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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Il ruolo della deontologia medica nel sistema delle fonti del diritto : un'analisi comparata / Le rôle de la déontologie médicale dans les sources du droit : Analyse comparée / The role of medical ethics as a source of law : a comparative analysis

Pulice, Elisabetta 23 September 2014 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse, préparée dans le cadre de la convention de co-tutelle entre l’Université de Trento en Italie et l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense en France, consiste dans une analyse comparée du rôle de la déontologie médicale dans les sources du droit en Italie, France et Allemagne. Le spectre d’analyse adopté est double. On cherche d’abord à rendre compte des aspects architecturaux des rapports entre droit et déontologie médicale ; ce faisant, on concentre l’analyse sur les modalités de la codification de l’éthique professionnelle en France, en Allemagne et en Italie, sur le pouvoir normatif des ordres professionnels, et sur la valeur juridique des codes de déontologie médicale et leur intégration dans le système des sources du droit. En second lieu, on cherche, dans une perspective plus substantielle, à comprendre les relations entre droit et déontologie, et notamment le rôle de la déontologie médicale dans le domaine du biodroit. Ce spectre d’analyse est en outre élargi à la procédure disciplinaire et à la perspective européenne. La première partie de la thèse est dédiée à certaines remarques préliminaires et notamment à un effort de définition de la déontologie médicale, à certaines « questions ouvertes » de son rapport avec le droit et à la relation, en perspective comparée, entre langue et droit dans la signification du mot « déontologie ». La seconde partie est dédiée à la codification de l’éthique professionnelle, alors que le rôle de la déontologie médicale dans le biodroit est l’objet de la troisième partie. La quatrième partie concerne la procédure disciplinaire et, finalement, la cinquième partie est dédiée à la reconstruction et l’analyse critique des résultats de la comparaison, à la perspective européenne et à la proposition d’un nouveau modèle italien des rapports entre le droit et la déontologie médicale. / The thesis aims at analysing, from a comparative perspective, the role of medical ethics in Italy, France and Germany. The survey focuses on both the formal and substantive aspects of the relationships between law and medical ethics. As to the first issue, the thesis analyses the codification of medical ethics, the normative function of the medical councils, the binding value of the codes of medical ethics and their position in the hierarchy of norms. With regard to the second aspect, the role of medical ethics is studied from a more substantial perspective, analysing the concrete interrelations between law and medical ethics in the field of biolaw. The survey is then extended to the disciplinary procedure and to the European level. In the first part, the relationships between law and medical ethics are analysed from a linguistic perspective, aiming at underlining some specific features of the concepts referred to as “déontologie”, “deontologia” or “Standesrecht” and “Berufsordnung” in France, Italy and Germany. This part also deals with some “open questions” characterising the relationships between medical ethics and the law. The second part concerns the codification of medical ethics, while its role in the field of biolaw is analysed in the third part. The fourth part deals with deontological liability and disciplinary procedures. Lastly, the fifth part aims at elaborating a theoretical reconstruction of the results of the comparative analysis, at highlighting the main roles of medical ethics at the European level and at suggesting a different model for the relationships between law and medical ethics in the Italian system. / L’obiettivo della tesi è un’analisi comparata del ruolo della deontologia medica nel sistema delle fonti del diritto in Italia, Francia e Germania. Per tenere conto della complessità del rapporto tra diritto e deontologia, sono stati analizzati sia gli aspetti formali di tale rapporto, sia i profili sostanziali del ruolo della deontologia medica nel biodiritto. Nella prima parte alcune considerazioni preliminari e l’analisi linguistica hanno permesso di definire l’ambito di indagine e i profili di maggiore complessità del rapporto tra dimensione deontologica e dimensione giuridica sui quali nelle parti successive si è concentrata l’indagine. La seconda parte, dedicata alla codificazione dell’etica medica, ha messo in luce la varietà di soluzioni e di modalità di ingresso della norma deontologica nell’ordinamento giuridico. Nella terza parte sono stati analizzati il ruolo della deontologia medica nell’ambito del biodiritto e l’influenza di alcuni fattori particolarmente rilevanti sull’evoluzione dei contenuti concreti dei codici deontologici e sulla loro portata pratica. La quarta parte è dedicata alla violazione della deontologia e ai procedimenti disciplinari. Infine la parte conclusiva contiene una ricostruzione teorica dei risultati emersi dall’analisi comparata, lo studio di alcuni profili legati alla dimensione europea della deontologia e la proposta di alcune ipotesi di riforma per un modello italiano più coerente, flessibile ed efficace dei rapporti tra diritto e deontologia.

