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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

When Flying is Inevitable : How international companies and business travelers can contribute to the transformation towards a future of sustainable aviation / När det är oundvikligt att flyga : Hur internationella företag och affärsresande kan bidra till transformationen av en framtid inom hållbar flygindustri

Sjöström, Frida January 2024 (has links)
This thesis emerged from a question that had been repeating itself in my head for a long period of time: If myself and the rest of the world face the fact that we are likely to keep flying for years to come for reasons somehow considered valid, how can we at the same time still contribute efficiently to achieving a more sustainable future of aviation? Based on this dilemma and focusing on the factor of impact, an actor with the power of creating a larger impact than a single individual was firstly identified. This actor also provides the perspective used in this thesis. Meaning, the perspective of international companies that rely on flying for business for the purpose of surviving and thriving. The report’s purpose is to explore the opportunities and barriers for these companies with a will to contribute to the transformation to a future of sustainable aviation. The criteria of this company category are being both “international” and also “dependent” on business aviation. The term "international" in this context will later be defined and clarified, just as the definition of "dependent". Furthermore, this thesis is written based on an abductive literature study combined with a case study of an anonymous company located in Zürich, Switzerland. The Companyis included in the above category and could validate the hypothesis that companies like these exist through a series of interviews with employees.The validation of this hypothesis also paved the way to further explore the research questions on how these companies as customers can work both internally and externally with other stakeholders to enhance a Demand-Pull effect towards a more sustainable direction. It also discusses the Technology-Push effect from other stakeholders and its role in driving sustainable innovation development and implementation in technologies such as SAF, hydrogen and electric aviation. How to contribute to this large shift of an entire industry as a company that neither has expertise in sustainability nor aviation is exactly what is presented in the result, discussion and conclusion. Also, the possible consequences for a business and its employees that can follow by being involved and contribute to aviation sustainability. In addition, a mapping of awareness, knowledge gaps, motivation, and incentives has been done in order to identify the barriers and opportunities of the issue. / Detta arbete härstammar från en fråga som upprepat sig i mitt huvud under en längre tid: Om jag och resten av världen står inför det faktum att vi sannolikt kommer att fortsätta flyga i flera år framöver av skäl som på något sätt anses giltiga, hur kan vi samtidigt fortfarande bidra effektivt till att uppnå en mer hållbar framtid för flygindustrin? Utifrån detta dilemma och med fokus på hur man kan påverka som mest, identifierades först en aktör med kraften att skapa ett större genomslag än en enskild individ. Denna aktör bidrar också med det perspektiv som används i denna rapport. Det vill säga, perspektivet av internationella företag som är beroende av att flyga i affärssyfte för att överleva och växa. Syftet med rapporten är att utforska möjligheter och hinder för dessa företag med en vilja att bidra till omvandlingen till en framtid för hållbart flyg. Kriterierna för denna företagskategori är att vara både "internationell" och även "beroende" av affärsflyg. Termen "internationell" i detta sammanhang kommer senare att definieras och förtydligas, precis som definitionen av "beroende". Vidare är denna uppsats skriven baserat på en abduktiv litteraturstudie kombinerad med en fallstudie av ett anonymt företag beläget i Zürich, Schweiz. Företaget ingår i ovan nämnda kategori och kan därmed validera hypotesen att företag som dessa existerar genom en serie intervjuer utförda med anställda. Valideringen av denna hypotes banade också vägen för att ytterligare utforska frågeställningen om hur dessa företag som kunder kan arbeta både internt och externt med andra intressenter för att förstärka en Demand-Pull-effekt mot en mer hållbar riktning. Rapporten diskuterar också Technology-Push-effekten från andra intressenter och dess roll i att driva hållbar innovationsutveckling och implementering inom teknologier som SAF, vätgas och elflyg. Hur ett företag kan bidra till detta stora skifte av en hel bransch utan kompetens inom hållbarhet eller flyg är precis vad som presenteras i resultat, diskussion och slutsats. Även de möjliga konsekvenserna för ett företag och dess anställda som kan följa genom att vara delaktiga och bidra till flygindustrins hållbarhet. Slutligen, har en kartläggning av medvetenhet, kunskapsluckor, motivation och incitament gjorts i syfte att identifiera var möjliga hinder och möjligheter finns.

