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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de um laser pulsado com emissão em 1053 nm para utilização na técnica de \"Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy\" / Development of a pulsed laser with emission at 1053 nm for Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy

Cavalcanti, Fabio 21 August 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um laser pulsado utilizando um chaveador-Q passivo em uma cavidade com a tecnologia de controle de modo por duplo-passo. Utilizando um cristal de Nd:LiYF4 com 0,8 mol% de dopagem, foi possível gerar um pulso com duração de 5,5 ns (FWHM), com 1,2 mJ de energia e potência pico de 220 kW para utilização na técnica Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). A técnica (CRDS), que pode ser traduzida por espectroscopia de cavidade ressonante, é utilizada para medida de espectros de absorção de gases, líquidos e sólidos. Com a técnica CRDS é possível medir perdas com altíssimo grau de precisão, ressaltando sua sensibilidade que é confirmada pela utilização de espelhos com alta refletividade. Foram avaliadas, com essa técnica, as perdas por reflexão e espalhamento de materiais transparentes. Após a calibração da cavidade ressonante, foi possível medir as perdas nas amostras com resolução de até 0,045%, sendo o valor máximo alcançado de 1,73%. Essa calibração foi possível, pois obteve se um tempo de decaimento de aproximadamente 20 μs com a cavidade desobstruída. Também foi conseguido um método de determinação do índice de refração dos materiais transparentes com precisão de cinco casas decimais. / In this work, a pulsed and Q-switched laser resonator was developed using the double-beam mode-controlling technique. A Nd:LiYF4 crystal with 0,8mol% of doping concentration was used to generate a giant pulse with duration of 5,5 ns (FWHM), 1,2 mJ of energy and 220 kW peak power for the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. The CRDS technique is used to measure absorption spectra for gases, liquids and solids. With the CRDS technique it is possible to measure losses with high degree of accuracy, underscoring the sensitivity that is confirmed by the use of mirrors with high reflectivity. With this technique, the losses by reflection and scattering of transparent materials were evaluated. By calibrating the resonant cavity, it was possible to measure the losses in the samples with resolution of 0,045%, the maximum being reached by 1,73%. The calibration was possible because there was obtained to measure a decay time of approximately 20 μs with the empty cavity. Besides was obtained a method for determining the refractive index of transparent materials with accuracy of five decimals.

Growth of superconducting and ferroelectric heterostructures / Crescimento de heteroestruturas supercondutoras e ferroelétricas

