juveniles can contribute to a reduced risk of more serious problems in the future. The purpose of this study was to examine the preventive work within the social services and how social workers perceive enabling and limiting factors in the preventive social work with juvenile delinquency. The study is based on seven interviews with social workers from four Swedish municipalities. The results of our study showed that the social workers perceived their role in prevention work differently. It also showed that the characteristics and approaches that the social workers emphasized as the most important to create trust varied among them. More factors were perceived as limiting rather than enabling. Many of the limiting factors were beyond the control of the social workers, such as the municipality’s budget or deficient cooperation with other authorities (for example the police). This study has contributed to more knowledge about preventive work from the perspective of professionals.
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"Samverkan är framtidens melodi” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänst, skola, polis och fritids samverkan kring ungdomar i riskzon för kriminalitet och missbruk / ”Collaboration is the melody of the future” : A qualitative interview study of collaboration between social services, school, police and leisure sector for young people at risk of criminality and addictionUhr, Isabelle, Landstedt, Ronja January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka samverkan mellan socialtjänst, skola, polis och fritid vid förebyggande arbete mot ungdomskriminalitet. Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genom att semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med yrkesverksamma inom samverkansformen SSPF (socialtjänst, skola, polis, fritid) i en landsbygdskommun i Sverige. Materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys och därigenom framkom fyra huvudteman: organisering av SSPF i en landsbygdskommun, professionellas erfarenheter av SSPF-samverkan, variationer i de professionellas uppfattningar om SSPF och verksamhetens utvecklingsmöjligheter. Resultatet av studien analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning kring ämnet och Horwath och Morrisons samverkansmodell. Utifrån intervjuerna framkommer det att landsbygdskommunen använder samverkansmodellen SSPF för att arbeta förebyggande mot ungdomar i riskzonen för kriminalitet och missbruk. Det belyses att en styrgrupp, arbetsgrupp och samordnare är centralt för organiseringen av SSPF-samverkan. Gynnsamma faktorer som framkommer för SSPF-samverkan är en samordnare, förmedling av samt förståelse för syfte och mål med SSPF och relevanta personer i SSPF-forumet. Förhindrande faktorer som framkommer för SSPF-samverkan är socialtjänstens lagstiftning och att det i SSPF-forumet i första hand lyfts ungdomar som är kända hos aktörer. / The aim of this study is to examine collaboration between social services, school, police, and leisure sector when working preventive against youth criminality. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals within the collaboration-model SSPF in a Swedish rural municipality. The research questions were investigated by conducting a thematic analysis of the data. Four main themes emerged in the analysis: organization of SSPF in a rural municipality, professionals experiences of SSPF collaboration, variations in professionals’ perceptions of SSPF and the potentialities of the operations. The results of the study were analyzed using previous research around the subject and Horwath and Morrison’s collaboration model. The interviews demonstrated that the rural municipality uses the collaboration model SSPF to work preventively for young people at risk for crime and addiction. A steering group, working group and a co-ordinator appeared significant for the organization of SSPF collaboration. Favourable factors for the SSPF collaboration that appeared were a co-ordinator, communication and understanding of the purpose and goals of SSPF, and appropriate members in the SSPF forum. Preventive factors of the SSPF collaboration included the legislation of the social services and the principle that in SSPF it was mainly young people who were already known by the participants that were discussed.
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Samverkan – nyckeln till (handlings)frihet? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan inom grundskolan utifrån skolkuratorers perspektiv / Collaboration - Key to discretion? : A qualitative study of collaboration in compulsory school from the perspective of school social workersNilsson, Simone, Mölder, Kristiina January 2021 (has links)
Collaboration between different professions within the school is important for promoting students' health and knowledge goals. Research in the school area shows both promoting and hindering factors for interprofessional teams to work with health promotion and prevention work. It appears that collaboration between school social workers and other professionals is influenced by different knowledge backgrounds and approaches to definitions as well as solutions to problems, which have an impact on the collaboration work. The purpose of this study was to examine, from the perspective of school social workers, what the collaboration process within compulsory school looks like and how different professional perspectives emerge between school staff. Furthermore, we wanted to know what the collaboration process means for the school curative work. This study has been based on a qualitative method where seven semi-structured interviews with school social workers in two medium-sized municipalities have been conducted. The result shows that collaboration varies between different schools and professions. Conditions and obstacles can be related to both organizational conditions, professional similarities and differences as well as individual factors. Collaboration is important for the school social worker’s professional role, just as the school social worker’s room for maneuver is important for working to promote health and prevention and for taking a holistic perspective.