Fläckiga arbetsförhållanden och fläckfria bär : En undersökning av cirkulär arbetsmigration inom bärindustrin 1980–2022 / Flawed working conditions and unblemished berries : A study of circular migration in the berry picking industry 1980-2022

Siirtola, Simon January 2022 (has links)
The berry industry is one of many migration corridors where migrant workers work under precarious forms of employment. The essay’s purpose is to examine different perspectives on the living and working conditions in the Swedish berry picking industry. This will be studied qualitatively, with oral history as the primary research method, by analysing inspection reports and through interviews with six informants. The informants consist of workers from The Swedish Municipal Workers' Union (Kommunal), a berry picker and a berry principal. Previous research on this topic is sparse and few have used historical and sociological perspectives to explain the phenomenon. The Thai berry pickers’ living conditions varies. Some municipalities need to execute inspections far more frequent, for the inspections to become an important mechanism of control which can exert pressure. Kommunal has since 2009 had the right to represent the Thai berry pickers and the working conditions have improved ever since. Through the collective agreement the workers are given the right to minimum-wage in addition to the piece rate. Kommunal plays an important role but are limited as few berry pickers are members of the labour union. The working hours is one area of concern where Kommunal has difficulties to act. The piece rate has given rise to intense work and the berry pickers therefore want to maximize their profits. The berry picking principals, in the competitive industry, varies in terms of seriousness but can change the industry. This responsibility has not always been adopted. / Bärindustrin är en av många migrationskorridorer, där migrantarbetare arbetar under prekära anställningsformer. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka ett flertal perspektiv på boende- och arbetsförhållandena inom den kommersiella bärplockningen i Sverige. Detta studeras kvalitativt, med muntlig historia som huvudsaklig undersökningsmetod, genom att analysera opublicerade inspektionsrapporter samt förhållningssätt till företeelsen genom intervjuer med sex relevanta informanter. Informanterna består av anställda på Svenska Kommunalarbetareförbundet (Kommunal), en bärplockare och en bärföretagare. Forskningsläget om den kommersiella bärplockningen är begränsat och få har anlagt historiska och sociologiska perspektiv för att förklara fenomenet. De thailändska bärplockarnas boendeförhållanden varierar. Vissa kommuner behöver utföra mer frekventa inspektioner för att inspektionerna ska kunna utgöra en viktig kontrollmekanism i form av ett påtryckningsmedel.  Sedan 2009 har Kommunal haft organisationsrätt att företräda de thailändska bärplockarna och därefter har arbetsförhållandena förbättrats. Genom kollektivavtalet har alla thailändska bärplockare rätt till lagstadgad grundlön, utöver ackordslönen. Kommunal har ett viktigt ansvar men är begränsade då organiseringsgraden är låg. Arbetstiderna är ett problemområde där Kommunal har svårt att agera. Ackordslönen ger upphov till intensivt arbete och bärplockarna vill därför maximera sina inkomster. Bärföretagen i den konkurrerande branschen varierar i seriöshet men har möjligheter att påverka arbetsförhållandena. Detta medför ett ansvar som inte alltid har antagits.

Push Recovery of Humanoid Robot Using Thruster and Acceleration Compensation

Oturkar, Siddharth A. 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Choosing Home: International Pushes and Pulls for Malaysian Alumni of U.S. Graduate Programs

Chhooi, Pauline 01 January 2013 (has links)
Malaysians’ journeys to pursue graduate education in the U.S. generate more than just degree attainment. This dissertation looks at how experiences in the U.S., both in graduate school and in the workplace, influenced highly educated Malaysians, especially in their exploration of push and pull factors that influence their decisions to remain in the U.S. or to return to Malaysia. This study focuses on twenty-two participants comprised of those who have returned to Malaysia, those who are working in the U.S. on non-immigrant visas, those who became Permanent Residents and those who are naturalized U.S. citizens. The first major finding demonstrates that decisional turning points emerged mainly based upon national policies and employment opportunities prompted by the high demand for talented human capital. Such turning points are crucial telling moments of when individuals make decisions. The second major finding is that push and pull factors -- which include economic conditions and opportunities, quality of life, social justice and freedom perspectives, as well as social network/ social capital -- are assessed through the comparative views acquired between living in Malaysia and in the U.S. The third major finding is that the challenges and experiences participants encountered in the U.S. prompted the formation of transnationalism, wherein their identities, behaviors and values are not limited by the location in which they live. They use a dual frame of reference to evaluate their experiences in the U.S. and the continuous relationships with their family and communities in Malaysia. Understanding the notion of transnationalism in the process of individuals’ decision making could help states develop policies that promote brain circulation. Policies that support this global mobility of the highly educated and skilled workforce would not just benefit those nations that send and receive students for higher education enrollment. Because 1) the knowledge economy demands the global flow of highly educated workers and 2) people who study transnationally develop a flexible sense of identity and location, policies that enable international mobility for brain circulation are significant for all nations.

