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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les sociabilités élitaires à Lyon au XVIIIe siècle / Elite sociabilities in the 18th century Lyons

Zakaria, Riad 20 May 2016 (has links)
La thèse de doctorat d’histoire moderne Les Sociabilités élitaires à Lyon au XVIIIe siècle a pour sujet principal les interactions entre les groupes sociaux dominants à Lyon au siècle des Lumières. Lyon est une ville réputée être « sans noblesse », où l’activité commerciale est puissante. Néanmoins, l’aristocratie est tout de même présente, bien que minoritaire, et on la retrouve évidemment dans les quartiers les plus luxueux de la cité rhodanienne. Les catégories élitaires de Lyon au XVIIIe siècle qui ont été retenues sont : le clergé, la noblesse (épée, robe, cloche), les officiers royaux (nobles, du tiers état), les bourgeois, les membres des professions libérales, les négociants, les marchands. L’idée maîtresse de cette étude est donc d’exminer les liens entre les groupes d’élites, comment elles se croisent, s’unissent, se répartissent. Ce travail de recherche se sert essentiellement de la méthode de la prosopographie pour parvenir à des résultats statistiques permettant d’élaborer une réflexion analytique. Nous nous sommes appuyé pour cela sur les stratégies matrimoniales (première partie), sur les sociabilités culturelles (deuxième partie) et sur les localisations résidentielles (troisième partie). Nous nous sommes ainsi intéressé dans un premier chapitre aux comportements démographiques, aux mariages (à travers les phénomènes d’endogamie, d’exogamie, d’hypergamie et d’hypogamie notamment), à la parenté spirituelle et à l’influence du rang dans la fratrie. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous avons abordé les sociétés de culture, la vie religieuse, les loges maçonniques, le théâtre et diverses institutions urbaines (institutions d’enfermement, compagnies militaires, etc.). Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons examiné la répartition spatiale de ces élites en séparant le territoire de la ville entre le côté de Fourvière, le côté de Saint-Nizier nord et le côté de Saint-Nizier sud. Ainsi, chaque partie soulève des problèmes particuliers. À propos des stratégies matrimoniales, nous nous sommes posé la question : dans quelle mesure ces groupes sont-ils endogames ? Quand la stricte endogamie, trop souvent admise a priori se trouve transgressée, entre quels groupes des liens d’alliance se tissent-ils ? Dans le domaine les sociabilités culturelles, nous avons tenté de voir quels groupes sont affiliés à quelles sociétés ou institutions et avons essayé de déterminer s’il existait des rapports entre eux au sein de celles-ci. A fortiori, nous nous sommes attaché à montrer si certaines catégories sont plus ou moins exclues par certaines d’entre elles. Pour répondre à ces questionnements, nous avons établi des banques de données sommant les listes de membres des loges maçonniques, des rectorats d’hôpitaux, des bureaux des sociétés de bienfaisance, des cercles littéraires, etc. Enfin, en ce qui concerne les localisations résidentielles, nous avons cherché dans quelle mesure peut-on faire correspondre l’habitat d’un groupe à une volonté ségrégative ? Quelles sont les formes de commensalité ? Quelles sont les caractéristiques des espaces de mixité sociale ? Cette étude se propose donc de prolonger les travaux de Maurice Garden, essentiellement voués aux couches populaires, par une prosopographie spécifiquement consacrée aux élites. / The principal subject of the thesis Les Sociabilités élitaires au XVIIIe siècle deals with interactions between the dominant social groups in Lyon during the Enlightenment century. Lyon has the reputation of being a city “without nobility”, where commercial activity is powerful. However, the aristocracy is present, even if it is in minority, and we can find it obviously in the most luxurious districts of the city of the Rhône. The Lyon’s elite categories of the 18th century are: clergymen, the nobility (according to french sense : épée, robe, cloche), officers (nobles, or belonging to the Third Estate), bourgeois, liberal professions, traders, merchants. Therefore, the main idea of this study is to see the links between these elite groups, how they cross and/or unite each other, and how they share the Lyon territory. This work of research essentially uses the prosopographical method to reach statistic results enabling to produce an historical reflection about the question of the sociabilities of the elites from Lyon in this period. To reach this goal, we focused on the matrimonial strategies (first part), the cultural sociabilities (second part) and residential localizations (third part). Thus, we are interested in the first chapter by demographic behaviour, weddings (with especially the phenomenons of endogamy, exogamy, hypogamy, hypergamy), spiritual kinship and influence of the rank inside the siblings. In the second chapter, we are interested by cultural societies, religious life, masonic lodges, theatre and different urban institutions (imprisonment institutions, military companies, and so on.). Finally, in the third chapter, we are interested by the spatial distribution of these elites, the area of the city beeing divided between the Fourvière side, the North Saint-Nizier side and the South Saint-Nizier side. Thus, each part gives rise to special problems. About the matrimonial problems, we could question : how far these groups are endogamous? When strong endogamy rule, which is too often a priori supposed is transgressed, between which groups alliance connections are developed? About the cultural sociabilities, we try to see which groups are associated to which societies or institutions and we try to see if there is links between them inside these ones. A fortiori, we try to show if some categories are more or less excluded of some of them. To answer these questionings, we have made databases with the lists of the members of the masonic lodges, the hospital boards, the councils of charity societies, literary circles, an so on. At last, about the residential localizations, we could wonder to which extent we could manage to make a correspondence between the accommodations of a group to a segregative will? What are the commensalité forms? What are the characteristics of the social diversity spaces? So, this work has a new perspective, because if Maurice Garden looked into the situation of the lower classes of Lyon in the 18th century, there was a lack in the historiographical research on the elites.

