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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Repealing the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act : a constitutional analysis

Frantz, Gino 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Public Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All agricultural subdivisions in the Republic of South Africa are regulated by the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970. The declared purpose of the Act is to prevent the creation of uneconomic farming units and this purpose is achieved through the requirement that the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (“Minister of Agriculture”) must consent to the proposed subdivision. The Act was promulgated in the 1970s when the South African landscape was racially divided. The government of the time used law to provide benefits for the white minority. At this time the rights of non-whites were restricted. This is the social and political background of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act. The Act formed part of a legislative scheme that provided benefits for white farmers. More than a decade after democratisation and the end of apartheid the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act is still in operation. The post-apartheid legislature drafted and enacted the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act Repeal Act 64 of 1998, but it has not yet been brought into operation. During 2003 the legislature tabled the Draft Sustainable Utilisation of Agricultural Resources Bill which contains subdivision provisions that are identical to the provisions contained in the Subdivision Act. These legislative actions have created some uncertainty about the state of agricultural subdivisions. In 2008 the Constitutional Court decided that the Act continues to apply to all agricultural subdivisions and that this would be the position until the legislature chooses a definitive course of action. This constitutional analysis of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act examines the effect of the Act beyond the pre-constitutional legislative intention and framework under which it was enacted. If the Act cannot be saved from its apartheid context, the Repeal Act should become operational. This thesis concludes that the necessary and legitimate purpose of the Act, namely the regulation of subdivision of agricultural land, can be removed from its pre-constitutional setting in the apartheid era and may continue to justify the legitimate regulation of subdivision of land. Comparative sources, namely the United States of America, specifically the states of Oregon and Hawaii, Western Australia and the province of British Columbia, Canada indicate that the regulation of agricultural subdivisions is a valid means of protecting agricultural land. If the Act can continue to exist without its legacy of apartheid and still serves a legitimate and necessary purpose it will have to be constitutionally compliant. The purpose of the Act and the means used to realise it were tested against the Bill of Rights. The effect that the regulation has particularly on ownership entitlements was examined against section 25(1) of the 1996 Constitution. Similarly, the consequences of the regulation with regard to other rights in the Bill of Rights were investigated. The conclusion was that where the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act is used for its purpose of preventing the uneconomic subdivision of agricultural land, in the national interest, it is a legitimate land-use regulation that can continue to justifiably operate in a constitutional dispensation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle onderverdelings van landbougrond in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika word gereguleer deur die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond 70 van 1970. Die verklaarde doel van die Wet is om die totstandkoming van onekonomiese landboueenhede te voorkom, en hierdie doel word bereik deurdat die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye (“Minister van Landbou”) toestemming moet verleen vir die voorgestelde onderverdeling van landbougrond. Die Wet is in die 1970s gepromulgeer toe grond in Suid-Afrika in terme van ras verdeel was. Die destydse apartheidsregering het die regstelsel gebruik om voordele vir die blanke minderheidsgroep te bewerkstellig, terwyl die regte van nie-blankes ingeperk was. Dit is die sosiale en politieke agtergrond waarteen die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond tot stand gekom het. Die Wet was deel van ‘n wetgewende raamwerk waarbinne voordele vir blanke boere geskep is. Meer as ‘n dekade na apartheid en die totstandkoming van ‘n demokratiese Suid-Afrika is die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond steeds in werking. Die post-apartheid wetgewer het die Wet op die Herroepping van die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond 64 van 1998 gepromulgeer, maar nog nie in werking gestel nie. Gedurende 2003 het die wetgewer die “Draft Sustainable Utilisation of Agricultural Resources Bill”, wat onderafdelings soortgelyk aan die bepalings in die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond bevat, gepromulgeer. Bogenoemde stappe het onsekerheid geskep ten opsigte van die stand van onderverdeling van landbougrond. In 2008 het die Konstitusionele Hof beslis dat die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond sal voortgaan om die onderverdeling van landbougrond te reguleer totdat die wetgewer uitsluitsel oor die aangeleentheid verskaf. Die doel van die tesis is om die uitwerking van die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond te analiseer as deel van die huidige grondwetlike bedeling, aangesien dit geskep is tydens die apartheidsera. Indien die Wet nie van sy apartheidskonteks geskei of gered kan word nie sal die Herroepping Wet in werking gestel moet word. Die tesis kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die doel van die Wet, naamlik die regulering van die onderverdeling van landbougrond, van die voor-konstitusionele agtergrond in die apartheidsera geskei kan word en dat dit kan voortgaan om die wettige regulering van onderverdeling van landbougrond te regverdig. Regsvergelykende bronne, naamlik die Verenigde State van Amerika, veral die state van Oregon en Hawaii, Wes Australië en Brits-Columbië, ‘n provinsie van Kanada, dui aan dat die regulasie van die onderverdeling van landbougrond ‘n regsgeldige metode is om landbougrond te beskerm. Die doel van die Wet en die metodes wat gebruik word om hierdie doel te laat realiseer is getoets teen die Handves van Menseregte. Die uitwerking van die regulasie op die inhoudsbevoegdhede van die eienaar is spesifiek geëvalueer teen artikel 25(1) van die 1996 Grondwet, maar die gevolge van die regulasie is ook getoets teen ander regte in die Handves van Menseregte. Die gevolgtrekking was dat waar die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond gebruik word met die doel om onekonomiese onderverdeling van landbougrond te verhoed in die nasionale belang, dit ‘n legitieme regulasie van grondgebruik is waarvan die gebruik steeds regverdigbaar is in ‘n grondwetlike bedeling.