Ett IT-konsultföretag och dess relation till kunder

Hjalmarsson, Staffan, Clemens, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
Abstract: Title: An It consulting company and its relationship with customers Level: C-examination Bachelor’s degree in innovation, design and technology. IDT, 15hp. VT 17th Authors: Jonatan Clemens & Staffan Hjalmarsson Handler: Anette Strömberg Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate how a major company meets the users and their needs as well as where and how the interaction with the user is done. Suggestions for areas of change are proposed in connection with the completion of the study. Research questions: -How does a consulting firm work with customers/users? -Are their work methods similar to what is described as successful in research on customer involvement? -Can work processes be improved? Method: The authors have used the qualitative method that has been developed as oral semi-structured interviews. The study is based much on hermeneutic form which means that one summarizes his own interpretations to get a deeper understanding. Conclusion: A conjunction and analysis of theoretical areas dealt with and empirical information led to the conclusion that there are indications that the company largely do not work according to established research the paper deals with. Assignment purpose: The essay should mainly have contributed to a deeper understanding on the subject of customer relations and should contribute beneficial information for a consulting firm regarding their client work. / Sammanfattning: Titel: Ett IT-konsultföretag och dess relation till kunder Nivå: C-uppsats: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i innovationsteknik 15.0 hp. VT 17. Författarna: Jonatan Clemens & Staffan Hjalmarsson Handledare: Anette Strömberg Datum: 2016-11-07 - 2017-01-12 Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett större företag möter användare och deras behov samt var och hur interaktion med dessa användare sker. Förslag på förändringsområden föreslås i samband med fullföljd studie. Forskningsfrågor: -Hur arbetar ett konsultföretag med kunder/användare? -Liknar deras arbetssätt vad som beskrivs som framgångsrikt i forskning om kundinvolvering? -Kan arbetsprocesserna förbättras? Metod: Författarna har använt sig av en kvalitativ metod som tagits fram i form av muntliga semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien Bygger mycket på hermeneutisk form som innebär att man sammanfattar sina egna tolkningar för att få en djupare förståelse. Resultat: En sammanvägning och analys av genomgångna teoretiska områden och empiri gav slutsatsen att det finns indikationer på att företaget till stor del inte arbetar efter etablerad forskning uppsatsen behandlar. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen har framförallt bidragit till en djupare förståelse kring ämnet kundrelationer samt ska bidra med fördelaktig information för konsultföretaget gällande deras arbete.

Switching behavior på Instagram : Vad påverkar svenska millennials att följa och avfölja influencers på Instagram?

Lundberg, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of what makes Swedish millennials follow and unfollow influencers on Instagram.   Metod: This study had a deductive and qualitative approach and has collected data through twelve semi-structured interviews.   Conclusion: This study concludes that millennials mainly follow influencers on Instagram to get inspiration for their own lives. One of the most common reasons why millennials are unfollowing influncers on Instagram is that influencers tend to publish too much content, which leads to information overload. Millennials also unfollow influencers due to the fact that their posts no longer appeal to them because they changed preferences or because influencers shift the focus of their content. This study also concluded that there is nothing that inhibits a millennial from unfollowing an influencer on Instagram other than the fact that it takes a little bit of effort to visit the account and press the unfollow button. / Syfte: Syftet är att öka förståelsen för vad som får svenska millennials att följa respektive avfölja influencers påInstagram. Metod: Den här studien har haft en deduktiv och kvalitativ karaktär och har samlat in data genom tolv semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Den här studien drar slutsatsen av att millennials främst följer influencers på Instagram för att få inspiration till sina egna liv. En av de vanligaste orsakernatill att millennials avföljer influncers på Instagram äratt influencerstenderar att publicera för mycket inlägg vilket leder till en informationsöverbelastning.Millennials avföljer också influencers för att deras inlägg inte längre tilltalar dem på grund av att de bytt preferenser eller att influencers bytt inriktning på sitt innehåll. Den här studien drar också slutsatsen att det finns egentligen inget som hämmar en millennial från att avfölja en influencer på Instagram annat än att de upplever det som tids-och energikrävande att gå in och avfölja.


