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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Ultrafast Ionization in X-ray Coherent Diffraction Imaging / Effekter av Ultrasnabb Jonisering i Röntgen Koherent Diffraktionsavbildning

Sehati, Arezu January 2023 (has links)
Koherent Diffraktionsavbildning med en intensiv röntgenpuls från en Frielektronlaser har möjliggjort strukturbestämning av isolerade nanopartiklar som inte går att studera med hjälp av konventionella metoder, så som elektronmikroskopi. En mycket kort pulslängd tillsammans med spridningssignalens beroende av objektets elektroniska struktur medför också möjligheten att studera inducerad ultrasnabb dynamik med denna teknik. I detta projekt studerades joniseringspåverkan av Xe hos Xe-Ar core-shell-nanokluster. Enligt teorin har neutral Xe lägre spridningstvärsnitt under dess 3d-resonans än det motsvarande för fotonenergier över 3d-resonansen. Därför var en hög kontrast i klustren förväntad vid energier över dess 3d-resonans. I stället observerades mörkare regioner liknande hål i rekonstruktioner från de experimentella resultaten vid energier över 3d-resonansen hos Xe. En möjlig förklaring var jonisering av neutral Xe. För att undersöka detta skapades 3D modeller av Xe-Ar nanokluster för att simulera den interaktionen mellan intensiva röntgenpulser och nanokluster. Diffraktionsmönstren som genererades med hjälp av 3D-modellerna användes sedan för att utföra Iterativ fasrekonstruktion och rekonstruera partikeldensiteten. Brytningsindex av neutral Xe och de första tio jontillstånden hos Xe beräknades med hjälp av en modell konstruerad i detta projekt, kallad för step-model. Följaktligen introducerades samtliga jontillstånden hos Xe från 0 till 10 in i 3D modeller av Xe-Ar nanoklustren med brytningsindexen av jontillstånden uppskattade med hjälp av Kramers-Kronig-relationerna. Här antogs det att samtidigt som resonansen för varje Xe-jon förflyttas visar 𝛽 (det vill säga den imaginära komponenten i det komplexa brytningsindexet) som en funktion av fotonenergin, ett icke-monotoniskt beteende med en förändring i fotonenergin. Simuleringsresultaten erhållna med hjälp av Kramers-Kronig-relationerna visade en avtagande trend för 𝛽 i Xe-joner med en laddning> 4+ till skillnad från en ökning i 𝛽 för joner med en laddning <4+ relativt dess motsvarande för neutral Xe. Denna metod ansågs tillräcklig för att användas som en första approximation. Dessa resultat visade att ju mer Xe joniseras (och därför minskar 𝛽) desto mer transparenta blir Xe-jonerna under en laserpuls och därför ser de mörkare ut jämfört med Ar som har sin resonans långt ifrån fotonenergierna relevanta för detta projekt (660–760 eV). Vidare simulerades temporära förändringar i Xe-jonpopulationer för att bekräfta de erhållna simuleringsresultaten via step-model. En massiv energideposition då den intensiva röntgenpulsen träffar Xe-kärnorna initierar en serie av joniseringsmekanismer under de första få femtosekunderna av pulsen. Simuleringar för de jonpopulationer som uppstår och försvinner under förloppet av en 100 femtosekunder-lång röntgenpuls visade att jontillstånd mellan 1+ och 10+ är redan förbrukade efter några få femtosekunder vid 1016 W/cm2. Vid slutet av pulsen observerades endast högt laddade Xe-joner (upp till 35+). Den slutsats som drogs var därför att mörkare regioner som liknade hål och observerades i rekonstruktioner från experimentella data var en konsekvens av en förflyttning av resonansen hos de högt laddade Xe-joner (>4+) relativt dess motsvarande i en neutral Xe så att deras spridning minskar. / Coherent Diffraction Imaging with intense x-ray pulses from X-ray Free-Electron Lasers has enabled structure determination of isolated nanoparticles, that cannot be studied with conventional methods, such as electron microscopy. The very short pulse durations and the intrinsic dependence of the scattering signal on the electronic structure of the scattering object also allow studying ultrafast light-induced dynamics with this technique. In this project, the ionization impact of Xe on Xe-Ar core-shell nanoclusters was studied. Theory predicts that neutral Xe has a lower scattering cross-section below its 3d resonance than that at photon energies above its 3d resonance. Therefore, a high contrast in clusters above the neutral Xe’s 3d resonance is expected. However, in the experimental data, unusual dark features resembling holes were observed at energies above Xe’s 3d resonance. As possible explanation, ionization of neutral Xe was suggested. To investigate this, 3D models of Xe-Ar nanoclusters were created to simulate the interaction of intense x-ray pulses and nanoclusters. The diffraction patterns generated by these 3D models were used to perform Iterative Phase Retrieval to reconstruct the particle densities. The refractive indices of neutral Xe and Xe’s first ten ionic states were computed using a model designed in this project, called the step-model. Hence, each and every ionic state of Xe from 0 to 10 were introduced into the 3D models of the Xe-Ar nanoclusters with refractive indices of the ionic states estimated based on the Kramers-Kronig relations. Here, it was assumed that as the resonance is shifting for every ionic state of Xe, 𝛽 (i.e the imaginary component of the complex refractive index) as a function of photon energy shows a nonmonotonic behavior as the photon energy is varied. The simulation results by Kramers-Kronig relations showed a decrease in 𝛽 for ionic states > 4+ in contrast to an increase in 𝛽 for ions with charges < 4+ relative to that of neutral Xe. This approach was sufficient to be used as a first approximation. The results showed that Xe ions become more transparent to the laser pulse as their charge increases (and 𝛽 thereby decreases) and therefore they appear darker than Ar, which has its resonance far away from photon energies relevant for this project (660–760 eV). Furthermore, temporal changes in ionic populations of Xe were simulated to confirm the simulation results obtained by the step-model. The massive energy deposition upon interaction with the intense laser pulse launches a series of ionization events in the Xe cores during the first few fs of the x-ray pulse. The simulation of ionic populations emerging and depleting during the 100-fs-long 1016 W/cm2 x-ray pulse showed that ionic states 1+ to 10+ are depleted already after a few fs. By the end of the pulse, only highly charged (up to 35+) Xe ions are observed. Therefore, it was concluded that the dark features resembling holes in reconstructions from the experimental data were a consequence of a shift in the resonance of highly charged Xe ions (>4+) relative to that of neutral Xe so that their scattering decreases.

