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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Noterade eller onoterade fastighetsinvesteringar? : Undersökning av diskrepansen i värderingen mellan noterade och onoterade fastighetsbolag i Sverige / Public or Private Real Estate? : Investigation of discrepancies between real estate company valuations on the Swedish market

Elouali, Jamila, Hansson, Karl January 2020 (has links)
Avkastningen från privata och publika fastighetsinvesteringar är något som undersökts extensivt, med slutsatsen att noterade fastighetsinvesteringar uppvisat en högre avkastning jämfört med onoterade fastighetsinvesteringar på kort sikt. Denna uppsats avser att analysera historiska direktavkastningar i syfte av att upptäcka eventuella diskrepanser i värdering mellan noterade och onoterade fastighetsinvesteringar. Utöver det, avser denna uppsats att diskutera huruvida det föreligger fördelar med att äga onoterade fastigheter som skulle motivera en högre värdering, trots historiskt lägre totalavkastning. Den underliggande datan är hämtad från MSCI Sweden Annual Property Index och Refinitiv Worldscope Fundamentals-databasen som säkerställts med årsredovisningar för de noterade fastighetsföretagen. Med hjälp av denna data skapades två direktavkastningsserier för perioden mellan 2000 - 2019. Dessa jämfördes sedan med varandra och påvisade diskrepanser i form av högre direktavkastning på den noterade marknaden under större delar av 00-talet medan den onoterade marknaden uppvisade en högre direktavkastning mellan 2011 - 2016. Sedan dess har direktavkastningen för båda noteringsformerna sjunkit till historiskt låga nivåer. Vad gäller onoterade fastighetsinvesteringar återfinns fördelar i form av målstyrning och genomförandet av långsiktiga utvecklingsprojekt, ofta som en del av en långsiktig och värdeskapande ägarstrategi. / The return of private and public real estate is a matter that has been studied extensively and has often proved the outperformance of securitized real estate over direct property in the short term. This paper will analyze historical capitalization rates in order to locate any value discrepancies between the direct and indirect property market in Sweden. Furthermore, the paper aims to understand whether there are any benefits to holding direct property, otherwise not justified by higher returns, that would explain its high valuation. The underlying data collection relies on MSCI Sweden Annual Property Index as well as financial reports and profile data from the Refinitiv Worldscope Fundamentals database for the listed real estate companies. Using the collected data, net operating income yields were built for the direct and indirect property market for the period between 2000 - 2019. These historical capitalization rate series were then compared to each other and showed some discrepancy in favor of securitized real estate which demonstrated higher capitalization rates during most of the 2000s. However, the direct real estate market was shown to outperform the indirect one between 2011 - 2016. Ever since, public and private real estate on the Swedish market has shown similar valuations and the capitalization rates are now historically low, (as at December 2019). As for holding direct property, advantages include the ability to carry out development projects, which are often part of a long-term and value-adding ownership strategy.

Tillgänglig entré i publikalokaler : En studie om tillgänglighet för personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga i Växjö. / Accessible entrance to public premises : A study on accessibility for people with reduced mobility in Växjö

