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Hang-Yong High-Speed Railway and Ningbo’s Industrial Structure: A Conceptual AnalysisYing, Dongxuan 01 January 2014 (has links)
High speed railway and promote the economic development of the city. So the operation of high-speed railway in Ningbo to Hangzhou, Ningbo’s opportunity and challenge, tourism, transportation, business, industry, real estate industry, headquarters economy, financial, cultural and creative industries, attract talent. Although short-term high iron research is very difficult to see effect, but through some research can guess and judge the impact of high-speed rail industry of Ningbo city and some Suggestions put forward the Ningbo, Hang-Yong high-speed railway.
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Vliv železnice na rezidenční suburbanizaci v zázemí Prahy: příklad Černošic / The Influence of Railways on Residential Suburbanization in the hinterland of Prague: the example of ČernošiceTrenda, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The Influence of Railways on Residential Suburbanization in the hinterland of Prague: the example of Černošice The target of the diploma thesis is to explain the long term influence of railway on the feature and development of residential suburbanization within the hinterland of Prague. The influence was assessed on the set of information found in the literature and 3 main factors which the thesis deal with. The first factor is the influence of railway on the development of population in relation to residential suburbanization. The second factor is the verification of the existence of railway suburb in the hinterland of Prague in the case of Černošice. The third factor is the influence of railway on the decision making of chosen mode of transport used for commuting. Qualitative and quantitative data were used in the thesis. Statistical data analysis was used as well as the information found in the archives. Keywords: railway, residential suburbanization, Černošice, the hinterland of Prague
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Tillståndsövervakning av järnvägsinfrastruktur : En studie för framtidens sakernas internet-lösningarLindqvist, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Då komponenter för tillståndsövervakning idag är billiga, små storleksmässigt och kraftfullare än tidigare, kan hårdvara byggas ihop, mjukvara programmeras och sedan appliceras på kritiska delar i ett system, mer kostnadseffektivt och i större omfattning än tidigare. I stor skala kallas detta sakernas internet, och är framtiden för underhållsarbete då personal inte längre behöver vara fysiskt närvarande i samma grad som tidigare. En proprietär lösning kostar idag vanligtvis över 5 000 kr. Detta projekt har behandlat prototyper till en kostnad av cirka 1 000 kr med öppen hårdvara och mjukvara, vilket stödjer affärsutveckling och bidrar till ett bredare spektra av leverantörer, vilket sätter press på marknaden gällande olika lösningar. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla och testa mätningar i verklig miljö för tillståndsövervakning av utsatta delar av järnvägsinfrastrukturen, som punktfel i spårläge och spårväxlar. Projektet innefattar prototyper, energihantering, loggning av data och hur användbara dessa data är. Sensorerna är av typen MEMS accelerometrar och olika montage av dessa har testats. Målsättningen har varit att utvärdera hur dessa fungerar i verklig miljö och hur användarvänliga dessa är för att mäta rörelse av räls och sliper. Mer specifikt, avser detta fältprov av accelerometer för uppvakning och energihantering, sensor för insamling av vibrationer för rörelse i spår och analys av insamlad mätdata. Fälttest visade att en accelerometerbaserad uppvakningssensor kan väcka ett mätsystem genom vibrationer i rälsen ca: 70 meter innan tåget kommer fram till sensorn. Tydligaste mätdata för analys erhölls vid montage på slipers samt då ett avstånd på ca: 70 meter togs. Montering i direkt närhet till mätobjektet på rälslivet bidrog till en signal med inslag av högfrekventa vibrationer. Då tydlig mätdata erhölls kunde antal boogies och axlar identifieras vilket kunde verifieras med bild på loket. Mätdata som analyserades kunde via integration erhålla förskjutning i vertikal samt lateral riktning. Detta är användbart, både för infrastrukturförvaltare samt för underhållsentreprenörer, då degradering kan upptäckas i god tid och förebyggande underhållsåtgärder kan sättas in mot berörda feltyper. Den önskade livslängden enligt infrastrukturförvaltare var minst fem år, och efter mätning av strömåtgång enligt nuvarande specifikation så uppnås detta om mätningar sker sju gånger dagligen med litiumbatterier (1200 mAh) som strömkälla. Som ett första steg mot sakernas internet så har detta arbete skapat en god grund för att förverkliga detta. Fortsatt arbete efter detta projekt kan innefatta gprs och Wi-Fi för internetuppkoppling samt strömmätning för att se hur mycket förbrukningen ökar. Parallellkoppling av batterier kan vara en lösning för längre livslängd ifall förbrukningen påverkas