Tian Zhou (6114419) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) utilizing push-broom hyperspectral scanners are poised to become a popular alternative to conventional remote sensing platforms such as manned aircraft and satellites. In order to employ this emerging technology in fields such as high-throughput phenotyping and precision agriculture, direct georeferencing of hyperspectral data using onboard integrated global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and inertial navigation systems (INS) is required. Directly deriving the scanner position and orientation requires the spatial and rotational relationship between the coordinate systems of the GNSS/INS unit and hyperspectral scanner to be evaluated. The spatial offset (lever arm) between the scanner and GNSS/INS unit can be measured manually. However, the angular relationship (boresight angles) between the scanner and GNSS/INS coordinate systems, which is more critical for accurate generation of georeferenced products, is difficult to establish. This research presents three alternative calibration approaches to estimate the boresight angles relating hyperspectral push-broom scanner and GNSS/INS coordinate systems. For reliable/practical estimation of the boresight angles, the thesis starts with establishing the optimal/minimal flight and control/tie point configuration through a bias impact analysis starting from the point positioning equation. Then, an approximate calibration procedure utilizing tie points in overlapping scenes is presented after making some assumptions about the flight trajectory and topography of covered terrain. Next, two rigorous approaches are introduced – one using Ground Control Points (GCPs) and one using tie points. The approximate/rigorous approaches are based on enforcing the collinearity and coplanarity of the light rays connecting the perspective centers of the imaging scanner, object point, and the respective image points. To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed approaches, estimated boresight angles are used for ortho-rectification of six hyperspectral UAV datasets acquired over an agricultural field. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the results have shown significant improvement in the derived orthophotos to a level equivalent to the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of the used scanner (namely, 3-5 cm when flying at 60 m).</p>

Avaliação da resistência da união de cimentos obturadores resinosos à dentina radicular, por meio do teste push-out acoplado ao microtomógrafo / Evaluation of bond strength of resin-based sealers to radicular dentin by push-out test coupled to a microtomography