Alhadi, Nabaa, Al-jassani, Mina January 2023 (has links)
Äldre byggnader som ligger i historiskt känsliga områden är sällan tillgängliga för personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga. Det är viktigt att anpassa äldre byggnader så att de blir tillgängliga och uppfyller dagens krav för tillgänglighet. Otillgängliga entréer kan begränsa en persons rörelsefrihet eller förhindra personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga att komma in i byggnaden, vilket kan leda till diskriminering och minskad inkludering i samhället. Det kan även strida mot lagar och förordningar som finns idag för tillgänglighet i offentliga byggnader. Arbetet i den här studien har fokuserat på tillgänglighet hos entréer till publika lokaler för personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga. Arbetet syftar till att kartlägga kraven hos entréer till historiskt känsliga byggnader och hur byggnaderna kan förändras till att bli tillgängliga. I den här rapporten har tre publika lokaler belägna på Storgatan i Växjö använts som underlag. Målet är att hitta lösningar som kan leda till att entréer blir tillgängliga och kan användas av personer med nedsatt rörelseförmåga.  För att uppnå syftet och målet som satts för projektet användes tre olika metoder, den ena är litteraturstudie med utförande av fyra intervjuer med olika relevanta aktörer inom tillgänglighet för publika lokaler. Den andra metoden är en fallstudie där tre publika lokaler undersökts med hjälp av en checklista med lagar och krav från Boverkets byggregler. Den tredje metoden var att ta fram ett förslag på en tillgänglig entré som ritades med dataprogrammet Autodesk Revit på ett av de utvalda objekten.  Resultatet visar att brister som finns idag i historiskt känsliga byggnader när det gäller tillgänglighet är många och behöver åtgärdas. Brister som finns vid entréer kan exempelvis vara en brant lutning på en ramp, dålig belysning, ett för litet utrymme för manövreringen eller att det saknar kontrastmarkeringar. Åtgärder bör utföras varsamt med hänsyn till det kulturhistoriska värdet. De visade sig även att befintliga åtgärder som exempelvis en ramp, kan vara otillgängligt. En ramp behöver uppfylla alla krav som finns idag för att kunna räknas som tillgänglig. Slutsatsen visar att det bör ske förändringar när det gäller tillgänglighet i publika lokaler. De utvalda entréerna uppfyller inte kraven som finns idag för en tillgänglig ramp och tillgänglig entré. Det krävs ett samarbete mellan kommunen och fastighetsägaren för att kunna uppnå ett resultat som gynnar personer som är i behov av en tillgänglig entré. / This work has been carried out to show how it is possible to combine accessibility in buildings of cultural heritage and historical value. In this case, three local buildings have been studied on Storgatan in Växjö, with a focus on people with reduced mobility.  The work was carried out by studying laws that apply accessibility, making a site visit and interviewing experts on the subject. The goal was to come up with a proposal for each selected premises. Solutions should be able to be an inspiration to implement in real projects for buildings with the same characteristics. The results of the study showed that there is a lack of accessibility in three selected entrances. Inaccessible buildings can mean restrictions for people with reduced mobility to be able to carry out daily activities. There is also a need to include accessibility in buildings that have a building memory.

Француска књижевност у српским књижевним новинама и часописима до 1941. године / Francuska književnost u srpskim književnim novinama i časopisima do 1941. godine / The French literature in Serbian literary newspapers and magazines until the year 1941.

