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Transboundary conservation - towards an institutional framework for integrated management : a case study of the Ndumo-Tembe-Futi transfrontier conservation area.Blok, Robert Edmund. January 2005 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.
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Núcleos transicionais na região de A=130 / Transitional Nuclei in the region of A = 130Marcia de Almeida Rizzutto 21 January 1994 (has links)
Com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento da estrutura dos núcleos duplamente ímpares da região de massa A = 130- 140, foram medidos os estados de spin elevado do ANTIPOT. 138 Pr, que se aproxima da camada fechada N = 82, através de técnicas de espectroscopia y em linha utilizando a reação ANTPOT. 128 Te (ANTIPOT. 14 N,4ny). Pela primeira vez, três bandas rotacionais foram observadas neste núcleo. Uma análise teórica da sistemática desta região foi feita com base nos modelos de \"Cranking Shell Model\" e \"Projected Shell Model\". De um modo geral, uma boa concordância foi obtida entre os resultados experimentais e teóricos. O primeiro modelo indica a coexistência de formas no ANTIPOT. 138 Pr (N=79}, enquanto o segundo sugere forma unicamente oblata. Por outro lado, os dois modelos prevêm uma transição de forma de prolato (N = 73) para oblato (N = 79) passando por uma região de triaxialidade em torno de N = 77. / With the view of extending the systematics of the odd-odd, A = 130 - 140 mass region nuclei towards the N =82 closed shell, high spin states in 138Pr nucleus have been investigated with the 128 Te(l4N,4n7) reaction, using on-line 7-ray spectroscopy techniques. For the first time three rotational bands were observed in this nucleus. A theoretical analysis of the mass region A = 130 - 140 was carried out with the Cranking Shell Model and the Projected Shell Model. Generally speaking, a good agreement was obtained between the experimental and the theoretical results. The first model indicates a shape coexistence in the 138 Pr (N =79) nucleus, while the second one shows an oblate shape. On the other hand, both models suggest a shape transition from prolate (N=73) to oblate (N=79) passing through a triaxial region around N=77.
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編定工業區開發模式之研究 / The research of projected industrial site development mode黃明芳, Huang, Ming Fang Unknown Date (has links)
透過上述工業區開發配套措施,除有益於開發商參與工業區開發,及減少民眾抗爭之衝突成本,使得開發順利外,尚可降低搜尋成本、協商成本,及時間成本等,達成降低編定工業區開發交易成本之目的,提昇工業區開發之效率。 / The development of industrial sites in Taiwan has been carried out continuously for nearly 50 years. In 1995, the central government made a decision that they no longer played an active role in developing industrial sites, and thereafter, the task was taken over by local governments as well as host industrialists. The literature that recorded such development shows that some host industrialists encountered difficulty in developing large-scale industrial sites, and also it was difficult to find developers. The problem of the former was caused by the difficulty in looking for large area of land, which was a problem of development entity, and the problem of the latter was caused by no budget arranged by the government, which was a problem of development mode. Thus, in this text, it is considered that a study on “the Development Mode of Projected Industrial Sites” has become essential.
The purpose of this study is to explore the subject of fund raising in the process of industrial site development, from the stage of its planning up to its accomplishment, which goes through (1) the theory of market and government: to discuss and verify entity and quantity variation in industrial site development. (2) the discussion about similarities and dissimilarities in transaction cost, agent cost, and conflict cost emerging in the process of development. (3) the analysis and research of transaction cost of development mode through relative literature, legal aspect, and practical aspect, as well as interviewing personnel who took take part in the actual development of industrial sites in order to find out potential problems.
As a result of research, it is deemed that the transaction cost in developing industrial sites is lowest when executed by a local government as it holds civic rights and administrative resources, so that turns out to be the best mode in projected industrial site development. It is therefore proposed in this study that when developing projected industrial sites, following measures should be taken: (1) budget planned by the government (2) execution of consolidated development contract for both public and private projects (3) introduction of real estate appraiser system (4) introduction of bank loan system (5) adoption of advance booking for selling and purchasing premises in industrial sites.
By taking above supplementary measures for developing industrial sites, the benefits include encouraging developers’ involvement in developing industrial sites, reducing conflict cost arose by mob protest so as to facilitate development process, and further lowering searching cost, negotiation cost, time cost etc. As a result, the purpose of reducing transaction cost of developing projected industrial sites can be achieved, and the efficiency of such development can be elevated.