Femtosekunden Photodetachment- Photoelektronenspektroskopie an isolierten und massenselektierten Halogen-Edelgas-Clustern / Femtosecond photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy of isolated and mass selected halogen rare gas clusters

Kopczynski, Matthäus 01 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Diffraction of Metastable Rare-Gas Atoms from Nanostructured Transmission Gratings / Beugung metastabiler Edelgasatome an nanostrukturierten Transmissionsgittern

Walter, Christian 27 November 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation de complexes et agrégats moléculaires en matrice cryogénique / Modeling of complexes and molecular clusters in cryogenic matrices

Iftner, Christophe 20 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le développement et les applications d'un formalisme hybride quantique-classique pour décrire la structure électronique d'un système actif avec un environnement cryogénique (agrégat ou matrice d'atomes de gaz rare). La description quantique de la structure électronique du système actif est faite dans le cadre d'une approximation de type Liaisons Fortes de la Théorie de la Fonctionnelle de la Densité, avec charges atomiques autocohérentes (SCC-DFTB). L'environnement de gaz rare est décrit par des potentiels classiques atome-atome (FF). L'interaction entre le sytème actif et les atomes de l'environnement cryogénique est représentée par des opérateurs matriciels locaux anisotropes électron-atome, ainsi que par des contributions de polarisation et de dispersion. La détermination des opérateurs et des paramètres d'interaction est extraite de calculs ab initio post Hartree-Fock (CCSD-T) sur les paires atome actif/atome d'argon. Les applications concernent les interactions entre hydrocarbures, agrégats d'eau isolés ou complexes hydrocarbures/eau avec des agrégats et ou des matrices d'argon. Le modèle est validé sur de petits systèmes (molécule C6H6 , molécule H2O) en interaction avec des atomes et agrégats d'argon. Nous avons ainsi déterminé les données structurales et énergétiques pour les agrégats (C6H6)Arn (n < 55) qui ont été comparées à des données ab initio (DFT, CCSD-T) pour les plus petits agrégats, ou à des calculs de champ de force publiés dans la littérature pour les agrégats de plus grande taille. Le modèle permet également un traitement unifié de différentes situations électroniques permettant ainsi la détermination de l'évolution des potentiels d'ionisation du système actif en fonction de la taille n de l'agrégat solvatant. Le modèle DFTB/FF a ensuite été appliqué à des molécules et nano-agrégats d'eau (H2O)n (n=2-6) insérés dans des matrices d'argon, représentées par des sous-ensembles finis du réseau cristallin cubique faces centrées. Des données structurales et énergétiques ont été obtenues. Des études de dynamique moléculaire ont permis la détermination de spectres infrarouges (IR) à température finie. La comparaison des spectres IR théoriques caractérisant une molécule d'eau en matrice avec les données expérimentales nous a permis de valider l'approche DFTB/FF. Le cas de l'hexamère (H2O)6, plus petit agrégat présentant une structure tri-dimensionnelle et caractérisé par plusieurs isomères stables, a été étudié de façon exhaustive : l'effet de la matrice sur les structures de certains de ces isomères a été mis en évidence, ainsi que des effets différentiels sur leur stabilités respectives. Une influence sur les positions des bandes IR des agrégats a également été montrée. Les résultats obtenus permettent une interprétation satisfaisante des données expérimentales existantes pour les plus petits agrégats. L'assignation des spectres expérimentaux de l'hexamère demeure incertaine. Enfin, des résultats préliminaires sur les structures, l'énergétique et les spectres IR à température finie ont été obtenus