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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eldres opplevelse av eget hjelpebehov / The elderly experience of their own needs of help

Arnesen, Audhild January 2005 (has links)
Utviklingstrekkene framover med en stadig økning av antall eldre, gjør utfordringene for pleie-og omsorgstjenestene store med hensyn til å utforme tjenester som samsvarer med brukerenes behov og ressurser. Hensikten med studien er å beskrive og analysere de eldres opplevelse av eget hjelpebehov Det kvalitative forskningsintervju er valgt som datainnsamlingsmetode, og analysert ut fra metoden grounded theory. Ni hjemmeboende eldre, som var avhengig av hjelp flere ganger i døgnet av pleie-og omsorgstjenesten i kommunen, ble intervjuet. ”En brukerrettet tjeneste” ble definert som overordnet kjernekategori. Videre framkom tre kategorier som var relatert til kjernekategorien; eldres ressurser og behov, hjelpernes møte med de eldre, og ytre rammer for tjenesten. Konklusjon: Hovedfunnet i studien peker på at de eldre opplever hjelpen de får som lite individuelt tilpasset, uforutsigbar og lite fleksibel. Tross dette, har de eldre vilje og ressurser til å mestresituasjonen, og de ønsker å bo hjemme. Resultatet av denne undersøkelsen kan muligens føre til at tjenestene ser nødvendigheten av en grundigere kartlegging av de eldres ressurser og mestringsevne før hjelpetiltak settes inn, og dermed rette fokus mer mot tiltak som tar hensyn til eldres opplevelse og forebygger ytterligere funksjonssvikt. / Demografic development points to a significant increase in elderly people, creating challenges in how health care services are shaped in correspondence with user needs and resources. The aim of this study was to describe and analyse, how elderly people, experienced their own need for help. Qualitative research interviews were chosen as a method of collecting the material for this survey. Grounded theory was used for analysis of the gathered information. The interviews were based on the experience of nine elderly people living at home by themselves. All nine selected interviewees were dependent upon regularly daily help from the communal health care and home help services. “A user related service” was defined as a superior core category. Three categories were related to the core category: Resources and needs among the elderly people, the encounter with the “helper” and outer boundaries of the service provided. Conclusion: The major results of this study points to the lack of individual response, flexibility and predictability of the help provided. Despite of this the elderly seem to cope with their situation, and preferred to live in their own homes as long as possible.The results may lead to a closer look on the necessity of a more thorough survey related to the elderly population and their coping needs, before help and care services are provided. The focus has to be aimed on health assesment to prevent dysfunctional services from developing even further. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-110-5</p>

Gåture som sundhedsfremmende aktivitet hos ældre. : Ældre menneskers oplevelse af at have gennemført et otte-ugers interventions gå-tur projekt. / Walking as health promotion activity for elderly people. : The experience of elderly people who have completed an eight-week intervention walking project

