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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategy and procedures for translating proper nouns and neologisms in Terry Pratchett’s fantasy novel Small Gods into Afrikaans

Kolev, Marinda January 2016 (has links)
The history of translation has been built on the notions that the translator either leaves the writer alone and moves towards the reader (domesticating the text), or leaves the reader alone and moves towards the writer (foreignising the text). These strategies have been called many names, but the translator has always been faced with the choice between domesticating or foreignising the target text. This study considers the options available to a translator when translating the proper nouns and neologisms in a fantasy novel. The translator should not move towards and stand next to the reader to create a target text that is unrecognisable compared to the source text. At the same time, the translator cannot remain next to the writer and thus not change the proper nouns and neologisms to ensure that the target-text readers can understand all – or most of – the potential meanings. If the translator does not move closer to the readers, they cannot have the same experience as source-text readers. This study looks at the translation theories, strategies and procedures that can be applied when translating proper nouns and neologisms used in Terry Pratchett’s Small Gods. It is limited to the study of the neologisms that act as proper nouns, and does not look at other neologisms in the novel. The study identifies translation procedures that retain the meaning potential of the proper nouns and neologisms in the source text in the process of translating them into an Afrikaans target text. It compares the procedures that may have been used by the Dutch translator, by Venugopalan Ittekot, of the novel, Kleingoderij, into Dutch with the procedures that are identified to be used by a translator of the text into Afrikaans. This study identifies the procedures most appropriate to a possible translation of proper nouns and neologisms in Small Gods to Afrikaans in order to retain the meaning potential. The translation procedures that has been identified are addition, cultural adaptation, internationalisation, literal translation, neutralisation, substitution, transference, transliteration and transposition. These procedures can be used to attain equivalence at word level and in such a way that the meaning-potential is retained. / Dissertation (MA) University of Pretoria, 2016. / African Languages / MA / Unrestricted


SILVIA TEIXEIRA BARROSO REBELLO 19 October 2012 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho se debruça sobre o estatuto de termos metalinguísticos, com especial interesse sobre os nomes próprios. Assim como percebida pelo senso comum, esta classe de palavras se presta com especial docilidade a reforçar uma visão representacionista da linguagem: aqui o nome, ali o nomeado. A recorrente constatação contemporânea da falência dessa visada representacionista convida a reflexões alternativas sobre o vocabulário metalinguístico e sobre os nomes próprios em especial — pois as tentativas de lançar um novo olhar sobre a compreensão da significação linguística esbarram na persistência de um vocabulário que traz consigo marcas da longa hegemonia daquela compreensão de linguagem. A reflexão aqui proposta é desenvolvida a partir dos escritos de Ludwig Wittgenstein e de Samuel Beckett, concentrando-se especialmente nos textos daquele que ficou conhecido como o segundo Wittgenstein e em quatro romances de Beckett — Watt, Molloy, Malone Morre e O inominável. A escolha de tais autores e textos é sensível, por um lado, à fertilidade contemporânea das aproximações entre filosofia e literatura e, por outro, à especial atenção dedicada pelos dois à questão dos nomes próprios. Examina-se um conjunto de passagens relevantes na escrita madura de Wittgenstein, de modo sensível ao que ele diz em Cultura e valor (p. 24): a filosofia realmente deveria ser escrita apenas como uma composição poética. Nos romances de Beckett, por sua vez, focalizam-se tanto as suas singulares provocações onomásticas, quanto momentos metalingüísticosem que personagens endereçam de forma explícita a questão dos nomes próprios. Mostra-se que, tomadas como contra-signos, as escritas desses dois autores, dando a ver a um só tempo a errância dos nomes próprios e o seu paradoxal conservadorismo, acenam com a promessa de caminhos por onde diminuir o abismo que parece ainda separar compreensões intelectuais da linguagem como práxis desprovida de fundamentos e a sua efetiva vivência como tal. / [en] This work focuses on the statute of metalinguistic terms, with special interest in proper names. As perceived by common sense, this class of words is particularly useful to reinforce a representationistic view of language: here the name, there the named. The contemporary and recurring evidence of failure of this representationistic view invites to alternative reflections on the metalinguistic vocabulary and especially on proper names because the attempts to bring a new insight on the understanding of linguistic significance collide with the persistence of a vocabulary marked by a long hegemony of that language comprehension. The argument proposed here is developed from the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Samuel Beckett, especially focusing on the texts of the second Wittengstein and in four Beckett’s novels: Watt, Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable. The choice of these authors and texts has to do with the contemporary richness of approaches between philosophy and literature and also with the special attention both authors dedicated to the question of proper names. It examines a set of relevant texts of Wittgenstein’s mature writings and agrees with his words in Culture and Value (1989, p. 24): philosophy ought really to be written only as a form of poetry. On the other hand, from Beckett’s novels this work focuses both the unique onomastic challenges and metalinguistic moments in which characters explicitly deal with the issue of proper names. It is demonstrated that the writings of these two authors, taken as countersigns showing at the same time the wandering of proper names and their paradoxical conservativeness, beckon with the promise of ways to reduce the gap that still seems to separate intellectual understandings of language as a praxis without basis and its effective experience as such.