Ristić Biljana 30 August 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији је приказана рецепција велике француске књижевности у српским књижевним новинама и часописима до почетка Другог светског рата, у Летопису Матице српске, Српском књижевном гласнику, Мисли, Страном прегледу, Бранковом колу, Босанској вили, Зори, Звезди, Зениту, Данасу и др.<br />Рад се бави културно - књижевним везама између Србије и Француске преко српске књижевне периодике, па је примењен компаративни и књижевно - историјски приступ.<br />Уредници часописа, као и преводиоци и критичари окупљени око часописа, дали су вредан допринос осветљавању појединих француских писаца и њихових дела, као и књижевних праваца у француској књижевности. То су углавном били људи из културног и јавног живота Србије: Јован Јовановић Змај, Ђорђе Поповић Даничар, Богдан Поповић, Јован Скерлић, Миодраг Ибровац, Светислав Петровић. Они су упућивали на поједине француске писце или дела из француске књижевности процењујући потребу и могућности наше средине да та дела прихвати и могућности тих дела да позитивно утичу на нашу књижевност или чак на развој наше друштвене средине. Рад разматра како је наша читалачка публика<br />5<br />прихватала француску књижевност и како је француска књижевност утицала на формирање укуса читалаца.<br />Дошло се до закључка да су у овом периоду у нашим новинама и часописима најзаступљенији били француски писци XIX века: Виктор Иго, Ги де Мопасан и Алфонс Доде. Најмања пажња је посвећивана француској књижевности средњег века и ренесансе.<br />Очигледно је да су се многа значајна француска књижевна дела у Србији појављивала најпре у часописима. Заступљеност француске књижевности зависила је од периода излажења часописа, од програма самих часописа, као и од уредника часописа.<br />Досадашња истраживања на ову тему фокусирала су се углавном на поједине часописе, а овај рад доводи до првих систематизација у овом домену, тј. приказује присуство француске књижевности у великом броју српских новина и часописа. Резултати истраживања дају јасну слику заступљености француске књижевности у нашој књижевној периодици од XIX века до почетка Другог светског рата.<br />Кључне речи: Француска књижевност, српске књижевне новине и часописи, француски писци, преводиоци, читалачка публика, рецепција, интеркултуралност</p> / <p>U disertaciji je prikazana recepcija velike francuske književnosti u srpskim književnim novinama i časopisima do početka Drugog svetskog rata, u Letopisu Matice srpske, Srpskom književnom glasniku, Misli, Stranom pregledu, Brankovom kolu, Bosanskoj vili, Zori, Zvezdi, Zenitu, Danasu i dr.<br />Rad se bavi kulturno - književnim vezama između Srbije i Francuske preko srpske književne periodike, pa je primenjen komparativni i književno - istorijski pristup.<br />Urednici časopisa, kao i prevodioci i kritičari okupljeni oko časopisa, dali su vredan doprinos osvetljavanju pojedinih francuskih pisaca i njihovih dela, kao i književnih pravaca u francuskoj književnosti. To su uglavnom bili ljudi iz kulturnog i javnog života Srbije: Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Bogdan Popović, Jovan Skerlić, Miodrag Ibrovac, Svetislav Petrović. Oni su upućivali na pojedine francuske pisce ili dela iz francuske književnosti procenjujući potrebu i mogućnosti naše sredine da ta dela prihvati i mogućnosti tih dela da pozitivno utiču na našu književnost ili čak na razvoj naše društvene sredine. Rad razmatra kako je naša čitalačka publika<br />5<br />prihvatala francusku književnost i kako je francuska književnost uticala na formiranje ukusa čitalaca.<br />Došlo se do zaključka da su u ovom periodu u našim novinama i časopisima najzastupljeniji bili francuski pisci XIX veka: Viktor Igo, Gi de Mopasan i Alfons Dode. Najmanja pažnja je posvećivana francuskoj književnosti srednjeg veka i renesanse.<br />Očigledno je da su se mnoga značajna francuska književna dela u Srbiji pojavljivala najpre u časopisima. Zastupljenost francuske književnosti zavisila je od perioda izlaženja časopisa, od programa samih časopisa, kao i od urednika časopisa.<br />Dosadašnja istraživanja na ovu temu fokusirala su se uglavnom na pojedine časopise, a ovaj rad dovodi do prvih sistematizacija u ovom domenu, tj. prikazuje prisustvo francuske književnosti u velikom broju srpskih novina i časopisa. Rezultati istraživanja daju jasnu sliku zastupljenosti francuske književnosti u našoj književnoj periodici od XIX veka do početka Drugog svetskog rata.<br />Ključne reči: Francuska književnost, srpske književne novine i časopisi, francuski pisci, prevodioci, čitalačka publika, recepcija, interkulturalnost</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis it is shown the reception of the great French literature in Serbian literary newspapers and magazines until the beginning of the Worl War II, in the &ldquo;Letopis Matice srpske&ldquo;, &ldquo;Srpski književni glasnik&ldquo;, &ldquo;Misli&ldquo;, &ldquo;Strani pregled&ldquo;, &ldquo;Brankovo kolo&ldquo;, &ldquo;Bosanksa vila&ldquo;, &ldquo;Zora&ldquo;,&ldquo;Zvezda&ldquo;, &ldquo;Zenit&ldquo;, &ldquo;Danas&ldquo; etc.<br />The work deals with cultural-literary connections between Serbia and France across Serbian literary periodicals, so that the comparative and literary-historical approaches are applied. The editors of magazines, as well as translators and critics gathered around the magazines, contributed greatly to the illuminating of some French writers and their works, as well as the literary trends in the French literature. They were mostly people from the cultural and public life of Serbia: Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Bogdan Popović, Jovan Skerlić, Miodrag Ibrovac, Svetislav Petrović. They pointed to certain French writers or works from the French literature estimating the needs and possibilities of our environment to accept those works and the possibilities of those works to influence our literature positively or even the development of our social environment.<br />The work examines how our readership accepted the French literature and how the French literature influenced the forming of readers&rsquo; taste.<br />It was concluded that in our newspapers and magazines of that period the most common were the French writers of the nineteenth century: Victor Hugo, Guy de Maupassant and Alphonse Daudet. The least attention was paid to the French literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It is obvious that numerous significant French literary works in Serbia appeared in magazines first. Presence of the French literature depended on the periods of issuing magazines, on the programmes of the magazines themselves, as well as on the editors of magazines.</p><p>All previous researches on this topic focused mostly on certain magazines, and this work brings to the first sistematizations in this domain, i.e. it shows the presence of the French literature in a great number of Serbian newspapers and magazines.The results of the research should give a clear picture of the presence of the French literature in our literary peiodicals from 19th century to the beginning of the Second World War.<br />Key words: French literature, Serbian literary newspapers and magazines, French writers, translators, readership, reception, interculturalism.</p>