« Mon roi, ma patrie et mon département. » : le corps préfectoral de la Restauration (1814-1830) / My king, my fatherland and my department : the Restoration prefectoral corps (1814-1830)

Michon, Pierre 08 June 2017 (has links)
Entre 1814 et 1830, 243 préfets se succèdent au service des derniers Bourbons, Louis XVIII et Charles X, au cours des deux Restaurations, que sépare en 1815 l’épisode des Cent-Jours. Chargées de représenter le souverain dans les départements, ces personnalités sont, sauf exception, tombées dans l’oubli. De leur étude dépend pourtant la compréhension des rouages administratifs du pays et des modalités d’intervention de l’État. Les préfets incarnent peut-être mieux que quiconque la tension entre le maintien des structures administratives héritées de l’an VIII et la volonté de « renouer la chaîne des temps » avec l’Ancien Régime, tension qui est le propre de la Restauration. Tous d’ailleurs n’ont pas la même idée de la monarchie constitutionnelle et de ses institutions, dont ils sont partie prenante au cours de leur existence, que ce soit comme administrateurs, membres des assemblées locales, députés, pairs de France ou ministres ; tous n’ont pas la même idée de leurs rapports au roi, à la patrie et au département confié à leurs soins. Aussi participent-ils pleinement du règne des derniers Bourbons, que nombre de contemporains, Chateaubriand et Balzac en tête, définissent comme un temps des plus composites. Aussi donnent-ils à voir une mosaïque dont cette étude de prosopographie se veut le reflet le plus fidèle possible. / Between 1814 and 1830, during the two Restorations, the “Cent-Jours” excepted, 243 prefects serve the last Bourbons, Louis XVIII and Charles X. All these personalities represent the sovereign in the departments. With a few exceptions, they are forgotten nowadays. But it seems necessary to study them in order to understand the French administration and the public action, especially during the period considered. French Restoration’s prefects embody perhaps better than anyone the tension which exists at that time between the will to keep the administrative structures created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1800 and the temptation to recreate the old monarchy. For that matter, all of them don’t understand in the same way the constitutional monarchy and its institutions. They don’t have the same idea of the king, the fatherland and the department they have to run. Thus, they are emblematic of the last Bourbon’s reign, defined by many writers of this period, for instance Chateaubriand and Balzac, as a genuine mixed time. They consequently compose a mosaic of men we tried to analyze as rigorously as possible in the prosopographic study.


