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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovation i infrastrukturprojekt : En studie om styrning av upphandlingsprocessen

Persson, Christian, Gustav, Svensson January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Det finns idag ett infrastrukturgap i Sverige som beror på att dagens planerade investeringar inte täcker framtidens behov. Eftersom resurserna inte räcker till ökar efterfrågan på att öka innovationsgraden i infrastrukturprojekten, vilket kan göras genom att styra upphandlingsprocessen. Tidigare forskning säger däremot att det finns risker med att tänka innovativt eftersom nackdelarna väger över fördelarna. Därmed avser studien att undersöka hur styrning av upphandlingsprocessen kan skapa innovation i infrastrukturprojekt.    Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur den offentliga sektorn arbetar med styrning av upphandlingsprocessen för att skapa till innovation i infrastrukturprojekt samt att undersöka vilka hinder och barriärer som finns för innovation.    Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats och inslag av abduktion. En flerfallstudie tillämpas där det empiriska materialet inhämtas via semistrukturerade intervjuer från sju offentliga organisationer.     Slutsats: I fasen förbereda verkar det finnas störst möjlighet att påverka innovationsgraden vilket till stor del beror på att entreprenad- och upphandlingsform fastställs i denna fasen. Studiens resultat indikerar på att totalentreprenad och innovationsupphandling är de entreprenad- och upphandlingsformer som främja innovation i störst utsträckning. De drivkrafter för innovation som studien främst utvecklat och bidragit med är kunskapsöverföring, riskpremie, pilotprojektoch innovationskultur. Vidare har studien resulterat i att nya barriärer för innovation uppdagats vilka bland annat är erfarenhetsbrist, delgivning av företagshemligheter samt innovationsbegreppet. / Background and problem discussion: Today, there is an infrastructure gap in Sweden that is due to the fact that today's planned investments do not cover the needs of the future. As resources are insufficient, demand for increasing the degree of innovation in infrastructure projects is increasing, which can be done by controlling the procurement process. Previous research, on the other hand, says that there are risks of thinking innovatively where the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. We therefore intend to investigate how control of the procurement process affects innovation in infrastructure projects.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how the public sector works with the control of the procurement process in order to contribute to innovation in infrastructure projects and to explore the obstacles and barriers that are against innovation.   Method: The thesis is a qualitative study with a deductive approach that has elements of abduction. A multi-case study has been applied in which the empirical material has been obtained through semi-structured interviews from seven public organizations.   Conclusion: In the preparation phase, there seems to be the greatest opportunity to influence the degree of innovation, which is largely due to the fact that contracting and procurement forms are determined in this phase. The study's results indicate that contracted and innovation procurement are the forms of contracting and procurement that promote innovation to the greatest extent. The driving forces for innovation that the study mainly contributed to are knowledge transfer, risk premium, pilot project and innovation culture. Furthermore, the study has resulted in new barriers to innovation being discovered which include lack of experience, service of corporate secrets and the concept of innovation.

Veřejné zadávání v prostředí systémové korupce / Public procurement in systemic corruption environment

Langr, Ivan January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation aims to examine the phenomenon of systemic corruption in the Czech public procurement environment and to propose a theoretical concept that would help to identify the causes and risks of this phenomenon. In parallel, the dissertation elaborates on the basis for proposing an effective anti-corruption policy that would address the underlying systemic causes. Methodologically, the dissertation builds on the analysis of public procurement by the Office for the Protection of Competition and the Supreme Audit Office, on the court case analysis and media discourse and also on interviews with respondents from the Czech public administration, academia, non-profit sector, and investigative bodies.

Consultant service procurement in the public sector – The competence requirements for construction-and design managing consult-ants / Upphandling av konsulttjänster i offentlig sektor – De offentliga beställarnas kompe-tenskrav för  bygg-och projekteringsledande konsulter