The right to have access to health care services for survivors of gender-based violence

Bannister, Tarryn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa gender-based violence (hereafter “GBV”) has reached extreme levels. This violent manifestation of gender inequality is compounded by the fact that women are disproportionately affected by poverty, the HIV/AIDS epidemic and inadequate health care services. This is in spite of South Africa’s progressive constitutional and legislative framework which appears highly conducive to combating gender inequality and GBV. For example, the Constitution protects the right to equality (section 9), human dignity (section 10), life (section 11), freedom and security of the person (section 12) and the right to have access to health care services, including reproductive health (section 27(1)(a)). Extensive legislation has also been enacted for the protection of women. For example, the preamble to the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 (hereafter “DVA”) recognises domestic violence as a serious social evil. While the DVA is notably silent as to the role of the health care sector, the DVA is progressive in that it contains a broad definition of domestic violence, and recognises a wide range of relationships. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 also seeks to afford complainants of sexual offences “the maximum and least traumatising protection that the law can provide”. In addition to this, South Africa has international law obligations to address GBV and gender inequality. For example, under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), States are obliged to address private acts of violence and to remove discrimination against women in all fields, including health. However, despite this progressive framework of rights, some interpretations of these integral rights have been unduly formalistic, in addition to being disengaged from the lived reality of many women. There is also a substantial gap between policy and practice, with the implementation of existing legislation a continuing problem. It is therefore imperative that we analyse the right to have access to health care services through a gender lens so as to transcend a purely legalistic perspective and to interrogate gendered social processes and power relations. This thesis analyses how existing law and policy can be transformed so as to be more responsive to these lived realities and needs of survivors of GBV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslagsgebaseerde geweld (hierna ‘GGG’) in Suid-Afrika het uiterste vlakke bereik. Hierdie gewelddadige manifestasie van geslagsongelykheid word vererger deur die feit dat vroue buite verhouding erg deur armoede, die MIV/vigs-epidemie en ontoereikende gesondheidsorgdienste geraak word. Dit is ondanks Suid-Afrika se vooruitstrewende grondwetlike en wetsraamwerk wat op die oog af hoogs bevorderlik vir die bestryding van geslagsongelykheid en GGG voorkom. Die Grondwet verskans, byvoorbeeld, die reg op gelykheid (artikel 9), menswaardigheid (artikel 10), lewe (artikel 11), vryheid en sekerheid van die persoon (artikel 12) en toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste, met inbegrip van reproduktiewe gesondheidsorg (artikel 27(1)(a)). Omvattende wetgewing oor vrouebeskerming is ook reeds uitgevaardig. Die aanhef tot die Wet op Gesinsgeweld 116 van 1998 (hierna die ‘WGG’) identifiseer, byvoorbeeld, huishoudelike geweld as ’n ernstige maatskaplike euwel. Hoewel die WGG swyg oor die rol van die gesondheidsorgsektor, is dit nietemin vooruitstrewend aangesien dit ’n uitgebreide omskrywing van huishoudelike geweld bevat en ’n wye verskeidenheid verhoudings erken. Die Wysigingswet op die Strafreg (Seksuele Misdrywe en Verwante Aangeleenthede) 32 van 2007 is ook daarop afgestem om klaagsters van seksuele oortredings “die omvattendste en mins traumatiese beskerming te gee wat die wet kan bied”. Daarbenewens verkeer Suid-Afrika onder internasionale regsverpligtinge om GGG en geslagsongelykheid aan te spreek. Ingevolge die Konvensie vir die Uitwissing van Alle Vorme van Diskriminasie teen Vroue (1979), byvoorbeeld, is state verplig om privaat geweldsdade teen te staan en diskriminasie teen vroue op alle gebiede te verwyder, insluitend gesondheid. Nietemin, benewens hierdie vooruitstrewende menseregteraamwerk is sommige interpretasies van hierdie onafskeidbare regte nie net oormatig formalisties nie, maar ook verwyderd van die daaglikse realiteit van baie vroue. Daar is ook ʼn wesenlike gaping tussen beleidsmaatreëls en die praktyk, terwyl die uitvoering van bestaande wetgewing ʼn voortgesette probleem verteenwoordig. Dit is dus gebiedend om die reg op toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste deur ʼn geslagslens te analiseer om sodoende ʼn bloot regsgedrewe perspektief te bo te gaan en om maatskaplike prosesse en magsverhoudinge in oënskou te neem. Hierdie tesis analiseer hoe bestaande wetsraamwerke en beleidsmaatreëls getransformeer kan word om beter te reageer op die realiteite en behoeftes van oorlewendes van GGG. / Stellenbosch University Hope Project / Bradlow Foundation

