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Vad är det för fel i att älska det man har? : En studie om ungas vilja att bo kvar i den krympande kommunen Filipstad. / What’s wrong with loving what you have? : A study about youth’s desire to stay in the shrinking municipality of Filipstad.Skott, Linnéa, Andersson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Sveriges storstäder och många kommuner i större regioner tampas alltmer med bostadsbrist, där platsen inte räcker till för invånarna. På Sveriges landsbygder är problemet tvärtom, på platsen finns inte en fördelaktig befolkningsmängd. I Filipstads kommun är avfolkningen ett stort problem, inte minst när den unga befolkningen väljer att flytta, vilket leder till en hög medelålder och en minskad arbetskraft som bidrar med låga skatteintäkter. Att många unga väljer att flytta från landsbygden är ingen hemlighet, men i denna uppsats är syftet att förstå varför unga personer faktiskt väljer att bo kvar på landsbygden, med fokus på Filipstads kommun. Uppsatsens syfte är att förstå varför unga i Filipstads kommun väljer att gå mot den rådande urbaniseringsnormen som finns och faktiskt bo kvar på landsbygden. Utifrån detta är även syftet att studera om det finns skillnader i inställningen bland unga kvinnor och män. För att uppfylla syftet har elever på Spångbergsgymnasiet i Filipstads kommun tagits till hjälp genom en webbaserad enkät, för att få inblick i deras inställning till sin hemkommun. För att få förståelse för hur kommunen arbetar strategiskt i att bibehålla den unga befolkningen, har intervjuer utförts med tjänstepersoner på Filipstads kommun. I arbetet har tidigare forskning och teorier använts såsom push- and pullteorin, migration i förhållande till genus samt nyckelbegreppet plats som även inkluderat aspekter av platsbundenhet och bruksanda. Detta har gett oss stor förståelse till varför situationen ser ut som den gör i denna kommun. Resultatet visade att inställningen mellan unga kvinnor och män skiljer sig åt, då det framförallt är kvinnor som har en negativ inställning till Filipstads kommun. Den största skillnaden fanns dock inte mellan könen, utan mellan högskoleförberedande- och yrkesprogram. Detta då det främst var elever inom yrkesprogram som uttryckte en vilja av att bo kvar inom kommunen. Orsakerna till varför dessa unga människor i gymnasieålder vill bo kvar, grundade sig i en typ av platsbundenhet till familj och vänner samt även hopp och löfte om framtida arbete. Tjänstepersonerna på kommunen redogjorde i sin tur att kommunen inte har en övergripande strategi eller ett arbete för att bibehålla den unga befolkningen. Det är istället upp till varje förvaltning att göra det de kan i sitt arbete. Fokus inom Filipstads kommun ligger istället i att vara attraktiva för barnfamiljer, med hopp om att de utflyttande ska återvända när det är dags att bilda familj.
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Does gender really matter when becoming an entrepreneur? : A study that examines possible associations between gender, performance, push-pull factors and both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors in the UKVisiedo, Andrea, Keskin, Görkem January 2020 (has links)
The present study aims to identify the association between gender and three different aspects: performance, pull-push factors, and nonprofit-for-profit sectors. In order to respond to the research questions, a quantitative approach was applied. Secondary data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2016 was collected as it includes self-reported information of established business owners from the UK. The results provided by the cross tabulation analysis executed by the SPSS, show a deeper and quantitative understanding regarding the associations between gender and the three aspects. Findings demonstrated that gender only had a significant association with the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. The other aspects clearly showed that they did not have any association with gender. Also, this study discusses the unequal number of female and male entrepreneurs shown in each of the aspects in order to provide acknowledge about the current situation in the UK. It is recommended that future research collects a higher number of variables or responses, preferably primary data that includes more information about the aspirations and preferences of the individuals and combines quantitative with qualitative methods. In conclusion, the gender of entrepreneurs should not be considered to be a break-dealer factor.
