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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení architektonických soutěží v Rakousku a ČR s přihlédnutím k významu kritérií udržitelnosti staveb / Management of architecture competitions in Austria and the Czech Republic with regard to the importance of buildings' sustainability criteria

Doušová, Aleška January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses issues with the management of architectural competitions in the Czech Republic and Austria. The first part focuses on the contest participants and methods for public procurement in architecture in the Czech Republic, and analyses the critical parts of the competition. This is followed by a chapter dedicated to Austrias legal code on architectural competitions. The theoretical part concludes with a description of the current situation with regard to the sustainability of buildings and to their management in architectural competitions in the Czech Republic and Austria. The final chapters compare the process of building retirement homes in Austria and the Czech Republic. The projects compare the announcement of the architectural competition, the management of the competition and the overall process. Both projects are compared for the implementation of sustainability requirements. The aim of my paper is to present and compare architectural competitions in the Czech Republic and Austria, with an analysis of how much the sustainability of buildings is taken into account within the competition rules. This thesis was completed using an analysis of available materials, a description of the situation and a comparative study.

Zákon o veřejných zakázkách a veřejné zakázky v praxi v ČR / The Law on Public Procurement and Procurement Experience in the Czech Republic

Krempaský, František January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis focuses on Public Procurement, precisely on the structure of legal regulations. This thesis broaches certain issues of the law, imperfections in the law and how the law is interpreted in practice. The aim is to understand the deeper issues of these legal regulations. The backbone of this legal regulation is the law 137/2006 Coll. on public procurement. This law is one of the preventive legal standards; among other purposes it prevents wastage of public funds. However, ensuring flawless application of The Act is not as easy a task as it would seem at first sight and the second part of this thesis is therefore devoted to identifying the most common errors in application of this law. Decisions of the Office for Protection of Competition, consultations with experts, and case studies were used for identification of these errors and common types of misconduct are also presented. The conclusion will deal with the amendment to the Public Procurement Act.

Teorie dobývání renty a veřejné zakázky v České republice v letech 1993 až 2011 / The theory of rent-seeking and the public procurement in the Czech Republic in years 1993 - 2011

Krejčová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the development of legal and institutional framework of the public procurement in the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2011 and on the basis of this analysis to determine their influence on rent seeking in the public procurement. The main problems of the public procurement in the CR are also discussed in this thesis. The process of awarding and execution of the public procurement is very topical. A hundred of billions from public funds are yearly spent through the public procurement in the CR. Currently, the intense debate about the influence and importance of the public procurement act amendment are taking place. The theoretical part covers the general theory of rent seeking. The basic characteristic together with the economical aspects of the public procurement are also explained here. The analytical part is focused on the development of legal framework of the public procurement from 1993 to 2011. The main accent is put on the defining of the space for rent seeking during awarding, execution and follow-up control of the public procurement. The development of institutional framework of the public procurement arrangements in the CR, namely the activities of the Office for the Protection of Competition, the Supreme Audit Office and the Ministry of Regional Development, are defined in this part. Further, the main problems of the public procurement in the CR together with their possible solutions are described here. The thesis uses the method of comparison of the different public procurement acts which were implemented during the years 1993-2011 including the comparison of the institutional framework in order to detect the positive and negative influence on the rent seeking in the public procurement.

Metoda Design-Build a její použití pro zadávání v ČR / Design-Build Delivery Method and its Respective Application in the Czech Republic

Paníček, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis follows up the award of public contracts using the Design-Build method. The first part focuses on the description of individual procurement methods and their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the basic types of FIDIC terms and connditions are compared here. The second part describes and evaluates the terms of reference for specific projects commissioned by Design-Build in the Czech Republic. There is also a questionnaire survey that examines the viewpoints, knowledge and experience of contracting authorities with this method.

Optimalizace nákladů investičního záměru / Cost Optimization of Investment Plan

Vozáková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This diploma’s thesis deals with a cost optimization of the concrete investment plan, which is a public procurement called Hospital in Hodonín reconstruction. In the theoretical part of the thesis there is information about construction (investment) project, about its organization and legislation focused on contract for work. The practical part contains cost optimization of concrete project. In the end the final evaluation of the procurement for competitive tendering and the confrontation with other contenders’ procurements are made.

