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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suaugusiųjų ir profesinio mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai / Motivation and obstacles for the adult education and vocational training

Vilūnienė, Daiva 12 July 2011 (has links)
Šeštokaitė D. Suaugusiųjų ir profesinio mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai / SKI socialinės pedagogikos katedros magistro baigiamasis darbas.- Vilnius VPU, SKI, 2011. - 54 p. SKI Socialinės pedagogikos katedros magistro baigiamajame darbe aptariami suaugusiųjų ir profesinių rengimo centrų mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai. Darbe iškelta problema, kodėl mokinių mokymosi motyvacija įgyti profesiją lyginant su aukštojo mokslo lygmeniu yra žema. Mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai yra reikšminga problema mokymosi procesui, nes mokiniams atsiranda įvairios priežastys, kurios nulemia motyvacijos stoką mokymosi procesui. Sprendimų paieška gali padėti profesinį rengimą padaryti labiau patraukliu ir pašalinti motyvaciją slopinančius veiksnius. Anketinės apklausos rezultatų analizė atskleidžia, kokie motyvai skatina juos mokytis šiuose centruose. Tyrinėti ir palyginti motyvai, barjerai įvairaus amžiaus grupėse. Iškeltas tyrimo tikslas: ištirti suaugusiųjų ir profesinio mokymosi motyvus ir motyvacijos barjerus. Tyrime panaudoti matematiniai statistikos metodai: SPSS programa. Šiame darbe panaudoti metodai: lyginamasis ir aprašomasis, kokybinis - empirinis tyrimas interviu, anketinė apklausa. Apklausoje, atliktoje 2011 metų sausio mėnesį, dalyvavo suaugusiųjų ir profesinio rengimo centrų mokiniai. Į anketos klausimus atsakė 122 vyrai ir 78 moterys, taigi tyrime buvo operuojama šių anketų duomenimis. Atlikome kokybinį - empirinį tyrimą interviu, jo tikslas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Šeštokaitė D. The reasons of adult and vocational education and motivational barriers / Social Communication Institute, the Department of Social Education, Master’s degree final thesis. – Vilnius VPU, Social Communication Institute, 2011. – 54 pg. This final thesis covers the reasons of education in adult and vocational centres and motivational barriers. The main issue of the thesis is the reasons why the motivation of students acquiring vocation in comparison with the level of higher education is low. The reasons of education as well as motivational barriers are very significant issues for the process of learning as students find various reasons affecting the lack of motivation while learning. Searching for possible solutions may help to make vocational education more attractive and to eliminate the factors restraining the motivation. The results of the questionnaire reveal what causes students to learn in these centres. The causes as well as the barriers in different age groups were analysed and compared. The main purpose of the analysis was to study the reasons of adult and vocational education and the motivational barriers. The study involved mathematical statistic methods: SPSS program. The methods used in this thesis are the following: comparative, descriptive and qualitative – the empirical interviewing survey and a questionnaire. The survey was done in January 2011 and the students of adult and vocational education centres participated in it. 122 men and 78 women... [to full text]

Socioedukacinės mokyklos nelankymo priežastys: pedagogų ir moksleivių požiūris / Socioeducational dropouts: teachers and students 'attitude

