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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riscos psicossociais e assédio moral no contexto acadêmico / Psychosocial risk and moral harassent in the academic context

Caran, Vânia Cláudia Spoti 15 June 2007 (has links)
O Assédio Moral e os riscos psicossociais tem sido fonte de estudos de diversos pesquisadores no século XXI, mas ainda é pouco abordado pela Saúde do Trabalhador. Assédio Moral é tema complexo, de difícil abordagem, pois está inserido em um âmbito da violência caracterizada pela percepção muitas vezes apenas da própria vítima. Nesta pesquisa estabelecemos os objetivos de identificar a existência de Riscos Pscicossociais e Assédio Moral e suas repercussões entre os docentes de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior, além dos objetivos específicos de :identificar características do trabalho dos docentes, identificar a existência de riscos psicossociais/pressão no ambiente de trabalho, identificar as alterações à saúde dos docentes provocadas pelos riscos psicossociais/pressão no trabalho. O estudo foi de abordagem quantitativa, transversal e descritivo do qual foi apresentado o instrumento de pesquisa um questionário de 26 perguntas com questões sociodemográficas e ocupacionais, além de 2 questões norteadoras sobre os riscos psicossociais e o assédio moral baseadas na literatura existente. Constituíram-se como sujeitos da pesquisa uma amostra de 54 docentes, 62,79% em relação ao total, sendo em sua maioria 92% do sexo feminino, 64,80% casados e 37,03% entre as idades de 40 à 49 anos,do qual 81,50% graduados em enfermagem, em sua maioria formados nas décadas de 70 e 80.dos quais 63% estão em cargos de Professor Doutor com regime de trabalho de dedicação exclusiva, recebendo entre 12 à 14 salários mínimos vigentes,e destes 50 % admitiram exercício de cargos administrativos, dos quais também informaram exercer cargos de Assessoria e Consultoria. A maioria informou que sua opção pela academia foi devido á realização pessoal e a probabilidade de trabalhar com pesquisa onde destacaram maior realização profissional ao ministrar aulas e menor ao exercer trabalhos administrativos. Destes sujeitos 94,4% admitiram à existência de riscos psicossociais em seu ambiente de trabalho atribuídos à sobrecarga de trabalho, carga mental intensa, estresse, tempo, relações inter-pessoais, excesso de responsabilidade e falta de planejamento, 92,60% admitiram sofrer pressão no trabalho, e destes 87% disseram sentir a saúde afetada, relataram queixas de maior incidência como: estresse, ansiedade, insônia/dificuldades no sono, cefaléia e gastrite. Questionados sobre o Assédio Moral a maioria 38% disseram ser um problema comum na universidade, dos quais 22% disseram ter sido vítima contraponto 22% que alegaram nunca ter sido vítima de Assédio Moral, enquanto 32% disseram ter conhecimento de um colega que sofreu. Foram descritos vários casos dos quais muitos coincidentes com a literatura. Evidenciou-se que o local de trabalho está caracterizado pelo aspecto de demanda excessiva, pressão e competição que afeta à saúde dos docentes e propicia o ambiente propício a existência de riscos psicossociais e do Assédio Moral. / Psychosocial risks are constituted under factors or risks agents´ presence, at laboral environment, which alter workers´ wellness situation, resulting in their health damage. Among many psychosocial risks, we can find psychological violence or moral harassment that are understand as the intentional power use which are used against a person or a group, causing them: physical, mental, spiritual or moral alterations. This study intended to identify, among college professors, the existence of psychosocial risks in their laboral activities, in order to find out moral harassment occurrence in their laboral environment, and its repercussion between them. The study was transversal, descriptive and had a quantitative approach. It was developed in a public college institution; had 54 subjects as sample, which answered a previously validate data insurance form. As result, it was verified that these subjects are, in their majority, female, married, graduated between the 70´s - 80´s, PhD - who are working in full lecturing and research regime and receive as payment, an amount of 12 to 14 Brazilian wages. This majority admitted the psychosocial risks presence in their laboral environment, being reported as main factors: laboral excess, intense mental tasks, stress, work pressure, among other factors. All the presented health alterations are is, in their majority: stress, anxiety, sleeping disorder, migraine and gastritis. When inquired about the moral harassment existence, most subjects affirmed being a common problem at college, describing many coincidently situation in concomitance with the consulted literature. This harassment occurred in a horizontal and descendent form. College environment is a place where psychological violence is easily diagnosed, because of its competitive and rivalry environment. Possibly these situations are consequence of previous problems, not adequately solved and which have the tendency of emerging in serious situations. So, it is important a corporative effort in the universal identity seek, preserving the solidarity and equity values and observing the ethic limits established to the college life.

