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Radiologische Querschnittsstudie zur Qualitätsverbesserung von Panoramaschichtaufnahmen mittels ZungenrepositionsmanöverSömmer, Christian 16 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluierung eines Qualitätssicherungsprogramms im interdisziplinären Fachgebiet am Beispiel der Schlafmedizin / Evaluation of a quality assurance program in the interdisciplinary speciality of sleep medicineUtte, Ludmila 10 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Reputationsmanagement im Agribusiness / Reputation-Management in German AgribusinessAlbersmeier, Friederike 26 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Quality Assurance and Food Safety: Trainer's ReferencePater, Susan, Cuneo, Dr. Peder, English, James, Fish, Dean, Kock, Tim, Marchello, Dr. John, Peterson, Bob 02 1900 (has links)
73 pp. / Originally developed in Iowa and adapted for Arizona. Arizona Youth Livestock Quality Assurance Member Manual; Arizona Youth Livestock Quality Assurance Activity Guide. / This trainer's reference is for use in implementing the youth livestock quality assurance program. The curriculum is designed to provide youth and adults with a better understanding of the risks involved in the food production industry, better understand the Good Production Practices (GPP's) that can help them produce a safer product and therefore, implement these GPP's in their own livestock production system.
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Assessing Patients' and Radiation Therapists’ Perceptions of Safety in Radiation Therapy and Using a Patient-provider Collaborative Checklist to Engage PatientsCrupi, Michael Kyle 21 November 2013 (has links)
Approximately 52% of cancer patients require radiation therapy during the progression of their illness. Radiation therapy is a safe procedure; however, errors may occur and have the potential to harm patients. Recent studies have looked at patient engagement as a means of preventing errors in healthcare. Through interviews and focus groups, this study looks at patients’ and radiation therapists’ current perceptions of safety in radiation therapy and whether they feel that patient engagement in the form of a patient-provider collaborative checklist can improve its safety or the perception of safety. Through workflow observations and literature reviews, a patient-provider collaborative checklist was developed. Furthermore, STAI surveys were conducted to document the progression of patient anxiety through treatment. Feedback from radiation therapists demonstrated their opinions on the usability of the final iteration of the patient-provider collaborative checklist and how it could fit into the clinical setting.
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Savivaldybėje teikiamų socialinių paslaugų prieinamumas / Evaluation of social services provision in municipalityZozulienė, Aistė 12 July 2011 (has links)
Socialinių paslaugų tikslas yra gerinti socialiai pažeidžiamų piliečių gyvenimo kokybę, tenkinti būtiniausius jo žmogiškuosius poreikius, padėti integruotis į visuomenę, mažinti socialinę atskirtį. Kad žmonės gaunantys šias paslaugas jaustų gyvenimo pagerėjimą reikia, kad tos paslaugos būtų suteiktos kokybiškai. Net ir mažos skiriamos paslaugos gali būti tik tada veiksmingos, jei jos taikliai pasiekė paslaugos gavėją, ypač ekonominės krizės metais. Nekokybiškai suteikta paslauga praranda savo vertę, neteikia naudos, vadinasi blogai arba visai nevykdo socialinės apsaugos politikos. Siekiant paslaugų kokybės darosi svarbūs santykiai tarp paslaugų teikėjo ir paslaugų gavėjo. Didžiausia dalimi paslaugų kokybę lemia tiesioginis paslaugos teikėjas- socialinis darbuotojas. Tai priklauso nuo jo kvalifikacijos, asmeninių savybių, požiūrio į klientą. Kokybės užtikrinimo sistemai kurti ir užtikrinti įtakos turi ir socialinių paslaugų įstaigų veikla, paslaugų prieinamumas ir kokybė, valstybės vykdomi ir rengiami įstatymai. Pagal socialinių paslaugų reformą,(2002m.) nuo 2004m. buvo pradėti rengti nacionaliniai socialinių paslaugų standartai, kurie padėtų paslaugų gavėjams ir jų šeimų nariams spręsti apie gaunamų paslaugų kokybiškumą, o socialinių paslaugų teikėjams būtų aiškiau, kokie reikalavimai keliami paslaugoms.