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Développement de méthodes d'analyse de données en ligne / Development of methods to analyze data steamsBar, Romain 29 November 2013 (has links)
On suppose que des vecteurs de données de grande dimension arrivant en ligne sont des observations indépendantes d'un vecteur aléatoire. Dans le second chapitre, ce dernier, noté Z, est partitionné en deux vecteurs R et S et les observations sont supposées identiquement distribuées. On définit alors une méthode récursive d'estimation séquentielle des r premiers facteurs de l'ACP projetée de R par rapport à S. On étudie ensuite le cas particulier de l'analyse canonique, puis de l'analyse factorielle discriminante et enfin de l'analyse factorielle des correspondances. Dans chacun de ces cas, on définit plusieurs processus spécifiques à l'analyse envisagée. Dans le troisième chapitre, on suppose que l'espérance En du vecteur aléatoire Zn dont sont issues les observations varie dans le temps. On note Rn = Zn - En et on suppose que les vecteurs Rn forment un échantillon indépendant et identiquement distribué d'un vecteur aléatoire R. On définit plusieurs processus d'approximation stochastique pour estimer des vecteurs directeurs des axes principaux d'une analyse en composantes principales (ACP) partielle de R. On applique ensuite ce résultat au cas particulier de l'analyse canonique généralisée (ACG) partielle après avoir défini un processus d'approximation stochastique de type Robbins-Monro de l'inverse d'une matrice de covariance. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on considère le cas où à la fois l'espérance et la matrice de covariance de Zn varient dans le temps. On donne finalement des résultats de simulation dans le chapitre 5 / High dimensional data are supposed to be independent on-line observations of a random vector. In the second chapter, the latter is denoted by Z and sliced into two random vectors R et S and data are supposed to be identically distributed. A recursive method of sequential estimation of the factors of the projected PCA of R with respect to S is defined. Next, some particular cases are investigated : canonical correlation analysis, canonical discriminant analysis and canonical correspondence analysis ; in each case, several specific methods for the estimation of the factors are proposed. In the third chapter, data are observations of the random vector Zn whose expectation En varies with time. Let Rn = Zn - En be and suppose that the vectors Rn form an independent and identically distributed sample of a random vector R. Stochastic approximation processes are used to estimate on-line direction vectors of the principal axes of a partial principal components analysis (PCA) of ~Z. This is applied next to the particular case of a partial generalized canonical correlation analysis (gCCA) after defining a stochastic approximation process of the Robbins-Monro type to estimate recursively the inverse of a covariance matrix. In the fourth chapter, the case when both expectation and covariance matrix of Zn vary with time n is considered. Finally, simulation results are given in chapter 5
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Le relogement à Annaba : un paradoxe entre normes, politiques d'aménagement et réalités urbaines / Relocation to Annaba : a paradox between norms, planning policies and urban realitiesOuzerdine, Amir 05 November 2018 (has links)
La ville algérienne subit depuis ces dernières décennies de profondes transformations de ses territoires suite à une urbanisation galopante, une mobilité croissante, une recomposition socio-spatiale et une diversification des enjeux collectifs et individuels. La recomposition de ces territoires urbains, centraux et périphériques, est soumise à des normes d’habitation et à des règles d’urbanisme, qui ont une dimension universelle et qui s’appliquent à l’ensemble des tissus urbains. Ces normes et ces règles visent à la réalisation d’une part, de lotissements d’habitat individuel et d’autre part de zones d’habitat collectif pour répondre à une crise de logement et reloger les habitants des tissus précaires et informels. Cependant, Il ne semble pas exister dans les textes réglementaires, ni dans les aménagements proposés, de volonté de prendre en compte les particularités urbaines, or la plus part des grandes villes algériennes possèdent des tissus urbains particuliers dont la morphologie, la typologie et les pratiques ne se conforment pas à celle du lotissement ou des ensembles collectifs. Pire