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Role transnacionálního aktéra na národní úrovni. Případ Americké obchodní komory v České Republice / Transnational Actor and the Nation State. The Case of American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech RepublicZímová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the role of the transnational actor at the national level in particular case of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic. The study is divided into two main parts. The first, theoretical part focuses on three theoretical strands. The first chapter focuses on the development of theoretical perceptions of non-state actors in international relations since the 1970s. The goal of the first chapter is to examine concept of interdependence, global governance, the new transnationalism and transnational private governance. The second chapter focuses on multinational corporations. The analysis emphasizes the dynamics of research and development of transnational corporations and their relationship with the nation state. The goal of the third theoretical chapter is to explore the process of interest representation within the nation state. Attention is drawn to obstacles and conditions that transnational actor needs to overcome in order to successfully penetrate the process of interest representation and pursue its goals within the state. The second part of the thesis investigates activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic that were carried out in an effort to amend the Public Procurement Act from 2010 to 2012. The hypotheses...
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En beslutsanalytisk granskning av offentlig upphandling inom IT-system : Tillämpning av känslighets- och robusthetsanalysDahlin, Sam, Åström, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
Research in the area of public procurement has gained increasing attention with increasing interest in researching different evaluation methods for incoming tenders in procurement. The study analyzed the structure for procurement with a multi-criteria model for observation of changes in ranking and studied the importance of correct scoring. A sensitivity and robustness analysis were used as a tool to study the stability and the strength of a contracting entity's priorities. The purpose of this thesis was a study to determine if the ranking of tenders became more sensitive to the structure of the model or for each tender's evaluation, where it was found that the ability to correctly score points was more crucial than being critical of weights assigned to the criteria in the procurement, respectively. Relationship between price and quality turned out to be unknown to some extent, the connection could be determined after all tenders were submitted and accumulated points were available. / Forskning inom området offentlig upphandling har fått allt mer uppmärksamhet när intresset hamnat på undersökning av olika utvärderingsmetoder för inkommande anbud vid en upphandling. I studien analyserades uppbyggnaden för upphandlingar med en multikriteriemodell för observation över förändringar hos rangordning samt studerandet av vikten för en korrekt poängsättning. En känslighets- och robusthetsanalys tillämpades som verktyg för att studera stabiliteten och styrkan hos en upphandlande entitets prioriteringar. Syftet med uppsatsen var en undersökning för en bedömning om rangordningen av upphandlingars anbud blev känsligast mot strukturen på modellen eller för varje anbuds värdering, där det visade sig att förmågan för korrekt poängtilldelning var mer avgörande än att vara kritisk till vikterna som tilldelades respektive kriterier inom upphandlingen. Relationen mellan pris och kvalitet visade sig vara okänd till viss del, sambandet kunde avgöras efter att alla anbud var inskickade och samlade poäng fanns att tillhandahålla.
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Intresset för samarbete mellan automationsindustrin och offentlig vård : Är en testbädd ett för ändamålet lämpligt innovationsverktyg? / The Interest for Collaboration between Automation Industry and Public Healthcare : Is a Test Bed an Innovation Tool Suitable for this Purpose?Jonsson, Sony, Oller Westerberg, Emma, Svärdström, Cornelia January 2020 (has links)
Personnel shortages and ineffective healthcare is a global problem. While other industries have used automation and robotics to solve similar problems, the number of automation solutions linked to basic care in Swedish public hospitals remains low. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate factors that affects the collaboration between the automation industry and Swedish university hospitals. Test bed as an innovation tool is also studied and value-creating factors linked to it are mapped. The research questions were answered by conducting 30 interviews with representatives of the automation industry, university hospitals and other test beds, as well as a procurement lawyer. By using grounded theory, a theory was built based on the collected empirics. This study showed that there is an interest from both parties (automation industry and hospitals) to work together. The industry has the technical know-how needed to develop solutions to hospital environments, but economic factors as well as the procurement processes are too costly and time consuming to engage in these collaborations. Test bed is a suitable platform for product development and value-creating factors are: a clear aim and clear requirement specifications during the projects conducted on the test bed. The results give insight in factors that affect collaborations between automation industry and hospitals, and parallels can be drawn to other industries and Swedish government-controlled businesses. The findings also shine a light on valuable aspects to consider when implementing a test bed.
