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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Meaning of School Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Referral to the Parents/Guardians of First, Third, and Sixth Grade Students

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to discover the meaning of school body mass index (BMI) screening and referral to parents. The goal of school BMI screening and referral is to provide information to compel parents to change their child's diet and activity levels when overweight and obesity are identified. Measuring BMI in schools and alerting parents to findings above what is considered normal is one intervention to reduce overweight and obesity that has been utilized since 2001 in Florida. To determine the meaning of BMI screening and referral to parents a mixed methods approach was utilized. Voluntary interviews of 20 parents who had received BMI referrals for their children were conducted. Analysis of the interviews was guided by phenomenology, as delineated by van Manen (1997). A cross sectional survey developed by Ruggieri (2012), was distributed to measure parent beliefs and opinions regarding the BMI screening and their re action to referrals. Findings from interviews indicated that parents ascribe different meaning to school BMI screening and referral. Overarching themes of changing and reflecting were discovered. The themes were manifested as dichotomies; some parents reflected on their role as parent and were more satisfied with the process; they reported change of diet and activity for their families upon receipt of a BMI referral. Others reflected on the role of the school in their child's life. They were more dissatisfied with the school screening and recommended changes in the screening and referral process. Suggested changes for school screening and referrals included subthemes: sensitivity, accuracy, privacy, and notification. Parents responded in the survey that they would change diet and activity for their families if they were told by the school that their child had a weight issue. Actions taken upon receipt of a BMI referral were not limited to changing diet and activity levels but also included discussing weight with their child and others. Parents denied they would be offended by a BMI referral. School BMI screening and referral is a valuable and effective intervention to address child overweight and obesity, especially if the process is accomplished with characteristics that parents deem caring. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar i mellan-­ och högstadiet – Ur skolsköterskans perspektiv. : En intervjustudie / Mental health illness among youth in the middle and later years of primary school – From the school nurses perspective. : An interview study

Narto, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta med psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar i mellan- och högstadiet. Metod: Urvalet av grundskolor valdes ut från samma kommun i mellersta Sverige och totalt deltog fyra kvinnliga skolsköterskor från fyra olika grundskolor. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom semistrukturerade frågor med kvalitativ ansats. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och blev analyserade med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom fyra huvudkategorier: Identifiering av psykisk ohälsa, begränsningar i arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa, prevention mot psykisk ohälsa samt förbättringsområden för identifiering av psykisk ohälsa . Resultatet visade att det var lättast att identifiera elever med psykisk ohälsa genom planerade hälsobesök där samtalet till viss del styrdes av en hälsoenkät. Genom elevhälsoteamet fick skolsköterskorna möjlighet att samverka och fånga upp elever som verkade vara i behov av hjälp. Tidsbrist upplevdes vara en stor påverkande faktor i arbetet. Skolsköterskorna uttryckte ett intresse av utökad kunskap i motiverande samtal (MI) samt att starta samtalsgrupper. Slutsats: Hälsoenkäten som användes inom elevhälsan och samverkan i elevhälsoteamet var de lättaste sätten att identifiera psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar i mellan och högstadiet. Organisatoriska faktorer som ledning och tid var avgörande för arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa. / Aim: The aim of the study was to study the school nurses experience of working with mental health illness among youth in the middle and later years of primary school. Method: The selection of primary schools was chosen from the same society in central Sweden and total four female school nurses were participating from four different primary schools. The data collection was done with qualitative approach using semistructured interviews. The interviews were transcribed literally and were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in four main categories: Identification of mental health illness, limitations in the preventive work against mental health illness, prevention against mental health illness and improvement areas for identifying mental health illness . The result showed that all informants felt that it was easiest to capture students with mental health illness through the planned health visits, where the conversation was reasonably guided by a health questionnaire. Through the student health team the informants were given the opportunity to interact and capture the students who tended to be in need of help. Lack of time was perceived as a major influencing factor in the work. The school nurses expressed an interest in increased knowledge in motivational interviewing (MI) as well as starting conversation groups. Conclusion: The health questionnaire used in student health and collaboration in the student health team were the easiest ways to identify mental health illness among youth in the middle and later years of primary school. Organizational factors such as management and time were crucial for the work against mental health illness.