MARIA CLAUDIA DE FREITAS 25 April 2007 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar subsídios para a elaboração automática, a partir de corpus, de ontologias específicas quanto ao domínio. Para tanto, assumo que determinadas relações semânticas, como a hiperonímia, podem estar sistematicamente expressas em textos por meio de determinados padrões léxico-sintáticos. Tomando como ponto de partida alguns desses padrões, descritos originalmente em Hearst (1992, 1998), (i) identifico novos padrões para a expressão da relação de hiperonímia; (ii) adapto e refino três padrões já existentes (Hearst, 1992), tendo em vista especificidades da língua portuguesa; (iii) faço um cruzamento entre as informações extraídas com os padrões, a fim de gerar inferências. A perspectiva teórica subjacente é inspirada por reflexões wittgensteinianas sobre o significado, e se mostrou produtiva na medida em que legitima os dados vindos do corpus e as relações de significado que nele aparecem. O modelo de ontologia proposto caracteriza-se principalmente por: (i) não conter categorias pré-definidas, já que categorias são construtos humanos, abstrações que refletem uma perspectiva particular do mundo. A idéia de sustentar a ontologia em corpus busca deslocar o espaço de discussão sobre quais seriam as categorias relevantes de um domínio: as categorias que emergem do corpus refletiriam o conhecimento implícito do domínio em questão; (ii) não conter definições criadas a priori, sendo o significado de cada item decorrente das relações entre as palavras. A metodologia - extração das relações por meio de regras e posterior cruzamento para a realização de inferências - foi aplicada em um corpus do domínio saúde e um corpus genérico. Os resultados positivos indicam que sua utilização pode ser uma importante aliada na elaboração de ontologias e, também, uma ferramenta de auxílio a lexicógrafos e a sistemas de classificação semântica de nomes próprios. Em termos gerais, a metodologia apresenta como principais vantagens (i) a facilidade na automação do processo, minimizando a intervenção humana; (ii) facilidade na categorização de domínios especializados; (iii) maior dinamicidade, pois o fato de o corpus poder ser constantemente atualizado faz com que esteja menos sujeito a falhas. / [en] The main goal of this work is to present an automated method for building domain-specific corpus-based ontologies. The assumption is that semantic relationships, such as hypernym, can be systematically expressed through lexicalsyntactic patterns. Starting with some of these patterns, originally described in Hearst (1992), I (i) identify new patterns that express hypernym; (ii) adapt three other patterns (Hearst, 1992), considering specificities of the Portuguese language; and (iii) intersect these results, in order to produce inferences. The theoretical approach is inspired by the wittgensteinian ideas about meaning. The resulting ontology´s most prominent features are: (i) the fact that it does not have a priori categories, since categories are human constructs, abstractions that reflect a particular world view. Instead of discussing what should be the main categories in a domain, sustaining the ontology on corpora assumes that the corpus reflects the implicit knowledge of a given domain; and (ii) the fact that it does not have a priori definitions: the meaning of a word is derived from its relations with other words. The method - automatic extraction of semantic relations through rules, and the intersection of this information in order to produce inferences - was applied to two corpora: a health domain corpus and a generic corpus. The positive results show that the method can be very useful in ontology building and it can also be a valuable tool for lexicographers and named entity recognition systems. The main advantages of the method are (i) the simplicity of automating the process of ontology building; (ii) the ease of categorizing specialized domains, and (iii) its dynamicity, since the possibility of constantly updating the corpus makes it less subject to errors.