Hjelmqvist, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
The demand for consultancy services has increased significantly since the companies began to shift from in-house staff to the purchasing of consulting services. The procurement of consul-tancy services can be considered among the most difficult service that goes to procure which means that it requires extensive knowledge of the purchaser to succeed in the process. In this report, I will examine how five public Swedish purchasers expressed their competence requirements regarding construction and design management ten years ago. I will also con-sider what type of skills they think are the most important today, and also see how the con-sultants' alleged expertise is examined. Finally, I will explain the five public purchasers thoughts on what might happen to their competence requirements in the nearest future. The report is structured in two parts where the first part is an analysis of the client's previous competence requirements. The second part consists of interviews with each individual client. The people that were interviewed all have extensive experience in project management, both from the private and public sectors. Conclusively, I will present what happened with their skills requirements over time and the likely reasons behind it, what forces that are behind changes in organizations, how the public purchasers follow up skill requirements and what they predict will happen to their skills requirements in the nearest future. / Efterfrågan på konsulttjänster har ökat avsevärt sedan många företag börjat köpa in dessa tjänster istället för att anställa egen personal. Att utnyttja konsulttjänster anses vara en av de svåraste tjänster som går att upphandla, vilket ställer krav på bred kompetens hos beställaren för att lyckas handla upp konsulter med rätt kompetens som matchar med projektens kom-plexitet. I den här rapporten undersöks hur fem svenska offentliga beställare uttryckte sin kompetens-kravsättning över bygg-och projekteringsledare tio år tillbaka i tiden. Det undersöks vilken typ av kompetens de riktar mest fokus på, samt hur konsulternas påstådda kompetens följs upp av de offentliga beställarna. Sammanfattningsvis kommer jag att redogöra för vad de fem offentliga beställarna tror kommer att hända med deras kompetenskrav inom den närmsta framtiden. I bakgrundskapitlet tillhandahålls en inblick i hur offentlig upphandling fungerar, där även konsulttjänsteupphandling och konsultföretagens affärsmodeller ser ut. Till grund för detta används faktorer bakom förändringar i organisationer, tillit mellan beställare och entre-prenör, hållbarhet i byggbranschen och outsourcing. Rapporten är uppbyggd i två delar, där ena delen utgörs av en analys av de offentliga bestäl-larnas tidigare kompetenskrav för åren 2005, 2010 och 2015. Den andra delen består av inter-vjuer med representanter från varje enskild beställare, samma fem beställare (Svenska bostä-der, Stockholms stad, Locum, Trafikverket och SL) som den tidigare delen baseras på. Perso-nerna som intervjuats har alla lång erfarenhet av projektledning, både från privat såväl som offentlig sektor. Slutligen presenteras hur kompetenskraven har utvecklats med tiden, tillsammans med tänk-bara faktorer som förklarar troliga anledningar till dess utveckling. Rapporten presenterar också vilka kompetenskrav som de offentliga beställarna ses som viktigast, hur de sköter granskningen av projektkonsulterna och vad de offentliga beställarna förutspår kommer att hända med sina kompetenskrav inom den närmsta framtiden.

Antikorupční aktivismus komerčního sektoru z hlediska teorie struktury politických příležitostí / Anti-corruption activism of the commercial sector from the point of view of political opportunity structure theory

Pavlík, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Anti-corruption activism of the commercial sector from the point of view of political opportunity structure theory" Abstract The diploma thesis "Anti-corruption activism of the commercial sector from the point of view of political opportunity structure theory" was devoted to the structure of political opportunities in 1998 to 2012 in relation to manifestations of corruption in the Czech Republic and the role of the commercial sector in terms of anti-corruption involvement. This thesis aimed to find out what is the structure of the opportunities, that participants of the commercial sector can be use in order to influence anti-corruption public politics. Two periods were found from the period of time which the thesis focuses on, during which more fundamental manifestations of the commercial sector occurred. The first period was linked to accession of the Czech Republic to the EU, when presentation of the commercial sector most frequently took place via special-interest associations and tools of Commercial ethics and the concept of CSR supported by activities of the European Union. Years of accession talks showed themselves to be an opportunity, above all for international companies operating in the Czech Republic with a dominance of use of political and institutional opportunities. The...

Compras públicas con enfoque de género en Perú: Propuesta para la implementación de la certificación denominada “Empresa Segura: Libre de Violencia y Discriminación contra la Mujer” en los catálogos electrónicos de Acuerdos Marco / Public Procurement with a Gender Approach in Peru: Proposal for the Implementation of a Certification called “Empresa Segura: Libre de Violencia y Discriminación contra la Mujer” (Safe Company: Free from Violence and Discrimination against Women) in Electronic Catalogues of Framework Agreements

