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EVOLUTION OF HIGH-ENERGY PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION IN MATURE SHELL-TYPE SUPERNOVA REMNANTSZeng, Houdun, Xin, Yuliang, Liu, Siming, Jokipii, J. R., Zhang, Li, Zhang, Shuinai 10 January 2017 (has links)
Multi-wavelength observations of mature supernova remnants (SNRs), especially with recent advances in gamma-ray astronomy, make it possible to constrain energy distribution of energetic particles within these remnants. In consideration of the SNR origin of Galactic cosmic rays and physics related to particle acceleration and radiative processes, we use a simple one-zone model to fit the nonthermal emission spectra of three shell-type SNRs located within 2 degrees on the sky: RX J1713.7-3946, CTB 37B, and CTB 37A. Although radio images of these three sources all show a shell (or half-shell) structure, their radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray spectra are quite different, offering an ideal case to explore evolution of energetic particle distribution in SNRs. Our spectral fitting shows that (1) the particle distribution becomes harder with aging of these SNRs, implying a continuous acceleration process, and the particle distributions of CTB 37A and CTB 37B in the GeV range are harder than the hardest distribution that can be produced at a shock via the linear diffusive shock particle acceleration process, so spatial transport may play a role; (2) the energy loss timescale of electrons at the high-energy cutoff due to synchrotron radiation appears to be always a bit (within a factor of a few) shorter than the age of the corresponding remnant, which also requires continuous particle acceleration; (3) double power-law distributions are needed to fit the spectra of CTB 37B and CTB 37A, which may be attributed to shock interaction with molecular clouds.
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New Observational Insight on Shock Interactions Toward Supernovae and Supernova RemnantsKilpatrick, Charles Donald, Kilpatrick, Charles Donald January 2016 (has links)
Supernovae (SNe) are energetic explosions that signal the end of a star's life. These events and the supernova remnants (SNRs) they leave behind play a central role in stellar feedback by adding energy and momentum and metals to the interstellar medium (ISM). Emission associated with these feedback processes, especially atomic and molecular line emission as well as thermal and nonthermal continuum emission is known to be enhanced in regions of high density, such as dense circumstellar matter (CSM) around SNe and molecular clouds (MCs). In this thesis, I begin with a brief overview of the physics of SN shocks in Chapter 1, focusing on a foundation for studying pan-chromatic signatures of interactions between SNe and dense environments. In Chapter 2, I examine an unusual SN with signatures of CSM interaction in the form of narrow lines of hydrogen (Type IIn) and thermal continuum emission. This SN appears to belong to a class of Type Ia SNe that shares spectroscopic features with Type IIn SNe. I discuss the difficulties of decomposing spectra in a regime where interaction occurs between SN ejecta and CSM, potentially confusing the underlying SN type. This is followed by a discussion of rebrightening that occurred at late-time in 𝐵 and 𝑉 band photometry of this SN, possibly associated with clumpy or dense CSM at large distances from the progenitor. In Chapter 3, I examine synchrotron emission from Cassiopeia A, observed in the 𝐾ₛ band over multiple epochs. The synchrotron emission is generally diffuse over the remnant, but there is one location in the southwest portion of the remnant where it appears to be enhanced and entrained as knots of emission in the SNR ejecta. I evaluate whether the 𝐾ₛ band knots are dominated by synchrotron emission by comparing them to other infrared and radio imaging that is known to be dominated by synchrotron emission. Concluding that they are likely synchrotron-emitting knots, I measure the magnetic field strength and electron density required for their evolution over the ~ 10 yr baseline they were observed and find 𝐵 ≈ 1.3-5.8 mG and 𝑛ₑ≈ 1,000-15,000 cm⁻³. The magnetic field strengths appear enhanced beyond values required by the adiabatic strong shock limit, arguing in favor of other forms of magnetic field amplification in the shock. In Chapter 4, I again discuss Cassiopeia A and interaction between the remnant and nearby MCs as seen at mid-infrared and millimeter wavelengths. I report detection of a SNR-MC interaction and analyze its signatures in broadened molecular lines. I extend this analysis in Chapter 5 to a large survey for SNR-MC interactions in the ¹²CO 𝐽=2-1 line. Although broadened ¹²CO 𝐽=2-1 line emission should be detectable toward virtually all SNR-MC interactions, I find relatively few examples; therefore, the number of interactions is low. This result favors mechanisms other than supernova feedback as the basic trigger for star formation. In addition, I find no significant association between TeV gamma-ray sources and MC interactions, contrary to predictions that SNR-MC interfaces are the primary venues for cosmic ray acceleration. I end this dissertation in Chapter 6 with a brief summary of my results and two extensions of this work: examining the late-time radio light curves of CSM-interacting SNe for signatures of radio synchrotron emission and dense or clumpy CSM at large distances from the progenitor and re-observing SNR-MC interactions in ¹²CO 𝐽=3-2 in order to verify the presence of shock-heated molecular gas and perform a census on the densities and temperatures of post-shock molecular gas.