Wagner Josà Silva de Castro 10 June 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / Com a presente tese de doutoramento, analiso as interfaces entre o movimento intelectual, polÃtico, artÃstico e cultural internacional e seus desdobramentos no Brasil, especificamente, na cidade de Fortaleza, entre os anos de 1960 e 1970. AtravÃs da memÃria de alunos e professores, utilizando entrevistas orais, conheÃo as trajetÃrias individuais e coletivas que se tornaram roteiros de projetos artÃsticos e culturais e envolveram seus autores em leituras e experiÃncias culturais e educacionais suscitadas por movimentos ideolÃgicos intelectuais. Dessa forma, procuro entender como as experiÃncias e a formaÃÃo de alunos e professores nas instituiÃÃes de ensino (escolas e universidade) acabaram influenciando o processo educativo e artÃstico de alunos e professores nos anos de 1960 e 1970 e a inserÃÃo desses âartistasâ na indÃstria cultural nos anos de 1970. A partir da prosopografia, busco entender essas trajetÃrias, suas prÃticas educativas (o saber formal), suas experiÃncias na articulaÃÃo polÃtica e na arte, especialmente, no teatro e na mÃsica, como produtoras de um saber que dava sentido à vida, numa cidade como Fortaleza, sem muita infraestrutura. Apesar disso lhes proporcionava determinados lugares para essas manifestaÃÃes, que ocorriam entre lares, bares e a Universidade Federal do CearÃ, a Ãpoca, a grande potencializadora do conhecimento no CearÃ, por meio de debates, de encontros e de exposiÃÃo da produÃÃo artÃstica, unindo o conhecimento formal e o informal com outros centros universitÃrios como UFPE, UFPB, UFPI, UFRN, UNB e USP, os quais se articulavam, refletiam e produziam sobre a realidade local e nacional. Essas experiÃncias e discussÃes polÃticas e culturais nas instituiÃÃes de ensino secundÃrio, na Universidade, no ISEB (Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros) no MCP (Movimento de Cultura Popular), no MEB (Movimento de EducaÃÃo de Base) e no CPC (Centro Popular de Cultura), que discutiam Paulo Freire e suas propostas educacionais, aproximaram intelectuais, professores e artistas ligados a estas instituiÃÃes, almejando instrumentalizar politicamente uma memÃria nacional âengajadaâ, demarcando a antinomia sobre o nacional e o popular na cultura brasileira em torno da mudanÃa de comportamento polÃtico, educacional, cultural e estÃtico dos jovens. Por outro lado, com o golpe civil-militar de 1964, muitos desses sujeitos seguem caminhos distintos: alguns se engajam na luta armada, outros se aproximam da seguranÃa do emprego e do salÃrio como professores na Universidade, outros enveredam nas artes cÃnicas, nas artes plÃsticas e alguns se tornam artistas conhecidos, conseguindo espaÃo, com suas mÃsicas, no difÃcil mercado da indÃstria fonogrÃfica. A exegese das reminiscÃncias, à Ãpoca, de estudantes, professores artistas, fornece elementos importantes para reflexÃo e entendimento das transformaÃÃes socioculturais e educativas nos anos de 1960 e 1970 do sÃculo XX na cidade de Fortaleza.

Making Roman Catholic priests in the nineteenth century : a prosopographical study of Scottish Mission's France-trained students and seminarian social identities, 1818-1878

Saarinen, Iida Maria January 2017 (has links)
In the nineteenth century, Scottish Catholic priests were not simply trained; they were made. Preferably selected and intensely trained since boyhood, seminarians – prieststo- be – were set on a lengthy career path which expected them to become exemplary Christians, brilliant scholars, disciplined (celibate) males, loyal subjects of the Pope, and approachable ‘fathers’ to their parishioners in a Presbyterian country historically unsympathetic to their faith. By the time they left the seminary system they had been thoroughly transformed: from children to adults, from boys to men, from students to professionals and from, in many cases, labourers’ and shoemakers’ sons to gentlemen. Aspects of their lives were permanently affected by the process of moulding them into missionary priests in an immersive environment in a foreign country. But regardless of their unique experience, seminarians have rarely been the focus of historical scholarship. This thesis examines the lives and the social identities of a subsection of the Scottish Mission’s seminarians: those trained on French soil between 1818 and 1878 inclusive. It uses the prosopographical method to analyse the lives of a population of 225 France-trained individuals before, beyond and during their study migration abroad. It details the system for the education of missionary priests for Scotland before concentrating specifically on France and the post-Revolution setting of the students’ further studies there, previously undocumented by historians. It addresses the Gallican and Sulpician peculiarities of the French ecclesiastical culture reigning at the seminaries and the impact of the instability of the host society on the Scots seminarians. By using the lenses of gender, class, nation and race, it addresses different intertwining facets of this experience, elaborating on these lives through the concept of belonging. This thesis makes a significant contribution to scholarship on Roman Catholic priesthood, seminary education and Scots Colleges abroad. The individual seminarian lives highlight the paradoxical nature of a Roman Catholic clerical education, designed to mould individuals into cosmopolitan priests for the Scottish Catholic Mission.