Calderón Jiménez, Annie Teressa Guadalupe 14 April 2021 (has links)
Cuando hablamos acerca de desarrollo del Estado, resulta inevitable no hacer referencia a la contratación pública, y es que las compras públicas, se constituyen en la actividad económica directa más relevante que lleva a cabo un Estado, generando un impacto significativo en la sociedad. Teniendo en cuenta dicha importancia, los países de la Región, incluyendo el nuestro, han invertido en la modernización de los sistemas de compra a través del uso de Tecnologías de la Información para dotarlos de mayor eficiencia y celeridad; así mismo, se han implementado clausulas a fin de combatir la corrupción. No obstante, la eficiencia de los sistemas de compra no depende sólo de los criterios de transparencia o celeridad con que se dote sus actuaciones; sino, además, resulta igual de importante la implementación de criterios de sostenibilidad o responsabilidad social a fin de lograr el desarrollo y participación en las compras públicas de diferentes sectores, tales como, las mujeres. En ese sentido, la implementación de políticas de compras públicas sustentables debe orientarse a integrar criterios tales como la igualdad de género a fin de promover que las Entidades Públicas coadyuven al cierre de brechas relacionado a la desigualdad existente entre hombres y mujeres. Teniendo en cuenta ello, a través del presente trabajo de investigación describiremos cuál es el estado de inclusión de las mujeres en las contrataciones públicas; de igual manera, abordaremos la viabilidad de implementar la Certificación denominada “Empresa Segura: Libre de Violencia y Discriminación contra la Mujer” en los Procedimientos de Implementación y Operatividad de los Catálogos Electrónicos, a fin de proponer recomendaciones que coadyuven al desarrollo económico sostenible, inclusivo e igualitario a través de dicho método especial de contratación. / When we talk about state development it is unavoidable to refer to public procurement, because this is the most relevant direct economic activity performed by the state that has a profound impact on society. Considering its significance, the countries in our region, including ours, has invested in the updating of their procurement systems via information technology to provide them with efficiency and speed; and also implemented contractual terms to fight corruption. However, procurement systems’ efficiency not only lay on the transparency criteria or the speed of their actions, but also it is of equal value the implementation of sustainability criteria or social responsibility with the intent to achieve the development and the engagement of different sectors, such as women in public procurement. In this direction, the implementation of sustainable public procurement policies must be focused in integrating criteria such as gender equality with the objective that public entities contribute to close the current gaps in equality between men and women. Acknowledging these differences, we have described in this research the current status of women inclusion in public procurement; in the same way we discuss the viability of implementing in the Procedures of Implementation and Functionality of Electronic Catalogues a certification called “Empresa Segura: Libre de Violencia y Discriminación contra la Mujer” (Safe Company: Free from Violence and Discrimination against Women) with recommendations directed to the advancement of a sustainable, inclusive and egalitarian economic development through this special procurement method. / Tesis

Can addressing asymmetrical information gaps be an approach towards sustainable public procurement : A qualitative case study of Swedish public procurements

Pena Hernandez, Camilo Alejandro, Rosenström, Eric John Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Asymmetrical information gaps perceived by procurers creates barriers when introducing sustainability in public procurement. The prerequisite for addressing these have therefore been studied. The asymmetrical information gap perceived by the procurer has been studied from the perspective of contract theory, since procurements can be regarded as a contract between two parties. To study this, five functional-oriented public procurements with different sustainability demands and needs have been studied. The approach of the study has been of qualitative nature and was conducted through interviews. The interviews revealed that the use of dialogues was perceived as a good way of reducing the asymmetrical information gap. However, it was experienced as time consuming. The use of incentives proved to be a more situational solution, it cannot solely reduce the information asymmetric gap perceived by the procurer. It also emerged that the dialogue process could be regarded as a form of market incentive. Hence, the need for a more time-efficient approach for the dialogue processes when using functional oriented public procurements. Such a model has been compiled based on the information from the interviews. The purpose of the model is to increase the prerequisites for sustainability in public procurement by addressing the asymmetrical information perceived by the procurer. / Informationsasymmetrin upplevd av offentliga upphandlare skapar barriärer vid introduktionen av hållbarhet i upphandlingarna. Där av har förutsättningarna för att adressera dessa studerats. Det informationsasymmetriska gapet upplevt av upphandlaren har studerats utifrån ett kontraktsteoretiskt perspektiv. Detta då upphandlingar kan betraktas som ett kontrakt skrivet mellan två parter. För att studera detta har fem stycken funktionsorienterade upphandlingar med olika hållbarhets inriktningar och behov studerats. Studiens angreppssätt har varit av kvalitativ natur och genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer. Av intervjuerna framkom det att användandet av dialoger upplevdes som ett bra tillvägagångssätt för att reducera det informationsasymmetriska gapet. Dock upplevdes det som tidskrävande. Användandet av incitament framkom vara en mer situationsbaserad lösning. Detta gör att användandet av incitament inte ensamt lämpar sig för att reducera det informationsasymmetriska gapet upplevt av upphandlaren. Det framkom även att dialogsförandet har kunnat betraktas som en form av incitament för marknaden. Där av behovet för ett mer tidseffektivt tillvägagångssätt för dialogsprocesserna vid användandet av funktionsorienterade upphandlingar. En sådan modell har sammanställts med hjälp av den insamlade informationen från intervjuerna. Syftet med modellen är att öka förutsättningarna för hållbarhet i offentliga upphandlingar genom att adressera den informationsasymmetri som upplevs av upphandlaren.