Contractualisation et emploi public / Contractualisation and public employment

Dion, Fabrice 16 July 2013 (has links)
Ce sujet de recherche appelle à s’interroger sur le statut le plus approprié pour les agents contractuels au sein de l’administration publique et par là-même, sur le régime de l’emploi public à adopter afin de l’adapter aux missions d’une administration moderne. A ce titre, deux options sont possibles : d’une part, la généralisation du statut de fonctionnaire ou du contrat à tous les agents publics ; d’autre part, la coexistence du statut et du contrat sous la forme de deux régimes strictement distincts, ou la recherche d’une harmonisation croissante entre eux, en adaptant cette coexistence à des missions spécifiques ou en les attribuant de manière indifférenciée quels que soient les postes ou les métiers exercés. Il y aura lieu d’apprécier quelle modalité de lien unira le contractuel à la personne publique, mais aussi, le cas échéant, le fonctionnaire à cette même personne. Cette étude s’attache à apporter des réponses à ces sujets. La première partie vise à déterminer les règles applicables à l’agent contractuel. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence l’existence de cet agent public particulier, en montrant l’émergence de cette notion juridique marquée par la diversité des statuts puis d’analyser le régime des contractuels, tant dans ses modalités de recrutement que dans les règles d’évolution du contrat, ce qui permettra de faire apparaître l’esquisse d’une carrière. La seconde partie analyse l’hybridation du statut et du contrat, caractérisée par une harmonisation de la protection des contractuels et des titulaires en termes de convergence des droits et de sécurisation de l’emploi, ainsi que par la nouvelle gestion de l’emploi public qui affecte l’ensemble des agents publics, selon deux logiques concomitantes, managériale et contractuelle. Il est finalement observé que si le droit de la fonction publique peut et doit conserver certaines spécificités, il ne doit pas pour autant évoluer en marge, voire à contre courant des évolutions contemporaines affectant l’emploi salarié de droit commun. / This research consists in a study about the most appropriate status for civils servants and more generally, people who work for public utilities. It appears that it is a twofold question: first, it might be possible that every worker could have the same status created by a contract or an administrative decision. Secondly, an other system could be enacted, the coexistence of a special status for some of them, and a contract for the others. If this second option is chosen, the question is which kind of harmonisation between the status and the contract. The aim of this thesis is to answer to these questions. The first part is an analysis of the conditions of the work of the people who are linked by the public administration with a contract. They are called “contractuels”. The notion and its regime are analysed (especially, the condition of the recruitment and the career of these workers). The second part of the thesis consists in a larger study. Because of the logic of competition and performance, and under the influence of Europe, public utilities have changed. Their missions are different. So the status of the people who work for these services has changed too. This new status is a mix of contract and traditional administrative rule. A new kind of management and a new public law appear. The differences between civils servants are less and less important and, in the same way, their similarities with workers from the private sector are more important.