Trend zombifikace v současné filmové a serálové tvorbě - výzkum publika / Trend of zombification in contemporarymovie and serial production - audience analysis

Malinová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation is titled "The trend of zombification in a current film and series production - audience-based research" and is aimed at explaining why people seek zombie themed series and movies. In the theoretical part, the author introduces the concept of a zombie in terms of its dominant position within the popular culture. With the historical background and the theoretical frame of the topic, the results of the audience research, that was focused mainly on the fans of a zombie genre, will be presented. By comparison of the media product discourse and the public discourse, the analysis reve als the hypothesis describing the relationship between the audience and the media content with a zombie theme. The research is based on a qualitative method of grounded theory. The methods of semi-structured interview and participant observation were used to collect the data.

Výzkum publika: mediální politika na mateřské/rodičovské dovolené / Audience research: usage of media during maternal/paternal leave

Veličková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
A media policy on maternity leave is the subject matter of the thesis, which presents the results of a qualitative research of an audience by the grounded theory method. The analysis of various causes, conditions, contexts, strategies and consequences of media policies of individual speakers is based on the use of semi-structured interviews. The media usage on maternity leave is a complex of attitudes not only of the mother but also of the father who can be in agreement with his partner in one household but in conflict in another household. Influences of parents childhood or of the nearest neighborhood is continuously reflected in individual strategies of the media policy. A professional status of the mother and her needs offered by the media also plays a significant role. Last but not least, there is a conflict between mothers` own comfort when the media take over the role of a nanny and are a vital member of the household, and a childcare when the mother more or less regulates the role of the media in the early years of a child's life on the basis of her own experience, in other words to a reasonable degree.

Konstrukce představ o první republice pohledem dvou generací na příkladu stejnojmenného televizního seriálu / Construction of the imagination of the First republic from the point of view of two generations explained by an example of the czech TV series "First republic"

Hložková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Construction of the imagination of the first republic era from the point of view of two generations explained by an example of the Czech TV series První republika" focuses on the mechanisms in which the TV series co-constructs the audience perception of the given era. The series was broadcasted from January 2014 untill June 2014 on the Czech Televisions program. The thesis aims to show how the younger generations of TV viewers construct the period in which they did not live through their consuming of media content. This is compared with the old-timers who could compare their own experience with the series. The audiences of both generations are equally scrutinized and consequently compared. The theoretical part introduces the theses about social and media construction of reality accompanied by audience cultivation theories. The final analysis of the acquired data is based on these theories but it aims to invent a new hypothesis. The subject matter of the research part is analysed by the qualitative method of the grounded theory as Strauss and Glaser understand it. For the questioning the semistructured and group interviews were used .

Seriál Život je ples očima seniorů: recepční analýza zobrazených témat / Senior's view on the seraial Life is a ball: reception analysis of captured topics

Höschlová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on reception analysis of Czech TV series "Život je ples". It is a family TV series produced by Česká televize. Its central topic are lives of clients of a retirement home, their families and employees of the facility, who are taking care of them. The analysis of reception is mainly devoted to how elderly, the social group which this TV show is about, perceived the series. The theoretical part introduces three approaches of audience research, the most emphasis is put on sociocultural research, which refused the power of text and admitted, that media texts are open to several possible interpretations in dependence on particular social context of every recipient and other conventions. From this approach arose reception research, which this thesis also introduces. It also describes problems of lives of the elderly and therefore puts forth a theoretical basis for subsequent analysis. The final point deals with construction of identity based on media fiction. In the empirical part the thesis focuses on several selected topics, which came from qualitative content analysis of individual episodes of the series. It is about dreams and education, family ties, relationships of elderly and specifics of a life in retirement home. This thesis through the method of focus groups...