markant. Olika varianter av filtrering för en tydligare signal kan också vara av intresse. Andra typer av sensorer, både för verifiering av resultat i denna rapport samt för att utprova alternativ. Detta kan innefatta geofoner, multi-depth deflectometers och andra typer av accelerometrar. / Since condition monitoring devices today are cheap, small size and more powerful than before, hardware can be built together, software programmed, and then applied to critical parts of a system, more cost-effective and to a greater extent than before. On a large scale this is called the Internet of Things, and is the future of today's maintenance work, as staff no longer needs to be physically present to the same extent as before. A proprietary solution today generally costs over 5,000 SEK. This project has processed prototypes at a cost of approximately 1,000 SEK with open hardware and software, which supports business development and contributes to a wider range of suppliers, which puts pressure on the market for different solutions. The purpose of this study is to develop and test measurements in real environment for condition monitoring of exposed parts of the railway infrastructure, such as point errors in track and railroad switches. The project includes prototypes, energy management, data logging and how useful these data are. The sensors are of the type MEMS accelerometers and various assemblies of these have been tested. The goal has been to evaluate how these works in a real environment and how user friendly these are to measure the movement of rails and grinders. Field test showed that an accelerometer-based wake-up sensor can wake a measuring system by vibration in the rail approximately 70 meters before the train reaches the sensor. Clearest measurement data for analysis was obtained when mounted on grinders and when a distance of about 70 meters was taken. Mounting in close proximity to the measurement object on the rail life contributed to a signal with high frequency vibration input. When clear measurement data was obtained, the number of boogies and axes could be identified, this could be verified by image on the train. Measurement data analyzed could through integration obtain displacement in vertical as well as lateral direction. This is useful, both for infrastructure managers and for maintenance entrepreneurs, as degradation can be detected in time and preventive maintenance actions can be set against the relevant failure types. The desired lifespan according to infrastructure managers was at least five years, and after measuring current consumption according to the current specification, this is achieved if measurements take place seven times a day with lithium batteries (1200 mAh) as the power source. As a first step towards the Internet of Things, this work has created a good foundation to make this reality. Continued work after this project may include gprs and Wi-Fi for internet connection as well as current measurement to see how much usage is increasing. Parallel coupling of batteries can be a solution for longer service life if consumption is significantly affected. Different variants of filtering for a clearer signal may also be of interest. Other types of sensors, both for verification of results in this report and for testing alternatives. This may include geophones, multi-depth deflectometers and other types of accelerometers
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Une histoire comptable et financière de la ligne ferroviaire dite de la « petite ceinture » Paris (1853-2014) : Approche par les théories de la décision / An accounting and financial history of the said railroad line of "The small belt" in Paris (1853-2014) : approach by the theories of the decisionDhoiffir, Loutfi 07 February 2015 (has links)
La ligne de Petite Ceinture de Paris est un ancien chemin de fer à double voie de 32 kilomètres de longueur (hors raccordements) qui faisait le tour de Paris à l’intérieur des boulevards des Maréchaux. Ouverte par tronçons de 1852 à 1869, elle est d’abord exclusivement consacrée au trafic de marchandises avant d’être ouverte au trafic de voyageurs, à l’exception de la ligne d’Auteuil, à l’inverse directement ouverte aux voyageurs en 1854 et seulement en 1867 pour les marchandises. Désertée par les Parisiens en raison de la concurrence croissante du métropolitain à partir de 1900, la ligne est, pour l’essentiel de son parcours, fermée au trafic de voyageurs le dimanche 22 juillet 1934, hormis la ligne d’Auteuil, restée ouverte jusqu’en 1985. Le trafic de marchandises a également disparu depuis le début des années 1990, et la ligne est aujourd’hui en grande partie abandonnée et amputée d’une partie de sa longueur. Une portion de la ligne d’Auteuil a toutefois été intégrée en 1988 à la ligne C du RER. De nombreuses gares ont été détruites dont Montsouris. La gare de Passy a été conservée en étant transformée en restaurant. Des gares ont été converties comme la gare de Charonne. Restée à l’abandon depuis 1993, la Petite Ceinture a fait l’objet d’une première phase de concertation en 2013 