Poptávka na trhu wellness služeb v ČR a v zahraničí / Demand in the wellness market for services in the Czech Republic and abroad

Neuwirth, Richard January 2007 (has links)
PhD dissertation: "Demand in the wellness market for services in the Czech Republic and abroad" deals with an emerging sphere in the market for services. The service sector contributes not only to the GDP but participates in improving living standards in developed countries. Wellness market for services could influence the way how to spend free time, increase the whole quality individual lives and contribute to reduce spending on health care in the future. In the introductory part there is analyzed the current situation on the wellness market in the Czech Republic. The view of some Czech businessmen on the wellness market for services is often considered (for the purpose) as a way of earnings regardless the broader content of the sphere connected with the healthy lifestyle. The term "wellness" often includes activities which do not concern this sphere, only use this term for marketing purpose. The dissertation is based on the own definition as a term. This term is defined as a permanent feeling of higher quality of life achieved through performing physical and mental activities and internal acceptance of the healthy lifestyle. The goal of this dissertation is a demand survey for these services, it specifically concerns the research of public awareness in this sphere, finding the attitude to activities, which are connected with wellness and acquiring next information which is principal for development in successful business activities, particularly for the strategic decision in pricing policy, the equipment in wellness premises and the quality provided services. In the dissertation were assumed three basic hypotheses: 1. On the basis of research there will be possible to put a qualified customer group and to determine chosen activities. They are suitable as a content of offered programmes for clients who are informed of this sphere or seek to achieve outlined goals. 2. Customers with interest and knowledge of the sphere will be interested in the healthy nutrition, the consumption of dietary supplements and in next activities concerning wellness. 3. Next assumption is a fact that the level of knowledge and understanding the whole conception will be at a lower level in the public. The theoretical part of the dissertation is based on the classical microeconomic theory. The attention is mainly paid to the theory of consumer optimum. Subsequently the dissertation focuses on the issue of marketing research, particularly on the analysis of appropriate quantitative methods which could and should be used in the application part. Great emphasis is placed on the communication policy which is a very important tool for the marketing mix. The application part of the dissertation focuses on its own demand research within that over nineteen thousand data from more than three hundred respondents were obtained. The results were presented after analyzing the obtained data. They showed that all age groups of respondents included in the population survey have within their categories very different features. Thanks to that fact popular sports have been identified, it was possible to determine a client's price concept about services suitable for this sphere and to describe an opinion on the quality and the equipment of wellness premises. Next, for purposes of comparison, two researches from abroad were used and these have become a valuable source of information and serve as a basis for comparative research i.e. comparison of foreign experience with the situation on the Czech market. Both differences and facts generally applicable in the Czech Republic and abroad were found. The result of the investigation was not only the recommendation for following research directions, particularly the need to do research in specialized wellness premises among informed customers with regard to data which were not possible to find out during the overall market research. Another task resulted from the finding that the respondents have very little awareness of the sphere and it will be necessary to establish the wellness programme conception and to introduce this concept to the public particularly by focusing on high schools oriented on physical education and sport and other public institutions. There is a fact that the Czech institutions in the health sector do not consider the prevention in the field of diseases of civilization important enough. It will be necessary to carry out next education of the public in order to achieve savings in the treatment of diseases of civilization in the Czech health care in the future. At the end of the dissertation it is stated that the goals and tasks were fulfilled despite difficulties in obtaining foreign materials and information suitable for comparison with the market in the Czech Republic. In the introduction the presented hypotheses were mostly confirmed, excluding the customer's price concept. It could not be determine intended consumer optimum because of significant heterogeneity of statistical results. In any case the dissertation showed the low level of public awareness of the concept wellness (as expected), the necessity of more distinctive defining of mental activities suitable for this field and the need to unite different opinions on the whole sphere of these services.