Brito Júnior, Manoel 05 December 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união à dentina da obturação de canais radiculares com cimentos à base de resina epóxica e de metacrilato, por meio do dispositivo material testing stage (MTS) acoplado ao microtomógrafo (&mu;CT), bem como avaliar qualitativamente a ruptura da massa obturadora por meio de imagens de &mu;CT. Além disso, foram utilizados o método de elementos finitos 3D e microscopia confocal de varredura a laser (MCVL) para verificar, respectivamente, a distribuição de tensões e presença de gaps na interface de união. Raízes de caninos superiores com 17 mm de comprimento foram submetidas ao preparo biomecânico com instrumentos rotatórios de níquel titânio, sob irrigação constante com NaOCl 1% e irrigação final com EDTA 17%. Os canais foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e os cimentos: AH Plus, Epiphany SE ou RealSeal XT. As raízes foram armazenadas (100% de umidade, 37°C) por três vezes o tempo de endurecimento do cimento utilizado. Após este período, as raízes foram seccionadas para obtenção de dois slices (2 mm) de cada terço radicular. Um slices de cada terço foi submetido ao teste de push-out através de dispositivo mecânico MTS acoplado ao &mu;CT SkyScan 1174 (50kV, 80mA). Após o escaneamento inicial do slices, com resolução isotrópica de 13 &mu;m, filtro de 0.5 mm de Al e 360º de rotação, o teste mecânico foi iniciado até que ocorresse o deslocamento do material. Novo escaneamento foi realizado com os mesmos parâmetros iniciais, que determinou regiões de ruptura da massa obturadora em secções axiais. Os tipos de falhas foram avaliados por MCVL e classificadas em: adesivas, coesivas e mistas. Modelos 3D de elementos finitos foram gerados para os terços cervical, médio e apical, a partir de imagens de &mu;CT. No segundo slices de cada terço radicular, foi aferido o percentual de gaps do material obturador às paredes do canal radicular, por meio de MCVL e do programa OLS 4000. Os dados foram analisados por testes estatísticos paramétricos e não paramétricos (p<0,05). O cimento AH Plus [1,89 (1,01/2,39) MPa] apresentou maior resistência de união à dentina (p<0,001) quando comparado aos cimentos Epiphany SE [0,36 (0,29/0,44) MPa] e RealSeal XT [0,43 (0,32/0,54) MPa]. Para os cimentos AH Plus e RealSeal XT, os terços cervical e médio apresentaram maior resistência de união à dentina que o terço apical (p<0,001). As rupturas ocorreram nas margens da massa obturadora para o cimento AH Plus, enquanto os cimentos Epiphany SE e RealSeal XT tiveram este tipo de ruptura, bem como na própria massa obturadora. No cimento AH Plus, a interface de união mostrou maior concentração de tensões, que foram distribuídas principalmente na massa obturadora para os cimentos Epiphany SE e RealSeal XT. Houve predominância de falhas adesivas e mistas em todos os cimentos. Em relação ao percentual de gaps, o cimento AH Plus apresentou as menores médias (11,14% ± 4,03), com diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) dos cimentos Epiphany SE (55,39% ± 13,46) e RealSeal XT (62,50% ± 6,72). O cimento à base de resina epóxica (AH Plus) apresentou a maior resistência de união à dentina e teve comportamento diferente em relação aos outros cimentos, quanto à ruptura da massa obturadora e distribuição de tensão interfacial. Além disso, o cimento AH Plus apresentou o menor percentual de gaps entre o material obturador e as paredes do canal radicular / The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of epoxy resin- and methacrylate-based sealers to root dentin, using the material testing stage (MTS) coupled to a micro-computed tomography (&mu;CT) device and to qualitatively assess the root-filling mass rupture by &mu;CT images. Additional analyses were conducted using the 3D element finite method and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to verify, respectively, the stress distribution and percentage of gaps on dentin filling material interfaces. Maxillary canine roots measuring 17 mm were subjected to biomechanical preparation with nickel-titanium rotary instruments under constant irrigation with 1% NaOCl and final irrigation with 17% EDTA. Canals were filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha cones and the following sealers: AH Plus, Epiphany SE or RealSeal XT. The roots were stored (100% humidity, 37 °C) for a period three times longer than the setting time required for each sealer and then sectioned transversally to obtain two 2-mm-thick slices from each root third. One slice of each third was subjected to the push-out test using the MTS coupled to the SkyScan 1174 &mu;CT (50 kV, 80 mA) with 13 &mu;m isotropic resolution, 0.5 mm Al filter and 360° rotation. After the initial scanning of the slice, the mechanical test was performed until material dislodgement occurred. A new scanning was performed using the same initial parameters. The axial sections obtained were used for qualitative evaluation of the root-filling mass rupture. Failure modes were assessed by CLSM and classified as adhesive, cohesive or mixed. 3D &mu;CT based finite element models were generated from cervical, middle and apical root thirds to simulate the push-out test. The second slice of each root third was used to assess the percentage of gaps between the filling material and the root canal walls, using CLSM with the aid of the OLS 4000 software. The data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric tests (p<0.05). AH Plus presented higher bond strength [1.89 (1.01/2.39) MPa] to dentin (p<0.001) than Epiphany SE [0.36 (0.29/0.44) MPa] and RealSeal XT [0.43 (0.32/0.54) MPa]. For AH Plus and RealSeal XT sealers, the cervical and middle thirds showed higher bond strength to dentin than the apical third (p <0.001). The ruptures occurred in the margins of the root filling mass for AH Plus, while Epiphany SE and RealSeal XT had this type of rupture as well as in the root filling mass itself. AH Plus showed stress concentration on bond interface, while in Epiphany SE and RealSeal XT the stress was mainly distributed on the root-filling mass. Adhesive and mixed failures were the predominant fracture modes in all sealers. Regarding the percentage of gaps between the filling material and the root canal walls, AH Plus presented the lowest means (11.14%±4.03), differing significantly (p<0.05) from Epiphany SE (55.39%±13.46) and RealSeal XT (62.50%±6.72) sealers. The epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) presented the highest bond strength to dentin, which had different behavior from other sealers regarding root-filling mass rupture and interfacial stress distribution. Moreover, AH Plus resulted in the lowest percentage of gaps between the material and the root canal walls


