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Användandet av RPA-verktyg : En studie om hur medarbetarnas förväntningar inför ett införande påverkar RPA användningen / The use of RPA tools : A study of how the staff's pre-implementation of RPA, effetcs the use of the toolAnderson, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera vilka uppfattningar som har identifierats efter införandet av RPA i förhållande till de förväntningar som fanns hos medarbetarna. För att undersöka det har följande frågeställning utformats; vilka skillnader, om några, finns mellan medarbetarnas uppfattningar efter införandet och deras förväntningar före? Vilka uppfattningar har medarbetarna om RPA-s nytta? och vilka lärdomar kan man ta med sig till framtida RPA-projekt? Undersökningen gjordes genom en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod där det förekom att undersökningsdeltagarna fick svara på formulär som sedan följdes upp med en form av diskussion med personen i fråga. Intervjufrågorna är byggda på den analysmodell som är gjord utifrån den litteratur som ligger till grund för mitt arbete. I undersökningen deltog det fem personer som på något sätt kommer i regelbunden kontakt med RPA på sin arbetsplats. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna, inför införandet, var positiva till att RPA skulle införas, men också att de var positiva till RPA efter införandet. Resultatet visar också att undersökningsdeltagarna ser värdet i att använda RPA. Slutsatserna från undersökningen visar att de förväntningarna som medarbetarna har på RPA, inte har förändrats efter att RPA har införts. Undersökningsdeltagarna var positiva före införandet och efter införandet är de fortsatt positiva. En annan slutsats visar att undersökningsdeltagarnas uppfattningar om RPA är positiva. Undersökningsdeltagarna ser att RPA tar bort en viss arbetsbelastning. Den sista slutsatsen visar att tydlig och bra information från ledningen och att användarmedverkan krävs för att lyckas bra med kommande projekt
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Análise da aplicabilidade de um sistema ERP no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. / Analysis of the applicability of one ERP system in product development process.Zancul, Eduardo de Senzi 04 August 2000 (has links)
O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos geralmente não tem sido considerado na implantação de sistemas ERP. No entanto, devido ao aumento da abrangência dos ERPs com a inclusão de novas funcionalidades, e devido à importância desses sistemas para a integração dos processos de negócio, muitas empresas passam a considerar a sua utilização para apoiar as atividades e gerenciar as informações de desenvolvimento de produtos. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise abrangente e detalhada da aplicabilidade de um sistema ERP no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Tal análise é subdividida em três fases. Inicialmente, é realizado um estudo exploratório da aplicabilidade do sistema ERP em um processo específico de desenvolvimento de produtos representado por um modelo de referência. Em seguida, é executado um estudo descritivo de uma aplicação piloto do ERP em um ambiente de desenvolvimento de produtos. Por fim, são realizado estudos de caso para caracterizar a utilização do ERP no desenvolvimento de produtos de três empresas. / Product development process has not been considered within ERP systems implementation projects. However, due to the widening of ERP systems scope, with the inclusion of new functionalities, and due to the actual importance of these systems to business process integration, many industries are considering applying ERP systems to support product development activities and to manage product development information. This research presents an extended and detailed analysis of the applicability of one ERP system in product development process. The analysis is divided in three phases: first, an exploratory study is conducted in order to verify the applicability of the ERP system in a specific product development process represented by a reference model. Second, a descriptive study of a pilot application of the ERP system in a product development environment is presented; and finally, three case studies about the use of the ERP system in product development process are discussed.
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Process Innovation as Creative Problem-Solving: An Experimental Study of Textual Descriptions and DiagramsFigl, Kathrin, Recker, Jan January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The use of process models to support business analysts' idea-generation tasks has been a long-standing topic of interest in process improvement. We examine how two types of representations of organizational processes - textual and diagrammatic - assist analysts in developing innovative solutions to process-redesign tasks. The results of our study clarify the types of process-redesign ideas generated by analysts who work with text versus those who work with models. We find that the volume and originality of process-redesign ideas do not differ significantly but that appropriateness of ideas varies. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice in process improvement.