Socialinių paslaugų įstaigų išskirtinumas yra tas, kad galutiniai rezultatai nėra grindžiami tik atliktu efektyvumu ir ekonomiškumu. Didele dalim tai priklauso ir nuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One priority of welfare state is carry out systematic social policy and to provide social services of good quality. Social services depend on economical situation of the state and legislation as well as qualification, competence of employee, who provides these services, and services’ quality assurance system. The main actor which determines quality of the services is direct services provider – social worker. It is quit hard to evaluate quality of services, because everyone different understands and evaluates quality of services. Person’s indication of evaluation depends on how provided service satisfies his need and expectations. Lithuanian legislation of social policy is orientated into high quality of social services; however evaluation of it is still problematic due to a lack of documentations, identifying quality evaluation strategy of social services provided by social workers.
The master thesis, with reference to science literature, analyze social services provision system in Druskininkai Municipality (case analyze) as well as present point of view of social services’ organization, provider and recipient evaluating social services on social, territorial and economic backgrounds (experiment).
A goal of experiment (research) is to examine opinion of social services’ providers and recipients about provided services.
Research revealed that social services’ organization, provider and recipient positively evaluate quality of social services on social, territorial and... [to full text]
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The Cost of Preanalytical Errors in the Context of Inpatient Complete Blood Count TestingBurrows, James Michal 15 November 2013 (has links)
The majority of laboratory testing errors originate in the pre-analytical phase. While the causes and frequencies of pre-analytical errors are well characterized, there are few studies investigating the cost of these errors. The objective of this research was to build a model to quantify the cost of pre-analytical errors occurring during inpatient complete blood count (CBC) testing at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Sunnybrook). The resultant cost model accounts for the costs of materials, resources, and personnel-time consumed in the CBC testing process. In 2011, pre-analytical errors in inpatient CBC testing cost Sunnybrook $43,462, and represented a loss of 775 employee hours due to laboratory test repetition and error-related activities. This cost model represents the minimum cost of a pre-analytical error, as costs extraneous to the laboratory were beyond the study scope. Future studies investigating downstream effects of pre-analytical errors and the costs associated with them should be conducted.
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The Cost of Preanalytical Errors in the Context of Inpatient Complete Blood Count TestingBurrows, James Michal 15 November 2013 (has links)
The majority of laboratory testing errors originate in the pre-analytical phase. While the causes and frequencies of pre-analytical errors are well characterized, there are few studies investigating the cost of these errors. The objective of this research was to build a model to quantify the cost of pre-analytical errors occurring during inpatient complete blood count (CBC) testing at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Sunnybrook). The resultant cost model accounts for the costs of materials, resources, and personnel-time consumed in the CBC testing process. In 2011, pre-analytical errors in inpatient CBC testing cost Sunnybrook $43,462, and represented a loss of 775 employee hours due to laboratory test repetition and error-related activities. This cost model represents the minimum cost of a pre-analytical error, as costs extraneous to the laboratory were beyond the study scope. Future studies investigating downstream effects of pre-analytical errors and the costs associated with them should be conducted.
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Assessing Patients' and Radiation Therapists’ Perceptions of Safety in Radiation Therapy and Using a Patient-provider Collaborative Checklist to Engage PatientsCrupi, Michael Kyle 21 November 2013 (has links)
Approximately 52% of cancer patients require radiation therapy during the progression of their illness. Radiation therapy is a safe procedure; however, errors may occur and have the potential to harm patients. Recent studies have looked at patient engagement as a means of preventing errors in healthcare. Through interviews and focus groups, this study looks at patients’ and radiation therapists’ current perceptions of safety in radiation therapy and whether they feel that patient engagement in the form of a patient-provider collaborative checklist can improve its safety or the perception of safety. Through workflow observations and literature reviews, a patient-provider collaborative checklist was developed. Furthermore, STAI surveys were conducted to document the progression of patient anxiety through treatment. Feedback from radiation therapists demonstrated their opinions on the usability of the final iteration of the patient-provider collaborative checklist and how it could fit into the clinical setting.
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Pacientų lūkesčių tenkinimas VšĮ Vilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinėje ligoninėje / Satisfaction of patients expectations in Vilnius Emergency HospitalSenina, Marina 21 March 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the research – to evaluate satisfaction of patients expectations in Vilnius emergency university hospital. The object of the research. In-patient expectations in Vilnius emergency university hospital. The hypothesis of the research- patient’s expectations are not successfully satisfied because of the organizational problems, their analysis is useful in order to make better organizational work. Conclusions. Patient's expectayions satisfaction is influenced by the structure of resources in healthcare organization and person's (patient's) individual characteristics.
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