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Bid Forecasting in Public Procurement / Budgivningsmodeller i offentliga upphandlingarStiti, Karim, Yape, Shih Jung January 2019 (has links)
Public procurement amounts to a significant part of Sweden's GDP. Nevertheless, it is an overlooked sector characterized by low digitization and inefficient competition where bids are not submitted based on proper mathematical tools. This Thesis seeks to create a structured approach to bidding in cleaning services by determining factors affecting the participation and pricing decision of potential buyers. Furthermore, we assess price prediction by comparing multiple linear regression models (MLR) to support vector regression (SVR). In line with previous research in the construction sector, we find significance for several factors such as project duration, location and type of contract on the participation decision in the cleaning sector. One notable deviant is that we do not find contract size to have an impact on the pricing decision. Surprisingly, the performance of MLR are comparable to more advanced SVR models. Stochastic dominance tests on price performance concludes that experienced bidders perform better than their inexperienced counterparts and companies place more competitive bids in lowest price tenders compared to economically most advantageous tenders (EMAT) indicating that EMAT tenders are regarded as unstructured. However, no significance is found for larger actors performing better in bidding than smaller companies. / Offentliga upphandlingar utgör en signifikant del av Sveriges BNP. Trots detta är det en förbisedd sektor som karakteriseras av låg digitalisering och ineffektiv konkurrens där bud läggs baserat på intuition snarare än matematiska modeller. Denna avhandling ämnar skapa ett strukturerat tillvägagångssätt för budgivning inom städsektorn genom att bestämma faktorer som påverkar deltagande och prissättning. Vidare undersöker vi prisprediktionsmodeller genom att jämföra multipel linjära regressionsmodeller med en maskininlärningsmetod benämnd support vector regression. I enlighet med tidigare forskning i byggindustrin finner vi att flera faktorer som typ av kontrakt, projekttid och kontraktsplats har en statistisk signifikant påverkan på deltagande i kontrakt i städindustrin. En anmärkningsvärd skillnad är att kontraktsvärdet inte påverkar prissättning som tidigare forskning visat i andra områden. För prisprediktionen är det överraskande att den enklare linjära regressionsmodellen presterar jämlikt till den mer avancerade maskininlärningsmodellen. Stokastisk dominanstest visar att erfarna företag har en bättre precision i sin budgivning än mindre erfarna företag. Därtill lägger företag överlag mer konkurrenskraftiga bud i kontrakt där kvalitetsaspekter tas i beaktning utöver priset. Vilket kan indikera att budgivare upplever dessa kontrakt som mindre strukturerade. Däremot finner vi ingen signifikant skillnad mellan större och mindre företag i denna bemärkning.
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Investigation of Procurement Practices for Welfare Technologies in Municipalities in Sweden / Undersökning av upphandlingspraxis för välfärdsteknik I svenska kommunerDahn, Marcus Anthony January 2020 (has links)
Major demographical changes, such as aging population, constantly increases the demand for healthand social care services and technologies. The concept of welfare technologies is a response to meet this demand, since it increases independency, activity, participation and safety for people that has or is at risk of developing a disability. The procurement process of welfare technology is described as ineffective and problematic and is one of the major bottlenecks in implementing this type of technology. The aim of this study was to explore how the practical procurement process of welfare technology is performed in Swedish municipalities, an area which is currently under-researched. Moreover, the main problematic areas in the procurement, and their causes were investigated, which was carried out through qualitative semi-structured interviews with municipal actors. Data was collected from 3 municipalities, with 8 interview participants in total. The collected data from these interviews was transcribed, using intelligent verbatim, and analyzed inductively in the framework of qualitative content analysis. The data analysis yielded 7 main categories of problematic areas in the procurement process, along with 47 sub-categories. The main issues discussed were related to insufficient resources, such as competence, time and money, too little focus on the userneed, and difficulties with integrating welfare technology with other technical systems. A set of concrete advices for how to target some of the identified problems was generated, along with a couple guidelines for how to streamline the procurement process of welfare technology. It is argued in this report that the municipal organization of this process needs to be looked over, which cannot solely occur within municipalities, but must also be decided from a higher political level.