Oliveira, Felipe Ferraz Morgado de 20 December 2018 (has links)
The phase diagram of complex oxides is very diverse due to the strong interaction between electrons in the electronic structure. It is possible to probe those interactions by changing electrostatically the carrier density, the main concept behind the Field-Effect Transistors (FET) which is the building blocks of nanoelectronics devices. In the case of high-TC superconductor copper oxides, it is possible to use this concept to switch between superconducting and insulator phases, for example using an adjacent liquid electrolyte layer to inject charges in a superconducting film. With that in mind, the objective of this work was to establish protocols to grow superconductor and ferroelectric films for future fabrication of superconducting FET devices. We optimized the deposition conditions for the growth of a single layer of superconductor YBa2Cu3O7–x and the ferroelectric barium titanate on SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Several techniques were employed to study the properties of the thin films, such as X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, resistance vs temperature and ferroelectric hysteresis. Regarding the superconductors thin films, we observed several relations between the superconducting features and the growth parameters. For instance, lower growth temperatures contribute to the nucleation of a-axis oriented grains meanwhile higher growth temperature tends to be c-axis oriented. Regarding the frequency of the laser (proportional to the growth rate), it seems that lower frequency is related to higher surface roughness and the presence of non-superconducting contributions. As it increases, the roughness decrease and the sample presents a sharper superconducting transition. Finally, we also did the first steps towards the field effect device by growing a heterostructure thin film consisting of a superconductor and ferroelectric material. The sample grew c-axis oriented on strontium titanate substrate, though with a high value of surface roughness. / O diagrama de fase dos óxidos complexos é muito diverso devido à forte interação entre os elétrons na estrutura eletrônica. É possível sondar essas interações alterando eletrostaticamente a densidade da portadores, o principal conceito por trás dos transistores de efeito de campo (FET), que é o elemento fundamental dos dispositivos nanoeletrônicos. No caso de supercondutores de alta temperatura a base de óxidos de cobre, é possível usar este conceito para alternar entre fases supercondutoras e isolantes, por exemplo utilizando uma camada adjacente de eletrólito líquido para injetar cargas no filme supercondutor. Com isso em mente, o objetivo desse trabalho foi estabelecer protocolos para crescer filmes supercondutores e ferroelétricos para fabricações futuras de dipositivos FET supercodutores. Nós optimizamos as condições de deposição para o crescimento de uma única camada do supercondutor YBa2Cu3O7–x e do ferroeléctrico titanato de bário em substratos SrTiO3 por deposição de laser pulsado (PLD). Diversas técnicas foram empregadas para estudar as propriedades dos filmes finos, como difração de raios-X, microscopia de força atômica, espectroscopia de fotoelétrons de raios-X, resistência vs temperatura e histerese ferroelétrica. Em relação aos filmes finos supercondutores, observamos várias relações das propriedades supercondutoras com os parâmetros de crescimento. Por exemplo, temperaturas de crescimento mais baixas contribuem para a nucleação de grãos orientados no eixo a, enquanto a temperatura de crescimento mais alta tende a ser orientada para o eixo c. Em relação à frequência do laser (proporcional à taxa de crescimento), há um indício que valores menores de frequência está relacionada à maior rugosidade superficial e à presença de contribuições não supercondutoras. À medida que aumenta a frequência, a rugosidade diminui e a amostra apresenta uma transição supercondutora mais nítida. Por fim, também fizemos os primeiros passos em direção ao dispositivo de efeito de campo, desenvolvendo um filme fino de heteroestrutura com um material supercondutor e ferroelétrico. A amostra cresceu orientada no eixo c em substrato de titanato de estrôncio com alto valor de rugosidade superficial.

Contribution à l’étude de la fiabilité des technologies avancées en environnement radiatif atmosphérique et spatial par des méthodes optiques

Mbaye, Nogaye 16 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail présente la mise en œuvre du test par faisceau laser TPA pour l’étude de la sensibilité au phénomène SEB dans les diodes schottky en carbure de silicium. Le contexte de l’étude est décrit par un état de l’art du SEB sur les MOSFETs et Diodes en Silicium et en carbure de silicium. Une étude technologique et structurelle des composants en SiC a permis de dégager les avantages du SiC par rapport au Si conventionnel et a permis d’analyser les dégâts causés par le faisceau TPA. L’utilisation du montage expérimental sur la plateforme ATLAS dédié spécifiquement au test de matériaux à grand gap a permis de mettre en place une méthodologie de test sur des diodes schottky en SiC. L’efficacité de cette méthodologie est prouvée par l’obtention de résultats expérimentaux très originaux. La susceptibilité au SEB induit par la technique laser TPA a été démontrée. Les mesures SOA ont permis d’évaluer la robustesse des diodes schottky SiC face aux événements singuliers. Une modélisation analytique a été menée afin de comprendre la cause du mécanisme du SEB et la localisation des défauts induits par le faisceau TPA. / This work presents the implementation of the TPA laser beam testing to study the SEB phenomenon in silicon carbide Schottky diodes. The context of the study is described by a state of the art of SEB on Si and SiC MOSFETs and Diodes. Technological and structural study of SiC components has identified the benefits of SiC compared to conventional Si and permits to analyze the damage caused by the TPA beam. Using the experimental setup of the ATLAS platform dedicated specifically to test large gap materials has set up a test methodology on SiC Schottky diodes. The effectiveness of this methodology is demonstrated by obtaining original experimental results. Susceptibility to SEB induced by TPA laser technique has been demonstrated. SOA measurements were used to assess the robustness of SiC Schottky diodes to single event effects.An analytical modeling was conducted to understand the cause of the SEB mechanism and the location of defects induced by the TPA beam.

