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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Βακτηριακή & ιογενής ρύπανση των οστρακοειδών

Τσιμπουξή, Ανδρομάχη 01 August 2008 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διδακτορικής εργασίας μελετήθηκαν οι εμπορικά σημαντικότερες περιοχές καλλιέργειας και συγκομιδής οστρακοειδών του Ελλαδικού χώρου. Κατά τη διάρκεια περιόδου 18 μηνών πραγματοποιήθηκε μηνιαία συλλογή δειγμάτων στρειδιών (Οstrea edulis) και μυδιών (Mytilus galloprovincialis), τα οποία συλλέχθηκαν από έξι (6) διαφορετικά σημεία του Ελλαδικού χώρου και αναλύθηκαν για τους εντεροϊούς (EV), τους αδενοϊούς (Adv), τον ιό της ηπατίτιδας Α (HAV), τους ιούς Noro I και II (NLVI και NLVII), για το βακτήριο Ε. coli, καθώς και για σωματικούς κολιφάγους, τους F-sperific RNA βακτηριοφάγους και τους βακτηριοφάγους του Β. fragilis. Επιπλέον αναπτύχθηκαν μέθοδοι τόσο για την ανίχνευση παθογόνων ιών ανθρώπινης προέλευσης στα οστρακοειδή, όσο και για την ανίχνευση των "πιθανών δεικτών" αυτών των ιών. Οι μέθοδοι εξετάστηκαν προκειμένου να αξιολογηθεί η απόδοση καλής ποιότητας από όλα τα εργαστήρια μέσω διεργαστηριακών αναλύσεων. Η μέθοδος που εφαρμόστηκε σε αυτή τη μελέτη για την ανίχνευση των ιών στα οστρακοειδή βασίζεται στην εξαγωγή και την ομογενοποίηση του πεπτικού αδένα με χρήση διαλύματος γλυκίνης, pH 10, απομόνωση των νουκλεϊνικών οξέων και ενίσχυση του γονιδιώματος των ιών που αναλύονται. Για την ανίχνευση του βακτηρίου E. coli χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος των πολλαπλών σωλήνων, ενώ για την ανίχνευση των βακτηριοφάγων χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος καλλιέργειας διπλοστιβάδας. Για το βακτήριο E. coli, σε σύνολο 138 δειγμάτων, 110 δείγματα (ποσοστό 79,7%) βρέθηκαν να ανήκουν στην κατηγορία Α (MPN/100g σάρκας = <20 έως 220), δηλαδή χαρακτηρίζονται σαν δείγματα χαμηλής μόλυνσης, 25 δείγματα (ποσοστό 18,1%) βρέθηκαν να ανήκουν στην κατηγορία Β (MPN/100g σάρκας = 220 έως 3500), οπότε χαρακτηρίζονται σαν δείγματα μεσαίας μόλυνσης, ακατάλληλα προς κατανάλωση χωρίς να προηγηθεί διαδικασία εξυγίανσης, ενώ μόνο 3 δείγματα (ποσοστό 2,2%) βρέθηκαν να ανήκουν στη κατηγορία C (MPN/100g σάρκας =3500 έως >18000), δηλαδή είναι δείγματα υψηλής μόλυνσης. Οι ιοί που εμφανίζονται με μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα στα οστρακοειδή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου είναι οι αδενοϊοί (34% των δειγμάτων βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους αδενοϊούς) και ακολουθούν οι εντεροϊοί (16,7% των δειγμάτων βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους εντεροϊούς). Αντίθετα, ο ιός της ηπατίτιδας Α (ποσοστό θετικών δειγμάτων = 4,34%), καθώς και οι ιοί Noro I (ποσοστό θετικών δειγμάτων = 2,1%) και Noro II (ποσοστό θετικών δειγμάτων = 1,47%%) εμφανίζονται σε μικρό ποσοστό δειγμάτων. Τέλος, 80 δείγματα (58%) βρέθηκαν θετικά (παρουσία πλακών βακτηριοφάγων) για τους σωματικούς κολιφάγους, με τον αριθμό των πλακών να κυμαίνεται από 71,4 έως 584800 pfp/100g, 52 δείγματα (37,7%) βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους F-specific RNA βακτηριοφάγους (αριθμός των πλακών από 76,2 έως 17051 p100g) και 33 δείγματα (24%) βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους βακτηριοφάγους του Bacteroides fragilis (αριθμός των πλακών από 194.5 έως 5266,25 pfp/100g). Τόσο για το βακτήριο E. coli όσο και για τους βακτηριοφάγους πραγματοποιήθηκαν διεργαστηριακές αναλύσεις προτύπων, οι οποίες οδήγησαν στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι αντίστοιχες μέθοδοι χαρακτηρίζονται ως αξιόπιστες. Η στατιστική ανάλυση έδειξε ότι το βακτήριο E. coli παρουσιάζει θετική συσχέτιση με τους σωματικούς κολιφάγους, αλλά δεν δείχνει στατιστικά σημαντική συσχέτιση ούτε με τους F-specific RNA βακτηριοφάγους, ούτε με κανέναν από τους ιούς εντερικής προέλευσης. Επίσης, θετική συσχέτιση παρουσίασαν οι αδενοϊοί με τους εντεροϊούς, καθώς και οι σωματικοί κολιφάγοι με τους βακτηριοφάγους του