Identités subies, identités intégrées : les Grecs dans les sociétés européennes du nord-ouest (Angleterre, Etats bourguignons, France et leurs marges) : début XVè - fin XVIè siècles / Suffered Identities, Embedded Identities : the Greeks in North-western European Societies (England, Burgundian States, France) : early fifteenth - End sixteenth centuries

Couderc, Mathieu 30 June 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse entend prendre en compte l'analyse d'un groupe humain évoluant dans un cadre géographique trop longtemps délaissé par l'historiographie et pour une période chronologique élargie par rapport à la tradition consacrée. Les Grecs, qui quittent leurs cadres de vie originels sous l'effet de causes variées (exils suite à la conquête ottomane intérêts économiques, humanistes ou religieux) entre le début du XVe siècle et la fin du XVI" siècle, se dirigent e majorité vers la Péninsule italienne. Certains n'y effectuent qu'un passage quand d'autres décident de s'implante durablement. Or, la chaîne montagneuse des Alpes a semble-t-il fait office de barrière infranchissable pour les Grecs aux yeux de nombre d'historiens. Or, les Grecs se déplacent hors d'Italie, quoiqu'en nombre très restreint : comme en Italie certains ne restent pas et d'autres s'installent. Leur étude révèle des logiques et des comportements originaux par rapport à ce qu'on observe plus au sud (comme l'organisation grecque en milieu urbain). La reprise de toute la documentation disponible mène à l'étude de trois axes majeurs : la construction d'une prosopographie grecque au nord des Alpes l'analyse des comportements sociaux des Grecs entre eux et avec les locaux ; une analyse fine des textes occidentaux que cherchent à comprendre, expliquer et verbaliser l'apparition de populations largement mal connues, souvent fantasmée et fréquemment décrites en des termes qui diffèrent de la vision personnelle que les Grecs peuvent avoir d'eux-mêmes. Toute l'analyse mène donc à une nouvelle approche de la fabrique des identités grecques. / The aim of this work is about studying mechanisms of identities' creation. Indeed, The Greeks are people who were leaded to leave Greece because of political (the rise of the Turks), economics (some are merchant) or religious reasons (some became Catholics since the council of Florence in 1439). For these reasons, the Greeks came first to Italy. Few of them decided to follow their path to Northern Europe, towards England, Burgundian States and France. Of course, they were only a handful of them, but we tried to understand who were they and what was their purpose. First we determined what were their number their qualities, their activities and their intentions. Secondly, we tried to evaluate the Greeks as strangers or as members diasporic groups like the historiography traditionally qualify the m. We brought to light that the Greeks couldn't be understood as rigid societies which were never changing: sometimes they were received as strangers and excluded from western societies sometimes not. A Greek could change during his life : he could be a poor and foreigner migrant during a certain period an then become a rich merchant integrated to a western society few years later. The third part of our work was to understand t meaning of the word 'Greek' which is often applied in documents: did the word 'Greek' get the same meaning in England in France, during the early fifteenth century or the end of the sixteenth century? Of course, not. We explained the documentation built a stereotypical speech about the Greeks, about what they were supposed to be, to eat, to wear, to spear or to pray . This is the Greek Identities' Laboratory.

Matronae equestres. La parenté féminine des chevaliers romains originaires des provinces occidentales sous le Haut-Empire romain. Ier-IIIe siècles/Matronae equestres. The Female Kinship of the Roman Knights from the Western Provinces during the Roman Empire. 1st-3rd Centuries.

Alvarez Melero, Anthony 05 February 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude des parentes de chevaliers romains, dénommées matronae equestres, originaires des provinces d’Occident, entre les règnes d’Auguste et de Gallien. L’optique choisie est celle de l’approche prosopographique qui demeure la seule possible pour collecter suffisamment d’informations à leur propos. Après une analyse des différentes titulatures équestres, l’accent a été porté sur trois thématiques liées entre elles, telles que le mariage, les pratiques religieuses et les voyages, qui ont permis une réévaluation du rôle des femmes apparentées aux chevaliers. Le chapitre consacré aux alliances matrimoniales a mis au jour diverses stratégies auxquelles elles prirent part : mariages égaux, exogamie et remariages avec des personnages de toutes les catégories sociales. La section suivante a souligné leur degré d’implication parfois active à la vie religieuse de leur communauté entre sacerdoces, participation aux rites et vœux. Enfin, on a montré que ces dames se déplaçaient de manière pratiquement systématique avec leurs parents, dans tous les recoins de l’Empire, pacifiés ou non. Le catalogue prosopographique figure, quant à lui, dans le volume II, subdivisé en quatre tomes.