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Fotboll, en dröm eller mardröm? : Västafrikanska fotbollsspelares migration till Sverige: En kvalitativ studie / Football, A dream or a nightmare? : West African football players migration to Sweden: A qualitative studyFlink, Christoffer, Eriksson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: Sedan Bosmandomen 1995 har antalet afrikanska fotbollsspelare som kommer till Sverige ökat. Skogvang (2008), Scott (2015) och Najarian (2015) berättar att det är ett problem med att minderåriga fotbollsspelare från Afrika luras över till Europa av ohederliga agenter för att de ska få provspela med professionella fotbollsklubbar. Istället för provspel slutar det allt för ofta med att agenter tar fotbollsspelares pengar och lämnar dem i ett främmande land utan pengar eller dokumentation (Skovang, 2008, Scott, 2015, Najarian, 2015). Problemen uppstår när talangerna blir allt yngre och migrerar utan att ha presterat i hemlandet. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka varför afrikanska fotbollsspelare kommer till Sverige och hur de upplever de olika migrationsfaserna. Metoden var en intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer, där två avtalslösa professionella afrikanska fotbollsspelare intervjuades. Teorin som användes för att kunna besvara vad det var som motiverade fotbollsspelarna att migrera till Sverige var Lee´s (1966) teori om push- pull. Resultatet: visade att det som ofta får spelarna att lämna Afrika är fattigdom i hemlandet och pengarna är det som motiverar spelarna att migrera och fungerar som en pull-faktor. Fotbollsspelarna upplevde även en problematik i att anpassa sig till det svenska samhället som till exempel hur de betalade räkningar. Studien bidrar till en ökad medvetenhet för klubbarna som bestämmer sig för att värva in unga afrikanska fotbollsspelare och om vilka resurser som behövs för att spelarna ska kunna prestera på toppnivå. De behöver hjälp av antingen en heltidsanställd likt det AIK har eller ett system med värdfamiljer likt det som finns i England.
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Fused-Ring Heterocycle Syntheses from Thiazole, Oxazole, Benzoxazole, and Benzothiazole Derivatives and Trifluoroacetylations of N-Methyl Cyclic Ketene-N,O/S-Acetals: Attempted Syntheses of Functionalized Polymers from Plant-Derived 5-(Hydroxymethyl)FurfuralDe Silva, Hondamuni Ireshika Chathurani 11 August 2012 (has links)
There are two sections to this research dissertation. Part one includes syntheses of fused-ring heterocycles derived from thiazole, oxazole, benzoxazole and benzothiazole derivatives and trifluoroacetylations of in situ generated N-methyl cyclic ketene-N,O/Sacetals. Attempted functionalized polymer syntheses from plant-derived 5-(hydroxymethyl) furfural are discussed in part two. Three 2-methylthiazoles, 2,4,5-trimethyloxazole, 2-methylbenzoxazole and 2- methyl-benzothiazole were each reacted with benzoyl chloride in acetonitrile/triethylamine to generate benzyl-vinyl esters. Base hydrolysis of these benzyl-vinyl esters formed 2-(heterocyclic)-1-phenylethenols which exist in both ketoenol tautomeric forms. These tautomers were used as starting materials for fused-ring heterocycle syntheses. Each tautomeric pair react with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate in methanol giving the 5,6-ringused 8-benzoyl-5-oxo-5H-thiazolo-, 8-benzoyl-5-oxo-5H-oxazolo-, 4-benzoyl-1-oxo-1H-benzo[4,5]oxazolo- and 4-benzoyl-1-oxo-1H-benzo[4,5]thiazolo [3,2-a]pyridinecarboxylate derivatives. Two novel 5,7-ringused 9-benzoyl-2,3- dimethyl-5,6-dihydrothiazolo- and 9-benzoyl-2,3-dimethyl-5,6-dihydrooxazolo[3,2-a] azepine-5,6,7,8-tetracarboxylates formed when the tautomers formed from 2,4,5- trimethyl thiazole and 2,4,5-trimethyl oxazole were reacted with DMADC. These tautomers react with 1,3-diacid chlorides in acetonitrile/triethylamine affording the 5,6-ringused 8-benzoyl-6,6-dialkyl-6H-thiazolo- and 8-benzoyl-6,6- dimethy-6H-oxazolo-, 4-benzoyl-2,2-dimethyl-1H-benzo[4,5]thiazolo- and 4-benzoyl- 2,2-dimethyl-1H-benzo[4,5]oxazolo[3,2,-a]pyridinedione derivatives. Functionalized 5,6- ringused 8-benzoyl-6H-thiazolo- and 8-benzoyl-6H-oxazolo[3,2]pyrimidine-5,7- diones, and 4-benzoyl-1H-benzo[4,5]thiazolo- and 4-benzoyl-1H-benzo[4,5]oxazolo[3,2- c]pyrimidine-1,3(2H)-diones formed reacting the tautomers with N-chlorocarbonyl isocyanate in THF/triethylamine. Significant ring size and substituent effects were observed in trifluoroacetylations of in situ-generated cyclic ketene-N,O/S acetals. In situ-generated 3,4,4-trimethyl-2- methylene-oxazolidine, 3-methyl-2-methylene-oxazolidine and 3-methyl-2-methylene- 1,3-oxazinane each formed β,β-bistrifluoroacetylated products. However, 3-methyl-2- methylene-oxazolidine also afforded a γ-lactam by an iodide-catalyzed rearrangement of its β,β-bistrifluoroacetylated derivative. In situ-generated 3-methyl-2-methylenethiazolidine gave both β-mono- and β,β-bistrifluoroacetylation products. 