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Faisabilité de transistors organiques à effet de champ fabriqués entièrement en solution / Feasibility of solution processed organic field-effect transistorsKuai, Wenlin 23 January 2017 (has links)
Le travail entre dans le cadre de la nouvelle tendance à la recherche d’une électronique mécaniquement flexible basée sur des transistors en couche mince constitués uniquement de matériaux organiques (OTFT). OTFT de type n et de type p ont été fabriqués par la technique de dépôt par impression (inkjet) et étudiés. Les paramètres d’impression (jetabilité, mouillabilité, imprimabilité et possibilité d’obtention de différentes formes), de chaque encre permettant le dépôt de couches conductrices, isolantes et semiconductrices, ont été systématiquement étudiés. Les OTFT de type n basés sur du C60 se sont montrés non fiables, principalement du fait de la faible solubilité du C60 dans les solvants organiques. Les OTFT de type basés sur du Tips-pentacene ont montré par contre une grande fiabilité. Le travail global constitue une large revue des problèmes et difficultés rencontrés dans la fabrication de transistors fabriqués entièrement par impression jet d’encre. Des solutions ont été trouvées et de nouvelles idées sont proposées. / Present work deals with the new trend to get highly flexible electronics by using fully Organic Thin-Film Transistor (OTFT) as the basic element of this electronics. Fully organic n-type as well as p-type OTFT processed by inkjet printing are studied. Printing parameters of each ink, jettability, wetting, printability, and patterns optimization, leading to the deposition of conductive contacts, gate insulator and semiconducting active layer are studied. Process of n-type OTFT based on C60 is shown as unreliable, mainly due to the poor solubility of C60 in organic solvent. In the contrary, p-type OTFTs based on Tips-pentacene are much more reliable. The work is a large overview of the issues and the difficulties that have been to jump and to solve in the way to fabricate fully printed organic transistors. Some solutions have been given and new ideas have been proposed.
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Variations Related to Print Mottle in Starch-Containing Paper CoatingsRagnarsson, Micael January 2012 (has links)
Starch in paper coatings is known to increase the risk of print mottle in lithographic offset printing. The objective of this study was to increase the understanding of this behaviour. Four phenomena that could lead to print mottle, where the presence of starch might be important, have been identified: uneven binder migration, uneven coating mass distribution, uneven deformation during calendering and differential shrinkage. The latter three were investigated in this project. Starch-containing coating colours often have high water retention. A relationship between the water retention of the coating colours and the distribution of coating thickness was found in a pilot trial. A theory is proposed, where the surface profile of the base paper beneath the blade, that governs the coat weight distribution in blade coating, is affected by moisture from the dewatering coating colours and the compressive force exerted by the blade. Drying strategies were studied to see whether they would induce porosity variations in the coating layers. There is a strong connection between the rate of evaporation and the shrinkage of the coating layer, but no porosity variations due to the choice of drying strategy were found. Shrinkage is governed by the capillary forces. At the same capillary pressure, the coating shrinks more for some binder systems, which is suggested to be due to a weaker chemical interaction between the binder and the pigment. Oxidized starch/latex coatings, stained with a fluorescent marker, had a greater standard deviation in fluorescence intensity than CMC/latex coatings caused by a difference in either porosity or latex distribution. It was shown that calendering introduces porosity variations into the coating layer that are larger for starch-containing coatings. The drying strategies appeared to have a significant effect on these porosity variations and they correlated positively with print mottle in some cases and in another case negatively. In the case of the negatively correlated, the mottle was probably caused by variations in surface porosity existing prior to the calendering.
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G-Code to RAPID translator for Robot-StudioNilsson, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
With the emerging development of new technology and the constantly falling prices, more companies will find interest in industrial robots. Until today, the typical robot users have been large scale car manufacturers. But there exists a big potential market within the small to medium businesses that already uses of CNC machines. Attracting smaller businesses to start using industrial robots could open up the doors to new possibilities and increase their production. Unfortunately, most people still lack the knowledge of operating and programming industrial robots. But many companies have knowledge in G-code which is normally used in CNC machines. That is why this work is focussing on the development of a software that opens up the possibility to make use of G-code to program advanced robot paths with minimal user input. By striving for easier handling of robots, the vision about a more efficient and automated society will become one step closer. The introduction straightens out the different basic principles of CNC milling machines and robots. This will introduce the reader and highlight the different similarities and differences that exist between robots and CNC mills. The goal of this work has been to create an add-in application for ABB’s off-line programming software RobotStudio that was able to import at least one type of file format commonly used for CNC milling. The program should be able to handle some basic functionality, the focus has been on the standard iso6983 type of G-code. The project started with a literature study that gave the author a better insight in both the previous research within the area but also deeper knowledge of the systems CNC mills and robots. The work continued with the development of a software able to import the specified file format. The software has been built in C# and is built as an add-in software for ABB’s offline programming software RobotStudio. The result presents a software that is able to read different types of G-code and translate them into generated paths in RobotStudio. The software also has an inbuilt function in order to parameterize the G02 and G03 commands that represent curves in G-code into straight line segments of the type MoveL in RobotStudio.
