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Vinna och försvinna? : Drivkrafter bakom ungdomars utflyttning från mindre orter / Where do the winners go? : Driving forces behind youth leaving smaller localitiesSvensson, Lotta January 2006 (has links)
Starting in the everyday life of Söderhamn’s youth, this thesis presents the driving forces that affect youth as they make decisions to stay in or to leave their home region. The research has been done with an interactive approach in close collaboration with youth and adults, and a number of different methods have been used. Based on the interviews, essays, questionnaires, conversations and meetings that underlie this work, the ambition has been to participate and contribute to the formation of knowledge in dialog with the youth and the adults who surround them. The dissertation (thesis) shows that society’s basic structures have great influence on youth’s decision whether to stay or leave. Important factors are actual circumstances, such as the access that youth have to resources – economical, social, and cultural. Society’s gender order has a big impact on the question whether to move or stay. Likewise, the tension between center and periphery plays an essential role – where the power to define what is “right” and “natural” coincides with values on how youth “are” and “should be”. The dissertation (thesis) shows that the interplay between these factors appears different for different individuals and groups, and that the interplay has significance both for the move/stay –decision and for the youth’s desire and possibility to participate in and have influence over society’s development in the region. / Med utgångspunkt i Söderhamnsungdomarnas vardag visar denna avhandling vilka drivkrafter som påverkar ungdomar i de beslut de fattar om att stanna kvar i, eller flytta ifrån, hemregionen. Forskningen har skett utifrån en interaktiv ansats i nära samverkan med ungdomar och vuxna, och flera olika metoder har använts. Utifrån de intervjuer, uppsatser, enkäter, samtal och möten som ligger till grund för arbetet har ambitionen med avhandlings-arbetet varit att delta i och bidra till ett kunskapsbildande i dialog med ungdomarna och de vuxna i deras närhet. Avhandlingen visar att samhällets grundstrukturer har ett stort inflytande på ungdomarnas flytta/stanna-beslut. Viktiga faktorer är de faktiska förhållandena i samhället där unga har olika tillgång till resurser, såväl ekonomiskt, socialt som kulturellt. I flytta/stanna-frågan har den samhälleliga genusordningen har stor genomslagskraft. Likaså spelar spänningen mellan centrum och periferi en väsentlig roll – där makten att definiera vad som är ”rätt” och ”naturligt” sammanfaller med värderingar av hur ungdomar ”är” och ”ska vara”. Avhandlingen visar att samspelet mellan dessa faktorer ser olika ut för olika individer/grupper och att utfallet av samspelet spelar en väsentlig roll dels för de ungas flytta/stanna- beslut, men också för de ungas vilja och deras möjlighet att delta i och ha inflytande över samhällsutvecklingen i regionen.
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Anställdas deltagande i läraktiviteter : En studie av arbetsplatslärande i ett industriföretag / Empoyee participation in learning activities : A study of workplace learning in an industrial companyBaumgarten, Maud January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen behandlar en grupp industriarbetares deltagande i olika läraktiviteter på arbetsplatsen i samband med en organisationsförändring. Företaget var i behov av mångkunnig personal och organiserade därmed läraktiviteter. Syftet är att beskriva anställdas deltagande i dessa läraktiviteter i termer av faktiskt deltagande och inställningen till deltagande, samt att förklara eventuella skillnader. Deltagande förstås i termer av motivation som utvecklas i ett komplext samspel mellan individrelaterade faktorer och faktorer som har med arbete, läraktiviteter, förändringsprocess och yttre omgivning att göra. De motivationsteorier som används är förväntan-valensteori, arbetsrelaterad teori samt en kontextuell motivationsteori. Studien baseras på en fallstudie inom en avdelning vid ett traditionellt produktionsföretag. Det huvudsakliga empiriska materialet utgörs av intervjuer med de industrianställda. Dessutom har ett flertal informella studiebesök på arbetsplatsen genomförts, liksom dokumentinsamling och informantintervjuer. I resultatet framträder tre grupper med olika deltagarmönster, som utifrån mönstren kan benämnas de ”engagerade”, de ”motvilliga” och de ”osäkra”. Det visar att industrianställda inte är någon enhetlig grupp. För gruppen ”engagerade” fanns få hinder för att delta i läraktiviteter. De hade även egna personliga motiv för deltagande. De individrelaterade förklaringarna, tycks vara särskilt viktiga för att förklara motivationen, och