Garver, Else January 2005 (has links)
Denne afhandlings formål er: At beskrive hvilke oplevelser ældre menneskers har haft ved athave deltaget i og gennemført et otte ugers interventions gå-tur projekt. Den viden og forståelse, der er kommet ud af dette pilotstudie, har været meget brugbar i planlægningen af gåture for ældre, der ellers ikke ville komme ud at gå. Der er brugt en kvalitativ metode. Populationen er de 11 projektdeltagere, der gennem- førtede otte ugers interventionsperiode. Der er gennemført temaguidede interviews som er udskrevet i fuld længde og analyseret efter en kvalitativ tematisk analyse inspireret af Giorgis retningslinier og af Husserls filosofi. Ifølge deltagernes beskrivelse har gå-tur interventionen givet dem en følelse af at gøre noget godt for sig selv. Herudover oplevede de en gradvis øget mestringsevne, bedre fysisk form, mere energi, bedre humør, oplevelsen af fællesskab samt bedre kendskab til omgivelser og natur. Projektet rummer følgende en ny dimension: Mennesker, der ellers ikke ville kommeud at gå, gør det nu, fordi de oplever støtte - enten ved at gå alene og opleve "forpligtelsen" til at få gået eller helt konkret ved at gå sammen med en gå-tur ven og herved føle tryghed. At tilbyde gåture til ældre, der ellers ikke ville komme ud at gå, ser ud til at være hen-sigtsmæssigt set i et folkesundhedsmæssigt perspektiv idet disse ældre herved formodes at få flere leveår med godt helbred. / The aim of this MPH thesis is to describe the experience of elderly people who have completed an eight-week intervention walking project. The insight and knowledge acquired in this study have been very useful with regard to the planning of walking for the elderly people who would not otherwise have ventured outside. A qualitative method has been used. The population consists of the eleven projectparticipants who completed the eight-week intervention period. The theme-based interviews have been transcribed in full and analyzed in accordance with a qualitative thematic analysis inspired by Giorgi’s guidelines and Husserl ́s philosophy. The project participants` comments demonstrate that walking as intervention gave them the experience of doing something, especially for their own wellbeing. Other important results were a sense of increasing mastery of their situation ,improved physical fitness, moreenergy, higher spirits a sense of fellowship, and some knowledge of the surroundings and nature. The project includes a new dimension: People who would not otherwise have ventured outside now do so because they get support either by walking alone and experiencing the "obligation" of walking or by walking with a companion. Offering walks to elderly people who would not otherwise have ventured outside seems to be a good decision in a public health care perspective because these elderly peoplepresumably live longer with a better health. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-087-7</p>

Ansattes syn på friluftsliv i barnehagen : En kvalitativ studie / Employees’opinions about usingnature in kindergarten : A qualitative study

Grytli, Ingvil January 2013 (has links)
Hensikt Studiens hensikt er å få kunnskap om hvilke holdninger, meninger og verdier ansatte i norske barnehager har om bruk av fri natur til lek og aktivitet. Vi undersøkte også deres meninger om barnehagens rolle, samt fremmende og hemmende faktorer forbruk av natur til lek og aktivitet i barnehagen. Metode Tjueen barnehageansatte fra fire kommuner i Midt-Norge deltok på seks fokusgruppe-intervju.Informantene kom både fra barnehager som signaliserte et spesielt fokus på friluftsliv gjennom navnet på barnehagen eller på sin hjemmeside, og barnehager uten et slikt spesielt fokus. Kvalitativ innholdsanalyse ble brukt til analyseav datamaterialet. Resultat Tre kategorier ble identifisert: (i) Naturen som arena for fysisk og psykososial utvikling og læring,(ii) Barnehagen som formidler av friluftsliv og gode naturopplevelserog (iii)Faktorer som påvirker bruk av natur. Påvirkningsfaktorer ble identifisert både internt i den enkelte barnehage, iforhold utenfor barnehagen, og fra sentrale myndigheter Konklusjon Natur kan være en god arena for læring, helhetlig utvikling og helse for barn i barnehagen. I tillegg kan bruk av natur også bidra til å utjevne sosiale helseforskjeller. Hvis barnehagene skal kunne legge til rette for jevnlig aktivitet og lek i natur, må flere interne og eksterne faktorer tas i betraktning. / Purpose This study aimed to increase knowledge about the stance, opinion, and valuesof kindergarten employees regarding the use ofnature in playand general activity. We also investigated the role of kindergarten, and factors that promote or inhibit how kindergartens use nature. Method Twenty-one kindergarten employees from four municipalities in Central Norway participated in six focus group interviews. Study participants came from kindergartens that provided aspecificfocus on outdoor and nature in the name of the kindergarten, or on their homepages, as well as kindergartens that lacked such focus. We used qualitative contentanalysis to analyzethe data. Results Our analysis identified three categories: (i) nature as an arena for physical and psychosocial development and learning, (ii) kindergarten as a promoter of outdoor activities, and (iii) factors that influence the use of nature. We found that such influencesoccur within the kindergarten, in arenas outsidethe kindergarten,and from central authorities. Conclusion The use of nature can contribute to learning and the overall development and health of kindergartners. Moreover, nature may help reducesocial health inequalities. To enhance the facilitation of regular activity and playing in nature, several internal and external factorsshould be considered