En friskare arbetsplats : Faktorer som påverkar vi friskvårdsarbete

Hahne, Cecilia, Lund, Hedda January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrunden till undersökningen är att arbetsplatsen är en viktig arena att arbeta hälsofrämjande på, eftersom en stor del av befolkningen nås via denna och olika hälsobeteenden kan påverkas innan ohälsa uppstår. En framgångsrik strategi för att skapa hälsosammare arbetsplatser är att arbeta med friskvård. Om människor ska kunna leva hälsosamt krävs att de får möjlighet att göra det även på arbetsplatsen, då hälsa bör ses ur ett helhetsperspektiv. EduTainer har utarbetat en metod för att arbeta med friskvård på företag. Ett företag som arbetat efter denna metod, med gott resultat, är Måleriproduktion AB. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka faktorer som underlättar respektive försvårar för friskvårdsarbete på Måleriproduktion AB samt att studera vilka faktorer som är viktiga hos den externa aktören för att uppnå ett framgångsrikt friskvårdsarbete på arbetsplatsen. Undersökningen baseras på kvalitativ metod och intervjuer har genomförts med åtta deltagare i friskvårdsarbetet. Resultatet och slutsatserna visar att faktorer som underlättar för friskvårdsarbete är inställning, socialt stöd, motivation, förändrade rutiner och en extern aktör. Faktorer som försvårar för friskvårdsarbete är tidsbrist, brist på gemensamma aktiviteter och andra faktorer på själva arbetsplatsen. Viktiga faktorer hos den externa aktören är att den förmedlar bred information samt att upplägget är varierande med föreläsningar, individuell rådgivning, tester och uppföljning.</p> / <p>The background for the study is that the workplace is an important arena to work with health promotion, since a large amount of the population can be reached by the workplace and different health behaviors can be affected before ill health appears. A successful strategy for creating healthy workplaces is to work with preventive health care. If people are going to be able to live healthy lives, they need to get the opportunity to live healthy even at the workplace, because health is supposed to be seen from a holistic point of view. EduTainer has created a method, used for companies, to work with preventive health care. A company which has adopted this method, with good results, is Måleriproduktion AB. The aim of this study is to examine what factors that simplify respectively complicate working with preventive health care at Måleriproduktion AB and to study what factors that are important for the external operator to achieve a successful preventive health care-work at the workplace. The study is based on qualitative method and interviews have been made with eight participants of the preventive health care-work. The result and the conclusions show that the factors that simplify working with preventive health care-work are attitude, social support, motivation, a change of routines and an external operator. Factors that complicate working with preventive health care are lack of time, lack of common activities and other factors at the workplace itself. Important factors for the external operator are that the information is widely mediated and that the framing is varied with lectures, individual counselling, tests and follow up.</p>

En friskare arbetsplats : Faktorer som påverkar vi friskvårdsarbete

Hahne, Cecilia, Lund, Hedda January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrunden till undersökningen är att arbetsplatsen är en viktig arena att arbeta hälsofrämjande på, eftersom en stor del av befolkningen nås via denna och olika hälsobeteenden kan påverkas innan ohälsa uppstår. En framgångsrik strategi för att skapa hälsosammare arbetsplatser är att arbeta med friskvård. Om människor ska kunna leva hälsosamt krävs att de får möjlighet att göra det även på arbetsplatsen, då hälsa bör ses ur ett helhetsperspektiv. EduTainer har utarbetat en metod för att arbeta med friskvård på företag. Ett företag som arbetat efter denna metod, med gott resultat, är Måleriproduktion AB. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka faktorer som underlättar respektive försvårar för friskvårdsarbete på Måleriproduktion AB samt att studera vilka faktorer som är viktiga hos den externa aktören för att uppnå ett framgångsrikt friskvårdsarbete på arbetsplatsen. Undersökningen baseras på kvalitativ metod och intervjuer har genomförts med åtta deltagare i friskvårdsarbetet. Resultatet och slutsatserna visar att faktorer som underlättar för friskvårdsarbete är inställning, socialt stöd, motivation, förändrade rutiner och en extern aktör. Faktorer som försvårar för friskvårdsarbete är tidsbrist, brist på gemensamma aktiviteter och andra faktorer på själva arbetsplatsen. Viktiga faktorer hos den externa aktören är att den förmedlar bred information samt att upplägget är varierande med föreläsningar, individuell rådgivning, tester och uppföljning. / The background for the study is that the workplace is an important arena to work with health promotion, since a large amount of the population can be reached by the workplace and different health behaviors can be affected before ill health appears. A successful strategy for creating healthy workplaces is to work with preventive health care. If people are going to be able to live healthy lives, they need to get the opportunity to live healthy even at the workplace, because health is supposed to be seen from a holistic point of view. EduTainer has created a method, used for companies, to work with preventive health care. A company which has adopted this method, with good results, is Måleriproduktion AB. The aim of this study is to examine what factors that simplify respectively complicate working with preventive health care at Måleriproduktion AB and to study what factors that are important for the external operator to achieve a successful preventive health care-work at the workplace. The study is based on qualitative method and interviews have been made with eight participants of the preventive health care-work. The result and the conclusions show that the factors that simplify working with preventive health care-work are attitude, social support, motivation, a change of routines and an external operator. Factors that complicate working with preventive health care are lack of time, lack of common activities and other factors at the workplace itself. Important factors for the external operator are that the information is widely mediated and that the framing is varied with lectures, individual counselling, tests and follow up.