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AI Pinpoints Sustainability Priorities where Surveys Can’t : Towards Sustainable Public Procurement with Unsupervised Text Classification / AI hittar hållbarhetsprioriteringar där enkäter går bet : Mot hållbara offentliga upphandlingar med oövervakad textklassificeringNordstrand, Mattias January 2024 (has links)
There are many sustainability issues related to products, services, and business processes. For example, the production, usage, and disposal of IT equipment all impact sustainability. Therefore, buying more sustainable IT equipment can make a difference. More sustainable IT equipment can be acquired by selecting IT equipment with sustainability certification, such as TCO Certified. TCO Certified makes sustainable purchasing easier, which is useful in public procurement. Public procurement is complex to guarantee objectivity and transparency. Transparency in public procurement also means many public procurement documents are available, which can be analyzed. We hypothesized that the sustainability focuses in these public procurement documents (what the text is about) reflect the sustainability priorities of professional buyers (in their minds, which is indirectly observable). With this link, we investigated differences in sustainability priorities by using a machine learning model for predicting sustainability focuses in public procurement documents. By using a large language model, we automatically extracted sustainability focuses in procurement documents from the e-procurement platform TED. Thereby, we measured the sustainability focus of countries all over the globe. Through interviews with experts, we saw several indications that the used method is a good way of pinpointing sustainability priorities. We provide maps of sustainability focuses around the world (in section 4.12). Moreover, we analyze the results in-depth. One interesting finding includes indications that countries generally do not prioritize an issue more if the issue is of a larger concern. Counterintuitively, countries prioritize an issue more if the issue is of lesser concern. One example of this is circularity focus, which we note is generally less in countries with worse waste management. To our knowledge, analyzing sustainability focuses in procurement documents has not been done on this scale before. We believe these novel results can lead the way for a better understanding of sustainability priorities around the world. / Det finns många hållbarhetsproblem relaterade till produkter, tjänster och affärsprocesser. Till exempel finns det en hållbarhetspåverkan i produktion, användning och avfallshantering av IT-utrustning. Inköp av hållbarare IT-utrustning kan därför göra skillnad. Mer hållbar IT-utrustning kan erhållas genom att välja hållbarhetscertifierad IT-utrustning som exempelvis TCO Certified. TCO Certified gör hållbara inköp enklare och är särskilt användbart inom offentlig upphandling. Offentlig upphandling är komplext i objektivitet- och transparenssyfte. Transparens inom offentlig upphandling innebär också att många offentliga upphandlingsdokument finns tillgängliga och kan analyseras. Vi antog att hållbarhetsfokusen inuti dessa offentliga upphandlings-dokument (vad texten handlar om) hänger ihop med de professionella inköparnas hållbarhetsprioriteringar (deras tankar/känslor/intressen). Med denna länk undersökte vi skillnader i hållbarhetsprioriteringar genom att använda en maskininlärningsmodell för att uppskatta hållbarhetsfokus i offentliga upphandlingsdokument. Med en storskalig språkmodell extraherade vi automatiskt hållbarhetsfokus i dokument från Tenders Electronics Daily. Därigenom mätte vi hållbarhetsfokus för länder över hela världen. Genom intervjuer med experter såg vi flera indikationer på att den använda metoden är ett bra sätt att uppskatta hållbarhetsprioriteringar på. Vi presenterar kartor över hållbarhetsfokus runt om i världen (i avsnitt 4.12). Dessutom analyserar vi resultaten på djupet. En intressant upptäckt är att länder generellt inte prioriterar ett problem mer om problemet är allvarligare i det landet utan snarare tvärtom. Länder prioriterar ett problem mer om problemet är av lägre allvarlighetsgrad i det landet. Till exempel ser vi att cirkularitetsfokuset i offentliga upphandlingar är mindre i länder med sämre avfallshantering. Att analysera hållbarhetsfokus i upphandlingsdokument har inte tidigare gjorts på denna skala såvitt vi känner till. Vi tror våra resultat kan bidra till en bättre förståelse av hållbarhetsprioriteringar runt om i världen.