Mobbing i barnehagen ; innvirkning av samfunnsstrukturenes støttefunksjon og ansattes bruk av begrepet mobbing. : En kvalitativ studie i et folkehelseperspektiv. / Bullying in childcare centers. : A qualitative study in from the viewpoint of public health

Kjevik, Gry January 2014 (has links)
Hensikten med denne studien er å få mer kunnskaputifra et folkehelseperspektiv, om hvordan forståelsen og bruken av fenomenet mobbing, kan påvirke hvordan barnet opplever trivsel i barnehagen. Metode: I arbeidet ble fenomenografi brukt som tilnærmingsmetode, samt triangulering og emergent design. Pedagoger fra to barnehager, utvalgt på bakgrunn av ulik deltagelse i kurs i forhold til fenomenet, ble intervjuet med semistrukturel intervju guide. Dokumenter angående mobbeforebyggende arbeid ble analysert. En pedagogisk mobbeforebyggende undervisningstime for fire og femåringer ble observert. Ansatte innen statlige, fylkesmannsetaten og kommunale avdelinger, med legal, kontrollerende eller støttende mandat ble oppsporet og intervjuet angående deres mandat og rolle i det mobbeforebyggende arbeid forbarnehage. Resultat: Ansvaret for mobbeforebyggende arbeid funnet å væreopp til barnehagelederes egetiniativ. I forhold til folkehelsearbeid på systemnivåer fremkom det et svakt lovmessig mandat for at statlig, fylkesmannsetaten og kommunalt nivå skalkunne kontrolere og forebygge mobbing i barnehagen. Alle tre eksterne nivå hadde struktur for å distribuere oppdatert informasjonangående mobbeforebygging til barnehagene. Innhenting av informasjon var opp til den individuelle barnehage.Bruk av mobbebegrepet i barnehagemiljøet gav emosjonell respons angående aksept av mobbing. Ulik aksept gaulik bruk av begrepet. Dette påvirket innhentingen av tilrettelagt mobbeforebyggende informasjon og utvikling av barnehagens policy. Bruk av ulike definisjoner av mobbebegrepet ga rom for varierte tolkninger av episodermed hensyn til psykososial adferd blandt barna. Konklusjonen: Den svake lovhjemmel for kontroll fra stat, fylkesmann og kommune av barnehagens psykososiale miljø medfører at barnehagen og dens stab emosjonelle tolkning av mobbing blir grunleggende for mobbeforbygging i teoriog praksis. Derved blir det opptil foreldrene å sjekke ut det forebyggende mobbearbeid i den enkelte barnehagen. / Aim: This study aimed to explore how the use and understanding of bullying can influence a child’s ability to thrivein the psychosocial milieu of childcare centers. Method: This study used a phenomenographic approach, including triangulation and emergent design. Usinga semi-structured interview guide, we interviewed staff membersat two childcare centerswith different attendancerates, who had attended prior information sessions regarding the phenomenon.We analyzed documents regarding anti-bullyingpolicies and observed a pedagogic anti-bullyingprogram session for 4-and 5-year-old children. We also identified and interviewed personnel at different external department levels, all havinga legislative, controlling, or supporting mandate for anti-bullyingpolicies, regarding their role in creating a safe psychosocial milieu in childcare. Result: Regarding public health, data analyses revealed a weak legislative mandate at the external state level. Consequently, weak mandates for legislative and control at the county and council levels hindered enforcement ofa safe psychosocial milieu for children in childcare facilities. All three governmental levels distributed positive, encouraging, and updated information to each childcare center, but application of information occurred only at the initiative of each center. The use of bullying terminology in the childcare facility generated an emotional response, resulting in different levels of acceptance and different use of terminology describing bulling. This influenced the center’s use of governmental information and the creation of their own anti-bulling policy. Utilization of different terminology allowed varied interpretations of incidents regarding psychosocial behavior among the children. Conclusions: Weak legislative control regarding governmental enforcement of children’s right to a safe psychosocial milieu leaves the development and utilization of anti-bullying policies in the hands of individual childcare centers. Presently, parents must check each childcare center regarding anti-bullyingpolicy. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-96-6</p>