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Entre les lignes : dessin, illustration et pratiques graphiques dans le Pop art (1950-1975) / Between the lines : drawing, illustration and graphic practices in Pop art (1950-1975)Schütz, Marine 07 December 2015 (has links)
Dès l’apparition du Pop art autour de 1962, l’iconographie de l’illustration et de la publicité indique l’émergence d’une véritable esthétique graphique. La rencontre du Pop art et du dessin se révèle particulièrement intéressante car suivre les productions réalisées dans cette discipline éminemment manuelle permet de réexaminer les différentes positions des artistes vis-à-vis de la culture de masse et d’aborder des questions tant matérielles qu’iconographiques. Partant du constat que les formations artistiques sont à l’origine du va-et-vient entre options manuelles et mécaniques dans l’économie du Pop art, le propos débute par l’examen des conditions d’émergence du dessin. L’examen des relations entre dessin et culture de masse ne saurait être complet sans évoquer la réponse d’artistes qui s’engagent dans la recherche d’un dialogue avec un public croissant (par des stratégies de classe, l’iconographie de logos de produits, la prise en compte des possibilités de l’estampe etc.). Non seulement l’œuvre naît du parcours de la main, mais le dessin pop dépasse le seul processus créateur pour exister dans un corpus d’œuvres autonomes, qui s’écarte de tout schéma finaliste. Cette présence souligne ce que peuvent avoir de critique l’image et l’action du corps. De même que Claes Oldenburg et David Hockney opposent une tension manuelle aux expressions mécanisées dans la société – et là réside le double sens de la notion d’engagement autant physique que politique dans le dessin pop –, le réinvestissement du corps sous la forme du portrait et du nu affirme sa solidarité avec les combats pour la libération sexuelle à l’aube des années soixante-dix. / By 1962 with the beginning of Pop art, the iconography of illustration and advertising points the development of an art founded on graphics. Interestingly, the relations between Pop art and drawing allow to follow how the handmade practices reassess the artists’ positions towards mass culture and deal with material issues (such as manual involvement) and the meaning of iconography (counter-culture, return of the figure). Starting from the point that artistic pop economy of art owes its back and forth mouvement between manual and mechanical options to its protagonists’ artistic education, this dissertation opens with the study of drawing’s emergence in a pedagogical context. The study of the relations between drawing and mass culture wouldn’t be fully led without assessing the answer of the artists who involve in the claim for a bigger audience (with a class strategy, an iconography full of mass products and the possibilities of prints). Moreover, not only the graphic works stem from the hand, but pop drawing overwhelms the solely issue of creation processes to exist in an autonomous corpus of works, which doesn’t fall into the finalist schema. This presence points how critical may be the body, through drawing, as an image and as an action. Similary to Claes Oldenburg and David Hockney who oppose a manual tension to the social mechanized expressions – and there lay the double sense of the very notion of involvement which is to be understood in Pop art in the same time on a physical and a political level – the reinvolvement of the body by way of portrait or nude shows its solidarity with the fights in the wake of the sixties, fight for sexual liberation, or women rights.
