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The Characterization and Utilization of Middle-range Sequence Patterns within the Human GenomeShepard, Samuel Steven 20 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Design of a Hardware Security PUF Immune to Machine Learning AttacksPundir, Nitin K., Pundir January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Sequence alignmentChia, Nicholas Lee-Ping 13 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Quasi-random hypergraphs and extremal problems for hypergraphsPerson, Yury 06 December 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird zuerst das Theorem von Chung, Graham und Wilson über quasi-zufällige Graphen zur sogenannten schwachen Quasi-Zufälligkeit für k-uniforme Hypergraphen verallgemeinert und somit eine Reihe äquivalenter Eigenschaften bestimmt. Basierend auf diesen Resultaten werden nichtbipartite Graphen gefunden, welche die Quasi-Zufälligkeit für Graphen ``forcieren''''. Zuvor waren nur bipartite Graphen mit dieser Eigenschaft bekannt. Desweiteren ist ein konzeptionell einfacher Algorithmus zum Verifizieren nicht erfüllbarer zufälliger k-SAT Formeln angegeben. Dann richtet sich der Fokus auf Anwendungen verschiedener Regularitätslemmata für Hypergraphen. Zuerst wird die Menge aller bezeichneten 3-uniformen Hypergraphen auf n Knoten, die keine Kopie des Hypergraphen der Fano Ebene enthalten, studiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass fast jedes Element aus dieser Menge ein bipartiter Hypergraph ist. Dies führt zu einem Algorithmus, der in polynomiell erwarteter Zeit einen zufälligen Fano-freien (und somit einen zufälligen bipartiten 3-uniformen) Hypergraphen richtig färbt. Schließlich wird die folgende extremale Funktion studiert. Es sind r Farben gegeben sowie ein k-uniformer Hypergraph F. Auf wie viele verschiedene Arten kann man die Kanten eines k-uniformen Hypergraphen H färben, so dass keine monochromatische Kopie von F entsteht? Welche Hypergraphen H maximieren die Anzahl erlaubter Kantenfärbungen? Hier wird ein strukturelles Resultat für eine natürliche Klasse von Hypergraphen bewiesen. Es wird für viele Hypergraphen F, deren extremaler Hypergraph bekannt ist, gezeigt, dass im Falle von zwei oder drei Farben die extremalen Hypergraphen die oben beschriebene Funktion maximieren, während für vier oder mehr Farben andere Hypergraphen mehr Kantenfärbungen zulassen. / This thesis presents first one possible generalization of the result of Chung, Graham and Wilson to k-uniform hypergraphs, and studies the so-called weak quasi-randomness. As applications we obtain a simple strong refutation algorithm for random sparse k-SAT formulas and we identify first non-bipartite forcing pairs for quasi-random graphs. Our focus then shifts from the study of quasi-random objects to applications of different versions of the hypergraph regularity lemmas; all these versions assert decompositions of hypergraphs into constantly many quasi-random parts, where the meaning of ``quasi-random'''' takes different contexts in different situations. We study the family of hypergraphs not containing the hypergraph of the Fano plane as a subhypergraph, and show that almost all members of this family are bipartite. As a consequence an algorithm for coloring bipartite 3-uniform hypergraphs with average polynomial running time is given. Then the following combinatorial extremal problem is considered. Suppose one is given r colors and a fixed hypergraph F. The question is: In at most how many ways can one color the hyperedges of a hypergraph H on n vertices such that no monochromatic copy of F is created? What are the extremal hypergraphs for this function? Here a structural result for a natural family of hypergraphs F is proven. For some special classes of hypergraphs we show that their extremal hypergraphs (for large n) maximize the number of edge colorings for 2 and 3 colors, while for at least 4 colors other hypergraphs are optimal.
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Universal homophonic codingStevens, Charles Cater 11 1900 (has links)
Redundancy in plaintext is a fertile source of attack in any encryption system. Compression before encryption reduces the redundancy in the plaintext, but this does not make a cipher more secure. The cipher text is still susceptible to known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks.
The aim of homophonic coding is to convert a plaintext source into a random sequence by randomly mapping each source symbol into one of a set of homophones. Each homophone is then encoded by a source coder after which it can be encrypted with a cryptographic system. The security of homophonic coding falls into the class of unconditionally secure ciphers.
The main advantage of homophonic coding over pure source coding is that it provides security both against known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks, whereas source coding merely protects against a ciphertext-only attack. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the implementation of an adaptive homophonic coder based on an arithmetic coder. This type of homophonic coding is termed universal, as it is not dependent on the source statistics. / Computer Science / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
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Universal homophonic codingStevens, Charles Cater 11 1900 (has links)
Redundancy in plaintext is a fertile source of attack in any encryption system. Compression before encryption reduces the redundancy in the plaintext, but this does not make a cipher more secure. The cipher text is still susceptible to known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks.
The aim of homophonic coding is to convert a plaintext source into a random sequence by randomly mapping each source symbol into one of a set of homophones. Each homophone is then encoded by a source coder after which it can be encrypted with a cryptographic system. The security of homophonic coding falls into the class of unconditionally secure ciphers.