Riscos psicossociais e assédio moral no contexto acadêmico / Psychosocial risk and moral harassent in the academic context

Vânia Cláudia Spoti Caran 15 June 2007 (has links)
O Assédio Moral e os riscos psicossociais tem sido fonte de estudos de diversos pesquisadores no século XXI, mas ainda é pouco abordado pela Saúde do Trabalhador. Assédio Moral é tema complexo, de difícil abordagem, pois está inserido em um âmbito da violência caracterizada pela percepção muitas vezes apenas da própria vítima. Nesta pesquisa estabelecemos os objetivos de identificar a existência de Riscos Pscicossociais e Assédio Moral e suas repercussões entre os docentes de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior, além dos objetivos específicos de :identificar características do trabalho dos docentes, identificar a existência de riscos psicossociais/pressão no ambiente de trabalho, identificar as alterações à saúde dos docentes provocadas pelos riscos psicossociais/pressão no trabalho. O estudo foi de abordagem quantitativa, transversal e descritivo do qual foi apresentado o instrumento de pesquisa um questionário de 26 perguntas com questões sociodemográficas e ocupacionais, além de 2 questões norteadoras sobre os riscos psicossociais e o assédio moral baseadas na literatura existente. Constituíram-se como sujeitos da pesquisa uma amostra de 54 docentes, 62,79% em relação ao total, sendo em sua maioria 92% do sexo feminino, 64,80% casados e 37,03% entre as idades de 40 à 49 anos,do qual 81,50% graduados em enfermagem, em sua maioria formados nas décadas de 70 e 80.dos quais 63% estão em cargos de Professor Doutor com regime de trabalho de dedicação exclusiva, recebendo entre 12 à 14 salários mínimos vigentes,e destes 50 % admitiram exercício de cargos administrativos, dos quais também informaram exercer cargos de Assessoria e Consultoria. A maioria informou que sua opção pela academia foi devido á realização pessoal e a probabilidade de trabalhar com pesquisa onde destacaram maior realização profissional ao ministrar aulas e menor ao exercer trabalhos administrativos. Destes sujeitos 94,4% admitiram à existência de riscos psicossociais em seu ambiente de trabalho atribuídos à sobrecarga de trabalho, carga mental intensa, estresse, tempo, relações inter-pessoais, excesso de responsabilidade e falta de planejamento, 92,60% admitiram sofrer pressão no trabalho, e destes 87% disseram sentir a saúde afetada, relataram queixas de maior incidência como: estresse, ansiedade, insônia/dificuldades no sono, cefaléia e gastrite. Questionados sobre o Assédio Moral a maioria 38% disseram ser um problema comum na universidade, dos quais 22% disseram ter sido vítima contraponto 22% que alegaram nunca ter sido vítima de Assédio Moral, enquanto 32% disseram ter conhecimento de um colega que sofreu. Foram descritos vários casos dos quais muitos coincidentes com a literatura. Evidenciou-se que o local de trabalho está caracterizado pelo aspecto de demanda excessiva, pressão e competição que afeta à saúde dos docentes e propicia o ambiente propício a existência de riscos psicossociais e do Assédio Moral. / Psychosocial risks are constituted under factors or risks agents´ presence, at laboral environment, which alter workers´ wellness situation, resulting in their health damage. Among many psychosocial risks, we can find psychological violence or moral harassment that are understand as the intentional power use which are used against a person or a group, causing them: physical, mental, spiritual or moral alterations. This study intended to identify, among college professors, the existence of psychosocial risks in their laboral activities, in order to find out moral harassment occurrence in their laboral environment, and its repercussion between them. The study was transversal, descriptive and had a quantitative approach. It was developed in a public college institution; had 54 subjects as sample, which answered a previously validate data insurance form. As result, it was verified that these subjects are, in their majority, female, married, graduated between the 70´s - 80´s, PhD - who are working in full lecturing and research regime and receive as payment, an amount of 12 to 14 Brazilian wages. This majority admitted the psychosocial risks presence in their laboral environment, being reported as main factors: laboral excess, intense mental tasks, stress, work pressure, among other factors. All the presented health alterations are is, in their majority: stress, anxiety, sleeping disorder, migraine and gastritis. When inquired about the moral harassment existence, most subjects affirmed being a common problem at college, describing many coincidently situation in concomitance with the consulted literature. This harassment occurred in a horizontal and descendent form. College environment is a place where psychological violence is easily diagnosed, because of its competitive and rivalry environment. Possibly these situations are consequence of previous problems, not adequately solved and which have the tendency of emerging in serious situations. So, it is important a corporative effort in the universal identity seek, preserving the solidarity and equity values and observing the ethic limits established to the college life.