Att rubba föreställningar och bryta traditioner : Forskningsutveckling, makt och förändring i svensk lärarutbildning

Erixon Arreman, Inger January 2005 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to understand the impact of Swedish education policy-making on teacher education post-1945. The study explores the relationship between national structures and changes affecting teacher education, its relationship to research, and in particular, implications of policies for teacher educators at Umeå University in northern Sweden. A combination of top-down and bottom-up research approaches was used and included analysis of policy documents, research literature and micro-level perspectives. This included interviews with 57 teacher educators and senior managers, who had been or remained responsible for teacher education programmes. The research draws on a variety of theoretical frameworks, which aid the exploration of the relationship between various parts of teacher education and higher education more generally. In so doing, relationships of power, discourse and gender are seen as particularly important, as are the sociological perspectives of Bourdieu, Bernstein, Foucault and Connell among others. Prosopography was used as a methodological approach, by which biographical details were collected and analysed in order to illuminate the social relations of the field of teacher education. The study showed that in Sweden, research for teacher education was a major issue in post-war education policy in connection to reforms of the school-system, and widening access to research. ‘Practical Pedagogy’ was specifically created as a sub-discipline of Pedagogik (Educational Studies), and established in the 1950s and 1960s at the new teacher colleges. The relationship between educational research and teacher education remained weak, however, and traditional research structures were largely maintained despite reform intentions. Also, reform of higher education and inclusion of teacher education in the university system in 1977 paradoxically meant that teacher education, given its new university status, lost its research subject and avenue into research. The weak relationship between research and teacher education was thereafter repeatedly taken up in state committees until the late 1990s. Simultaneously, from the early 1990s onwards, various discourses on the importance of professionalism in teacher education emerged. Internationally, from the 1990s the separation of structures for research and teacher education also became a topic of growing concern. In Sweden, the clear discrepancy between rhetoric and practice eventually resulted in a parliamentary decision in 2000 to create a nationally valid research structure for teacher education, which was to be implemented in 2001. Umeå University was the first university in the country to establish a Faculty (Board) of Teacher Education, which enabled the introduction of new research structures and a cross-disciplinary research approach related to teacher education and teachers’ work. The study suggests that discourses of research development (for vocational subject areas such as teacher education), and new classifications are likely to meet with resistance from a number of directions and established university hierarchies. However, it is argued that ‘discursive breaks’ can open up a questioning about the right to discourse and ‘truth’ about knowledge and research and the conditions whereby changes can be put into place. The study also suggests that men and women have different perceptions of research in teacher education; male staff tended to rely on practice-based experience, while female staff saw research as a means of expanding their knowledge base. The prosopography indicates that social class distinguishes the field of teacher education from other university disciplines, with its generally lower social backgrounds of students and proportionately more women as staff and students. Teacher education also has generally low status within the university, which is both the cause and consequence of reduced access to research development and funding. Finally the study shows that the struggles of teacher education over knowledge and power, constitute a multilayered process involving a variety of actors at different levels. In the case of Umeå, this meant that teacher education was eventually able to claim the right to establish new and different research paradigms, for its own benefit.