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An exploration of the state of self-publishing in the academic publishing sector of South AfricaOdendaal, Estelle Rhode 27 October 2008 (has links)
The academic publishing sector in South Africa is facing many changes and challenges in a post- 1994 democracy. Most of these changes were brought about by the Higher Education Act No 101 of 1997. Challenges and new trends include new business and threats from multinational corporations; a limited buying market at higher education level; a need for localised content; new emerging technologies in publishing and knowledge distribution; the merging of 36 higher education institutions into 22; escalating book production costs and book prices; a non-book buying and book reading culture; illegal photocopying and widespread copyright infringement; changing student and lecturer profiles including the language of instruction; increasing pressure on academics to publish research; inefficient student loan schemes; decreasing library acquisition budgets and the transformation of the publishing industry itself in terms of BBBEE. Within the midst of all these challenges, publishers are faced with a new trend, that of selfpublishing of academic textbooks, which lecturers then prescribe to their own group of students. Self-publishing implies that authors undertake all processes related to publishing on their own, including the financial risk of publishing a book. There is a multitude of literature available on self-publishing, but very little focuses on this trend within the academic environment. A literature survey of self-publishing provided various reasons and conditions for the existence of the phenomenon. The researcher made use of two questionnaires that were sent to academic campus bookshops and academic self-publishing authors. From the results of these two surveys it is evident that academic self-publishing is an increasing trend in the higher education environment of South Africa. Reasons for self-publishing collected from the literature survey were supported by the empirical research findings from the two surveys. The main reasons for self-publishing in the academic environment include financial incentives; a volatile author-publisher relationship; issues of copyright and control; possible rejection suffered by authors; technological advances and a sense of community service among academics and lecturing staff. The study was able to prove the existence of academic self-publishing in the higher education environment of South Africa. Academic self-publishing is most apparent in the academic fields of Business, Economics and Management Sciences to the extent that it could have far-reaching financial impact on markets that are traditionally lucrative for commercial publishers. Commercial publishers are encouraged to engage with author associations and seek out possible new alternatives to satisfying author needs in a changing market place. / Dissertation (MIS)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Information Science / unrestricted
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La controverse autour des expulsions de sans-papiers dans la presse française (2006-2010) : analyse des discours et des enjeux sociopolitiques / The controversy over the deportation of « sans-papiers » in French newspapers (2006-2010) : an analysis of sociopolitical issues and discoursesJacquez, Lise 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la controverse construite autour des expulsions d’étrangers en situation irrégulière en France entre 2006 et 2010 et sur sa médiatisation dans cinq titres de la presse quotidienne nationale française : l’Humanité, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde et Le Parisien (édition nationale). L’objectif principal est de saisir les enjeux sociopolitiques structurant les discours des différents acteurs qui font exister cette controverse dans l’espace public : le gouvernement, les militants des droits des étrangers et, enfin, les médias. Il s’agit notamment de voir s’il existe une mise en débat de la gestion sécuritaire des flux migratoires dans les discours médiatiques. Notre propos s'organise en trois parties. La première partie est une mise en perspective historique de la place des étrangers dans l’État-nation français depuis la Révolution française jusqu'à la fin du 20ème siècle. Elle nous permet de comprendre les difficultés politiques spécifiques qui surgissent lorsqu’il s’agit de penser la question des droits et de la place des migrants dans un monde organisé en États-nations. La deuxième partie décrit et analyse les positionnements politiques et les discours des principaux acteurs du débat sur l'immigration irrégulière et les sans-papiers, soit l’État d'un côté et le champ militant de l'autre. Enfin, dans une troisième et dernière partie, nous analysons le rôle joué par les journaux français dans la construction de la controverse autour des expulsions. Le corpus comporte 2602 articles, que nous analysons d'abord de manière quantitative à l'aide du logiciel Modalisa, puis de manière plus qualitative (analyse narrative, iconique et argumentative). Nos conclusions insistent sur les cadrages privilégiés dans les discours de presse ainsi que sur leurs difficultés à élaborer une ligne éditoriale cohérente et ambitieuse sur la question des migrations et une autonomie vis-à-vis des discours politiques. Elles montrent d’abord que l’accroissement de la répression vis-à-vis des sans-papiers est loin de faire consensus et est, au contraire, très controversée dans la presse française. Mais, malgré ce discours dénonciateur, les journaux peinent à prendre politiquement position sur la situation des sans-papiers et à mobiliser des arguments contre la logique sécuritaire. Les