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The connection between supernova remnants and the Galactic magnetic fieldWest, Jennifer Lorraine 03 1900 (has links)
The study of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) is fundamental to understanding the chemical enrichment and magnetism in galaxies, including our own Milky Way. In an effort to understand the connection between the morphology of SNRs and the Galactic Magnetic Field (GMF), we have examined the radio images of all known SNRs in our Galaxy and compiled a large sample that have an axisymmetric morphology, which we define to mean SNRs with a bilateral or barrel-shaped morphology, in addition to one-sided shells. We selected the cleanest examples and model each of these at their appropriate Galactic position using two GMF models, one of which includes a vertical halo component, and another that is oriented entirely parallel to the plane. Since the magnitude and relative orientation of the magnetic field changes with distance from the Sun, we analyze a range of distances, from 0.5 to 10 kpc in each case. Using a physically motivated model of an SNR expanding into an ambient GMF that includes a vertical halo component, we find it is possible to reproduce observed morphologies of many SNRs in our sample. These results strongly support the presence of an off-plane, vertical component to the GMF, and the importance of the Galactic field on SNR morphology. Our approach also provides a potentially new method for determining distances to SNRs, or conversely, distances to features in the large-scale GMF if SNR distances are known.
The mechanism for acceleration of cosmic rays in SNRs is another outstanding question in the field. To investigate this, the same sample of axisymmetric SNRs was again modelled, but this time using two competing, and physically motivated, Cosmic Ray Electron (CRE) acceleration cases: quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel. We find that the quasi-perpendicular CRE acceleration case is much more consistent with the data than the quasi-parallel CRE acceleration case, with G327.6+14.6 (SN1006) being a notable exception. We propose that SN1006 may be an example of a case where both quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular acceleration is simultaneously at play in a single SNR. / October 2016
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We report a discovery of shocked gas from the supernova remnant (SNR) G357.7+0.3. Our millimeter and submillimeter observations reveal broad molecular lines of CO(2-1), CO(3-2), CO(4-3), (CO)-C-13 (2-1), and (CO)-C-13 (3-2), HCO+, and HCN using the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope, the Arizona 12 m Telescope, APEX, and the MOPRA Telescope. The widths of the broad lines are 15-30 km s(-1), and the detection of such broad lines is unambiguous, dynamic evidence showing that the SNR G357.7+0.3 is interacting with molecular clouds. The broad lines appear in extended regions (>4'.5 x 5'). We also present the detection of shocked H-2 emission in the mid-infrared but lacking ionic lines using Spitzer/IRS observations to map a few-arcminute area. The H2 excitation diagram shows a best fit with a two-temperature local thermal equilibrium model with the temperatures of similar to 200 and 660 K. We observed [C II] at 158 mu m and high-J CO(11-10) with the German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies (GREAT) on the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. The GREAT spectrum of [C II], a 3 sigma detection, shows a broad line profile with a width of 15.7 km(-1) that is similar to those of broad CO molecular lines. The line width of [C II] implies that ionic lines can come from a low-velocity C-shock. Comparison of H2 emission with shock models shows that a combination of two C-shock models is favored over a combination of C- and J-shocks or a single shock. We estimate the CO density, column density, and temperature using a RADEX model. The best-fit model with n(H-2) = 1.7 x 10(4) cm(-3), N(CO) = 5.6 x 10(16) cm(-2), and T = 75 K can reproduce the observed millimeter CO brightnesses.
