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Turkish Involvement In Higher Education In Kazakhstan: The Case Of International Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Turk-kazakh UniversityTurkoglu, Ozcan 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, Turkey involved in many projects in all spheres with the Central Asian republics. In contrast, less of them have been realized. Turkey was more succesful in educational projects. It has initiated more permanent projects with the republics. In this regard, International Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Turk-Kazakh University, established in 1993 in Turkestan city of Kazakhstan, is one of the first and outstanding project of Turkey not only in education sphere but also in terms of all spheres. Concurrently, for the first time Turkey involved in an international higher education activity abroad. The existence of the university both facilitated the establishment of the subsequent Turkish universities in Central Asia and contributed to the sustainable enhancement of Turkish relations with the region.
On the other hand, for the last two decades higher education is more highlighted as a cross-border issue mainly accelerated by the internationalization of higher education. Although the university is not directly prompted by the internationalization process, it both performs activities matching with internationalization and contributes to the development of this process in Central Asia. In this context, this study brings up the motives and objectives behind the establishment and structuration of the university, and argues that by foundation university has quite similarities with the rationales of the internationalization. Therefore, it aims to find out the compatible and incompatible aspects of the university with the internationalization in addition to clarify its identity and position as an international higher education institution.
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Blossoms and borders: Cultivating apples and a modern countryside in the Pacific Northwest, 1890-2001.Bennett, Jason Patrick 21 April 2008 (has links)
At the turn of the twentieth century, apples served as a catalyst for far-reaching social and environmental change in the North American West. As people debated the future of North American society as a rural or urban civilization, rural advocates found their answer in horticulture. Steadfast in their conviction that urban environments were corrupt, immoral, and disordered, people on both sides of the international boundary engaged in a boisterous promotional campaign that culminated with the creation of an orcharding landscape that spanned British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon. Consequently, countless communities found new purpose or came into existence organized around the cultivation of apples and other assorted fruits. Fully aware of negative stereotypes that depicted farming as backwards and unfulfilling, horticulturists argued that fruit farming would lead to the creation of a modern countryside. Guided by scientific agriculture, refined and intelligent settlers would transform rural life by uniting in partnership with “Dame Nature,” leading to bountiful harvests as nature was finished to its “intended end.” As a result, the orcharding landscape would organize an alternative modernity that stood in juxtaposition to the urban-industrial axis of development. Despite their location in different political projects, fruit farmers on either side of the International Boundary bore striking affinities that were affirmed and reinforced through publications, associations, exhibitions, and educational initiatives, underlining the significance of the border as a vantage to appreciate divisions as well as continuities. While the creation of a modern countryside was sustained by high hopes, growers did not anticipate that nature’s bounty would in many instances stand as a curse rather than a blessing. Through two world wars, growers wrestled with the changing contours of rural life, particularly as it related to rural growth. While orcharding endured, its original conception as the nucleus of a progressive and middle class rural society did not.
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A política externa de Angola : novos regionalismos e relações bilaterais com o BrasilJosé, Joveta January 2011 (has links)
A tese aborda os novos regionalismos no âmbito da política externa de Angola, com ênfase em duas perspectivas estratégicas da inserção internacional do país. A primeira abordagem refere-se à política externa de Angola para o desenrolar das possibilidades integrativas regionais da África Subsaariana, nominalmente a Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Central (CEEAC) e a Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC, sigla em inglês para Southern African Development Community); a segunda acompanha o processo da política externa de Angola para o Brasil. As duas abordagens estão patentes no processo de desenvolvimento do conceito da concertação diplomática regional, suas práticas, ajudaram a entender aspectos da construção da Zona de Paz e Cooperação do Atlântico Sul (ZOPACAS) – alguns seus desenvolvimentos, metodologia que se reflete no contexto da diplomacia angolana na construção de um novo cenário, a Comissão do Golfo da Guiné (CGG). Nas duas estruturas regionais, as variáveis paz e segurança são fatores preponderantes. Na ZOPACAS, a ideia de segurança diz respeito à criação de uma Zona de Paz no Atlântico Sul; na CGG, a noção de segurança refere-se à garantia de interesses econômicos e políticos dos Estados-membros. Ela serve, inclusive, de auxílio à nova configuração da Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Central (CEEAC), evidenciando a produção petrolífera como um dos principais eixos da relação. No desenvolvimento da nossa pesquisa e do trabalho esforçamo-nos a mostrar relações diretas e indiretas entre a política interna e a política externa do país. Do ponto de vista teórico, nosso esforço foi no sentido de explicar os fatos políticos internacionais, a partir dos objetivos de Angola