Public Procurement: Borders, Tensions and Interrelation with Private Law in the New Contractual Scenario / La Contratación Pública: Fronteras, Tensiones e Interrelación con el Derecho Privado en el Nuevo Escenario Contractual

Cassagne, Juan Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
The establishment of the limits between the public law and the private law has been a hard to clarify. For that reason, the author brings a perspective about this division, focusing on the case of public procurement. Thus, in the first part he will explain the division between public law and private law, and how this division has evolved. Then, he will explain the consequences of the disruption of unitary theory on public procurement. Finally, he will show the inequality of the parts, the public prerogatives and the compensatory guarantees, all involved in the peculiarities of management contract, that distinguishes it from an private contract. / La determinación de la frontera ente el derecho privado y el derecho público siempre ha sido una situación complicada de esclarecer. Por tal motivo, el autor brinda una perspectiva sobreesta división pero enfocándola, principalmente, al escenario de la contratación pública. Así,en un primer momento explicará la división entre el derecho privado y el derecho públicoy cómo esta ha ido evolucionando con el devenir del tiempo; luego nos explicará quéimplica el abandono de la tesis unitaria en el escenario de la contratación pública, para,finalmente, mostrarnos que la desigualdad de las partes, las prerrogativas del poder públicoy las garantías compensatorias se encuentran dentro de las peculiaridades que exhibe lateoría del contrato administrativo y la distinguen de un contrato entre particulares que se circunscribe en el ámbito de derecho privado.

Droit comparé de l'environnement : la valorisation du patrimoine des aires protégées brésiliennes et françaises / Comparative Environmental Law : the Valorisation of the Heritage of Brazilian and French Protected Areas / Direito Ambiental Comparado : A Valorização do Patrimônio das Áreas Protegidas Brasileiras e Francesas