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Nature of the Diffuse Source and Its Central Point-like Source in SNR 0509-67.5Litke, Katrina C., Chu, You-Hua, Holmes, Abigail, Santucci, Robert, Blindauer, Terrence, Gruendl, Robert A., Li, Chuan-Jui, Pan, Kuo-Chuan, Ricker, Paul M., Weisz, Daniel R. 08 March 2017 (has links)
We examine a diffuse emission region near the center of SNR 0509-67.5 to determine its nature. Within this diffuse region we observe a point-like source that is bright in the near-IR, but is not visible in the B and V bands. We consider an emission line observed at 6766 angstrom and the possibilities that it is Ly alpha, H alpha, and [O II] lambda 3727. We examine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the source, comprised of Hubble Space Telescope B, V, I, J, and H bands in addition to Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 mu m bands. The peak of the SED is consistent with a background galaxy at z approximate to 0.8 +/- 0.2 and a possible Balmer jump places the galaxy at z approximate to 0.9 +/- 0.3. These SED considerations support the emission line's identification as [O II] lambda 3727. We conclude that the diffuse source in SNR 0509-67.5 is a background galaxy at z approximate to 0.82. Furthermore, we identify the point-like source superposed near the center of the galaxy as its central bulge. Finally, we find no evidence for a surviving companion star, indicating a double-degenerate origin for SNR 0509-67.5.
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Formação estelar induzida por choques de Supernovas e por Turbulência Magneto-hidrodinâmica / Star formation triggered by Supernovae shocks and magneto-hydrodynamical turbulenceLeão, Márcia Regina Moreira 30 November 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos de choques (induzidos por supernovas) e de turbulência magneto-hidrodinâmica no processo de formação estelar. Primeiramente, considerando o impacto de um remanescente de supernova (RSN) com uma nuvem neutra magnetizada derivamos analiticamente um conjunto de condições através das quais estas interações podem levar à formação de estruturas densas capazes de tornarem-se gravitacionalmente instáveis e formar estrelas. Usando estas condições, construímos diagramas do raio do RSN, $R_$, versus a densidade inicial da nuvem, $n_c$, os quais delimitam um domínio no espaço paramétrico onde a formação estelar é permitida. Estes diagramas foram testados através de simulações numéricas magneto-hidrodinâmicas tridimensionais (3D MHD) onde seguimos a evolução espaço-temporal da interação de um RSN com uma nuvem auto-gravitante. Verificamos que a análise numérica está de acordo com os resultados previstos pelos diagramas. Observamos ainda que a presença de um campo magnético fraco, $\\sim 1 \\; \\mu$G, inicialmente homogêneo e perpendicular à velocidade de impacto do RSN, resulta em uma pequena diminuição da região permitida para formação estelar nos diagramas quando comparado a diagramas para nuvens não magnetizadas. Já um campo magnético mais intenso ($\\sim 10\\;\\mu$G) causa um encolhimento significativo nestas, como esperado. Embora derivados de considerações analíticas simples estes diagramas fornecem uma ferramenta útil para identificar locais onde a formação estelar pode ter sido induzida pelo impacto de uma onda de choque de SN. Aplicações a algumas regiões de nossa Galáxia (como a Grande Concha de CO na direção de Escorpião e a Nuvem Periférica 2 na direção da constelação de Cassiopeia) mostram que a formação estelar nestes locais pode ter sido induzida por uma onda de choque de um RSN em passado recente, quando se consideram valores específicos para as condições iniciais das nuvens impactadas.%, para valores específicos de raio do RSN e uma faixa de densidades iniciais possíveis para estas nuvens. Avaliamos também a eficiência de formação estelar efetiva para estas interações e encontramos que esta é geralmente menor do que os valores observados para a nossa Galáxia (sfe $\\sim$ 0.01$-$0.3). Este resultado é consistente com outros trabalhos da literatura e também sugere que este mecanismo, embora poderoso para induzir a formação de estruturas, turbulência supersônica e eventualmente formação estelar local, não parece ser suficiente para induzir a formação estelar global em galáxia normais, nem mesmo quando o campo magnético é desprezado. Além do estudo acima, exploramos ainda a formação estelar considerando a injeção prévia de turbulência (por um mecanismo físico arbitrário) em nuvens magnetizadas. Para uma nuvem ou glóbulo de nuvem molecular formar estrelas deve haver transporte de fluxo magnético das regiões internas mais densas para as regiões externas menos densas da nuvem, de outra forma o colapso poderá ser impedido pela força magnética. Consideramos aqui um novo mecanismo. Reconexão magnética rápida, a qual ocorre