encore le processus et les opérations de relogement évoluent sans concertations entre les différents acteurs du projet. L’exemple de la ville de Annaba a permis à la fois de prendre "à revers" les projets de relogement des aménageurs ainsi que les idéaux qu’ils véhiculent et de révéler le décalage entre les représentations des relogeurs et des relogés (publiques et sociales). Ceci est lié essentiellement à un climat d’ignorance et de méfiance mutuelle. La collaboration entre ces deux acteurs reste très restreinte. Les causes sont multiples et seraient à l’origine de l’image actuelle (dévalorisée) de la ville et des expressions spatiales et sociales souvent à l’opposé du projet urbain de base. La nature des relogements effectués, d’un habitat traditionnel précaire avec ses règles d’usage codifiées et assimilées, à un habitat social de type collectif standard, peut provoquer des réactions problématiques sur le plan social (rapport de voisinage) et/ou sur le plan spatial (détournement des espaces publics, délimitation des espaces privés). Changeant d’horizon spatial, parfois social, ces citadins reformulent leurs manières de voir la ville, mais détournent une opération d’urbanisme unilatéralement échafaudée par les aménageurs. Derrière toute cette expression architecturale et/ou urbaine, individuelle et/ou collective, sous forme de réponse spatiale et/ou sociale, se cache les particularités d’un tissu traditionnel qui perd de son efficacité, de son apport, ainsi que son identité. Les habitants essaient de reproduire (reformuler) certaines pratiques essentiellement issues de la médina traditionnelle, autrefois centre de vie sociale important. Reste à savoir les conséquences de ces nouvelles formes de réponses sociales et spatiales sur les nouveaux aménagements et leurs aspects urbains. / In recent decades, the Algerian city has undergone profound transformations of its territory territories following a rampant urbanization, a growing mobility, a socio-spatial recomposition and a diversification of the collective and individual stakes. The recomposition of these urban, central and peripheral territories is subject to housing standards and urban planning rules, which have a universal dimension and apply to all urban fabrics. These norms and rules are aimed at the realization of a share of individual housing estates and other areas of collective housing to respond to a housing crisis and relocate the inhabitants of old unhealthy and degraded fabrics. However, it does not seem to exist in the regulatory texts, or in the proposed developments, willingness to take into account the urban particularities, but most of the major Algerian cities have particular urban fabrics whose morphology, typology and practices do not conform to subdivision or collective sets. Worse still, the process and the relocation operations evolve without any consultation between the different actors of the project. The example of the city of Annaba has made it possible at the same time to "reverse" the relocation plans of developers and the ideals they convey and to reveal the gap between the representations of relocators and relocated. This is essentially linked to a climate of ignorance and mutual mistrust. The collaboration between these two actors remains very limited. The causes are multiple and would be at the origin of the current (devalued) image of the city and the spatial and social expressions often opposite to the basic urban project. The nature of the relocations carried out, from a traditional urban housing with its codified and assimilated rules of use, to a standard collective type of housing, can provoke problematic reactions on the social level (neighborhood report) and / or on the spatial (appropriation of public spaces, delimitation of private spaces). Changing their spatial horizon, sometimes social, these townspeople reformulate their ways of seeing the city, but divert an operation of urbanism unilaterally scaffolded by the developers. Behind all this architectural expression and / or urban, individual and / or collective, in the form of spatial and / or social response, lies the peculiarities of a traditional fabric that loses its effectiveness, its contribution, as well as its identity. The inhabitants try to reproduce (reformulate) certain practices essentially coming from the traditional medina, other times center of social life important. It remains to be seen what impact these new forms of social and spatial responses will have on new developments and their urban aspects.