Zpracování nabídky do veřejné obchodní soutěže stavebním podnikem / Offer processing by Construction Company for Public Tender

Kráčmarová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The subject of the thesis is "Processing of an offer to a public tender by construction company" from theoretical and practical perspective. In the theoretical part, I define terms related to selecting and processing of the offer briefly. The part describes terms such as marketing, project management methods, project planning including determination of the offer price. I look into the Public Procurement Act, which I consider to be an important control instrument in the processing of offers to public tenders by construction company.

Kvalifikační požadavky zadavatele u vodohospodářských staveb / The Qualification Requirements for Water Structures Contractors

Hartman, Jan January 2014 (has links)
In the master thesis are explained terms related to public contract. The greatest attention is devoted the various types of qualification assumptions. The main objective is to compare qualification requirements of public works contracts in the field of water management structures. The analysis was performed on four specific public contracts, with an analysis of the differences between them were found. Public contract, open procedure, simplified sub-limit management, qualification, qualification requirements, the sponsor, the expected value, the law on public contracts.

Svensk offentlig upphandling : Sambandet av syfte och strategi / Swedish Public Procurement : Correlation of Purpose and Strategy

Andersson, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study the connection between the goal and strategy of public procurement in the Swedish municipality of Umeå. Working from a previous framework, an updated model is proposed, wherein the theory is expanded with new developments on the subject and a new method for analysis. These new developments pertain the developing study of possibilities regarding Public Procurement for Innovation, and the recently available supply strategy of In-House Procurement. The analytical method used is a deductive content analysis, applied to a sample of ten public procurement contracts. The results from this analysis breaks with previous results, showcasing that Umeå municipality’s contracts with Socio-Economical priorities does not necessarily utilize closer contract-cooperation than those with Regulatory and Commercial priorities, whereas Procurement of Innovation likely does. Results of In-House procurement are inconclusive, with the conclusion that preference depends on outside factors. Going forward, it is proposed that studies focus on expanding current theory on the subject, especially on the theoretical strains of Public Procurement for Innovation and In-House Procurement. Moreover, it is also proposed that future studies should focus on which strategies Swedish municipalities utilise in public transactions, as well as study current developments in Swedish municipal public management.

Hur tillämpas partnering i småhusprojekt? / How is Partnering applied on small house project?