em presença de turbulência, pode induzir um processo de difusão eficiente dos campos magnéticos. Neste trabalho investigamos esse processo por meio de simulações numéricas 3D MHD e suas implicações para a formação estelar, estendendo um estudo prévio realizado para nuvens de simetria cilíndrica e sem auto-gravidade (Santos-Lima et al. 2010). Aqui consideramos nuvens mais realistas com potenciais gravitacionais esféricos (devido a estrelas embebidas) e também levando em conta os efeitos da auto-gravidade do gás. Determinamos, pela primeira vez, quais as condições em que o transporte do campo magnético devido à difusão por reconexão turbulenta leva uma nuvem inicialmente subcrítica a tornar-se super-crítica e capaz de colapsar para formar estrelas. Nossos resultados indicam que a formação de um núcleo supercrítico é resultado de uma complexa interação entre gravidade, auto-gravidade, intensidade do campo magnético e turbulência aproximadamente trans-sônica e trans-Alfvénica. Em particular, a auto-gravidade favorece a difusão do campo magnético por reconexão turbulenta e, como resultado, seu desacoplamento do gás colapsante torna-se mais eficiente do que quando apenas um campo gravitacional externo está presente. Demonstramos que a difusão por reconexão turbulenta é capaz de remover fluxo magnético da maior parte das nuvens investigadas, porém somente uma minoria desenvolve núcleos aproximadamente críticos ou super-críticos, o que é consistente com as observações. A formação destes é restrita ao seguinte intervalo de condições iniciais para as nuvens: razão pressão térmica-pressão magnética, $\\beta \\sim 1$ a $3$, razões entre a energia turbulenta e a energia magnética $E_/E_\\sim 1.62$ a $2.96$, e densidades $50 < n < 140$ cm$^$, quando consideramos massas estelares M$_{\\star}\\sim 25$M$_{\\odot}$, implicando uma massa total da nuvem (gás + estrelas) M$_\\lesssim 120$M$_{\\odot}$. / In this work, we have investigated the effects of shocks (induced by supernovae) and magnetohydrodynamical turbulence in the process of star formation. Considering first, the impact of a supernova remnant (SNR) with a neutral magnetized cloud we derived analytically a set of conditions through which these interactions can lead to the formation of dense structures able to become gravitationally unstable and form stars. Using these conditions, we have built diagrams of the SNR radius, $R_{SNR}$, versus the initial cloud density, $n_c$, that constrain a domain in the parameter space where star formation is allowed. These diagrams have been also tested by means of three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical (3D MHD) numerical simulations where the space-time evolution of a SNR interacting with a self-gravitating cloud is followed. We find that the numerical analysis is in agreement with the results predicted by the diagrams. We have also found that the effects of a weak homogeneous magnetic field ($\\sim 1 \\; \\mu$G) approximately perpendicular to the impact velocity of the SNR results only a small decrease of the allowed zone for star formation in the diagrams when compared with the diagrams with non-magnetized clouds. A larger magnetic field ($\\sim 10\\;\\mu$G) on the other hand, causes a significant shrinking of the star formation zone, as one should expect. Although derived from simple analytical considerations, these diagrams provide a useful tool for identifying sites where star formation could be triggered by the impact of a SN blast wave. Applications of them to a few regions of our own Galaxy (e.g., the large CO shell in the direction of Scorpious, and the Edge Cloud 2 in the direction of the Cassiopeia constellation) have revealed that star formation in those sites could have been triggered by shock waves from SNRs in a recent past, when considering specific values of the SNR radius and the initial conditions in the neutral clouds. We have also evaluated the effective star formation efficiency for this sort of interaction and found that it is generally smaller than the observed values in our Galaxy (sfe $\\sim$ 0.01$-$0.3). This result is consistent with previous work in the literature and also suggests that the mechanism presently investigated, though very powerful to drive structure formation, supersonic turbulence and eventually, local star formation, does not seem to be sufficient to drive $global$ star formation in normal star forming galaxies, not even when the magnetic field is neglected. Besides the study above, we have also explored star formation considering a priori injection of turbulence (by an arbitrary physical mechanism) in magnetized clouds. For a molecular cloud clump to form stars some transport of magnetic flux may be required from the denser, inner regions to the outer regions of the cloud, otherwise this can prevent the gravitational collapse. We have considered here