B. fragilis. Η μοναδική συσχέτιση μεταξύ ιών εντερικής προέλευσης και βακτηριοφάγων βρέθηκε για τους αδενοϊούς και τους βακτηριοφάγους του B. fragilis. Εάν αυτό επιβεβαιωθεί σε περαιτέρω μελέτες, τότε η συγκεκριμένη κατηγορία βακτηριοφάγων θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει έναν καλό δείκτη πρόβλεψης της παρουσίας αδενοϊών σε δείγματα οστρακοειδών. Επιπλέον μελετήθηκε η σχέση που μπορεί να υπάρχει μεταξύ των φυσικοχημικών παραμέτρων και των μικροοργανισμών που εξετάστηκαν. Η επεξεργασία αυτή οδήγησε στο συμπέρασμα ότι το βακτήριο E. coli ανιχνεύεται σε μεγαλύτερα ποσά όταν το διαλυμένο οξυγόνο και η περιεκτικότητα σε άλας του ύδατος είναι αυξημένα. Αντίθετα, αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας οδηγεί σε μείωση της ανίχνευσης του βακτηρίου. Επίσης, η περιεκτικότητα σε άλας φαίνεται να επηρεάζει θετικά και τον ιό της ηπατίτιδας Α, αν και ο μικρός αριθμός θετικών δειγμάτων γι’αυτόν τον ιό δεν μπορεί να επιτρέψει την εξαγωγή ασφαλών συμπερασμάτων. Το pH και το διαλυμένο οξυγόνο των υδάτων οδηγεί σε αύξηση της ανίχνευσης των βακτηριοφάγων του B. fragilis, χωρίς όμως να μπορούμε να ισχυριστούμε ότι κάτι τέτοιο ισχύει, λόγω του μικρού αριθμού θετικών δειγμάτων γι’αυτούς τους βακτηριοφάγους. Τέλος, η αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας των υδάτων φαίνεται να οδηγεί και σε αύξηση της παρουσίας των F-specific RNA βακτηριοφάγων, και το ίδιο παρατηρήθηκε και με την αύξηση του διαλυμένου οξυγόνου στο νερό. Η παρούσα μελέτη αποτελεί την πρώτη διεξοδική έρευνα για την ιογενή κοπρανώδη μόλυνση τον οστρακοειδών στην Ελλάδα. Επιπλέον, αντιπροσωπεύει την πρώτη μελέτη σχετικά με τη αποτελεσματικότητα των οργανισμών - δεικτών ιϊκής μόλυνσης, καθώς και για τη συσχέτιση της μικροβιολογικής επιβάρυνσης των οστρακοειδών με τις φυσικοχημικές παραμέτρους του περιβάλλοντος ύδατος. Η μελέτη κατάλληλων δεικτών που σχετίζονται με την παρουσία εντερικών ιών στα οστρακοειδή οδήγησε σε χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα για τη χρήση της ανίχνευσης των βακτηριοφάγων ως δεικτών ιϊκής μόλυνσης. Εντούτοις, απαιτείται περαιτέρω μελέτη προκειμένου να προσδιοριστεί και η χρήση των βακτηριοφάγων ως δεικτών που θα μαρτυρούν την προέλευση (ανθρώπινη ή ζωική) των εντερικών ιών που ανιχνεύονται στα οστρακοειδή. / In this doctorate investigation, important shellfish growing areas of Greece have been defined and studied. Oysters (Ostrea edulis) and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were obtained on a monthly basis over an 18 month sampling period. These samples were collected by six (6) different points of Greece and were analyzed for enteroviruses (EV), adenoviruses (Adv), virus of hepatitis A (HAV), Noro viruses I and II (NLVI and NLVII ), bacterium E. coli, as well as for somatic coliphages, F-sperific RNA bacteriophages and bacteriophages of B. fragilis. Moreover, methods were developed for the detection of pathogenic viruses of human origin in the shellfish, as well as for the detection of potential "viral indicators". The methods were examined in order to validate the good quality performance from all the laboratories via interlaboratory analyses. The method that used in this study for the detection of human enteric viruses in the shellfish is based on the export and homogenisation of digestive gland with glycine buffer at pH 10, viral nucleic acid extraction and amplification of the genomes of the analysed human viruses. The procedure applied for detection of E. coli consists on a five tube, three dilution most probable number (MPN) method, while the method for the detection of bacteriophages was the double-agar-layer method. For E. coli analysis, in a total number of 138 samples, 110 samples (79,7%) were found to belong in category A (MPN / 100 g of flesh = < 20 until 220), that it means these samples are characterized as samples of low pollution, 25 samples (18,1%) were found to belong in category B (MPN / 100 g of flesh = 220 until 3500), therefore are