Parents' knowledge concerning their new immigrant child's preventive health care and access to care in Hong Kong

Tang, Sze-kit., 鄧施潔. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Nursing Studies / Master / Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice

Applying patient-admission predictive algorithms in the South African healthcare system

Daffue, Ruan Albert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Predictive analytics in healthcare has become one of the major focus areas in healthcare delivery worldwide. Due to the massive amount of healthcare data being captured, healthcare providers and health insurers are investing in predictive analytics and its enabling technologies to provide valuable insight into a large variety of healthcare outcomes. One of the latest developments in the field of healthcare predictive modelling (PM) was the launch of the Heritage Health Prize; a competition that challenges individuals from across the world to develop a predictive model that successfully identifies the patients at risk of admission to hospital from a given patient population. The patient-admission predictive algorithm (PAPA) is aimed at reducing the number of unnecessary hospitalisations that needlessly constrain healthcare service delivery worldwide. The aim of the research presented is to determine the feasibility and value of applying PAPAs in the South African healthcare system as part of a preventive care intervention strategy. A preventive care intervention strategy is a term used to describe an out-patient hospital service, aimed at providing preventive care in an effort to avoid unnecessary hospitalisations from occurring. The thesis utilises quantitative and qualitative techniques. This included a review of the current and historic PM applications in healthcare to determine the major expected shortfalls and barriers to implementation of PAPAs, as well as the institutional and operational requirements of these predictive algorithms. The literature study is concluded with a review of the current state of affairs in the South African healthcare system to, firstly, articulate the need for PAPAs and, secondly, to determine whether the public and private sectors provide a suitable platform for implementation (evaluated based on the operational and institutional requirements of PAPAs). Furthermore, a methodology to measure and analyse the potential value-add of a PAPA care intervention strategy was designed and developed. The methodology required a survey of the industry leaders in the private healthcare sector of South Africa to identify, firstly, the current performance foci and, secondly, the factors that compromise the performance of these organisations to deliver high quality, resource-effective care. A quantitative model was developed and applied to an industry leader in the private healthcare sector of South Africa, in order to gauge the resultant impact of a PAPA care intervention strategy on healthcare provider performance. Lastly, in an effort to ensure the seamless implementation and operation of PAPAs, an implementation framework was developed to address the strategic, tactical, and operational challenges of applying predictive analytics and preventive care strategies similar to PAPAs. The research found that the application of PAPAs in the public healthcare sector of South Africa is infeasible. The private healthcare sector, however, was considered a suitable platform to implement PAPAs, as this sector satisfies the institutional and operational requirements of PAPAs. The value-add model found that a PAPA intervention strategy will add significant value to the performance of healthcare providers in the private healthcare sector of South Africa. Noteworthy improvements are expected in the ability of healthcare provider’s to coordinate patient care, patient-practitioner relationships, inventory service levels, and staffing level efficiency and effectiveness. A slight decrease in the financial operating margin, however, was documented. The value-add methodology and implementation support framework provides a suitable platform for future researchers to explore the collaboration of preventive care and PM in an effort to improve healthcare resource management in hospitals. In conclusion, patient-admission predictive algorithms provide improved evidence-based decision making for preventive care intervention strategies. An efficient and effective preventive care intervention strategy improves healthcare provider performance and, therefore, adds significant value to these organisations. With the proper planning and implementation support, the application of PAPA care intervention strategies will change the way healthcare is delivered worldwide. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vooruitskattingsanalises in gesondheidsorg het ontwikkel in een van die mees belangrike fokusareas in die lewering van kwaliteit gesondheidsorg in ontwikkelde lande. Gesondheidsorgverskaffers en lewensversekeraars belê in vooruitskattingsanalise en ooreenstemmende tegnologieë om groot hoeveelhede gesondheidsorg pasiënt-data vas te lê, wat waardevolle insigte bied ten opsigte van ʼn groot verskeidenheid van gesondheidsorg-uitkomstes. Een van die nuutste ontwikkelinge in die veld van gesondheidsorg vooruitskattingsanalises, was die bekendstelling van die “Heritage Health Prize”, 'n kompetisie wat individue regoor die wêreld uitdaag om 'n vooruitskattingsalgoritme te ontwikkel wat pasiënte identifiseer wat hoogs waarskynlik gehospitaliseer gaan word in die volgende jaar en as bron-intensief beskou word as gevolg van die beraamde tyd wat hierdie individue in die hospitaal sal deurbring. Die pasiënt-toelating vooruitskattingsalgoritme (PTVA) het ten doel om onnodige hospitaliserings te identifiseer en te voorkom tem einde verbeterde hulpbronbestuur in gesondheidsorg wêreldwyd te bewerkstellig. Die doel van die hierdie projek is om die uitvoerbaarheid en waarde van die toepassing van PTVAs, as 'n voorkomende sorg intervensiestrategie, in die Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsorgstelsel te bepaal. 'n Voorkomende sorg intervensiestrategie poog om onnodige hospitaliserings te verhoed deur die nodige sorgmaatreëls te verskaf aan hoë-riskio pasiënte, sonder om hierdie individue noodwendig te hospitaliseer. Die tesis maak gebruik van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe tegnieke. Dit sluit in 'n hersiening van die huidige en historiese vooruitskattings modelle in die gesondheidsorgsektor om die verwagte struikelblokke in die implementering van PTVAs te identifiseer, asook die institusionele en operasionele vereistes van hierdie vooruitskattingsalgoritmes te bepaal. Die literatuurstudie word afgesluit met 'n oorsig van die huidige stand van sake in die Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsorgstelsel om, eerstens, die behoefte vir PTVAs te identifiseer en, tweedens, om te bepaal of die openbare en private sektore 'n geskikte platform vir implementering bied (gebaseer op die operasionele en institusionele vereistes van PTVAs). Verder word 'n metodologie ontwerp en ontwikkel om die potensiële waarde-toevoeging van 'n PTVA sorg intervensiestrategie te bepaal. Die metode vereis 'n steekproef van die industrieleiers in die private gesondheidsorgsektor van Suid-Afrika om die volgende te identifiseer: die huidige hoë-prioriteit sleutel prestasie aanwysers (SPAs), en die faktore wat die prestasie van hierdie organisasies komprimeer om hoë gehalte, hulpbron-effektiewe sorg te lewer. 'n Kwantitatiewe model is ontwikkel en toegepas op een industrieleier in die private Stellenbosch gesondheidsorgsektor van Suid-Afrika, om die gevolglike impak van 'n PTVA sorg intervensiestrategie op prestasieverbetering te meet. Ten slotte, in 'n poging om te verseker dat die implementering en werking van PTVAs glad verloop, is 'n implementeringsraamwerk ontwikkel om die strategiese, taktiese en operasionele uitdagings aan te spreek in die toepassing van vooruitskattings analises en voorkomende sorg strategieë soortgelyk aan PTVAs. Die navorsing het bevind dat die toepassing van PTVAS in die openbare gesondheidsorgsektor van Suid-Afrika nie lewensvatbaar is nie. Die private gesondheidsorgsektor word egter beskou as 'n geskikte platform om PTVAs te implementeer, weens die bevrediging van die institusionele en operasionele vereistes van PTVAs. Die waarde-toevoegings model het bevind dat 'n PTVA intervensiestrategie beduidende waarde kan toevoeg tot die prestasieverbetering van gesondheidsorgverskaffers in die private gesondheidsorgsektor van Suid-Afrika. Die grootste verbetering word in die volgende SPAs verwag; sorg koördinasie, dokter-pasiënt verhoudings, voorraad diensvlakke, en personeel doeltreffendheid en effektiwiteit. 'n Effense afname in die finansiële bedryfsmarge word egter gedokumenteer. 'n Implementering-ondersteuningsraamwerk is ontwikkel in 'n poging om die sleutel strategiese, taktiese en operasionele faktore in die implementering en uitvoering van 'n PTVA sorg intervensiestrategie uit te lig. Die waarde-toevoegings metodologie en implementering ondersteuning raamwerk bied 'n geskikte platform vir toekomstige navorsers om die rol van vooruitskattings modelle in voorkomende sorg te ondersoek, in 'n poging om hulpbronbestuur in hospitale te verbeter. Ten slotte, PTVAs verbeter bewysgebaseerde besluitneming vir voorkomende sorg intervensiestrategieë. 'n Doeltreffende en effektiewe voorkomende sorg intervensiestrategie voeg aansienlike waarde tot die algehele prestasieverbetering van gesondheidsorgverskaffers. Met behoorlike beplanning en ondersteuning met implementering, sal PTVA sorg intervensiestrategieë die manier waarop gesondheidsorg gelewer word, wêreldwyd verander.