DELL'ASTA, LUCIA 01 April 2015 (has links)
Oggetto della ricerca sono i capitoli di S. Vincenzo e S. Alessandro di Bergamo, quelle istituzioni, cioè, che proprio nel corso del periodo preso in esame (1146-1216) ottennero di essere entrambe riconosciute capitoli della cattedrale. Dopo una panoramica sullo status quaestionis e sulle fonti disponibili, l’indagine si muove su due piani distinti ma tra loro connessi: innanzitutto, esaminando la struttura e l’organizzazione dei due collegi, si procede a un’analisi di tipo “istituzionale” degli stessi. Da questo punto di vista la ricerca mostra nel complesso come i due collegi abbiano condiviso la responsabilità di governo della diocesi non solo dopo, ma anche prima dell’accordo con cui, nel 1189, si riconobbero reciprocamente come parti dell’unica cattedrale bergamasca. Inoltre, attraverso uno studio prosopografico si ottengono informazioni su provenienza sociale, carriera e profilo culturale dei canonici. Elementi utili a ricostruire la posizione dei capitoli nella città vengono pure dall’analisi dei loro compiti in ambito di cura animarum, dalla valutazione del ruolo della basilica di S. Alessandro come custode delle reliquie del santo eponimo dell’episcopato, e infine da alcuni cenni sulla lotta per la ecclesiastica libertas che oppose Chiesa e comune ai primi del Duecento. / The research concerns the chapters of S. Vincenzo and S. Alessandro (Bergamo). During the period under study (1146-1216), both the institutions obtained the right to be considered cathedral in the city. After an overview of the status quaestionis and of the available sources, the study discusses first the institutional aspects, such as the structure and organization of the two chapters. From that point of view, it seems clear that the two institutions shared some important duties not only after but also before being both acknowledged as cathedral (1189). Then, a prosopographical investigation offers many information about the social origins, studies and careers of the canons. Some attention is focused also on the commitment of the chapters to the cura animarum and on the fact that the relics of the main patron saint of the city (s. Alexander) were buried in the church of S. Alessandro. All that, along with the consideration of the antagonism that, at the beginning of the twelfth century, took place between Church and city about the problem of ecclesiastica libertas, shows the actual position of the cathedral chapters in the city.

Des savants aux chercheurs : les sciences physiques comme métier (France, 1945-1968) / From scholars to researchers : Physical sciences as craft (France, 1945-1968)

Verschueren, Pierre 08 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser et d’expliquer, en adoptant un angle de socio-histoire des sciences combinant échelles et méthodes, la transition qui s’opère au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : les scientifiques, considérés et se considérant encore dans leur immense majorité comme des savants à la fin des années 1940, changent de métier et deviennent des chercheurs. Partant du déplacement majeur de la place de la science dans les représentations provoqué par Hiroshima, l’analyse porte, dans un premier temps, sur l’entrée, ou le retour, de la question scientifique dans l’arène politique, avec la prise de conscience par un certain nombre d’acteurs, en particulier physiciens et chimistes, que «la République a besoin de savants». Le deuxième temps de l’étude porte sur la vie des facultés et des laboratoires : le recul du modèle du savant s’y fait à un rythme plus difficile, peut-être plus inéluctable, ce que montrent le témoignage d’un officier de la Fondation Rockefeller, l’étude de la réglementation et de ses applications, mais aussi la prosopographie et la social network analysis. Un troisième temps se concentre, à l’échelle locale, sur la technologie sociale de formation des scientifiques, qui connait une forte recomposition et une indéniable internationalisation, cristallisant la transformation du métier de scientifique. Enfin, ce renouvellement du travail scientifique se traduit jusque dans les normes de la science, ce que montre l’étude fine de l’écologie doctorale destinée à certifier une formation à la recherche, au travers en particulier du corpus des rapports de thèses de doctorat. / Adopting an approach grounded in the socio-history of sciences perspective, the aim of this thesis is to analyse and explain the transformation that occurred in France after the Second World War : the scientists, regarded in their vast majority as scholars during the 1940’s, undertook what can be described as a major change of profession and craft and became researchers. Starting with the shift in the cultural representations of science caused by Hiroshima, the analysis focuses first on the entrance, or re-entrance, of the scientific question in the political arena, with the growing awareness of a number of actors, notably physicists and chemists, that « the Republic does need scientists ». The second part of the study addresses the universities’ and laboratories’ life : here the decline of the scholar’s model is slower, but more ineluctable, as is shown through the diary of an officer of the Rockefeller Foundation, through the analysis of Academia’s rules and regulations, and through prosopography and socialnetwork analysis. The third part focuses on the local scale and the social technology framing the production of scientists, as it undertook a major recomposition and internationalization, crystallizing the transformation of the profession and craft of the physical scientists. Through the study of the doctoral ecology designed to certify research training, the last part addresses the inscription of this new scientist’s craft in the very norms that structured science – and access to research and university careers.