registre mobilisés par les journaux pour sortir de l’approche sécuritaire de l’immigration se limitent donc généralement à l’invocation de principes humanitaires et de valeurs morales, et au recours à l’argument de l’intégration (sociale, scolaire, professionnelle) des sans-papiers dans la société française. / This research concerns the controversy over the deportation of foreign nationals in irregular or illegal situation in France between 2006 and 2010, as well as the mediatisation of this controversy in five national French newspapers: l'Humanité, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde and Le Parisien (national edition). The main goal is to understand the socio-political issues structuring the discourses offered by the various social actors that take part in this controversy in the public sphere : the government, activists and advocates for migrants' rights, and the media. This research focuses in particular on ascertaining whether the security-centred management of migratory flows is debated in media discourses.The argument is divided into three parts. The first part gives historical perspective to the position of foreign nationals in the French nation state from the French Revolution to the end of the twentieth century. It illuminates the political difficulties that appear when conceiving of the rights and the position of migrants in a world made of nation states. The second part describes and analyses the political positioning as well as the discourses of the main social actors taking part in the debates on irregular and illegal migration; looking at the state on the one hand, and activist movements on the other. Finally, the third part proposes an analysis of the role played by French newspapers in the construction of the controversy over deportations. The corpus consists of 2602 press articles, which are firstly quantitatively analysed with the help of software Modalisa, and then approached qualitatively (narrative, iconic and argumentative analyses).This research conclusions focus on the interpretative frames most used in newspapers' discourses. It discusses the way these discourses encounter difficulties not only in elaborating a coherent and ambitious editorial line regarding migration, but also in retaining a certain autonomy in relation to political discourses. The conclusions show firstly that there is a clear lack of consensus concerning the increasing repression of illegal migrants, amounting to a real controversy in French newspapers. However, despite this denunciation, newspapers find it difficult both to take a political stand on the situation of illegal migrants, and to mobilise arguments against security-based discourses. Indeed, in order to eschew these approaches focusing on security, newspapers are often limited to invoking humanitarian principles and moral values, and to focusing on the integration (whether it be social, educative, professional) of illegal migrants in French society.
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Assesment of Market Potential of 3D Body Scanners within the Target Group of 3D Print Stores / Assesment of Market Potential of 3D Body Scanners within the Target Group of 3D Print StoresMartini, Julian January 2013 (has links)
The world has recently witnessed the widespread of 3D printing technology. In the shadow of this development a new means of freezing time was born: 3D figurines. A 3D figurine is a mini version of oneself; a little sculpture manufactured by 3D Printers. These 3D figurines are sold for a profit by so called 3D Print Stores to consumers. For the production of such a 3D figurine one needs 3D Body Scanners. It is from the perspective of a producer of 3D Body Scanners that this master thesis was written. The objective was to establish whether or not the company should tap into that new market segment of 3D Print Stores. Furthermore a market entry strategy was to be developed. Thus a marketing research study was performed. For the analysis of the market segment primary and secondary data was scrutinized, which was gathered through expert interviews and desktop research. The primary scope of the study was limited to Germany. Overall the market segment proved to be promising, as consumers regard 3D figurines as a more sophisticated alternative to a digital photo. Competition is currently low, but the threat of new players entering the segment is high. Thus a market entry strategy was elaborated that suggests tapping into the market as fast as possible; thereby obtaining a first mover advantage and pre-empting market space. Furthermore a differentiation strategy was proposed to shield against growing competition.
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Žurnalistika v éře nových médií / Journalism in the Era of New MediaIschia, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Thesis is focused on digital and social media in journalism. In a brief introduction is explained situation in Czech media environment where influence of online news increase every year to the detriment of traditional media. It deals with an influence of new media to journalism work. New publishing methods are analysed, especially methods based on digitalization of content and ways to paid content. Original survey presents behaviour and habits of social networks users. Are they a relevant source of information for readers of Respekt magazine? Research then analyses how Czech newspaper and magazines use social networks. In the end of this block it brings best practices and some recommendations for communication and monitoring in social media. Both parts, digital and social media, are connected by practical issues from Respekt magazine. In the last part of thesis is designed a concept of Respekt's digital strategy for next years.