Droit de l'environnement et développement durable dans une collectivité territoriale française d'Outre-Mer : le cas de Mayotte / Right of the environment and the sustainable development in a French region with a measure of autonomy : the case of Mayotte

Roux, Vincent 22 November 2013 (has links)
Dans quelle mesure le statut juridique d'une collectivité territoriale permet-il une meilleure prise en compte du droit de l'environnement et favorise-t-il le développement durable d'un territoire ? L'évolution du statut juridique de Mayotte vers le statut de département a des conséquences juridiques nombreuses. Le passage du principe de spécialité législative à celui d'identité législative oblige Mayotte à adapter son droit parfois de manière très importante. De nombreux pans du droit sont concernés. Parmi eux le droit de l'environnement tient une place à part car il est l'une des composantes fondamentale du développement durable du territoire. De ce point de vue, la départementalisation est-elle une chance ou une contrainte nouvelle qui apportera plus de problèmes qu'elle n'en résoudra ? Il convient pour apporter une réponse argumentée à ces questions de s'interroger sur l'influence réelle ou supposée du statut juridique d'une communauté sur la mise en œuvre du droit et plus particulièrement du droit de l'environnement. Cette question est complexe car elle impose une étude en terme de droit comparé entre la situation juridique avant la départementalisation lorsque le droit à Mayotte répondait au principe de spécialité et la situation juridique en construction qui sera celle d'un département français soumis au principe de l'identité. La complexité de l'étude s'accroît encore lorsque l'on prend conscience que certaines spécificités mahoraises demeureront après la départementalisation. En d'autres termes, le droit de l'environnement à Mayotte tout en se rapprochant du principe d'identité législative restera sur de nombreuses questions largement dérogatoire. / In what measure does the legal status of a region with a measure of autonomy allow a better consideration of the right(law) of the environment and does it favor the sustainable development of a territory? The evolution of the legal status of Mayotte towards the status of department has numerous legal consequences. The passage of the principle of legislative speciality in that of legislative identity obliges Mayotte to adapt its right(law) sometimes in a very important way. Numerous pieces of the right(law) are concerned. Among them the right(law) of the environment holds a place(square) part because it is one of the components fundamental of the sustainable development of the territory. From this point of view, the departmIn what measure does the legal status of a region with a measure of autonomy allow a better consideration of the right(law) of the environment and does it favor the sustainable development of a territory? The evolution of the legal status of Mayotte towards the status of department has numerous legal consequences. The passage of the principle of legislative speciality in that of legislative identity obliges Mayotte to adapt its right(law) sometimes in a very important way. Numerous pieces of the right(law) are concerned. Among them the right(law) of the environment holds a place(square) part because it is one of the components fundamental of the sustainable development of the territory. From this point of view, the departmIn what measure does the legal status of a region with a measure of autonomy allow a better consideration of the right(law) of the environment and does it favor the sustainable development of a territory?

Odpovědnost veřejné moci za škodu - otázka pro civilní nebo správní soudy? / Civil Liability of Public Administration for Damages Question for Civil or Administrative Courts

Burda, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
ODPOVĚDNOST VEŘEJNÉ MOCI ZA ŠKODU - OTÁZKA PRO CIVILNÍ, NEBO SPRÁVNÍ SOUDY? Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se věnuje tématu odpovědnosti veřejné moci za škodu, speciálně potom otázce, které soudy by měly mít pravomoc rozhodovat o této otázce, jestli soudy civilní, nebo soudy správní. V první části práce jsou vymezeny dva základní přístupy ke zkoumané otázce, přístup soukromoprávní a přístup veřejnoprávní. Rovněž jsou formulovány základní aspekty, ve kterých lze zkoumat konkrétní právní úpravu této odpovědnosti. Jedná se o aspekty hmotněprávní a aspekty procesněprávní. V druhé části je analyzována současná česká úprava. Ta vychází ze soukromoprávního pojetí. Zejména je analyzováno, jak se v jednotlivých aspektech právní úpravy projevuje její soukromoprávní pojetí, a to v kontrastu s pojetím veřejnoprávním. V souladu s judikaturou Ústavního soudu a četnou literaturou je kladen důraz na to, že by právní úprava (a případně judikatura soudů) měla dostatečně zohledňovat specifickou povahu tohoto odpovědnostního vztahu. Kriticky jsou tak nahlédnuty jak aspekty hmotněprávní, tak především aspekty procesněprávní. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá, že velmi neuspokojivá je současná úprava tzv. předběžného projednání. V případě soudního projednání je jako problematická spatřována dvojkolejnost soudní ochrany v případě škod...