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Från system till process : kriterier för processbestämning vid verksamhetsanalysLind, Mikael January 2001 (has links)
I samband med systemutveckling och annat förändringarbete finns det behov av att göra en verksamhetsanalys för att utveckla kunskap om nuvarande och framtida verksamhet. Verksamheter är komplexa och ofta svåröverblickbara företeelser. För att hantera problemet med att skapa överblick bygger flera ansatser för verksamhetsanalys på Langefors teori om oöverblickbara system, vilken syftar till att reducera komplexitet genom att dela in verksamheter i olika nivåer av delsystem. Tillämpningen av denna teori resulterar ofta i ett fokus på verksamhetens organisatioriska funktioner och därmed ett alltför otillräckligt fokus på dem som verksamheten finns till för. Under 90-talet har ett antal processorienterade ansatser för verksamhetsutveckling lanserats som istället sätter kunden i fokus. Dessa ansatser bygger på en horisontell och flödesorienterad syn, där verksamheter betraktas som bestående av sekventiella delprocesser som transformerar input till output. Exempel på sådana ansatser finns inom Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management och Process Management. Problemet med att dela in verksamheter i delar återkommer även inom processorienterade ansatser. Det saknas kriterier för processbestämning, dvs grunder för att avgränsa och indela verksamhetsprocesser. En annan syn på process, vilket är en reaktion mot denna transormationsorientering, är den kommunikationsorienterade i vilken etablering, fullföljande och avslutning av åtaganden genom relatering av kommunikationshandlingar istället fokuseras. Enligt den kommunikationsorienterade synen på process betraktas aktörers kommunikationshandlingar inom och mellan organisationer som det essentiella, vilket leder till att transformationsaspekter undertrycks. I avhandlingen har grunder och arbetsstätt för processbestämning utvecklats. Detta har gjorts genom att tillämpa en teoridriven, induktiv och modelleringsbaserad forskningsansats. Kunskapsutvecklingen baseras empiriskt på processbestämningar genomförda i 13 verksamheter. Avhandlingens kunskapsbidrag är bland annat ett vidareutvecklat processbegrepp, vilket utvecklas genom en dialektisk ansats där motsättningarna mellan den transformationsorienterade och den kommunkationsorienterade synen på process övergryggas. Med utgångspunkt i det vidareutvecklade processbegreppet har sedan kriterier för processbestämning genererats, där produkter och aktörsrelationer identifierats som viktiga klasser för kriterier. Dessutom har avhandlingen resulterat i angreppssätt och arbetssätt för processbestämning, den sk teorin om oöverblickbara verksamhetssystem. Denna teori bygger på en annan dialektik och utgör en kunskapssyntes. Motsättningar överbryggas mellan systemtänkandet för indelning av verksamheter i delsystem och det rådande processtänkandet för att betrakta verksamheten som bestående av olika processer (huvudprocesser, delprocesser och aktiviteter). Att genomföra en verksamhetsanalys genom här föreslagen processbestämning innebär att kunskap om olika helheter med dess delar kan utvecklas. Dessa helheter och delar benämns processtyp, variantprocess, delprocess och social handling. Denna avhandling bidrar med kunskap om hur verksamheter kan uppfattas, avgränsas och indelas, i samband med processorienterad verksamhetsanalys.
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The study of business model on STN LCD industry¡XCase study on E companyHUANG, Mao-hsiung 07 August 2007 (has links)
Due to the impact of active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD), twisted nematic (TN)/super-twisted nematic display (STN) industry confronts the market recession worldwide. Therefore, STN-LCD companies try to seek another development opportunity positively. However, developing new market can not be achieved in the short term. Some corporations actively strengthen their competitive advantage by technical innovation in order to possess more important position in the industry.
This research apply case study method and chose E-Company as sample company who ranked the third in Taiwan STN-LCD industry in terms of production capacity to find out the business model of E-Company through literature generalization, strategies analysis of rivals and enterprise interview.
This study found that the business model of E-Company is that strengthening the ability of horizontal integration and expanding the application field of display. By way of business process reengineering (BPR) and implementing product life-cycle management (PLM) system, E-Company integrates the products of downstream customers and offers technical support and services during concept planning phase of product development. Customers and suppliers can early involve the product development and reduce the cost of design change via collaborative design. Besides, collaborative design offers E-Company the capability to integrate the design chain information about product development and reduce time to market.