Translation strategies of proper names in Lithuanian and Polish variants of Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men on the Bummel / Tikrinių daiktavardžių vertimo strategijos lietuviškoje ir lenkiškose Jerome K. Jerome romano "Three Men on the Bummel" versijose

Gryguc, Alicja 05 August 2008 (has links)
This comparative study analyzes the translation of proper names found in the Lithuanian and Polish versions of Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men on the Bummel. The analysis is preceded by the discussion of the status of proper names in the English language and their function in the text, later, the various basis for their classification are presented. Further, the treatment of the foreign proper names in the Polish and the Lithuanian language is taken into consideration as the grammatical rules often influence the choices of translators. As various scholars label the similar translation procedures differently, a review of solutions in translating proper names is carried out. In result, for the sake of clarity, the translation strategies proposed by Eirlys E. Davies (preservation, localization, addition, globalization, transformation, omission and creation) (2003) serve as the basis for this comparative analysis. As this thesis aims to reveal the tendencies in translating proper names in the Lithuanian and Polish languages, the Lithuanian translation of Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men on the Bummel, done by Jonas Čeponis and titled Trise dviračiais (2005) is compared to the Polish ones produced by Jolanta Plakwicz as Trzej panowie na rowerach (1992) and Piotr J. Szwajcer as Trzech panów w Niemczech (tym razem bez psa) (2007). In result, the analysis and statistical representation of strategies applied to the translation of personal, object and geographical names reveal the existing... [to full text] / Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti tikrinių daiktavardžių iš Jerome K. Jerome romano „Three Men on the Bummel“ vertimų būdus, kuriuos pasirinko lietuvių ir lenkų vertėjai. Darbe apžvelgiama tikrinių daiktavardžių vieta anglų kalbos gramatikoje, jų funkcijos tekste bei aptariama įvairi jų klasifikacija. Atsižvelgiama į kitų kalbų tikrinių daiktavardžių pateikimo taisykles lietuvių ir lenkų kalbose, kurios gali įtakoja vertėjų pasirinkimą. Kadangi mokslininkai skirtingai įvardija panašias vertimo procedūras, šios analizės pagrindą sudaro Eirlys E. Davis (2003) pasiūlytos strategijos, kuriomis remiantis tikrinių daiktavardžių vertimas Jonas Čeponio „Trise dviračiais“ (2005) lyginamas su Jolanta Plakwicz vertimu „Trzej panowie na rowerach“ (1992) ir Piotr J. Szwajcer „Trzech panów w Niemczech (tym razem bez psa)“ (2007). Atliktos analizės ir statistinių duomenų pagrindu teigiama, jog tiek lietuvių, tiek lenkų kalboje įžvelgiamos tam tikros vertimo tendencijos. Lietuvių vertėjas dažniau tikrinius daiktavardžius pateikia pagal lietuvių kalbos fonetikos ir morfologijos taisykles, todėl lietuvių skaitytojams jų tartis problemų nesukelia. Lenkų skaitytojams dažniau pateikiami tikriniai daiktavardžiai originalia (kitos kalbos) rašyba, kurie tik priderinti prie lenkų kalboje galiojančių linksniavimo dėsnių. Pastebima, jog lietuvių vertėjas dažnai papildomą informaciją pateikia išnašose. Praleistų, sukurtų, globalizuotų ar pakeistų tikrinių daiktavardžių skaičius minėtuose vertimuose yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]


MARTIN ADAM MOTLOCH 08 May 2015 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desse trabalho é desenvolver um essencialismo sem mundos possíveis. Alegamos que objetos ordinários são entidades complexas constituídas por entidades mais básicas como pedaços de matéria e propriedades instanciadas Os possíveis constituintes são determinados pela realidade, independentes da mente e linguagem humana, mas a constituição é convencional dependente do nosso esquema conceitual e as nossas práticas de nomeação. Consequentemente desenvolvemos uma teoria aristotélica de objetos ordinários como complexos de suas essências e da matéria que instancia essas essências. Em seguida aplicamos essa concepção de objetos para modificar a teoria da referência direta. Nessa teoria resultante, os significados de nomes próprios são as essências dos referentes desses nomes. O quadro da nossa investigação consiste numa teoria plantonista de propriedades segundo a qual as propriedades são partes integrais de uma realidade complexas sendo interconectadas com a parte concreta dessa realidade e na qual algumas propriedades podem participar em relações causais. De acordo com isso, apresentamos uma concepção atualista de modalidades na qual as modalidades ocorrem em virtude de relações de segunda ordem entre propriedades, no caso de modalidades de re em virtude de relações de segunda ordem entre essências de objetos e outras propriedades. / [en] The aim of this study is to develop an essentialist theory without possible worlds. We claim that ordinary objects are complex entities composed of entities that are more basic like pieces of matter and instantiated properties. The possible constituents are determined by reality and mind- and language-independent, the constitution, however, is conventional dependent on our conceptual scheme and our naming practices. In consequence, we develop an Aristotelian theory of ordinary objects as complexes of their essences and the matter which instantiates these essences. We apply this conception of objects in order to modify the direct reference theory. In the resulting theory, the meanings of proper names are the essences of the bearers of the names. The theoretical frame of our investigation consists in a Platonist theory of properties according to which properties are integral parts of a complex reality connected with its concrete partand in which some properties can participate in causal relations. In accordance with this view, we present an actualist conception of modalities in which modalities obtain in virtue of second order relations between properties, in case of de re modalities in virtue of second order relations between objects essences and other properties.