Olavo Leite, André 06 April 2018 (has links)
En dépit de l’impressionnante capacité technoscientifique des sociétés modernes, et en grande partie justement à ce titre, plusieurs indicateurs ne laissent aucun doute quant à la destruction accélérée de la nature de la planète. Bien que des signes de cette dégradation aient été perçus à divers moments de l’Histoire, c’est à partir des effets de la Révolution Industrielle que l’Homme, pour la première fois à une échelle visible, prend conscience de son rôle en tant qu’agent du changement environnemental et décide de s’organiser pour combattre les effets négatifs de ces changements. Il s’agit d’un jalon essentiel pour les objectifs contemporains de protection de l’environnement, qui a eu pour conséquence d’une part, la constitution d’un segment autonome de la société concerné par la protection de la nature, et d’autre part l’institutionnalisation d’un outil opérationnel privilégié : l’Aire naturelle protégée.Sans surprise, les instruments juridiques des Aires protégées font partie aujourd’hui des droits de la plupart des pays et couvrent une partie importante de la surface de la planète. Toutefois, cela ne doit pas occulter que le succès des Aires protégées auprès des gouvernements des pays est un phénomène relativement récent et qui résulte des profonds changements opérés au cours des dernières décennies sur les objectifs des politiques publiques de protection de la nature.Ces nouveaux éléments, et la recherche de leur intégration, ont conduit à deux constatations de plus en plus évidentes. D’un côté, les États ont connu une augmentation importante des ressources financières nécessaires à la conservation des espaces naturels, accompagnée de la reconnaissance que les Aires protégées devraient bénéficier autant que possible d’une certaine indépendance financière. D’un autre côté, il est de plus en plus clair que la recherche de l’efficacité des Aires protégées passe nécessairement par la sensibilisation, l’éducation, la persuasion et l’engagement de la population.Pour ces raisons, des nouvelles formes de réglementation sont recherchées et le droit est mobilisé pour offrir des alternatives permettant la valorisation de ces espaces et l’intégration des préoccupations environnementales dans les pratiques sociales.En ce sens, la valorisation - qui s’appuie souvent sur la stratégie de patrimonialisation et d’appropriation d’un certain nombre d’éléments matériels et immatériels des espaces naturels, afin d’augmenter simultanément la sensibilisation à leur importance et de lever les fonds nécessaires pour qu’ils soient protégés de la manière adéquate – fait l’objet d’une croissante reconnaissance comme une notion capable de répondre aux défis actuels des politiques publiques de conservation, pour son potentiel à lier les objectifs apparemment contradictoires de protection de la nature et de développement économique local.Dans ce travail nous cherchons à identifier et comparer la prise en compte de ces nouvelles préoccupations et les contributions des droits brésilien et français. Autrement dit, cet ouvrage traite de la valorisation du patrimoine environnemental des Aires protégées en droit brésilien et en droit français, à partir d’un point de vue comparatif. Dans ce but, elle traite successivement des notions de valorisation du patrimoine environnemental et d’Aire protégée, de la prise en compte politique de cette valorisation comme notion susceptible de répondre aux défis contemporains des Aires protégées, et finalement des contributions des droits brésilien et français en termes d’opérationnalisation de cet objectif. / Despite the impressive techno-scientific capacity of modern societies, and for the most part precisely as a result of it, several indicators leave no doubt about the accelerated destruction of the nature of the planet. Although signs of this degradation have been perceived at various moments in history, it is from the effects of the Industrial Revolution that men, for the first time on a visible scale, becomes aware of his role as an agent of environmental change and decides to act to combat the negative effects of these changes. A milestone in the history of contemporary environmental protection goals, this important change resulted both in the constitution of an autonomous segment of society concerned with the protection of nature, and in the institutionalisation of a specific operational tool: the natural protected area.The impressive success protected areas have found among governments should not obscure the fact that this success is a relatively recent phenomenon resulting from the profound modifications nature protection policy has seen in the last decades, which have also led to two in increasingly visible observations. On the one hand, states have experienced a significant increase in the financial resources needed for the conservation of natural areas, followed by the recognition that protected areas should benefit from a certain financial independence and contribute to development. On the other hand, it is increasingly clear that the effectiveness of protected areas depends on the awareness, education, persuasion and the commitment of the population.As a consequence, new forms of regulation are sought and law is called upon to offer alternatives for the valorisation of these spaces and the integration of environmental concerns into social practices. In this regard, protected Areas can play an important role as experimental areas for the search of such an alternative, as they are spaces that have both a growing need for financial resources and the necessary regulatory and institutional framework necessary for the development of such new practices.In this sense, valorisation has gained recognition as a concept capable of responding to the current challenges of nature conservation policies, for its aptitude to link the seemingly contradictory goals of nature protection and local economic development.In this work we seek to identify and compare how Brazilian and French law have taken into account this new objectives, and their contributions towards it implementations. In other words, this thesis draws on the valorisation of the environmental heritage of protected areas in Brazilian and French law, from a comparative point of view. Towards this objective, it deals successively with the notions of valorisation of the environmental heritage of Protected Area, the political consideration of this valorisation as a notion capable of responding to the contemporary challenges of protected areas, and finally the contributions of Brazilian law and French law. / Apesar da impressionante capacidade técnico-científica das sociedades modernas, e em grande justamente como suaconsequência, vários indicadores não deixam dúvidas sobre a destruição acelerada da natureza do planeta. Embora ossinais dessa degradação tenham sido percebidos em vários pontos da história, as preocupações com o ambiente são umfenômeno moderno e levaram tanto à constituição de um segmento autônomo da sociedade preocupado com a proteçãoda natureza, quanto à institucionalização de uma ferramenta operacional específica: a área natural protegida.Esta tese tem como objeto a valorização do patrimônio ambiental das áreas protegidas nos direitos brasileiro e francês, naperspectiva do direito comparado. Ela trata das noções de valorização do patrimônio e de áreas protegidas, daconsideração política, científica e jurídica do objetivo de valorização, e, enfim, das contribuições do direito brasileiro edo direito francês para dar efetividade a essa valorização.

Les personnes publiques, prestataires de service marchand / Public entities as market service providers

De Fontenelle, Louis 08 July 2015 (has links)
S’il est désormais clairement établi que les personnes publiques peuvent, d’une part, prendre en charge des activités sur le marché, d’autre part, candidater à des contrats de la commande publique, les conditions dans lesquelles s’exerce la concurrence des personnes publiques sont souvent l’objet de contestations dans la mesure où on leur fait reproche d’être avantagées par leur statut de droit public. L’objet de cette thèse est de démontrer que les personnes publiques ne sont ni avantagées, ni défavorisées par leur statut mais simplement inadaptées et inadaptables au milieu concurrentiel car le statut de droit public implique structurellement une distorsion concurrentielle et donc une atteinte à l’exigence d’égale concurrence. Cette difficulté pourrait toutefois être surmontée en consolidant les sociétés publiques. / It is now established that a public law person can take over activities on the market, and apply for public procurement contracts. But the terms under which these public law persons are present on the competitive market are disputed, as their statute under public law is often criticized as an unfair advantage. This thesis aims to demonstrate that public law persons are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by their statute, but are simply not suited – and can't be adapted – to the competitive market, as their public law statute structurally implies a competitive distortion and an infringement to the legal requirements for fair competition. That difficulty may however be overcome by consolidating state-owned enterprises.