Černauskaitė, Laima 23 January 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamos socioedukacinės mokyklos nelankymo priežastys ir atskleidžiamas pedagogų ir mokinių požiūris į socioedukacines priežastis, sąlygojančias mokyklos nelankymą. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad mokiniai socioedukacines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis skirsto į tris kategorijas: socialines, pedagogines ir psichologines. Jų vertinimu psichologinėmis priežastimis yra, silpna mokymosi motyvacija, baimė lankyti mokyklą, menkavertiškumas, žemas savęs vertinimas, elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimai. Socialinės priežastys – šeimos narių tarpusavio santykių šaltumas, tėvų atsakomybės stoka, vaikų nepriežiūra, netinkamas tėvų gyvenimo būdas, šeimos vertybių nebuvimas, tėvų girtavimas. Pedagoginės priežastys – nesutarimai su bendraklasiais, konfliktai su mokytojais, sunkios mokymosi programos, nesaugumas mokykloje, nepakankamas mokyklos administracijos ir vaiko šeimos bendravimas ir bendradarbiavimas, mokymosi gabumų stoka. Tyrimo metu mokiniai atskleidė, kad pagalbą šalinant socioedukacines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis dažniausiai teikia socialinis pedagogas. Pedagogų vertinimų socioedukacinės mokyklos nelankymo priežastys glūdi mokinio šeimoje, klasėje, bendraamžių grupėje. Pedagogai nurodė šias socioedukacines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis: mokymosi motyvacijos stoka, blogi santykiai šeimoje, paramos ir dėmesio stoka, vaiko asmenybės sutrikimai. Pedagogai atskleidė, kad socioedukacines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis šalina socialiniai pedagogai ir su šiais mokiniais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Undergraduate thesis analyzes the social educational dropouts and reveals teachers and students socio-educational approach to the causes which lead to dropping out of school. The study revealed that students socioeducational dropouts fall into three categories: social, educational and psychological. Psychological reasons, poor motivation, fear of school, inferiority, low self-esteem, emotional and behavioral disorders. Social reasons - family relationships coldness, lack of parental responsibility, child neglect, parental lifestyle, lack of family values, parents' drinking. Pedagogical reasons - disagreements with classmates, conflicts with teachers, severe educational programs, school insecurity, lack of school administration and the child's family communication and collaboration, learning skills shortages. The study revealed the students to help the removal of socio-educational school attendance reasons most often provided by a social educator. Teachers argued that the social educational dropouts lie student in the family, in the classroom, peer group. Teachers indicated the following socioeducational school attendance reasons: lack of motivation, poor family relationships, support, and lack of attention, the child's personality disorders. Teachers revealed that the socio-educational school attendance underlying causes of social educators and students working with these individual work. It turned out that the social educators removing socio-educational school attendance... [to full text]

Stopptidsanalys i hyvelanläggningen vid VIDA Vislanda / Stop time analysis in the planing facility at VIDA Vislanda

Isaksson, Eddie, Klitsch, Robert January 2015 (has links)
VIDA Vislanda har ett behov av att veta hur effektiv produktionen är på deras nya hyvleri. Därför är arbetets syfte att undersöka stopptidslängder samt bakomliggande orsaker till stoppen på företaget. Det ingår även i arbetet att lämna förslag på åtgärder som kan leda till förbättringar i verksamhetsgrad samt reduktion av stopptid. VIDA Vislanda vill veta vilken verkningsgrad, verklig löpmeter ut och verkligt stycketal ut för varje enskild dimension och längd. Resultatet presenteras efter detta önskemål men den totala verkningsgraden för hela mätperioden har också beräknats, till 52 %. Om VIDA åtgärdar de största återkommande stopporsakrna enligt våra förbättringsförslag kommer stopporsakerna att minska och således verkningsgraden att öka. / VIDA Vislanda has a need to know how efficient production is on their new planing mill. Therefore, work to investigate the stopping time lengths and the underlying causes of stoppages at the company is needed. It is also part of the work to submit proposals on measures that could lead to improvements in activity rates and reduction of downtime. VIDA Vislanda wants to know the efficiency, real meters out and real units out for each dimension and length. The results are presented after this request, but the overall efficiency of the entire measurement period was also calculated, to 52%. If VIDA addresses the major recurring causes of stoppages with our proposed improvements it will decrease the stoppages and thus increase efficiency.

Theory of Comparative Advantage: Do Transportation Costs Matter?