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Tópicos em otimização com restrições lineares / Topics on linearly-constrained optimizationAndretta, Marina 24 July 2008 (has links)
Métodos do tipo Lagrangiano Aumentado são muito utilizados para minimização de funções sujeitas a restrições gerais. Nestes métodos, podemos separar o conjunto de restrições em dois grupos: restrições fáceis e restrições difíceis. Dizemos que uma restrição é fácil se existe um algoritmo disponível e eficiente para resolver problemas restritos a este tipo de restrição. Caso contrário, dizemos que a restrição é difícil. Métodos do tipo Lagrangiano aumentado resolvem, a cada iteração, problemas sujeitos às restrições fáceis, penalizando as restrições difíceis. Problemas de minimização com restrições lineares aparecem com freqüência, muitas vezes como resultados da aproximação de problemas com restrições gerais. Este tipo de problema surge também como subproblema de métodos do tipo Lagrangiano aumentado. Assim, uma implementação eficiente para resolver problemas com restrições lineares é relevante para a implementação eficiente de métodos para resolução de problemas de programação não-linear. Neste trabalho, começamos considerando fáceis as restrições de caixa. Introduzimos BETRA-ESPARSO, uma versão de BETRA para problemas de grande porte. BETRA é um método de restrições ativas que utiliza regiões de confiança para minimização em cada face e gradiente espectral projetado para sair das faces. Utilizamos BETRA (denso ou esparso) na resolução dos subproblemas que surgem a cada iteração de ALGENCAN (um método de lagrangiano aumentado). Para decidir qual algoritmo utilizar para resolver cada subproblema, desenvolvemos regras que escolhem um método para resolver o subproblema de acordo com suas características. Em seguida, introduzimos dois algoritmos de restrições ativas desenvolvidos para resolver problemas com restrições lineares (BETRALIN e GENLIN). Estes algoritmos utilizam, a cada iteração, o método do Gradiente Espectral Projetado Parcial quando decidem mudar o conjunto de restrições ativas. O método do gradiente Espectral Projetado Parcial foi desenvolvido especialmente para este propósito. Neste método, as projeções são computadas apenas em um subconjunto das restrições, com o intuito de torná-las mais eficientes. Por fim, tendo introduzido um método para minimização com restrições lineares, consideramos como fáceis as restrições lineares. Incorporamos BETRALIN e GENLIN ao arcabouço de Lagrangianos aumentados e verificamos experimentalmente a eficiência e eficácia destes métodos que trabalham explicitamente com restrições lineares e penalizam as demais. / Augmented Lagrangian methods are widely used to solve general nonlinear programming problems. In these methods, one can split the set of constraints in two groups: the set of easy and hard constraints. A constraint is called easy if there is an efficient method available to solve problems subject to that kind of constraint. Otherwise, the constraints are called hard. Augmented Lagrangian methods solve, at each iteration, problems subject to the set of easy constraints while penalizing the set of hard constraints. Linearly constrained problems appear frequently, sometimes as a result of a linear approximation of a problem, sometimes as an augmented Lagrangian subproblem. Therefore, an efficient method to solve linearly constrained problems is important for the implementation of efficient methods to solve nonlinear programming problems. In this thesis, we begin by considering box constraints as the set of easy constraints. We introduce a version of BETRA to solve large scale problems. BETRA is an active-set method that uses a trust-region strategy to work within the faces and spectral projected gradient to leave the faces. To solve each iteration\'s subproblem of ALGENCAN (an augmented Lagrangian method) we use either the dense or the sparse version of BETRA. We develope rules to decide which box-constrained inner solver should be used at each augmented Lagrangian iteration that considers the main characteristics of the problem to be solved. Then, we introduce two active-set methods to solve linearly constrained problems (BETRALIN and GENLIN). These methods use Partial Spectral Projected Gradient method to change the active set of constraints. The Partial Spectral Projected Gradient method was developed specially for this purpose. It computes projections onto a subset of the linear constraints, aiming to make the projections more efficient. At last, having introduced a linearly-constrained solver, we consider the set of linear constraints as the set of easy constraints. We use BETRALIN and GENLIN in the framework of augmented Lagrangian methods and verify, using numerical experiments, the efficiency and robustness of those methods that work with linear constraints and penalize the nonlinear constraints.