Att uppleva mat med alla sinnen : - Lärares erfarenheter av Sapere-metoden

Dahlström, Lina January 2009 (has links)
Studier visar att åtgärder krävs för att minska svenska barns intag av sötsaker och fett samt öka intaget av frukt och grönsaker. Skolors roll i att främja en hälsosammare kosthållning hos barn måste därför få en ökad uppmärksamhet. Lärare bör ta tillvara på tillfällen som ges att i undervisningen förmedla en positiv syn på mat. Sapere-metoden är en pedagogisk metod som syftar till att öva upp elevers sensoriska förmåga, utveckla deras språk samt på sikt förbättra deras matvanor. Denna metod tillämpas idag på skolor i Västmanland. Syftet med studien var att studera lärares upplevelser av Sapere-metoden i Västmanland, hur tillämpningen påbörjades, vilka förväntningar som fanns samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som påträffats under processen. Insamlingen av data skedde genom intervjuer med lärare och intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att skolorna började tillämpa Sapere-metoden eftersom en person på skolan blev inspirerad. Förväntningarna handlade om en utveckling hos barnen, att bryta trender i samhället samt förväntningar att fortsätta arbetet med metoden i framtiden. Möjligheter är att metoden går att använda i alla skolämnen, att den utövas praktiskt samt går i linje med läroplanen. Hinder i arbetet är tidsbrist, kostnaden samt utbyte av personal i skolan. / Studies show that measures are required to reduce Swedish children’s intake of sugar and fat and to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables. Schools role in promoting a healthier diet in children must be given a greater attention. Teachers must take care of the opportunities they have that in the teaching mediate a positive view on food and meals. Sapere-method is an educational method and the aim is to practice pupils in their ability to use all their senses, to develop their language use and in the long term improve their food habits. This method is applied in schools in Västmanland. The aim with this study was to study teacher’s experiences of the Sapere-method in Västmanland, how the method was applied, what expectations there was, and what opportunities and obstacles encountered during the process. Data collection was done by interviewing teachers and the interviews were analyzed using a content analysis. The results of the study show that the Sapere method was applied because a person at the school became inspired. Expectations were a development of the children, to break the trends in society and expectations to continue the work in the future. The opportunities are that the method can be used in all school subjects, that is practiced practical and is in line with the curriculum. Obstacles in the method are lack of time, the cost and exchange of personnel in the school.

Kvinnors upplevelse av stöd då de drabbats av bröstcancer : En litteraturöversikt / Women's experience of support during breast cancer