characterized as samples of intermediate pollution, inadequate to consumption without precedes process of cleansing, while only 3 samples (2,2%) were found to belong in category C (MPN / 100 g of flesh = 3500 until > 18000), that it means they are samples of high pollution. The viruses that are presented with higher frequency in the shellfish of Eastern Mediterranean are the adenoviruses (34% of samples were found positive for adenoviruses) and follow enteroviruses (16,7% samples they were found positive for enteroviruses). On the contrary, virus of hepatitis A (percentage of positive samples = 4,34%), as well as the Noro I viruses (percentage of positive samples = 2,1%) and Noro II viruses (percentage of positive samples = 1,47%%) are presented in small number of samples. Finally, 80 samples (58%) were found positive (presence of plaques of bacteriophages) for somatic coliphages, with the number of plaques between 71,4 and 584800 pfp / 100 g, 52 samples (37,7%) were found positive for F - specific RNA bacteriophages (number of plaques from 76,2 to 17051 pfp/ 100 g) and 33 samples (24 %) were found positive for the bacteriophages of B. fragilis (number of plaques from 194,5 to 5266,25 pfp / 100 g). Interlaboratory studies involved the testing of reference materials of E. coli and bacteriophages were used as part of the good quality performance assessment program to be applied all over the study, and led to the conclusion that the corresponding methods are characterized by good reliability. According to the statistical analysis of the results, the presence of E. coli seems to be significantly related with the presence of somatic coliphages. However, E. coli do not present significant statistical relation neither with F - specific RNA bacteriophages, nor with all of the viruses of intestinal origin. Also, adenoviruses were significantly related with enteroviruses, as well as somatic coliphages with the bacteriophages of B. fragilis. The unique significant relation between viruses of intestinal origin and bacteriophages was found for the adenoviruses and bacteriophages of B. fragilis. If this is confirmed in further studies, then this category of bacteriophages could constitute a good indicator of forecast of presence adenoviruses in samples of shellfish. Moreover, we studied the relation that can exist between the physic-chemical parameters and the micro-organisms that were examined. This analysis led to the conclusion that E. coli is detected in higher levels when the dissolved oxygen and the salinity of water are increased. On the contrary, increase of temperature leads to reduction of detection of E. coli. Also, the salinity appears to influence positively also virus of hepatitis A, even if the small number of positive samples of this virus cannot allow the export of sure conclusions. The pH and the dissolved oxygen of waters lead to increase of detection of bacteriophages of B. fragilis, but the small number of positive samples for these bacteriophages can’t give safe conclusions. Finally, the increase of temperature of waters appears to lead also to increase of presence of F - specific RNA of bacteriophages, and the same was also observed with the increase of dissolved oxygen in water. This study constitutes the first extensive research for the fecal viral pollution of shellfish in Greece. Moreover, it represents the first study with regard to the effectiveness viral indicators, as well as for the correlation of microbiological parameters of shellfish with the physical-chemical parameters of water. The study of suitable indicators that are related with the presence of enteric viruses in the shellfish led to useful conclusions on the use of detection of bacteriophages as indicators of viral pollution. Nevertheless, further study is required in order to determine also the use of bacteriophages as indicators that will testify the origin (human or animal) of the enteric viruses that are detected in the shellfish.