Makdisi, Robert, Pita, Faris January 2013 (has links)
Byggbranschen är, jämför med andra branscher konservativ. Förändringar, förbättringar och effektivisering sker men inte i den utsträckning och takt det borde. Under mitten av 1980-talet utvecklades en ny samarbetsform i USA och Storbritannien, som kom att kallas för Partnering. Vårt huvudsyfte med denna rapport är att se hur tillämpning av samarbetsformen partnering är inom småhusprojekt. Partnering är ett begrepp som används där man har gemensamma mål, öppenhet med öppna böcker och stor tillit för byggherrens bästa. Att försöka definiera partnering i Sverige har inte varit angeläget eftersom stora variationer i arbetssätt gjorts till respektive projekt. Tidigare studier i England, Danmark och USA har definierat partnering på dessa sätt. Ett partnering team skall bestå av projektledning, projektoptimering och produktion, för att åstadkomma ett gott resultat där alla strategiska leverantörer bidrar med den mest fördelaktiga och optimala lösningen. Man skall skilja på samverkansform, entreprenadform och ersättningsform. Samverkansform/partnering är en del av byggprojektets delar och kan användas vid alla entreprenad-, ersättning- och upphandlingsformer. Eftersom det kan vara besvärligt att ta fram ett riktpris med incitament så har man nu börjat använda en ersättningsmodell i form av budgetmodellen, modellen används av byggherrar som ofta bygger. Grundfilosofin för partnering är öppenhet, tillit, gemensamt uppsatta mål, tid, ekonomi och grupparbete. LEAN är ett produktionssystem som kommer ifrån japanska Toyota, även kallat TPS. Syn och tankesätt kring LEAN handlar om att effektivisera och öka produktiviteten. Ett tydligt exempel på detta är hur lastbilstillverkaren Scania har tillämpat och utvecklat produktionssystemet i sin dagliga verksamhet. Efter sammanställning av detta kandidatexamensarbete kan vi nu återkoppla och besvara vår problemformulering. Partnering är möjligt att tillämpa inom småhusprojekt, och är en bra metod för byggherren att medverka i och påverka tidplan, kvalitet samt budget. Tillämpningen av samverksformen partnering i ett enskilt småhusprojekt kan framstå som invecklat och ofta svårtillämpat. Vi har även fått nya infallsvinklar kring tillämpning av partnering i småhusprojekt, vilka kan vara intressanta för vidare studier. / The construction industry is conservative compared with other industries. Modifications, improvements and efficiency improvements occur, but not to the extent and in the rate that it should. During the mid-1980s, a new form of cooperation was developed in the United States and in Great Britain, which came to be known as partnering. Our main purpose of this report is to see how the appliance of partnering is within a homebuilding project. Partnering is a concept used where there are common goals, openness with open books and great trust in the client's best. Trying to define partnering in Sweden has not been imperative since large variations in approaches have been done to respective project. Previous studies in Great Britain, Denmark and the United States have defined partnering on these ways. A partnering team shall consist of project management, project optimization and production, to achieve a good result where all strategic suppliers contribute with the most beneficial and optimal solution. One should distinguish between the form of collaboration, the form of contract and compensation terms. The form of collaboration/partnering is a part of the construction project parts and can be used for all contract-, replacement- and purchase forms. Because of the difficulty to produce a target price with incentives, it is known to use a compensation model in the form of a budget model. This model is often used by a developer who often builds. The basic philosophies of partnering are openness, trust, common goals, time, finances and team work. LEAN is a production system that comes from the Japanese Toyota, also known as TPS. Sights and thinking regarding LEAN is to render more effective and to increase the productivity. An example of this is how the truck manufacturer Scania has applied and developed the production system in their daily activity. Partnering is possible to apply within small house projects, and is a good method for the future proprietor to contribute in and to influence time flat, quality and budget. The application of the interacting mould partnering in an individual small house project can seem complicated and often difficult to apply. After the summary of this study, we can now re-engage and answer our problem wording. We have also received new insights about the application of partnering in homebuilding projects, which may be of interest for further study.

Carbon Neutrality 2045 : A case study of how producing companies in Sweden can succeed in becoming carbon neutral through public procurement of construction projects