Josefsson, Hanna, Widén, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer utgör idag den vanligast förekommande tumörsjukdom hos kvinnor. Risken att drabbas ökar efter 40-års åldern. Majoriteten behandlas med bröstbevarande kirurgi, vissa kvinnor genomgår mastektomi och vissa kvinnor väljer därefter att göra en rekonstruktion. Att drabbas av bröstcancer kan leda till känslor av uppgivenhet, rädsla samt ångest. Syfte: Att beskriva bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnors upplevelse av stöd under sjukdomsförloppet. Metod: En induktiv litteraturöversikt utifrån elva kvalitativa artiklar genomfördes. Resultat: Att alltid ha någon form av tillgängligt stöd kändes viktigt för att bevara hoppet hos kvinnan. Att erhålla informativt stöd var betydelsefullt för att kunna hantera situationen och önskades primärt fås från sjukvårdspersonal. Stödgrupper kunde upplevas positivt men de kunde också ha en negativ inverkan på kvinnans välmående. Stöd från omgivande familj var viktigt. Kvinnor upplevde även att de erhöll ett gott stöd från olika trosuppfattningar. Ibland kunde stödet framkalla en viss sårbarhet samt vara svårt att acceptera för kvinnan. Slutsatser: Genom att förhålla sig till kärnkompetenser kan sjuksköterskan bidra till att kvinnan med bröstcancer uppfyller det eventuella behov av stöd som finns under sjukdomsförloppet. / Background: Breast cancer is today the most common tumor disease in women. The risk increases after 40 years of age. The majority are treated with breast-preserving surgery, some undergo mastectomy and some women choose to do a reconstruction. Breast cancer can lead to feelings of fear and anxiety. Purpose: to describe breast cancer victims' experiences of support during the course of the disease. Method: A inductive literature review based on qualitative articles was conducted. Eleven articles have been used for the result. Results: Always having some kind of available support felt important to preserve the hope for the woman. Obtaining informative support felt important in order to be able to handle the situation and was mainly preferred by healthcare professionals. Support groups could be experienced positively but they could also have a negative impact on the woman's well-being. Support from the surrounding family was important, women also felt that they received good support from different beliefs. Sometimes the support could cause some vulnerability and be difficult to accept for the woman. Conclusions: By relating to core competencies, the nurse can help the woman with breast cancer fulfilling the possible need for support.

Utilisation of insecticide treated nets among women in rural Nigeria : themes, stories, and performance

Nzute, Anastesia January 2017 (has links)
Background: The effect of Malaria attack on maternal and child health in Nigeria is high compared with other countries in sub Saharan Africa. This problem has been a persistent issue in Nigeria and many researchers have tried to proffer solutions. Insecticide treated nets (ITN) have been identified as providing approximately 80% protection against malaria attack. However, all the measures put in place to control malaria failed to meet up with the set target of the Roll Back Malaria Initiative, which aimed at reducing malaria deaths in Nigeria by half by 2010 in line with the Millennium Development Goals (Anyaehie et al., 2009). As part of the global initiative to reduce malaria deaths before 2015 (Amoran, Senbanjo and Asagwara, 2011) the Nigerian government introduced intervention programmes to protect pregnant women, and children under-five years of age (Anyaehie et al., 2011). However, although there has been considerable and effective intervention in controlling this preventable disease in the African continent, marked inconsistency in the distribution of the ITN, scarcity and low usage in Nigeria (Amoran, Senbanjo and Asagwara, 2011) are apparent, despite emphasis on community-based strategies for malaria control (Obinna, 2011). For midwives in rural Nigeria the disproportionate vulnerability of pregnant women and young children is of great concern. This particular issue is the focus of a hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry into the experiences of pregnant women and mothers in their efforts to protect their families and themselves from malaria attack. The study contends that the ‘big (pan-African/national) story’ of malaria has found many voices, speaking from a predominantly positivist perspective. While some more interpretivist approaches to exploring experience have been employed elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa (Rachel and Frank 2005), there remains a need for more participatory research related to health care issues in Nigeria (Abdullahi et al 2013). Women and children make up the majority of the Nigeria population of over 160 million. An attack of malaria on them affects entire households and the economy of the nation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to give voice to the ‘small (household) stories’ of Nigerian women (mothers and health workers), living and working in impoverished rural communities, and consider how their viewpoints, perspectives and imaginings might contribute to the fight for a malaria-free Nigeria. Methodological approach: The research draws on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The participants’ accounts are interpreted in terms of Africana ‘Womanism’ as defined by Hudson-Weems (1993), the socio-narratology approach elaborated by Frank (2010), and Igbo world-view. Research procedure: Individual semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted with Igbo women in three rural communities in Enugu State in eastern Nigeria (Nsukka, Ngwo, and Amechi). This was a three-phase process involving an initial orientation visit to engage with local gatekeepers and community health workers. A first round of interviews and discussion took place in three communities in 2014, followed by the first phase of interpretation. A second field trip took place in 2015, during which participants discussed the ongoing interpretation and elaborated further on some of the issues raised. Interpretive phases 2 and 3 followed this visit. Interpretive process: Interpretive shifts in understanding were accomplished in three ways: 1. Seeking thematic connections between participants’ accounts of living with the threat of malaria. 2. Engaging in dialogical narrative analysis to explore the work done by the stories embedded in individual accounts of living under the threat of malaria. 3. Crafting found poetry from within the collective accounts to produce an evocative text that could mediate an emotional response and understanding of the malaria experience. Key outcomes: The research was a response to calls for more participatory research into the detailed experiences of people in Africa facing up to the threat of malaria. It has provided a vehicle for the voices of a group of Nigerian women and health workers to bring attention to the continuing plight of pregnant women and their families with limited access to insecticide-treated bed nets in poor living conditions. They have told how they seek to empower themselves in their own small and particular ways. It has provided insights into their worldview(s) and what others might see from where they stand. As such it has added to their own call expressed during the research to “Keep malaria on the agenda.” The research has used the women’s own testimony to create an oral resource designed https://youtu.be/XelMXLUzTV0 to facilitate education and action among small local groups of women and their families, and for health workers in local rural communities.