Emprego de microscopia de fluorescência para a quantificação microbiana em amostras salinas da indústria do petróleo / Use of fluorescence microscopy for microbial quantification in the saline samples of the petroleum industry

Denise da Piedade Silva 09 December 2010 (has links)
Os micro-organismos constituem um grande problema em termos econômicos para a indústria petrolífera. Estes são responsáveis pela produção de substâncias corrosivas e a formação de biofilmes, que causam deterioração dos materiais metálicos. Os principais grupos microbianos presentes em amostras ambientais da indústria do petróleo são as bactérias anaeróbias heterotróficas totais (BANHT) e as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS). Atualmente, a quantificação desses grupos microbianos é realizada através da técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) que estima o resultado em aproximadamente 28 dias. Neste trabalho foi otimizada uma metodologia para a microscopia de fluorescência de amostras salinas provenientes de tanques de armazenamento de água/óleo. As condições testadas foram o tipo de óleo de imersão, o tipo de diluente, o volume do corante, o volume da amostra corada e a concentração do fixador (glutaraldeído) numa tentativa de correlacionar com resultados de quantificação de BANHT e BRS através da técnica convencional do NMP. Nesse caso, as células totais foram quantificadas por microscopia de fluorescência utilizando o corante fluorescente laranja de acridina (AO). Verificou-se que houve uma correlação entre os resultados da quantificação de células totais por microscopia de fluorescência e os resultados de BANHT pela técnica do NMP, devido a pouca variação de valores expressos em ambas as quantificações. Entretanto, não foi possível correlacionar os resultados da quantificação de células totais com os resultados de BRS por NMP devido à grande variação dos valores de quantificação de BRS. Na microscopia de fluorescência, foi possível, quantificar os micro-organismos em aproximadamente 30 minutos e através das fotografias, verificou-se ainda que as amostras apresentaram-se nítidas e os micro-organismos com uma boa fluorescência / Microbial cells constitute a severe problem, from the economic point of view, for the petroleum industry. They are responsible for the production of corrosive metabolites and for the formation of biofilms, causing deterioration in the surface of metallic materials. The main microbial groups present in environmental samples from the petroleum industry include total anaerobic heterothrophic bacteria (TANHB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Nowadays, the quantification of those microbial groups is performed through the use of the most probable number technique (MPN), providing the final quantification after 28 days. In the present work a new methodology, based on fluorescence microscopy, was optimized on saline samples from water/oil storage tanks. The conditions tested were the type of immersion oil, type of diluent, the volume of the dye, the stained sample volume and concentration of fixative (glutaraldehyde) in order to quantify total cells, in an attempt to correlate with TANHB and SRB quantification through MPN. In that case, total cells were quantified with the help of acrydine orange as fluorescent dye. It could be observed a clear correlation between the results obtained for total cells quantification by fluorescence microscopy and the results obtained for TANHB through MPN technique, due to the negligible differences observed in both quantifications. However, when a correlation with SRB cells was tried results of total cells through fluorescence microscopy did not fit entirely. With the use of fluorescence microscopy, it was possible to quantify microbial cells in around 30 minutes and with the help of photographic reports obtained, it could be observed that the samples were clearly observed and the microbial cells indicated a good fluorescence