desde a independência aos novos marcos de regionalismos e aos cálculos estratégicos do governo para alcançar o interesse nacional. A análise do discurso diplomático angolano serviu para avaliar a inserção internacional do país, identificando a integração regional e a cooperação Sul-Sul como seus principais objetivos. / The thesis discusses the new regionalism in the context of Angola´s policy, focusing on two strategic perspectives of the country´s international insertion. The first approach refers to the foreign policy of Angola to the development of integrative possibilities of regional sub-Saharan Africa, namely the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the African Development Community (SADC, the acronym for Southern African Development Community), the second follows the process of foreign policy of Angola to Brazil. The two approaches are evident in the process of developing the concep t of regional diplomatic agreement, their practices, helped us understand aspects of the construction of a Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic (ZPCSA) - some of its developments, a methodology that is reflected in the context of diplomacy Angola in the construction of a new scenario, the Gulf of Guinea Commission (CGG). In two regional structures, variables peace and security are important factors. In ZPCSA, the idea of security concerns the creation of a Zone of Peace in the South Atlantic in CGG, the concept of security refers to the guarantee of economic and political interests of the Member States. It serves, including aid to the new configuration of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), showing the oil production as a major axis of the relationship. In developing our research and work we strive to show direct and indirect relations between domestic politics and foreign policy. From a theoretical perspective, our effort was made to explain the international political events, from the goals of Angola since independence to the new frameworks for regionalism and strategic calculations of the government to achieve the national interest. The Angolan diplomatic discourse analysis was used to assess the country's international insertion, identifying regional integration and South-South cooperation as its main goals.
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Architekt Antonín Tenzer / Architect Antonín TenzerPučerová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The work of Antonin Tenzer involves his activities in the period of six decades in the turbulent era of development of Czechoslovak history of architecture. The architect is known as one of the representatives of the avant-garde and High functionalism, author of Faculty Hospital in Prague-Motol and other medical buildings or the Jalta hotel, a building associated with socialist realism. In my dissertation, I tried to map the main typological fields that Antonín Tenzer used in his work. My goal was to widen the portfolio of famous buildings, and on the basis I defined the architect's major themes and current issues, which were responded in his effort. I based primarily on historic materials - published projects, plan documentation and writings of public and private archives, as well as personal heritage, made available to me by the architect's family. In particular thematic areas I focused on Tenzer's vital and successful implementation of competition projects, which he later followed and extended. In addition to impulses from his collaborators, debates and majors works of those days I was looking for elements and methods of Tenzer that influenced the architecture environment. I observed the influence of historical events and the socio-political situation in his work, for example, housing issues in...
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De la communauté de savoir à l’inspiration intime : la petite revue de patrimoine, marqueur de nouvelles identités régionales en France sous la IIIe République / Small magazines about local heritage as markers for a definition of regional identities under the IIIth RepublicDhermy, Arnaud 14 October 2017 (has links)
Corolaire de l'exode rural et de l'industrialisation, une attention au patrimoine local et à l'espace régional se fait jour en France à la fin du 19e siècle. Cet intérêt se manifeste en particulier à travers le renouvellement et le dynamisme de revues destinées à de nouvelles catégories sociales aspirant à une activité culturelle. Préfiguration du magazine, ces revues contribuent au sein des espaces français à définir des identités régionales. Elle permettent d'élargir les critères de patrimonialisation, auparavant cantonnés à l'histoire, à la littérature et à la philologie, et à démocratiser par la mise à l'honneur des traditions populaires, de la pratique personnelle des espaces (tourisme, environnement) et de leur approche esthétique. Elles tendent aussi à individualiser un rapport jusque-là communautaire aux territoires. Elles marquent enfin le renouvellement d'une vision du patrimoine à base d'héritage et d'atavisme, au profit d'une notion plus moderne de patrimoine d'élection, notamment dans le cadre de l'évasion par rapport au quotidien. / Corollary of the rural exodus and the industrialization, a focus on the local heritage and on the regional area emerges in France at the end of the 19th century. This concern manifests itself through the regeneration and the dynamism of journals intended for new social groups yearning for cultural activities. Prefiguration of the magazine, these journals contribute, inside of French Regions, to the definition of the regional identities. They enable the expansion of the making of heritage, previously limited to history, literature and philology, and its democratization, thanks to the valorization of popular traditions, to the private practice of the areas (tourism, environment) et to its esthetical approach. They also seek the individualization of a so far communal relation to territories. Finally, they rejuvenate a conception of heritage based on legacy and atavism, in favor of a more modern concept of chosen heritage, especially in the context of escaping daily life.