Key word: Business Model, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Product Life-cycle Management (PLM), Collaborative Product Design (CPD)
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Research of Processes Reengineering View for Local Government Transfer Direction---A Case Study of Kaohsiung City GovernmentKao, Chiu-Ting 29 August 2003 (has links)
The conception of government programs to be transferred in public services is the common key processes among the hierarchal government of Taiwan. This research chooses Kaohsiung City Government as the case study. By using the method of processes modeling IDEF0 (Function Modeling) of IDEF Integrated Definition for Function Modeling of manufacturing industry, the paper analyses the hierarchal structure of the case. By adopting the concept of functional process of IDEF3 (Process Description Capture), it describes the structures of various hierarchies and processes.By using business process concepts of organization view, function view and control view of ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information System) ¡Athe paper describes the process components.
The research¡¦s structured concept by method of processes modeling IDEF and ARIS, as well as the expression in chart and diagram language to reveal the difficult points of problems, integrate every communication views of cross professionals. Having made deep interviews with the critical persons of every case processes, the paper come to understand the problems while practicing the integrated processes of ¡§medium and long-term programs¡¨ , ¡§annual preliminary programs ¡¨ ,¡§annual administrative outlines and programs¡¨ , ¡§annual budget¡¨ , ¡§annual implement and evaluation of programs¡¨ , ¡§performance assessment,¡¨ etc.
Referring to the e-government and network government of United States and Singapore, adopting their actions and strategic concepts, meeting the environmental context and the new competition standards --- ¡§time¡¨ and ¡§knowledge¡¨, the case of Kaohsiung City Government can be transferred its weaked structure to competitive superiorities. This research investigates the space and direction for local governments of key process reengineering ,and be transferred in related factors and structural functions of process reengineering. This is a basic research for local governments reengineering of Taiwan.
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A Study of Integrating Business Process and Core Competence to Improve the Competitive Advantages for the Steel IndustryChung, Kuo-an 10 September 2004 (has links)
¡@¡@Since 1990s, rapidly changing business environments such as information technology advancements and global logistical competitions have brought enterprises many challenges. Recently, due to its rapid economic grow, China has become a ¡§world factory¡¨ but it will also cause the steel industry to face the problem of sterner challenges and crises for coping the huge steel demand. Most enterprises may make efforts to retain their competency and keep abreast of market status through so-called business process reengineering (BPR). Under such circumstances, it becomes very important for steel industry to integrate their business process and core competence to improve the competitive advantages.
¡@¡@Through literature review, in-depth interviews with experts and implementing experience of BPR project in steel plant, a reference model was developed to examine the core competence and facilitate the BPR. Some cases from domestic and oversea steel companies with successful experience in BPR project have been studied for validation of the model. And the result shows that this validated model can be used for the steel industry to implement their BPR projects.
¡@¡@In this study, it is also indicated that the core competence, composed of managerial system, physical system, skill and values of behavior, is very crucial to successfully fulfill the business process reengineering. The BPR project needs CEO¡¦s full support. The practical technical system and the skill of employees may speed up to build and maintain the new process. However if the new system is deemed to likely violate the rights and interests of employees, they may resist to reform. Therefore the learning organization in managerial system should guide the employees and communicate occasionally with their employees and with forming a value and a paradigm of common behavior in the company, the BPR could be actually carried out.
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The Design and Implementation of a Business Process AnalyzerYu, Chia-ping 21 May 2000 (has links)
Business process reengineering (BPR) has been considered as one of the key approaches to increasing the competitive edge of many modern enterprises. Many big enterprises have taken diversified degree of reengineering to their business processes. The importance of understanding the existing business processes and evaluating the new business processes before they are actually deployed is commonly recognized. Without careful examination of the existing and new business processes, the change in business process.
In this research, we look into the business process analysis issues under the scope of BPR. We first examine various models for business processes. As each model is invented with a purpose, e.g., for identifying the critical path in a factory manufacturing environment, for automating workflow in an office environment, etc., they may not be completely suitable for business process analysis. We try to identify the requirements of business process analysis and propose a model to meet these requirements. We finally design and implement a business process analyzer. This business process analyzer use our proposed business process model and is able to answer the queries from the BPR team expressed by our proposed query language.
