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Strategic use of public procurement for innovation : rationales, instruments and practices / Utilisation stratégique des achats publics pour l'innovation : rationalités, instruments et pratiquesChicot, Julien 18 July 2017 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de pays de l’OCDE encourage l’utilisation des achats publics en soutien à l’innovation, mais les discours ont été peu suivis d’effets. L’ambition de cette thèse est d’aider l’élaboration des initiatives d’achat public d’innovation (API), en identifiant les obstacles à l’innovation qu’ils peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les instruments et les pratiques les plus à mêmes de les aider dans cet objectif. Nous identifions huit idéo-types d’API selon les défaillances de marché ou de système (niveau méso) auxquelles ils tentent de répondre pour stimuler l’innovation. Ces défaillances affectent soit les utilisateurs, soit les producteurs ou touchent leurs interactions. Nous les comparons à celles de niveau macro et déterminons ainsi la contribution potentielle de chacun de ces idéo-types d’API aux politiques tournées vers de grandes missions. Notre typologie constitue un cadre théorique unifié associant défaillances et modalités de mise en œuvre des API. Elle en aide ainsi l’élaboration, l’évaluation et l’analyse. Certains de nos idéo-types doivent soutenir la création de marché pour encourager l’innovation. Nous nous appuyons sur les théories économiques évolutionnistes et une série d’études de cas pour comprendre comment les API peuvent y parvenir. Nous identifions leurs rôles, à différentes étapes de la procédure d’achat public, dans la coordination de connaissances et d’informations pour la création et le développement de marché. Les API doivent notamment permettre aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec les fournisseurs de manière appropriée et suffisamment tôt dans la procédure d’achat. Les recherches sur les achats privés ont néanmoins montré qu’une telle implication précoce des fournisseurs est source de problèmes de niveau micro. Une série d’entretiens avec des acheteurs publics et des fournisseurs permet de mieux identifier les problèmes affectant leur collaboration au cours d’une procédure standard d’API ou d’un dialogue compétitif. La nature de ces défaillances diffère selon la procédure d’achat public, du même que leur moment d’apparition. Les entretiens révèlent également que les acheteurs et fournisseurs perçoivent différemment les pratiques à l’origine de ces défaillances. Nos résultats appellent enfin à reconsidérer l’influence du cadre juridique sur les API, et soulignent l’existence de procédures et stratégies alternatives qui sont plus ou moins privilégiées par les fournisseurs. En somme, notre travail de recherche identifie différents niveaux d’obstacles à l’innovation que les API peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les mesures les plus appropriées pour les aider dans cet objectif. Il plaide en faveur d’une approche dynamique de la décision politique, qui définit problèmes, instruments de politique et pratiques à chacune des étapes des procédures d’achat public, de formation des marchés, et de collaboration entre acheteurs public et fournisseurs. / An increasing number of OECD countries has adopted measures to encourage the use of public procurement to foster innovation. However, implementation of public procurement of innovation (PPI) is lagging behind policy discourse. The ambition of this dissertation is to address this discrepancy by assisting in the design of PPI initiatives, that is, by identifying the innovation-related failures that PPI can overcome, and the most appropriate policy instruments and practices for achieving this objective. We define eight PPI ideal-types according to the type of meso-level market of system failures they address. These failures can relate to users, producers or to their mutual interactions. We confront them with macro-level failures, and determine accordingly the contribution of each PPI ideal-type to distinct mission-oriented policies. Our typology provides a unified PPI framework associating their rationales with their design. Therefore, it contributes to policymaking, and to policy evaluation and analysis. Some PPI categories aim to spur innovation by stimulating the formation of markets. We employ an evolutionary approach to analyse the influence of PPI at the different stages of the dynamic process of market formation through a series of selected existing case studies. We demonstrate that PPI can underpin the different phases of knowledge coordination for market formation, by ensuring appropriate interactions between users and producers early in the public procurement procedure. The literature on private procurement nevertheless shows that early supplier involvement is subject to a number of micro-level failures having their root in procurement practices. Based on interviews with public procurers and suppliers, we identify relevant collaboration failures related to the standard PPI and competitive dialogue procedures. We highlight differences in these failures and their loci between the two procedures. Furthermore, public procurers and suppliers appear to have different perception of the causes of the failures they have encountered. Finally, our findings discuss the influence of the legal framework on PPI and suggest additional PPI procedures and strategies that are favoured by suppliers to varying extents. In sum, our research identifies innovation-related failures at different levels that PPI can resolve, and relevant instruments to help PPI initiative to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, it advocates a dynamic approach considering failures, instruments, and practices at different stages of public procurement procedures, and market formation and public procurer-supplier collaboration processes.