Cukrowski, Jacek, Fischer, Manfred M. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
The paper presents a formal analysis which incorporates returns to transportation into a Ricardian framework to predict trade patterns. The important point to be gained from this analysis is that increasing returns to transportation, coupled with appropriate distances between trading partners can be shown to reverse Ricardian predictions even when there are no international differences in tastes, technology, or factor endowments. Additional gains from trade may emerge from reductions in aggregate delivery costs owing to scale economies. (authors' abstract) / Series: Discussion Papers of the Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience

Reasons for the non-use of Project Risk Tools and Techniques in the Manufacturing Sector

Rastrelli, Giulio, Ricca, Eugenio January 2015 (has links)
Project Risk Management (PRM) plays an important part in determining project success and it is considered an essential activity for companies. The literature provides a vast amount of tools and techniques created to help project managers to deal with project risks. However, in practice, project managers use few tools and techniques. The aim of this research is to understand the reasons for the non-use of PRM tools and techniques by project managers when dealing with risks in the Swedish manufacturing sector. In order to provide evidence on why project managers do not use PRM tools and techniques, this study identifies a list of tools and techniques to investigate, and a list of possible reasons. Both these lists derive from the existing literature and past research. This qualitative study is based on multiple case studies of seven companies with nine respondents. The companies are based in the Umeå region and operate in the manufacturing sector. This study has revealed that project managers, within the sample, prefer to use qualitative tools and techniques such as meetings and expert judgements when dealing with risks. On the contrary, most of the tools and techniques for quantitative risk analysis are not used. There is a lack of awareness regarding the existing tools and techniques, and in general regarding the basic concepts of Risk Management (RM). Project managers tend to heavily rely on intuition and past experience when dealing with project risks. Other reasons that account for the non-use of tools and techniques are lack of resources and an unwarranted use in relation to the project type. In some cases project managers might avoid or delay the management of negative risks and therefore to do not use tools and techniques. Furthermore, two more reasons emerge from the analysis of data, which contribute to a better understanding of the reasons behind the non-use of PRM tools and techniques. These reasons are small increment in quality of RM by using PRM tools and techniques and complacency by project managers when using PRM tools and techniques. This research extends prior literature by providing evidence on the use and non-use of PRM tools and techniques and the reasons for their non-use in a sector where there is a lack of research. Finally, two more reasons are discovered and can contribute to a better understanding of the existing gap between theory and practice of RM.

Alkoholio vartojimo aspektai 20-mečių tarpe / Aspects of alcohol consumption among 20-year-old humans

Čmukienė, Valda 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti dvidešimtmečių alkoholio vartojimo aspektus. Dvidešimtmečiai vyrai dažniausiai vartoja alų (82,9 proc.) ir degtinę (77,1 proc.), moterys dažniausiai vartoja vyną (73,7 proc.), alkoholinius kokteilius (65,8 proc.) ir šampaną (64,6 proc.). Kartu su draugais alkoholinius gėrimus vartoja 94,3 proc. vyrų, 87,1 proc. moterų. Noras atsipalaiduoti alkoholį vartoti skatina 74,3 proc. vyrų ir 73,7 proc. moterų. Dažniausiai vyrai alkoholį vartoja kartą per savaitę (42,9 proc.), bendraujant su draugais (48,6 proc.), bei dažniau išleidžia daugiau pinigų alkoholiui(22,9 proc.). Moterys dažniausiai alkoholį vartoja kartą per mėnesį (43,8 proc.), švenčių metu (65,4 proc.) ir išleidžia mažiau pinigų alkoholiui (83,3 proc.). Dažniausiai vyrai (40 proc.) ir moterys (39,2 proc.) teigia, kad pagrindinė problema susijusi su alkoholio vartojimu yra sugadinti daiktai ar drabužiai. Taip pat 32,5 proc. moterų nurodo sveikatos pablogėjimą. Vieniši respondentai dažniausiai alkoholį vartoja namuose (72,8 proc.), su draugais (91,5 proc.), kurie labiausiai ir skatina juos vartoti alkoholį (24,1 proc.). Vieniši respondentai labiau įsitikinę (42,9 proc.), kad jiems reikėtų mažiau vartoti alkoholinių gėrimų. 13,4 proc. vienišų respondentų jaučia gėdą dėl alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimo įpročių. 31,3 proc. vienišų respondentų alkoholį vartoja dažniau – kartą per savaitę. Su partneriais gyvenantys respondentai dažniau alkoholį vartoja švenčių metu (67 proc.), jie labiau įsitikinę (83... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to analyze the aspects of alcohol consumption among 20-yearold humans. The men in their twenties usually consumes beer (82.9 %) and vodka (77.1 %), while women tend to consume wine (73.7 %), alcoholic cocktails (65.8 %) and champagne (64.6 %). Together with friends the alcohol consumes 94.3 % of men and 87.1 % of women. The wish to relax promotes the use of alcohol in 74.3 % of men and 73.7 % of women. The men consume the alcohol mostly once a week (42.9 %) while communicating with friends (48.6 %), and often spend more money on alcohol (22.9 %) than women. Women usually consume alcohol once a month (43.8 %), on holidays (65.4 %) and spend less money on alcohol (83.3 %) than man. The large part of the men (40 %) and women (39.2 %) argue that the main reason associated with alcohol consumption are damaged items or clothing. Aggravation of health conditions may become the reason for alcohol consumtion in 32.5 % of women. Single respondents most frequently consumed the alcohol at home (72.8 %), with friends (91.5 %), who causes the main motivation for alcohol consumption (24.1 %). The large part of single respondents (42.9 %) are confident that they should reduce the amount of alcohol. 13.4 % of single respondents feel shame for alcohol consumption habits. 31.3 % of single respondents have the alcohol more frequently (once a week). Respondents living with partners have more alcohol during the holidays (67 %) and they are more confident (83 %) that they... [to full text]