Att skapa utökad abstrakt normkontroll och lagprövning. : En rättsvetenskaplig studie utifrån svensk juridisk rättstradition

Petersson, Anna Fatima Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete visar en möjlig väg för skapandet av en utökad norm/lagprövning genom att öka lagrådets befogenheter samt självständighet, där den lagstiftande församlingen samt den dömande och uttolkande myndigheten får en tydligare gräns än tidigare, där lagprövning står i fokus. Detta görs utifrån svensk rättstradition, där tidigare lagar omarbetats samt omplacerats utifrån traditionell rättsutredning. Lagrådet har givits en egen personalbudget vilket tidigare låg under Högsta domstolen samt ett eget kapitel i Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform - RF. Lagrådets befogenheter och sammansättning har utökats samt deras tillsättning har överförts från politisk tillsättning till domarnämnden vilket omfattas av flera grupper från samhället, inte bara av politiker. Dessa sammanlagda åtgärder ger ett ökat tryck på parter att göra rätt från början i ett lagarbete, men det ger också möjlighet till att i efterhand granska och omarbeta fel som visat sig på vägen i ett konkret arbete. Detta systematiska sätt att arbeta ger en ökad öppenhet samt rättssäkerhet kring lagskapande och granskande arbete på ett ekonomiskt fördelaktigt sätt. / This work shows a possible path for the inception of an expanded norm / law review by increasing the powers for Council of law and its independence, where the legislative government and the judging law reviewing parts will have a clearer boundary than before, where legal reviewing is in focus. This is done on the basis of Swedish legal tradition, where previous laws have been revised and repositioned based on traditional legal reviewing method. The law council has been given its own staff budget, which was previously under the Supreme Court, and it has been given a separate chapter in The (1974:152) Instrument of government- RF. The council's powers and composition have been expanding and their appointment has been transferred from political appointment to the judicial committee, which is covered by several groups from society, not just by politicians. These aggregated measures give a total increase in pressure on parties to do right from the start, but also give the opportunity to retrospectively review and rework errors that have proven themselves in court’s rulings. This systematic way of working provides increased transparency and legal certainty of reviewing and creating of new law in a positive economic way.


[pt] A teoria do direito civil-constitucional tem como um dos seus postulados fundamentais a superação da dicotomia público/privado, como forma de submeter o Código Civil à hierarquia de princípios e valores presente na Constituição Federal. A transposição dessas fronteiras, todavia, acarreta uma verdadeira revolução no direito civil, pois a teoria clássica, em larga medida, considera - ainda que não declaradamente - o direito civil em situação de superioridade hierárquica, atribuindo a prevalência axiológica à vontade individual. Esta mudança de perspectiva traz ainda uma série de problemas, especialmente quanto à sua fundamentação. Para que o direito civil- constitucional não caia na armadilha de fundamentar a socialidade do direito civil tão somente no aspecto formal da hierarquia das leis, ou no aspecto ideológico de fazer pender a balança para o caráter social frente à vontade individual, cumpre reconhecer que a própria relação entre individualização e socialização se explica pela tensão entre os dois campos (público/privado) e não pela disputa entre eles. Para tanto, pretende-se elaborar esta tensão a partir da Teoria do Discurso, de Jürgen Habermas, aplicada ao direito, o que demanda uma fundamentação do direito civilconstitucional distinta das que contemporaneamente se apresentam. / [en] One of the main elements of the civil-constitutional approach to private law is the overcoming of the Public/Private dichotomy, as a way of subduing the Civil Code to the hierarchy of values contained in the Constitution. The crossing of these borders causes a true revolution in the private law because the classic theory usually considered the private law in a superior position in regard of the Constitution; the individual values prevailing over the social ones. This change of perspective brings out problems in regard to its foundation. The civilconstitutional theory must avoid the trap of justifying the sociality of the nonpatrimonial private law in the necessity of making social prevailing over individual. It is necessary to acknowledge that there is a tension - but not a conflict - between individualization and socialization. In this order, this dissertation intends to establish this tension through the application of the Discourse Theory of Jürgen Habermas in Law - a distinguished foundation of the civil-constitutional approach to private law.