La population de la Dacie Romaine : étude anthroponymique et prosopographique / The population of the Roman Dacia : anthroponymic and prosopographical study

Dragostin, Raluca-Monica 08 October 2012 (has links)
Parmi les provinces romaines, la Dacie, par son emplacement aux confins des civilisations grecque et latine, a abrité une population cosmopolite, caractérisée par le multilinguisme et le multiculturalisme, pour laquelle le latin et le mode de vie romain ont joué un rôle de catalyseur. En l’absence des investissements coûteux dans les projets archéologiques, l’onomastique a su suppléer avec succès les résultats des fouilles, en fournissant un matériel fertile qui complète le tableau historique de la province et qui redonne une image assez fidèle de ses habitants. L’essor des études onomastiques dans l’après guerre, la transformation de l’onomastique de science auxiliaire de l’histoire en science autonome, s’est traduit en Roumanie par une série d’enquêtes qui essayent de reconstituer, au moins partiellement, des anciennes langues aujourd’hui disparues (l’illyrien, le thrace) à partir de leurs uniques vestiges : les noms propres. Suivant la tradition de l’époque, les ouvrages désormais classiques de I. I Russu ne retiennent que les aspects linguistiques, la morphologie et l’étymologie des noms, dans l’esprit des études indo-européennes qui dominaient alors l’historiographie occidentale. Dans ce sillage, les auteurs qui ont suivi, ont adopté la même perspective philologique qu’ils ont enrichie plus récemment par des études prosopographiques, mais leurs travaux restent ponctuels, limités à une certaine communauté ethnique, à une catégorie sociale ou bien à la population des grandes villes. De là naît le besoin d’un projet plus étendu qui porte sur l’ensemble de la province et qui, tout en tenant compte du caractère interdisciplinaire de l’onomastique, traite à la fois de la position des noms dans le système de la langue et des aspects légaux, politiques et sociaux révélés par les anthroponymes. Dans cette thèse je vise à étudier, de manière critique et détaillée, l’anthroponymie de la Dacie Romaine, en complétant l’enquête prosopographique tournée vers les aspects sociaux par une approche philologique. Les deux jalons chronologiques que j’ai choisi pour encadrer mon ouvrage, seront l’an 106, la date de la défaite des Daces face à Rome, comme terminus post quem, et 271 année qui marque conventionnellement la fin du gouvernement romain en Dacie.L’onomastique de la Dacie est marquée par des influences multiples : influence politique (gentilices ajoutés), religieuse (théophores), ethnique (noms « barbares), influence du milieu militaire (noms latins), de la culture classique (noms grecs), des pratiques étrangères (noms celtes). Il n’y a pas une influence dominante, pareil à la romanisation, l’onomastique telle qu’elle nous a été conservée est un produit entièrement nouveau, née de l’intersection de tous les usages que les habitants de la province ont fait des noms. / By virtue of its location on the borders of Latin and Greek civilizations, Dacia, one of the Roman provinces, housed a cosmopolitan population. This cosmopolitanism was characterized by multilingualism and multiculturalism, with the Latin language and the Roman lifestyle acting as catalysts. Despite the absence of much investment in archaeological projects, onomastic studies successfully compensated for the lack of excavation. Onomastics provided rich material, filling in the historical picture of the province (the history of the province), and giving a fairly accurate impression of its inhabitants. The sudden growth of onomastic studies in the postwar period and their transformation from an ancillary science of history to a science in its own right, was reflected in Romanian historiography in a series of studies that attempted to reconstruct ancient languages (Illyrian, Thracian), at least partially, through their unique remains: proper names. The classic work of I.I. Russu focuses only on linguistic aspects, morphology and etymology of names, following the scientific practice of the time, in the wake of the domination of Western historiography by Indo-European studies. The followers of this line of investigation continued to adopt a philological perspective, which has been recently enriched by a prosopographic approach. Yet, such investigations remain limited to a specific ethnic community, a social group or the population of large cities. Hence the need for a larger project that studies the onomastics of the whole province, and (given the interdisciplinary nature of onomastics) that investigates the position of a name in a language as well as the legal, political or social aspects revealed by anthroponyms. In this thesis I study, in a detailed and critical manner, the onomastics of Roman Dacia, and to the prosopographical investigation, usually oriented toward social aspects, I add a philological perspective. The two chronological milestones that I have chosen for my study are 106 A.D., the date of the final defeat of the Dacians as terminus post quem, and 271 A.D., the conventional date marking the abandonment of the Dacian provinces as a case of terminus ante quem.Dacian onomastics is marked by multiple influences: political (added gentile names), religious (theophoric names), ethnic ("barbarian" names), and the influences of the military milieu (Latin onomastics), of classical culture (Greek names) and of foreign onomastic practices (Celtic names). There is no single dominant influence: in the form in which it has been preserved, onomastics, like Romanization, is a completely new product, born at the intersection of all the uses that the inhabitants of the province gave to proper names.

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