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Pierre Dufau architecte (1908-1985) : un libéral discipliné : parcours, postures, produits / The architect Pierre Dufau (1908-1985) : a disciplined liberal : career, attitudes, productsMassire, Hugo 06 December 2017 (has links)
Actif de la fin des années 1930 jusqu'aux années 1980, Pierre Dufau (1908-1985) est, par l'importance quantitative de sa production bâtie, l'un des principaux acteurs de l'architecture française des Trente Glorieuses. Spécialisé dans la réalisation d'immeubles de bureaux, de bâtiments civils et d'équipements, il fait également oeuvre dans le domaine de l'urbanisme en concevant le plan de reconstruction d'Amiens puis en étant, trente ans plus tard, responsable du plan d'aménagement du Nouveau Créteil. Pierre Dufau est relativement peu présent dans l'historiographie de l'architecture contemporaine, au même titre que nombre d'architectes de sa génération, récipiendaires de la grande commande publique et souvent Prix de Rome. On s'interrogera sur la temporalité de sa réception critique à l'appui du dépouillement des archives de son agence, souvent inédites. Le détail de sa production révèle la complexité d'un parcours où, tant par stratégie commerciale que par conviction, l'architecte se convertit aux thèses modernistes après une jeunesse marquée par le respect des leçons du classicisme. Écrivain prolifique sans être théoricien ni enseignant, Pierre Dufau s'attachera dans ses mémoires, publiées à titre posthume, à donner un sens à un parcours professionnel donnant à voir en réduction les enjeux comme les impensés d'une époque. On proposera, dans cette thèse, de dépasser l'analyse plastique et technique des édifices pour étudier la rationalité de leurs circuits de production, et la cohérence des discours qui accompagnent une oeuvre jusqu'à présent essentiellement inscrite en creux dans l'histoire de l'art. / Active from the late 1930s to the 1980s, Pierre Dufau (1908-1985) is one of the leading performers in the French architecture during the ‘Trente Glorieuses’ period, due to the quantitative importance of his built production. Specialized in office buildings, public buildings and facilities, he was also involved in the field of urban planning by designing the reconstruction plan of the city of Amiens, and thirty years later by being responsible for the conception of the ‘Nouveau Créteil’ masterplan, in Paris suburbs. Pierre Dufau is relatively unnoticed in the historiography of contemporary architecture, similarly to many architects of his generation, although recipients of public work orders, and most of the time recipients of the ‘Prix de Rome’. The details of his production reveal the complexity of a professional career where, motivated by both commercial strategy and conviction, the architect ultimately converted to modernist theses after a youth marked by respect for the lessons of classicism. As a prolific writer but without being a theorist nor a teacher, Pierre Dufau strived to give through his posthumous memoirs a meaning to his professional path. In this thesis, we propose to go beyond the plastic and technical analysis of the buildings to focus on the rationality of their production cycle and the coherence of the discourse that accompanies a work essentially unnoticed in the history of art so far. We also study the temporality of Dufau's critical reception with the support of the inventory of his office’s unpublished archives, most of the time original.