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Socialt ansvarsfull offentlig upphandling : institutioner och faktorer för framgångsrik implementering / Socially responsible public procurement : Institutions and factors for successful implementationEriksson, Niklas H. January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera möjliga utfallspåverkande faktorer som möjliggör ett framgångsrikt implementerat utfall avseende social hänsyn i offentlig upphandling i en svensk kontext. Analysen och slutsatserna bygger på en jämförelse mellan två fall där utfallet utgör den gemensamma nämnaren. Underlaget till uppsatsen bygger primärt på intervjuer med tjänstemän och politiker i Sigtuna och i Örebro. De teoretiska analysverktygen som används i denna uppsats är hämtade från Rational choice- och Normativ institutionalism. Tre temafaktorer har använts för att kategorisera likheter och skillnader mellan fallen. Dessa är spelregler, preferenser och resurser. Resultatet visar på att fallen har fler möjliga utfallspåverkande faktorer gemensamma än de har utfallspåverkande faktorer som skiljer dem åt. En troligt viktig möjlig förklarande faktor ligger i att frågan om sociala krav har hanterats på ledningsnivå som en strategisk fråga, snarare än som en juridisk eller teknisk fråga. Fallen kan även förstås som att behovet av upphandling och behovet av sociala åtgärder har växt fram oberoende av varandra innan själva upphandlingsprocesserna och att det är genom aktörernas aktioner som upphandlingsfrågan och den sociala frågan har kombinerats. Dock rör det sig inte om en institutionell förändring som katalysator för implementeringen, utan snarare om inkrementell förändring i synen på offentlig upphandling som ett verktyg för social förändring. / The purpose of this thesis is to identify probable outcome influencing factors that enable a successful implemented outcome of social considerations in public procurement in a Swedish context. The analysis and conclusions are based on a comparison between two cases where the outcome is the common denominator. The empirical material for the thesis is primarily gathered from interviews with officials and politicians in Sigtuna and in Örebro municipalities. The theoretical tools used for analysis in this thesis are taken from Rational choice and Normative institutionalism. Three thematic factors have been used to categorize the similarities and differences between the cases: these are the rules of the game, preferences and resources. The result shows that the cases have more probable outcome influencing factors in common than they exhibit outcome influencing factors that set them apart. A likely important probable explanatory factor is to be found in the fact that the subject of social considerations was handled at a management / political level as a strategic issue, rather than as a legal or technical issue. The cases can also be understood in a manner which informs us that the need for procurement and the need for social action have evolved independently of each other and before the actual procurement processes. It is through the actors’ actions that the procurement issues and the social considerations have been combined into a common issue. However, the result does not indicate an institutional change as a catalyst for the implementation, but rather that the change in the perception of public procurement as a tool with social policy implication represents an incremental change within the existing institutions.