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural synthesized from sucrose was converted to 2,5- bis(hydroxymethyl)furan (2,5-BHMF). 7-Oxanorbornene-type Diels-Alder adducts synthesized from 2,5-BHMF were used as monomers for both ring opening metathesis polymerizations (ROMPs) and polycondensations. ROMP, followed by polycondensation or vise versa were expected to give highly functionalized cross-linked polymers. ROMP of the monomers using three Grubbs’ 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation catalysts were unsuccessful due to the presence of hydroxymethyl groups at one or both bridgeheads that could coordinate Ruthenium. With one bridgehead methyl present ROMP proceeded. Low molecular weight polyesters were synthesized via polycondensation. One was crosslinked using ROMP, but not to its gel point.
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Migration Policy as a determinant of asylum flows in EU countries / Migrationspolicy som en determinant av asyl flöden till EU länderLindegren, Sofia, Ashiri Fard, Delaram January 2021 (has links)
We investigate the effect of migration policy reforms on the number of asylum applications into 22 EU countries. This is done by using the Determinants of International Migration Policy, DEMIG policy index as a proxy for policy reforms in EU countries and the number of asylum applications from UNHCR. We perform OLS regressions with destination country fixed effects with HAC clustered standard errors. We contribute to the existing literature by using the DEMIG policy index which, to our knowledge, has not been used in earlier literature. We also thoroughly investigate the effect of migration policy, including both more restrictive and less restrictive policy. Through the investigation of the destination fixed effects, we find robust empirical evidence that migration policy does have an effect on asylum flows, which suggests, in addition to earlier literature, that migration policy is an important factor to have in consideration. Furthermore, we explore whether the push and pull factors examined in previous literature are consistent with our results. We find that the results vary, but are consistently in line with most of the earlier literature. In addition, we find that when other determinants of migration are included, the effect of migration policy diminishes.
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Bridgeless Active Power Factor Correction Using a Current Fed Push Pull ConverterBianchi, Jeramie Seth 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Bridgeless Active Power Factor Correction
Using a Current Fed Push Pull Converter
Jeramie Seth Bianchi
Switched Mode Power Supplies have become increasingly popular for efficient methods of delivering power to an assortment of electronic devices. This thesis proposes a method of using a current fed push pull converter to provide active power factor correction and rectification in a single stage. While most AC-DC converters utilize a bridge rectifier to convert AC-DC and then perform DC-DC conversion, the proposed circuit will utilize its output diodes to perform rectification, thus eliminating the need for a bridge rectifier. This circuit will also inherently provide power factor correction because the input current has a continuous path for current flow due to the current fed topology where no time exists for both switches to be off. Through analog circuitry for the controller, multiple methods of AC main switching are tested, including isolation techniques using optocouplers, to prove the most efficient way to control a bidirectional switch. Simulations with PSPICE and hardware implementation of the design prove that alternative methods to provide quality power conversion for Switched Mode Power Supplies are available.
