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Begreppet onormalt lågt anbud i direktiv 2004/18/EG om offentlig upphandling : Om begreppets innebörd och konsekvenserna av att det saknas förbud mot att anta onormalt låga anbud / The concept of abnormally low tender and the directive 2004/18/EC on public procurement : About the significance of the concept of abnormally low tender, and consequences of the lack of prohibitive legislationLiljeblad, Elin January 2005 (has links)
Som en följd av Sveriges medlemskap i EU har offentliga upphandlingar kommit att få allt större betydelse eftersom de nu kan ske inom ett betydligt större geografiskt område än tidigare. En konsekvens av detta är att konkurrensen blivit allt hårdare och nya regler införs i takt med den snabba utvecklingen. Ett av resultaten av den hårda konkurrensen på upphandlingsmarknaden har visat sig vara att en del leverantörer lämnar anbud med onormalt låga priser för att vinna upphandlingskontraktet. Förekomsten av onormalt låga anbud i offentliga upphandlingar medför allvarliga negativa konsekvenser såsom att konkurrensen snedvrids, effektiviteten minskar och kostnaderna ökar. Detta påverkar både den upphandlande enheten, leverantören som bjudit onormalt lågt, de leverantörer som slagits ut samt konsumenterna. Att det saknas ett förbud i upphandlingslagstiftningen mot att anta onormalt låga anbud är därför allvarligt. Syftet med denna framställning är att undersöka innebörden av begreppet onormalt lågt anbud i offentliga upphandlingar, belysa problemet med och konsekvenserna av att lagstiftning och regelverk inte i tillräcklig utsträckning uppmärksammar de risker som kan vara förenade med antagandet av onormalt låga anbud samt försöka finna en lösning på problemet. / As a result of Sweden’s membership of the European Union, public procurement has gained more importance, mainly due to the larger geographic territory available. As a consequence of this, competition has become more aggressive and new rules are being incorporated into Swedish law in step with the fast development. One of the results of the tough competition in the public procurement market is that companies may be forced into potentially unsustainable under-bidding in order to win contracts. The presence of these abnormally low tenders in public procurement may have serious negative consequences such as distortion of competition and reduced efficiency, potentially causing delays and waste of resources in the procurement process. This will affect both the contracting authority, the tenderer that has won on an abnormally low bid, the other unsuccessful tenderers, and the ultimately consumers. The fact that public procurement law does not prohibit authorities from accepting abnormally low tenders is therefore potentially very serious. The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the significance of the concept of abnormally low tender, to illuminate the issues surrounding and consequences of the legislative lack of attention to the risks associated with accepting abnormally low tenders, and finally to propose solutions to these issues.
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Anbudsstrategi vid offentlig upphandling : Beslutsmodell vid analys av anbud och prissättning hos Permobil ABKrohn, Lisa, Henriksson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka om det är möjligt att tillämpa en beslutsmodell för att lösa ett problem avseende anbudsstrategi vid offentlig upphandling. När ett företag har en kund som omfattas av lagen om offentlig upphandling gäller särskilda regler vid upphandlingar. För ett företag är det viktigt att känna till dessa regler vid inlämning av anbud. Detta är dock oftast inte tillräckligt för att vinna en upphandling, eftersom det då också gäller att deras produkts jämförelsepris är lägre än konkurrenternas. En beslutsmodell, baserad på data från tidigare upphandlingar, har tagits fram för att kunna underbygga ett verktyg gällande anbudsstrategi. Beslutsmodellen är uppbyggd av diverse teorier som beslutsmatris, beslutsträd, lognormal fördelning och förväntat monetärt värde. Tillvägagångssättet har bestått av insamling av information och data via intervjuer, samt andra källor såsom litteratur, artiklar, uppsatser och upphandlingar, där metoden design science har använts. Utifrån en generell beslutsmatris och ett beslutsträd samt beräkningar har beslutsmodellen kunnat tas fram. Beslutsmodellen är i första hand avsedd för att underbygga ett verktyg för företag som är leverantör av eldrivna rullstolar men skulle även kunna appliceras i