pour des complexes d'Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques avec l'eau (HAP-H2O) en matrices d'argon. L'ensemble des données obtenues pour ces complexes est discuté en relation avec les résultats expérimentaux en environnement cryogénique obtenus dans l'équipe de Joëlle Mascetti de l'Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de l'Université Bordeaux I, dans le cadre d'une collaboration ANR (ANR PARCS no 13-BS08-0005). Ce travail a bénéficié d'une allocation de thèse co-financée par l'Institut de Physique du CNRS et le Conseil Régional de la région Midi-Pyrénées. / This thesis presents the development and applications of an hybrid quantum-classical formalism in order to describe the electronic structure of an active system in a cryogenic environment (cluster or rare gas matrix). The quantum description of the electronical structure of the active system is based on a a tight-binding approximation of the density functional theory, with self-consistency regarding the charges (SCC-DFTB). The rare gaz environment is described via classical atom-atom potential (FF). The interaction between the active system and the atoms of the cryogenic environment is represented by local anisotropic matricial electron-atom operators, as well as by polarisation and dispersion contributions. Operators and interaction parameters are extracted from post Hartree-Fock \textit{ab initio} calculations (CCSD-T) of active atom/argon atom pairs. The applications involve hydrocarbons, isolated water clusters or hydrocarbon/water complexes in interaction with argon clusters or matrices. The model has been validated on small systems (C6H6 molecule, H2O molecule) in interaction with argon atoms and clusters. We have been able to determine structural and energetic data for (C6H6)Arn (n < 55) clusters which are benchmarked against ab initio results (DFT,CCSD-T) for the smaller sizes, or with respect to FF calculations, available in the literature, for larger sized clusters. The model enables to treat various electronic situations, allows in particular to determine the evolution of the ionization potentials of the active system as a function of the inert cluster size. The SCC-DFTB/FF model has then been applied to water molecules and water nano-clusters (H2O)n (n=2-6) embedded in argon matrices, represented by finite size cristal pieces of the face centered cubic lattice. Structural and energetical data have been obtained. Molecular dynamics studies have enabled the determination of finite temperature infrared (IR) spectra. Comparison between the theoretical and experimental spectra of the water monomer embedded in the matrix validates the SCC-DFTB/FF approach. The case of the water hexamer (H2O)6, the smallest cluster presenting a three-dimensional structure and caracterized by several low-energy isomers, has been investigated exhaustively : the effect of the matrix on the structures of some isomers has been shown as well as differential effects on their respective stabilities. An influence on IR lines positions has also been highlighted. Our theoretical study allows for a satisfactory interpretation of the experimental data for the smallest clusters (n<4). The assignment of the experimental spectra of the hexamer remains in discussion. Finally, preliminary results on structures, energetics and finite temperature IR spectra have been obtained for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) /water complexes. The results for the complexes are discussed in relation with experimental data obtained in the team of Joëlle Mascetti at the Institute of Molecular Sciences (University of Bordeaux I), in the context of an ANR collaborative project (ANR PARCS no 13-BS08-0005). The thesis has been co-financed by the CNRS Institute of Physics and Conseil Regional of Region Midi-Pyrénées.