afin d’en esquisser l’avenir. Notre travail de recherche s’inscrit au coeur de ce débat du devenir de la Petite Ceinture de Paris. Il vise à démontrer l’importance de cette emprise ferroviaire depuis sa création en 1852 jusqu’à sa fermeture en 1934 pour le service de voyageurs. Nous proposons une analyse comparative de la situation de la gestion comptable et financière depuis 1854 à 1934 pour déterminer les différents résultats d’exploitation réalisés afin d’évaluer la performance financière de la ligne. Notre démarche consiste à comprendre pourquoi des hommes intelligents, en possession de tous leurs moyens, ont-ils pu prendre la décision d’interrompre volontairement l’activité de la ligne Petite Ceinture. Quels sont les conséquences de la mise en jachère de très long terme de cette plate-forme ferroviaire ? Quels sont les manques à gagner de cette mise en sommeil ? Peu de recherches se sont basées sur cette démarche, et notre travail de recherche était d’étudier les différentes approches de la décision fondées sur les théories de la décision rationnelle de Simon, de Cyert et de March et sur les théories de la décision absurde de Christian Morel. Après confrontation de ces différentes approches, nous avons tiré comme résultat pour échapper à la non décision, l’application de la théorie de la métarègle de la fiabilité. / The Line Little Belt is a former Paris railway line double track 32 kilometers in length (excluding connections) who went around Paris within the boulevards of the Marshals. Opened by sections 1852 to 1869, it is first devoted exclusively to freight traffic before being opened for passenger traffic, with the exception of the Auteuil line, unlike directly open to travelers in 1854 and only in 1867 for goods. Deserted by Parisians because of growing competition from the Metropolitan in 1900, the line is, for most of his career, closed to passenger traffic Sunday, July 22, 1934, except the Auteuil line remained open until in 1985. Freight traffic has disappeared since the early 1990s, and the line is now largely abandoned and missing a portion of its length. A portion of the Auteuil line, however, was built in 1988 to the RER C line. Many stations were destroyed including Montsouris. Passy Station has been preserved by being converted into a restaurant. Stations were converted as station Charonne. Remained abandoned since 1993, the Little Belt has been the subject of a first phase of consultation in 2013 in order to sketch the future. Our research is at the heart of the debate about the future of the Little Belt Paris. It aims to demonstrate the importance of the railway line since its inception in 1852 until it closed in 1934 for passenger service. We provide a comparative analysis of the situation of the accounting and financial management from 1854 to 1934 to determine the different results of operations conducted to evaluate the financial performance of the line. Our approach is to understand why intelligent men, in possession of all their resources, they have taken the decision to voluntarily stop the activity of theLittle Belt line. What are the consequences of setting aside of the very long term of this railway platform? What are theshortfalls of this Sleep? Little research has been based on this approach, and our research was to study the differentapproaches to the decision based on the theories of rational decision of Simon of Cyert and March and the absurd theories of decision Christian More l . After comparison of these different approaches, we have learned as a result to escape the non-decision, applying the theory of meta-rule of the reliability.
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Vliv železničního hluku na cenu bydlení v Praze: studie hedonické ceny / The effect of the train noise on prices od properties in Prague:hedonic pricing methodŠebková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine what is the effect of the train noise on prices of properties in Prague. This influence is investigated by using the method of hedonic price. The theoretical part is devoted not only to the problematic of the train noise and its physical properties but also to its impact on humans and the prices of apartments. Then the train noise is specified as well as its issuers and the ways in which it is possible to defend from the negative effects of the impact of the train noise. The thesis also explains the various stages of the method of hedonic price together with the theoretical part of Foreign Studies which have been engaged in using the method of hedonic price and the train noise. In the empirical part are used the knowledge from search, the selected variables are discussed and are submitted to descriptive analysis and the hypothesis are given. Then the model works through a regression analysis of function of the method of hedonic price and the various results are discussed. This thesis finishes by calculating the implicit prices and elasticities for the individual variables in the selected models. At the very end recommendations and the benefits resulting from the analysis are drawn.