andra typer av upphandlingar. Beslutsmodellen kan ge stöd till ett verktyg som i sin tur skulle kunna användas av beslutsfattare. Beslutsfattarna får dock inte endast utgå från dess information, som är baserad på tidigare upphandlingar, utan bör också analysera konkurrenternas nutidssituation. Nyckelord: Beslutsmodell, offentlig upphandling, anbudspris, jämförelsepris, beslutsfattare, beslutsmatris, beslutsträd, lognormal fördelning, förväntat monetärt värde / The aim of the study has been to investigate if it is possible to apply a decision model when solving a problem with bidding strategies in public procurement. When a company has costumers comprehended by the laws in public procurement, there are certain rules involved. For a company it is important to be aware about these rules, when setting their bids. Though this is often not enough for a winning procurement, because of the fact that the products comparison prices need to be lower than the competitors'. A decision model, based on data from earlier procurements, has been developed to reinforce a tool with bidding strategies. The decision model is composed by various theories, like decision matrix, decision tree, lognormal distribution and expected monetary value. The procedure through the study has contained data and information acquisition via interviews and other references like literature, articles, thesis and procurements. Based on a general decision matrix and a decision tree, as with calculations, the decision model has been generated. The decision model is mainly designed to reinforce a tool for companies supplying electric wheelchairs to costumers but could also be applicable in other types of procurements. The decision model could be a support when constructing a tool, which consequently could be used by decision makers. The decision makers can however not only adopt the ideas based on earlier procurements. They also need to analyse the competitors’ situations in present time. Keywords: Decision model, public procurement, bidding prices, comparison prices, decision maker, decision matrix, decision tree, lognormal distribution, expected monetary value
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Public Procurement at the Local Government Level : Actor roles, discretion and constraints in the implementation of public transport goals / Offentlig upphandling på lokal nivå : Aktörs roller, handlingsutrymme och begränsningar vid implementering av kollektivtrafik målHansson, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
The overall purpose of this thesis is to gain further knowledge of how the Swedish local government level is affected by requirements to use public procurement through competitive tendering and, more specifically, understand the actions taken by included actors when public procurement is required in implementation of public transport goals. Through case study method, an in specific process tracing, various implementation processes have been examined. One studied process complied with the procurement regulations, while the others included elements that circumvented them. In each process, the actions taken by involved actors have been the focus. The findings are presented in four papers. An overall conclusion is that, when public procurement is required in implementation at the local government level, several actors need to interact. These actors may use procurement to expand, maintain, or restrain their discretion towards others actors. In addition, various control mechanisms, such as e.g. monitoring, are used to restrain an actor’s discretion when the actor is circumventing procurement legislation. / Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att öka kunskapen om hur den lokala nivån i Sverige är påverkad av kravet på att använda offentlig upphandling, och mer specifikt att förstå de handlingar som olika aktörer vidtar vid implementering av kollektivtrafik mål, då konkurrensutsatt upphandling är ett krav. Genom fallstudie metod har olika implementeringsprocesser undersökts. I en process har upphandlingsreglerna följts, medan i de andra har upphandlingslagen kringgåtts. Resultaten har analyserats utifrån principal-agent teori och presenteras i form av fyra artiklar. I studien konstateras det att flera aktörer är beroende av varandra i implementeringen. Aktörerna kan använda upphandling för att både behålla och expandera sitt handlingsutrymme gentemot andra aktörer, men upphandling kan även vara begränsande. I studien diskuteras även olika kontrollmekanismer som användas då aktörer kringgår upphandlingslagstiftningen.