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A Study of Value Analysis/Value Engineering for the Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Industry-Taking ACME Company as ExampleYang, Chin-Wen 12 August 2002 (has links)
It starts to use Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VA/VE) in USA, but it is enhanced & glorified in Japan. It¡¦s obvious that VA/VE has contributed to adding profit for the past 50 years. Not only VA/VE, Industry Engineering (IE) and Quality Control (QC) are called as the three main management technologies of business, but also VA/VE is considered an efficient instrument of reducing cost. VA/VE is introduced to Mainland China later than Taiwan, but the achievements in Mainland China are more brilliant than Taiwan.
It has introduced VA/VE to Taiwan for 30 years. It is popular to be utilized in Construction Industry and the Construction Engineering of Government, but most of small and middle size enterprises are not active in introducing VA/VE. It is to be regretted. It had found most of the issued cases for VA/VE are subjected to construction engineering. There are just few cases subjected in other industries. And the related papers focus on discussing the construction industry, it is hard to find discussing in other provinces especially in target costing, purchasing, service, business process and value chain. They just existed the theories, but lacked of real issuing from VA/VE. It found the theories just emphasize the individual flow. They didn't associate with the whole value chain and lack of combining with other reducing cost methods. They often fail in popularizing VA/VE, because they can't catch the key successful factors adequately.
For the above reason, the study reviews the regarded papers, and regulates the references to find the comparison of carrying out situation in the world. Then it will direct to study the application and development of VA/VE in the Taiwan transportation industry. Firstly, it will examine the achievement of pushing VA/VE in the study case of individual company. Then, it will indicate the key successful factors and the future perspectives of VA/VE action from the experience. Finally, it will provide conclusion and suggestion in the end of this study. It will supply the company in every industry a whole and systematic basis of developing VA/VE no matter what new product developed in certain or full stages.
This study will show the following results:
1. You can find the theory and method of using VA/VE in transportation industry from this study especially in target costing, customer satisfaction, service, business process reengineering and value chain. If you can use VA/VE well, you will promote the effect of cost reduction. You can find VA/VE has provided a popular measurement and method in this study and make the customer value connect to competitive strategy, product design, product manufacture and supplier procedure. You can combine VA/VE with other methods, for example target costing, tear down, business process reengineering etc, to make more value of customer and less cost of manufacture.
2. This study provides a whole real company case to show VA/VE effect. It can give the other companies for reference when they want to use VA/VE. It will reduce the groping time and error risk.
3. This study provides a VA/VE management structure and a management cycle in pushing VA/VE for the transportation vehicle industry, in order to ensure that every procedure can be carried out and obtain expected effect.
4. This study has summed up 10 key successful ways and future perspectives from the case study in pushing VA/VE. It will give the other companies for reference in promoting the VA/VE effect and opportunity of success. The main purpose is what we want to remind all the Taiwan industries to concern about "Value Management" that has been a new trend of the world.
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En objektorienterad tillämpning inom Business Process ReengineeringStrand, Mattias January 1999 (has links)
<p>Utvecklingen inom IT-området har under de senaste åren varit explosionsartad. Allt fler branscher har börjat att leta efter nya sätt att tillämpa de olika framsteg som skett inom området</p><p>Detta arbete behandlar en kombinerad litteraturstudie och intervjuundersökning kring objektorientering och Business Process Reengineering. Problemställningen för detta arbete har varit:</p><p>- På vilka sätt kan objektorientering tillämpas för att utveckla de synsätt och de metoder som används inom Business Process Reengineering</p><p>Syftet med arbetet var att hitta ett antal generella tillämpningsområden utifrån problemställningen, samt att hitta ett antal fördelar, som dessa generella tillämpningar skulle kunna medföra.</p><p>Resultatet av detta arbete visar att det finns områden inom Business Process Reengineering, där en objektorienterad tillämpning skulle kunna medför stora fördelar. Som exempel på detta kan nämnas förbättrade möjligheter att skapa och anpassa de informationssystem som skall stötta verksamhetsprocesserna. Även möjligheterna att skapa dynamiska metoder, där varje metodsteg utgörs av färdiga moduler som sedan kombineras, bör nämnas som en fördel.</p>
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