Rovná dostupnost zdravotní péče u mladistvých ve smyslu čl. 3 Úmluvy o lidských právech a biomedicíně / Equal availibility of health care for children and youth in the spirit of Art. 3 of Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine

SAMKOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Distriktssköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta i ett tvärprofessionellt team på BVC kring överviktiga barn och deras familjer

Jastan vash, Shabnam, Simonen, Helen January 2019 (has links)
Övervikt och fetma är ett växande komplext folkhälsoproblem även hos barn. Följdsjukdomarna som övervikt och fetma orsakar ett lidande för drabbade barn, vilket även är en stor kostnad för vården och samhället. Flera olika yrkeskategorier förutom distriktssköterskor, som läkare, dietist och psykolog möter barn i arbetet kring övervikt och fetma. Syftet med studien är att belysa distriktssköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta i ett tvärprofessionellt team på BVC kring överviktiga barn och deras familjer. Dataanalysen har skett genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Elo och Kyngäs (2008) med en induktiv ansats där åtta distriktssköterskor som arbetar på BVC har intervjuats. I resultatet framkommer betydelsen av ett tvärprofessionellt teamarbete. Genom att samarbeta med dietisten får familjen och barnet träffa sedan träffa dietisten som ger stöd kring kost, portionsstorlek och näringsberäkning av måltidsportioner. Dock är distriktssköterskorna inte närvarande under detta möte. Psykologen kan stödja familjen i deras vardag med gränssättning och med dagliga rutiner som kan påverka familjens kost och levnadsvanor. Teamarbetet med läkarna fungerar bra men deras kunskapsnivå kring att vara uppdaterade på rådande riktlinjer och åtgärder anses bristfälliga, vilket påverkar arbetet kring de överviktiga barnen. Samarbetet med både familjecentralen och med pedagogerna på förskolan anses vara betydelsefull i arbetet kring överviktiga barn. För att alla i teamet ska vara uppdaterade på riktlinjer för övervikt och fetma är det en organisatorisk fråga för att tid ska frigöras åt läkarna så att de kan gå på utbildningsdagarna där gemensam kunskap inhämtas. Genom att förenkla processen med att skriva remiss till obesitasmottagningen och genom att öka samarbetet med både familjecentral och pedagoger på förskolan skulle det stödjande och förebyggande arbetet kring överviktiga barn främjas. Det bidrar i sin tur till en förbättrad folkhälsa och minskade samhällsekonomiska kostnader. Genom teamarbete och genom att tillvarata de olika specialistkompetenserna ökar chanserna för distriktssköterskor att kunna hjälpa det överviktiga barnet och familjen. / Overweight and obesity are a growing complex public health problem. The secondary diseases that overweight and obesity cause means suffer for the child and cost the society money. The aim of the study is to elucidate district nurses' experience of teamwork at primary child health care centers with overweight children and their families. The data analysis was done through a qualitative content analysis according to Elo and Kyngäs (2008) with an inductive approach where eight district nurses working at primary child health care centers were interviewed. The result shows the importance of cross-professional teamwork. By working with the dietitian, the family and the child receive support regarding diet, portion size and nutritional calculation of meal portions. The psychologist can support the family in their everyday lives with boundaries and with daily routines that can affect the family's diet and lifestyle. Teamwork with the doctors works well, but their level of knowledge about being updated on prevailing guidelines and measures is considered inadequate, which affects the work of the overweight children. Through teamwork and utilizing the various specialist skills, the chances of being able to help the obese child and the family increases. Collaboration with both the family center and the educators at the preschool is considered to be important in the work on overweight children. For everyone in the team to be up to date on guidelines for overwight and obesity, it is an organizational issue to free time for the doctors so that they can go on training days where common knowledge is obtained. By simplifying the process of writing a referral to the obesity clinic and by increasing cooperation with both family centers and educators at the preschool, the supportive and preventive work on obese children will be promoted. This in turn contributes to increased public health and reduced socio-economic costs.