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Classes moyennes éthiopiennes : étude empirique d'une assignation catégorielle incertaine. / Ethiopian Middle Classes : an Empirical Study of an Uncertain and Projected CategoryNallet, Clélie 26 March 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2010, les « classes moyennes africaines » sont progressivement devenues une référence catégorielle des sphères économiques et politiques internationales. La catégorie, associée systématiquement à des corrélations positives non validées de développement économique et politique, fait l'objet de divers travaux d'identification et de typification de la part d'acteurs extérieurs (organisations internationales de développement, cabinets de conseil en investissement, etc.). Si ces derniers n'hésitent pas à affirmer l'émergence de « classes moyennes africaines », nous ne pouvons que souligner le caractère incantatoire de telles affirmations, qui relèvent plus d'un « jeu de fabricants » visant à dessiner un monde en « émergence » que de validations empiriques probantes.Ce travail de thèse se base sur un pari : user d’une affectation catégorielle particulièrement incertaine « classes moyennes africaines » afin d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant d’identifier des mutations sociales structurelles sous-jacentes en Éthiopie. Par une étude empirique de l'espace social intermédiaire d'Addis-Abeba, il s'agit de soumettre ces mutations à analyse pour en comprendre les fondements, les formes et processus de constitution et les impacts potentiels sur la société et le politique du pays / Since the year 2010, the term “African Middle Classes” has increasingly become a categorical reference in the international economic and political arena. This category, which has systematically been associated with a positive but unverified correlation of economic and political development, represents the object of diverse identification and typification projects by external actors (such as international development organizations, investment consultancy firms etc.). While the latter do not hesitate to affirm the emergence of the phenomenon of “African Middle Classes”, we cannot but underline the incantatory character of these affirmations. The emergence is more linked to a “producers’ game”, inclined to sketch out an « emerging world », than to empirical evidence.This doctoral research is based on the challenging task of using the particularly elusive and projected category of the « African Middle Classes » to develop a methodology that helps to identify the structural social changes that are shaping Ethiopia nowadays. Grounded in an empirical case study of the intermediate social space in Addis Ababa, this work aims to analyse the foundations, forms and construction processes, as well as the potential impact that these changes have on the Ethiopian society and the political system
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Feature Selection under Multicollinearity & Causal Inference on Time SeriesBhattacharya, Indranil January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, we study and extend algorithms for Sparse Regression and Causal Inference problems. Both the problems are fundamental in the area of Data Science.
The goal of regression problem is to nd out the \best" relationship between an output variable and input variables, given samples of the input and output values. We consider sparse regression under a high-dimensional linear model with strongly correlated variables, situations which cannot be handled well using many existing model selection algorithms. We study the performance of the popular feature selection algorithms such as LASSO, Elastic Net, BoLasso, Clustered Lasso as well as Projected Gradient Descent algorithms under this setting in terms of their running time, stability and consistency in recovering the true support. We also propose a new feature selection algorithm, BoPGD, which cluster the features rst based on their sample correlation and do subsequent sparse estimation using a bootstrapped variant of the projected gradient descent method with projection on the non-convex L0 ball. We attempt to characterize the efficiency and consistency of our algorithm by performing a host of experiments on both synthetic and real world datasets.
Discovering causal relationships, beyond mere correlation, is widely recognized as a fundamental problem. The Causal Inference problems use observations to infer the underlying causal structure of the data generating process. The input to these problems is either a multivariate time series or i.i.d sequences and the output is a Feature Causal Graph where the nodes correspond to the variables and edges capture the direction of causality. For high dimensional datasets, determining the causal relationships becomes a challenging task because of the curse of dimensionality. Graphical modeling of temporal data based on the concept of \Granger Causality" has gained much attention in this context. The blend of Granger methods along with model selection techniques, such as LASSO, enables efficient discovery of a \sparse" sub-set of causal variables in high dimensional settings. However, these temporal causal methods use an input parameter, L, the maximum time lag. This parameter is the maximum gap in time between the occurrence of the output phenomenon and the causal input stimulus. How-ever, in many situations of interest, the maximum time lag is not known, and indeed, finding the range of causal e ects is an important problem. In this work, we propose and evaluate a data-driven and computationally efficient method for Granger causality inference in the Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) model without foreknowledge of the maximum time lag. We present two algorithms Lasso Granger++ and Group Lasso Granger++ which not only constructs the
hypothesis feature causal graph, but also simultaneously estimates a value of maxlag (L) for each variable by balancing the trade-o between \goodness of t" and \model complexity".