Transação em matéria tributária: fundamentos para uma regulamentação em âmbito federal

Mickelberg, Michelle Camini 26 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-05T11:47:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Michelle Camini Mickelberg.pdf: 1458856 bytes, checksum: 95337ba92fbee6a0bab8e23ff718cc3f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-05T11:47:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Michelle Camini Mickelberg.pdf: 1458856 bytes, checksum: 95337ba92fbee6a0bab8e23ff718cc3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-26 / The research investigates whether the application of the transaction in tax law, understood as one of the possible outcomes of the consensual methods of dispute resolution, is compatible with the Brazilian judicial system and, in case it is, what are the limits imposed by the legal system to its federal regulation. This work starts with the assumption that language is constitutive of reality and seeks to identify what are the possible meanings of the word transaction; starting from the characteristics of the out-of-court methods of dispute resolution and the civil transaction, as well as from the analysis of the rule described in article 171 of the National Tax Code (CTN), a definition of the tax transaction concept is built. In face of the definition of this institute, this work studies the elements of the rule to be introduced by the Federal Legislative Power, as well as its compatibility with article 3rd of the CTN, with the constitutional norms that rule the national tax system and with the public interest. This work also analyzes the possibility of a legal claim on the transaction and the legal consequences resulting from possible flaws in the agreement between the State and the individual. Closing the research, this work investigates the cost-benefit in the insertion of a federal law regulating the tax transaction, taking into consideration the incentives generated on taxpayers for such legislative choice, the economic benefits reaped by the Fiscal Authority in the adoption of this institute and whether the perspective of an agreement with the State could increase tax evasion and corruption. Finally, the previous experiences of tax transaction in states and local legislations is analyzed considering the resulting conclusions of the present study / A pesquisa investiga se a admissão da transação, entendida como um dos resultados possíveis da autocomposição, em matéria tributária, é compatível com o sistema jurídico pátrio e, em caso afirmativo, os limites impostos pelo ordenamento para uma regulamentação do instituto em âmbito federal. Para tanto, parte-se da premissa que a linguagem é constitutiva da realidade e busca-se identificar as acepções de sentido do termo transação; a partir das características dos meios alternativos de solução de conflitos e da transação civil, bem como da análise da norma de competência prevista no artigo 171 do Código Tributário Nacional (CTN), constrói-se uma definição do conceito de transação tributária. À luz da definição do instituto, estudam-se os elementos da norma a ser introduzida pelo Poder Legislativo Federal, bem como a sua compatibilidade com o artigo 3º do CTN, com as normas constitucionais que regem o sistema tributário nacional e com a indisponibilidade do interesse público. O trabalho analisa, ainda, a possibilidade de rediscussão judicial dos termos da transação e as consequências jurídicas decorrentes de possíveis vícios no acordo entabulado entre o Poder Público e o particular. Encerrando a pesquisa, investiga-se o custo-benefício na edição de lei federal regulamentando a transação tributária, levando-se em consideração os incentivos gerados nos contribuintes por tal escolha legislativa, as vantagens econômicas para o Fisco na adoção do instituto e se a perspectiva de acordo com o Estado incrementaria a evasão fiscal e a corrupção. Por fim, expõe-se a experiência da transação tributária em outros entes da federação, confrontando-se as respectivas legislações com as conclusões resultantes do presente estudo

O controle prévio dos editais de licitação pelos Tribunais de Contas

Lima, Guilherme Corona Rodrigues 02 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Corona Rodrigues Lima.pdf: 1185579 bytes, checksum: b83bf6098ce80f54edfd7e03626c395b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-02 / This work has as goal the analysis of control by the Courts of Accounts in the previous control performed face of bidding documents. Therefore the constitutional and legal competence of the Courts Accounts and particularly the control of the bidding activity of public administration were analyzed, detailing the Court of Auditors s jurisdiction. Finally, we sought to determine the criteria and limits for both as well as the procedure to be observed in exercising such control, seeking in doctrine and jurisprudence parameters for both / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise da atividade dos Tribunais de Contas, no que tange ao controle prévio realizado em face dos editais de licitação. Para tanto, partiu-se da competência constitucional e legal dos Tribunais de Contas e, em especial, do exame do controle da atividade licitatória da Administração Pública, detalhando os pontos de atribuição daquelas Cortes. Por fim, pretendeu-se fixar os critérios e limites dessa análise, bem como o procedimento a ser observado no exercício de tal mister, buscando os parâmetros na doutrina e na jurisprudência