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Utmaningar och möjligheter i upphandlingsprocessen - för att kunna digitalisera på ett innovativt sätt i offentlig verksamhetLönngren, Josefin, Fahlén, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Approximately, digital transformation in public sector is procured for an amount of 59 billion Swedish crowns, according to Konkurrensverket. But despite this, the procurement process is not that effective, which may question the benefits of the investment being made. The Swedish Government has a goal to be the best in the world to utilize the opportunities that digitalization gives to the public sector, but according to Ekonomistyrningsverket, this goal is not considered to be fulfilled since there are some shortcomings in the area. Some argue that public procurement of innovation can contribute to a solution that is better suited to public needs, which is one of the reasons that the agency of innovation Vinnova was commissioned by the government to promote public procurement of innovation in the public sector. The procurement process is governed by laws and therefore the communication between customer and supplier is limited as no supplier are allowed to have competitive advantages in the procurement. This means that the requirement specification is important for public sector to fill their needs, but it claims that the process of requirements can be very complicated. The purpose of the study is to deepen the knowledge of procurement as an aspect to digitalize in an innovative way. This will be done by identifying the challenges and opportunities that exists in the procurement process. The study is conducted through an qualitative method and a literature study and interviews are used to collect data. Initially, the area is explored in a broader perspective with an exploratory approach and the collected material are further specified into a more specific area where a more focused approach is used. The results of the study indicate that there are both challenges and opportunities in the procurement process. The challenges that were identified concern the areas; specification of requirements, limits with the Public Procurement Act (PPA), the concept & meaning of public procurement of innovation and the competence of the Swedish innovation agency. Furthermore, the possibilities that were identified concern the areas; the competence of the Swedish innovation agency, specification of requirements, PPA & new way of working with the procurement process and the trend of being innovative. / Enligt Konkurrensverket upphandlas digitalisering inom offentlig sektor till ett belopp av 59 miljarder kronor. Trots detta är processen för upphandlingen inte särskilt effektiv vilket gör att nyttan av de investeringar som görs ifrågasätts. Sveriges regering har som mål att bli bäst i världen på att nyttja de möjligheter som digitaliseringen kan ge till den offentliga sektorn, men eftersom det fortfarande förekommer brister inom området anser Ekonomistyrningsverket att målet inte är uppfyllt. Många hävdar att innovationsupphandling kan bidra med lösningar som är bättre anpassad till det offentliga behovet vilket är en av anledningarna till att innovationsmyndigheten Vinnova fick i uppdrag av regeringen att främja innovation genom innovationsupphandlingar i offentlig sektor. Upphandlingsprocessen är styrd av lagar vilket bidrar till att kommunikationen blir begränsad mellan aktörerna då ingen leverantör ska få konkurrensfördelar i upphandlingen. Detta gör att kravspecifikationen är viktig för att offentliga verksamheter ska få det som efterfrågas, dock hävdas det att processen att identifiera behov samt formulera krav kan vara mycket komplicerad. Syftet med studien är att fördjupa förståelsen medupphandling som utgångspunkt för att kunna digitalisera på ett innovativt sätt genom att identifiera utmaningar och möjligheter som finns i upphandlingsprocessen. Studien utförs genom en kvalitativ metod där en litteraturstudie, intervjuer och en enkätundersökning utförs för att samla in data. Till en början undersöks området i ett bredare perspektiv med en utforskande ansats för att sedan använda det insamlade materialet till att specificera området ytterligare där en mer fokuserad ansats används. Studiens resultat visar på att det finns både utmaningar och möjligheter i upphandlingsprocessen där utmaningarna som identifierats rör områdena; kravspecifikation, begränsning med lagen om offentlig upphandling (LOU), begreppet & innebörden av innovationsupphandling samt innovationsmyndighetens kompetens. Vidare rör möjligheterna som identifierats områdena; Upphandlingsmyndigheten kompetens, kravspecifikation, LOU & nya arbetssätt kring upphandlingsprocessen samt trenden att vara innovativ.
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Brukarens röst vid offentlig upphandling / Service user's voice during a public competition procurementMattsson, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att fånga brukarperspektivet och dess upplevda konsekvenser av en ofrivillig förändring i befintliga boendemiljön, på grund av en offentlig konkurrensupphandling. Studien är genomförd med kvalitativ metod och insamlandet av empirin gjorde jag genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjupersonerna tillika brukarna i studien har en lindrig intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Den tidigare forskningen och teoretiska utgångspunkt för studien är brukarperspektiv, förändring, social identitet och Antonovskys (2009) teorier om känsla av sammanhang, KASAM. Intervjupersonerna i studien beskriver processen som en lång och kaotisk tid med hög psykisk press, vilket går att jämföra med en traumatisk kris. De upplever sig inte vara delaktiga i förändringen utan beskriver sig stå utanför handlingens centrum. De beskriver att de inte fått tillräckligt med anpassad information om vad den kommande förändringen innebär och saknar förmåga att tolka den abstrakta ofrivilliga förändringen. Intervjupersonerna uppfattar att besluten är tagna utan deras delaktighet och att de står utan påverkansmöjligheter. Samtliga beskriver att de fått fysiska besvär av olika slag på grund av upphandlingsprocessen. De uttrycker en låg grad av begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet i händelserna. Intervjupersonerna menar att beslutet att byta utförare känns oförklarligt och beskriver den kommande verksamhetsövergången som meningslös och de önskar att den inte ska bli verklighet. Intervjupersonerna upplevde att personalen utgjorde en viktig del av deras i övrigt glesa sociala