Dobrovolski, Max 28 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2018-09-26T20:23:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Max_Dobrovolski.pdf: 3607607 bytes, checksum: 331e5e608402c91f04ea1641d53747a5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-26T20:23:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Max_Dobrovolski.pdf: 3607607 bytes, checksum: 331e5e608402c91f04ea1641d53747a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-28 / Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar quatro técnicas de inserção de cimento resinoso na retenção de pinos de fibra de vidro à dentina radicular nos diferentes terços radiculares, bem como a nanoinfiltração nestes diferentes terços. As raízes de cinqüenta e dois pré-molares inferiores humanos extraídos foram tratadas endodonticamente e padronizado o preparo dos condutos. Assim, elas foram divididas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos, de acordo com a técnica de inserção do cimento: GC - seringa Centrix® com ponta fina; GL - broca Lentulo 35, GP - cimento aplicado diretamente no pino e GI - seringa para aplicação de insulina. Os pinos intra-radiculares (White Post DC - FGM) tiveram suas superfícies tratadas de acordo com o fabricante e foram cimentados de acordo com cada técnica. Após o armazenamento em água a 37° C por uma semana, para cada grupo, dez raízes foram seccionadas transversalmente em seis discos com 1 mm de espessura cada, e os terços coronário (TC), médio (TM) e apical (TA) do canal radicular foram identificados. O teste de push-out foi realizado a uma velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. Para avaliação da nanoinfiltração três raízes de cada grupo, ou seja, 6 discos por raiz, foram submetidos a imersão em Nitrato de Prata 50% para posterior obtenção de imagens feitas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As imagens foram analisadas por meio de software apropriado para obtenção das médias dos valores de nanoinfiltração convertidas em porcentagem. Os dados, submetidos a análise estatística por ANOVA 1 fator e Pós-teste Tukey (0,5%), mostraram que GC apresentou os melhores valores para resistência adesiva (MPa) e nanoinfiltração (%): 18,57 ± 4,19 e 37,70 ± 18,95 respectivamente, tendo GP o pior desempenho: 13,71 ± 1,61 e 65,11 ± 13,58 respectivamente. A técnica de inserção do cimento resinoso teve influencia nos valores de resistência adesiva e nanoinfiltração encontrados no estudo. / The aim of this study was to evaluate four techniques for insertion of resin cement on retention of glass fiber posts to root dentin in different root thirds, as well as these different nanoleakage in adhesive interface. The roots of the fifty-two human extracted pre-molars were endodontically treated and standardized preparation of the canals. It were divided into four groups according to the technique of insertion of the cement: GC - Centrix ® syringe with fine tip, GL - # 35 drill Lentulo, GP - cement applied directly to the post and GI - syringe for insulin delivery. The posts (White Post DC - FGM) had their surfaces treated in accordance with the manufacturer and were cemented according to each technique. After storage in water at 37° C for one week, each group of ten roots were sectioned transversely into six discs with 1 mm thick each, and coronal thirds (CT), medium (TM) and apical (TA) of root canal were identified. The push-out test was conducted at a speed of 0.5 mm / min. To evaluate the nanoleakage in the adhesive interface, three roots of each group, ie, 6 slices per root were submitted to immersion in 50% silver nitrate for subsequent obtaining of images made using scanning electron microscopy. Images were analyzed using appropriate software to obtain the mean nanoleakage values converted into percentage. The data were subjected to statistical analysis by ANOVA (one factor) and Tukey post-test (0.5%), showed that GC had the best values for bond strength (MPa) and nanoleakage (%):18,57 ± 4,19 e 37,70 ± 18,95 repectively and GP had the worst values: 13,71 ± 1,61 e 65,11 ± 13,58 respectively. The insertion technique of resin cement influenced on the bond strength values and on the nanoleakage found in the study.

