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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proactivity and sustainable transition at the fish counter? : A study about ecological sustainability regarding fish at four ICA Kvantum supermarkets within the Stockholm region

Johansson, Jerker January 2012 (has links)
Fish and shellfish are important sources of protein for the world population. Nearly 50 percent of fish and shellfish products originate from aquaculture, and the rest comes from traditional fishing. The marine stocks are under threat from unsustainable fishing practices. Together with fishing, aquaculture constitutes extra stress on the marine stocks and ecosystems. Aquaculture also causes other environmental side effects. International trade rules do not sufficiently take care of the ecological problems. Voluntary initiatives, like ecolabels, are one way of dealing with the problems. This thesis does an attempt to, from an environmental science perspective, analyze how the fish counters at four ICA Kvantum stores in the Stockholm region work with ecological sustainability issues with regards to fish and shellfish. The overall purpose is to examine the shops’ historical, current and potential future work and to analyze if the work is conducted in a proactive, reactive or in a passive way. The main findings include that the knowledge, sustainability statuses, responsiveness, and changes in time, and the intentions or plans for the future differed a lot between the different shops. Furthermore, many of the investigated potential problem areas seemed to constitute problems in practice. Additionally, it seemed like additional pressure may be needed if the aggregated ecological status should be raised. The research method consisted of case studies with semistructured qualitative interviews and analysis of corporate documents, and a minor quantitative investigation of the frozen assortment at the stores. / Fisk och skaldjur är en viktig proteinkälla för världens befolkning. Nära hälften av fisk- och skaldjursprodukterna internationellt kommer idag från akvakultur (fiskodlingar). Resten kommer från traditionellt fiske. De marina fisk- och skaldjursbestånden hotas i olika grad av ohållbart fiske. Tillsammans med fisket utgör olika former av akvakultur påfrestningar mot fisk- och skaldjursbestånd och de marina ekosystemen. Akvakultur orsakar även andra ekologiska sidoeffekter. Internationella handelsregler tar idag inte tillräcklig hänsyn till de ekologiska problemen. Frivilliga initiativ såsom miljömärkningar har uppkommit och kan eventuellt utgöra en del av lösningarna på problemen. Denna kandidatuppsats gör utifrån ett miljövetenskapligt perspektiv ett försök att analysera hur ”fiskdiskarna” i fyra ICA Kvantumbutiker i Stockholms län arbetar med ekologisk hållbarhet vad gäller fisk och skaldjur. Övergripande syftet är att undersöka livsmedelsbutikernas historiska, nuvarande och potentiella framtida arbete med de ekologiska hållbarhetsfrågorna, samt att analysera om de arbetar utifrån ett proaktivt, reaktivt eller passivt angreppssätt. Huvudresultaten visar att arbetet mellan butikerna skiljde sig mycket med avseende på kunskaper, ekologiska hållbarhetsteman, proaktivitet/ reaktivitet/ passivitet, förändringar över tiden, samt vad gäller intentioner och planer för framtiden. Vidare så verkade flera av de studerade ekologiska problemområdena på olika sätt utgöra verkliga problem. Någon form av påtryckningar verkade vara nödvändigt om butikernas arbete, aggregerat sett, skulle ställas om till en mer ekologiskt hållbar status. Metoden utgjordes av fallstudier med semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer och studier av utvalda centrala dokument från ICA-koncernen relaterade till det tematiska undersökningsområdet. En mindre kvantitativ utvärdering av butikerna frysta sortiment gjordes också.

Organisation du travail et qualité de service dans le secteur bancaire libanais : La mise en œuvre du changement par le management socio-économique / Work organization and services' quality in the Lebanese banking sector : the change implementation by the socio-economic management