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La transparence et la commande publique / Transparency et public orderLekkou, Efthymia 26 November 2012 (has links)
La transparence, à travers ses multiples applications par le juge européen, est érigée en principe général du droit de l’Union européenne. Ses fondements juridiques retentissent sur sa portée, impérative et supplétive, son champ d’application matériel et personnel ainsi que sur son extension progressive et sa limitation aux seuls rapports verticaux développés entre les autorités adjudicatrices et les opérateurs économiques. La transparence est rattachée directement aux libertés fondamentales des soumissionnaires potentiels dont elles assurent la protection juridique et indirectement au principe de libre concurrence par la suppression des obstacles privés à la libre circulation des activités économiques. Ainsi, au service d’une finalité immédiate, la transparence garantit l’accès à la commande publique et, au service d’une finalité médiate, elle protège les structures du marché de la commande publique. Le principe général de transparence donne alors naissance aux contrats relevant de la commande publique qui prennent le relais des contrats publics. Instrument d’intégration et élément structurel du marché intérieur, cette nouvelle génération des contrats matérialise l’accès à la commande publique qui constitue un secteur d’activité économique faisant partie du marché intérieur. / Transparency, through its multiple applications by the european judge, has become a general principle of european law. Its legal basis resound its purview, imperative and suppletive, its personnal et material scope, as well as its progressive extension and its restriction to the vertical relationships developed between contracting authorities and economic operators. Transparency is attached directly to potential bidders fundamental freedoms whose its provides legal protection. It is attached indirectly to the principle of free competition by the elimination of private barriers to the free movement of economic activities. Thus, in the service of an immediate finality, transparency guarantees access to public procurements and, in the service of a mediate finality, it protects the market structures of public procurement. The general principle of transparency gives then rise to contracts of public order (contrats relevant de la commande publique) which take over public contracts. Instrument of integration and structural element of the internal market, this new generation of contracts materialize access to public order (commande publique), that constitutes a sector of economic activity as part of the internal market.
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Zadávání veřejných zakázek v programovém období 2007 - 2013 v rámci Operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost / Public procurement in the programming period 2007 - 2013 under the Operational Programme Education for CompetitivenessVRKOSLAV, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with public procurement within Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness during the period 2007 2013. The introductory part of the thesis contains a brief description of Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness and its implementation into targets of regional politics. The following parts are dedicated to the public procurement in general and then in a specific envoronment of Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness. The fundamental part of the thesis illustrates process of supervision of the public contracts (ex-ante and ex-post), results of the checks and most frequent mistakes revealed during checks with a brief analysis of their causes and suggested steps to eliminate them in future. Next part of this thesis is aimed at ineligible expenditures caused by mistakes in public procurements. The final part contains a closer look at area of public procurement in the frame of current programming period 2014 and 2020.
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Funkční díly v ocenění stavebního objektu / Functional parts valuation of the buildingŠevčík, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with comparing of current awards by Classification of building structures and works and awards by Functional parts. It is possible to calculate Building life cycle costs by Functional parts. This is definately the advantage of the system because the calculation cannot be done by Classification of building structures and works. A new law on public procurement deals with Building life cycle costs as an evaluation criterion. So it is recommended to use Functional parts awards. The other goal of the thesis is to find bridges between Functional parts and the issue of BIM. BIM is a trend of global construction industry.