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"Hur vet vi att det vi gör hjälper?" : En kvalitativ studie om fältsekreterares brottsförebyggande arbeteChalak, Nevar, Bokström, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how field secretaries work preventively against juvenile delinquency. The study also intends to investigate how field secretaries interact with other societal actors in their work. Field secretaries meet adolescents in their natural context and thus have the opportunity to create relationships within youth arenas. The basis of preventive work is important for adolescents to be established in society, which can thus counteract criminal development. The data collection method used is semi-structured interviews. The empirical data consists of six field secretaries from Sweden, the empirics have been transcribed and been analyzed by using two theories. The theories for the study are stamp theory and systems theory. Stamping theory has provided an understanding of how stamping processes can advance continued crime. System theory has instead illustrated interaction between different systems and how it affect the individual. The results of the study show that field secretaries do not use a specific way of working to prevent juvenile delinquency. The opportunities that field secretaries find with their work are about their accommodating approach and encouraging adolescents to use their abilities, while one of the challenges is that they do not know if it prevents delinquency. The results also highlight the importance of collaboration to be able to work preventively.
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Hur mycket ska en tåla? : Chefers upplevelse av möjligheter och utmaningar i hanteringen av hot och våld riktat mot anställda / How Much Should One Tolerate? : Managers ́ experience of possibilities and challenges in dealing with threats and violence against employeesJeppsson, Elin, Lundeberg, Siri January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur chefer upplever ledarskap och arbetsmiljöansvar vid hot och våld mot sina anställda. Vård- och omsorgssektorn utmärker sig när det kommer till ökat hot och våld riktat mot personal. Fenomenet och det sociala problemet är komplext vilket skapar svårigheter i att förstå orsakerna bakom det ökade hotet och våldet. I tidigare forskning framstod det att en möjlig förklaring kan vara att arbetsmiljön för personal inom äldreomsorg har förändrats på grund av att allt fler äldre människor blir fler. Samt blir mer sjuka, vilket kräver mer resurser. Ett välkänt koncept för att förebygga denna problematik beskrivs vara goda och välfungerande organisationer som leds av chefer som har förmågan att tillvarata och utveckla personalens resurser. Men det finns en forskningslucka gällande chefers upplevelse kring det ansvar som gäller när hot och våld uppstår på arbetsplatsen. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där urvalet bestod av sex enhetschefer verksamma både inom kommunala och privata äldreboenden. I resultatet beskrivs hur chefer inom äldreomsorgen på olika sätt hanterar och upplever det ansvar de har för arbetsmiljön. Resultatet visade olika delar av det förebyggande arbetet som chefer har beskrivit som viktiga. Dessa har handlat om att öka kunskap kring den målgrupp man arbetar med, följa rutiner i arbetet och sörja för personalens upplevelse av ett gott arbetsklimat. Det framgick att det finns en slags dilemma mellan att acceptera att arbeta med vårdtagare där våldsamt beteende kan vara en effekt av sjukdomen och att inte tolerera det. En annan del i resultatet visar hur chefer lägger stor vikt vid att vara en närvarande chef som en del i att skapa god arbetsmiljö vilket i sin tur påverkar hur hot- och våldssituationer hanteras i organisationen. Ledarskap var likaså centralt i chefers syn på förebyggande arbete och hur de bemöter personalens behov inför att en hot- och våldssituation uppstår eller när den inträffat. / The aim of this study was to examine how managers experience leadership and work environment responsibility in the event of threats and violence against employees. The health and care sector stands out when it comes to increased threats and violence against employees. The phenomena and social problem is complex, leading to difficulties in understanding the reasons behind the increased violence. It is argued in previous research that one explanation may be that the work environment for employees in elderly care has changed due to the fact that more older people are becoming more. As well as becoming more ill, which requires more resources. A well-known concept for preventing this problem has been good and well-functioning organizations led by managers who have the ability to utilize and develop the employees' resources. But there is a research gap regarding how managers experience their responsibility in terms of threat and violence at the workplace. The empirical material was obtained through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews where the sample consisted of six managers of nursing homes in both the municipal and private sector. The result describes how managers in elderly care handle and experience the responsibility they have for the work environment in different ways. The results address various parts of the prevention work that managers have described as important. These have been about increasing knowledge about the target group, following routines at work and ensuring employees experience a good working climate. It appears that there was a kind of dilemma between accepting to work with care recipients where violent behavior can be an effect of the disease and not tolerating it. Parts of the result showed how managers attach great importance to being a present manager as part of creating a good working environment, which in turn affects how threatening and violent situations are handled in the organisation. Leadership was also central to managers' views on preventive work and how they respond to employees' needs before a threat and violence situation arises or when it has occurred.
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