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Efficient Winter Road Maintenance : A Study of Technical and Contractual IssuesAbdi, Adel January 2014 (has links)
Since ancient times, roads have tied people and cultures together. Roads have been createdwith the aim of facilitating trade and cultural exchange among different regions in the world. After the technologic development in vehicle industry and dramatically increase of motoring in the world during the past century road communication has gained a great importance for transporting people and goods. Thus, good safety and accessibility on roads all year round is now a vital necessity for a healthy economy in all modern societies. In order to keep roads safe, available for use with high transport quality they need to be maintained in real time. One of the most difficult tasks in this context is to keep the roads in good condition and accessible even during winter. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to attempt to specify the most efficient ways of executing winter road maintenance. The preliminary issue in this context is whether it is the use of current assistive tools, that is, technical aspects that should be optimized and developed or whether it is the way in which winter maintenance services are procured and outsourced, that is, contractual aspects that should be improved which could give the optimal impact for both clients and contractors and make winter road maintenance more effective, or both issues. In order to define the outline of the research project a comprehensive state of the art survey was initiated with the intention of collecting and gaining insights into the earlier studies in the research area. Three basic areas associated with the performance of winter road maintenance were considered to be most relevant for review due to the anchorage between the areas. The selected areas were climatological, technical and contractual aspects. The literature review was followed by an electronic questionnaire survey. The results of the study in this stage showed that current technical methods almost functioned in a reasonable manner but there was an imprecise dissatisfaction with the current maintenance contract. The second stage of the research consisted of a number of additional empirical investigations in order to identify contractual problematic issues behind the current winter road maintenance in Sweden. Generally, those factors that are rarely considered as potential underlying causes to costly performance of winter road maintenance in Sweden were studied in this research project for example improper use of related technical assistive tools, procurement of improper bundled winter services and inappropriate contract structure. This thesis consists of six papers, five of which are related to each other, and the first one is completely independent but within research area. Findings in the thesis contributes to extend understanding about; how designing appropriate contracts can improve winter road maintenance, how proper use of assistive tools can reduce unnecessary winter road maintenance costs and minimize road traffic disruptions and delays, how a partnering structure in contracts can create confidence and trust between clients and contractors that in turn leads to minimizing or eliminating conflicts and disputes between parties involved, how choice of appropriate procurement methods through proper bundling of winter road services can contribute to shorten the procurement process and create incentives for contractors, and how selection of proper payment mechanisms can contribute to higher service quality of performed winter road measures. Additionally, an adequate knowledge and understanding of climate, proper knowledge of road weather and its impact on winter road traffic is essential for contribution of better planning of how to maintain the road network during winter. Since understanding about winter issues and its effect on winter road traffic is far from complete and winter road maintenance in the cold regions is a similar challenge, broad and complex, the results of this research may even contribute to improving winter maintenance problems in the countries with severe winters like Sweden. / <p>QC 20140227</p>
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La libéralisation des marchés publics entre le Canada et l'Union européenne à l'aune de l'A.E.C.G.Laplanche, Pablo 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Selection Process by Request / Proceso de Selección por EncargoGuzmán Napurí, Christian 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article talks us about the procedures for selection by request, explaining how it works as an alternative for the common selection procedure on public procurement.Thus, the author explains the process of selection by request with a public entity, privateentity and an international body. / El presente artículo trata sobre los procesos de selección por encargo, explicando así comoopera esta alternativa al proceso de selección clásico en la contratación pública. Así, el autor nos señala el procedimiento en el encargo a una entidad pública, entidad privada y a un organismo internacional.
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Public Procurement: Borders, Tensions and Interrelation with Private Law in the New Contractual Scenario / La Contratación Pública: Fronteras, Tensiones e Interrelación con el Derecho Privado en el Nuevo Escenario ContractualCassagne, Juan Carlos 10 April 2018 (has links)
The establishment of the limits between the public law and the private law has been a hard to clarify. For that reason, the author brings a perspective about this division, focusing on the case of public procurement. Thus, in the first part he will explain the division between public law and private law, and how this division has evolved. Then, he will explain the consequences of the disruption of unitary theory on public procurement. Finally, he will show the inequality of the parts, the public prerogatives and the compensatory guarantees, all involved in the peculiarities of management contract, that distinguishes it from an private contract. / La determinación de la frontera ente el derecho privado y el derecho público siempre ha sido una situación complicada de esclarecer. Por tal motivo, el autor brinda una perspectiva sobreesta división pero enfocándola, principalmente, al escenario de la contratación pública. Así,en un primer momento explicará la división entre el derecho privado y el derecho públicoy cómo esta ha ido evolucionando con el devenir del tiempo; luego nos explicará quéimplica el abandono de la tesis unitaria en el escenario de la contratación pública, para,finalmente, mostrarnos que la desigualdad de las partes, las prerrogativas del poder públicoy las garantías compensatorias se encuentran dentro de las peculiaridades que exhibe lateoría del contrato administrativo y la distinguen de un contrato entre particulares que se circunscribe en el ámbito de derecho privado.
