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Principy zatraktivňování současné české beletrie ve vybraných denících a jejich online verzích / Principles of making contemporary Czech fiction more attractive in selected dailies and their online versionsFenclová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
FENCLOVÁ, Anna. Principy zatraktivňování současné české beletrie ve vybraných denících a jejich online verzích. Praha, 2021. 84 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.). Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky FSV UK. Katedra Mediálních studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce prof. MgA. Martin Štoll, Ph.D. Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the reports on the contemporary Czech fiction in selected Czech print and online media. In particular, it seeks to find the main principles of making articles about the new Czech fiction more attractive in selected serious daily newspapers (Právo, Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny, Metro) and their online versions (novinky.cz, iDNES.cz, lidovky.cz, iHNed.cz, metro.cz and aktuálně.cz). The first, theoretical part is explaining and mapping the state of Czech literature, media and their interconnectedness and the basic concepts relating directly to the topic are explained here. The second part focuses on the quantitative content analysis, which answers questions about the number of articles related to contemporary Czech fiction in the selected media during the two months in 2020 (February 2020 and November 2020). Subsequently, a qualitative content analysis of articles published by the selected media is described. The...
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Läsförståelse genom skärm och papper : En kvantitativ studie om elevers läsförståelse av traditionell papperstext och digital text / Reading comprehension through screen and paper : A quantitative study of students’ reading comprehension of traditional print-based text and digital textBlick, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Studien tar avstamp i tidigare undersökningar om textmediers olika effekter och söker att svara på hur elevers läsförståelse påverkas av att läsa texter genom olika textmedium. Studien ville specifikt svara på om elevers inställning till textmediet de använder kan påverka deras läsförståelseförmåga. För att svara på detta användes material från tidigare PISA-undersökningar för att konstruera ett läsförståelsetest som undersökningsgruppen fick göra genom att läsa texter via en skärm eller en vanlig papperstext. Till studien fick undersökningsgruppen även svara på om en enkät där de fick beskriva sina upplevelser av läsning genom olika textmedium. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av sammanlagt 56 elever i årskurs 9. Resultaten visade att elevers inställning till textmediet kan ha påverkan på läsförståelseförmågan, och att elever med en preferens för traditionella papperstexter hade i genomsnitt bättre resultat på läsförståelsetestet. Undersökningens enkät visade att en majoritet av eleverna hade en preferens för papperstext, och att digitala texter generellt upplevdes vara mer obekväm att läsa. / This study uses previous studies about the different effects of text mediums as a starting point and seeks to answer how the reading comprehension of students is affected by reding texts through different textmediums. The study specifically sought to answer whether the reading comprehension of students is affected by their attitude towards the text medium being used. To answer this, the study used material from previous PISA-studies to construct a reading comprehension test which the surveyed group worked with by reading texts either through a screen or a traditional print-based text. The surveyed group also answered a survey where they got to describe their experiences of reading through different textmediums. The group was made up of 56 students in 9th grade. The results showed that students’ attitude towards text mediums may have affected reading comprehension, and that students with a preference for print-based texts had slightly higher average score on the reading comprehension test. The survey showed that a majority of students had a preference for print-based text, and that digital texts was generally considered to be less comfortable as a text medium.
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Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Technology : The Effects of Build Orientation on The Printing QualityYousaf, Daowd, javdanierfani, Kaveh January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, multi-jet fusion technology became more popular as it has unlimited potential. Thanks to this technology, it became possible to produce products with complex geometries.This gives a massive advantage compared to the conventional manufacturing process, as by utilising 3D printers, the costs and environmental impact are reduced exponentially with regards to the fact that this is a new technology. Product quality is one of the most important factors when it comes to product manufacturing for a company to stay competitive in the market. This study was conducted in FABLAB at Halmstad University. The research focuses on different aspects of the fabricated test artefacts, such as surface roughness, tensile strength and dimensional deviation. How different printing parameters can affect the printing quality of the printed parts is then analysed. The result is then compared with designed CAD model. During this study, some experiments were conducted by printing test samples at different build orientations to define the printing quality. Measurement is conducted on the different test artefacts and quantified. The effect from build orientation on surface roughness, tensile strength and dimension accuracy were studied during this thesis. The test samples were measured by using appropriate measuring equipment that was available at Halmstad University. From the test results, it becomes clear that the build orientation directly impacts the printing quality of the printed test samples from the HP multi-jet fusion 3D printer
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Mediální obraz Miloše Zemana / Media portrayal of Milos ZemanKovářová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of the media image of Miloš Zeman in the two terms in which he held the most significant political functions, namely the prime minister and the president. The aim is to find out whether the media image of Miloš Zeman at a time when he served as prime minister differs from the current media image that he now has as president. The theoretical part is defined by the role of the media in society and politics. Furthermore, the approaches of objectivity in media are described and finally the basic theories that are applied in the construction of the media image are presented. The methodological part of the research covers the method of quantitative content analysis and how this research was conducted. The necessary data was obtained through the Anopress database, selecting relevant articles of the two national newspapers (Mladá fronta Dnes, Právo) and the two most-watched national television networks (Nova, Česká televize). The conclusion of this thesis is analytical and presents the results.
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Getting the most out of DAISY using synthetic speechHubert, Wolfgang January 2010 (has links)
RTFC is a multichannel publishing tool which has been designed to convert text documents into several accessible formats. You can produce books in common file formats like plain text, HTML and HTML Help as well as large print, Braille, web Braille and DAISY. It implements a standard for e-books which was created at German schools for the blind. This standard makes it possible to get the most out of DAISY even though desktop publishing software often has no capabilities to mark up optional content like annotations or sidebars. Therefore RTFC is especially suitable to convert school books and other non-fiction literature.