Paternidade e subjetividade masculina em transformação : crise, crescimento e individuação. Uma abordagem junguiana / Fatherhood and male subjectivity in transformation : crisis, growth and individuation. A Jungian perspective

Almeida, Maria Beatriz Vidigal Barbosa de 28 March 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é, a partir do referencial junguiano, ampliar a compreensão de como está se dando a experiência de paternidade atualmente, com foco na subjetividade masculina: qual o impacto que a experiência de se tornar pai vem causando no processo de desenvolvimento psicológico do homem - seu processo de individuação. Em busca de maior compreensão do significado atual da paternidade para os próprios homens na condição de pais, procura-se observar como o arquétipo paterno está se constelando na sociedade atual, de acordo com os novos modos de sentir e de se comportar, tendo em vista uma atitude mais favorável à alteridade e às relações democráticas. A partir de uma contextualização histórico-social, reconstitui-se um cenário marcado pelas reformulações nas concepções de masculino e feminino que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas, e que interferem coletivamente nas identidades de gênero, portanto na subjetividade masculina, com desdobramentos nas expectativas que recaem sobre a figura do pai. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que tem como principal instrumento a entrevista individual, com base em um roteiro de temas e questões abordados de forma semi-dirigida. A partir dos depoimentos, observa-se a representação e a vivência de paternidade em transformação através de manifestações da paternidade distintas do padrão patriarcal dominante, caracterizado pelo afastamento afetivo no comportamento masculino. Verifica-se uma crescente expectativa por parte dos homens de maior participação na gravidez, parto e cuidados junto ao filho, acompanhada de envolvimento emocional expresso. Destacam-se na análise os temas do \'desejo de ser pai\' e \'modelos de pai\', que se articulam em torno da afetividade masculina e paterna em transformação. Constata-se a coexistência de múltiplas referências e a valorização dessa pluralidade expressa em comportamentos e valores, o que contrasta com antigos modelos até então tidos como hegemônicos. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que a crise vivenciada nesse âmbito, em função da instabilidade gerada pelo período de transição que desorganiza tanto a estrutura emocional quanto as estruturas familiares, promove, a médio e longo prazo, crescimento tanto para o indivíduo como para a sociedade. / The purpose of this research is to broaden the understanding of how the experience of fatherhood is taking place at the present time, using a Jungian perspective: to find out what the impact of the experience of becoming a father is causing on men\'s developmental process and process of individuation. As a better understanding about the meaning of fatherhood nowadays for men themselves as fathers is searched, we analyse how the paternal archetype is being constellated in contemporary society, according to new modes of feeling and behaviour, aiming at a more favorable approach towards alterity and democratic relationships. After a sociohistoric contextualization, emerges a scenario marked by reformulation in the conceptions of masculine and feminine over the last decades, which interferes on the aggregate level in gender identities and, therefore, on male subjectivity as well, with consequences for the expectations towards the father figure. This is a qualitative research based on individual interviews supported by a semi-directed script of issues and questions. Based on these statements, we observe the representation and the experience of fatherhood in transformation throughout manifestations of fatherhood that differ from the dominant pattern (patriarchal) and characterized by emotional aloofness as a common male trait. Men\'s growing expectation towards greater participation over pregnancy, childbirth and day-to-day care has been identified, as well as explicit emotional involvement. \'Willingness to be a father\' and \'models of father\' were emphasized issues, involving male and paternal affection in transformation. The coexistence of multiple frames of reference along with such diversity, as expressed in behaviours and values, have been demonstrated. This contrasts with old models considered, until now, to be hegemonic. We worked with the hypothesis that the crisis in this area, due to instability generated by this transitory period that disorganizes both emotional and family structures, generates, over medium and long range, development for the individual as well as for society.