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As pedras do caminho, de Lydia Mombelli da Fonseca : do apagamento à investigação acadêmicaModelski, Jaqueline 15 August 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação consiste na análise da obra As pedras do caminho, da escritora gaúcha Lydia Mombelli da Fonseca, no tocante à investigação literária da representação do sujeito feminino, com base em aporte teórico de estudos culturais de gênero, crítica feminista, bem como regionalidade, ideologia patriarcal e identidade. Nesse sentido, observa-se o papel referente à mulher na sociedade, principalmente, por volta da década de 1950, ano de publicação do romance, com o objetivo de desvelar estigmas e comportamentos esperados das mulheres na época, além de promover reflexões a respeito de naturalizações sociais estabelecidas e reproduzidas em relação ao sujeito feminino, ainda, em meio à contemporaneidade. Ademais, este estudo busca demonstrar a participação da mulher como sujeito do processo histórico-cultural enquanto produtora de texto literário, trazendo ao conhecimento acadêmico a autora Lydia Mombelli da Fonseca, a fim de contribuir para o alargamento da história cultural e literária da Região de Colonização Italiana do Rio Grande do Sul e do próprio estado. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2016-11-23T15:36:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-23 / The present dissertation consists on the analysis of the novel The stones of the road (As pedras do caminho), by the female gaucho writer Lydia Mombelli da Fonseca, with regard to the literary research of the representation of the female subject, based on theoretical framework of cultural studies of gender, feminist criticism and regionality, patriarchal ideology and identity. In this sense, it is possible to observe the role relating to women in society, especially in the decade of 1950, the year of publication of the novel, in order to unveil stigmas and behaviors expected of women at the time, in addition to promoting reflections on established and reproduced social naturalizations in relation to the female subject, even amidst the present. Furthermore, this study seeks to demonstrate the participation of women as the subject of historical and cultural process as a producer of literary text, bringing to academic knowledge the author Lydia Mombelli da Fonseca, in order to contribute to the expansion of the cultural and literary history of the Italian Colonization Region of Rio Grande do Sul and the state itself.
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As Filhas do Arco-?ris, de Eul?cio Farias de Lacerda : mitos, lendas e contos populares como elementos estruturantes do romanceSilva, Eldio Pinto da 12 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-12 / The corpus of this work constitutes an analysis the literary work As Filhas do Arco-?ris, by Eul?cio Farias de Lacerda, considering object of study myths, legends and popular stories as estruturant elements of the romance. The unchainment of this reading considers aspects of the oral tradition as starting point for the rupture tradition. In that perspective, it became fundamental to describe aspects of the popular culture that consolidated the Brazilian Literature during the 20th century. Like this, it was necessary to understand the development of oral elements and the structuring of the folk-tales, pointing out that As Filhas do Arco-?ris was built in a especial way with regionalist characteristics, following the parameters of the romances published among the years 1930 and 1950. In the researched work, it was noticed a narrative that gathers stories, legends, myths, proverbs and oral locutions. In this, it reveals that the Brazilian literary production grew in aesthetics and thematic. Like this, As Filhas do Arco-?ris is an exercise of the experience regionalist inserted in the contemporary novel, because even with your first publication in 1980, the narrative is configured to the molds of a Romance de 30 / O corpus deste trabalho constitui uma an?lise da obra As Filhas do Arco-?ris, de Eul?cio Farias de Lacerda, considerando objeto de estudo mitos, lendas e contos populares como elementos estruturantes do romance. O desencadeamento desta leitura considera aspectos da tradi??o oral como ponto de partida para a tradi??o de ruptura. Nessa perspectiva, tornou-se fundamental descrever aspectos da cultura popular que consolidaram a Literatura Brasileira durante o s?culo XX. Assim, foi necess?rio compreender o desenvolvimento de elementos orais e a estrutura??o do conto popular, salientando que As Filhas do Arco-?ris foi arquitetada de maneira especial com caracter?sticas regionalistas, seguindo os par?metros dos romances publicados entre os anos 1930 e 1950. Na obra pesquisada, percebeu-se uma narrativa que re?ne contos, lendas, mitos, prov?rbios e locu??es orais. Nisto, revela que a produ??o liter?ria brasileira desenvolveu-se em est?tica e tem?tica. Desse modo, As Filhas do Arco-?ris ? um exerc?cio da experi?ncia regionalista inserida no romance contempor?neo, pois mesmo com a sua primeira publica??o em 1980, a narrativa ? configurada aos moldes de um Romance de 30
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A política externa de Angola : novos regionalismos e relações bilaterais com o BrasilJosé, Joveta January 2011 (has links)