Makdissi, Riad 14 May 2012 (has links)
La notion de qualité des services et de l’organisation du travail dans les banques libanaises est placée depuis plusieurs années au cœur des préoccupations et de l’organisation du système bancaire. Cependant, dans leur démarche actuelle, elles sont confrontées à plusieurs risques et déceptions car les coûts de leurs démarches sont élevés. Pour faire développer la proactivité, un changement par un management innovant est alors nécessaire. À partir de recherche-intervention réalisée dans quatre succursales bancaires sur le territoire libanais, nous nous sommes intéressé à analyser les convergences et les spécificités de ces organisations afin de proposer un modèle de management commun qui servirait de base à la croissance et au développement de ces établissements tout en conciliant qualité et coûts. La recherche propose une méthodologie permettant de développer les pratiques professionnelles de ces organisations. Un modèle de management socio-économique est proposé pour pérenniser les démarches de changement, en utilisant des outils afin d’améliorer l’organisation du travail et la qualité des services dans ces organisations tout en réduisant les coûts. / The concept of services quality and work organization in the Lebanese banks is placed since several years in the banking system main concerns and its organization. However, in their current approach, they are facing many risks and disappointments because the high costs of their actions.To have a proactivity contribution, a change using an innovative management will be necessary. From the research-intervention in four Lebanese bank branches, we were interested to analyze these organizations similarities and specificities in order to develop a common management model as a basis for these establishments’ growth and development, balancing quality and costs. The research proposes a methodology to develop professional practices of these organizations.A socio-economic management model is proposed to sustain the efforts of change, using tools in order to improve work organization and services quality in these organizations while reducing costs.

Comment favoriser l’adaptation des rapatriés? Une exploration du rôle des attentes, de la perception du soutien organisationnel et de la proactivité

Goyette, Véronique 01 1900 (has links)
L’internationalisation des marchés fait désormais partie intégrante de la réalité du monde des affaires, et de plus en plus d’organisations se retrouvent à étendre leurs activités à travers plusieurs pays. Cela est toujours d’actualité aujourd’hui, alors qu’une très grande proportion d’organisations s’attend à voir leurs mandats à l’international augmenter ou à tout le moins demeurer stable (Brookfield, 2015). Alors que nombreuses études se sont penchées sur l’adaptation des expatriés en terre étrangère (Bhaskar-Shrinivas, Harrison, Shaffer, & Luk, 2004), un nombre nettement moins élevé de chercheurs s’est attardé à l’adaptation de ces individus une fois de retour à la maison. Or, il est de plus en plus admis que plusieurs difficultés peuvent être associées à un retour d’un mandat à l’international. Celles-ci sont d’ailleurs parfois plus élevées que les difficultés vécues à l’international (Forster, 2000). Cette thèse tente donc de pallier cette lacune en examinant, tout d’abord, le rôle de deux antécédents de l'adaptation: la perception du soutien organisationnel (PSO) et la proactivité du rapatrié. Le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction des attentes sera également exploré. Pour ce faire, un total de 125 policiers revenant d’une mission à l’international ont participé à cette étude. En raison d’un nombre considérable de données manquantes pour certaines variables, la méthode d’imputation multiple a été utilisée (m = 5). Deux médiations ont été effectuées afin de tester les hypothèses, et ce, en contrôlant pour le temps écoulé depuis le retour de l’individu. Premièrement, il y a un lien indirect significatif de la PSO sur l’adaptation qui passe par la satisfaction des attentes (b = 0,25, BCa IC [0,11 – 0,40]). Deuxièmement, il y a également un lien indirect significatif de la proactivité sur l’adaptation qui passe par la satisfaction des attentes (b = 0,16, BCa IC [0,01 – 0,32]). Les résultats semblent donc soutenir les deux hypothèses. En d’autres mots, la PSO et la proactivité amèneraient une augmentation de l’adaptation, et ce, en permettant aux rapatriés de se former des attentes plus réalistes face au rapatriement. Nos résultats suggèrent donc qu’autant l’organisation que l’individu auraient un rôle à jouer dans l’adaptation des rapatriés, quoique l’impact de la proactivité de ces derniers paraisse moindre que celui de la PSO. À la lumière de ces résultats, le dernier chapitre abordera quelques pistes d’explications visant à comprendre l’effet plus petit de la proactivité, en plus de discuter plus en profondeur de l’implication théorique et pratique des résultats. Enfin, les limites et pistes de recherches futures de la thèse seront présentées. / Nowadays, internationalisation of markets is a pressing economic reality, bringing many organizations to increasingly choose to extend their activities abroad. This still relevant today as a very large proportion of organizations expect their international assignments to either increase or at least remain stable (Brookfield, 2015). While many studies have examined the adaptation of expatriates (Bhaskar-Shrinivas, Harrison, Shaffer, & Luk, 2004), a much smaller number of researchers have focused on the adaptation of these individuals once they have returned home. However, several difficulties are associated with repatriation and they are often more important than those encountered abroad (Forster, 2000). This thesis attempts to bridge this gap by examining, firstly, the role of two antecedents of adaptation: perceived organizational support (POS) and repatriates’ proactivity and secondly, the mediating role of expectations. To this end, a total of 125 police officers returning from a mission abroad participated in this study. Due to a considerable number of missing data for some variables, the multiple imputation method was used (m = 5). Two mediations were carried out in order to test the hypotheses, controlling for the elapsed time since the return of the repatriate. Our findings indicate that satisfied expectations mediate both the relationship between POS and repatriates’ adaptation (b = 0,25, BCa IC [0,11 - 0,40]) and proactivity and adaptation (b = 0.16, BCa IC [0.01 - 0.32]). The results therefore seem to support both hypotheses. In other words, POS and proactivity lead to increased adaptation by allowing repatriates to develop more realistic expectations of repatriation. This suggests that both the organization and the individual have a role to play in the adaptation of repatriates, although the impact of the latter appears to be less than that of the organization. In light of these findings, the final chapter explores some possible explanations in order to understand the smaller effect of proactivity, and also discusses more extensively the theoretical and practical implications of the results. Finally, limits and avenues for future research are presented.