Socialt ansvarsfull offentlig upphandling : institutioner och faktorer för framgångsrik implementering / Socially responsible public procurement : Institutions and factors for successful implementation

Eriksson, Niklas H. January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera möjliga utfallspåverkande faktorer som möjliggör ett framgångsrikt implementerat utfall avseende social hänsyn i offentlig upphandling i en svensk kontext. Analysen och slutsatserna bygger på en jämförelse mellan två fall där utfallet utgör den gemensamma nämnaren. Underlaget till uppsatsen bygger primärt på intervjuer med tjänstemän och politiker i Sigtuna och i Örebro. De teoretiska analysverktygen som används i denna uppsats är hämtade från Rational choice- och Normativ institutionalism. Tre temafaktorer har använts för att kategorisera likheter och skillnader mellan fallen. Dessa är spelregler, preferenser och resurser. Resultatet visar på att fallen har fler möjliga utfallspåverkande faktorer gemensamma än de har utfallspåverkande faktorer som skiljer dem åt. En troligt viktig möjlig förklarande faktor ligger i att frågan om sociala krav har hanterats på ledningsnivå som en strategisk fråga, snarare än som en juridisk eller teknisk fråga. Fallen kan även förstås som att behovet av upphandling och behovet av sociala åtgärder har växt fram oberoende av varandra innan själva upphandlingsprocesserna och att det är genom aktörernas aktioner som upphandlingsfrågan och den sociala frågan har kombinerats. Dock rör det sig inte om en institutionell förändring som katalysator för implementeringen, utan snarare om inkrementell förändring i synen på offentlig upphandling som ett verktyg för social förändring. / The purpose of this thesis is to identify probable outcome influencing factors that enable a successful implemented outcome of social considerations in public procurement in a Swedish context. The analysis and conclusions are based on a comparison between two cases where the outcome is the common denominator. The empirical material for the thesis is primarily gathered from interviews with officials and politicians in Sigtuna and in Örebro municipalities. The theoretical tools used for analysis in this thesis are taken from Rational choice and Normative institutionalism. Three thematic factors have been used to categorize the similarities and differences between the cases: these are the rules of the game, preferences and resources. The result shows that the cases have more probable outcome influencing factors in common than they exhibit outcome influencing factors that set them apart. A likely important probable explanatory factor is to be found in the fact that the subject of social considerations was handled at a management / political level as a strategic issue, rather than as a legal or technical issue. The cases can also be understood in a manner which informs us that the need for procurement and the need for social action have evolved independently of each other and before the actual procurement processes. It is through the actors’ actions that the procurement issues and the social considerations have been combined into a common issue. However, the result does not indicate an institutional change as a catalyst for the implementation, but rather that the change in the perception of public procurement as a tool with social policy implication represents an incremental change within the existing institutions.

Storage of Pine Tree Substrate Influences Plant Growth, Nitrification, and Substrate Properties