nätverk. Intervjupersonerna beskriver att personalen varit obeslutsamma kring om de ska arbeta kvar eller inte. Intervjupersonerna förstår inte varför personal väljer att sluta och tolkar besluten som att det beror på dem själva och upplever sig bli bortvalda av personalen. Studien visar på behov av att utveckla arbetsmetoder som fångar brukarnas frågeställningar och funderingar för att bättre kunna förbereda dem på en kommande förändring av den här digniteten. Studien visar att intervjupersonerna hamnar i en komplex och mycket utsatt marginaliserande situation vid en verksamhetsövergång efter en offentlig konkurrensupphandling. / The aim of the study is to capture the perceived consequences of an involuntary change after a public competitive procurement of an existing group-home with special services, from a care taker/service user’s perspective. The study was conducted with qualitative method, and the collection of empirical evidence was through interviews. Respondents and users in the study have a mild intellectual disabilities. The previous research and the theoretical starting point that the study had been in is; service user perspective, change models, social identity and Antonovsky's (2009) theories of SOC, sense of coherence. The service users in the study describes a chaotic time with mental pressure during the change process, which can be comparable with traumatic crisis. They experienced fear and felt that the change was difficult to understand. The users describe a lack of knowledge of the upcoming changes. They felt they were unable to interpret and organize the communicative information that they had received. They identified that decisions were taken over their heads and had the feeling that they were without influence during the whole process. All respondents described different physical symptoms as consequents of the procurement. The service users express a low degree of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in the whole process and experience fear and the decisions seems inexplicable and nonsensical. They describe the future business transition as a burden and an unfortunate circumstance they wish to get undone. They feel themselves not to be involved in the upcoming change, and describes that they are outside the center of act and therefor choose to focus on the staffs decision whether they will stay or quit their posts. They blame themselves when members of the staff decide to quit and they feel themselves to be eliminated by the staff. The social context of the users turned out to contain sparse networks and property staff emerged as a significant and important part of their lives. The study demonstrates the need to develop working methods that capture the user’s questions and concerns in order to better prepare them for upcoming changes. The study shows that users end up in a complex and very exposed situation and are marginalized in the process of a public competitive procurement.
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Le contentieux précontractuel des marchés publics en France et en Roumanie / The precontractual disputes within the public procurement procedures in France and RomaniaIrimia, Florin 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le contentieux précontractuel des marchés publics en France et en Roumanie est une étude comparative qui a comme objet l’analyse synthétique et pragmatique des mécanismes nationaux français et roumains destinés à assurer la protection des opérateurs économiques contre les éventuels manquements aux principes de transparence et de mise en concurrence. La comparaison des deux ordres juridiques est initiée à partir de la présentation du droit européen du contentieux des marchés publics qui a influencé de manière substantielle les systèmes juridiques nationaux. Cette influence sera le point central de l’étude et elle facilitera une comparaison indirecte entre le droit français et le droit roumain qui ont réagi de façon similaire et différente à la fois face à la primauté du droit européen. Ainsi, forte de sa tradition historique en matière de contentieux administratif, la France a été plus réticente à intégrer les règles européennes et a dû accepter quelques compromis qui ont sensiblement bouleversé ses coutumes, notamment en ce qui concerne les pouvoirs du juge. Le système juridique roumain, plus jeune et moins encré dans des règles traditionnelles, a été plus ouvert aux attraits du droit européen à tel point qu’il a innové en créant un organisme administratif-juridictionnel spécialisé, plus adapté aux exigences de rapidité et d’efficacité imposées par les directives européennes. L’évolution de sa jurisprudence riche mais changeante et sa comparaison avec la jurisprudence du juge administratif français nous permettra de nous interroger sur le compromis nécessaire entre la légalité et la sécurité juridique dans la passation des marchés publics. / The precontractual disputes within the public procurement procedures in France and Romania represents a comparative study whose object is to synthetically and pragmatically analyse the national French and Romanian mechanisms aimed to ensure the protection of the economic operators against the eventual infringements of the transparency and competition principles. The comparison between the two legislative frameworks is initiated by the presentation of the European law of the disputes within the public procurement procedures, which significantly influenced the national legal systems. This influence shall be the study’s central point, which shall facilitate an indirect comparison between the French and Romanian law that have both similarly and differently reacted to the priority of the European law.Thus, based on its powerful historical tradition in the field of the disputes of the public procurement law, France was more reluctant to integrate the European rules and had to admit some compromise which had sensibly disturbed its tradition, especially with respect to the powers of the judge.The Romanian legal system, younger and less pegged in the traditional rules, was more opened to the attractions of the European law to such a point that it innovated by creating a specialised administrative-jurisdictional organism, more adapted to the celerity and efficiency exigencies imposed by the European Directives. The evolution of its jurisprudence, rich but inconstant and its comparison to the jurisprudence of the French administrative judge will allow an interrogation of the necessary compromise between the legalism and the legal security in the awarding of the public contracts procedures.