Laser generation of nanoparticles in liquids : new insights on crystal structure control and colloidal stability / Génération de nanoparticules par ablation laser en liquide : vers un meilleur contrôle de la phase cristalline et de la stabilité colloïdale

Laurens, Gaétan 24 September 2019 (has links)
L’engouement pour l’originalité des propriétés physiques des nanoparticules s’est accompagné d’un développement de nombreuses méthodes de synthèse depuis un demi siècle. Parmi elles, l’ablation laser en liquide permet de produire des nanoparticules avec des surfaces libres de tout contaminant et ce pour une multitude de combinaisons de matériaux et de solvants. Cependant, la simplicité apparente de cette technique dissimule la complexité des mécanismes physico-chimiques, ce qui entraîne actuellement un manque de contrôle des objets synthétisés. Tout d’abord, nous nous sommes intéressés à la cinétique des bulles pour laquelle les conditionsextrêmes d’ablation laser en liquide présentent des cas originaux de cinétique dans le domaine de la mécanique des fluides. Puis, ce travail de thèse vise à donner de plus amples perspectives quant à une meilleure maîtrise de la structure cristalline des nanoparticules et de la stabilité colloïdale. Une manière plus directe de contrôler la taille, la phase cristalline et la stabilité colloïdale des solutions contenant des nanoparticules est d’ajouter des ligands. Nous avons donc étudié les mécanismes de stabilisation de ces solutions en utilisant des ions qui se complexent aux nanoparticules d’or. Nous avons aussi réussi à synthétiser des nanoparticules de rubis (alumine dopée chrome). La stabilisation de ces nanoparticules dans une phase métastable en utilisant des ligands organiques a été expliquée par une étude théorique / Laser generation of nanoparticles in liquids : new insights on crystal structure control and colloidal stability The great interest of nanoparticles for their original physical and an chemical properties has been supported by the development of numerous methods of synthesis. In the nineties, laser generation of nanoparticles in liquids appeared, including Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids (PLAL). The PLAL technique enables to produce surface free particles for plenty of material and solvent combinations. However, the apparent simplicity of its implementation hides complex physico-chemical mechanisms resulting in a lack of control of the final products. We firstly investigated the dynamics of the laser-generated bubbles for which the PLAL extreme conditions present new studied cases of bubbles dynamics not encountered in the field of fluid mechanics. Then, we aim to bring new insights into better control of the nanoparticles morphology and their colloidal stability. A straight way to tune sizes, crystal structures and the colloidal stability consists in the addition of stabilizing agents. Hence, we investigated the mechanisms of stabilization of colloidal gold using complexing ions. We also succeed to synthesis nano-rubies, i.e. chromium doped corundum alumina nanoparticles, unexpected at nanoscale. The stabilization of the metastable crystal structure using ligands is explained thanks to a comprehensive theoretical approach