De las razones para la acción a la historia del derecho natural. La Filosofía jurídica de Alasdair Macintyre

Ramis Barceló, Rafael 10 October 2011 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral pretende estudiar ordenadamente los escritos de Alasdair MacIntyre sobre el derecho. Se propone un itinerario desde los años cincuenta hasta 2010. Se sostiene que para la comprensión de la filosofía del derecho de MacIntyre es necesario conocer su filosofía de la acción. Tras un análisis de ésta, se estudia su deriva naturalista en la ética, sus consecuencias en la teoría de la justicia y su defensa del derecho natural. Su postura en el marco del iusnaturalismo se distingue de otras corrientes en el seno del aristotelismo y del tomismo y propone una interpretación ecléctica, no exenta de problemas. / This thesis aims to study orderly Alasdair MacIntyre's writings on Law. A way is proposed from the fifties until 2010. This thesis claims for understanding the Philosophy of Law of MacIntyre it is necessary to know his philosophy of action. Following this analysis, it is studied his naturalistic turn in Ethics and its implications for the Theory of Justice and defense of Natural Law. Their position within the Natural Law debates differs from other opinions within the Aristotelianism and Thomism and it proposes an eclectic interpretation, although this is not without problems.

Reasons for encouter and diagnoses at primary care level in the North West Province : a prospective cross sectional survey

Adejayan, O. I. 22 July 2015 (has links)
Introduction Primary health care in South Africa is predominantly provided by clinics and Community Health Centres (CHC). These primary care facilities are situated in the community to ensure accessibility to care. 1 As part of ensuring quality planning, implementation and transformation of the health system, good knowledge of which cases are prevalent at our primary health facilities is important. Thus the rationale for this study as to know what are the reasons our patients come to our facilities and which diagnoses are made by the attending health care workers based on these reasons. Aim The aim of this study was to describe the spectrum of clinical and non-clinical problems encountered and the diagnoses made at our primary care facilities in the North West province of South Africa. Methods A prospective, cross-sectional survey at 19 Clinics and 5 Community Health Centres in 4 sub-districts of the Ngaka Modiri Molemma District of NW Province, South Africa. The International Classification of Primary Care-Version 2 (ICPC-2) was used to code data on selected days over a 10-month period from patients presenting at the participating clinics and community health centres. Results In total, 5082 patient encounters were recorded of which 3438 (67.7%) were females while 1644 ( 32.3%) were males. The category with highest reasons for encounter (RFE) was the general and unspecific component with 16.5% (n = 1202), followed by the respiratory component at 14.7% (n= 1066) and the cardiovascular component at 12.1% (n=882). The most common diagnoses were in the general component at 16.5% (n= 981) followed by cardiovascular at 16.0% (n= 951) and the respiratory component at 14.5% (n= 865). The average numbers of RFE was 1.4 per encounter among females and 1.5 amongst males. Diagnoses per encounter averaged 1.2 among females and males. Younger people under 40 years of age 67% (n = 3409) and females 68% (n = 3438) made up the majority of encounters. Conclusion Of all the health care facilities surveyed, there were mixtures of RFEs and various diagnoses of mixture of disease components. There were very few patients that came to the facilities for administrative purposes. Majority of the attendees were women. Collection of hypertension medication was the most common reason for encounter (RFE) with uncomplicated hypertension being the commonest diagnoses while psychosocial and problems related to male genitals were the least RFEs. There were more RFEs presented by patients than the diagnoses made by the attending HCWs. The ICPC-2 is a very user friendly tool that can be successfully utilised to monitor encounters and diagnoses at any health care facilities.