The development and evaluation of a measure of graduate employability in the context of the new world of work

Bezuidenhout, Mareli 08 October 2011 (has links)
Rapid forces for change in the post-modern society have left their mark on the labour market, creating a metamorphosis in the nature of work and the way in which careers should be approached. This has resulted in the need for individuals to possess a combination of attributes that will enable them to take an adaptive, proactive approach to their careers, which involves managing their employability. Employability is especially relevant to graduates, who are expected to acquire more than academic capabilities to ‘hit the ground running’ in their transition from higher education to the workplace. Despite the significance of the topic, it remains conceptually ambiguous with few empirical studies that explain its foundation, and fewer still that have constructed a measure explicitly gauging employability, particularly in South Africa. The main purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a measure of graduate employability in the context of the new world of work. A theoretical model of graduate employability was developed based on an extensive review of the literature and the Graduate Employability Measure (GEM) was subsequently constructed. A cross-sectional survey was utilised to collect data from a random sample of final-year undergraduates and postgraduates from the College of Economic and Management Sciences at a higher distance learning institution in South Africa. The 272 useable questionnaires returned were subjected to exploratory factor analysis, which revealed a reliable three-factor model consisting of the dimensions of career self-management drive, career resilience and cultural competence, and explaining 36.42%, 3.5% and 2.97% of the variance respectively. Analysis of variance was used to determine whether there were any significant differences between the biographical variables of the sample and the GEM factors. It was found that females and final-year undergraduates obtained significantly higher means on all the GEM dimensions than males and postgraduates respectively. The findings inform the conceptualisation of the employability construct, the elements it consists of, and how it can be measured in a valid and reliable manner. The GEM has the potential to be useful to students in a career guidance context, to employers that desire to select and develop highly adaptable employees, and to higher education, which can incorporate these important employability attributes in the curriculum to deliver highly employable graduates. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Orientación estratégica en las organizaciones: Orientación de mercado u orientación emprendedora?