a new mechanism. Fast magnetic reconnection which takes place in the presence of turbulence can induce a process of reconnection diffusion of the magnetic field. In this work, we have investigated this process by means of 3D MHD numerical simulations considering its implications on star formation. We have extended a previous study which considered clouds with cylindrical geometry and no self-gravity (Santos-Lima et al. 2010). Here, we considered more realistic clouds with spherical gravitational potentials (from embedded stars) and also accounted for the effects of the gas self-gravity. We demonstrated that reconnection diffusion takes place. We have also, for the first time, determined the conditions under which reconnection diffusion is efficient enough to make an initially subcritical cloud clump to become supercritical and collapse. Our results indicate that the formation of a supercritical core is regulated by a complex interplay between gravity, self-gravity, magnetic field strength and nearly transonic and trans-Alfvénic turbulence. In particular, self-gravity helps reconnection diffusion and, as a result, the magnetic field decoupling from the collapsing gas becomes more efficient than in the case when only an external gravitational field is present. We have demonstrated that reconnection diffusion is able to remove magnetic flux from most of the collapsing clumps analysed, but only a few of them develop nearly critical or supercritical cores, which is consistent with the observations. Their formation is restricted to a range of initial conditions for the clouds as follows: thermal to magnetic pressure ratios $\\beta \\sim$ 1 to 3, turbulent to magnetic energy ratios $E_{turb}/E_{mag}\\sim 1.62$ to $2.96$, and densities $50 < n < 140$ cm$^{-3}$, when considering stellar masses M$_{\\star}\\sim 25$M$_{\\odot}$, implying total (gas+stellar) masses M$_{tot} \\lesssim 120$M$_{\\odot}$.
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Efeitos da dieta vegetariana no metabolismo de quilomícrons e aspectos qualitativos da lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) / Effects of vegetarian diets on chylomicron metabolism and high density lipoprotein qualitative aspects (HDL)Vinagre, Juliana Christiano de Matos 02 December 2010 (has links)
Dietas vegetarianas oferecem baixo conteúdo calórico, baixos níveis de gordura saturada, colesterol, proteína animal e mais altos de gordura polinsaturada, carboidratos, fibras, magnésio, boro, folato e antioxidantes. Todos esses nutrientes influenciam nos fatores de risco de doenças cardiovasculares como hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus, obesidade e dislipidemias. Níveis plasmáticos de colesterol total, colesterol de lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL), de lipoproteína de densidade muito baixa (VLDL) e triglicérides em indivíduos vegetarianos são menores, em vários estudos, quando comparados a indivíduos onívoros. O metabolismo de quilomícrons (Qm) e dos seus produtos de degradação pela lipase lipoprotéica, os remanescentes, lipoproteínas que transportam os lípides da dieta na circulação sanguínea, não foi avaliado até o momento e está relacionado à aterosclerose. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a cinética plasmática de quilomícrons artificiais marcados com triglicérides (TG-3H) e éster de colesterol (EC-14C) e aspectos qualitativos da HDL, em 18 indivíduos ovolacto-vegetarianos (excluem da alimentação carne, frango e peixe), 21 indivíduos veganos (não consomem nenhum alimento de origem animal), há pelo menos 5 anos e 29 indivíduos onívoros (consomem alimentos de origem animal), todos normolipidêmicos, não diabéticos e sem uso de medicamentos hipolipemiantes. Após a injeção endovenosa dos Qm artificias, foram colhidas amostras de sangue em tempos pré-estabelecidos durante 60 minutos. A radioatividade em cada uma das amostras foi medida para o cálculo da taxa fracional de remoção (TFR) dos lípides radioativos, através de análise compartimental. Foram realizadas as determinações bioquímicas nesses indivíduos e calculada a atividade da lipase lipoprotéica pós-heparina, em ensaio in vitro. Verificou-se também a transferência de lípides de uma nanoemulsão lipídica para a lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) e o diâmetro dessa lipoproteína. A remoção plasmática dos remanescentes de quilomícrons avaliada pela taxa fracional de remoção do éster de colesterol da emulsão, foi maior nos veganos (p<0,05) e ovolacto-vegetarianos (p<0,05) comparando-se aos onívoros, enquanto que o processo de lipólise dos quilomícrons, avaliado pela taxa fracional de remoção dos triglicérides da emulsão e pela medida da atividade da lipase lipoprotéica in vitro foi similar nos três grupos avaliados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas concentrações plasmáticas de HDLC, VLDL e triglicérides entre os grupos estudados .No grupo vegano, as concentrações plasmáticas de LDL-C e glicose foram menores quando comparadas apenas ao grupo dos onívoros (p<0,05, p<0,01; respectivamente). Já em relação ao colesterol total, os indivíduos veganos apresentaram menores níveis quando comparados tanto aos ovolacto-vegetarianos (p<0,05) como aos onívoros (p<0,01). Não observou-se diferença na transferência de lípides da nanoemulsão para a HDL e no tamanho da HDL entre os três grupos. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a dieta vegana e ovolacto-vegetariana aceleram a remoção dos remanescentes de quilomícrons, lipoproteínas aterogênicas, o que pode estar relacionado, aos efeitos benéficos dessa dieta em relação a doenças em relação ao processo aterosclerótico / Vegetarian diets provide less caloric content, low levels of saturated fats, cholesterol and animal protein while providing at the same time providing high levels of polyunsaturated fats, carbohydrates, fibers, magnesium, borium, folate and antioxidants. All these nutrients have an influence upon the cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity and dyslipidemias. Studies have shown that total cholesterol plasmatic levels, low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglycerides in vegetarian individuals are lower when compared to omnivores individuals. Chylomicron metabolism (Qm) and its lipoprotein lipase degradation products, the remnants, lipoproteins that transport dietary lipids in the blood has not yet been evaluated, although it is related to atherosclerosis. This study evaluated the plasmatic kinetics of artificial chylomicrons marked with triglycerides (3HTG) and cholesterol esters (14C-CE), as well as the qualitative aspects of HDL in 13 ovolacto-vegetarians (no ingestion of meat, chicken or fish), 10 vegan individuals (no ingestion of any food of animal origin) for more than 5 years and 14 omnivores individuals (ingestion of animal origin foods). All participants were normolipidemic, non diabetic and using no hypolipemiants medication. After an intravenous injection containing artificial Qms, blood samples were collected during 60 minutes at predetermined times. The radioactivity of each sample was measured and the fractional clearance rate (FCR) calculated for the radioactive lipids using compartmental analysis. Biochemical determinations were undertaken in order to calculate the post-heparin lipoprotein lipase activity in vitro. Also evaluated were the lipid transfer of the lipid nanoemulsion to the HDL and the diameter of the HDL particles. The plasma removal of the chylomicron remnants evaluated by the fractional clearance rate of the cholesteryl ester of the emulsion was greater in the vegan (p<0,05) and ovolacto-vegetarian (p<0,05) groups when compared to the omnivore group. The lipolysis of the chylomicron evaluated by the fractional clearance rate of the emulsion triglycerides and by the in vitro lipoprotein lipase activity assay was similar in the three studied groups. There were no differences in the plasma concentrations of HDL-C, VLDL-C and triglycerides between the three groups. The plasma concentrations of LDL-C and glucose of the vegan group were lower than omnivore group (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). In regards to total cholesterol, vegans present lower levels when compared to both ovolactovegetarians (p<0.05) and omnivores (p<0.01). No difference was found in the transfer of nanoemulsion lipids to HDL or in the size of the HDL of all three groups. These results suggest that the vegetarian diet can improve the metabolism of chylomicron remnants, atherogenic lipoproteins, which can be related to the beneficial effects of this diet upon the atherosclerosis process.
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Documentário: a construção de um ícone com os quilombolas de Pedro Cubas - Vale do Ribeira-SP / Documentário: a construção de um ícone com os quilombolas de Pedro Cubas Vale do Ribeira-SPSilva, José Vitor Marchi Palma e 05 February 2010 (has links)
Desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo através de métodos etnográficos e produções iconográficas tais como registros fílmicos, fotografias e blogs, com remanescentes de quilombos da comunidade de Pedro Cubas no Vale do Ribeira, sul do Estado de São Paulo. Busca-se a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica construir um texto interdisciplinar para orientar, de forma colaborativa, a produção documentária de um ícone com as expressões e as tensões da vida cotidiana marcadas pela singularidade de suas origens e lutas históricas. / Field research development by ethnographic methods and iconographic productions such as film registers, photos and blogs, with people from quilombos remains in Pedro Cubas community, Vale do Ribeira, south of São Paulo State, Brazil.