The main advantage of homophonic coding over pure source coding is that it provides security both against known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks, whereas source coding merely protects against a ciphertext-only attack. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the implementation of an adaptive homophonic coder based on an arithmetic coder. This type of homophonic coding is termed universal, as it is not dependent on the source statistics. / Computer Science / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
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Desenvolvimento de métodos para a geração e controle da emissão em lasers aleatórios e speckle / Generation and control of random lasers emission and speckleSILVA, DANILO M. da 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T11:16:35Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T11:16:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho serão apresentados novos métodos baseados na geração e controle de comprimento de onda em lasers aleatórios e lasers de diodo. Na primeira parte do trabalho será demonstrado um laser aleatório com realimentação localizada em filmes em biopolímeros dopado com corante. O filme é constituído por um ácido desoxirribonucleico e cloreto de cetiltrimetilamônio (DNA-CTMA) dopado com DCM. No dispositivo proposto, a realimentação óptica para o laser aleatório é dada por centros de dispersão posicionados aleatoriamente ao longo das bordas da área ativa. Os elementos de dispersão são nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) ou defeitos aleatórios na interface entre o polímero ativo e ar. Diferentes espectros de emissão são observados, dependendo da geometria da área excitada. Um único ressonador aleatório com dimensões de 2.6 x 0.65 mm2 foi fabricado com emissão aleatória com realimentação obtida pela excitação do dispositivo por completo. A segunda parte deste trabalho apresenta um novo método para a geração e manipulação de franjas de contorno por meio de interferometria speckle com comprimento de onda sintética, usando um único laser de diodo com cavidade externa. A cavidade externa permite sintonizar duas emissões simultaneamente, o que por sua vez muda o intervalo entre as franjas de contorno do interferômetro, além de aumentar a estabilidade do laser. Uma análise de Fourier é proposta como alternativa para medir o comprimento de onda sintético resultante das duas emissões do laser. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Information theory for multi-party peer-to-peer communication protocols / Théorie de l’information pour protocoles de communication peer-to-peerUrrutia, Florent 25 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour sujet les protocoles de communication peer-to-peer asynchrones. Nous introduisons deux mesures basées sur la théorie de l'information,la Public Information Complexity (PIC) et la Multi-party Information Complexity (MIC), étudions leurs propriétés et leur relation avec d'autres mesures fondamentales en calcul distribué, telles que la communication complexity et la randomness complexity. Nous utilisons ensuite ces deux mesures pour étudier la fonction parité et la fonction disjointness. / This thesis is concerned with the study of multi-party communicationprotocols in the asynchronous message-passing peer-to-peer model. We introducetwo new information measures, the Public Information Complexity(PIC) and the Multi-party Information Complexity (MIC), study their propertiesand how they are related to other fundamental quantities in distributedcomputing such as communication complexity and randomness complexity.We then use these two measures to study the parity function and the disjointness function.
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Extremal hypergraph theory and algorithmic regularity lemma for sparse graphsHàn, Hiêp 18 October 2011 (has links)
Einst als Hilfssatz für Szemerédis Theorem entwickelt, hat sich das Regularitätslemma in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten als eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge der Graphentheorie etabliert. Im Wesentlichen hat das Lemma zum Inhalt, dass dichte Graphen durch eine konstante Anzahl quasizufälliger, bipartiter Graphen approximiert werden können, wodurch zwischen deterministischen und zufälligen Graphen eine Brücke geschlagen wird. Da letztere viel einfacher zu handhaben sind, stellt diese Verbindung oftmals eine wertvolle Zusatzinformation dar. Vom Regularitätslemma ausgehend gliedert sich die vorliegende Arbeit in zwei Teile. Mit Fragestellungen der Extremalen Hypergraphentheorie beschäftigt sich der erste Teil der Arbeit. Es wird zunächst eine Version des Regularitätslemmas Hypergraphen angewandt, um asymptotisch scharfe Schranken für das Auftreten von Hamiltonkreisen in uniformen Hypergraphen mit hohem Minimalgrad herzuleiten. Nachgewiesen werden des Weiteren asymptotisch scharfe Schranken für die Existenz von perfekten und nahezu perfekten Matchings in uniformen Hypergraphen mit hohem Minimalgrad. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird ein neuer, Szemerédis ursprüngliches Konzept generalisierender Regularitätsbegriff eingeführt. Diesbezüglich wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, welcher zu einem gegebenen Graphen ohne zu dichte induzierte Subgraphen eine reguläre Partition in polynomieller Zeit berechnet. Als eine Anwendung dieses Resultats wird gezeigt, dass das Problem MAX-CUT für die oben genannte Graphenklasse in polynomieller Zeit bis auf einen multiplikativen Faktor von (1+o(1)) approximierbar ist. Der Untersuchung von Chung, Graham und Wilson zu quasizufälligen Graphen folgend wird ferner der sich aus dem neuen Regularitätskonzept ergebende Begriff der Quasizufälligkeit studiert und in Hinsicht darauf eine Charakterisierung mittels Eigenwertseparation der normalisierten Laplaceschen Matrix angegeben. / Once invented as an auxiliary lemma for Szemerédi''s Theorem the regularity lemma has become one of the most