Arif, Safin January 2021 (has links)
Today, the construction sector accounts for one-fifth of Sweden's climate impact. The Swedish Parliament has decided that Sweden should have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. This is happening at a time when Sweden is constantly growing. In 2025, we will have 11 million inhabitants. That means hundreds of thousands of new homes, more infrastructure and more public facilities. It is therefore critical that the building and construction sector collectively adjust its approach to climate neutrality. To achieve this vision, it is essential that construction companies drive the work throughout their value chain with a holistic focus across all environmental areas, from design and production to demolition. If Sweden is to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, public procurement must take the lead and become fossil-free or climate-neutral within a few years Construction and real estate contracts, together with civil engineering and infrastructure, account for a significant proportion of public purchases in Sweden, and what is built today will affect nature, the environment and people for a long time to come. One way for Sweden to achieve these goals is to set more and higher requirements in public procurement.  Public clients have a major influence through the choices they make in their investments and construction contracts to achieve the vision of climate neutrality. When a public works procurement is carried out, the contractor usually has limited possibilities to make decisions that have a significant impact on the CO2e emissions of the project. This means that the contractor is critically dependent on the climate requirements set by the clients in order for the company itself to achieve its climate targets. The overall aim of this study was thus to contribute to a better understanding of how public clients currently reason - and what can be done to bring about a positive shift - in order for public clients to set higher climate requirements in construction contracts and in the production of dwellings.  This scientific study is conducted as a qualitative case study at Skanska Sweden, where an abductive research approach has been used for data collection. The study used a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire survey where 16 municipal housing and real estate companies from the western geography of Sweden participated as respondents in the form of their respective Chief Executive Officer.  The results of the study highlighted the opportunities that the Paris Agreement and other climate policy measures have brought to actors in the Swedish building and construction sector. Furthermore, the results show that each actor in the construction sector needs to work strategically to set their own climate targets and implement them throughout their operations, with production methods that enable the use of materials with low or net zero climate impact and increase their reuse in order to succeed in achieving Sweden's goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2045. The municipal housing and property companies that participated as respondents have shown a willingness to act sustainably, this is considered to be very helpful for the development of sustainable public procurement in Sweden, these are also consistent with what previous research has found. There is a need for collaboration between municipal housing and property companies and the construction sector where, by identifying the specific challenges faced by municipalities, it is recommended that they set higher climate and competence requirements in public procurement and allow these to permeate the entire value value chain with systematic monitoring for a successful transition. / Idag står bygg- och anläggningssektorn för en femtedel av Sveriges klimatpåverkan. Riksdagen har beslutat att Sverige ska ha nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser år 2045. Detta sker samtidigt som Sverige ständigt växer. År 2025 är vi 11 miljoner invånare. Det innebär hundratusentals nya bostäder, mer infrastruktur och fler offentliga lokaler. Det är därför kritiskt att bygg- och anläggningssektorn gemensamt ställer om i arbetet mot klimatneutralitet. För att kunna uppnå denna vision så är det viktigt att byggföretagen driver arbetet genom hela sin värdekedja med ett helhetsfokus inom samtliga miljöområden, från projektering och produktion till rivning.  För att Sverige ska klara av att nå nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser till år 2045 så måste den offentliga upphandlingen stå i täten och bli fossilfri eller klimatneutral redan inom några år Bygg- och fastighetsentreprenader, tillsammans med anläggningsarbeten och infrastruktur, står för en betydande del av offentliga inköp i Sverige och det som byggs idag påverkar natur, miljö och människor för en lång tid framöver. En möjlighet för Sverige att uppnå målen är att ställa fler och högre krav i offentlig upphandling.  Offentliga beställare har en stor påverkansfaktor genom valet de gör i sina investeringar och byggupphandlingar för att uppnå visionen om klimatneutralitet. När en offentlig entreprenadupphandling genomförs har entreprenören i regel begränsade möjligheter att fatta beslut som får betydande konsekvenser för projektets CO2e-utsläpp. Det innebär att entreprenören är kritiskt beroende av de klimatkrav som kunderna ställer för att bolaget själva skall kunna nå sina klimatmål. Övergripande syftet med den här studien var således att bidra till en ökad förståelse kring hur offentliga beställare resonerar i dagsläget – och vad som kan göras för att få till en positiv förflyttning – för att offentliga beställare skall ställa högre klimatkrav i entreprenadupphandlingar och vid produktion av bostäder. Denna vetenskapliga studie är genomförd som en kvalitativ fallstudie hos Skanska Sverige, där en abduktiv forskningsansats har använts för datainsamlingen. I undersökningen användes en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning där 16 kommunala bostads- och fastighetsbolag från Sveriges västra geografi har deltagit som respondenter i form av respektive Verkställande direktör. Studiens resultat har ådagalagt de möjligheter som Parisavtalet och andra klimatpolitiska åtgärder har gett upphov till aktörer inom den svenska bygg- och anläggningssektorn. Vidare så visar resultatet att respektive aktör inom bygg- och anläggningssektorn behöver arbeta strategiskt med att sätta upp egna klimatmål och implementera dem i hela verksamheten, med produktionsmetoder som möjliggör användning av material med låg eller netto noll klimatpåverkan och öka sin återanvändning för att lyckas med nå Sveriges mål med att uppnå klimatneutralitet till år 2045. De kommunala bostad- och fastighetsbolagen som deltagit som respondenter har visat på en vilja att agera hållbart, detta anses vara till stor hjälp för utvecklingen av hållbar offentlig upphandling i Sverige, dessa överensstämmer också med vad tidigare forskning har funnit. Det behövs en samverkan mellan kommunala bostad- och fastighetsbolagen och byggsektorn där genom att identifiera kommunernas särskilda utmaningar rekommenderas att de ställer högre klimat- och kompetenskrav vid offentliga upphandlingar och låter dessa genomsyra hela värdekedjan med systematisk uppföljning för en framgångsrik omställning till en klimatneutral sektor.

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