Výzkum divácké motivace mužů při sledování televizních seriálů určených ženám / Men's motivation for watching TV shows specified for women

Krivenkaya, Yana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the motivation, engagement and experiences of men as they interact with the selected television shows, which are presented or conceived as shows for women. The purpose of this thesis is to examine, identify and evaluate the motivation of men as a perceived non-target audience for watching the shows. Using gender theories and the audience in media theories as the background of this thesis, it then presents full- scale research on the TV shows "Sex and the City", "Desperate Housewives", "2 Broke Girls" through fifteen in-depth interviews, discovering narrators' viewing experience and reactions. The empirical analysis of this thesis is conducted in light of perceived and reported demographic groups, keeping in mind the sociocultural context of each series. This thesis examines both socio-economic and gender topics, which are represented in the shows by product placement on the first hand, and emancipatory themes on the other.

Parasociální interakce jako vztah mezi mediálními postavami a publikem / Parasocial interaction as the relationship between media and audience figures

Bartošová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
BARTOŠOVÁ, Radka. Parasociální interakce jako vztah mezi mediálními postavami a publikem. Praha, 2016. 67 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky. Katedra mediálních studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce PhDr. Irena Reifová, Ph.D. Abstract This thesis in its theoretical work focuses on the topic parasocial interaction, a specific relationship between fans and celebrities. This fundamental concept is initially set in a broader context. Closer are characterized by celebrities as a publicly-known media figures, and the audience as active recipients of stimulus. There is a concept called. Ordinary stars, as well as focus on issues not only fandom, but also specific terms such as adoration and celebrity stalking celebrities. After outlining the basic theoretical insight is explored basic concept - parasocial relationship. The practical part with respect to the overall theme of the work is carried out using semi-structured interviews with rock stars, fans steady on one side and ordinary fans of the stars on the other. Based on the results and authentic materials are analyzed each category. The work aims to explore how similar concepts related to celebrities, as well as different approaches to media stars.

MISSILE : Utvecklingsmodell och strategier för framgångsrika publika webbtjänster / MISSILE : Development Model and Strategies for Successful Public Web Services

Langell, Robin, Scherman, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Att utveckla en publik webbtjänst kan tyckas lätt, men att få denna till en framgångsrik och lönsam applikation är en annan sak. Konkurrensen är idag stenhård och en bra applikation är långt ifrån det enda man behöver för att lyckas.</p><p>Studiens syfte var att kartlägga och öka förståelsen kring publik webbtjänstutveckling, ett område som tidigare inte fått så stor uppmärksamhet i den akademiska världen. Studien bygger på ett empiriskt material insamlat genom intervjuer med några av Sveriges främsta IT-entreprenörer inom området. Studien inkluderade även ett praktiskt moment där utveckling av inbjudningssajten InviClub.se genomförts för att praktiskt testa teorierna.</p><p>Vår studie visade på att traditionella systemutvecklingsmetoder är svåra att tillämpa på detta område. En faktor som visade sig vara av yttersta vikt för lyckade projekt var snabbhet, något som de traditionella modellerna RUP och Vattenfallsmodellen inte prioriterar. Därför tog utvecklandet av MISSILE (Marknadsföring, Interaktion, Snabbhet, Snack, Integration, Lock-In samt Enkelhet) vid. Denna modell är en lättviktsmodell som är baserad på både teoretisk och praktisk grund, och är speciellt anpassad för webbutveckling inom publika webbtjänster. Modellen tar vara på och behandlar de nyckelfaktorer som kommit fram under studiens gång, genom att utkast till en tidigare egenutvecklad teoretisk modell, MALIN (Marknadsföring, Användbarhet, Lock-In) jämfördes med vad experter inom området publika webbtjänster tyckte var framgångsfaktorer för att utveckla publika webbtjänster.</p><p>Vi anser att uppsatsen har stort värde då det inte finns tidigare forskning inom området publika webbtjänster. Vi anser även att det finns ett stort praktiskt värde av MISSILE-modellen, då modellen kan vägleda IT-entreprenörer att utveckla nya publika webbtjänstprojekt mer framgångsrikt och snabbare än tidigare.</p>

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