powerful tools in graph theory in the last three decades which has been widely applied in several fields of mathematics and theoretical computer science. Roughly speaking the lemma asserts that dense graphs can be approximated by a constant number of bipartite quasi-random graphs, thus, it narrows the gap between deterministic and random graphs. Since the latter are much easier to handle this information is often very useful. With the regularity lemma as the starting point two roads diverge in this thesis aiming at applications of the concept of regularity on the one hand and clarification of several aspects of this concept on the other. In the first part we deal with questions from extremal hypergraph theory and foremost we will use a generalised version of Szemerédi''s regularity lemma for uniform hypergraphs to prove asymptotically sharp bounds on the minimum degree which ensure the existence of Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs. Moreover, we derive (asymptotically sharp) bounds on minimum degrees of uniform hypergraphs which guarantee the appearance of perfect and nearly perfect matchings. In the second part a novel notion of regularity will be introduced which generalises Szemerédi''s original concept. Concerning this new concept we provide a polynomial time algorithm which computes a regular partition for given graphs without too dense induced subgraphs. As an application we show that for the above mentioned class of graphs the problem MAX-CUT can be approximated within a multiplicative factor of (1+o(1)) in polynomial time. Furthermore, pursuing the line of research of Chung, Graham and Wilson on quasi-random graphs we study the notion of quasi-randomness resulting from the new notion of regularity and concerning this we provide a characterisation in terms of eigenvalue separation of the normalised Laplacian matrix.
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Aléatoire et variabilité dans l’embryogenèse animale, une approche multi-échelle / Randomness and variability in animal embryogenesis, a multi-scale approachVilloutreix, Paul 03 July 2015 (has links)
Nous proposons dans cette thèse de caractériser quantitativement la variabilité à différentes échelles au cours de l'embryogenèse. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons une combinaison de modèles mathématiques et de résultats expérimentaux. Dans la première partie, nous utilisons une petite cohorte d'oursins digitaux pour construire une représentation prototypique du lignage cellulaire, reliant les caractéristiques des cellules individuelles avec les dynamiques à l'échelle de l'embryon tout entier. Ce modèle probabiliste multi-niveau et empirique repose sur les symétries des embryons et sur les identités cellulaires; cela permet d'identifier un niveau de granularité générique pour observer les distributions de caractéristiques cellulaires individuelles. Le prototype est défini comme le barycentre de la cohorte dans la variété statistique correspondante. Parmi plusieurs résultats, nous montrons que la variabilité intra-individuelle est impliquée dans la reproductibilité du développement embryonnaire. Dans la seconde partie, nous considérons les mécanismes sources de variabilité au cours du développement et leurs relations à l'évolution. En nous appuyant sur des résultats expérimentaux montrant une pénétrance incomplète et une expressivité variable de phénotype dans une lignée mutante du poisson zèbre, nous proposons une clarification des différents niveaux de variabilité biologique reposant sur une analogie formelle avec le cadre mathématique de la mécanique quantique. Nous trouvons notamment une analogie formelle entre l'intrication quantique et le schéma Mendélien de transmission héréditaire. Dans la troisième partie, nous étudions l'organisation biologique et ses relations aux trajectoires développementales. En adaptant les outils de la topologie algébrique, nous caractérisons des invariants du réseaux de contacts cellulaires extrait d'images de microscopie confocale d'épithéliums de différentes espèces et de différents fonds génétiques. En particulier, nous montrons l'influence des histoires individuelles sur la distribution spatiales des cellules dans un tissu épithélial. / We propose in this thesis to characterize variability quantitatively at various scales during embryogenesis. We use a combination of mathematical models and experimental results. In the first part, we use a small cohort of digital sea urchin embryos to construct a prototypical representation of the cell lineage, which relates individual cell features with embryo-level dynamics. This multi-level data-driven probabilistic model relies on symmetries of the embryo and known cell types, which provide a generic coarse-grained level of observation for distributions of individual cell features. The prototype is defined as the centroid of the cohort in the corresponding statistical manifold. Among several results, we show that intra-individual variability is involved in the reproducibility of the developmental process. In the second part, we consider the mechanisms sources of variability during development and their relations to evolution. Building on experimental results showing variable phenotypic expression and incomplete penetrance in a zebrafish mutant line, we propose a clarification of the various levels of biological variability using a formal analogy with quantum mechanics mathematical framework. Surprisingly, we find a formal analogy between quantum entanglement and Mendel’s idealized scheme of inheritance. In the third part, we study biological organization and its relations to developmental paths. By adapting the tools of algebraic topology, we compute invariants of the network of cellular contacts extracted from confocal microscopy images of epithelia from different species and genetic backgrounds. In particular, we show the influence of individual histories on the spatial distribution of cells in epithelial tissues.
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