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From the Decision Conciliation to the Dispute Resolution Board: Notes in relation to the Dispute Resolution Board as a New Method of Conflict Resolution for a Formalized Work Contract Under the scope of the New Public Procurement Law / De la Conciliación Decisoria a la Junta de Resolución de Disputas: Apuntes en relación a la Junta de Resolución de Disputas Como Nuevo Método de resolución de conflictos para un contrato de Obra Formalizado Bajo el ámbito de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del EstadoHurtado Falvy, Juan Manuel 10 April 2018 (has links)
The new Public Procurement Law introduces the Dispute Boards as a new settlement ofdisputes and contestations during the contractual execution of the work phase. The present article works, in the first place, the framework of public procurement and the controversies that are originated in the matter. Then, it will expose the development of the Dispute Boards in other countried and their characteristics. Finally, it concludes identifying the type of Dispute Boards that is being adopted in Peruvian law, showing his vantages and disadvantages. / La nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado, Ley N° 30225, incorpora la Junta de Resolución de Disputas, como un nuevo mecanismo de resolución de conflictos durante la fase de ejecución contractual de obras.En el artículo se desarrolla, en primer lugar, el marco de las contrataciones del Estado y las controversias que se originan en el mismo. Posteriormente, se expone el desarrollo de los Dispute Boards internacionalmente y sus características, y se concluye identificando el tipo de Dispute Boards adoptado en la legislación peruana, exponiendo sus fortalezas y debilidades.
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Compras públicas sustentáveis no Brasil: análise da produção e circulação das ideias a partir da ressignificação dos atoresNonato, Raquel Sobral 03 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Raquel Sobral (kell.sobral@gmail.com) on 2015-03-30T14:42:37Z
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Dissertação Raquel Nonato - versão pós banca pdf..pdf: 1894401 bytes, checksum: 69e70999ff18f599dd8a0f06fdc4d197 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-03 / The research focuses on the debate on the role of actors in the incorporation of Sustainable Public Procurement strategy in the daily public sector. The Sustainable Public Procurement match strategy to acquire goods and services in order to maximize the benefits to society in the medium and long term, recognizing its effects on the environmental dimension, economic and social. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the production and circulation of sustainable procurement ideas from the sensemaking of the actors. Therefore, the research : (i) developed a taxonomy of sustainable public procurement models highlighting the attributes of sustainability that are being applied in practice and recent policies, (ii) understand how and in which areas, the actors move , articulate and negotiate for the inclusion of this instrument in everyday public sector, (iii) contrasted sustainable public procurement experience in two subnational governments - Acre and São Paulo - to identify the negotiations and disputes that permeate the contours and the direction of these experiences. The analysis is based on qualitative methodology and theoretical framework linking the cognitive approach of public action with the notions of forums and discursive dimension of public policy, illuminating for the carrying frame in the interactions of the actors, marked by a backdrop of uncertainty and controversy. / A pesquisa enfoca o debate sobre o papel dos atores na incorporação da estratégia de Compras Públicas Sustentáveis no cotidiano do setor público. As Compras Publicas Sustentáveis correspondem à estratégia de adquirir bens e serviços com vistas à maximização dos benefícios para a sociedade no médio e longo prazo, reconhecendo seus efeitos sobre a dimensão ambiental, econômica e social. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetiva analisar a a produção e a circulação das ideias de compras públicas sustentáveis a partir da ressignificação dos atores. Para tanto, a pesquisa: (i) desenvolveu uma taxonomia dos modelos de compras públicas sustentáveis destacando os atributos de sustentabilidade que estão sendo aplicados nas práticas e políticas recentes, (ii) compreendeu de que forma e em quais espaços, os atores se movimentam, articulam e negociam para a inserção desse instrumento no cotidiano do setor público, (iii) contrastou experiências de compras públicas sustentáveis em dois governos subnacionais – Acre e São Paulo. A análise se baseou em metodologia qualitativa e em referencial teórico que articulou a abordagem cognitiva de ação pública com as noções de fóruns e da dimensão discursiva da política pública, iluminando para a trama assentada nas interações dos atores, marcadas por um cenário de incertezas e controvérsias.