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L'innovation technologique dans les contrats publics d'affaires / Technological innovation in public contractsLière, Sophie 30 January 2017 (has links)
Sous l’impulsion du droit de l’Union européenne, les contrats publics d’affaires ont vocation à promouvoir l’innovation technologique. Les objectifs multiples qui leur sont assignés, particulièrement l’ouverture à la concurrence, les empêche néanmoins d’être des vecteurs efficaces d’innovation, au stade de leur formation. Il appartient en revanche aux parties de construire leur relation contractuelle en tenant compte des caractéristiques de l’innovation, telles que l’évolutivité et la performance. C’est donc le contrat, comme instrument de prévision, qui représente un moyen efficace d’encouragement à innover. / Under the influence of European Union law, the « business public contracts » (i.e. contracts known as public procurement and concession contracts in EU law) are supposed to be a means of fostering technological innovation. However, the multiplicity of objectives assigned to these contracts, in particular the obligation of maintaining an open competition in awarding them, does not allow them to be an efficient tool for promoting innovation at their formation stage. It is the responsibility of the parties to take into account the main charasteristics of innovation, such as evolutivity and performance, to define their contractual relationships. The contract, taken as a means of anticipation, thus represents an efficient tool for promoting innovation.
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Recherche sur les contrats de la commande publique à objet de développement durable : contribution à l'évolution du droit de la commande publique / Research on public procurement contracts relating to sustainability : contribution to the evolution of public procurement lawCamozzi, Armel 22 September 2015 (has links)
La commande publique et la contribution au développement durable relèvent a priori de deux logiques distinctes. D’un côté, les marchés publics ont pour fonction de répondre aux besoins des personnes publiques. De l’autre, la contribution au développement durable dépend traditionnellement d’actes juridiques non contractuels. Pourtant, les personnes publiques recourent de plus en plus aux contrats de la commande publique pour engager des politiques publiques de développement durable.La présente recherche identifie ce phénomène et démontre que ces contrats à objet de développement durable participent d’une modification de la fonction de la commande publique. Dès lors, ils deviennent des instruments de l’action environnementale et sociale des personnes publiques. Ce changement majeur de la fonction de l’achat public est renforcé par l’adoption des directives communautaires sur les marchés publics du 26 février 2014 et s’inscrit dans le cadre de la définition renouvelée du marché intérieur. Partant, la réussite d’une telle évolution implique nécessairement d’être accompagnée d’une réforme contentieuse afin de donner toute son efficience à cette ouverture de la commande publique aux politiques de développement durable. Plus encore, il sera démontré que cette régénération de la commande publique dépasse l’objet de développement durable et s’élargit à la mise en œuvre d’autres politiques publiques. L’ensemble du droit de la commande publique s’en trouve ainsi affecté / Public procurement and contribution to sustainability come, seemingly, from two distinct logics. On one hand, public markets function to meet the needs of public citizens. On the other hand, contribution to sustainability is traditionally dependent on legal, and not contractual, acts. However, public citizens increasingly use public procurement contracts to affect public policy on sustainability.This research identifies this phenomenon and shows that these contracts relating to sustainability are similar to a modification of the function of public procurement. Subsequently, they become instruments of environmental and social action for public citizens. This major change in the function of public buying is reinforced by the communal directives on public markets dated 26th of February 2014 and is recorded in the renewed definition of the domestic market. The success of this evolution necessarily implies a need for it to be accompanied by a legal reform in order for the complete efficiency of this opening up of public procurement to sustainability policies to be reached. Furthermore, this research will show that this regeneration of public procurement goes further than sustainability and reaches more widely into the sphere of other public policies. The whole body of public procurement law is as such affected
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La notion de liberté contractuelle en droit administratif français / The concept of freedom of contract in French administrative lawAjjoub, Muhannad 20 May 2016 (has links)