Taylor, Linda Lea 05 December 2011 (has links)
Pine tree substrate (PTS) is a relatively new substrate for container crop production. There are no detailed studies that elucidate how storage time impacts PTS chemical, physical, and biological aspects. The objective of this research was to determine how PTS storage time influenced PTS chemical and physical properties, nitrification, and plant growth. Pine tree substrate was manufactured by hammer-milling chips of loblolly pine trees (Pinus taeda L.) through two screen sizes, 4.76 mm (PTS) and 15.9 mm amended with peat (PTSP). PTS and PTSP were amended with lime at five rates. A peat-perlite mix (PL) served as a control treatment. Prepared substrates were placed in storage bags and stored in an open shed in Blacksburg, Virginia. Subsamples were taken at 1, 42, 84, 168, 270, and 365 days. At each subsampling day, twelve 1-L containers were filled with each substrate. Six containers were left fallow and six were planted with marigold (Tagetes erecta L. "Inca Gold") seedlings. Substrate was also collected from select treatments for Most Probable Number assays to estimate density of nitrifying microorganisms, and for chemical and physical property analyses. Pour-through extracts were collected from fallow containers at 0, 2, and 4 weeks, and from marigold containers at harvest for determination of pH, electrical conductivity, ammonium-N and nitrate-N. At harvest, marigold height, width, and dry weight were measured. At least 1 kg·m-3 lime for PTS, and 2 to 4 kg·m-3 lime for PTSP were needed to maintain pH values ≥ 5.5 for 365 days. Bound acidity of unlimed PTS increased but cation exchange capacity for unlimed PTS and PTSP decreased over 365 days. Carbon to nitrogen ratio and bulk density values were unchanged over time in all treatments. There were minor changes in particle size distribution for limed PTS and unlimed and limed PTSP. Marigold growth in PTS and PTSP was ≥ PL in all limed treatments, except at day 1. Nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms were present and nitrification occurred in PTS and PTSP at all subsampling days. Pine tree substrate is relatively stable in storage, but pH decreases, and lime addition may be necessary to offset this decrease. / Ph. D.

Doodvonnis in Suid-Afrika : dinamiek van nie-teregstelling en afskaffing

Visser, Gerhardus 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Executions were discontinued during November 1989. In February 1990 the State President announced a moratorium on executions. Since 27 July 1990 the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1990 effected important changes to the substantive law and procedure regarding the death sentence. The "new" death sentence dispensation was applied by the courts and the moratorium would be lifted as soon as the new dispensation became effective. That never materialised. The death sentence issue was dealt with in a game of political compromise. Criminal law and the esteem of the Government suffered as a result. Judicial frustration and uncertainty developed regarding application of the death sentence. The opportunity was seized by the abolitionists to attain their ideal. The Constitutional Court declared the death sentence unconstitutional. Presently a final Constitution is being drafted which will probably finally do away with the death sentence. An effective process of denigration of the death sentence thus resulted from the moratorium on executions. / Teregstellings is gedurende November 1989 gestaak. Op 2 Februarie 1990 het die Staatspresident 'n moratorium op teregstellings afgekondig. Vanaf 27 Julie 1990 het die Strafregwysigingswet, 1990, belangrike verstellings aan die materiele en prosessuele reg met betrekking tot die doodvonnis gemaak. Die "nuwe" doodvonnisbedeling is deur die howe toegepas. Die moratorium sou opgehef word sodra die "nuwe bedeling" op dreef was. Dit het nie gebeur nie. 'n Spel van kornprornie-politiek random die doodvonniskwessie het horn afgespeel. Die strafregpleging en die Regering se aansien het daaronder gely. Regterlike frustrasie het posgevat en regsonsekerheid oar die toepassing van die doodvonnis het ontstaan. Die geleentheid is deur die afskaffers aangegryp om hul ideaal te verwesenlik. Die Konstitusionele Hof het die doodvonnis ongrondwetlik verklaar. Tans word 'n finale Grondwet geskryf wat waarskynlik die doodvonnis gaan afskaf. 'n Effektiewe proses van aftakeling van die doodvonnis het dus sedert die moratorium op teregstellings plaasgevind. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL. M.

Application of Remote Sensing in Floodway Delineation

Clark, Robin B. 20 April 1974 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1974 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 19-20, 1974, Flagstaff, Arizona / Population pressures on the land resources of Arizona have led to the sale and development of areas subject to flooding and because of the inadequacy of land use controls, the area is open to various land speculation schemes and unplanned subdivision growth. A floodplain delineation project was conducted for the planning department of Cochise County, Arizona, in which imagery acquired by earth resources technology satellite (ERT-1) and by high-altitude aircraft was employed. Parameters of the analysis included soils and geomorphology, vegetation, hydrologic calculations, and historical data. Floodplain soils lack developed b horizons, as compared to older, more mature soils not subject to flooding. General soil maps can only be used as guidelines, but a detailed soil survey can add significantly to the accuracy of image interpretations. Erosion-affected soil tones in areas adjacent to active channels proved beneficial in that the heightened contrast served to enhance resolution of vegetation-type boundaries. Hydrologic calculations were done based on valley cross-sections surveyed at two-to-three mile intervals. The historic data input into the system of floodplain delineation is dependent on the location of high-water marks and on obtaining a record of the amount of rainfall which resulted in the high-water mark.