de hade kommit in i något som kan beskrivas som positiva lärspiraler. Gruppen ”motvilliga” såg inte deltagandet i läraktiviteter som något viktigt. De var inte överens om företagets mål och kände sig inte delaktiga i förändringsprocessen. De kontextuella förklaringarna har alltså ett stort värde för att förstå deltagandet i denna grupp. Gruppen ”osäkra” hade låg tilltro till sin förmåga, och hade ringa erfarenhet av tidigare läraktiviteter. Hur läraktiviteterna var utformade, var särskilt viktiga för denna grupp. De ”osäkra” liksom de ”motvilliga” tycks ha kommit in i negativa lärspiraler. Studien visar således att olika faktorer är betydelsefulla för olika grupper. / This dissertation focuses on the participation of a group of industrial workers in different learning activities at the workplace in connection with an organizational change. The purpose is to describe the employees’ participation in learning activities in terms of actual participation and attitude to participation, and to try to explain any differences. Participation is understood in motivational terms, which exist in a complex interaction between individual-related factors and factors connected to work, learning activities, change process and external environment. The motivational theories used are the expectancy-valence theory, work-related theory and one contextual motivation theory. The study is based on one case study within a department of a traditional production company. The empirical material consists mainly of interviews with the industrial workers. In addition, data have been collected through informal study visits at the workplace, as well as through documentary analysis and informant interviews. Three groups with different participation patterns emerge from the data, and based on these patterns they are called “the dedicated group”, “the reluctant group” and “the insecure group”. This indicates that industrial workers are not a homogenous group. The “dedicated” group saw no obstacles in participating in learning activities. They also had their own personal motives for participation. The individual-related explanations seem particularly important to explain motivation, and this group had entered something which could be described positive learning spirals. The “reluctant” group did not consider it important to participate in learning activities. Their relationship to the company appear to be significant. Consequently, the contextual explanations are of great importance in order to understand the participation of this group. The “insecure” group showed little confidence in their own ability and had limited experience of previous learning activities. The design of the learning activities was especially important to this group. The “insecure” and the “reluctant” groups seems to have entered negative development spirals. The study thus shows that different factors are important to different groups.
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Re-Inventing the Past, Defining the Future: Historical Representations and Regional Development in the Russian NorthwestSorokina, Alfia 25 May 2010 (has links)
This work explores the connections between the constructed representations of places based on local histories, the processes of tradition reinvention and the strategies of regional development in two Russian regions. This analysis also outlines the context created by the external to the regions influences and the associated with them local conditions.
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Att tillaga en region : den regionala maten i representationer och praktik - exemplet Skärgårdssmak /Heldt Cassel, Susanna, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Univ., 2004.
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När EU kom till byn : Leader II - ett sätt att styra landsbygdens utveckling /Larsson, Lars, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Univ., 2002.
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O PROCESSO DE ADAPTAÇÃO ESTRATÉGICA DO PARCELAMENTO DO SOLO EM JOINVILLE / The strategic adaptation process of land fragmentation in Joinville.Welter, Rúbia Tânia 09 September 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-09-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims to identify the real estate evolution in Joinville s region. It also has
the objective of identifying the strategy for urban land fragmentation as an indicator of
the regional development. To reach the proposed goals, a documentational research
and a bibliography review were carried out to collect and register information, analyze
and interpret data about the foundation and development of Joinville. A study of land
fragmentation evolution in Joinville was carried out focusing on the number of estates
produced in each studied period and the regions of highest estate concentration.