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Geometric voice : interação dos deficientes visuais com o tratamento de figuras geométricas e sua visualização tátil através de uma impressora braille / Geometric voice : interaction of the people with visually impaired with the treatment of geometric figures and their tactile visualization through a braille printerMoreno Chaparro, Cristhian Camilo, 1989- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz César Martini / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T11:24:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MorenoChaparro_CristhianCamilo_M.pdf: 3704451 bytes, checksum: 4d720f708ff051db819b26e878124f62 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento de figuras geométricas em duas (2D) e três dimensões (3D), realizadas por um programa inédito desenvolvido nesta pesquisa e destinado principalmente a pessoas com deficiência visual. O programa permite a acessibilidade para criar e imprimir desenhos geométricos, funções que até o momento não estavam disponíveis para pessoas que não enxergam. O aplicativo trata o projeto e criação de formas geométricas a partir dos parâmetros próprios utilizando um sintetizador de voz e assistentes ou me-nus especiais orientados a usuários com deficiência visual. Além disso, o aplicativo facilita a impressão das formas geométricas na mesma folha tanto em Braille, como em relevos, além de uma impressão comum em tinta destinada às pessoas que conseguem enxergar / Abstract: This work presents the results obtained in the development of geometric figures in two (2D) and three dimensions (3D), performed by a novel program developed primarily for people with visual impairments. The program allows accessibility to create and print geometric designs by itself, functionalities to date not available for visually impaired users. The program treats the projection and creation of geometric shapes from its own parameters using a voice synthesizer and special menus oriented to people with visually impaired people. Moreover, the application facilitates the joint printing of geometrical shapes on the same sheet us Braille, reliefs, and ink / Mestrado / Engenharia de Computação / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Design de superf?cie t?xtil a partir do dend?Portela, Pablo Lu?s dos Santos 08 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-09-06T21:52:27Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Disserta??o Pablo Lu?s dos Santos Portela - PPGDCI.pdf: 2083854 bytes, checksum: 8c858517946ff2bca9099ced306d99db (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T21:52:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Disserta??o Pablo Lu?s dos Santos Portela - PPGDCI.pdf: 2083854 bytes, checksum: 8c858517946ff2bca9099ced306d99db (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-08 / The purpose of this study is to introduce the palm, Bahia cultural symbolic element, in a different context from the culinary, and bring it to the area of the textile surface design, by authorial creation of standards in a contemporary language. To this end, it sought theoretical and conceptual support in authors who discuss surface design, textile design, printing, fashion, Bahian culture. He tried to understand the involvement of the pattern into two categories of analysis, which were: language and differentiation; cultural and symbolic device. The character of this research highlighted by the interdisciplinary approach, experimental and qualitative, which provided support throughout the trodden path. The study, to build the methodology of deconstruction and reinterpretation, was to follow, explore, play, interpret the palm from the decomposition of its morphological structure for seven months. This procedure was based on the method of decontextualization and recontextualization of contemporary surface design. To place the palm with the culture, fashion and Bahian art, selected authors and by conducting interviews with artists and designers Bahia. Research has developed a long creative process from the palm that has gone through different stages, experiments and records, such as intervention with the collective participation of students enrolled of discipline Artistic Design of UEFS; palm fixation test on paper and fabric; palm dyeing fabric; construction cloths; detailing the period of decomposition of the formal structure of the palm; creation of manuals oil palm observation drawings. Then came the composition of the standards that resulted in the series of prints named "The palm vein", with their respective analyzes of the printed fabrics and discussions of the results. / A proposta deste estudo ? apresentar o dend? enquanto elemento simb?lico cultural baiano, em outro contexto diferente do culin?rio, e traz?-lo para a ?rea do design de superf?cie t?xtil, atrav?s da cria??o autoral de padr?es, numa linguagem contempor?nea. Para tanto, buscou-se apoio te?rico-conceitual em autores que discutem o design de superf?cie, o design t?xtil, a estamparia, a moda e a cultura baiana. Procurou-se compreender o envolvimento da estampa em duas categorias de an?lise, que foram: linguagem e diferencia??o; dispositivo cultural e simb?lico. O car?ter desta pesquisa destacou-se pela abordagem interdisciplinar, experimental e qualitativa, que proporcionou sustenta??o em todo o percurso trilhado. O estudo, para construir a metodologia da desconstru??o e ressignifica??o, consistiu em acompanhar, explorar, interpretar o dend?, desde a decomposi??o da sua estrutura morfol?gica no per?odo de sete meses. Esse procedimento foi fundamentado no m?todo da descontextualiza??o e recontextualiza??o do design de superf?cie contempor?neo. Para situar o dend? na cultura, na moda e na arte baiana, contou-se com autores selecionados e atrav?s da realiza??o de entrevistas com artistas e designers baianos. A pesquisa desenvolveu um longo processo criativo a partir do dend? que passou por diferentes est?gios, experimentos e registros, como: atividade de interven??o com a participa??o coletiva entre alunos matriculados da disciplina Desenho Art?stico da UEFS; testes de fixa??o do dend? em papel e tecido; tingimento do dend? em tecido; constru??o de pan?s; detalhamento do per?odo de decomposi??o da estrutura formal do dend?; cria??o de desenhos manuais de observa??o do dend?. Em seguida, ocorreu a composi??o dos padr?es que resultou na s?rie de estampas nomeada ?Na veia do dend??, com as respectivas an?lises sobre os tecidos impressos e as discuss?es dos resultados obtidos.
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