Culture-specific items : Translation procedures for a text about Australian and New Zealand children's literature

Persson, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the problems met when translating culture-specific items in a text about Australian and New Zealand colonial and post-colonial children’s literature into Swedish. The analysis quantifies and describes the different translation procedures used, and contrasts different strategies when there was more than one possible choice. It also outlines the reasons for the choices made when creating a text adapted for a Swedish audience. The translation methods applied are dynamic equivalence and domestication. As for the categorization of the material, the theories of Newmark (1988) have primarily been followed. The study shows that the frequency of each translation procedure depends on the type of culture-specific item, and the chosen translation method. It is argued that transference is the most commonly used procedure, and recognized translations are not as frequent as could have been expected with the choice of domestication. This is the case for proper nouns and references to literary works, where transference and dynamic equivalence has been given priority over domestication whenever the factual content was considered to be the most important aspect to follow. As for culture-specific items of the category social culture, neutralisation is the most commonly used procedure. In such cases the domestication method was more influential than dynamic equivalence as the consideration of ethics as well as avoidance of cultural taboos in the target culture were considered to be more important than content.

Имена собственные в русской и китайской фразеологии : магистерская диссертация / Proper nouns in Russian and Chinese idioms

Gu, F., Гу, Ф. January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the integrated comparative analysis proper nouns of Russian and Chinese phraseological units. The work includes an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, lists of bibliography and dictionaries. The thematic classification of onims are presented, national-cultural and emotional semantics of Russian and Chinese idioms with рroper name analyzed in the dissertation. This work is intended for specialists who are interested in the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Russian language picture of the world. / Диссертация посвящена комплексному сопоставительному анализу имен собственных в составе фразеологизмов русского и китайского языков. Работа включает введение, две главы, заключение, списки использованной литературы и словарей. В диссертации представлены тематические классификации онимов, проанализирована национально-культурная и эмоционально-оценочная семантика русских и китайских фразеологизмов с именем собственным. Работа предназначена для специалистов, которых интересуют сходства и различия между русской и китайской языковыми картинами мира.

Model úsilí Daniela Gila a jeho aplikace na simultánní tlumočení projevů nasycených vlastními jmény. Porovnání dvou jazykových kombinací: francouzština - čeština a český znakový jazyk - čeština. / Daniel Gile's effort model and its application on texts containing nouns. Comparing two language pairs: French - Czech and Czech Sign Language - Czech.

Zachová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
This thesis verifies the applicability of the Daniel Gile's Effort Model on two language pairs, French - Czech and Czech Sign Language - Czech. It is a theoretical-empirical thesis. The theoretical part offers a brief explanation of the process of simultaneous interpreting, of the Gile's Effort Model of simultaneous interpreting for spoken and sign languages, of the quality in interpretation, of the reason of failure during the transmission and of the coping strategies and tactics. Considering the accomplished experiment, which was focused on proper nouns and its influence on the interpreter's discourse, the last part is devoted to proper nouns and its use in Czech, in Czech Sign Language and its transmission during the interpretation, because the experts agree on fact, that proper nouns are problem triggers, that makes the transmission of the message difficult and that may cause a failure. The empirical part consists of an experiment. Its aim was to verify the applicability of the Effort model on two language pairs by using a discourse containing proper nouns. Three variables or factors were examined - the successful transmission of proper noun, the successful transmission of the segment containing noun and of the successive segment. The aim was not only to find out the results for each language...