Releitura sistêmico-teórica das relações entre direito, política e economia: a crise de 2008 como ponto de inflexão para a emergência do constitucionalismo societal / A Systems theory Approach to the interactions between law, politics and economics: the 2008 crisis as a turning point for the rising of societal constitutionalism

Marcelo Valença Ramos 24 September 2014 (has links)
O trabalho busca na teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann, tal como desenvolvida por Gunther Teubner, Marcelo Neves e outros doutrinadores, elementos para explicar as relações entre os subsistemas jurídico, político e econômico na sociedade contemporânea. Com base nas ferramentas teóricas obtidas, revisa o conceito de constituição econômica como a relação de acoplamento estrutural entre o direito e a economia, e a Constituição do Estado como a relação de acoplamento estrutural entre o direito e a política. As crises econômicas são então explicadas pelas tendências inflacionárias na produção de símbolos e pelos choques entre racionalidades sistêmicas parciais. A crise de 2008 consolida a constatação de que a globalização restringe a capacidade de influência da política e do direito sobre o sistema econômico desterritorializado. Em vista disso, propõe-se a adoção da teoria do constitucionalismo societal de Teubner como proposta para a democracia no século XXI; através dela, é possível reconhecer a constitucionalização no interior de cada subsistema social e o desenvolvimento de foros de razão pública internos, nos quais a política pode ser desenvolvida de forma autônoma em relação à política institucionalizada do Estado. Finalmente, vê-se como o combate à crise econômica invariavelmente redesenha os papéis dos Poderes de Estado, reconhecendo certa liberdade ao Executivo, embora isso não signifique ausência de quaisquer freios e contrapesos. / The presentwork seeks elements in Niklas Luhmanns systems theory as developed by Gunther Teubner and Marcelo Neves, amongst others to explain the interrelations between the legal, economic and political social subsystems in current society. Based on the theoretical tools gathered, it analyzes the concept of economic constitution as the structural coupling between law and economics, and the State Constitution as a structural coupling between law and politics. Economic crisis is then explained by the inflationary tendencies in the production of symbols and by the conflicts between partial rationalities. The crisis of 2008 strengthened the conclusion that globalization restrains politics and laws capacities to influence the international economic system. In view of that, it is suggested the adoption of Teubners societal constitutionalism as a proposal for XXI centurys democracy. Societal constitutionalism allows the recognition of internal constitutions in each social subsystem and the development of internal public reasoning institutions, where politics can be developed autonomously from State Politics. Finally, the last chapter considers how the measures against economic crises invariably redefine the roles of the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary, recognizing some freedom to the Executive, although such freedom does not mean the absence of any checks and balances.

Modulação temporal de efeitos: uma abordagem dogmática e dialógica / Dogmatic approach concerning to the prospective effect of judicial decisions

Rodrigo de Almeida Távora 24 September 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva ampliar o tratamento dogmático da modulação temporal dos efeitos da decisão que reconhece a inconstitucionalidade de atos normativos. Busca-se também abordar a perspectiva prospectiva no controle de legalidade e na aferição de juridicidade dos demais atos não normativos praticados no âmbito dos três poderes. Além de abordar os pressupostos teóricos subjacentes à abordagem prospectiva, foram analisados os sistemas de controle de constitucionalidade e os distintos regimes conferidos às situações de invalidade. Promove-se a releitura do tema de forma a reconduzir a modulação dos efeitos temporais à ponderação entre os princípios constitucionais violados pela norma que se pretende declarar inválida e os que tutelam as relações jurídicas que se formaram durante a vigência da norma declarada inválida. Discorre-se particularmente sobre o tema no Brasil, evidenciando-se que a perspectiva prospectiva não se circunscreve apenas ao regramento formal estabelecido pelas normas infraconstitucionais. Por fim, apresenta-se a modulação de efeitos como uma ferramenta valiosa de diálogo institucional, que pode permitir a conciliação dos espaços próprios dos poderes constituídos, temperando um eventual ativismo judicial. Evidencia-se que a modulação temporal de efeitos funciona como ponte entre as teorias empíricas e normativas. Vale-se de abordagens consequencialistas e institucionais sem se descurar da preocupação normativa e dogmática. Permite concomitantemente o debate mais intenso e o diálogo entre os poderes, tudo com o objetivo de se assegurar a concretização dos preceitos constitucionais de uma forma mais harmônica e sistemática. / This essay intends to enlarge the dogmatic approach concerning to the prospective effect of the decision which recognizes the unconstitutionality of the normative acts. The essay also addresses the prospectivity doctrine to the legality control and other acts - not regulatory - performed by the three branches. Besides addressing the theoretical assumptions underlying the prospective approach, it analyzes the judicial review system and the different schemes given to invalidity situations. It allows a new investigation about the theme in order to conduct the prospective effect to the balance between the constitutional principles violated by the rule that it wants to declare invalid and the principles which protect the legal relationships formed during the term of the rule declared invalid. The essay also addresses the subject in Brazil, showing that the prospective approach is not limited only by the standards formally established in law. Finally, the essay presents the prospective effect as a valuable tool for institutional dialogue, which may allow the reconciliation of the branches own spaces, tempering any judicial activism. The prospective effect works as a bridge between the empirical and normative theories. It takes into account consequentialist and institutional approaches without neglecting the normative and dogmatic concerns. At the same time, it allows the most intense debate and dialogue among the branches, ensuring the constitutional provisions in a more harmonious and systematic way.