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What Are the Security Challenges Concerning Maintenance Data in the Railway IndustryKhan, Hiba January 2019 (has links)
Recently, technology advancement has brought improvement in all the sectors, including the railway sector. The Internet of Things (IoT) based railway systems have immense potential to improve quality and systems that will enable more efficient, environmental friendly railway system. Many research brought innovations that offer enormous benefits for rail travel. The current research focuses on the railway industries, as they want to reap the benefits of IT concept such as Cloud Computing, Information Security, and Internet of Things (IoT). Railway industries are generating a large volume of data every day from different sources. In addition, machine and human interactions are rapidly increasing along with the development of technologies. This data need to be properly gathered, analysed and shared in a way that it is safe from different types of cyberattacks and calamities. To overcome smart devices’ and Cloud’s limitations, the new paradigm known as Fog computing has appeared. In which an additional layer processes the data and sends the results to the Cloud. Despite numerous benefits of Fog, computing brings into IoT-based environments, privacy and security issues remain the main challenge for its implementation. Hence, the primary purpose of this research is to investigate the potential challenges, consequences, threats, vulnerabilities, and risk management of data security in the railway infrastructure in the context of eMaintenance.
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Resecentrum i perifera lägen : Ett konceptförslag för resecentrum i Piteå kopplat till NorrbotniabananStandar, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
At present, a large part of the products from the north is transported on the main line through upper Norrland, which handles all railway transports through Norrland. The track does not meet today´s requirements for freight transport because of its curvy and hilly traction, its only track and the fact that it is located far from the coast where most industries are situated. In 2002, the investigation of a new coastal railway began, which can relieve the main line from freight traffic, but also promote passenger transport by dimidiated travel times and increased communication between the cities. The new railway was named Norrbotniabanan and is planned to pass through the larger cities along the coast. Piteå is the city that has the most possible route options and potential locations for the railway station. After a number of investigations, only two alternative tractions through Piteå remains, alternatives P1 and P2. In alternative P1, or the Coastal route, Norrbotniabanan is supposed to run parallel with E4. A travel center is planned to be located south of Lomtjärn and west of E4. In the other alternative P2, or the Central route, the track would pass through the center of Piteå where the travel center would be located also. The purpose of this work has been to investigate the potential of Lomtjärn Travel Center in the alternative coastal route of the Norrbotniabanan railway. The aim was to be able to specify which features that should be implemented to achieve the best design for the Lomtjärn Travel Center in its peripheral position, with regard to social and ecological sustainability, to promote passenger transport. In order to achieve the aim information was obtained by a literature study linked to the railway station's basic properties and importance to the city. Furthermore, a study was conducted of existing peripheral stations to gather inspiration and see how others had solved various functions connected to the station. A site analysis was also conducted where the travel centers location previously determined by the municipality was analyzed to find out if it really was the best location in the area. The above studies and analyzes resulted in a concept proposal for the design of the Lomtjärn Travel Center. Early on, accessibility proved to be one of the most important success of the location of a railway station. The passage over the railway tracks and E4 is seen as the most important accessibility action because it breaks the barrier created by E4 and creates access to the station from two directions. Other measures that contribute to increased accessibility are the division of the car and cycle parking lots to each side of E4 and the connection between the station and the grocery store at Backen. Another action that is connected to both accessibility and ecological sustainability is the transport between the station and the center, as it strengthens the connection between them at the same time as it is fossil-free. Good personal security is also seen as important. The decision to choose a raised glazed walkway as a passage instead of a tunnel under the ground is considered to be a positive action for the proposal. Another security action was to add a kiosk, this creates security by adding someone who can oversee the station. Other measures that increase security are the choice to keep the passage open and not add anything that obscures the visibility and the fact that the entire passage is a waiting room, because it allows excellent view of the tracks. A solution that does not have much to do with either social or ecological sustainability, but which is nevertheless believed to be significant for Piteå city is the height of the passage. The height enables it to appear from a longer distance and form a landmark in the northwest while forming an entrance to Piteå.
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Genus i samspel med klass : Fokus på Norrbottniska rallar- och arbetarfamiljer / Intersection of class and gender : The example with navvy- and other working class families in NorrbottenPihl, Per-Jonas January 2018 (has links)
This essay is about classhabitus. It concerns No1Tbottnic railway navvies and other workingÂclass families lifestyle and revealed preferences. Gender and class is seen as important in order to explain gender relations concerning division of labour, childcare and the function of homes. The results show that railway navvies had a clear view concerning appropriate tasks for men and women to perform. The same is true for other working-class families, although they had a more equal view on this. Railway navvies had often bad relations with people outside the family. The children of navvies had a lot of work to perform and these tasks were gender coded. Other workning-class children tasks were more flexible concerning these codes. Living conditions in the homes were generally bad although it was seen as important to arrange things as good as possible.