Tlaopo le manonapelo mo diterameng tsa thelevisene tsa ga D.M. Mothibi

Seremo, Anna Mmapule 25 November 2014 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to critically explore elements of comedy and satiric elements in two television dramas of D.M. Mothibi, / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande arbete med övervikt inom barnhälsovården / Nurses´ experiences of health promotion and prevention work with overweight in child health care

Lundberg, Ingela, Oredsson, Veronica January 2018 (has links)
Övervikt hos barn är ett växande problem i hela världen, så även i Sverige, vilket kan leda till flera allvarliga följdsjukdomar men även psykisk ohälsa. Forskning visar att främja goda levnadsvanor tidigt hos barn är gynnsamt för att förebygga övervikt och sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården har en viktig roll i detta arbete. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande arbete med övervikt inom barnhälsovården. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 13 sjuksköterskor verksamma inom barnhälsovården. Analysen utfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resulterade i tre kategorier och åtta underkategorier. Kategorierna var:  Familjecentrerat arbetssätt, Utmaningar i arbetet och Användning av strategier. Sjuksköterskor i studien beskrev vikten av att skapa en god relation med familjen och göra familjen delaktig för att motivera till livsstilsförändringar då oftast hela familjen behövde göra förändringar.  För att främja goda levnadsvanor och förebygga övervikt hos barn krävdes det stor lyhördhet av sjuksköterskorna för att bemöta varje familjs unika situation. Vidare framkom att tala om övervikt och livsstilsförändringar kunde ibland vara en utmaning, då det många gånger är ett känsloladdat ämne. / Children who are overweight is a growing and global health problem which can lead to several serious complications but also mental illness. Research shows that promoting good living habits early in children is beneficial to prevent overweight, and nurses in child health care have an important role with this work. The aim of this study was to describe the nurses´ experience of the health promotion and preventive work with overweight in the child health care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 nurses active in child health care. The analysis was conducted with qualitative content analysis and resulted in three categories and eight subcategories. The categories were Family-centered approach, Challenges in the work and Using strategies. Nurses in the study highlighted the importance of establishing a good relationship with the family and participating in the family to motivate lifestyle changes, as most of the family needed to make changes. In order to promote good living habits and prevent overweight in children, it was highly sought after by nurses to respond to each family's unique situation. Talking about overweight and lifestyle changes can be a challenge as it is often an emotionally charged topic.

Samverkan mellan myndigheter : En kvalitativ studie om hur ett integrationsprojekt utvecklat integrationsprocessen i Hörby Kommun.