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Principais barreiras às compras públicas sustentáveis no Brasil: uma análise a partir dos principais modelos implementadosRezende, Raphaela Moresque Marins 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Raphaela Moresque Marins Rezende (raphaela.marins@fgv.br) on 2017-05-10T20:59:39Z
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Dissertação_Compras Públicas Sustentáveis_Versão Final_Assinada.pdf: 1551377 bytes, checksum: 81f6de61a19d603c58bc8523f9a2ea18 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2017-05-16T19:45:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Dissertação_Compras Públicas Sustentáveis_Versão Final_Assinada.pdf: 1551377 bytes, checksum: 81f6de61a19d603c58bc8523f9a2ea18 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / The worldwide concern with actions related to sustainability has considerably increased over the last few years. In this context, several studies suggest that the uncontrolled consumption, the large generation of waste from the traditional energy production processes, the unreasonable water utilization and the use of natural resources in an inconsistent way, are factors that contribute to an acceleration of environment degradation. Thus, the concept of sustainability is becoming increasingly important, and the public administration, in turn, has been applying the Public Procurement as a tool of public policy to achieve the sustainable development. Therefore, the aim of this work is to assess the stage/outlook of PSCs in the bidding processes of three Brazilian states, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Bahia, identifying how they introduced the following programs, and what are the ultimate barriers to the achievement of their objectives. Regarding the Brazilian scenario, several setbacks were encountered in order to implement the model in an effective way: (a) the fashion and the difficulty of changing the purchase behavior; (b) the lack of suppliers for 'sustainable' goods or services; (c) the complexity of comparing the cost/value relation of the money real appreciation; (d) the intricacy of treating the wider effects of the environmental considerations; and (e) the perception that the process and outcomes are more costly and time-consuming. / A preocupação mundial com as ações relacionadas à sustentabilidade tem aumentado significativamente ao longo dos últimos anos. Nesse sentido, diversos estudos sugerem que o consumo desenfreado, a grande geração de resíduos oriunda dos processos de produção tradicionais, o consumo irracional da água, a utilização dos recursos naturais de forma inconsequente, etc., são fatores que contribuem para a aceleração da degradação ambiental. Dessa forma, o conceito sustentabilidade se faz cada vez mais importante e a Administração Pública, por seu turno, tem utilizado as Compras Públicas como instrumento de política pública para o atingimento do desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar qual o estágio/panorama das CPS nos processos licitatórios de três estados brasileiros, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Bahia, identificando como os respectivos programas foram implementados e quais as eventuais barreiras para o êxito no alcance de seus objetivos. No que se refere ao panorama brasileiro, foram encontradas diversas dificuldades, entre elas: (a) o hábito e a dificuldade de mudar o comportamento de compra; (b) a falta de fornecedores de bens ou serviços 'sustentáveis'; (c) a complexidade de comparar custo/valor de avaliação real do dinheiro; (d) a dificuldade de incluir fatores mais amplos que as considerações ambientais; e (e) a percepção de que o processo e os resultados são mais dispendiosos e demorados, para que o modelo seja efetivamente implementado.
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