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Estrutura da vegetação, cobertura florestal e preferências de uso da paisagem associadas a vertentes: as quase-florestas de São Luiz do Paraitinga / Vegetation structure, land use and land cover related to slopes: quasiforests in a fragmented landscape (Southeastern Brazil)Mello, Tatiana Figueira de 26 February 2010 (has links)
O município de São Luiz do Paraitinga, SP, originalmente coberto pela Floresta Atlântica estabelecida sobre os mares de morros do Planalto Atlântico, testemunhou o uso intensivo da terra que resultou em uma paisagem onde predominam pequenos fragmentos de floresta secundária. Considerando práticas agrícolas orientadas pela topografia nesta paisagem, avaliei o efeito da orientação e inclinação das vertentes na cobertura florestal e na estrutura da vegetação. Orientadas por aspectos produtivos, as preferências de utilização tiveram efeitos expressivos na configuração da paisagem. Enquanto as pastagens ocorreram preferencialmente nas vertentes mais produtivas (norte/leste), a cobertura florestal concentrou-se nas vertentes opostas e nas áreas mais declivosas, de mais difícil cultivo e acesso. A regeneração florestal ocorreu preferencialmente nas vertentes sul e nas maiores declividades, enquanto o desmatamento relativo foi maior nas vertentes norte/leste. Podemos apontar na configuração da paisagem uma origem híbrida, determinada pelas preferências (atributos culturais) e topografia (atributo natural), associados, que não poderia ser explicada por domínios separados de natureza e cultura. A estrutura da vegetação dos fragmentos desta paisagem está correlacionada apenas parcialmente com intervenções humanas que dependem da topografia, podendo sofrer influência, também, de intervenções associadas a outros elementos da paisagem, como a propriedade rural. As ações humanas, suas origens variadas e seus efeitos sobre a vegetação podem ser mais bem compreendidos de forma contextualizada, associados aos processos sociais em curso na paisagem. Ao incluirmos a ação humana nos modelos de paisagem, podemos compreender melhor os processos envolvidos na produção (e degradação) destas paisagens e ficar mais aptos a elaborar propostas de conservação adequadas às paisagens fragmentadas / This study was carried out in São Luiz do Paraitinga a county located in a hilly area in Southeastern Brazil that was originally covered by Atlantic Rainforest. The region has a history of intensive land use which resulted in a severely fragmented landscape. Under the hypothesis that agricultural practices and topography are closely linked in this landscape, I evaluated the effect of slopes orientation and inclination in forest cover and vegetation structure. Land use preferences had significant effects in shaping the landscape. While land use occurred mainly in most productive slopes (north/east), forest covered preferentially south and west facing slopes and steeper slopes. Forest regeneration occurred mainly on south facing slopes and steeper slopes, while deforestation was higher on north/east facing slopes. We propose that the landscape configuration has a hybrid origin, a product of the interplay between human choices (cultural attributes) and topography (a natural attribute), and which could not be explained by separate domains of nature and culture. Vegetation structure was only partly correlated with human interventions that are related to topography, and could also be influenced by actions related to other landscape elements, such as rural properties. Human actions, their varied origins and their effects on vegetation can be better understood if linked to social processes. Hence, if we want to improve our understanding on landscapes production and degradation, as well as propose conservation strategies appropriate to fragmented landscapes we need to explicitly include human activity in our landscape models.
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Métricas da paisagem e perspectivas de conservação para parques em situação de isolamento na cidade de São Paulo: o Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), o Parque Estadual do Jaraguá (PEJ) e o Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda do Carmo (PNMFC), Município de São Paulo (SP) / Landscape metrics and conservation perspectives for insulated parks in the city of São Paulo: the Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), the Parque Estadual Jaraguá (PEJ) and the Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda do Carmo (PNMFC), São Paulo City (SP)Oliveira, Patricia do Prado 06 November 2017 (has links)
O município de São Paulo, a partir da década de 1970, apresentou uma rápida expansão de sua área periférica que resultou na perda de sua cobertura vegetal original. A cobertura vegetal foi reduzida a fragmentos isolados pelo rápido processo de expansão da urbanização. Esses remanescentes contam com a presença de vegetação natural secundária da Mata Atlântica, que antes ocupava boa parte do território paulista e que deu lugar à metrópole de hoje. Na tentativa de proteger esses remanescentes foram criadas unidades de conservação da natureza na paisagem urbana, como os Parques. Os parques estaduais Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI) do Jaraguá (PEJ) e o Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda do Carmo (PNMFC) se encontram em uma situação semelhante no município de São Paulo: são unidades de proteção integral que guardam remanescentes florestais em áreas