Simulation of Summer Rainfall Occurrence in Arizona and New Mexico

Yakowitz, Sidney 16 April 1977 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1977 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 15-16, 1977, Las Vegas, Nevada / Thunderstorms produce most of the annual rainfall and almost all runoff from arid and semiarid rangelands in the southwest U.S. A model was developed to be used for predicting runoff in river basins, flood plane zonings, estimating flood damage, erosion, and sediment transport, and estimating precipitation available for forage growth. This rainfall occurrence model has three parameters: elevation, latitude and longitude, and takes into account rainfall occurrence in 22 stations located in Arizona and New Mexico. From these variables, mathematical equations were developed in an effort to predict point rainfall occurrence. Estimates of the number of seasonal occurrences were used as a check of the equations within the model.

Doodvonnis in Suid-Afrika : dinamiek van nie-teregstelling en afskaffing

Visser, Gerhardus 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Executions were discontinued during November 1989. In February 1990 the State President announced a moratorium on executions. Since 27 July 1990 the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1990 effected important changes to the substantive law and procedure regarding the death sentence. The "new" death sentence dispensation was applied by the courts and the moratorium would be lifted as soon as the new dispensation became effective. That never materialised. The death sentence issue was dealt with in a game of political compromise. Criminal law and the esteem of the Government suffered as a result. Judicial frustration and uncertainty developed regarding application of the death sentence. The opportunity was seized by the abolitionists to attain their ideal. The Constitutional Court declared the death sentence unconstitutional. Presently a final Constitution is being drafted which will probably finally do away with the death sentence. An effective process of denigration of the death sentence thus resulted from the moratorium on executions. / Teregstellings is gedurende November 1989 gestaak. Op 2 Februarie 1990 het die Staatspresident 'n moratorium op teregstellings afgekondig. Vanaf 27 Julie 1990 het die Strafregwysigingswet, 1990, belangrike verstellings aan die materiele en prosessuele reg met betrekking tot die doodvonnis gemaak. Die "nuwe" doodvonnisbedeling is deur die howe toegepas. Die moratorium sou opgehef word sodra die "nuwe bedeling" op dreef was. Dit het nie gebeur nie. 'n Spel van kornprornie-politiek random die doodvonniskwessie het horn afgespeel. Die strafregpleging en die Regering se aansien het daaronder gely. Regterlike frustrasie het posgevat en regsonsekerheid oar die toepassing van die doodvonnis het ontstaan. Die geleentheid is deur die afskaffers aangegryp om hul ideaal te verwesenlik. Die Konstitusionele Hof het die doodvonnis ongrondwetlik verklaar. Tans word 'n finale Grondwet geskryf wat waarskynlik die doodvonnis gaan afskaf. 'n Effektiewe proses van aftakeling van die doodvonnis het dus sedert die moratorium op teregstellings plaasgevind. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. M.

Metodika zabezpečování optimální přesnosti měření v souladu s metrologickou konfirmací / The Optimal Accuracy of Measurement Assurance in Accordance with Metrological Confirmation

Frank, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of accuracy of measurement and achieving the required accuracy level. This includes global analysis of the uncertainty evaluation, the calibration interval design and the creation of confirmation system. Basis of this work is in identification of all possible problems, which may occur during evaluation of accuracy and achieving the required accuracy level. The analysis is followed by suggested solutions for identified problems. It means namely the selection of probability distribution in case of uncertainty type A, evaluation of degrees of freedom in case of uncertainty type B, nonlinear correlation of input values, evaluation of coverage factor, the choice of method for calibration interval design and the procedure for meeting all metrological confirmation requirements. The last part of the thesis is practical measurement and result evaluation in the field of surge protection devices. This chapter demonstrates conclusions from the syntactical part.

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