Conclure sur le sujet de la liberté contractuelle en droit administratif français n’est pas chose aisée. Cela dépend, essentiellement, de la façon de poser la problématique. Ainsi, si la question est de savoir si les personnes publiques disposent, à l’instar des particuliers, d’une liberté contractuelle, la réponse, dans le meilleur des cas, est qu’il s’agit d’une liberté à caractère particulier. En effet, en pratique, cette liberté est très restreinte, ses manifestations sont marginales, ce qui empêche véritablement de parler de « liberté heureuse ». Mais si la question est de savoir si le droit administratif français, à partir de ses particularités, de son originalité ainsi que de ses règles normatives, permet de reconnaître une telle liberté en faveur des personnes publiques, alors la réponse est négative. L’intérêt général, les prérogatives de la puissance publique, la compétence, la souveraineté, l’efficacité de la commande publique, la bonne utilisation des deniers publics et les principes fondamentaux de la commande publique,etc., constituent des obstacles fondamentaux non seulement à la reconnaissance de la liberté contractuelle aux personnes publiques mais également à son exercice effectif par ces dernières. Ainsi, certains auteurs ont pu conclure au sujet de la liberté contractuelle des personnes publiques qu’« en théorie elle existe mais, dans la pratique, personne ne l'a jamais vraiment rencontrée". / Concluding on the subject of freedom of contract in French administrative law is not easy. It depends essentially on how to raise the issue. So if the question is whether public persons have, as individuals, contractual freedom, the answer, in the best case is that this is a special character to freedom. Indeed, in practice, this freedom is very limited, its manifestations are marginal, which prevents us from truly speaking of a "happy freedom." But if the question is whether the French administrative law, from its peculiarities, its originality and its normative rules can recognize such freedom in favor of public entities, then the answer is negative. The public interest, the prerogatives of public power, competence, sovereignty, efficiency of public procurement, proper use of public money and the fundamental principles of public procurement, etc., are fundamental obstacles not only to the recognition of freedom of contract to public persons but also to the effective exercise by them. Some authors have concluded on the contractual freedom of public persons that "in theory it exists but in practice, nobody really ever met it"
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Komparace způsobu zajišťování samosprávných služeb ve veřejném zájmu obcemi s rozšířenou působností / A comparison of ways to ensure autonomous services in public interest by municipalities with extended powersHradecká, Olga January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this work is to analyze approache of different methods providing public goods in the public interest by municipalities with extended powers in the Czech Republic. In addition to the characteristics of individual methods the work focuses on legislation, particularly the new regulation on public procurement under the Act no. 134/2016 Coll., On public procurement. The aim of this study is to compare internal regulations of local governments for the procurement of small scale, beyond what the law requires. It refers to the release of the required transparency in these processes and the associated increase in administrative burdens for procurers and suppliers of public procurement.
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Řízení architektonických soutěží v Rakousku a ČR s přihlédnutím k významu kritérií udržitelnosti staveb / Management of architecture competitions in Austria and the Czech Republic with regard to the importance of buildings' sustainability criteriaDoušová, Aleška January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses issues with the management of architectural competitions in the Czech Republic and Austria. The first part focuses on the contest participants and methods for public procurement in architecture in the Czech Republic, and analyses the critical parts of the competition. This is followed by a chapter dedicated to Austrias legal code on architectural competitions. The theoretical part concludes with a description of the current situation with regard to the sustainability of buildings and to their management in architectural competitions in the Czech Republic and Austria. The final chapters compare the process of building retirement homes in Austria and the Czech Republic. The projects compare the announcement of the architectural competition, the management of the competition and the overall process. Both projects are compared for the implementation of sustainability requirements. The aim of my paper is to present and compare architectural competitions in the Czech Republic and Austria, with an analysis of how much the sustainability of buildings is taken into account within the competition rules. This thesis was completed using an analysis of available materials, a description of the situation and a comparative study.
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