A tese aborda os novos regionalismos no âmbito da política externa de Angola, com ênfase em duas perspectivas estratégicas da inserção internacional do país. A primeira abordagem refere-se à política externa de Angola para o desenrolar das possibilidades integrativas regionais da África Subsaariana, nominalmente a Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Central (CEEAC) e a Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC, sigla em inglês para Southern African Development Community); a segunda acompanha o processo da política externa de Angola para o Brasil. As duas abordagens estão patentes no processo de desenvolvimento do conceito da concertação diplomática regional, suas práticas, ajudaram a entender aspectos da construção da Zona de Paz e Cooperação do Atlântico Sul (ZOPACAS) – alguns seus desenvolvimentos, metodologia que se reflete no contexto da diplomacia angolana na construção de um novo cenário, a Comissão do Golfo da Guiné (CGG). Nas duas estruturas regionais, as variáveis paz e segurança são fatores preponderantes. Na ZOPACAS, a ideia de segurança diz respeito à criação de uma Zona de Paz no Atlântico Sul; na CGG, a noção de segurança refere-se à garantia de interesses econômicos e políticos dos Estados-membros. Ela serve, inclusive, de auxílio à nova configuração da Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Central (CEEAC), evidenciando a produção petrolífera como um dos principais eixos da relação. No desenvolvimento da nossa pesquisa e do trabalho esforçamo-nos a mostrar relações diretas e indiretas entre a política interna e a política externa do país. Do ponto de vista teórico, nosso esforço foi no sentido de explicar os fatos políticos internacionais, a partir dos objetivos de Angola desde a independência aos novos marcos de regionalismos e aos cálculos estratégicos do governo para alcançar o interesse nacional. A análise do discurso diplomático angolano serviu para avaliar a inserção internacional do país, identificando a integração regional e a cooperação Sul-Sul como seus principais objetivos. / The thesis discusses the new regionalism in the context of Angola´s policy, focusing on two strategic perspectives of the country´s international insertion. The first approach refers to the foreign policy of Angola to the development of integrative possibilities of regional sub-Saharan Africa, namely the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the African Development Community (SADC, the acronym for Southern African Development Community), the second follows the process of foreign policy of Angola to Brazil. The two approaches are evident in the process of developing the concep t of regional diplomatic agreement, their practices, helped us understand aspects of the construction of a Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic (ZPCSA) - some of its developments, a methodology that is reflected in the context of diplomacy Angola in the construction of a new scenario, the Gulf of Guinea Commission (CGG). In two regional structures, variables peace and security are important factors. In ZPCSA, the idea of security concerns the creation of a Zone of Peace in the South Atlantic in CGG, the concept of security refers to the guarantee of economic and political interests of the Member States. It serves, including aid to the new configuration of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), showing the oil production as a major axis of the relationship. In developing our research and work we strive to show direct and indirect relations between domestic politics and foreign policy. From a theoretical perspective, our effort was made to explain the international political events, from the goals of Angola since independence to the new frameworks for regionalism and strategic calculations of the government to achieve the national interest. The Angolan diplomatic discourse analysis was used to assess the country's international insertion, identifying regional integration and South-South cooperation as its main goals.
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Langue d'oc v učeneckém diskursu před a po Velké francouzské revoluci / Langue d'oc in the scientists' discourse before and after the French RevolutionKřivánková, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis The Langue d'oc in the Scholarly Discourse Before and After The Great French Revolution considers the image of the Occitan language in the lexico-graphical and grammatico-graphical works that have been written between the beginning of the 18th and the mid-19th century. During this epoch, in the framework of a diglossic model, the language in question had been suffering a status of a dominated language. At the same time, however, it had awaken an interest of many scholars whose motivations for their studies ranged from a will to contribute to a proliferation of Francization to an effort to save the Occitan language and restore its own dignity. It is precisely this motivation, as well as the denominations which our authors had given to the language in question and also their strategies for its valorization or devalorization, that this text engages with. The socio-linguistic situation in the Pays d'Oc and the impact of The French Revolution and of its linguistic politics on the presence and the representation of the Occitan are also being examined. These phenomena are studied in the framework of a theory of the formation of nations by Miroslav Hroch as the phase A of the Occitan movement which had remained, at least during this phase, a purely cultural phenomenon, that is to say a...
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