Computational and Experimental Investigations Concerning Rare Gas and DPAL Lasers and a Relaxation Kinetics Investigation of the Br<sub>2</sub> + 2NO = 2BrNO Equilibrium

Schmitz, Joel R. 19 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

A Treatise on the Geometric and Electronic Structure of Clusters : Investigated by Synchrotron Radiation Based Electron Spectroscopies

Lindblad, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Clusters are finite ensembles of atoms or molecules with sizes in the nanometer regime (<i>i.e.</i> nanoparticles). This thesis present results on the geometric and electronic structure of homogeneous and heterogeneous combinations of atoms and molecules. The systems have been studied with synchrotron radiation and valence, core and Auger electron spectroscopic techniques.</p><p>The first theme of the thesis is that of mixed clusters. It is shown that by varying the cluster production technique both structures that are close to that predicted by equilibrium considerations can be attained as well as far from equilibrium structures.</p><p>Electronic processes following ionization constitute the second theme. The post-collision interaction phenomenon, energy exchange between the photo- and the Auger electrons, is shown to be different in clusters of argon, krypton and xenon. A model is proposed that takes polarization screening in the final state into account. This result is of general character and should be applicable to the analysis of core level photoelectron and Auger electron spectra of insulating and semi-conducting bulk materials as well.</p><p>Interatomic Coloumbic Decay is a process that can occur in the condensed phases of weakly bonded systems. Results on the time-scale of the process in Ne clusters and mixed Ar/Ne clusters are herein discussed, as well observations of resonant contributions to the process. In analogy to Auger <i>vis-à-vis</i> Resonant Auger it is found that to the ICD process there is a corresponding Resonant ICD process possible. This has later been observed in other systems and by theoretical calculations as well in subsequent works by other groups.</p><p>Delocalization of dicationic valence final states in the hydrogen bonded ammonia clusters and aqueous ammonia has also been investigated by Auger electron spectroscopy. With those results it was possible to assign a previously observed feature in the Auger electron spectrum of solid ammonia.</p>

A Treatise on the Geometric and Electronic Structure of Clusters : Investigated by Synchrotron Radiation Based Electron Spectroscopies

Lindblad, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Clusters are finite ensembles of atoms or molecules with sizes in the nanometer regime (i.e. nanoparticles). This thesis present results on the geometric and electronic structure of homogeneous and heterogeneous combinations of atoms and molecules. The systems have been studied with synchrotron radiation and valence, core and Auger electron spectroscopic techniques. The first theme of the thesis is that of mixed clusters. It is shown that by varying the cluster production technique both structures that are close to that predicted by equilibrium considerations can be attained as well as far from equilibrium structures. Electronic processes following ionization constitute the second theme. The post-collision interaction phenomenon, energy exchange between the photo- and the Auger electrons, is shown to be different in clusters of argon, krypton and xenon. A model is proposed that takes polarization screening in the final state into account. This result is of general character and should be applicable to the analysis of core level photoelectron and Auger electron spectra of insulating and semi-conducting bulk materials as well. Interatomic Coloumbic Decay is a process that can occur in the condensed phases of weakly bonded systems. Results on the time-scale of the process in Ne clusters and mixed Ar/Ne clusters are herein discussed, as well observations of resonant contributions to the process. In analogy to Auger vis-à-vis Resonant Auger it is found that to the ICD process there is a corresponding Resonant ICD process possible. This has later been observed in other systems and by theoretical calculations as well in subsequent works by other groups. Delocalization of dicationic valence final states in the hydrogen bonded ammonia clusters and aqueous ammonia has also been investigated by Auger electron spectroscopy. With those results it was possible to assign a previously observed feature in the Auger electron spectrum of solid ammonia.