UTREDNING AV UPPHANDLINGSDOKUMENT VID OFFENTLIG UPPHANDLING MED FOKUS PÅ ÄTA-ARBETEN / Investigation of documents in public procurement with the focus on alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work

Axelsson, Alice, Johansson, Elinor January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: Today two of the biggest problems within the construction industry in Sweden is the exceeding of budgets and that the projects do not finish in time. One of the reasons is the use of alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work that occurs during the project. The purpose is therefore to study the variations that can be related to the documents that are used during public procurement as well as provide some suggestions on how the procurement documents can be improved for future projects. Hence trying to decrease the use of variations in projects. Method: The study consists of a multiple case study with three similar projects. The methods that are used are a literature study that provides the base of the intended study. A study of documents is also a crucial element to be able to draw the connections between the procurement documents and the alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work. There will also be semi structured interviews that will strengthen the case study and increase the knowledge within the area. Findings: the study shows that 60 percent of the alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work can be connected to the procurement documents. There are a few causes that leads to the use of alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work in a project for example coordination between the different technical areas within the projects that can lead to contradictions in the documents. Too much material in the procurement documents can leads to conflicting information which leads to the use of alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work. With greater accuracy and greater coordination between the different technical areas, drawings, and other documents. Coordination between the areas would also improve if it is implemented in the early stages of design. It is important to be clear in the technical description which work is expected from the project which would lead to fewer the alterations, supplementaryand withdrawn work. Implications: the overall problem is in this study is how you can reduce the use off alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work connected to the procurement documents. Most of the alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work in a project can be connected to these documents. To be able to reduce the cost there should be a system implemented regarding the review and coordination of the procurement documents. Limitations: This study is limited to three different projects from different municipalities, to secure a more certain result there should be more equivalent projects included in the study. The interviews are limited to the project managers that where responsible for the specific projects in this study. Keywords: alterations, supplementary- and withdrawn work, procurement documents, public procurement, specifications, regulations, technical specifications

Market Orientation in Government Markets and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses

Moye, Ashley 01 January 2016 (has links)
Inadequate resources, poor market strategy, competition, contract regulation, and disparate performance outcomes are issues small business owners face while competing for government contracts. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the market orientation-business performance relationship and the influence of market factors among veteran-owned small businesses competing for government contracts in the United States. A survey with adapted MARKOR and Government Regulation Lassez-Faire scales was administered to 203 veteran-owned small business owners. Resource-advantage theory served as the theoretical foundation for this study. The results of the multiple linear regression were significant, suggesting that market orientation relates to firm performance and total contract revenue. However, the regression models had a poor fit, with R-² values ranging from .019 to .094, suggesting that significant results of this study lacked the power to conclude predictive accuracy. Market orientation did not significantly relate to contract bid to win rate and number of years in the government market. The PROCESS moderation analysis provided mixed results for market factors' influence on the market orientation relationship with business performance outcomes. Study participants were market-oriented, with few seeing corresponding success. The introduction of new variables is necessary to make future models useful. Implications for positive social change include guidance for better-fitting models, ones that will inform the efforts to improve the survivability of small businesses in the B2G market. Veteran-owned small business owners should not waste resources on market orientation as a sole strategic focus for capturing and winning government contracts.

Nabídka stavebního podniku do veřejné obchodní soutěže / Offer of the Building Company to the Public Tender

Dvořák, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the approximation progress public commercial competition in the construction contract for the perspective of the construction undertaking. The theoretical part of the work deals with the concepts and facts of this issue. This section describes, in particular, the legal obligations of the parties involved, and the elements without which you cannot contest. The practical part will focus on the creation of a separate menu in the company and a separate course of public competition. The theoretical part will be drawn up using the supplied materials to commercial contest new nursery school.

Optimalizace procesu veřejného projektu z pohledu zadavatele / OPTIMIZATION OF THE PROCESS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A PUBLIC PROJECT SPONSOR

Dvořáčková, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
Dissertation titled Optimization of the process from the perspektive of the public project sponsor indicates the procurement process both through public procurement, and primarily through PPP (Public Private Partnership). The main objective is to optimize the procurement process by PPP from the perspective of the owner. Therefore, under the general statutes of the Ministry of Finance is processed general process and design methodology for assessing the project within municipalities. This model is then verified in the context of case study in a specific project.

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