Based on this information, it was inferred that industrialization was an important
factor in the regional development due to its influence in the determination of which
land could be fragmented. As a result, based on the data collected, strategic
indicators for the land fragmentation were defined. These indicators can be inherent
or determinant to the industrial development. These indicators include climate, soil,
geographic position, local workforce characteristics, and the ease to commercialize
the estate in smaller parts. / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar a evolução imobiliária na região de Joinville
e a estratégia do parcelamento do solo urbano como indicador do desenvolvimento
regional. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa
documental e uma revisão histórica bibliográfica, coletando e registrando
informações, analisando e interpretando dados de como surgiu a cidade de Joinville
e de que maneira se deu seu desenvolvimento. Num segundo momento, foi
realizado um estudo sobre a evolução dos loteamentos na cidade de Joinville,
buscando enfocar o número de lotes produzidos em cada período e foram estudadas
as regiões de maior concentração destes lotes. Com base nestas informações,
inferiu-se que a industrialização foi um fator importante no desenvolvimento regional
devido à influência que exerceu na determinação das possíveis regiões de terra que
poderiam ser parceladas. Como resultado, com base nos dados obtidos, foram
definidos indicadores estratégicos inerentes ou determinantes do parcelamento do
solo para o desenvolvimento industrial tais como: condições climáticas, de solo,
posição geográfica, características da mão-de-obra local e a facilidade de
comercialização das glebas em propriedades menores.
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[pt] O século XXI é o século das cidades. Atualmente, o processo de urbanização é um fenômeno acelerado e em escala planetária, com ritmos desiguais e caminhos diferentes, mas que conduzem a uma mesma realidade: a construção de um planeta de cidades. Apesar da progressiva concentração da população nas grandes urbes, a maior parte da população mundial mora em centros urbanos de porte médio e pequeno. Nesse universo de cidades, no contexto da globalização e o uso intensivo de informação e conhecimento em redes, sobressaem, as cidades intermédias. Entendidas não como pontos isolados na rede urbana, as cidades intermédias têm aparecido nos estudos recentes como importantes nós nas redes, exigindo uma análise que considere as relações entre a cidade e a região e entre as cidades de diferentes níveis hierárquicos, em forma de cidade-rede-região. A presença de cidades de importância regional de porte médio em áreas afetadas historicamente pelo conflito armado sugere que tais cidades devem exercer um rol significativo em seus respetivos espaços geográficos no período do pós-conflito. Desta forma, a partir de uma análise histórico-geográfica do desenvolvimento do conflito armado e fundamentada no conceito de cidade intermédia, a pesquisa pretende identificar aquelas cidades que apresentam o potencial de liderar essa nova fase de transição na procura de atingir o desenvolvimento sustentável das regiões. / [en] Urbanization is a global phenomenon and occurs on a planetary scale, with unequal rhythms and different paths, but leading to the same complex and diverse reality: the construction of a planet of cities. Nowadays, we see a process of urbanization that we can describe as global and accelerated, but it does not develop in a balanced and efficient way on the territory. The progressive concentration of the population in large urban agglomerations, the accelerated and sometimes uncontrolled growth of megacities are spatial effects of the current process and trends of urbanization. Nevertheless, the majority of the world urban population lives in small and medium-sized cities and forecasts indicate that these centers will continue to increase their population. In the last decades, it has been observed that in several Latin American countries, the settlement model is changing and there are areas of economic importance, where decades ago, they used to be entities without much population dynamism. Despite this, there are not many international or regional studies on the smaller cities in urban systems.