Coz García, Giovanna Virginia, Hilario Cárdenas, Nathalyn Estefanía 31 August 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio fue descriptivo y bibliográfico basado en 32 investigaciones internacionales relacionadas con la orientación estratégica aplicada en diferentes empresas de América, Asia y Europa. Asimismo, se identificaron subtemas tales como: ambidestreza, innovación, riesgo, proactividad y rentabilidad. El estudio permitió identificar la orientación de las organizaciones de las investigaciones citadas y analizar el porque de la elección de la orientación que actualmente ostentan ya sea orientación de mercado o emprendedora. Del análisis de ambas tendencias se pudo obtener como resultado, que tanto la orientación emprendedora como la de mercado son útiles en las empresas y que todo dependerá del contexto y coyuntura en qué se desarrollen las organizaciones, pudiendo afirmarse que ambos tipos de orientación son complementarias logrando desarrollar la ambidestreza. Finalmente, se puede evidenciar de acuerdo al objetivo general, que las empresas que desarrollan una orientación estratégica emprendedora pueden optar en el camino por desarrollar una orientación de mercado lo cual puede motivarlas a implementar la ambidestreza a fin de que puedan continuar con éxito y obteniendo óptimos resultados beneficiosos para la empresa, dependiendo del contexto en que decidan aplicar esta principal característica. / The present study was descriptive and bibliographic based on 32 international investigations related to the strategic orientation applied in different companies in America, Asia and Europe. Likewise, subtopics were identified such as: ambidexterity, innovation, risk, proactivity and profitability. The study seeks to identify the orientation of the organizations of the aforementioned research and analyze the reason for the choice of the orientation that they currently have, either market or entrepreneurial orientation. From the analysis of both trends, it was possible to obtain as a result that both entrepreneurial and market orientation are useful in companies and that everything depends on the context and situation in which organizations develop, being able to affirm that both types of orientation are complementary, achieving develop ambidexterity. Finally, it can be evidenced according to the general objective, that companies that develop an entrepreneurial strategic orientation can choose along the way to develop a market orientation which can motivate them to implement ambidexterity so that they can continue successfully and obtaining optimal beneficial results for the company, depending on the context in which they decide to apply this main characteristic. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

La conditionnalité en droit des aides d'Etat / Conditionality in State Aid Law

Péjout, Olivier 20 June 2017 (has links)
Le droit des aides d’Etat est un domaine singulier du droit de l’Union européenne (UE). Sonobjectif le rend même unique au monde et pourtant il demeure en partie méconnu et seseffets sous-estimés. La crise économique et financière débutée en 2007 l’a remis sur ledevant de la scène. Dans ce contexte, un outil s’est révélé comme central dans la gestiondes évènements : la conditionnalité. Longtemps ignorée, cette technique, présente depuisles origines en droit des aides d’Etat, s’avère être d’une influence insoupçonnée sur lemécanisme de contrôle des soutiens étatiques. D’une part, elle autorise la Commission àexiger des modifications substantielles, tant du projet d’aide que des bénéficiaires, afin d’enautoriser la mise en oeuvre. D’autre part, la conditionnalité permet à la Commissiond’avancer un agenda politique, de manière indirecte, au service de l’approfondissement del’UE. Son incidence ne se limite pas seulement à la question de la compatibilité desfinancements publics. Elle s’exprime également dans le cadre du suivi des décisionsconditionnelles, et des éventuels recours juridictionnels. De nouvelles techniques basées surla conditionnalité ont fait leur apparition à tous les stades de l’examen des aides. Plusencore, elle joue un rôle considérable, en amont, dans le processus de création du droit desaides d’Etat et de sa soft law. Compte tenu de sa portée, cette étude s’est attachée àmesurer l’ampleur de ce phénomène, à définir ses concepts, à identifier ses formes et àévaluer ses conséquences. Il en résulte que la conditionnalité est à l’origine d’une nouvelleapproche du droit des aides d’Etat. / State aid law is a unique area of European Union (EU) law. Its objective makes it evenunique in the world and yet it remains partly unknown and its effects underestimated. Theeconomic and financial crisis, which began in 2007, has brought it back to the forefront. Inthis context, a tool has proved to be central in the management of events: conditionality. Thistechnique, which has long been ignored, has always had an unsuspected influence on themechanism of control over state support. On the one hand, it authorizes the Commission torequire substantial changes, both in the aid project and for the beneficiaries, in order toauthorize its implementation. On the other hand, conditionality allows the Commission to putforward a political agenda, indirectly, to service the deepening of the EU. Its impact is notlimited to the question of the compatibility of public funding. It is also expressed in the contextof the monitoring of conditional decisions, and possible judicial review. New techniquesbased on conditionality have emerged at all stages state aid control. Moreover, it plays aconsiderable role, upstream, in the process of creating state aid law and its soft law. Givenits scope, this study focused on measuring the extent of this phenomenon, defining itsconcepts, identifying its forms and evaluating its consequences. As a result, conditionality isat the origin of a new approach to state aid law.

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