Onomastiese studie van skoolname by Afrikaansmediumskole

Marx, Isabella Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie verhandeling word skoolname as onderafdeling van die Onomastiek behandel. Die gee van skoolname is 'n amptelike aangeleentheid en daarom is die beleid onderliggend aan die handeling onder die loep geneem. Beleid bepaal die ortografiese aard van skoolname en die manifestasie daarvan is sosiolinguisties van belang. Skoolname, wat onder eiename ressorteer, is hoofsaaklik oor 'n semantiese en sosiolinguistiese boeg gegooi, daarom word terme soos verwysing, konvensie en agtergrondbeskrywing aan die hand van veral die teoriee van Devitt, Strawson en Kripke beskryf. Van Langendonck le veral klem op die pragmatiese aard van die eienaam en daarom vorm sy teorie, die hetekenisparadoks van die eienaam, 'n belangrike uitgangspunt by die konsepsuele en pragmatiese aard van skoolname. Die gee van name is In suiwer menslike handeling wat selde ooit ongemotiveer geskied. Die ontstaansmotiewe wat skoolnaamgewing ten grondslag le, word bespreek aan die hand van die verskillende kategoriee. Botsende sosiale faktore soos veral teweeggebring deur kulturele diversiteit beinvloed naamgewing en daarom verander name. Die faktore onderliggend aan naamsverandering word uitgelig en bespreek. Die moontlikheid om ten spyte van 'n multikulturele en multilinguistiese samelewing tog 'n nasionale identiteit te vertoon, word ten slotte ondersoek en bespreek. / In this dissertation, names of schools as a subdivision of Onomastics are dealt with. School names are researched mainly under the cloak of Semantics and Socio-linguistics. Therefore, terms like reference, convention and a backing of descriptions are referred to according to the theories of Devitt, Strawson and Kripke. Van Langendonck specifically emphasises the pragmatic nature of proper nouns in his theory the paradox of the meaning of proper nouns which is an important point of departure in the conceptual and pragmatic nature of the names of schools. The underlying motives in respect of school naming are categorized and discussed according to the motives of origin. Conflicting social factors play an important role in the naming of schools and therefore names also change. These changes are accentuated and discussed. The possibility for a country to reflect a national identity in spite of a multicultural and multilingual society, is explored and discussed. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Onomastiese studie van skoolname by Afrikaansmediumskole

Marx, Isabella Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie verhandeling word skoolname as onderafdeling van die Onomastiek behandel. Die gee van skoolname is 'n amptelike aangeleentheid en daarom is die beleid onderliggend aan die handeling onder die loep geneem. Beleid bepaal die ortografiese aard van skoolname en die manifestasie daarvan is sosiolinguisties van belang. Skoolname, wat onder eiename ressorteer, is hoofsaaklik oor 'n semantiese en sosiolinguistiese boeg gegooi, daarom word terme soos verwysing, konvensie en agtergrondbeskrywing aan die hand van veral die teoriee van Devitt, Strawson en Kripke beskryf. Van Langendonck le veral klem op die pragmatiese aard van die eienaam en daarom vorm sy teorie, die hetekenisparadoks van die eienaam, 'n belangrike uitgangspunt by die konsepsuele en pragmatiese aard van skoolname. Die gee van name is In suiwer menslike handeling wat selde ooit ongemotiveer geskied. Die ontstaansmotiewe wat skoolnaamgewing ten grondslag le, word bespreek aan die hand van die verskillende kategoriee. Botsende sosiale faktore soos veral teweeggebring deur kulturele diversiteit beinvloed naamgewing en daarom verander name. Die faktore onderliggend aan naamsverandering word uitgelig en bespreek. Die moontlikheid om ten spyte van 'n multikulturele en multilinguistiese samelewing tog 'n nasionale identiteit te vertoon, word ten slotte ondersoek en bespreek. / In this dissertation, names of schools as a subdivision of Onomastics are dealt with. School names are researched mainly under the cloak of Semantics and Socio-linguistics. Therefore, terms like reference, convention and a backing of descriptions are referred to according to the theories of Devitt, Strawson and Kripke. Van Langendonck specifically emphasises the pragmatic nature of proper nouns in his theory the paradox of the meaning of proper nouns which is an important point of departure in the conceptual and pragmatic nature of the names of schools. The underlying motives in respect of school naming are categorized and discussed according to the motives of origin. Conflicting social factors play an important role in the naming of schools and therefore names also change. These changes are accentuated and discussed. The possibility for a country to reflect a national identity in spite of a multicultural and multilingual society, is explored and discussed. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

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