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A arquitetura da Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro: tipologia de remanescentes do seu tronco oeste / The architecture of the Companhia Paulista Rail Ways: typology of remnantes of its trunk westernSilva, Ana Lucia Arantes da 07 May 2014 (has links)
O patrimônio industrial ferroviário de São Paulo, que está entre os mais ricos e significativos do Brasil, hoje está, em grande parte, legado ao abandono. Apesar da sua importância econômica, social e cultural para a formação do Estado, não tem recebido reconhecimento e apoio oficial suficientes para sua preservação, apenas começando a merecer estudos mais aprofundados. No entanto, as edificações que fazem parte do sistema ferroviário introduziram inovações na construção, materiais e técnicas, nos programas e nas tipologias arquitetônicas. O desenvolvimento e a riqueza paulista, a partir do século XIX, são tributários das ferrovias em todos os aspectos, inclusive o tecnológico e o cultural, o que justifica todos os estudos e pesquisas aprofundados que possam colaborar com a sua preservação. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a preservação do patrimônio ferroviário paulista através da pesquisa documental, inventário, levantamento, registro e análise dos edifícios destinados às estações de passageiros, identificando sua tipologia, a luz de suas características formais e funcionais - implantação, programa, composição formal, organização espacial, materiais e técnicas construtivas, bem como discutiu-se o estado atual destas edificações e o processo de incompreensão, esquecimento e marginalização pelo qual têm passado. A pesquisa foi direcionada a parte do Tronco Oeste da Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro, que conta com a infraestrutura dos antigos ramais de Agudos, Bauru e Jaú. Adotou-se como estudo de casos os Municípios de Brotas, Torrinha, Dois Córregos, Jaú e Pederneiras, levantando os remanescentes que compõe seu complexo ferroviário, mas debruçando-se principalmente sobre suas estações, edificadas nas primeiras décadas do século XX, de modo a investigar suas características e composição. / The industrial railway heritage of São Paulo, that is one of the richest and most significant in Brazil, currently is, in large part, legacy to the abandon. Despite its economic, social and cultural importance for the formation of the State, has not received sufficient recognition and official support for its preservation, just starting to merit further studies. However, the buildings that are part of the rail system introduced innovations in the construction, materials and techniques, in programs and architectural typologies. The paulista development and wealth, from the nineteenth century, are tributaries of the railroads in all aspects, including the technological and cultural, which justifies all depth studies and research that can assist in their preservation. This study aims to contribute to the preservation of São Paulo railroad heritage through documentary research, inventory, survey, recording and analysis of buildings intended for passenger stations, identifying their type, based in their formal and functional characteristics - deployment, program, formal composition, spatial organization, materials and construction techniques, and also discussed the current state of these buildings and the misunderstanding, forgetfulness and marginalization process which they have passed. The research was directed at part of the Trunk Western of the Companhia Paulista Railways, which relies on the infrastructure of the old extensions of Agudos, Bauru and Jau. It was adopted as studies case the Municipalities of Brotas, Torrinha, Dois Córregos, Jau and Pederneiras, raising the remnants that make up its railroad complex, but leaning mostly on their stations, built in the first decades of the twentieth century, investigating their characteristics and composition.