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Le développement des modes alternatifs de réglement des différends dans les contrats administratifs / The development of alternative dispute resolution in administrative contractsLahouazi, Mehdi 24 November 2017 (has links)
Le développement des modes alternatifs de règlement des différends dans les contrats administratifs est une nécessité. En effet, l’encombrement des juridictions administratives, conjugué au besoin d’un règlement des différends plus consensuel et apaisé, plaide en faveur de l’émergence d’une justice alternative. Néanmoins, l’ordre public encadrant l’activité des personnes publiques, et protégé par des normes impératives, impose que le développement des modes alternatifs soit régulé. À ce titre, l’étude du droit positif démontre que ce phénomène n’est pas inconnu dans le règlement des différends intéressant les contrats administratifs. Par exemple, les parties à un différend peuvent déjà librement recourir aux modes amiables (médiation, conciliation ou transaction), et quelques dérogations au principe d’interdiction faite aux personnes publiques de recourir à l’arbitrage sont prévues. Cela étant, les lacunes et les défaillances du régime actuel des modes alternatifs dans les contrats administratifs (absence de véritable statut du médiateur, défaut d’encadrement de la conciliation inter partes, complexité de la notion de concessions réciproques ou, encore, difficulté pour le juge administratif d’asseoir sa compétence en matière d’arbitrage international...) complexifient leur compréhension et leur mise en œuvre et risquent, par suite, d’accroître les violations de l’ordre public. Il est donc nécessaire de proposer un régime pérenne des modes alternatifs permettant d’assurer, d’une part, la protection des normes impératives du droit public et, d’autre part, la liberté des parties dans le choix et la conduite d’une justice alternative. Pour cela, leur futur régime devra autoriser l’arbitrage dans les contrats administratifs et le doter de garanties procédurales prenant en compte sa nature spécifique mais, aussi, certaines caractéristiques inhérentes aux personnes publiques et au droit administratif. De même, les procédures de médiation et de conciliation devront être améliorées afin d’assurer aux parties, un encadrement souple et favorable à la conclusion de transactions équilibrées et sécurisées. Enfin, ce régime devra définitivement consacrer le rôle du juge administratif. À cet effet, ce dernier pourra être amené à assister les parties dans la mise en œuvre des modes alternatifs (création d’un juge administratif d’appui dans l’arbitrage, combinaison des procédures de référé avec les modes amiables...). Le juge administratif devra être aussi chargé du contrôle de conformité de la solution alternative à l’ordre public. Cette attribution de compétence, qui résonne de plus fort en matière d’arbitrage international, est indispensable à la protection de l’intérêt public. Ce n’est qu’à ces conditions, que le développement des modes alternatifs de règlement des différends pourra prendre toute sa place dans les contrats administratifs. / The development of alternative dispute resolution in administrative contracts is a necessity. Indeed, the congestion of the administrative courts, combined with the need for a more consensual and calm settlement of disputes, pleads in favour of the emergence of an alternative justice. Nevertheless, the public order governing the activities of public bodies, and protected by imperative norms, requires that the development of alternative methods be regulated. As such, the study of positive law shows that this phenomenon is not unknown in the settlement of disputes concerning administrative contracts. For instance, the parties to a dispute can already freely resort to amicable methods (mediation, conciliation or settlement agreement), and some exceptions to the principle prohibiting public bodies from resorting to arbitration are provided for. However, the voids and shortcomings of the current system of alternative dispute resolution in administrative contracts (lack of proper status of the mediator, paucity of framework for inter partes conciliation, complexity of the concept of reciprocal concessions or, difficulty for the administrative judge to assert its competence in international arbitration...) make its understanding and implementation more complex and more prone to increasing public order violations. It is therefore necessary to propose a sustainable regime of alternative methods to ensure, on the one hand, the protection of peremptory norms of public law and, on the other hand, the freedom of the parties in the choice and conduct of an alternative justice. For that purpose, the future regime will have to authorize arbitration in administrative contracts and endow it with procedural guarantees taking into account its specific nature but also certain characteristics inherent in public entities and administrative law. Furthermore, the mediation and conciliation procedures will have to be improved in order to provide the parties with a flexible framework conducive to the conclusion of balanced and secure settlement agreements. Finally, this regime must definitively establish the role of the administrative judge. To this end, that judge may be called upon to assist the parties in the implementation of alternative methods (creation of an administrative support judge in arbitration, combination of interim reliefs with amicable procedures...). The administrative judge must also be responsible for checking the compliance of the alternative solution to the public order. This attribution of jurisdiction, which is resonates all the more in international arbitration, is fundamental for the protection of the public interest. It is only under these conditions that the development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms can take its place in administrative contracts.
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