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Tópicos em otimização com restrições lineares / Topics on linearly-constrained optimizationMarina Andretta 24 July 2008 (has links)
Métodos do tipo Lagrangiano Aumentado são muito utilizados para minimização de funções sujeitas a restrições gerais. Nestes métodos, podemos separar o conjunto de restrições em dois grupos: restrições fáceis e restrições difíceis. Dizemos que uma restrição é fácil se existe um algoritmo disponível e eficiente para resolver problemas restritos a este tipo de restrição. Caso contrário, dizemos que a restrição é difícil. Métodos do tipo Lagrangiano aumentado resolvem, a cada iteração, problemas sujeitos às restrições fáceis, penalizando as restrições difíceis. Problemas de minimização com restrições lineares aparecem com freqüência, muitas vezes como resultados da aproximação de problemas com restrições gerais. Este tipo de problema surge também como subproblema de métodos do tipo Lagrangiano aumentado. Assim, uma implementação eficiente para resolver problemas com restrições lineares é relevante para a implementação eficiente de métodos para resolução de problemas de programação não-linear. Neste trabalho, começamos considerando fáceis as restrições de caixa. Introduzimos BETRA-ESPARSO, uma versão de BETRA para problemas de grande porte. BETRA é um método de restrições ativas que utiliza regiões de confiança para minimização em cada face e gradiente espectral projetado para sair das faces. Utilizamos BETRA (denso ou esparso) na resolução dos subproblemas que surgem a cada iteração de ALGENCAN (um método de lagrangiano aumentado). Para decidir qual algoritmo utilizar para resolver cada subproblema, desenvolvemos regras que escolhem um método para resolver o subproblema de acordo com suas características. Em seguida, introduzimos dois algoritmos de restrições ativas desenvolvidos para resolver problemas com restrições lineares (BETRALIN e GENLIN). Estes algoritmos utilizam, a cada iteração, o método do Gradiente Espectral Projetado Parcial quando decidem mudar o conjunto de restrições ativas. O método do gradiente Espectral Projetado Parcial foi desenvolvido especialmente para este propósito. Neste método, as projeções são computadas apenas em um subconjunto das restrições, com o intuito de torná-las mais eficientes. Por fim, tendo introduzido um método para minimização com restrições lineares, consideramos como fáceis as restrições lineares. Incorporamos BETRALIN e GENLIN ao arcabouço de Lagrangianos aumentados e verificamos experimentalmente a eficiência e eficácia destes métodos que trabalham explicitamente com restrições lineares e penalizam as demais. / Augmented Lagrangian methods are widely used to solve general nonlinear programming problems. In these methods, one can split the set of constraints in two groups: the set of easy and hard constraints. A constraint is called easy if there is an efficient method available to solve problems subject to that kind of constraint. Otherwise, the constraints are called hard. Augmented Lagrangian methods solve, at each iteration, problems subject to the set of easy constraints while penalizing the set of hard constraints. Linearly constrained problems appear frequently, sometimes as a result of a linear approximation of a problem, sometimes as an augmented Lagrangian subproblem. Therefore, an efficient method to solve linearly constrained problems is important for the implementation of efficient methods to solve nonlinear programming problems. In this thesis, we begin by considering box constraints as the set of easy constraints. We introduce a version of BETRA to solve large scale problems. BETRA is an active-set method that uses a trust-region strategy to work within the faces and spectral projected gradient to leave the faces. To solve each iteration\'s subproblem of ALGENCAN (an augmented Lagrangian method) we use either the dense or the sparse version of BETRA. We develope rules to decide which box-constrained inner solver should be used at each augmented Lagrangian iteration that considers the main characteristics of the problem to be solved. Then, we introduce two active-set methods to solve linearly constrained problems (BETRALIN and GENLIN). These methods use Partial Spectral Projected Gradient method to change the active set of constraints. The Partial Spectral Projected Gradient method was developed specially for this purpose. It computes projections onto a subset of the linear constraints, aiming to make the projections more efficient. At last, having introduced a linearly-constrained solver, we consider the set of linear constraints as the set of easy constraints. We use BETRALIN and GENLIN in the framework of augmented Lagrangian methods and verify, using numerical experiments, the efficiency and robustness of those methods that work with linear constraints and penalize the nonlinear constraints.
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Návrh podnikového finančního plánu / A Draft of a Corporate Financial PlanŽurek, Arne January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the proposal of a company financial plan. In the first part are defined the theoretical principles of financial planning. The second part of the thesis focuses on the introduction of the selected company, which is followed by strategic and financial analysis of the current situation. Subsequently, the work compiles a financial plan for both optimistic and pessimistic option for the period 2019-2022. At the end of the work is made an overall evaluation of the company financial plan.
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