Thompson, Justin K. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Complex-oxides have seen an enormous amount of attention in the realm of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science/Engineering over the last several decades. Their ability to host a wide variety of novel physical properties has even caused them to be exploited commercially as dielectric, metallic and magnetic materials. Indeed, since the discovery of high temperature superconductivity in the “Cuprates” in the late 1980’s there has been an explosion of activity involving complex-oxides. Further, as the experimental techniques and equipment for fabricating thin films and heterostructures of these materials has improved over the last several decades, the search for new and more exotic properties has intensified. These properties stem from the interfaces formed by depositing these materials onto one another. Whether it be interfacial strain induced by the mismatch between the crystal structures, modified exchange interactions, or some combination of these and other interactions, thin films and heterostuctures provide an invaluable tool the modern condensed matter community. Simply put, a “complex-oxide” is any compound that contains Oxygen and at least two other elements; or one atom in two different oxidation states. Transition Metal Oxides (TMO’s) are a subset of complex-oxides which are of particular interest because of their strong competition between their charge, spin and orbit degrees of freedom. As we progress down the periodic table from 3d to 4d to 5d transition metals, the crystal field, electron correlation and spin-orbit energies become more and more comparable. Therefore, TMO thin films and heterostructures are indispensable to the search for novel physical properties. KTaO3 (KTO) is a polar 5d TMO which has been investigated for its high-k dielectric properties. It is a band insulator with a cubic perovskite crystal structure which is isomorphic to SrTiO3 (STO). This is important because non-polar STO is famous for forming a highly mobile, 2-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG) at the hetero-interface with polar LaAlO3 (LAO) as a result of the so-called “polar catastrophe”. Here, I use this concept of polarity to ask an important question: “What happens at hetero-interfaces where two different polar complex oxides meet?” From this question we propose that a hetero-interface between two polar complex-oxides with opposite polarity (I-V/III-III) should be impossible because of the strong Coulomb repulsion between the adjacent layers. However, we find that despite this proposed conflict we are able to synthesize KTO thin films on (110) oriented GdScO3 (GSO) substrates and the conflict is avoided through atomic reconfiguration at the hetero-interface. SrRuO3 (SRO) is a 4d TMO, and an itinerant ferromagnet that is used extensively as an electrode material in capacitor and transistor geometries and proof-of-concept devices. However, in the thin film limit the ferromagnetic transition temperature, TC, and conductivity drop significantly and even become insulating and lose their ferromagnetic properties. Therefore, we ask “Are the transport properties of SRO thin films inherently inferior to single crystals, or is there a way to maintain and/or enhance the metallic properties in the thin film limit?” We have fabricated SRO thin films of various thickness on GSO substrates (tensile strain) and find that all of our samples have enhanced metallic properties and even match those of single crystals. Finally, we ask “Can these enhanced metallic properties in SRO thin films allow us to observe evidence of a topological phase without the complexity of off-stoichiometry and/or additional hetero-structural layers?” Recent reports of oxygen deficient EuO films as well as hetero-structures and superlattices of SRO mixed with SrIrO3 or La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 have suggested that a magnetic skyrmion phase may exist in these systems. By measuring the Hall resistivity, we are able to observer a topological Hall effect which is likely a result of a magnetic skyrmion. We find that of the THE exists in a narrow temperature range and the proposed magnetic skyrmions range in size from 20-120 nm. Therefore, the SRO/GSO system can provide a more viable means for investigating magnetic skyrmions and their fundamental interactions.

Processing and On-Wafer Test of Ferroelectric Film Microwave Varactors

Kim, Jang-Yong January 2006 (has links)
Microwave materials have been widely used in a variety of applications ranging from communication devices to military satellite services, and the study of materials properties at microwave frequencies and the development of functional microwave materials have always been among the most active areas in solid-state physics, materials science, electrical and electronic engineering. In recent years, the increasing requirements for the development of high speed, high frequency circuits and systems require complete understanding of the properties of materials function at microwave frequencies. Ferroelectric materials usually have high dielectric constant, and their dielectric properties are temperature and electric field dependent. The change in permittivity as a function of electric field is the key to a wide range of applications. Ferroelectric materials can be used to fabricate capacitors for electronic industry because of their high dielectric constant, and this is important in the trend toward miniaturization and high functionality of electronic products. The simple tunable passive component based on ferroelectric films is a varactor which can be made as a planar structure and used for electrically tunable microwave integrated circuits. It is an important task to sinter highly tunable and low loss ferroelectrics, fabricate and test the properties of microwave ferroelectric components. This thesis shows experimental results on growth, crystalline and microwave properties of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 (NKN), AgTa0.5Nb0.5O3 (ATN), Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) as well as AgTaO3 (ATO), and AgNbO3 (ANO) thin films. The films were grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and rf-magnetron sputtering techniques from stoichiometric high density ceramic NKN, ATN, ATO, ANO and BST targets onto LaAlO3 (LAO), Al2O3 (r-cut sapphire), Nd:YAlO3 single crystals and amorphous glass substrates. Advanced X-ray diffraction examinations showed NKN, ATN, BST films on LAO substrates grow epitaxially, whereas films on r-cut sapphire were found to be preferentially (00l) oriented. Coplanar waveguide 2 µm finger gap interdigital capacitor (CPWIDC) structures were fabricated by photolithography process and metal lift-off technique. On-wafer tests up to 40 GHz were performed to characterize microwave properties of the ferromagnetic film CPWIDC devices. The measurement setup is composed of network analyzer, probe station, and microwave G-S-G probes. External electric field was applied to planar capacitors to measure tunability. Original de-embedding technique has been developed to calculate capacitance, loss tan δ, and tunability of varactors from the measured S-parameters. NKN film interdigital capacitors on Nd:YAlO3 showed superior performance compared to ATN in the microwave range from 1 to 40 GHz. Within this range, the voltage tunability (40V, 200 kV/cm) was about 29%, loss tangent ~ 0.13, K-factor = tunability/tan δ from 152% @ 10GHz to 46% @ 40GHz. The ATN/sapphire CPWIDCs showed the lowest dispersion ~ 4.3% in whole frequency range from 1 to 40 GHz, voltage tunability 4.7% @ 20GHz and 200 kV/cm, lowest loss tangent ~ 0.068 @ 20GHz, K-factor = tunability/tan δ ranged from 124% @ 10GHz to 35% @ 40GHz. BST film CPWIDCs on sapphire showed frequency about 17%, the highest voltage tunability ~ 22.2%, loss tangent ~ 0.137 @ 20GHz, and K-factor = 281% @ 10GHz to 95% @ 40GHz. / QC 20100906