A ordem jurídica internacional e a sociedade da informação / Information society and the international legal order

Valle, Regina Maria Piza de Assumpção Ribeiro do 04 June 2007 (has links)
O desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informação e das comunicações em todo o mundo propicia condições para que a comunidade internacional possa vir a se relacionar sem enfrentar os obstáculos oferecidos pelas barreiras geográficas ou temporais, bem como possa vir a atuar diretamente na defesa de seus interesses, acrescentando novas formas de disciplina do seu comportamento além dos tradicionais mecanismos normativos oferecidos pelo Estado. O direito fundamental de livre acesso à informação por intermédio da tecnologia digital deve ser garantido em igualdade de condições a todos os indivíduos, na qualidade de participantes da sociedade global, em obediência aos princípios e disposições contidos na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, bem como da Declaração do Direito do Desenvolvimento e sua atualização na Declaração do Milênio. Ocorre, que, os países em desenvolvimento não participam dos beneficios da evolução tecnológica e por não estarem conectados à rede mundial, estão alijados do processo e excluídos do acesso à informação transmitida por via digital. Os Estados, que originalmente foram considerados os únicos sujeitos de direito na ordem internacional, não se mostram mais aptos a gerir, com eficácia, os interesses da sociedade, tornando-se incapazes de oferecer as condições necessárias para o exercício pleno da cidadania. O presente estudo visa ampliar os limites da discussão acadêmica a respeito dos efeitos produzidos pelo avanço tecnológico e pela globalização transpondo o debate para a ordem jurídica internacional. O exame dos documentos produzidos pela Cúpula Mundial da Sociedade da Informação, organizada pela UIT, por intermédio da ONU, demonstra que os representantes dos países membros, juntamente com a iniciativa privada e a sociedade civil foram capazes de produzir Declarações de Princípios e Planos de Ação contendo regras de utilização da tecnologia da informação e das telecomunicações de forma a eliminar as desigualdades, e criando a possibilidade de que a humanidade possa, finalmente, vir exercer seu direito ao desenvolvimento. Ademais, criação do Fórum de Governança da Internet, como decorrência da Cúpula Mundial da Sociedade da Informação, evidencia que as regras para a utilização da rede mundial dos computadores permanecem sob a responsabilidade da comunidade internacional, restando, portanto, demonstrado que atuação da sociedade civil, através de mecanismos próprios para proteger seus interesses, repercute diretamente na esfera internacional e merece ser levada em consideração no estudo das fontes de Direito Internacional. / The development of information technology and communications all over the world created the ideal conditions for the international community to the improvement of relationship without any of the obstacles caused by geographical or chronological barriers, and turned possible to civil society to act directly in the defense of its own interests, adding new forms of ruling its behaviors besides the traditional legal mechanisms offered by the State. The free and direct access to information in digital format must be guaranteed in equal conditions as a fundamental right to all individuals, in their condition of members of global society, in accordance with the principles and provisions established by the Universal Human Rights Declaration, as well as of the Declaration of the Right to Development, dully amended by the Millennium Declaration. Nevertheless, the developing countries cannot benefit from technological revolution and since they cannot not connect to the Internet they are maintained apart from this process and therefore are prevented to exercise their right of access to information transmitted in digital format. On the other hand, the States that originally were considered the sole subjects of rights in the international order are not capable anymore to efficiently manage the interests of civil society and therefore cannot offer the necessary conditions to the plain exercise of citizenship. This paper intends to wide the limits of the academic discussion already in place analyzing the effects of the technological revolution and globalization enlarging the debate to the level of the international legal order. The exam of the documents produced by World Summit of Information Society, organized by ITU, dully authorized by UN, demonstrates that the representatives of the member States, jointly with the private sector and the civil society, were able to prepare the Declaration of Principles, Plan of Action and other related documents disciplining the use of information technology and communications in order to eliminate the differences and conduct the human beings to the plain exercise to of their right to development. Furthermore, the establishment of the Internet Governance Forum as a consequence of the World Summit of Information Society provides strong evidences that the rules for Internet access shall remain in the hands of Non Governmental Organizations and moreover demonstrates that the utilization by civil society of specific legal mechanisms in order to protect its own interests, may generate important consequences for the international legal order and therefore deserves to be examined as a phenomenon affecting the sources of International Law.

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