Releitura sistêmico-teórica das relações entre direito, política e economia: a crise de 2008 como ponto de inflexão para a emergência do constitucionalismo societal / A Systems theory Approach to the interactions between law, politics and economics: the 2008 crisis as a turning point for the rising of societal constitutionalism

Marcelo Valença Ramos 24 September 2014 (has links)
O trabalho busca na teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann, tal como desenvolvida por Gunther Teubner, Marcelo Neves e outros doutrinadores, elementos para explicar as relações entre os subsistemas jurídico, político e econômico na sociedade contemporânea. Com base nas ferramentas teóricas obtidas, revisa o conceito de constituição econômica como a relação de acoplamento estrutural entre o direito e a economia, e a Constituição do Estado como a relação de acoplamento estrutural entre o direito e a política. As crises econômicas são então explicadas pelas tendências inflacionárias na produção de símbolos e pelos choques entre racionalidades sistêmicas parciais. A crise de 2008 consolida a constatação de que a globalização restringe a capacidade de influência da política e do direito sobre o sistema econômico desterritorializado. Em vista disso, propõe-se a adoção da teoria do constitucionalismo societal de Teubner como proposta para a democracia no século XXI; através dela, é possível reconhecer a constitucionalização no interior de cada subsistema social e o desenvolvimento de foros de razão pública internos, nos quais a política pode ser desenvolvida de forma autônoma em relação à política institucionalizada do Estado. Finalmente, vê-se como o combate à crise econômica invariavelmente redesenha os papéis dos Poderes de Estado, reconhecendo certa liberdade ao Executivo, embora isso não signifique ausência de quaisquer freios e contrapesos. / The presentwork seeks elements in Niklas Luhmanns systems theory as developed by Gunther Teubner and Marcelo Neves, amongst others to explain the interrelations between the legal, economic and political social subsystems in current society. Based on the theoretical tools gathered, it analyzes the concept of economic constitution as the structural coupling between law and economics, and the State Constitution as a structural coupling between law and politics. Economic crisis is then explained by the inflationary tendencies in the production of symbols and by the conflicts between partial rationalities. The crisis of 2008 strengthened the conclusion that globalization restrains politics and laws capacities to influence the international economic system. In view of that, it is suggested the adoption of Teubners societal constitutionalism as a proposal for XXI centurys democracy. Societal constitutionalism allows the recognition of internal constitutions in each social subsystem and the development of internal public reasoning institutions, where politics can be developed autonomously from State Politics. Finally, the last chapter considers how the measures against economic crises invariably redefine the roles of the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary, recognizing some freedom to the Executive, although such freedom does not mean the absence of any checks and balances.