relativamente reduzidas e estão isolados em regiões densamente urbanizadas. Neste sentido trabalhou-se com a hipótese de que a condição de isolamento submeteu esses ambientes a situações que ameaçam sua conservação em longo prazo. Dentro dessa perspectiva, este estudo discute como a estrutura da paisagem pode influenciar na conservação dos remanescentes florestais protegidos por Parques que se encontram em situação de isolamento. Os Parques que devem garantir o mínimo de interferência de atividades humanas enfrentam grandes dificuldades em cumprir de forma efetiva sua função de unidade de proteção integral em ambientes urbanizados, existindo, uma relação conflituosa entre urbanização e conservação. A bacia hidrográfica foi definida como unidade de análise para este estudo, por se tratar de uma região natural e abranger também o entorno dos Parques: a bacia do córrego Ipiranga, que é um afluente do rio Tamanduateí, foi selecionada por apresentar em seu perímetro o Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI). As bacias hidrográficas dos ribeirões Vermelho e São Miguel e do córrego Santa Fé abrangem a área do Parque Estadual do Jaraguá (PEJ); e, a bacia hidrográfica do rio Aricanduva, conta com a presença do Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda do Carmo (PNMFC). Foram elaborados mapas de uso e cobertura da terra para a reconstituição da paisagem das bacias hidrográficas e para identificação das mudanças provocadas principalmente pelo processo de urbanização. Foram utilizadas fotografias áreas dos anos de 1962 e 1994, e, Imagens do satélite RapidEye para realização do mapeamento; e, posteriormente foram geradas métricas da paisagem para análise da situação atual e pretérita dos remanescentes florestais presentes nas bacias hidrográficas. Partiu-se dos pressupostos teóricos da Ecologia da Paisagem, observado como as mudanças do uso e cobertura da terra e o processo de urbanização interferiram na dinâmica e nas condições ecológicas desses remanescentes florestais protegidos por Parques no município de São Paulo. Com a análise dos dados obtidos a partir das métricas da paisagem foi possível estabelecer as principais tendências e prognósticos para a conservação desses fragmentos e discutir sobre ações possíveis para amenizar o isolamento e melhorar as condições ecológicas desses remanescentes. / The municipality of São Paulo, from the 1970s, presented a rapid expansion of its peripheral area that resulted in the loss of its original vegetation cover. The vegetation cover was reduced to fragments isolated by the process of urbanization expansion. These remnants have a presence of secondary natural vegetation of the Atlantic Rain Forest, which used to occupy a good part of the territory of São Paulo and that gave rise to today\'s metropolis. In an attempt to protect these remnants, nature conservation units were created in the urban landscape, such as the Parks. The Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), Parque Estadual do Jaraguá (PEJ) and and the Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda do Carmo (PNMFC) are located in a non-municipal situation of São Paulo: they are integral protection units that keep remnants of forest in relatively small areas and are isolated in densely urbanized regions. In this sense we worked with a hypothesis of an isolation condition subjected these environments to situations that threaten their conservation in long term. From this perspective, this study discusses how a landscape structure can influence the conservation of forest remnants protected by Parks that are in isolation. The parks that must guarantee the minimum interference of human activities face great difficulties in effectively fulfilling their function as integral protection unit in urbanized environments, existing a conflicting relationship between urbanization and conservation. The hydrographic basin was defined as a unit of analysis for this study, because it is a natural region and also encompasses the surroundings of the Parks: a basin of the Ipiranga stream, which is a tributary of the Tamanduateí river, was selected for presenting in its perimeter Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI). As watersheds of the Vermelho and São Miguel streams and the Santa Fe stream cover an area of the Parque Estadual do Jaraguá (PEJ); And, a watershed of the Aricanduva river, counts on presence in the Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda do Carmo (PNMFC). Land use and land cover maps were prepared for a reconstruction of the river basin landscape and for the identification of the changes brought about by the urbanization process. Photographs were made of areas from the years 1962 and 1994, and, Images of the RapidEye satellite to perform the mapping; And, later, metrics of the landscape were generated to analyze the present and preterite situation of the forest remnants present in the hydrographic basins. It was based on the theoretical assumptions of Landscape Ecology, observed how changes in land use and coverage and the urbanization process interfered in the dynamics and ecological conditions of forest remnants protected by Parks in the city of São Paulo. With an analysis of the data obtained from the landscape metrics, it is possible to establish as main tendencies and prognoses for the conservation of the losses and to discuss possible actions to soften the isolation and to improve the ecological conditions of the remnants.
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