Rare-gas clusters in intense VUV laser fields

Georgescu, Ionut 09 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A hybrid quantum-classical approach to the interaction of atomic clusters with intense laser fields in the vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) has been developed. Much emphasis is put on localized electrons, those quasi-free electrons which localize about the ions and screen them. These electrons set a time scale, which is used to interpolate between the quantum, rate based description of photon absorption by bound electrons and the classical, deterministic description of the cluster nano-plasma. Typical observables such as total energy absorption, electron and ion spectra are in very good agreement with the experimental findings. A scheme to probe the multi-electron motion in clusters with attosecond laser pulses is introduced. Conventional final state measurements in the energy domain cannot provide information about earlier states of the system due to the incoherent nature of the dynamics. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the extreme ultra-violet (XUV) are used to probe the transient charging of the cluster ions during the interaction with the laser by measuring the kinetic energy of the electrons detached by the probe pulse. This information is otherwise lost at later times due to recombination. Knowledge about the transient charging would also shed more light on the still controversial subject of the energy absorption mechanisms in the VUV regime. Moving to shorter duration of the excitation, the characteristic time-scales for ionization and plasma equilibration are inversed. An attosecond laser pulse in the VUV regime creates a dense, warm nano-plasma far from equilibrium. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the XUV probe then both the creation and the relaxation. The latter shows the breakup of the Bogoliubov hierarchy of characteristic times, indicating strongly-coupled plasma dynamics and drawing parallels to the relaxation of extended ultra-cold neutral plasmas with millions of particles.

Rare-gas clusters in intense VUV laser fields

Georgescu, Ionut 28 July 2008 (has links)
A hybrid quantum-classical approach to the interaction of atomic clusters with intense laser fields in the vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) has been developed. Much emphasis is put on localized electrons, those quasi-free electrons which localize about the ions and screen them. These electrons set a time scale, which is used to interpolate between the quantum, rate based description of photon absorption by bound electrons and the classical, deterministic description of the cluster nano-plasma. Typical observables such as total energy absorption, electron and ion spectra are in very good agreement with the experimental findings. A scheme to probe the multi-electron motion in clusters with attosecond laser pulses is introduced. Conventional final state measurements in the energy domain cannot provide information about earlier states of the system due to the incoherent nature of the dynamics. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the extreme ultra-violet (XUV) are used to probe the transient charging of the cluster ions during the interaction with the laser by measuring the kinetic energy of the electrons detached by the probe pulse. This information is otherwise lost at later times due to recombination. Knowledge about the transient charging would also shed more light on the still controversial subject of the energy absorption mechanisms in the VUV regime. Moving to shorter duration of the excitation, the characteristic time-scales for ionization and plasma equilibration are inversed. An attosecond laser pulse in the VUV regime creates a dense, warm nano-plasma far from equilibrium. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the XUV probe then both the creation and the relaxation. The latter shows the breakup of the Bogoliubov hierarchy of characteristic times, indicating strongly-coupled plasma dynamics and drawing parallels to the relaxation of extended ultra-cold neutral plasmas with millions of particles.

Photodissoziation von Halogenwasserstoff- und orientierten Wasserstoff-Edelgas-Halogen-Molekülen in Clusterumgebungen / Photodissociation of hydrogen halide and oriented hydrogen-rare gas-halogen molecules in cluster environments

Nahler, Nils Hendrik 28 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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