Krondahl, Tommy January 2007 (has links)
During the past twenty years the immigration to Sweden has changed significantly. Earlier immigration mainly focused at filling the vacancies in the Swedish industry, today immigrants primarily come to Sweden as Refugees. This change of immigration combined with the restructuring of the Swedish industrial sector has resulted in great a deterioration of the chances for immigrants to gain entry to the Swedish labor market. This study aims at examining how the cooperation between authorities in the municipal of Hörby in Sweden fosters integration. The study primarily examines how the cooperation between authorities in a integration project can contribute to a better integration to the labor market. Through a qualitative study, five persons who occupy important roles in the project have been interviewed. The results of these interviews have been complemented by internal documents as well as extern material to validate the results. The most important findings that have been revealed are the importance of language in the process of gaining entrance to the Swedish labor market. Subsequently the education of immigrants receives criticism and the importance of a new and more effective as well as more time saving education for immigrants are being stressed.

Kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient i en digital värld : En litteraturöversikt ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv / Communication between nurse and patient in a digital world : A literature review form nurse´s perspective

Bäcklin, Helena, Holmsten, Anna Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: E-Hälsa och dess snabba utveckling inom vården har minskat distansen mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten och gjort vården mer tillgänglig. E-Hälsa kan ses som ett komplement till ett traditionellt vårdmöte och kan erbjuda sjuksköterskan en direkt kontakt till patienten. Då ett av målen med e-Hälsa är att göra patienten mer delaktig i sin vård har sjuksköterskan en viktig roll i kommunikationen med patienter.  Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikation med patienter via e-Hälsa. Metod: Studiens valda metod var en litteraturöversikt. Tio kvalitativa artiklar valdes ut i databaserna PubMed och från CINAHL Complete som svarade på syftet. Artiklarna analyserades och tematiserades. Resultat: Resultatet redovisades i två teman; Den digitala teknikens betydelse vid kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient och sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av kommunikation via e-Hälsa. Sjuksköterskor uttrycker oro över förlusten av den mellanmänskliga relationen relaterat till bristande kommunikativa färdigheter samt en svårhanterlig digital teknik.   Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Joyce Travelbees teori om den mellanmänskliga relationen. E-Hälsa diskuterades utifrån ett samhällsperspektiv samt belyste sjuksköterskans roll inom e-Hälsa. Det fysiska mötet har successivt ersatts av möten på distans och sjuksköterskan behövde utveckla sina kommunikativa förmågor för att skapa en mellanmänsklig relation med patienten via e-Hälsa. Sjuksköterskan saknade även stöd i användandet av den digitala tekniken vilket upplevdes som en barriär i kommunikationen då det försvårade för relationsskapandet. / Background: E-Health is rapid development in healthcare and reduced the distance between nurses and patients and have made healthcare more accessible. E-Health can be seen as a complement to a traditional healthcare meeting and can offer the nurse a direct contact with patients. One of the goals of e-Health is to make the patient more involved in his care, the nurse has an important role in communicating with patients. Aim: To illuminate nurses' experiences of communication with the patient via e-Health. Method: The chosen method of the study was a literature review. Ten qualitative articles were selected in the databases PubMed and CINAHL Compleate which responded to the aim. The articles were analyzed and thematized.  Results: The result was presented in two themes; The meaning of digital technology in communication between nurse and patient and Nurse`s experience of communication through e-Health. Nurse`s express their concern about the loss of interpersonal relationships related to lack of communication skills as well as a difficult digital technology. Discussion: The result was discussed based on Travelbees theory of interpersonal relations. E-Health were discussed through a society perspective an illuminated the role of nurse in e-Health. The physical meeting has been replaced by meetings at a distance and the nurse hade to develop communicative skills to create an interpersonal relationship with the patient via e-Health. The nurse lacks support in the use of digital technology, which is perceived as a barrier to communication as it complicates the creation of relationship.

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