Egenmonitorering ur distriktssköterskans perspektiv : Kvalitativ empirisk studie

Blixth Johansson, Anna-Karin, Söderberg, Berit January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Informationsteknik är något som utvecklas i snabb takt. Idag finns det teknik som på distans kan överföra information trådlöst. Egenmonitorering via hälso- och sjukvården kan erbjuda patienten en ökad flexibilitet och tillgänglighet. Via egenmonitorering kan patienten kommunicera och få råd och stöd av hälso- och sjukvården. Distriktsköterskan kan utbilda och informera patienten i sin egenvård. Syfte: Var att beskriva distriktsköterskans erfarenheter av omvårdnad i egenmonitorering. Metod: En kvalitativ empirisk design med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Utifrån Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys analyserades intervjuerna med manifest innehåll. Resultat: Fyra kategorier och sju underkategorier identifierades. Kategori - Att förmedla kunskap; trygghet och förebyggande. Kategori - Att skapa relation; kontinuitet och tillit. Kategori - Att effektivisera arbetet; ett förlängt verktyg och tidsbesparande. Kategori - Tankar inför framtiden; Det nya mottagningsrummet. Diskussion: Egenmonitorering var ett stöd för distriktsköterskan att förmedla kunskap till patient i deras egenvård. Patienterna kände sig trygga och sökte mindre kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. Via egenmonitoreringen kunde distriktsköterskan arbeta förebyggande. Det skapade en ömsesidig tillit och kontinuitet. Arbetet underlättades för distriktssköterskan och de hann med fler patienter. Egenmonitorering är något som kommer att utvecklas och finnas i framtiden. Slutsats: Studien visade att arbeta med egenmonitorering är en stor fördel ur distriktssköterskans perspektiv. Via egenmonitorering kan distriktssköterskan arbeta förebyggande. Det har varit under stark framväxt under Covid-19 Pandemin. Egenmonitorering är ett flexibelt arbetssätt. / Background: Information technology is something that is developing at a rapid pace. Today, there is technology that can remotely transmit information wirelessly. Self-monitoring via health care can offer the patient increased flexibility and accessibility. Through self-monitoring, the patient can communicate and receive advice and support from the health service. The district nurse can train and inform the patient in her self-care. Purpuse: Where to describe the district nurse's experiences of nursing in self-monitoring. Method: A qualitative empirical design with semi-structured interviews. Based on Graneheim and Lundman's content analysis, the interviews were analyzed with manifest content. Results: Four categories and seven subcategories were identified. Category - To impart knowledge; security and prevention. Category - Creating a relationship; continuity and trust. Category - To streamline work; an extended tool and time saving. Category - Thoughts for the future; The new reception room. Discussion: Self-monitoring was a support for the district nurse to pass on knowledge to patients in their self-care. Patients felt safe and sought less contact with the healthcare system. Through self-monitoring, the district nurse was able to work preventively. It created mutual trust and continuity. The work was made easier for the district nurse and they managed to get more patients. Self-monitoring is something that will develop and exist in the future. Conclusion: The study showed that working with self-monitoring is a great advantage from the district nurse's perspective. Through self-monitoring, the district nurse can work preventively. It has been growing strongly during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Self-monitoring is a flexible way of working. / <p>Datum för godkännande: 2021-11-01</p>

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