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Pathways to diversificationAl Hashemi, Hamed January 2016 (has links)
A fundamental research question in regional economic development, is why some regions are able to diversify into new products and industries, while others continue to face challenges in diversification? This doctorate research explores the different pathways to diversification. It follows the three-stage modular structure of DBA for Cranfield School of Management. This thesis consists of a systematic literature review, a single qualitative case study on UAE, and a research synthesis of published cases on Singapore, Norway and UAE. The linking document provides a summary of the three projects and consolidates findings and contributions into a path creation model that provides new understanding on the pathways to regional diversifications. This research integrates existing theoretical foundations of evolutionary economic geography, institutional economic geography, path dependence, industry relatedness, economic complexity, and path creation into a unified conceptual path creation model. It generates propositions, builds a framework and develops a matrix for path creation that integrate context, actors, factors, mechanisms and outcomes shaping regional diversification. It finds that in the context of path dependence and existing conditions of a region, economic actors undertake strategic measures to influence the institutional capabilities to accumulate knowledge and trigger indigenous creation, anchoring, branching, and clustering diversification mechanisms to create complex varieties of related and unrelated diversification outcomes. The institutional collaboration capabilities are found to be instrumental in accumulating knowledge and determining the relatedness and complexity of diversification outcomes. This research further provides a set of integrated platform strategies to guide policy-makers on setting up the pathways to regional diversification.
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Penser l’entreprise et ses dirigeants : l’Entreprise familiale de Taille Intermédiaire (E.T.I.) : outil de pérennisation de l’emploi, et facteur de développement territorial (économique, social et culturel) : étude anthropo-sociologique des identités professionnelles et territoriales en Bretagne / Think of the company and of his leaders : The medium-sized family Company (M.S.F.) : tool of sustainability of the employment, and factor of territorial development (economic, social and cultural) : anthropo-sociological study of the professional and territorial identities in BrittanyPoulain, Jean Luc 05 December 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche porte, pour l’essentiel, sur les entreprises familiales de taille intermédiaire (E.T.I.), du territoire breton. Dans le cadre de la sociologie des Professions nous avons rencontré plusieurs dirigeants d’entreprises, comprenant entre 250 à 5 000 salariés. Nous avons observé, ainsi, ce qui permet à ce concept dit d’« entreprise », à l’instar des « Mittelstand » en Allemagne, de mieux comprendre les facteurs clés de succès, fondés, notamment, sur la priorité absolue donnée au capital humain, à l’innovation, et au développement à l’international, et ce, tout en conservant un très fort ancrage « territorial ». Ainsi, nous avons interrogé des dirigeants, sur le territoire de la Bretagne historique comme « laboratoire social », pour mieux cerner le profil sociologique du chef d’entreprise familial dans les secteurs suivants : agro-alimentaire, restauration, santé, immobilier, textile, chaussure et transport. A partir de problématiques socio-économiques mais aussi sociologiques touchant le monde du travail et de l’emploi, il s’agissait aussi, d’appréhender la compétition mondiale, en particulier, dans le champ du travail : notre thèse poursuit, en fait, l’objectif d’éclairer un certain nombre de métamorphoses en rappelant, comme l’ont déjà dit de nombreux sociologues du travail, de l’organisation et des professions, que « le chômage est la cause causante de l’exclusion sociale / Our research is devoted mainly to family-owned medium-sized enterprises (MSEs) in Brittany. Working from the perspective of the sociology of professions, we met several heads of companies with between 250 and 5,000 employees. In doing so, we observed how this so-called “enterprise” concept, similar to that of “Mittelstands” in Germany, offers a better understanding of the key factors of success, based notably on human capital, innovation, and international growth beingabsolute priorities, with the business also retaining strong local roots. We interviewed company heads in the historical territory of Brittany, taken as a “social laboratory”, to acquire a better grasp of the sociological profile of family business leaders working in the following sectors: the food industry; food services; health; real estate; textiles; footwear; and transport. Taking as a starting-point various social, economic, and sociological issues affecting the world of work and employment, we also sought to shed light on global competition, in particular in the field of labour: this thesis aims to provide insights into a certain number of transformations, bearing in mind the assertion by a great many occupational sociologists that “unemployment is the root cause of social exclusion”
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Venkovský cestovní ruch v regionu jižní Čechy / Rural Tourism in South Bohemian RegionKARBULKOVÁ, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The primary aim of the thesis "Rural Tourism in South Bohemian Region" was the evaluation of the rural tourism offer in South Bohemian Region and the submission of appropriate suggestions. The secondary aim was to describe South Bohemian Region, to analyse actual documents relating to the tourism in the region and to create and evaluate SWOT analysis of tourism in the region.
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