Psychosocial inclusivity in design : a definition and dimensions

Lim, Yonghun January 2018 (has links)
Significant changes in demographics, including a growing ageing population and a larger number of people with disabilities, have made inclusive design an increasingly relevant notion in the design of products, services, and environments. However, there is considerable concern that the concept of inclusive design is rather limited in its current definition and applications and has not yet been thoroughly applied. This is possibly due to the conventional understanding and application of inclusive design, mainly rooted in and focused on physical aspects of inclusion, such as accessibility, usefulness, and usability. This limited focus has led various voices in design academia and industry to speak of the need for further consideration of the psychological and social aspects of inclusive design as the next step to facilitate inclusive design, and make impact. In this research, inclusivity on psychological and social levels, is referred to as "psychosocial inclusivity". The concept of psychosocial inclusivity, including a clear definition thereof and its application, is rather limited in the existing literature. Therefore, this PhD research aims to further explore this concept by establishing a clear definition and the dimensions thereof. In order to achieve this, an initial definition and dimensions of the psychosocial inclusivity in design are established through a critical review of existing literature from both social science and design perspectives. The initial definition and dimensions are then developed, refined, and evaluated through four empirical studies: the Delphi study (expert survey); field study I (ethnographic interviews with mobility scheme users); field study II (ethnographic interviews, creative workshop, and observation of older individuals); and an evaluation study (online survey of design academics and professionals). These studies have been designed based on a triangulation approach in order to enhance the reliability and validity of the outcomes. At the end of this research, the definition and dimensions for psychosocial inclusivity in design (Cognitive, Emotional, Social, and Value dimensions) are proposed. The outcomes of this research can enhance the understanding and knowledge of the concept of psychosocial inclusivity in design. Also, the definition and dimensions can be used by design academics and professionals or third parties to consider psychosocial aspects. The dimensions also can be developed as a complete set of framework or toolkit through further research.

Vad innebär hälsa för dig? : En kvalitativ undersökning om salutogena och patogena perspektiv på hälsa bland elever i årskurs 9 / What does health mean to you? : A qualitative study of salutogenic and pathogenic perspective on health among students in year 9