Keywords: Active Power Factor Correction, Current Fed Push Pull Converter, SMPS, Bidirectional Switching, IGBT, Bridgeless Rectification
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Identifying Potential Applications for Lamina Emergent Mechanisms and Evaluating Their Suitability for Credit-Card-Sized ProductsAlbrechtsen, Nathan Bryce 09 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Lamina emergent mechanisms (LEMs) are a maturing technology that is prepared for commercial implementation into new products. LEMs are defined by three functional characteristics; they (1) are compliant, (2) are fabricated from planar materials, and (3) emerge from a flat initial state. Advantages, design challenges, and design tools are described for each of the functional characteristics. Opportunities for LEMs are discussed, namely disposable LEMs, novel arrays of LEMs, scaled LEMs, LEMs with surprising motion, shock absorbing LEMs, and deployable LEMs. Technology push product development processes were employed to select applications for LEMs. LEM technology was characterized. In a LEM workshop, eighteen industry professionals then helped identify over 200 potential applications for the technology. The applications were evaluated, and the most promising ideas that were identified for each LEM opportunity are described with graphics of possible product embodiments. Of the various product opportunities enabled by LEMs, deployable mechanisms – particularly in the credit card size – are among the most viable. The compactness and portability of credit-card-sized products create a strong motivation for their development. Expanding the capabilities of credit-card-sized mechanisms to include more sophisticated motions and a broader range of tasks may dramatically increase their market potential. A review of the current state-of-the-art in credit-card-sized mechanisms reveals two primary classes of mechanisms most commonly used in this form factor: rigid-body mechanisms and in-plane compliant mechanisms. The limitations of each and corresponding LEM advantages are described. Criteria for determining whether a product is a suitable candidate for using LEM technology to create or improve a credit-card-sized product are established. The advantages of LEMs in credit-card-sized products are illustrated through an example product: a compact lancing device that could be used as a main component for a highly portable epinephrine syringe.
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Interactive TV News: A New Delivery Method for Broadcast Television NewsBoulter, Trent R. 09 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This project looks at the development and use of a new delivery system for broadcast television news and its relation to the Uses and Gratifications and Push/Pull Theories. An in-home study of interactive news was conducted for two weeks, allowing people access to three local and 5 national newscasts via one interactive newscast. Users were able to access the interactive newscast whenever and however they wanted via their television or computer, as long as they had an internet connection. The results of this study show how the system was used,what specific actions were taken, and where the potential lies for further research.
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Migration into Urban Areas: a Sociological and Micro Perspective : A thematic analysis of how migration is used as a tool to gain personal development in ZambiaIturralde Ulfsax, Juliette January 2022 (has links)
The pace of urbanisation in less developed regions creates consequences which cause problems such as housing, overcrowding and lack of living standards in the urban areas. A problem connected more to developing countries than developed countries that earlier went through the same process. One of the reasons why urbanisation occurs is because of rural-urban migration. This study focuses on why men and women migrate and use migration as a tool to obtain personal development. The methodological framework used is qualitative with abductive reasoning, and the research design is a case study. The case study selected is Zambia, specifically the slum area Misisi in Lusaka. Ten semi-structured interviews are conducted to gather empirical data. A selection needs to be made to do the interviews, which is contrived on the snowball sampling method and delimitations. The empirical data is coded through thematic analysis, and three themes are found and described in the findings, personal economic and educational development, network and gender differences. These themes are analysed through the chosen sociological analytical framework; Bourdieu's class theory and West and Zimmerman's theory doing gender. The findings show that individuals use migration as a tool to climb in societal class and obtain personal development in different capitals. Furthermore, the differences between men and women are not as vast anymore, women have started to focus more on themselves than on the family. This research follows the lines of Agenda 2030, specifically number 11, and can inspire a more profound interest in the subject of sustainable cities and communities with the findings. Continuing research can increase the understanding of how personal development affects the fast-growing urbanisation in developing countries with rural-urban migration.
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Hungary: Temporary Home or Final Destination? : International Students’ Post-graduation PlansNsiri, Katarína January 2022 (has links)
This thesis studies the factors that make international students from non-EU countries move to Hungary for their studies, what their experience in the host society was and how this experience affected their decisions about their post-graduation plans. Using qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews, this research seeks to analyze the different factors that either pull these students to stay in Hungary or relocate to a different country or factors that push these students to return home. These factors are divided into three main groups: professional, personal and social factors. Overall, the results reveal that professional factors play the biggest role in either pulling students to stay in the host country or relocate onwards, while these factors were never mentioned as an incentive to return home. Personal and social factors, on the other hand, affected people differently, as some of the personal or social factors made one stay, while the same factors made others leave.
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