Incidência de complicações e mortalidade em pacientes submetidos a duas técnicas de gastrostomia percutânea endoscópica em adultos

Rimolo, Amanda Peixoto January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A gastrostomia percutânea endoscópica (PEG) é utilizada como via de nutrição para pacientes sem capacidade de utilizar a via oral para manter ingestão suficiente. A disfagiaé uma das principais razões para a indicação da PEG, sendo geralmente atribuída a processos neurodegenerativos. Diferentes técnicas e tipos de sonda são utilizadas para confecção da PEG. A técnica de Tração é o método original, na qual a sonda é tracionada a partir de uma pequena incisão na parede abdominal, através a boca e do esôfago até estar posicionada junto da parede gástrica. A técnica de punção com gastropexia é uma variante da técnica de punção original, na qual a sonda não passa pela cavidade oral. Nesta técnica, após fixação do estômago na parede abdominal com uso de pontos, a sonda é introduzida diretamente através da parede abdominal sob visão endoscópica. De acordo com a técnica, diferentes modelos de sondas podem ser utilizadas, cada uma com diferentes tipos de retentores internos. Os retentores internos maiscomuns são: em forma de diamante, em forma de cogumelo, disco rígido e balão. Possivelmente, tanto a técnica de inserção como os modelos de sondas e retentores utilizados podem estar associados a diferentes desfechos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a incidência podem estar associados a diferentes desfechos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a incidência. Métodos: Foi realizada uma coorte histórica na qual foram incluídos todos os pacientes maiores de 18 anos submetidos à colocação de uma primeira PEG entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2015 no Hospital Moinhos de Vento, um hospital privado em Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em formulário padronizado através de uma busca no sistema informatizado da Instituição. Para complementação dos dados foi realizada uma busca nos prontuários digitalizados, e em algumas situações realizado contato telefônico. Resultados: Foram identificados 245 pacientes, sendo 200 submetidos a técnica de tração (Pull) e 45 à técnica de punção com gastropexia (Push com gastropexia). A média da idade foi 80,3±13,3 anos. Cento e trinta e quatro (54,7%) pacientes eram do sexo feminino. O período médio de seguimento foi de 17,2±14,6 meses. A indicação mais comum foi doença neurodegenerativa (62,4%), seguido por acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) (16,3%). Todos os pacientes realizaram profilaxia com antibiótico no dia do procedimento. A mediana de dias de internação pós PEG foi de 8 dias. O modelo de sonda mais utilizado foi o retentor em forma de diamante (51,8/%). A colocação da PEG foi bem-sucedida em 99,6% dos casos. A mortalidade geral foi de 42,4% (104/245) durante o período de seguimento. Nenhum óbito foi atribuído diretamente a complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Entretanto, três pacientes faleceram dentro de 48 horas após o procedimento: um por sepse respiratória, outro por parada cardiorrespiratória e o terceiro que realizou a PEG ambulatorial teve morte súbita no domicílio. A taxa de complicações (maiores ou menores) foi de 23,6%, sendo a mais frequente, a retirada acidental da sonda, que ocorreu em 17,1% dos pacientes em algum momento do seu seguimento. Não foi observada diferença entre as técnicas de realização da PEG gastrostomia com a incidência desta complicação. O tempo até a retirada acidental da sonda foi menor entre os pacientes cujas sondas tinham o retentor interno em forma de diamante em relação aos demais retentores (p = 0,02). Sepultamento do retentor interno (Buried Bumper Syndrome) ocorreu em 5,4% dos casos, todos submetidos a técnica de tração (p = 0,08). Pacientes portadores de sonda com retentor em forma de diamante apresentaram maior incidência de complicações gerais (p = 0,02) e de retirada acidental (p = 0,01), comparativamente aos pacientes portadores de sondas com outros tipos de retentor. Conclusões: A PEG é uma técnica segura, com baixa taxa de mortalidade diretamente associada ao procedimento. Entretanto, devido a população na qual o procedimento é realizado, a mortalidade geral é elevada. Complicações menores são frequentes, independentemente da técnica ou tipo de sonda utilizada, porém a técnica e o tipo de sonda parecem associadas a um perfil diferente de complicações. Perspectivas: O desenvolvimento da técnica, o desenvolvimento de materiais com melhor perfil de segurança e, especialmente, o aprimoramento das orientações e cuidados pós-gastrostomia são necessários para reduzir a incidência de complicações em pacientes submetidos a esse tipo de procedimento. Novos estudos comparando de maneira prospectiva e randomizada diferentes técnicas e modelos de sonda são necessários para determinar se há uma técnica ou modelo a ser utilizado como primeira escolha.

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