Modulação temporal de efeitos: uma abordagem dogmática e dialógica / Dogmatic approach concerning to the prospective effect of judicial decisions

Rodrigo de Almeida Távora 24 September 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva ampliar o tratamento dogmático da modulação temporal dos efeitos da decisão que reconhece a inconstitucionalidade de atos normativos. Busca-se também abordar a perspectiva prospectiva no controle de legalidade e na aferição de juridicidade dos demais atos não normativos praticados no âmbito dos três poderes. Além de abordar os pressupostos teóricos subjacentes à abordagem prospectiva, foram analisados os sistemas de controle de constitucionalidade e os distintos regimes conferidos às situações de invalidade. Promove-se a releitura do tema de forma a reconduzir a modulação dos efeitos temporais à ponderação entre os princípios constitucionais violados pela norma que se pretende declarar inválida e os que tutelam as relações jurídicas que se formaram durante a vigência da norma declarada inválida. Discorre-se particularmente sobre o tema no Brasil, evidenciando-se que a perspectiva prospectiva não se circunscreve apenas ao regramento formal estabelecido pelas normas infraconstitucionais. Por fim, apresenta-se a modulação de efeitos como uma ferramenta valiosa de diálogo institucional, que pode permitir a conciliação dos espaços próprios dos poderes constituídos, temperando um eventual ativismo judicial. Evidencia-se que a modulação temporal de efeitos funciona como ponte entre as teorias empíricas e normativas. Vale-se de abordagens consequencialistas e institucionais sem se descurar da preocupação normativa e dogmática. Permite concomitantemente o debate mais intenso e o diálogo entre os poderes, tudo com o objetivo de se assegurar a concretização dos preceitos constitucionais de uma forma mais harmônica e sistemática. / This essay intends to enlarge the dogmatic approach concerning to the prospective effect of the decision which recognizes the unconstitutionality of the normative acts. The essay also addresses the prospectivity doctrine to the legality control and other acts - not regulatory - performed by the three branches. Besides addressing the theoretical assumptions underlying the prospective approach, it analyzes the judicial review system and the different schemes given to invalidity situations. It allows a new investigation about the theme in order to conduct the prospective effect to the balance between the constitutional principles violated by the rule that it wants to declare invalid and the principles which protect the legal relationships formed during the term of the rule declared invalid. The essay also addresses the subject in Brazil, showing that the prospective approach is not limited only by the standards formally established in law. Finally, the essay presents the prospective effect as a valuable tool for institutional dialogue, which may allow the reconciliation of the branches own spaces, tempering any judicial activism. The prospective effect works as a bridge between the empirical and normative theories. It takes into account consequentialist and institutional approaches without neglecting the normative and dogmatic concerns. At the same time, it allows the most intense debate and dialogue among the branches, ensuring the constitutional provisions in a more harmonious and systematic way.

Problematika reklamy v podnikání a hospodářská soutěž v rámci EU. / Problems of advertising in business and ecomonic competition within the frame of European Union

KUPSOVÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Objectives of this thesis is concentrate on problems of advertising in business and economic competition within the frame of EU. Thesis analyse advertising as such. In this thesis, there is a description of notion advertising, history of advertising, functions, objectives{\dots}etc. Consenquently there is a description of medium for advertising. In Czech republic, the advertising is legally regulate by public law and by private law. At the same time, it use also nonlegal instruments for regulation. It is self-regulation by the help of Ethics code. Ethics code is published by RPR (Rada pro reklamu). It watch over ethics and mind of advertising. Unfair competition is behaviour in economic competition, which is in violation of good manners and is qualified to evocate injury of others competitors or consumer. Unfair competition is for example false advertising, embracery, impeachment{\dots}etc. Economic competition is regulate and controlled by ÚOHS (Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže). It create condititons for subvention and protection. Competition law is used in case of violation against conditions of economic competition. It is for example abuse of dominant position, association of competitors or forbidden agreements. Within the frame of law, it exists sanctions for protections againts infringement of economic competition and unfair competititon. Concerning advertising in the European Union, it is analogous to advertising in Czech republic. For regulation, there is many EC directives regulating advertising.

The contentious process of declaration of detrimental to public interest: Fourteen years after its incorporation in Peruvian law / El Proceso Contencioso de Lesividad: Catorce años después de su incorporación en el derecho peruano

Morón Urbina, Juan Carlos 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article explains the contentious process of harmfulness. Thus, the author mentions that the foundation of the process of harmfulness has been on our right the survival of the Administrative security of the legality and the public interest butlimiting the self-enforcement, the requirement of belief in authority to pursue the annulment of an administrative act and to ensure the due process of law is being administered. / El presente artículo explica el proceso contencioso de lesividad a partir de la naturaleza jurídica de éste .Así, el autor menciona que el fundamento del proceso de lesividad ha sido en nuestro derecho la pervivencia de la tutela administrativa de la legalidad y del interés público pero limitando la autotutela, la exigencia de convicción en la autoridad para perseguir la anulación de un acto y garantizar el debido proceso del administrado favorecido con el acto.

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