Peyron, Dennis, Skjöld, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka elevers uppfattningar kring begreppet hälsa, ur ett salutogent och patogent perspektiv. De frågor som ställdes var: har eleverna en salutogen eller patogen bild av hälsa, var får eleverna sin uppfattning kring hälsa ifrån samt förmedlar lärare i idrott och hälsa en salutogen eller patogen bild av hälsa enligt eleverna? Metod 10 elever (7 flickor och 3 pojkar) i årskurs 9 från tre skolor i västra och södra delen av Stockholm deltog alla i en halvstrukturerad intervju. Intervjuerna genomfördes på respektive elevs skola i ett avskilt rum. Deras svar kategoriserades och analyserades med utgångspunkt i Antonovskys teorier, och Quennerstedts utvecklingar av dessa, kring salutogent och patogent. Resultat 5 av 10 elever ansågs ha en patogen bild av hälsa, 3 av 10 en salutogen bild medan 2 av 10 ansågs ha en tvetydig/oklar bild av hälsa där både ett salutogent och patogent perspektiv fanns representerat. 9 av 10 elever angav att Undervisning i idrott och hälsa var en källa som de hämtade information kring hälsa från. 8 elever angav Vänner, 6 elever angav Familj. Flest elever uppgav att deras huvudsakliga källa till information kring hälsa var Undervisning i idrott och hälsa. 4 av 10 elever ansågs visa på att deras lärare hade ett patogent synsätt på hälsa och 6 av 10 elever svarade på ett sätt som ledde till bedömningen att deras lärares synsätt på hälsa hade inslag av både salutogent och patogent. Slutsats Både salutogena och patogena inslag förekom i såväl elevernas syn på hälsa som i den bild de förmedlade att deras lärare hade. Dock förföll de patogena perspektiven dominera i bägge fall. Eleverna hämtade i huvudsak sin information kring hälsa från undervisningen i idrott och hälsa, familjen och vänner. Det är därför av relevans för lärare att fundera kring vilken syn på hälsa de förmedlar då det kan ha inverkan på elevers uppfattning kring begreppet hälsa. / Aim The thesis aimed to investigate students perceptions of the concept of health from asalutogenic and pathogenic perspective. The questions asked were: does students have asalutogenic or pathogenic view on health, where do students get their opinion about the healthand does teachers in physical education convey a salutogenic or pathogenic view of health according to the students? Method 10 students (7 girls and 3 boys) in grade 9 from three schools in the western and southern partof Stockholm all participated in a semi-structured interview. The interviews were conducted at each student's school in a secluded room. Their response was categorized and analyzed on the basis of Antonovskys theories, and Quennerstedts developments thereof, around salutogenetic and pathogenic. Results 5 out of 10 students were considered to have a pathogenic view of health, 3 of 10 a salutogenic view while 2 out of 10 were considered to have an ambiguous/unclear view of health in which both salutogenic and pathogenic perspectives were represented. 9 out of 10 students indicated that Teaching in physical education and health was a source that they retrieved information about health from. 8 students answered Friends, 6 students answered Family. Most students stated that their main source of information about health comes from Teaching in physical education and health. 4 out of 10 students were considered to show that their teachers had a pathogenic approach to health and 6 of the 10 students responded in away that led to the assessment that their teachers' approach to health had elements of both salutogenic and pathogenic. Conclusion Both salutogenic and pathogenic element were present in both the students' views on health and in the approach they conveyed that their teachers had on health. However, the pathogenic perspectives dominate in both cases. Students mainly got their information about health from teaching in physical education and health, family and friends. It is of relevance for teachers to reflect on what view on health they convey as it can have an impact on students' perception of the concept of health.

The psychosocial well-being of teenaged orphans in a rural community, Kwazula-Natal

Gumede, Phiwayinkosi Richmond 11 1900 (has links)
Dealing with HIV and AIDS and parental illness and death are realities many teenagers have to face, yet little is known about their psychosocial well-being. This study gauged the psychosocial well-being of teenaged orphans in a rural area in KwaZulu-Natal. Using a narrative approached, data were collected by means of interviews. The study examined the nature of social support available to teenaged orphans and their subjective experiences of well-being. Findings suggest that these teenagers were confronted with drastic changes before and after the deaths of their parents. The ramifications of these and the different ways of coping with orphanhood were explored. Foster parents and other care-givers were found to provide differentially in the needs of the teenagers and this impacted on their well-being and coping. This study extends the literature on children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS by considering the specific experiences of teenagers. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

The psychosocial well-being of teenaged orphans in a rural community, Kwazula-Natal

Gumede, Phiwayinkosi Richmond 11 1900 (has links)
Dealing with HIV and AIDS and parental illness and death are realities many teenagers have to face, yet little is known about their psychosocial well-being. This study gauged the psychosocial well-being of teenaged orphans in a rural area in KwaZulu-Natal. Using a narrative approached, data were collected by means of interviews. The study examined the nature of social support available to teenaged orphans and their subjective experiences of well-being. Findings suggest that these teenagers were confronted with drastic changes before and after the deaths of their parents. The ramifications of these and the different ways of coping with orphanhood were explored. Foster parents and other care-givers were found to provide differentially in the needs of the teenagers and this impacted on their well-being and coping. This study extends the literature on children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS by considering the specific experiences of teenagers. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

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