Herstellung und Charakterisierung von planaren und drahtförmigen Heterostrukturen mit ZnO- und ZnCdO-Quantengräben

Lange, Martin 04 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden planare und drahtförmige Heterostrukturen (HS) mit ZnO- und ZnCdO-Quantengräben bezüglich ihrer Lumineszenz untersucht. Die Proben wurden mit der gepulsten Laserabscheidung (PLD) hergestellt. Bei ZnO-basierten drahtförmigen HS mit Durchmessern im Mikro- und Nanometer-Bereich handelt es sich um vielversprechende Kandidaten für miniaturisierte optoelektronische Bauelemente. Da es für viele Anwendungen notwendig ist, dass die Emission des Quantengrabens (QW) in einem breiten Spektralbereich eingestellt werden kann, muss die ZnO-Bandlücke möglichst stark verändert werden können. Durch ZnCdO und MgZnO ist dies möglich. Durch eine Optimierung der Abscheideparameter wurde der für PLD erreichte maximale Cd-Gehalt signifikant auf 0,25 erhöht. Große Mg-Gehalte konnten schon vor der Forschung zur vorliegenden Arbeit mit der PLD realisiert werden. Die planaren HS mit ZnO-Quantengräben wurden vorrangig bezüglich Ihrer Lumines-zenzeigenschaften untersucht. Aufgrund der Orientierung der QW sollten diese zusätzlich zum Quantum-Confinement Effekt den Quantum-Confined Stark Effect (QCSE) zeigen. Der QCSE wurde durch zeitabhängige und anregungsabhängige Lumineszenzmessungen nachgewiesen. In den Mikrodraht (µW)- bzw. Nanodraht (NW)-HS mit ZnO-QW wurde die Emission zwischen 3,4 eV und 3,6 eV bzw. 3,4 eV und 3,7 eV eingestellt. Um HS mit ZnCdO-QW herstellen zu können, war es notwendig, die strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften sowie die elektronische Struktur von ZnCdO-Dünnfilmen zu untersuchen. Durch einen hohen Cd-Gehalt von 0,25 war es möglich, die Bandlücken-energie um 0,8 eV zu verringern. In planaren HS wurde ZnO bzw. MgZnO als Barriere verwendet und die QW-Emission zwischen 2,5 eV und 3,1 eV bzw. 2,5 eV und 3,65 eV eingestellt. Es wurde untersucht, ob für HS mit ZnCdO-QW ein QCSE auftritt. Die experimentellen Energien wurden dazu mit berechneten Werten verglichen, die mithilfe einer Effektiv-Masse-Näherung und dem Modell eines endlich tiefen Potentialtopfes bestimmt wurden. In entsprechenden µW- bzw. NW-HS wurde die QW-Emission infolge des Quantum-Confinement Effektes zwischen 2,7 eV und 3,1 eV bzw. 2,5 eV und 3,4 eV variiert. Da es für die Anwendung von µW- und NW-HS wichtig ist, dass diese eine homogene QW-Emission zeigen, wurde deren spektrale Position entlang der Struktur und für die verschiedenen Facetten der hexagonalen Drähte untersucht. Die Homogenität der Emission ist für die µW-HS kleiner als für die NW-HS.