Razões religiosas na esfera pública: uma análise teórica e empírica da atuação pentecostal no Poder Legislativo brasileiro / Religious reasons in the public sphere: an theoretical and empirical analysis of the Pentecostal politics in the Brazilian National Congress

Inês Ferreira Dias Tavares 03 August 2012 (has links)
Os marcos da modernidade a secularização e a laicidade tem sido hoje postos em xeque por crescentes movimentos religiosos. As fronteiras entre Estado e religião estão sendo desafiadas e redefinidas. Dentro dessa renovação, coloca-se a questão da possibilidade ou não do uso de razões religiosas na esfera pública. O debate ganha importância no Brasil na medida em que o Pentecostalismo, ramo de Protestantismo em rápida expansão, fez afluir aos quadros do Congresso Nacional um número sem precedentes de candidatos eleitos graças à filiação religiosa. A análise teórica e empírica do uso de razões religiosas e da política pentecostal pretende jogar luz à questão, tendo sempre como paradigma, limite e orientação o fundamento último da liberdade religiosa: a dignidade da pessoa humana. / The hallmarks of modernity secularism and laicitë have now been called into question by growing religious movements. The boundaries between state and religion are being challenged and redefined. Within this renewal, the question about using or not religious reasons in the public sphere arises. The debate has great importance in Brazil insofar as Pentecostalism, a rapidly expanding branch of Protestantism, has flocking to the tables of the National Congress an unprecedented number of candidates elected because of their religious affiliation. The theoretical and empirical analyzes of the use of religious reasons and of the Pentecostal politics intends to shed light to the issue, using always as a paradigm, limits and guidance, the ultimate foundation of religious freedom: the dignity of the human person.

Reasons to Budget Throughout the Life Cycles of Swedish IT Companies

Ahlin, Nathalie, Holmquist, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The budget is shown to be the most prioritized management accounting tool for companies with scarce resources, while at the same time it is criticized for being time consuming and ineffective. This study uses life cycle theory as a framework to investigate how the budgets can be used in a more efficient and effective way, depending on what life cycle stage the company is in. The purpose of this study is to investigate how commonly budgets are used throughout the life cycle stages of IT companies in Sweden, and whether there is a difference in what reasons to budget are considered the most important in different stages. By using previous research made on life cycle theory and the reasons to budget as a foundation, this study collects the data using a quantitative method where a survey is sent to a sample of IT companies in Sweden. The answers to the survey lead to results about the budget use, what life cycle stage the respondents consider their company to be in, and how important ten different reasons to budget within the areas control, planning and evaluation are to the individual companies. The results show that there is a low budget use among companies in the birth stage, and that the budget use is high for companies in the growth, maturity and revival stages. The increasing budget use follows the increasing number of employees through the stages. The study finds that in general there are no major differences through the stages in what budget reasons are chosen to be most important; control is overall the most important purpose that the budget fulfills. Furthermore, there are some reasons to budget that have been assigned low values of importance across all the stages. Staff evaluation and encouraging innovative behavior are not considered important by the responding companies.

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