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A Field Test of the Effectiveness of Different Print Layouts: A Mixed Model Field Experiment in Alternative AdvertisingLehmann, Dominik, Shemwell, Donald J. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This article investigates the effectiveness of bathroom print ads. Using liquor as the product domain, field study data (n = 146) indicate a high level of ad (60%) and product category (80%) recall. Contrary to the literature and the researchers' hypothesis, respondents had a significantly higher level of recall for copy dominant than for visual dominant ads. Hypotheses suggesting that color advertisements would outperform non-color advertisements and interactions between ages and visual-based versus copy-based stimuli and gender and visual-based versus copy-based stimuliwere not supported by the data. The implications for practitioners of the effectiveness of copy rich ads and suggested directions for future research are discussed.
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Les collections d’estampes en Europe (v. 1450-v. 1610) / Print Collecting in Europe (ca. 1450-ca. 1610)Gallian, Nastasia 07 December 2019 (has links)
La naissance des collections de gravures constitue un phénomène mystérieux, qui ne peut être ni daté, ni localisé avec une précision absolue. Les premières manifestations remontent au milieu du XVe siècle, à une époque où les estampes sont collectées dans le but d’être collées dans des textes manuscrits ou imprimés. À partir des années 1470-1480, ces pratiques archaïques sont relayées progressivement par une approche proprement moderne des collections de gravures, qui se diffusent alors dans toute l’Europe, jusqu’à être largement répandues dans certaines couches de la société au moment où l’on bascule dans l’âge baroque. Plusieurs types d’ensembles coexistent à cette époque. Les collections d’amateurs tels que Fernand Colomb, Willibald Imhoff ou Abraham Ortelius témoignent d’une affinité particulière pour l’art de l’estampe et mettent en place les premiers outils pour sélectionner, conserver et classer les gravures. De nombreux princes, tels que Ferdinand de Tyrol et Philippe II d’Espagne, s’intéressent également à ces œuvres, auxquelles ils consacrent une section dans leurs collections encyclopédiques ou leurs bibliothèques. D’autres collections, à but utilitaire, émergent également à cette période. On trouve ainsi des fonds d’estampes dans de nombreux ateliers d’artistes et d’artisans, où elles sont employées pour former les apprentis et servir de modèles ou de supports à la création. Les érudits s’emparent également des gravures et constituent des fonds documentaires spécialisés en histoire, géographie et sciences naturelles. Cette grande diversité dans les pratiques est une des caractéristiques essentielles des premières collections d’estampes. / The origins of print collecting are ill documented and cannot be dated nor located with certainty. The early signs can be traced back to ca. 1450, when prints were collected to be pasted in manuscripts and printed books. From the 1470s-1480s onwards, these archaic practices tended to be replaced by modern collecting. It then spread throughout Europe and became a common practice at the dawn of the Baroque era. There are several types of print collectors at that time. Enthusiasts and connoisseurs such as Ferdinand Columbus, Willibald Imhoff and Abraham Ortelius created special methods for selecting, storing and classifying high quality engravings and woodcuts. Ferdinand of Tyrol, Philip II of Spain and others princes gathered prints in their encyclopedic collections and libraries. Other collectors were interested in using them as sources. Artists and craftsmen kept prints to train apprentices and use them as models and tools in the creative process. Scholars purchased them for their subject-matter and used them as historical, geographical, and scientific documents. This wide range of practices is maybe what define the most early print collecting.
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Nové materiály pro podporu výuky biochemie na SŠ / New educational materials for education in biochemistry at secondary schoolsStránský, Jaroslav January 2021 (has links)
Biochemistry is usually the last taught discipline of chemistry. In the Czech Republic, grammar school students study biochemistry during the third or fourth grade. This can sometimes cause problems because there is often little time left for biochemistry when compared to other chemical disciplines. The content of the biochemical curriculum is often limited only to memorization of the most important facts and there is no time enough to point out the important relationships of biochemistry to everyday life. In the last year of study, many students have already decided whether or not to study chemistry in the future and it is then difficult to find some topics that would attract the attention of those who do not want to continue studying chemistry. This thesis is focused on the solving this situation. The first part gives an overview on the theoretical background, which forms the framework for the following parts - Analysis of selected textbooks, which was done to map the current state of teaching biochemistry in Czech schools, and Creation of new didactic materials that can complement current textbooks and help teachers explain the basics of biochemistry more clearly and in the context of contemporary everyday life. The last part of this diploma thesis summarizes the experiences with use of the...
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In Remembrance of MeBrutscher, Chandler C. 21 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Obraz Gabriely Koukalové v tištěných médiích v období leden 2017 - červen 2019 / Portrayal of Gabriela Koukalová in the press from January 2017 to June 2019Sedláčková, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of Gabriela Koukalová's media portrayal in selected print media in the period January 2017 - June 2019. This period was determined due to changes in Gabriela Koukalová's professional focus, as early 2017 she was a successful biathlete who has many victories from international competitions. She stopped racing in autumn of 2017 and due to the controversial biography she published in 2018, she announced retirement from her biathlon career in 2019. The aim is to find out whether the media image of Gabriela Koukalová at a time when she was a top biathlete differs from the media image that she had when she stopped competing. The theoretical part presents the role of the media in society and the theoretical definition of the construction of the media image. This section also includes mediasport, and media portrayal of biathlon and women in sports. The methodological part of the work describes the chosen analysis methods and the process of data recording. The analytical part of the work is devoted to the interpretation of the obtained results.
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