Präparation von Ni-C-Multischichten und Mischsystemen mit dem PLD-Zweistrahlverfahren und Untersuchung der thermischen Stabilität der Schichtsysteme

Sewing, Andreas 10 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The Pulsed Laser Deposition is an established method for the preparation of thin films and nm layer systems. In this work a cross beam PLD system is used as a special development for reduction of macro particle contamination in the growing layer. Two plasma plumes which overlap under a defined angle are produced on separated targets by two synchronized lasers. In the overlapping zone the direction of plasma expansion is changed by interaction of plasma particles. A diaphragm is used to guaranty that only the part of the plasma is deposited on the substrate that has changed the direction of expansion in the interaction zone. Detailed characterizations of plasma properties, deposition and growth conditions were carried out to demonstrate that cross beam PLD is an effective method to reduce macro particle contamination and allows layer growth under reduced energetic loading of the substrate. In the second part of this work cross beam PLD is used to produce Ni/C multilayers and artificial mixtures. The interest is focused on the mechanisms of layer disintegration and structure formation under thermal loading. Possible processes for layer disintegration are discussed on a theoretical background and verified in TEM examinations. / Die Pulsed Laser Deposition ist ein etabliertes Verfahren zur Herstellung dünner Schichten im nm-Bereich. Das in dieser Arbeit verwandte PLD-Zweistrahlverfahren ist eine besondere Entwicklung zur Verringerung der Makropartikelkontamination der Schichten. Zwei synchronisierte Laser erzeugen auf zwei benachbarten Targets zwei Plasmafackeln, die unter einem bestimmten Winkel überlappen, was zu einer Änderung der Ausbreitungsrichtung des Palmas führt. Ein spezielle Blendenanordnung garantiert, dass nur der abgelenkte Teil des Plasmas auf dem Substrat abgeschieden wird, welches für die anfänglichen Plasmafackeln im Schatten liegt. Anhand einer umfangreichen Charakterisierung der Plasma-, Abscheide- und Schichtwachstumseigenschaften wird gezeigt, dass das PLD-Zweistrahlverfahren eine effektive Verminderung der Makropartikelkontamination der Schichten ermöglicht und dass das Schichtwachstum unter deutlich verringertem Energieeintrag im Vergleich zur konventionellen PLD erfolgt. Das Verfahren wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit angewandt um Ni/C-Multischichten und künstliche Mischungen herzustellen. Das Interesse liegt hierbei auf den Mechanismen des Schichtzerfalls und auf den entstehenden Strukturen bei thermischer Behandlung metastabiler Schichtsysteme. Anhand theoretischer Betrachtungen werden die möglichen Prozess des Schichtzerfalls eingegrenzt und mittels TEM-Untersuchungen verifiziert.

Epitaxial Nd-Fe-B films: Growth, texture, magnetism and the influence of mechanical elongation