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Avaliação socioeconômica de uma rede ferroviária regional para o transporte de passageiros / Socioeconomic assessment of a regional railway network for passenger transportIsler, Cassiano Augusto 15 May 2015 (has links)
A utilização majoritária da malha ferroviária brasileira para o transporte de cargas e a sua incompatibilidade para desenvolvimento de altas velocidades inviabiliza a oferta de serviços competitivos para o transporte intermunicipal de passageiros. A questão explorada nesta tese é sobre qual tecnologia ferroviária provê melhores resultados socioeconômicos no contexto de uma nova rede para o transporte intermunicipal de passageiros com operação exclusiva de Trens de Alto Desempenho (High Performance Trains - HPTs) ou Trens de Alta Velocidade (High Speed Trains - HSTs), caracterizados por velocidades médias de 150 km/h e 300 km/h respectivamente. Nesse sentido, a hipótese é que a diferença entre benefícios e custos socioeconômicos da oferta de serviços de HSTs resultam em valores positivos e maiores do que aquelas decorrentes da operação de HPTs, mediante parâmetros específicos de avaliação socioeconômica e uma configuração hipotética de rede na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Assim, o objetivo principal da tese é estimar e comparar os custos e benefícios socioeconômicos de uma rede ferroviária pela estimativa dos investimentos para a construção de novos traçados ferroviários, estimativa do número de viagens intermunicipais na Região Sudeste em um horizonte de planejamento estratégico e a propensão à escolha modal, estabelecimento de uma formulação de Análise Custo-Benefício (Cost Benefit Analysis - CBA) e aplicação dos modelos em cenários considerando a operação exclusiva de HPTs ou de HSTs. A resolução do problema de otimização de traçados ferroviários, com uma abordagem de computação paralela aplicada a um Algoritmo Genético, indica que os investimentos em infraestrutura variam majoritariamente em função da topografia, os custos de desapropriações são proporcionalmente pequenos e as restrições geométricas dos traçados não influenciam significativamente nesses resultados. Após a projeção do número de viagens intermunicipais por modelos analíticos, os dados coletados em uma pesquisa de preferência declarada são utilizados para modelagem da propensão à escolha modal. Finalmente, uma proposta de formulação para o cálculo dos principais itens de custos e benefícios de uma avaliação socioeconômica para o transporte ferroviário de passageiros viabiliza a análise de cenários em função de produtividade da construção da infraestrutura, variabilidade dos investimentos estimados e capacidade de atração de demanda reprimida. Os resultados dos cenários indicam que a diferença entre os benefícios estritamente econômicos (receita operacional e valor residual dos investimentos em infraestrutura) e os custos de construção e operacionais são negativos para qualquer tarifa ferroviária, apesar dos resultados para a rede de HSTs serem maiores do que para a de HPTs. Considerando os aspectos sociais, os benefícios totais da operação ferroviária sobrepõem-se aos seus custos em situações tarifárias específicas, novamente com resultados maiores para uma rede de HSTs, cuja tendência também é observada quando apenas os benefícios sociais são relacionados com custos totais através de uma Razão Benefício-Custo (Benefit-Cost Ratio - BCR). Portanto, segundo as premissas desta tese, há indícios que o investimento em uma infraestrutura ferroviária aparentemente não é uma decisão promissora em termos de viabilidade socioeconômica, apesar da operação de HSTs ser mais conveniente do que HPTs nas condições analisadas. / The major use of the Brazilian railway network for freight transport and its incompatibi-lity with high speed trains does not enable running competitive services of intercity passenger transport. The research question of this thesis is which rolling stock technology provides better socioeconomic results on a new intercity passenger network with exclusive operation of High Performance Trains (HPTs) or High Speed Trains (HSTs) with average speeds of 150 km/h and 300 km/h respectively. The hypothesis is that the difference between the socioeconomic benefits and costs of operating HSTs results in positive values and greater than those from the operation of HPTs given specific socioeconomic parameters and a hypothetical network in the Southeastern region of Brazil. The main goal of this research is to estimate and compare the major socioeconomic costs and benefits of a hypothetical railway network by first estimating the required investments of new alignments. Furthermore, the number of trips among cities in the Southeastern Region over a strategic planning horizon and the mode choice are estimated and a Cost-Benefit Analysis formulation is provided to be applied to scenarios of exclusive operation of HPTs or HSTs. The solution of the railway alignment optimization problem with a parallel computing approach applied to a Genetic Algorithm shows that the infrastructure investments vary mainly due to the topography, whereas the expropriation costs are proporti-onally small and the railway geometric constraints do not significantly affect the results. The number of trips by transport mode over a planning horizon is expanded analytically and the collected data of a stated preference survey is applied to a mode choice modeling approach. Finally, a formulation for the major items of costs and benefits of a socioeconomic assessment for a rail passenger transport project is proposed and it is applied to specific scenarios where the effects of the infrastructure building productivity, variability of the estimated investments, and the ability to attract new passengers are analyzed. The results from these scenarios show that the difference between the operating income and the net residual value of investments in infrastructure, construction and operating costs are negative for any rail fare, despite the results for the network of HSTs being higher than for HPTs. Furthermore, the overall benefits of the railway operation outweigh the costs in specific pricing policies with better results for a network operating HSTs. This trend is also noticed when only the social benefits are compared to the total costs by a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR). Therefore, there is evidence that the investment in railway infrastructure for passenger transport apparently is not a promising decision in terms of socioeconomic feasibility under the assumptions of this thesis, despite the operation of HSTs being more attractive than HPTs under the specified conditions.
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