Kwon, Ah-Ram 19 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The work in this thesis focuses on the preparation of epitaxial Nd-Fe-B thin films using pulsed laser deposition for good hard magnetic properties. They are suitable for a basic understanding of the intrinsic magnetic properties. Compositional control was necessary to achieve phase formation with improved magnetic properties. Nd-Fe-B samples were prepared on single crystal MgO (001) substrates with different buffer layers in order to obtain good textures with different surface morphology. The smooth and continuous epitaxial films were suitable for performing magnetization measurements under stress. Although the magnetostriction is easily neglected in the Nd2Fe14B compound, distinguishable inverse magnetostriction was observed by conventional tensile elongation with a flexible substrate. As a result, anisotropic strain in the film, which breaks the in-plane symmetry, affected the opening angle during the spin reorientation. Therefore an elliptical distortion of the in-plane anisotropy below the spin reorientation temperature of Nd2Fe14B was obtained, whereas the transition temperature itself was not influenced significantly. / Diese Arbeit behandelt die Herstellung dünner epitaktischer Nd-Fe-B-Schichten mit gepulster Laserdeposition mit dem Ziel, gute hartmagnetische Eigenschaften zu erreichen. Diese Schichten sind außerdem für das Verständnis grundlegender magnetischer Eigenschaften geeignet. Die Kontrolle der Zusammensetzung ist notwendig, um die Phasenbildung und optimale hartmagnetische Eigenschaften zu erreichen. Nd-Fe-B-Schichten wurden auf einkristallinen MgO (001)-Substraten mit verschiedenen Buffern deponiert, um unterschiedliche Texturen und Oberflächenmorphologien einzustellen. Die glatten kontinuierlichen epitaktischen Schichten ermöglichen die Messung der Magnetisierung bei gleichzeitig angelegter mechanischer Spannung. Obwohl die Magnetostriktion bei Nd-Fe-B im Allgemeinen vernachlässigt werden kann, konnte an Nd-Fe-B-Schichten nach dem Aufbringen einer Dehnung auf ein flexibles Substrat eine deutliche inverse Magnetostriktion induziert werden. Die anisotrope Dehnung in der Schicht, die die Symmetrie in der Schichtebene bricht, beeinflusst die Öffnungswinkel bei der Spinreorientierung. Damit wurde unterhalb der Spinreorientierungstemperatur eine elliptische Verzerrung der Anisotropie in der Schichtebene erreicht, die Übergangstemperatur selbst änderte sich dagegen nicht signifikant.

Multiferroic hexagonal HoMnO3 films

Kim, Jong-Woo 18 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The fundamental properties of hexagonal multiferric HoMnO3 films have been thoroughly investigated. The films are grown by pulsed laser deposition on Y:ZrO2(111) substrates. High quality epitaxial HoMnO3 films of 25 { 1000 nm thickness were successfully prepared. The film properties are compared to those of single-crystals. The magnetization measurements revealed that the films show a deviating magnetic behavior from the single-crystals in several ways. For instance, the films have a weakened antiferromagnetic Ho3+ order confirmed from magnetic susceptibility. The difierences are likely to be related to the modified (mostly larger) lattice parameters of films. An approximate phase diagram in comparison with the single-crystal's one is constructed. For multiferroicity investigations, Second Harmonic Generation (SHG; in collaboration with the group of M. Fiebig) has been employed. By SHG, the ferroelectric polar order of the films is obviously confirmed. The ferroelectric switching at room temperature could be clearly demonstrated, whereas leakage of films requires generally a more sophisticated approach. / Die fundamentalen Eigenschaften von hexagonalen multiferroischen HoMnO3 Schichten werden eingehend untersucht. Die dünnen Schichten wurden mittels gepulster Laserdeposition auf Y:ZrO2(111)-Substraten gewachsen. Hochwertige epitaktische HoMnO3-Dünnschichten von 25 { 1000 nm Dicke wurden erfolgreich hergestellt. Die Dünnschichteigenschaften werden mit denen von Einkristallen verglichen. Die Magnitisierungsmessungen ergeben, dass die dünnen Schichten ein von den Einkristallen in verschiedener Weise abweichendes magnetischen Verhalten zeigen. Zum Beispiel haben die dünnen Schichten eine abgeschwächte antiferromagntetische Ho3+ Ordnung, die durch die magnetische Suszeptibilität bestätigt wird. Die Unterschiede sind wahrscheinlich auf die veränderten (meistens grösseren) Gitterparameter der dünnen Schichten zurückzuführen. Ein Phasendiagramm wird zum Vergleich mit Einkristallen konstruiert. Durch Second Harmonic Generation (SHG; in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe von M. Fiebig) wird die ferroelektrische Ordnung der dünnen Schichten eindeutig bestätigt. Das ferroelektrische Umschalten bei Raumtemperatur kann eindeutig nachgewiesen werden, wobei durch den Leckstrom der dünnen Schichten allgemein eine detailliertere Vorgehensweise benötigt wird.

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